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Hibiscus tree-like garden: description of the plant, care, reproduction. Growing hibiscus at home and in the garden Outdoor hibiscus care

There are over 200 varieties of hibiscus. They all come from the tropics, but under conditions middle lane only a few plant species survive. Syrian hibiscus is one of them. To garden flower pleased the owner, it’s not enough just to choose appropriate place on the site, plant and water it. The Syrian rose is demanding to care for. The gardener will need knowledge about the rules for transplanting, pruning, feeding the plant, as well as about pest control.

flower description

Hibiscus arborescens from the Malvaceae family belongs to garden varieties. It is a deciduous shrub growing in its natural environment up to 6 m in height. In the gardens of Russia, the plant is much smaller, it barely reaches 1.5 m. The Syrian rose can be found in China, in the western part of Asia, in Korea. Tropical shrub grown in open field in an area where there are no harsh winters - in the southern part of Russia and Ukraine, in the Crimea.

The shrub has a thick tree-like trunk branched in a sympodial type. The leaf plates of the plant are palmately divided, reach a length of 10 cm, their color is green. The flowers are often bell-shaped 10-12 cm in diameter and can be painted in various colors - yellow, lilac, pink, crimson. They are of two types:

  • terry;
  • simple.

Breeders bred two-color varieties. The flowers in this case have a contrasting middle. Bushes with double flowers look especially luxurious. In addition to the Syrian rose, climatic conditions in the middle lane, herbaceous varieties of garden hibiscus take root.

Popular varieties of Syrian rose

A distinctive feature of garden hibiscus species is that each individual flower displays its beauty within one day. Continuous flowering for several months, from spring to autumn, perhaps due to the many peduncles that are located in the axils of the leaves.

Are popular hybrid varieties Syrian roses, obtained by crossing the holly, bright red and swamp hibiscus:

  1. 1. "Youth". The plant is a slightly branched low shrub with stems and shoots of light green and yellowish hues. Sheet plates are three-part or five-part. Flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, tulip-shaped Pink colour with white center and calyx.
  2. 2. "Late". A well-branched lush shrub 1 m high. The leaves are oval-arrow-shaped. Flowers 6-8 cm in diameter are located on thick peduncles. They are painted bright pink.
  3. 3. "Pale pink." Tall strongly branched shrub up to 170 cm high. Leaf plates are three-cut with notches along the edges. The color of the leaves is yellow-green. The flowers are large - 12 cm in diameter, made in the shape of a tulip. The cups and cores are painted white, and the petals are pale pink.
  4. 4. "Pink-porcelain". This shrub grows to a height of 1.30 m. Its pale green stems are highly branched. The leaves are located on the petioles, their middle part is protruding, and the edges have deep incisions. The flowers are made in the shape of a bell, the diameter reaches 12 cm. Their color is interesting - pale pink with a barely noticeable yellowish tint.

Rules for planting a seedling

The life expectancy of hibiscus in the garden is 20 years. The plant will delight the gardener under one condition - if he is comfortable. In order for the Syrian rose to develop well, it is necessary:

  • choose the right time and place for landing;
  • use suitable soil;
  • take care of the bush;
  • protect it from pests.

When to land and how to choose a seat?

Hibiscus in the garden are planted in the spring. You can’t rush with planting - you need to wait until the soil warms up and night frosts pass. Otherwise, the seedling may die. Autumn is not the right time for planting, as the bush will not have time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

The Syrian rose loves warmth. A place located in the sun or in openwork penumbra is suitable for her. Well, if it is protected from strong gusts of wind. The plant has a negative attitude to excess moisture, so it is better to find a place on the site that is not in the lowland, but on a hill.

If the soil in the garden is viscous and heavy, you will have to replace it, as the hibiscus tree prefers porous light soil.

How to land - instructions

The root system of the seedling of the Syrian rose is quite large, it is important that the roots are freely located in the pit. Its size should be twice as large as the rhizome of the bush. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom - a broken brick will do. Pour the crumbs on top:

  • sand - 10 cm;
  • compost - 15 cm;
  • the last layer is also sandy, its thickness is 10-15 cm.

