Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

How to Place Lighting: Basic Design Principles. Arrangement of lamps on a suspended ceiling (11 photos) Selecting the number of spotlights

Spotlights can complement or even replace the central one ceiling chandelier because:

  • The main advantage is that they allow you to make the lighting in the kitchen uniform, diffused, soft, both separately and in combination with a chandelier or LED lighting. An ordinary ceiling lamp without additional lighting creates shadows and thereby visually narrows the space;
  • Illumination using LED and halogen lamps is very economical, and the installation of spotlights with the ability to turn on in parts, that is, only where needed this moment, for example, in the work area when you are cooking, significantly saves energy;
  • Rotating spots and ceiling-wall lamps can direct light where you want, thanks to which you can benefit from the advantages and disadvantages of space - visually raise, expand, zone, etc. low ceilings. We will tell you how to do this below;
  • In addition, you can use single-color or colored light bulbs, forming unusual design lighting, dividing zones and placing accents.

The disadvantages of spotlights include:

  • Installation is more complex compared to a chandelier;
  • The need to think over the placement of light sources on the ceiling at the renovation stage, and the placement of spotlights built into the kitchen set at the assembly stage;
  • Not everyone likes this modern type of ceiling lighting in the kitchen; for some, it may resemble “office” lighting. But this is a big misconception; today, spotlights can be organically integrated even into a traditional kitchen interior, as in the photo below. The main thing is to choose the right design lighting fixtures.

  • Types of spotlights for installation are divided into: mortise, surface-mounted, pendant. If mortise lamps can only be built into suspended ceilings (, etc.), then overhead (external) lamps can also be installed on ordinary concrete ceiling, since on the base of the body of such a spot there is a special mounting plate for screws;
  • Built-in models are the most popular type in the category of spotlights, so they are presented in a very wide range of colors, designs and sizes;
  • Recessed lamps can be completely recessed into the base and then they are practically invisible, or they can, on the contrary, decorate the ceiling, protruding above its surface with a beautiful decorative diffuser;

  • Spotlights can create local, main and decorative lighting;
  • Each of the installed devices is capable of illuminating no more than two square meters of the room;
  • Modern devices are fireproof, and therefore can be used in combination with any finish. And their body is made of moisture-proof material, which makes it easy to withstand high humidity;
  • There are designs with an internal or external location of the light bulb, which provides directional or diffused light, respectively.


  • How simpler design spots, the easier it is to care for them - to wash off fat deposits, dust, etc.;
  • For suspended ceilings, it is better to choose round or rounded lamps;
  • For more economical and rational energy consumption, install a dimmer, which is also called a rheostat or dimmer.

Types of lamps

Lamps are available: LED, halogen or incandescent.

LED lamps are deservedly popular. They are economical and consume very little electricity, and also practically do not heat up. Therefore, LED devices can be used in combination with the most different finishes– their location even next to flammable materials will not lead to fire.

LED recessed luminaires come in rotating and non-rotating types. Rotating lamps allow you to change the direction of light.

Devices with installed incandescent lamps provide a bright, pleasant light that everyone is familiar with, but they are much larger in size, therefore they require installation with a large margin, in addition, they have a short service life.

From the point of view of durability and energy consumption, halogen lamps are advantageous, but they are also considered the most expensive. They provide bright, close to natural lighting, but have one drawback - the lamps get very hot, so choose lamps with metal frame, glass diffuser and ceramic cartridge.

Keep in mind that halogen spotlights require a transformer to convert the normal 220W to the required 12W. The power of the transformer should slightly exceed the total power of all halogen bulbs.

Installation of spotlights in a kitchen with suspended ceilings requires a limitation on the power of the installed lamps. Thus, the power of halogen devices should not exceed 35 watts, and the power of incandescent lamps should not exceed 60 watts. This is due to the properties of the material, which can melt from too high temperatures.

Placement of lamps and rules of “playing with light”

To create basic lighting in the kitchen, ceiling Spotlights should be placed at a distance of at least 30-40 cm from each other. A distance of at least 20 cm is maintained from the corner of the wall. Experts advise installing one point per 1.5 square meters. m or follow the following recommendation - for every 1 sq.m of ceiling there should be a 20 W lamp. If you want to install lamps with a power of more than 20 W or plan to combine them with a chandelier, then their number can be reduced.

