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Travel first aid kit for a pregnant woman. We fly on vacation during pregnancy

The news that you are in a great position is not at all a reason to abandon your planned trip to the sea.

On the contrary, with the right approach to organizing vacations, the expectant mother gets a chance to improve her health and the health of the baby developing in the womb.

And the positive energy charge that you get at sea will definitely benefit you.

One has only to follow a few simple rules and recommendations, and you will remember a "pregnant" trip to the seashore with warmth and a smile.

Is a seaside vacation useful for pregnant women?

In the absence of contraindications, a sea vacation is an excellent pastime for a pregnant woman. Being on the seashore will help to distract from everyday problems, will give an opportunity to stock up on positive emotions before such a serious test as.

The sound of the waves has an amazing calming effect, and rest on the warm sand is an excellent prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system associated with hypothermia.

Swelling, often observed in expectant mothers, is significantly reduced after a vacation at sea. Also, sea air has a positive effect on blood pressure.

In order for a trip to the sea to be successful, the expectant mother must be aware that the position in which she is located is conducive to a more measured and quiet rest.

Therefore, exclude from the entertainment program visiting noisy discos and other night festivities: healthy sleep remains a necessity for a pregnant woman.

Try to refrain from tasting exotic foods, as unfamiliar food can cause allergies or poisoning.

In what cases is it impossible for pregnant women to relax at sea?

Unfortunately, in some cases, trips to the sea for expectant mothers are strictly prohibited. We are talking about the following situations, when unnecessary loads can become a serious threat to the health of a woman and a child:

1 Placental pathologies (premature placental abruption, placenta previa). Before planning a trip to the sea, it is necessary to undergo an examination by means of an ultrasound scan in order to timely identify the pathology. Placenta previa can cause uterine bleeding.

2 Late toxicosis (gestosis). It is a complication characterized by increased urinary protein and high blood pressure, as well as swelling and general malaise. It is very dangerous for the life of the fetus, therefore, if gestosis is detected, drug treatment is necessary under the supervision of the attending physician.

3 Threat of termination of pregnancy. If at any stage of pregnancy you have symptoms such as uterine bleeding, aching pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, then an examination at a medical clinic should be preferred to a seaside vacation.

4 Too early or late pregnancy. The first trimester is characterized by the laying of vital organs and systems of the baby, so at this time it is better to refrain from any factors that can disrupt this process. In the last month of pregnancy, excessive stress can cause premature onset of labor.

5 Exacerbation of chronic diseases, manifestation of allergic reactions. This condition excludes long journeys and trips outside the city limits, since at any time the expectant mother may require urgent medical attention.

If you have not been diagnosed with any of the above complications, then you can safely plan a vacation at sea. It is desirable that the trip to the resort coincides with the second trimester, maximum - with the beginning of the third.

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Try not to choose countries that are too far away as your holiday destination. A long flight is not the best adventure for a pregnant woman.

The climate at the resort should not be radically different from the weather conditions you are used to. The maximum allowable air temperature is 30-35 ° С.

Can pregnant women sunbathe?

Despite the fact that the sun is the source of life on our planet, sometimes the effect of the sun's rays on living organisms is destructive. Some doctors categorically prohibit tanning during pregnancy, but competent exposure to the sun in compliance with all safety standards can bring irreplaceable benefits.

Exposure to sunlight promotes the production of B vitamins, which aid in the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium into the body.

This property is useful for expectant mothers, as calcium deficiency during pregnancy can lead to tooth decay, the appearance of diseases of the skeletal system and cause the development of rickets in the child.

That is why it is believed that being in the fresh air and reasonable sunbathing during pregnancy has a great effect on the formation of the skeleton and teeth of the fetus.

When sunbathing in the sun, the expectant mother should adhere to the following recommendations:

1 Sunbathing is allowed only until 10 am and after 17-18 pm. At this time, the activity of ultraviolet rays is not so great as to harm mom and baby.

2 Do not eat heavy food before going to the beach. It is much better to refresh yourself with fresh vegetables and fruits rich in natural antioxidants: tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, apples.

Drink as much water as possible during rest. Take with you to the beach a bottle of still mineral water, chilled green tea or natural juice.