The soil extracted from the pit in its pure form is not suitable for planting and growing tree hibiscus. It is necessary to add additives that give looseness to it. It is recommended to use 4 parts of peat and 1 part of sand for 2 parts of soil.

The root of the seedling is placed in a prepared hole so that its neck is just below ground level.. Next, the roots are covered with soil and spud. Immediately after planting, the plant is watered with water, filling the near-trunk circle with it. To keep moisture in the soil longer, it is worth mulching the soil near the seedling.

plant care

Care for the Syrian rose is not burdensome. The gardener must monitor the level of soil moisture, feed the crop in a timely manner, loosen the ground near the bush and remove weeds. All these procedures are standard and do not require specific knowledge. It is important to remember that withered flowers must be cut off. They not only spoil the appearance of the plant, but also take away some of the energy that the hibiscus will need to form new buds.

Syrian rose needs feeding. During active growth, in summer, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are used. They are brought in every 2 weeks. From the end of September, when the shrub fades completely and prepares for the dormant phase, potash and phosphorus top dressings are used.


Watering hibiscus should be regular and moderate. When intense heat sets in, and natural precipitation for a long time No, you need to moisten the soil every day. In other cases, watering is done as needed, when the surface layer of the soil becomes dry.

Attention! Waterlogging is dangerous for the Syrian rose - the root may rot, then the bush will die.


Hibiscus pruning is necessary for two reasons. With its help, they give the desired shape to the plant and remove damaged and old branches. Gardeners perform this procedure in early spring, immediately after the snow melts, and in autumn, when the leaves have fallen.

In a newly planted Syrian rose, all shoots are shortened, leaving 2-3 buds each, but the trunk itself is not touched. Formative pruning is done annually. It is recommended to cut all branches to the level of 1-2 buds. The top of the bush is also shortened, leaving 6-7 internodes. The lower tier is removed almost without residue to avoid strong thickening.

If the goal of the gardener is sanitary pruning of the plant, then you will have to completely cut off the shoots directed inside the bush, as well as old, broken and diseased branches. All last year's shoots should be shortened by one third. Regular pruning contributes to the emergence of young shoots and abundant flowering in the current year.


Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant garden hibiscus to a new place. This is done in the spring, after the pruning procedure. It is impossible to postpone this matter for a long time; during flowering, the shrub is not transplanted.

The procedure itself is the same as planting a seedling. First, they dig a hole, given that its size should be 2 times larger than the root. Then prepare the drainage, the soil mixture. The plant is dug in and watered, and the trunk circle is mulched.

Top dressing after transplantation is not applied, you need to pause for 2-3 weeks to give the hibiscus the opportunity to take root and get stronger. Only then can nitrogenous and phosphorus-containing fertilizers be introduced.

autumn care

Hybrid varieties of Syrian roses are adapted for wintering in the open field, even in the middle zone. They withstand frosts down to -20 degrees, being under cover. When flowering ends, and above-ground part shrub dies off, gardeners cut it almost to the root, leaving a small process above the soil surface. The plant is spudded and a layer of sawdust or dry foliage mulch is laid.

Preparing for the winter

There are 2 options for what to do with hibiscus at the end of November. Some gardeners, fearing the death of the plant in winter, dig it up, put it in a suitable container and leave it in this form in the cellar. When spring comes, they plant the bush again on the plot.

The second way of wintering garden hibiscus is under a reliable shelter. To build it, you first need to build a frame of wood around the bush. Then any material is pulled over it:

  • lutrasil;
  • spunbond;
  • agrofibre.

Important! Synthetic covering materials do not pass air well, so they must be removed when the snow begins to melt, otherwise the plant will rot.

There is another way to protect hibiscus from the cold - cover it with spruce branches. First, the bush is wound with a bowstring, a bag is put on it, after which spruce branches are piled on top in several layers. In winter, rodents are dangerous for the Syrian rose. They can easily get inside the shelter and gnaw on the bark and shoots. Traps will have to be set up to protect the culture.