Using correct location spot lighting, you can easily change the entire perception of space.

You can visually expand a small, narrow or elongated kitchen by installing a group of several lamps along the center and on both sides of the ceiling of a narrow or elongated kitchen. That is, the main goal is to fill the space as evenly as possible with soft, diffused light without shadows.

When lighting large spaces, the main task is to arrange the light sources so that they perfectly illuminate everything. functional areas, but at the same time created comfort, intimacy and a pleasant atmosphere. Most often, lamps are placed as in the photo below: there are spots around the perimeter of the kitchen, and hanging chandeliers in the center above the table or island.

Most universal option placement of spotlights in the kitchen is as follows: in the center of the kitchen, above the table or bar counter, you can hang ceiling lights or a chandelier, and install spotlights only above work area right above the kitchen unit.

But if the kitchen has low ceilings, then it is better to choose rotating models and direct their light up to the ceiling, and also install lamps on the visor wall cabinets kitchen set. It is better not to hang a chandelier in a low kitchen.

In addition, spotlights allow you to perfectly zone a room, highlighting each of the functional areas. As a rule, in combined spaces - in a studio apartment, kitchen-dining room, kitchen-living room, the work area, kitchen area or adjacent hallway stands out spot lighting, and the seating or dining area is illuminated by a chandelier and pendant lamps.

Spotlights are simply created for decoration and illumination two-level ceilings. In this case, embedded models are usually used. You can highlight everything or just one level, as in the next photo on the right.

How to properly install spotlights

Installation of spotlights requires the preparation of certain tools and devices:

  • Connection terminals;
  • Flat-head screwdriver;
  • Crowns for wood or metal (the latter will be required for working with slatted ceilings);
  • Assembly knife for stripping wires;
  • Drill;
  • Wire cutters;
  • Pliers;
  • Ladder.

Connecting spotlights is impossible without creating the appropriate electrical wiring. At the first stage, the lighting box is installed - it is mounted in such a way that there is free access to it at all times. This means that you should not place the box behind the trim. After this, a separate wire is laid from the box to each lamp. The wires must be placed in a corrugated pipe, which is necessary for protection.

If you plan to place in plasterboard ceiling, then the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The location of each device on the ceiling is accurately marked, while the location of the guides must be taken into account; lamps should not be attached to them;
  • A hole of the appropriate size is cut with a drill bit, and for square devices the hole is made with a jigsaw;
  • The previously routed cable is pulled out through the hole. Of course, the wire must be de-energized during work. In order to be sure to remove the cable from a small hole, use a wire hook;
  • The wire brought out is connected in accordance with the colors through the terminals. If you use LED lamps with screw terminals for the wire, then terminals are not required;
  • Next comes the placement of the lamp in the hole, as a result of which it is secured with special spring clamps;
  • A lamp is screwed into the device, and after that a decorative ring is put on;
  • Conduct a system performance check.

Do you want to add mystery and a certain zest to the interior with the help of the play of light on the ceiling? Spotlights are perfect for this! With their help, you can also highlight different functional areas and emphasize the design of a room with a multi-level ceiling. In this article we will tell you how to determine the appropriate placement of spotlights on suspended ceiling, we will provide a photo interesting solutions in the interior and several win-win schemes.

Stretch ceiling with spotlights: how many lamps do you need?

One of the first steps when planning lighting in an apartment is to determine the number of spotlights on the suspended ceiling needed for the bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom or hallway. You can calculate how many light sources the room will need using special calculators or based on the size of the room. To do this, you need to know the length, width and height of the ceiling, as well as the beam angle or wattage of the lamps that will be used. On average, the lighting of an area is 1.5−2.0 sq. m. requires 1 spotlight with a power of 35 Watt.

Knowing the number of lamps, we can calculate their ideal location. The length of the room or zone must be divided by the number of lamps in the row, multiplied by 2. This will be the distance between the wall and the first (and last) lamp. Multiply it by 2 to get the distance from lamp to lamp.