3 Choose your sunscreen responsibly. Pay attention to the degree of protection, which is always indicated on the package: 30 SPF is optimal.

The composition of the cream also matters. It is better not to use products that contain natural oils during pregnancy.

Particles of oils accumulate in the skin and can intensify the effect of ultraviolet rays, which can be fraught with the appearance of age spots.

4 You should stay in direct sunlight for no more than 10-15 minutes. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin can lead to the appearance of age spots, and this phenomenon is often observed in pregnant women.

Having received heatstroke, a woman can lose consciousness. Also, an increase in the mother's body temperature due to overheating is dangerous for the fetus, since its body does not yet have the ability to thermoregulate.

Can pregnant women swim?

It's no secret that sea water is saturated with many unique trace elements and inorganic salts. That is why most of the largest resorts and health resorts are located near the sea.

The substances contained in seawater have many beneficial properties: they can improve the condition of the skin, protect against the occurrence of fungal diseases, and improve the process of blood clotting and healing.

Sea water is also rich in iron. This is important, since most women during pregnancy are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as anemia.

Iron is responsible for the transport of oxygen through the tissues of the body, and also has a positive effect on the development of the fetus, protecting it from the occurrence of anemia.

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Women who regularly swim during pregnancy have good uteroplacental hemodynamics: the vessels of the uterus are in excellent tone, respectively, more nutrients are supplied to the fetus.

But the most beneficial factor for the expectant mother is that bathing in seawater contributes to the overall relaxation of the body. The chemical composition of water helps the muscles to get rid of excess tension, which is especially necessary for pregnant women in the second and third trimesters.

Refusing to swim is simply illogical: swimming in salt water, the expectant mother practically does not feel her own weight, resting and relaxing is better than just lying on a sun lounger.

In addition, marine treatments help relieve stress and normalize the tone of the nervous system. Calm and measured swimming is a kind of airway training before childbirth.

However, in order for swimming in the sea to bring only benefits, the expectant mother still needs to follow some rules:

Avoid hypothermia. You should not start bathing if the water temperature has not reached +22 ° C. If the beach does not provide such data, listen to your own feelings: when entering the water, you should not experience discomfort.

Swim for pleasure. If you are well prepared, swim vigorously. If you have not been doing physical exercises for a long time before going to the sea, then spend no more than 10 minutes in the water at first, avoiding overwork. During this difficult period, it is better to refrain from swimming long distances, as well as from diving and jumping into the water.

Try not to touch the marine life. Many marine life have a defensive reaction. Having disturbed sometimes even a fish, jellyfish or coral, which is quite harmless in appearance, you risk getting a severe burn.

Do not start swimming immediately after arriving at the beach. For a start, it is better to rest and "cool down" in the shade, and only after that you can go to the reservoir.

What should a pregnant woman take with her to the sea?

When going on a short trip, try to skip your bulky luggage and take only the essentials with you.

A first aid kit on the road should be compact and at the same time for all occasions. Depending on the trimester, the list of approved and required drugs may differ. For example, in the early stages of pregnancy on the road, it is likely that anti-nausea remedies will come in handy, and in the later stages - accessories to relieve the lower back.

Important! The list has been compiled taking into account the fact that the road to the destination will take no more than a day. If you travel by train or car for several days, study the additional list of medicines that you need to take a pregnant woman to a first-aid kit at sea.

Below is a table of medicines and accessories that a pregnant woman should take on the road in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester.

1 trimester

2 trimester

3 trimester

from headache and toothache

taking painkillers is undesirable. It is possible to use a cooling bag as a cool compress on the forehead.

In extreme cases, it is possible to take Paracetamol in a minimum dosage.