Possible problems

Growing and caring for hibiscus involves taking care of the health of the plant and protecting it from pests. A culture can get sick for several reasons:


The Syrian rose rarely suffers from pests. The most dangerous for her dry and hot weather. Under such conditions vigorous activity lead spider mites as well as aphids and thrips. These insects feed on leaf sap, which leads to severe depletion and sometimes even death of the crop.

To combat these pests, insecticides and acaricides are used - Fitoverm, Aktellik. Processing is carried out 3 times with an interval of 10-14 days. Gardeners who have already encountered such a problem are advised to alternate funds that have a different composition. This recommendation is related to the ability of pests to develop resistance to chemicals.


Tree hibiscus suffering from chlorosis. This disease is associated with a lack of iron in the soil. Noticing that the lower tier of leaves is crumbling, and the new ones acquire a yellow tint, it is necessary to act immediately until the bush dies. Iron chelate will help save the culture. This substance is added to water, which is then poured over the trunk circle.

Another problem that arises when growing a Syrian rose is the lack of flowering and slower growth of shoots. This happens if the gardener neglects the mineral fertilizing procedure. Lack of boron and phosphorus in plant cells can lead to death.

Dropping and yellowing of hibiscus leaves is not necessarily due to pest or disease. Often this happens after transplantation, if the root was accidentally damaged. This is dangerous, as it can rot, especially with heavy watering. Correct the situation will help the drug Kornevin, a biostimulator. It is diluted with water, according to the instructions and watered.

How to propagate hibiscus tree?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to grow a new hibiscus bush, having the old one at its disposal, that is, propagate it. This can be done in different ways:

  • cutting method;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • through vaccination;
  • seeds.

The most commonly used methods are cuttings and dividing the bush. The second option is applicable during plant transplantation. Any gardener can handle it - after digging up the culture, the root is carefully divided into 2-3 parts. Each of them is planted in a prepared place, adhering to the landing rules.

seed propagation

It is possible to sow hibiscus tree seeds at home starting in January. In this case, the seedlings will have enough time to get stronger and be ready for transplanting into open ground. You will need a shallow container with a perforation at the bottom and a light potting mix. It is better to take peat and sand in equal proportions.

First, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is enough to hold them there for 30 minutes. Thereafter planting material placed in Epin for a day. Now you need to make small indentations in the soil and put the seeds there. It is not recommended to lay a dense layer of soil on them, you need to lightly crush the seeds. The surface of the substrate is irrigated with a sprayer.

The container is covered with a film, having made several holes in it for air access. The container itself is placed in a warm place. It is important to monitor the level of soil moisture in the greenhouse, regularly remove the film for ventilation. After waiting for tender shoots to appear, the greenhouse is removed.

The sprouts are picked after the appearance of three leaves. On the initial stage seedlings will need small containers - plastic cups. Care for young hibiscus includes:

  • moderate watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • protection from drafts and direct sunlight
  • top dressing with mineral complexes (2 weeks after picking).

Attention! You can not transfer plants to open ground before the middle May, when warm weather sets in.

Reproduction by cuttings

The easiest way to get a few young Syrian rose bushes is propagation by cuttings. This is done only in the summer, when the culture is actively developing. Several cuttings are cut from the bush, having a pair of internodes. The section is immersed in Epin's solution for 30 minutes. Then the cuttings are planted in peat, moistened, and a greenhouse is built. In order for rooting to proceed safely, it is advisable to place the pots in a warm and humid place.

After 30 days, seedlings can be transplanted into larger containers by filling them with a soil mixture of components taken in equal amounts:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • turf;
  • leaf land.

The substrate after transplantation is watered. Soon the seedlings will begin to grow rapidly, then you should pinch all the shoots. Landing on the site is planned when the plant is strong enough and acquires the correct shape. At favorable conditions a Syrian rose grown from a cutting will please with flowering in the first year of life.

