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Nak gov. National antiterrorist committee of the Russian Federation: tasks, recommendations

Tomorrow marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, known as the NAC. " Russian newspaper"managed to find out some details of the activities of the fighters against terrorism, closed to the general public.

The question may arise why it was necessary to create a new structure for the fight against terrorism, if the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies were already doing this quite successfully. Yes, indeed, we did, but separately. And there was no structure that would coordinate everyone at the national level at once: both the siloviki and the federal authorities, and without questions "who is in charge here and who is responsible for what," there was no structure. And the existing structure of anti-terror was clearly unable to cope with new large-scale terrorist threats.

In September 2004, after the bloody terrorist attack in Beslan, which killed 342 people, including 186 children, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to radically change approaches to anti-terrorist activities, primarily by involving all ministries and departments, as well as civil society.

As a result, at the beginning of 2006, a qualitatively new nationwide system of countering terrorism, the NAC, was created.

Saboteurs with a blank passport

Most of the special operations against terrorists are classified as "top secret". And only after the fact and even then it is not always possible to find out what threats on our head were eliminated.

Two months ago, a group of seasoned militants consisting of four people was sent to Russia from Syria with the task of committing a terrorist attack in public building one of the Russian cities. The bandits had all the necessary documents for a legal visit to Russia through one of the CIS countries. For several days, they studied the object of the planned terrorist attack, rented a house in which they equipped their base, purchased the necessary components to make an improvised explosive device. Despite all attempts at secretive activities and conspiracy, operational control over them was established from the very beginning, and at the right moment they were all arrested. The bandits will soon be brought to justice.

Most recently, ISIS terrorists attempted to bring another group of ten people to our place. The group was supplied with an elaborate legend, according to which its members were allegedly doing business in Turkey, and then ferrying cars from Poland to Russia.

The saboteurs had "clean" passports and had to come to Russia one by one and consistently, one by one, legalize themselves in our country. Their task was to move to the North Caucasus, get in touch with one of the bandit groups - and launch active terrorist activities on its base. However, these plans were not destined to come true. Interacting with intelligence agencies from other countries, the Russian special services tracked the arrival of the first group of bandits on our territory and promptly stopped its activities. Now all the bandits are under investigation.

The Russian special services know that in the ranks of the terrorist organization ISIS, banned in the Russian Federation, there are units that are preparing terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation and European countries. It is about a battalion consisting mainly of people from North Caucasus, it is headed by Akhmed Chetaev, nicknamed One-armed. In general, in 2015, it was possible to prevent the departure of more than 100 Russian citizens to Syria and Iraq, who were going to join the militants. 832 Russians trained in the ranks of the militants, including 22 recruiters, were prosecuted. More than 80 of them have already been convicted

Stash bombs

According to the NAC, one of the important results of work in 2015 was that it was possible to prevent the intensification of terrorist activities in the North Caucasus and its transfer outside the region. In the country as a whole, the number of terrorist crimes that pose a threat to the life and health of citizens has decreased by 2.5 times. In all subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, there is also a steady decline in the number of such crimes. But most importantly, the security forces managed to prevent 30 terrorist attacks last year. most of of which - in the North Caucasus.

During counter-terrorist operations and operational-combat measures, 156 militants were eliminated, including 36 leaders. Among them were A. Kebekov, M. Suleimanov, K. Saidov and B. Makhauri, who headed the international terrorist organization Imarat Kavkaz. Neutralized 20 gang leaders who swore allegiance to ISIS. As one of the important results, it is noted that the elimination of the main ringleaders practically paralyzed the activities of the leadership of the bandit underground.

Also, 387 caches and bases of militants were identified and destroyed. 175 homemade bombs have been defused. More than 3.5 thousand kg of explosives, about 3 thousand mines, shells and grenades, more than 1 thousand firearms and 168 thousand cartridges were seized.

In addition, 42 clandestine workshops and laboratories for the manufacture of improvised explosive devices, the repair and alteration of small arms have been liquidated in Russia.

For example, on November 22, 2015, during a CTO held in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, units of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia liquidated a bandit group that was organizing channels for transporting residents of the republic to Syria for their participation in terrorist groups.

In addition, the militants were preparing a number of high-profile crimes on the territory of the North Caucasus, including the use of improvised explosive devices in places of mass presence of people.

In a fortified base located in a mountainous wooded area, there were 11 gang members, who, having put up armed resistance, were destroyed. In the discovered dugout, a homemade bomb workshop was equipped, in which there were two ready-to-use explosive devices. The approaches to the base were mined, and the dugout itself was disguised and prepared for a long stay.

Terror creeps across the internet

Like any poisonous ideology, terrorism is trying to create an aura of some kind of combat romance around itself. The task is to attract young people who are prone to extreme sports and brought up on a computer into their ranks.

shooters. Weapons and special operations alone cannot cope with this creeping expansion.