Nurofen, Paracetamol


for disinfection of wounds

  • Iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide - for treating the edge of the wound
  • Chlorhexidine - for disinfection of the wound itself

for hand treatment

Cutasept, STOPinfection-100, alcohol-containing gels

with injuries

  • elastic bandage
  • pin
  • cooling package ("Snowball", etc.)
  • cotton wool (sterile)
  • gauze napkins
  • bactericidal and roll-on plaster
  • nail scissors

when the temperature rises

  • Digital Thermometer
  • Taking antipyretics is undesirable. Only in extreme cases - Paracetamol
  • Digital Thermometer
  • Nurofen, Paracetamol

when fainting

  • ammonia - applied to cotton wool in a small amount
  • sweetness upon regaining consciousness - sugar, candy, etc.

with diarrhea

  • Smecta, Enterosgel


  • Essentiale forte, Phosphalugel (with toxicosis)
  • Hydrovit, Rehydron for the prevention of dehydration
  • Essentiale forte, Fosfalugel
  • Hydrovit, Rehydron for the prevention of dehydration
  • Phosphalugel
  • Hydrovit, Rehydron for the prevention of dehydration

in case of poisoning

Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Lactofiltrum, activated carbon

with nasal congestion

  • Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin for rinsing the nose
  • Pinosol drops

First aid kit for a pregnant woman at sea

Medicines that need to be taken at sea for a pregnant woman are divided into 3 categories:

  • Preparations for the normal course of pregnancy;
  • General action preparations recommended for all vacationers;
  • Means for the prevention of sunburn and overheating.

In addition to a travel first aid kit, you should take drugs for uterine tone, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, thrush. A short list of essential medicines for early and late pregnancy is presented below.

1 trimester

2 trimester

3 trimester

  • Yodomarin
  • Folic acid


uterine tone

No-shpa or Papaverine, Magne B6


  • Dyufaston (priority) or Utrozhestan

Immediate consultation with a gynecologist

candidiasis (thrush)

Spray Epigen Intim, cream Pimafucin, Geksikon candles


taking anti-allergic drugs is undesirable

Claritin, Suprastin - in agreement with the doctor

moist cough

Ambroxol, Mukaltin

dry cough

Stodal at any time


Grippferon, Viferon, Otsilokoktsinum

sore throat

  • Faringosept, Lizobakt
  • Tantum Verde, Miramistin
  • Gargles with chamomile, calendula
  • For rinsing Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt


Espumisan, Bobotik

Rennie, Almagel (green and yellow), Phosphalugel

  • Duphalac
  • Mukofalk
  • Microlax
  • Glycerin candles


  • Sea buckthorn candles
  • Natalsid
  • Heparin ointment (after consultation with a healthcare professional, do not use for bleeding)
  • Fleming's ointment

Compression stockings

  • Compression stockings
  • Troxevasin Neo, Troxevasin or heparin ointment as agreed with the doctor

eye inflammation

Washing with Furacilin solution, chamomile infusion

burns, prickly heat and dermatitis

Bepanten, D-Panthenol, Rescuer ointment


Important! The list of medicines in the first-aid kit for a pregnant woman is approximate and requires agreement with the obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the pregnancy.

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A first aid kit on the road should be compact and at the same time for all occasions. Depending on the trimester, the list of approved and required drugs may differ. For example, in the early stages of pregnancy on the road, it is likely that anti-nausea remedies will come in handy, and in the later stages - accessories to relieve the lower back.

Important! The list has been compiled taking into account the fact that the road to the destination will take no more than a day. If you travel by train or car for several days, study the additional list of medicines that you need to take a pregnant woman to a first-aid kit at sea.

Below is a table of medicines and accessories that a pregnant woman should take on the road in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester.

1 trimester

2 trimester

3 trimester

from headache and toothache

taking painkillers is undesirable. It is possible to use a cooling bag as a cool compress on the forehead.

In extreme cases, it is possible to take Paracetamol in a minimum dosage.

Nurofen, Paracetamol


for disinfection of wounds

  • Iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide - for treating the edge of the wound
  • Chlorhexidine - for disinfection of the wound itself

for hand treatment

Cutasept, STOPinfection-100, alcohol-containing gels

with injuries

  • elastic bandage
  • pin
  • cooling package ("Snowball", etc.)
  • cotton wool (sterile)
  • gauze napkins
  • bactericidal and roll-on plaster
  • nail scissors

when the temperature rises

  • Digital Thermometer
  • Taking antipyretics is undesirable. Only in extreme cases - Paracetamol
  • Digital Thermometer
  • Nurofen, Paracetamol

when fainting

  • ammonia - applied to cotton wool in a small amount
  • sweetness upon regaining consciousness - sugar, candy, etc.