Garden care for hibiscus tree can be done even by a novice grower. The unpretentious native of the tropics requires only careful handling, regular and moderate watering, top dressing and pruning.

Hibiscus flowers can be recognized from afar by their funnel-shaped shape and graceful petals. The large flowers can be up to 1 foot wide and attract butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden. There are about 200 types of hibiscus, varying in size, color and frost resistance. Flowers can be white, red, pink, yellow, blue, purple or bicolor. Hibiscus can be used as a tapeworm, to create a hedge, to decorate a bare wall, as a cover for an unsightly fence, or to create a tropical atmosphere around a swimming pool.


Part 1

Preparing for landing

    Choose a type of hibiscus. Hibiscus are different and appearance, and flowers, but the most important thing is to choose a type of hibiscus that will thrive in your area. There are two main types of shrub hibiscus: tropical and hardy. Tropical hibiscus will grow in areas with warm weather and year-round temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Winter-hardy hibiscus are hybrid species that have been bred to grow in cold areas where temperatures can drop below freezing in winter.

    Decide how you will grow your hibiscus. Like most flowering plants, hibiscus can be grown in three ways: from seed, from seedlings, or from cuttings. Growing hibiscus from seeds is a fun activity as you can breed perfectly new variety, crossing two different kind hibiscus. On the other hand, growing from seed is a laborious process, which, moreover, may not be successful. If you want to easily achieve tangible results, you must find a hibiscus already growing in a pot and transplant it into your garden.

    You need to know when to plant hibiscus. Since hibiscus is a heat-loving plant, it should be planted well after the end of the winter season. You can plant hibiscus when the outside temperature is not within 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature drops to 55 degrees, the plant will stop growing. If it drops to 45 degrees or even lower, the plant will die. This is not as critical for winter-hardy hibiscus species, but it is still an important reminder that these plants need warmth.

    Choose the best location. Hibiscus is a photophilous plant, but too much direct sunlight causes it to burn. Choose a spot in your garden that receives 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day and diffused sunlight the rest of the time. As a rule, such sites can be located on the western or southern side of the garden. Hibiscus can be shaded if needed big trees, but it must be taken into account that it needs space for growth, since an adult specimen will take 2-3 times more space compared to its original size.

    Improve your soil. Hibiscus is picky about soil conditions, so it's a good idea to improve the soil before planting it. Check the pH (acidity) of your garden soil; Hibiscus prefers acidic soil, so soil with a pH above 6.5 needs to be made more acidic. In addition, you will need to apply a large amount of nutrients and fertilizers. Mix into garden compost a few weeks (or months if you have time) before planting. You can also add a fertilizer that is low in phosphorus and high in potassium to the soil mixture.

    • If your garden soil is too alkaline, adjust the pH by adding peat moss.
    • Typically low phosphorus/high potassium fertilizers have a ratio of 10-4-12 or 9-3-13.

    Part 2

    planting hibiscus
    1. Dig a hole. Use a scoop for this or garden shovel. The depth of each hole (for one plant or seed) should correspond to the length of the roots of the plant, and in width - at least two or even three times wider than the diameter of the root ball. Loose soil around the plant will provide better drainage, it does not need to be compacted. Plant hibiscus plants at least 2-3 feet apart.

      Plant a hibiscus. Carefully place each hibiscus in one hole, being careful not to damage the root ball. Fill the hole with soil, so that the stem of the plant is covered with soil at the base of the stem. If the stem is covered with soil, over time this will lead to the death of the plant. Water the hibiscus well immediately after planting to help reduce the risk of transplant shock.

      Water your hibiscus regularly. The soil should be moist, but not wet. Make sure the soil in which the hibiscus grows is always moist, as drying it out can cause wilting and heatstroke of the plant. In winter, when the plant is dormant, water only when the soil is very dry.