Options and layouts of lamps on the ceiling

The main advantage of using spotlights is that they help make the light more even, diffused and soft. In addition, they are quite economical to operate and can be controlled using switches, which allows you to regulate power consumption. In combination with suspended and multi-level ceilings, spotlights create a unique look for the interior, giving it a special architecture and atmosphere. Instead of words, let's consider various options in photos and diagrams:

  • Parallel arrangement in 2 rows or more - great option for narrow and long rooms;

Also read: Which stretch ceiling design to choose in 2017?

  • Rectangular arrangement - allows you to visually expand the room, but requires a central light source. Perfect to match with a chandelier.

  • Arc-shaped arrangement - using this scheme, you can focus on a certain part of the room, for example, highlight a work area or emphasize the transition between levels of a stretch ceiling.

  • The cross pattern is a good option for small interior when it is desirable to do without a massive chandelier or pendant lamp.

  • Checkerboard arrangement of spotlights - perfect solution for a kitchen with an island and other rooms in which it is important to illuminate both the center and the corners of the room.

  • Square arrangement without chandelier - practical choice for a bathroom or hallway.

  • Other schemes for lighting and decorating a room with spotlights: after all, the available possibilities are limited only by the designer’s imagination!

Arrangement of spotlights on a suspended ceiling - 20 photos

We invite you to evaluate 20 more photos of interiors with original examples placement of spotlights on tension and multi-level ceiling. Save best options Note to self!

Also read: Ceiling lighting with LED strip - 30 ideas with baseboards

Also read: Edison lamp - a fashion trend in interior design

Planning the lighting organization depends on design features premises, its purpose and the proposed furniture arrangement. In addition, it is important to consider specifications the devices themselves. You should start planning by identifying the different zones in the room. For example, in a room intended for children, it is necessary to provide a recreation area where lighting will be minimal, a play area and a work area where the maximum number of lamps will be required. Thus, on the room plan you can mark areas with different lighting standards.

Before choosing the type of lamp, you should also consider the height of the room. When installing suspended ceilings from plasterboard and tensile structures made from PVC film or fabric, the surface level is lowered by , but for the installation of lighting fixtures certain type You may need a more significant distance from the floor slab to accommodate communications and the lamp itself.

Therefore, for low ceilings, it is best to use LED devices that take up minimal space under the suspended ceiling, and for high rooms any options are suitable.

Popular lamp placement schemes.

Having decided on the type of lighting equipment, and based on the lighting standards and zoning of the room, you can calculate the required number of units and decide on the location of the devices.

The design of lamps must be coordinated with overall design premises (you should not install Art Nouveau style appliances in a room with classic finish and furniture).

Calculation of the number of required lamps

The existing recommended lighting standards for each type of premises will allow you to correctly calculate the number of lamps and their required technical characteristics. Currently, apartment owners are increasingly switching to LED bulbs, therefore, the calculation of the lighting norm for each room in the apartment will be shown using their example.

The illuminance rate is expressed in W per one square meter and amounts to:

  • for toilets and bathrooms – 2 W/m2;
  • for halls – 3 W/m2;
  • for corridors and hallways – 1 W/m2;
  • for the bedroom – 2 W/m2;
  • for children’s – 7 W/m2.

Based on the above standards, you can easily calculate the required number of devices and decide how to place the lamps on the suspended ceiling. To do this you will need:

  1. Multiply the area of ​​the room by the illumination standard, for example: 12 m 2 x 7 W/m 2 (for a children's room) = 84 W.
  2. Divide the found value by the power of one lighting fixture, for example: 84 W/6 W=14 pcs.

It turns out that to create the necessary lighting in a children's room you will need 14 LED lamps power 6 W.

For this example It turns out that the total lighting power for a children's room using incandescent lamps will be: 84 W x 4 = 336 W, and for fluorescent lamps: 84 W x 2.5 = 210 W. If the calculation results in a non-integer number, it is rounded to the nearest whole number.

Basic rules for placing lamps

In order to correctly determine the location of lamps on a suspended ceiling, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • chandeliers are traditionally placed in the center of the room;
  • a symmetrical arrangement of lamps implies equal distances from the walls and equal spaces between the devices themselves;
  • the placement of spotlights is aligned relative to the chandelier;
  • the minimum distance from the wall for installing the lamp is 200 mm;
  • The recommended gap between individual lamps in a chain is 300 mm.