with diarrhea

  • Smecta, Enterosgel


  • Essentiale forte, Phosphalugel (with toxicosis)
  • Hydrovit, Rehydron for the prevention of dehydration
  • Essentiale forte, Fosfalugel
  • Hydrovit, Rehydron for the prevention of dehydration
  • Phosphalugel
  • Hydrovit, Rehydron for the prevention of dehydration

in case of poisoning

Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Lactofiltrum, activated carbon

with nasal congestion

  • Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin for rinsing the nose
  • Pinosol drops

First aid kit for a pregnant woman at sea

Medicines that need to be taken at sea for a pregnant woman are divided into 3 categories:

  • Preparations for the normal course of pregnancy;
  • General action preparations recommended for all vacationers;
  • Means for the prevention of sunburn and overheating.

In addition to a travel first aid kit, you should take drugs for uterine tone, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, thrush. A short list of essential medicines for early and late pregnancy is presented below.

1 trimester

2 trimester

3 trimester

  • Yodomarin
  • Folic acid


uterine tone

No-shpa or Papaverine, Magne B6


  • Dyufaston (priority) or Utrozhestan

Immediate consultation with a gynecologist

candidiasis (thrush)

Spray Epigen Intim, cream Pimafucin, Geksikon candles


taking anti-allergic drugs is undesirable

Claritin, Suprastin - in agreement with the doctor

moist cough

Ambroxol, Mukaltin

dry cough

Stodal at any time


Grippferon, Viferon, Otsilokoktsinum

sore throat

  • Faringosept, Lizobakt
  • Tantum Verde, Miramistin
  • Gargles with chamomile, calendula
  • For rinsing Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt


Espumisan, Bobotik

Rennie, Almagel (green and yellow), Phosphalugel

  • Duphalac
  • Mukofalk
  • Microlax
  • Glycerin candles


  • Sea buckthorn candles
  • Natalsid
  • Heparin ointment (after consultation with a healthcare professional, do not use for bleeding)
  • Fleming's ointment

Compression stockings

  • Compression stockings
  • Troxevasin Neo, Troxevasin or heparin ointment as agreed with the doctor

eye inflammation

Washing with Furacilin solution, chamomile infusion

burns, prickly heat and dermatitis

Bepanten, D-Panthenol, Rescuer ointment


Important! The list of medicines in the first-aid kit for a pregnant woman is approximate and requires agreement with the obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the pregnancy.

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There are numerous forums on the Internet where pregnant women discuss a burning topic - where is it better to rest, are they safe travel during pregnancy...

Opinions tend to differ. Some believe that you can endure for nine months and not go anywhere, others - that you can go anywhere if the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The truth, as usual, is in the middle.

Travel during pregnancy

Excessive nervousness, like carelessness, are bad allies, including during pregnancy. A clear plan will help you cope with the increased anxiety inherent in the state of pregnancy, because it will "put everything on the shelves." But keep in mind: we do not give you direct advice on where to go on vacation and how to plan your vacation days. We do not name the exact number of excursions that are safe for a pregnant woman. We don't put together a super-useful vacation menu.

Doctor's approval for pregnancy

Not everyone is willing to adhere to this obvious rule. Especially when the vouchers have already been bought and you really want to relax. Then the arguments of reason outweigh the hope for "maybe".

To avoid problems, you must first consult with your doctor. Even with subjectively good health, you may have contraindications for flights, long journeys and climate change. Dangerous trips to rest in the event that during pregnancy you had bleeding, with a low position of the placenta or the threat of its detachment, with poly- and oligohydramnios, gestosis, a scar on the uterus after a cesarean section, IVF pregnancy ...

So you have to completely trust doctor's permission during pregnancy.

A change in a familiar environment is a guarantee that a person will have a moral rest. This also applies to a pregnant woman. If you constantly live in the city, it would be nice to get closer to nature and spend your vacation at the dacha, in a holiday home, or at least sometimes walk in the woods. If you are an inhabitant of a quiet small town, you should add variety and colors to your life: go to a large city where there is a lot of entertainment, or choose an excursion tour to a calm European country.