That is why the new anti-terrorist concept was based on the transition from a predominantly forceful suppression of terrorism to a comprehensive counteraction to these threats.

The NAC performs a number of important state tasks, such as the prevention of destructive processes in the youth environment and information countering terrorism.

Now, for example, the country has a comprehensive plan to counter the ideology of terrorism. It has three main objectives. First, it is an explanation of the essence and social danger of terrorism and the formation of persistent rejection by society of this terrible ideology.

In addition, protection mechanisms are created information space Russia from the penetration into it of ideas that justify terrorist activities. And thirdly, the development of legal and organizational mechanisms that help to more effectively combat the ideology of terrorism. So for last years Only in the field of education a huge amount of work has been done to harmonize interethnic relations, educate schoolchildren and students of an active civic position, patriotism, and rejection of the ideology of terrorism and extremism.

Naturally, the formation of the NAC required serious adjustments to Russian legislation... This is how the competences of the federal executive authorities were delimited.

The heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government were empowered in the field of terrorism prevention. In addition, the system for combating the financing of terrorism and legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime was improved. A set of measures for anti-terrorist protection of facilities has been developed, and measures have been taken to provide social protection to those who have suffered as a result of terrorist attacks.

Changes were also made to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - in particular, responsibility for committing crimes of a terrorist nature was increased.

At the same time, the decisions of the NAC became binding on everyone: from government bodies to citizens. Failure to comply with these decisions threatens with administrative responsibility.

Died as heroes

A memorable day has been established in Russia - the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, but, as noted in the NAC, work is constantly being done to perpetuate the memory of the heroes.

In February, the ceremonial unveiling of memorial plaques to the Knight of the Order of Courage, Lieutenant Dmitry Burdyaev, officer of the Central Service Department of the FSB of Russia, and to Captain Dmitry Volkov, officer of the "A" group of the KGB of the USSR, took place in Moscow schools.

Dmitry Burdyaev died while performing his military duty during a special operation to free hostages held in a hospital in the city of Budennovsk. When carrying out a combat mission to oust terrorists from the hospital building with sniper fire, he covered the advance of the task force, which made it possible to minimize losses among comrades. He personally destroyed several militants from Basayev's gang. He died doing his duty during a sniper duel with the enemy.

Dmitry Volkov took part in a special operation to storm Amin's palace in Afghanistan. During the ensuing firefight, carrying out a wounded comrade

from the firing sector, Dmitry came under targeted fire and was mortally wounded. For courage and bravery, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner (posthumously).

Dossier "RG"

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee was formed on March 10, 2006 as the main organizational, counter-terrorism coordination structure. In addition, the Federal Operational Headquarters was created to manage counterterrorism operations, organize the planning of the use of forces and means of federal executive bodies and their territorial counter-terrorism bodies. A similar approach was used when organizing countering terrorism in all constituent entities of Russia, where appropriate anti-terrorist commissions and operational headquarters were created.

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee is a collegial body that includes the heads of key ministries and departments responsible for countering terrorism. The head of the NAC, being its chairman, as well as the head of the FOS, is the director of the FSB of Russia Alexander Bortnikov. Also, the structure of the FOS includes the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and other authorities.

In December 2015, at a joint meeting of the NAC and FOSH, the Chairman of the NAC, Director of the FSB of Russia Alexander Bortnikov noted that the situation in the field of countering terrorism in Russia retained a tendency towards normalization, but remained difficult.

According to him, the main terrorist threats, as before, are associated with the actions of bandit groups in the North Caucasus. In addition, threats emanating from the terrorist group ISIS and other international terrorist organizations, banned in Russia, have developed.

At the same time, according to the NAC, the Russian special services are doing everything possible to inflict preemptive strikes at an early stage on militants preparing to commit terrorist attacks on Russian territory. As a rule, this confrontation is hidden from the public eye and, in fact, never becomes public. And only by individual reports can citizens judge the effectiveness of counter-terrorism measures.

MOSCOW, February 15. / TASS /. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) celebrates ten years since its inception. He was educated to form unified system the fight against terrorism, which united the efforts of all law enforcement and other government agencies... The NAC is a coordinating interdepartmental structure. The decision to create it was made after the events in Beslan in North Ossetia, where on September 1, 2004, militants seized a school. As a result of this terrorist attack, which became the most monstrous in the history of Russia, 335 people died, including 186 children.

From struggle to opposition

The unified anti-terrorist system created in 2006 served as a response to large-scale terrorist acts of the late XX - early XXI century. As part of the NAC, a federal operational headquarters was formed, which is headed by the director of the FSB. In the regions, there are anti-terrorist commissions headed by the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and regional operational headquarters under the leadership of the heads of the territorial security agencies.