These rules also apply to suspended plasterboard ceilings.

Schemes for placing lamps in rooms

Lighting Approach various rooms in an apartment must be strictly individual, since each room has a special purpose and, therefore, the decision on the location and number of lighting fixtures will be special.


Installing lamps in a night rest room involves creating a comfortable, soft, dim light. Best for equipment ceiling covering In the bedroom, matte stretch ceilings with LED light bulbs located around the perimeter are suitable.

Small lamps with warm light will create the right dispersion luminous flux, and the presence of an adjustable dimmer will allow you to adjust the power of the lamps according to the mood of the owners.

The fluorescent lamps hidden behind the decorative molding look original, creating a soft light edging of the ceiling.


Before deciding how to place spotlights on the ceiling in a children's room, you will need to plan the zoning of this room for its intended purpose. Typically, there are three zones in a nursery:

  1. Gaming.
  2. Working.
  3. Bedroom.

The main number of lamps should be placed in the play and work areas; for the recreation area, it is advisable to equip diffused, calm lighting. For convenience, it is recommended to distribute zone lighting of the nursery to various switches so that it is possible to regulate the processes of children’s activities.

In addition to ceiling lighting, it is necessary to place in the children's room desk lamp or sconces that will allow you to emphasize the light flow when doing homework or drawing at the table.

We must not forget that it is important for children to allocate their own space with the help of various attributes, therefore the design of lamps in the nursery should be chosen less conservative, and placement on suspended ceiling It is recommended to perform in the form of fairy-tale contours, stars, figures.

Living room

The best way to place spotlights on the ceiling in a hall or living room is to place them around the perimeter of the room with a traditional chandelier installed in the center of the ceiling. This method allows you to obtain uniform illumination of the entire room and, at the same time, if desired, you can extinguish the chandelier, obtaining softer, unobtrusive lighting due to built-in spotlights.

Most designers insist on placing a chandelier in the hall, and you can install additional lighting different ways, focusing on the arrangement of furniture in the living room.

If this room is used not only as a living room, then it is advisable to use light to divide the room into separate zones:

  • the office needs brighter lighting;
  • in the sleeping area you can reduce the number of lamps;
  • above dining table It is best to place a central chandelier.


The number and type of lighting fixtures in the kitchen depends on its size. For large modern rooms, you can use a combined lighting scheme: a chandelier illuminates the eating area, and recessed spotlights, located in a semicircle or at right angles, illuminate workplace housewives.

As interesting design You could consider cascading lights above the dining table, but this option is only available for really large kitchens.

For small rooms with a rectangular shape, it is recommended to line up three parallel lines perpendicular to the long wall. This installation method will allow you to visually move the walls apart and prevent shading of individual areas.


Typically, the space in an apartment that is occupied by a corridor or hallway is small, devoid of a source of natural light, and accordingly there is a need for visual magnification of this room.

For this purpose, it is recommended to choose a glossy one as a ceiling covering. stretch fabric, and place spotlights on the suspended ceiling evenly around the perimeter of the room.

At the location of the mirror, it is necessary to increase the luminous flux either through additional devices on the ceiling, or using wall sconces. Long and narrow corridors can be visually expanded if you use lamps with directional light, emphasizing light spots on the walls.


The peculiarity of placing lighting fixtures in the bathroom is primarily to ensure safety. For lighting equipment in rooms with high humidity, sealed lamps are used; halogen lamps are usually chosen.

IN small room in the bathroom, no more than 8 spotlights are installed, this amount is quite enough to obtain quality lighting. Place the mounting points evenly across the entire surface of the bathroom ceiling.

The ceiling is the most common place to install spotlights, chandeliers and LED backlight. The location of the lamps depends on the number of fixtures, structure, area and shape of the ceiling.

The slightest nuances should be taken into account, otherwise a technically incorrect solution will negatively affect the interior, lighting and energy costs. There are different requirements for the placement of lighting fixtures depending on the type of room.