Transport during pregnancy

There are usually three options: train, plane and personal car. And each has its own characteristics.

Transport during pregnancy: airplane. The main advantage is speed. Perhaps the most difficult moments for the expectant mother are takeoff and landing, when the muscles of the uterus and the circulatory system are under additional stress. However, healthy pregnant women may well tolerate it, especially from the 13th to the 27th week of pregnancy (i.e., at a reasonable time for going on vacation).

Transport during pregnancy: automobile. The main plus is the ability to stop whenever you want. Better to make stops every two hours to warm up and get some air.

Transport during pregnancy: train. The realities of our railway transport are familiar to everyone. This is a lottery: it can be stuffy, or it can blow mercilessly. It is possible that a not too clean citizen will go with you in the compartment. Wheel knocking and shaking sometimes cause discomfort. And all this will have to endure at least a day if you travel to our Russian south.

How to Take a Pregnancy Vacation: Listening to Your Desires

This point brings a lot of specificity to the previous one. When choosing a place to stay, be guided by your own preferences. But only if they are safe for you and your unborn child! Therefore, if you want to hike in the mountains, you will have to postpone it. But much, as before, is quite accessible to you! If you like to soak up the beach, rather than go on excursions, your choice will be quite wide.

Do you prefer an educational vacation? It is worth considering the option of visiting cities where you can stroll leisurely, sightseeing. Or maybe you are not dreaming about distant countries or warm seas at all? And would you just like to relax in the country? Why not! The main thing is that the vacation brings you positive emotions.

Where to rest during pregnancy

If you have already chosen the mode of transport, then it will be decisive in where you can find yourself. Airplanes fly anywhere, but with trains and a car, everything is somewhat more complicated. But it is not only transport that determines the place to rest. There are other parameters too ...

  • The proximity of civilization. Pregnant women can rest in cities or at a distance of no more than 30 km from settlements where there is a hospital and an obstetrician-gynecologist. The same applies to holidays abroad: let your hotel be closer to the city, and your insurance will be calculated for unforeseen expenses.
  • Acclimatization. Try to choose something close in climate to the region where you live, the difference in temperature is permissible by 5-7 degrees.
  • Health safety. For example, to visit some countries, you need to be vaccinated. They are contraindicated for you. It turns out that the countries of Europe should be your favorites.

What you need to take on vacation for a pregnant woman

As they say, when you have documents and money, you can go anywhere: if you forgot something, buy it on the spot. But the mother-to-be shouldn't be so frivolous. For example, this applies to drugs. Not only their availability, but also knowledge about them. For example, you go to Turkey or Egypt, and there you get a runny nose. You are unlikely to find the usual remedies that are in every Russian pharmacy, and it will not be possible to understand local medicines. Therefore, before you go, discuss with your doctor what to put in the first-aid kit in case of allergies, SARS, indigestion. You will feel much more confident knowing that you have everything at your fingertips. If you are prescribed certain medications, be sure to take them with you and take them on vacation. An important part of a vacation wardrobe is a swimsuit. For the expectant mother, it is better if the belly is closed. Often these swimwear are made with UV protection.

And most importantly, don't forget your exchange card and insurance policy. These documents should always be with you. After all, the exchange card contains complete information about your condition.

How to spend your pregnancy vacation: take care of yourself!

The main task of the expectant mother is to stay healthy and keep the baby healthy. Therefore, the most important thing is to take care of yourself! After all, on vacation you are surrounded by many temptations: excursions, shops, delicious food, night walks. Of course, no one demands that you lead a completely "correct" life: strictly follow your diet and go to bed at 21:00. But at least be reasonable. Listen to your body and its signals. Tired - find an opportunity to rest. If you wanted to have a snack - choose one that consists of products that you understand and does not raise doubts about freshness. I would like to admire the stars - please, just the next day, let yourself sleep a little longer, and do not run on an excursion. In general, plan your days so as not to overstrain. Rule # 7: Be flexible! When buying a voucher, you should not immediately pay for the “excursion package”. Suddenly, one day you will not feel ready to bounce on the bus and run around museums with a group of tourists. Therefore, it is better to purchase an excursion on the spot, as close as possible to the date of its carrying out. In addition, it is worth discussing with the guide the question of the possibility of transferring the excursion to another day if you feel unwell. In general, show prudence and reasonable selfishness. But how does this fit in with the wishes of a husband or girlfriend if you are traveling together? You can agree that they can go on some excursions on their own, and at this time you will relax in the shade of a beach umbrella or a palm tree.