Gradually, the NAC moved away from the term "combating terrorism", since it makes up only one third of all the tasks set, and moved to the term "countering terrorism." Now in Russia, at the proper level, three tasks are being successfully solved: prevention of terrorist attacks, their suppression and elimination of their consequences.

All decisions of the NAC are binding on all power structures, which makes it possible to more consolidate efforts in countering terrorism.

Adapting to a peaceful life

An important element in countering terrorism in the NAC has repeatedly been called a decrease in the level of terrorist activity and a return to peaceful life persons who have come under the influence of terrorist ideology. For the first time, the solution to this problem on a large scale began immediately after the creation of the NAC in 2006, when the militants were offered to lay down their arms, and an amnesty was announced for those who voluntarily "leave the forest". In July 2006 - January 2007 alone, according to the NAC, 546 militants were persuaded to surrender voluntarily, and by the end of the "amnesty" - more than 750 members of illegal armed groups.

But this practice gained further development... In the "hot regions", and there are more than ten of them in Russia, commissions were created to adapt to a peaceful life, and over the past five years, about 300 people were persuaded to refuse aiding the militants. They voluntarily appeared in law enforcement agencies, laid down their arms and, after serving their sentence for the acts committed, they adapt to a peaceful life. The adaptation commissions help them in this.

Barrier in the path of foreign terrorists

Russia was one of the first in the world to form a system of countermeasures that make it possible to adequately respond to the growing danger from foreign terrorist fighters. According to intelligence agencies, this category is most active in hot spots outside the Russian Federation. The situation is fraught with the fact that, having received combat experience, training, skills there, sooner or later they return to Russia, and they pose a threat to the Russians. For the first time in the world, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation introduced responsibility for the recruitment, propaganda of terrorist ideology, the training and education of terrorists, participation in combat activities on the territory of other states as part of illegal armed formations (IAF) created contrary to the legislation of a particular country, as well as for participation in illegal armed groups in Russia. All these crimes have been criminalized.

In addition, as noted earlier in the NAC, the Russian special services have a fairly objective and holistic idea of ​​how individual citizens of the Russian Federation find themselves in the ranks of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation and other international terrorist organizations, as well as the forms of their use for committing terrorist crimes, which makes it possible to build an adequate system of counteraction.

Terrorist activity is declining

In 2015, as FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov said at a NAC meeting in December last year, “the situation in the field of countering terrorism in the country retains a tendency to normalize, but remains difficult due to the continuing activities of bandit groups in the North Caucasus, the spread of the ideology of terrorism in social networks, the intensification of the activities of international terrorist organizations, especially after the start of decisive actions by the Russian Aerospace Forces against the ISIS group (the former name of IS - TASS) in Syria. "

Nevertheless, terrorist activity in Russia is declining. "As a result of the coordinated actions of federal bodies state power during the year, it was possible to reduce terrorist activity by 2.5 times both in the country as a whole and directly in the North Caucasus region. Law enforcement agencies prevented 30 terrorist crimes, detained more than 770 bandits and their accomplices, and seized a significant amount of weapons and ammunition from illegal circulation, ”Bortnikov said.

In the course of counter-terrorist operations, 156 militants were eliminated, including 36 leaders. Of the 26 leaders of the bandit groups who swore allegiance to IS, 20 were neutralized. This essentially paralyzed the activities of the organizational unit of the bandit underground and stopped the process of restoring its numbers.

One of the main directions in the activities of the NAC, emphasized Bortnikov, remains work on the prevention of terrorism. The quality of work of the anti-terrorist commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has increased, and their work in municipalities has become more effective. And thanks to active measures to protect the Russian Internet space from terrorist and extremist propaganda, more than 3 thousand information resources were blocked in the first half of 2015 alone.

The security forces managed to prevent more than 100 Russian citizens from leaving for Syria and Iraq.

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee, NAC is a collegial body that ensures coordination of the activities of federal executive authorities, authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in countering terrorism, as well as preparing relevant proposals to the President of the Russian Federation. The committee was formed on February 15, 2006. The activities are managed by the FSB of Russia.
The main tasks: preparation of proposals to the President of the Russian Federation on the formation of a policy in the field of countering terrorism; coordination of counter-terrorism activities of federal executive bodies, organization of their interaction; development of measures to counter terrorism, eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to it, including measures to ensure the protection of potential objects of encroachment and others. The Committee includes heads and officials of the legislative and executive branches of government, law enforcement agencies, security forces and special services.

NAC composition by position

Director of the FSB of Russia - Chairman of the Committee.
Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Deputy Chairman of the Committee.
Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia - Chief of Staff of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus federal district.
First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.
First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Defense Minister of the Russian Federation.
Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation.
Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.
Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.
Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.
Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation.
Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia.
Director of the FSO of Russia.
Director of Rosfinmonitoring.
Boss General Staff Armed Forces Of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

In recent decades, terrorism has become a factor that poses a threat not to individuals (as it was in the Russian Empire), but even to states or international security in general. In Russia, some states of the former Soviet Union and the Middle East, terrorism has become a tool negative impact on the existing constitutional order and violation of territorial integrity. In this regard, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee was established in 2006.