Types of ceiling lighting

Before considering the basic requirements and rules for arranging lamps on the ceiling, we will determine the types of devices suitable for apartments and private houses. On the ceiling you can see:

  1. A chandelier is a traditional lighting fixture, in most cases mounted in the center of the ceiling. Consists of several horns with sockets for many light bulbs. Well illuminates the room.
  2. Built-in spotlights. Also called "spots". Install exclusively on a suspended ceiling. Place part of the body in tension structure, and leave the decorative one in plain sight, front side. They are often mounted around the perimeter of the ceiling or in certain areas (reading, applying makeup).
  3. Illumination - decorative lighting. LED strips are used in apartments; on the streets you can find more varieties, including neon bulbs.
  4. No less popular are wall and table lamps and floor lamps.

What lamps can be used in built-in lamps

The built-in lamp has at least one base. The light bulb is selected depending on the type of base and lighting requirements. An important factor is the structure of the ceiling.

Stretch ceilings have certain limitations - the fabrics, films and other materials used in the arrangement are not resistant to heat, so halogens and CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) with a power of no more than 20 W are installed here.

When using an incandescent lamp, the power should be no more than 40 W. If the ceiling is made of fabric, then the power limit increases to 35 and 60 W, respectively. In the case of LED strips

There are no restrictions, since during operation the temperature of the devices is many times lower than that of conventional lamps. In such a situation, focus on the shape, brightness and color temperature. The latter affects the luminous flux - the device can shine in cold white or warm yellow.

Basic rules for placement

  1. Before installing lamps, you need to study a number of installation requirements. To improve lighting quality and efficiency, follow the recommendations below:
  2. The distance from the spotlight to the corner of the wall and ceiling must be at least 200 mm.
  3. If there is only one chandelier, then place it strictly in the center of the ceiling. In studio apartments, it is recommended to use one chandelier above each work area.
  4. In suspended ceilings, the distance from the built-in lamp to the seam of the polyvinyl chloride film is at least 150 mm. One spot device illuminates no more than 2 square meters. m. When calculating required quantity
  5. lamps, rely on the fact that one lamp provides enough light for 1.5 square meters. m. With a symmetrical arrangement ceiling lamps

Maintain the same distance between the appliances, the individual device and the wall.

The distance to the windows does not matter. Your main task is to ensure that the light falls on all objects in the room. The recommendations are suitable for installing spots in stretch, suspended and slatted ceilings.

Calculation of the required number of spotlights Important Before installing spotlights, it is necessary to calculate their quantity. The rule is “one lamp per 1.5 sq. m" is relevant, but ideally you need to take into account the power of the devices. A 20 W spot is required per square meter. When using a 30–35 W lamp, it will be possible to illuminate 1.5 square meters. m. Divide the area of ​​the room by a fractional number and get the number of lamps needed to fully illuminate the room.

Depending on the chosen layout, the number of lamps varies up or down.

The type of room affects this. For example, fewer fixtures are usually installed in bedrooms because there is no need for bright light. In the living room or hallway, where there are no windows, the number can be increased. In the latter case, separate switches must be installed (for groups of lamps - at least two for full and partial illumination) and dimmers capable of adjusting the brightness of the light. The most popular is connecting lamps through one, in a checkerboard pattern.

Location of lamps on the ceiling

Above we talked about the influence of the type of room on the placement of lamps on the ceiling. Every little detail is taken into account, from the geometry of the room, the location of windows and ending with the lighting requirements for specific areas. Do not forget about the aesthetic component - the room should look like a single whole, the light should fall on objects intended to focus attention.

The standard option is to have a chandelier in the center of the ceiling and spots along the perimeter. Typically, lighting fixtures are chosen in the same style or neutral spots are purchased.

Some people prefer to do without a chandelier, considering it a relic of the past. But the absence of one may be determined by the type of room: it is difficult to imagine a bathroom or corridor with a large, beautiful and bright chandelier. In the first case, this is due to electrical and fire safety, in the second - to aesthetics. On the other hand, not only the corridor, but the bathroom and toilet are rooms where there are no natural light sources, so we strongly recommend increasing the estimated number of lamps.

Below we will discuss how to arrange lamps depending on the type of room.

In the bedroom

Often, spotlights in bedrooms are placed in a circle or in an oval shape. Spots can be placed along the wall opposite the bed. This is especially true if the TV is mounted to the wall. Fans of laconic design, minimalism and hi-tech styles will appreciate a classic set of lighting fixtures and a standard arrangement - one chandelier in the center, along long walls- Spotlights.