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There is nothing more useful for a future baby and his pregnant mother than outdoor recreation in a quiet, beautiful place. Pregnancy is not a hindrance to travel, because it is a natural physiological period in a woman's life.

If it proceeds normally and there is no need for constant medical supervision, you can safely go on vacation. The main thing is not to forget to take a first-aid kit with you, equipping it with means that will be "at hand", will help in any unforeseen event, this will be discussed in the article.

Every prudent pregnant woman has her own personal first aid kit at home. Its composition includes general means that you may always need, as well as those that are intended for a certain period of pregnancy.

According to the same principle, a first-aid kit for a pregnant woman is completed on the road, but it has its own characteristics:

  • All contents should be packed in a convenient, re-sealable case with cells;
  • Medicines need to be divided into groups and labeled (for example, "from a cold", "from diarrhea", "from bites", "from sunburn", etc.);
  • All means for internal use must be agreed in advance with the doctor, depending on the duration of pregnancy.

Tablets and external agents must be in their original packaging with the instructions enclosed in it.

The main composition of a first aid kit for a pregnant woman on a trip

All products in the first-aid kit for pregnant women are intended for first aid in case of poisoning, heat stroke, burns and insect bites, various injuries and allergic reactions.

We must not forget that in the first trimester of a pregnant woman it is generally impossible to take any medications without an urgent need, with the exception of those prescribed by the doctor.

They can negatively affect the formation and development of the unborn baby. Also necessary are medications that a pregnant woman takes regularly as prescribed by a doctor.

Medicines prescribed by the doctor

If the doctor has prescribed any drugs, they must be present in the first-aid kit of a pregnant woman. As a rule, these are complexes of vitamins and minerals. In the first-aid kit for pregnant women at sea in the 1st trimester, you can put vitamin A, E, B 9 (folic acid) and iodomarin.

A full complex of vitamins and minerals with the obligatory content of calcium, phosphorus, iron can be included in a first-aid kit for pregnant women on a trip to the sea from the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Often, a doctor observing a woman prescribes hormonal drugs for her, if necessary - drugs against uterine hypertonicity (dyufaston, morning), sometimes corticosteroids (dexamethasone), decongestants.

If a pregnant woman is undergoing hormonal treatment, the question of the possibility of travel must be agreed with the doctor.

Preparations for the elimination of gastrointestinal problems

As part of a first-aid kit for a pregnant woman on a trip, you must have the following drugs:

  • For constipation you need to have lactulose-based preparations in the first-aid kit - duphalac, microlax or glycerin suppositories;
  • In case of intestinal disorders with diarrhea, you need to have something from sorbents - smecta, enterosgel, phosphalugel, polysorb, lactofiltrum;
  • In case of vomiting it is better to have an essential. With vomiting and diarrhea, it is imperative to take rehydrating agents - rehydron, hydrovit, glucosolan.

All of the above can be safely taken by a pregnant woman at any time. But intestinal antibiotics (chloramphenicol, rifampicin) and diarrhea drugs (imodium, loperamide) should be abandoned. They can be taken only in case of severe disorders as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision, for a short time.


Pain relievers and antipyretics

In extreme cases, with severe headache and high fever, a one-time intake of paracetamol in combination with a rehydrating agent for its rapid removal from the body of a pregnant woman is permissible.

Sedatives and antispasmodics

Women with a labile nervous system during pregnancy are characterized by tearfulness, resentment, a feeling of panic, all this leads to a stressful situation, which is very undesirable.

In such cases, you should take it to the first aid kit for a pregnant woman. on vacation at the sea herbal sedatives. Valerian tablets, herbal preparations with motherwort, passionflower and valerian are suitable, they can be brewed like tea.