      Control pests. It's a good idea to mulch the hibiscus area to block weed growth and retain moisture in the soil. Pull out all the weeds so that the hibiscus doesn't waste energy competing for space and nutrients. Tropical hibiscus in some cases has more problems with pests than winter-hardy species. If you're noticing leaf spots or drying out of the leaves, try using an organic insecticide to kill the disease or pest that's infesting the hibiscus.

Today, in temperate regions, a variety of tropical plants. One of the brightest representatives of the flora warm countries is an hibiscus garden, the cultivation of which even a novice grower can do.

Breeders have bred many varieties of hibiscus that grow and develop well even in latitudes with harsh winters.

The flower is often used in landscape design. He can perform essential element flower beds or front garden, and also fit perfectly into a flower arrangement from many types of plant crops. Gratitude perceives care, and its reproduction occurs with ripened seeds.

Description of plant culture

Hibiscus belongs to Malvaceae family. It grows freely in the tropics and subtropics of the New and Old Worlds.

The flower can be grown like room or garden plant. Garden plants can be trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants. A tree-like Syrian rose is grown with a standard tree or shrub with a height up to 1.5 m.

The herbaceous garden dweller is a hybrid hibiscus and can be grown as a perennial or annual.

Despite the species diversity, all members of the genus have some common features. The stems are covered with incised, petiolate leaves. Large flowers of simple and double forms usually have shades of yellow, red and blue. Some varieties have an eye or a border on the petals. The fruits are represented by five-leaved boxes in which seeds are formed.

Many still cannot understand why hibiscus is called the flower of death. In the distant past, people believed that this plant brings misfortune to the family and can be an omen of death. However, this applies to a room view called Chinese rose. Pro garden varieties and there are no signs of hybrids, so hibiscus can be grown on your site without any problems and enjoy it beautiful flowers.

There are up to 250 varieties of garden hibiscus photos of which can be found on the Internet. Often different varieties that differ in the shape, size and color of flowers are used to compile the overall composition of the flower garden. In temperate latitudes, frost-resistant plant species are cultivated.

Hibiscus Syrian grows freely in China. The height of a deciduous shrub can reach 5-6 m. Bright green leaves 8-10 cm long are ovoid.

Single flowers of double or simple form can be different colors. The plant is grown as a bush or standard tree. Popular varieties of this variety:

  • Vyelith Ilar Double. On powerful upright bushes, double or semi-double flowers appear during flowering. Violet-blue petals have red spots towards the center.
  • Diana. The shrub grows up to 2 m in height. White flowers consist of petals with wavy edges and reach a diameter of 10-12 cm.
  • Carneus Plenus. The shrub variety is different flexible branches. Terry pale-pink flowers have a purple spot in the center.
  • Pink Giant. The plant is grown as a bush. At the base of single pink flowers there is a purple spot.

motherland hibiscus trifoliate is central and North Africa. Today, this species is grown in almost all countries. The herbaceous plant is characterized by a tap root system. Branched shoots grow straight and reach 0.9 m in height. Tripartite leaves growing on petioles are arranged alternately. The diameter of yellowish flowers with a dark red center does not exceed 5 cm. This species is interesting in that its flowers open in the morning for several hours, and gather in bud in the afternoon. The herbaceous plant blooms for a whole month, as new buds form in the axils of each leaf plate, and under favorable conditions, new flowers appear daily.

Also used in horticulture hibiscus hybrid. To obtain varieties of this variety, three North American flower species were taken - holly, bright red and marsh. Hybrid hibiscus are represented by herbaceous perennials with spectacular large flowers. Florists prefer to grow the following hybrid varieties:

  • Pale pink. The height of the herbaceous bush reaches 1.6-1.7 m. Yellow-green leaves with jagged edges grow on short shoots. Large tulip-shaped pink flowers have a white bottom and calyx.
  • Late. The height of a compact bush usually does not exceed a meter. The dense foliage consists of serrated, oval-sagittate, petiolate leaves. The color of the bell-shaped flowers is raspberry-pink with a lilac tint. Narrow bells, 6-7 cm in diameter, bloom on thick peduncles.
  • Pink porcelain. Bushes growing up to 1.2 m have branched stems strewn with deeply incised yellow-green leaves. The petiolate leaf plates reach a length of 6-7 cm. The flowers, which have a white throat and a barely noticeable yellowness, are characterized by a large bell-shaped shape and a light pink tint. On short peduncles are collected in bunches.
  • Youth. A slightly branched bush reaches a height of 1.5 m. The stems have a light yellow-green hue. Leaves of the same color can be three- and five-cut. The diameter of pink flowers ranges from 9-10 cm. They are characterized by a tulip-shaped shape.