In the living room

The most important room in which it is held most of waking time. Install a colorful chandelier in the center of the ceiling, and spots around the perimeter. Lamps located along the edge of the ceiling will provide dim light when the chandelier, which is the main source, is turned off.

Just like in the bedroom standard option The use of one chandelier and several lamps is considered, but in this case there will be more of the latter. If there is only one place for a chandelier (in the center), then the spots can be placed in the form of a variety of geometric shapes

. In a room with an asymmetrical ceiling consisting of several levels, you can do without using a chandelier altogether. In such a situation, lamps should be placed in groups, illuminating different areas.

Children's Incorrect lighting design in a children's room promises much more trouble. This requires a more diverse scheme. Your child will grow up, he will need to study and do homework, so take separate zone

and make the lighting bright. Sufficient lighting is required in the play area, but it is important not to overdo it. Finally, it is recommended to arrange more subdued lighting above the sleeping area. For this reason, the first thing you should do is decide on the location of the bed, table, play area, and then calculate the number of lamps. Using two-tier ceilings

lighting fixtures are installed along the boundary of the levels. There are many more schemes for flat ceilings - you can take one of them or come up with your own.

In the kitchen The kitchen is another room consisting of several zones. The brightest light is required above the dining table and work area (food preparation). In the first case, you can install a large chandelier on the ceiling; in the second, you can supplement it with spots built into bottom part

wall cabinets. Another layout is associated with spot installation

For the kitchen, the choice of location of lighting fixtures depends on the style of the room itself and your preferences. To create a soft or intimate interior, use patterns with circles. Laconic design requires more straight geometric patterns. Be sure to try it different sizes and types of lamps.

In the bathroom and toilet

In these rooms there is no need for a chandelier. This is due to the small area and electrical safety. The spotlights used in the bathroom are installed in the shape of a rectangle or oval along the walls. Additionally, you need to hang a wall-mounted device above the mirror.

In addition to design and style, do not forget about good moisture protection of the selected electrical appliances. Because of high humidity Try to avoid using fluorescent lamps whose choke is not sealed. Luminaires must withstand vapors and splashes of both hot and cold water. The location depends on the specific devices.

Small baths remain small even with a shared bathroom. You won't be able to accelerate much here - the area is still small. In a typical situation, two or three lamps are located above the bathtub and shower stall, and several more in the rest of the room.

If you don’t like laconicism, then try to buy lamps that are interesting in design or use electrical equipment with different beams of light.

In the corridor and hallway

The installation of spotlights on the ceiling in the corridor depends on the geometric shape of the room. In the narrow opening there are enough spots located in one row. In a rectangular room, it is ideal to use four lamps that form this geometric figure. Do not forget that spotlights can be mounted not only under the ceiling, but also in various subjects

, as it is done in the kitchen (under the wall cabinets).

Installation instructions

Installation of spotlights in suspended ceilings begins with laying electrical wiring along the base ceiling. This is done before installing the tension structure. After completing the work, mark the areas where the lamps will be located. Build fasteners for them in advance. After installing the ceiling, make cuts in the marked places, install thermal rings that will not allow it to tear further. Pass the wires and connect the light sources at the end of the work. Choosing the location of lamps is a process that requires following certain recommendations, compliance with electrical and

fire safety and creative approach. when arranging a room with a suspended ceiling. An accurate calculation of the required number of miniature appliances, as well as knowledge of the rules for their successful placement, will help make the interior spectacular and practical.

Number of lights on the ceiling: the more, the better?

The best lamp placement schemes: secrets of a successful layout

The problem of how to place lamps on a suspended ceiling arises for everyone who has chosen a similar lighting format. This is not surprising: there are many options possible.

If you don't take into account important nuances, it’s easy to spoil the interior design and get insufficient light levels.

There are general proven layouts of spots and lighting equipment:

  • "Oval" pattern. Spot lamps forming an oval create uniform illumination of the perimeter of the room, leaving the center semi-dark. The problem is solved by installing a chandelier.

  • Circular location - a good option for apartments square shape. With this option, the center will receive maximum illumination, and the corners will remain darkened.