Natural homeopathic remedies are also recommended- neurosed, tenoten - at any time, but do not abuse. In the list of drugs in the first-aid kit of a pregnant woman at sea, among antispasmodics, it is better to prefer not pills, but rectal suppositories with papaverine, provided that they are prescribed by a doctor for increasing the tone of the uterus.

Medicines for the treatment of colds

While traveling, the likelihood of colds and viral infections is high, especially in pregnant women against a background of low immunity.

In this case, you need to have in the first aid kit during pregnancy:

  • For gargling - chlorophyllipt, furacilin or a collection of chamomile with calendula, baking soda;
  • Antiseptic preparation for the throat - pharyngosept, miramistin, lysobact;
  • Cough remedies - stodal;
  • Antiviral drugs - viferon, influenza, oxolinic ointment.

All of the above can be taken at any stage of pregnancy. Prudent women should have oxolinic nasal ointment with them and use it prophylactically to prevent rhinovirus infection.

Antiseptics and dressings

The kit for treating skin lesions is an essential component of a travel kit for pregnant women.

A first aid kit for pregnant women should include:

  • Hydrogen peroxide solution 3% for washing abrasions, wounds;
  • Medical alcohol 70 ° for the treatment of damaged skin and hands;
  • Bandages - narrow and wide, cotton wool;
  • Chlorhexidine or furacilin solution as an antiseptic for dressing wounds;
  • Tincture of iodine 5% or brilliant green solution 2% - for treating the skin around the wound;
  • Sterile gauze wipes in the package;
  • Adhesive plaster - in a roll and bactericidal strips;
  • Scissors.

It is also advisable to have in this set a small tweezers, rubber gloves, fingertips, so as not to touch the wound with your hands during treatment.

Additional funds that may come in handy on vacation for the expectant mother

In addition to the recommended kits of medicines, the first-aid kit for pregnant women should contain other means and devices in case of allergies, insect bites, sunburns, as well as some of the medical devices that allow you to monitor health parameters.

Tanning and sunburn remedies

Pregnant women should be aware that sunbathing as such is highly undesirable for them. Excessive solar radiation can harm the woman herself and negatively affect the fetus.

It is allowed to stay in the open sun only in the morning - no later than 10-11 hours, and in the evening - after 17 hours.

In this case, it is imperative to use protective skin creams with an SPF30 filter index or more.

In case, nevertheless, there was a sunburn in the form of redness, you need to have in the first-aid kit means to relieve inflammation and quickly restore the skin with panthenol - bepanten, D-panthenol, the "rescuer" ointment is also suitable.


It happens that on vacation, especially in unusual climatic conditions, an allergic reaction occurs - to plant pollen, new products, exotic fruits. It can be manifested by nasopharyngeal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and skin rashes.

For insect bites, it is necessary to have antihistamines in the first-aid kit - claritin, suprastin and analogues, but first agree on the possibility of taking them with a doctor.

In the 1st trimester, antihistamines cannot be taken, and in later periods they are undesirable, they are taken only for a limited time.

It is better to put external remedies in the first-aid kit for such a case: Lassar paste or skin-cap cream. For the nose, Nazaval spray works well.

In the summer, insect bites are very common - mosquitoes, midges, certain types of flies, ticks, as well as bees and wasps.

The best option is a deterrent prophylactic agent with a pungent odor - star balm, clove oil.

If, nevertheless, the bite has occurred, in the first-aid kit there should be medical alcohol, soda, lifeguard ointment, menovazin or balms "asterisk", "kim". It is good to stock up on a special balsam from bites (gardeks and analogues). They will help relieve itching and pain, remove swelling. An antihistamine can be taken for a bee or wasp sting with tissue swelling.

Medical devices

In the first-aid kit of a pregnant woman, there must be an apparatus for measuring blood pressure - a tonometer.

This must be done daily to monitor the condition, because severe forms of toxicosis, various complications from the stolons of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system are manifested by deviations from the normal blood pressure.

Even the most prudent and knowledgeable pregnant woman cannot always provide everything necessary for her first aid kit before traveling. Always consult her supervising doctor about the list of medications she needs.

Also among the "handy" devices should be an electronic (not mercury!) Thermometer. In late pregnancy, you should have a belly band in case of long walks or commuting.