The main tasks of the anti-terrorist committee

The organization is engaged in countering terrorism. V this concept includes the following actions:

  • identification, and in the future elimination of the causes and conditions that in the past contributed to the commission;
  • identification, suppression, disclosure, prevention and investigation of the committed (direct fight);
  • minimization or complete elimination of the consequences of terrorism.

In addition, the anti-terrorist committee carries out administrative activities. The latter assumes:

  • preparation of proposals to the President of the Russian Federation and the government in the field of combating terrorism;
  • improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of countering terrorism;
  • participation in international cooperation, joint development and implementation of projects, international treaties;
  • preparation of proposals to ensure the protection of the population from terrorist actions.

Rights granted to the committee by legislation

In its activities, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee has the right to:

  • independently make decisions regarding security;
  • control the actions of the federal authorities in countering terrorism;
  • receive the necessary information from authorities, local governments and public organizations;
  • create working bodies and involve officials and individual specialists in countering terrorism;
  • make proposals on issues that require a decision by the President of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the anti-terrorist committee is endowed with sufficient rights for the successful implementation of the tasks set.

The composition of the operational headquarters

Composition of the committee, groups quick response and the operational headquarters is regulated by the National Anti-Terrorist Committee of the Russian Federation (the operational headquarters of the organization) today includes the chiefs of the territorial bodies of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who, respectively, are the chief of staff and his deputy; head of the federal department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations; the head of the territorial body of the Federal Drug Control Service; a representative of the armed forces (as agreed) and a deputy of one of the highest officials at the federal level.

Anti-terrorist operations

The activities of the authorized body, if it were limited exclusively to major terrorist acts, would be completely ineffective. The Anti-Terrorism Committee of Russia constantly monitors the level of the terrorist threat and, if necessary, promptly carries out anti-terrorist operations.

V recent times the committee's counterterrorism operations were focused on the North Caucasus. In 2014, it was noted that as a result of the organization's activities, the number of terrorist crimes was reduced by three times compared to the previous reporting period. However, the situation still remains tense.

In August 2016, the Anti-Terrorism Committee prevented terrorist attacks in the Republic of Crimea. The objects of illegal actions were supposed essential elements infrastructure and life support of the peninsula.

Terrorist threat levels

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee is a body that also carries out preventive and educational activities. The structure has developed a classification of terrorist threat levels and appropriate recommendations to the population. So, there are:

  1. Blue (increased) level of terrorist threat: if there is information that requires additional confirmation about the alleged commission of a terrorist attack.
  2. Yellow (high) level of terrorist threat: if there is confirmed information about an impending terrorist attack.
  3. Red (critical) level of terrorist threat: when a terrorist attack is committed or actions that directly indicate a suspected terrorist attack.

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee of the Russian Federation, in the course of measures to prevent terrorist attacks and inform the population, issues recommendations and conducts exercises (for journalists). Clear guidelines for the public have been developed for the following cases:

  • detection of a bomb or any suspicious object;
  • behavior in a crowd during a terrorist attack (during a crush);
  • the order of actions of officials in the event of a terrorist threat;
  • the behavior of a hostage person, and so on.

The most widespread are the general recommendations of the anti-terrorist committee and the description of the order of actions of citizens at each of the levels of terrorist threat. General recommendations include a complete list of acceptable, necessary and unsafe actions:

  1. When an object that can potentially be an explosive device is detected: you must not touch the object or move it, you should fix the time of object detection, take people as far as possible and wait for the arrival of the task force.
  2. Receiving a message about the announcement of evacuation: take the necessary personal belongings and documents, cut off the gas, water, turn off the electricity, provide assistance to the sick, the elderly, the disabled and children, and so on.
  3. Behavior in the crowd: by any means try to stay on your feet, not try to get out (this is fraught with injuries), but also not to join if the person is not yet directly in the crowd, not to keep your hands in your pockets, etc.
  4. When taking hostage: to prevent actions that could provoke terrorists to use weapons, not to show heroism, to follow the instructions of terrorists if necessary, in cases where medical assistance is needed, the criminals should be informed about this briefly and calmly.
  5. Behavior during a counter-terrorist operation: do not run towards the intelligence officers, lie on the floor, covering your head with your hands, talk to terrorists, if they make contact, maintain composure.
  6. Aviation hijacking (hijacking of an aircraft by terrorists): any actions that may provoke terrorists should be avoided, at the beginning of the rescue operation, take a position that will not allow the hostage to be used as a human shield (to fall or hide behind the back of the chair, covering his head with his hands).
  7. The threat of committing a terrorist act.