  • Two symmetrical semicircles are a typical technique that allows you to illuminate dark corners. With this arrangement, a chandelier is a must-have attribute.
  • Cross-shaped - light sources mounted crosswise will provide uniform illumination of the area. This is a wonderful alternative to a traditional chandelier.
  • Rectangle shape. This option is recommended when it is necessary to visually expand the space.

  • The “arc” scheme allows you to highlight a work or other functional area with light.

  • The wave-like shape looks good in a room with a non-standard layout. It attracts attention, hiding existing defects or shortcomings.

Some designers don't accept traditional schemes and create extraordinary original drawings according to the planned layout.

Having decided how to place spotlights on a suspended ceiling, plan a place for them before installing a suspended or suspended structure.

“The Magic Five”, or How to successfully use 5 lamps?

Today, when decorating a home, people rarely limit themselves to a single chandelier. It’s easy to make your interior spectacular and practical with the help of spotlights.

If you have five exquisite fixtures in your arsenal, you will have to work hard to distribute the lamps on the suspended ceiling, because symmetrical options are excluded.

When planning lighting, designers often use the following techniques:

    • Living room. The classic layout of lighting equipment is popular: massive spots in the center. The lighting above the sofa turns on when you want to read or do handicrafts. To add originality, 5 lamps can be mounted in a semicircle or zigzag.
    • Bedroom. A place to rest and sleep requires subdued and soft light. To create a relaxing and relaxed atmosphere, products with a rotating base are installed behind the curtain rod - the lamps remain invisible, and the light flux is directed to the ceiling. In the presence of dressing table in the room, mount the existing devices above it - this will emphasize the importance of the area and ensure the proper level of light when setting the stage.
    • Hallway. Small rooms required visual expansion space. In corridors, 5 lamps are distributed along the room, and in hallways with a square or rectangular shape, the option looks good - 4 lamps in the corners and 1 in the center.
    • Bathroom. The room requires bright illumination. Having selected beautiful spots, place 4 pieces along the room, and install 1 additional one above the mirror. Non-trivial options also look beautiful - wave or zigzag.

By following simple rules, it is easy to create a unique and cozy atmosphere, but violating the “laws” can introduce disharmony into the space. Experiments with the placement of lighting equipment are acceptable, but it is advisable to hear the opinion of an expert, otherwise the result may be disappointing.

“Trump Six”: laws for placing 6 light sources in the interior

When planning lighting in apartments with suspended ceilings, owners often purchase a pair of lamps. The reason is obvious - in this situation it is much easier to arrange lamps on the ceiling; it is possible to use symmetrical patterns.

When there are 6 point devices on hand, designers suggest:

  • Living room. Furniture in the house is often installed along the walls, and spots can be mounted in the same way: 3 on each side. Central lighting will be provided by a chandelier. This will transform the light from bright to dim. Popular options are to install lamps around a chandelier or in an arc in the corner of the room when there is a recreation area there.
  • Hallway. If the corridor is very narrow, use a trick: install 3 devices with a movable base on both sides, and direct the light to the walls - this will make the space voluminous. Apartments correct form decorated with lamps grouped in pairs and lined up along the corridor.
  • Bedroom. The room should be filled with soft light, so it is better to place the lamps symmetrically on both sides of the bed, mount them along a cabinet or cornice, or implement a complex wave- or arc-shaped pattern in the bedside area.
  • Children's room. Lamps are best used for zoning space: to highlight a place to study or sleep.
    It is imperative to place the chandelier on the ceiling, because the main condition is that there must be enough light.
    Choose a non-trivial scheme of 6 LED devices different color, creating an unusual pattern along the wall or in the center of the nursery.

Kitchen interior: how to equip lighting?

Spotlights are an important attribute kitchen interior, they can completely replace a ceiling chandelier or serve as a backlight. By choosing the right layout, you can change the perception of space and increase its convenience:

    • One or two strips of lamps lined along the room will allow you to expand a small and narrow kitchen.

    • In spacious apartments, miniature devices serve to zone the space: they provide additional lighting dining area, bar counter.

    • Today, it is considered mandatory to place spots on a suspended ceiling along the working surface: their rotating base allows you to direct the light to the desired point.

Proper lighting will emphasize the beauty and uniqueness of the interior and create cozy atmosphere in the house.