Under favorable conditions, hibiscus can live in one place. over 20 years. Therefore, it is important to choose for him correct plot. A place for a plant is selected well-lit and isolated from drafts of the wind. The soil should be fertile, light and permeable.

Hibiscus should be planted in the spring after the last frost has passed. In warm weather, it will quickly take root and get stronger. Planting is done as follows:

  • A hole for a seedling is dug 2 times the size of the root system of the bush.
  • A thick layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the hole. broken brick 15 cm. Then comes a layer of sand 10 cm thick and compost 15 cm. The final layer of sand is covered with the same thickness.
  • The excavated earth is mixed with peat and sand.
  • A seedling is carefully placed in the pit, while the root neck should be just below the surface of the soil. The free space is covered with the prepared substrate.
  • The earth should be piled up so that a wide recess is obtained around the bush, into which water will be poured to feed the plant.
  • After planting, the soil is moistened in this circle, into which a little more soil is then poured to level the surface of the site.

Hibiscus can be planted in the fall, but in this case, you will have to mulch and tie the trunk circle of the bush with spruce branches.

Garden Hibiscus Care pretty simple. The flower needs regular watering, which should be done after the soil has completely dried. In the hot season, the bush should be watered more often than usual. Sometimes the dry period is prolonged, then the soil will have to be moistened daily.

The soil around the hibiscus should be loosened regularly. It is also necessary to rid the land next to the shrub of weeds and excess grass.

During the vegetative period, the plant is fertilized with phosphorus and nitrogen.

fertilizers must be added twice a month. With the onset of autumn, potassium supplements are added to these funds.

With the advent of young green shoots, old branches should be removed so that the bush does not thicken. Hibiscus flowers last only one day, but the appearance of flowers one after another contributes to abundant flowering, so it is necessary to remove faded specimens in time to make room for new ones.


Shrub cultivation occurs with mandatory sanitary pruning. The procedure should be carried out in early spring, until sap flow begins. The bush is relieved of diseased, old, dry and underdeveloped shoots. Last year's growths are cut off by one third to stimulate the emergence of new buds. Abundant flowering can only be achieved with heavy pruning.

For aged bushes, anti-aging pruning should be carried out. All old and dead branches are cut off, the remaining shoots are shortened by two-thirds.

decorative pruning do in the case when they want to give the shrub an attractive look with a certain shape. Usually a tree is grown from it, however, it will take a lot of time and patience to complete the plan. After planting, the branches of a young bush are cut to two or three buds; a perfectly developed trunk is left untouched. Every year at the end of the winter season, the lateral branches are shortened to one or two buds, and the main trunk - up to 6-7 buds. When the main trunk grows to the desired height, the desired crown of the tree is formed from strong branches, which need to be cut into 2-3 buds. The top of the shrub should be slightly trimmed, and the lower growth should be completely removed.

winter care

In temperate latitudes, garden hibiscus, left for the winter on the site, should winter with shelter. This rule is mandatory for species with double flowers. The plant is prepared for winter dormancy in the fall. The ground part is cut almost to the very surface of the earth. The soil is moistened and spud. If winter is expected to be snowless or too cold, then mulch is added to the flower in the form of sawdust or dry fallen leaves.

In November, when the temperature drops to -4-9 degrees, a shelter is built around the bush with lutrasil, spunbond or agrotex stretched over a frame. With such material, the plant perfectly tolerates winters at temperatures not lower than -16 degrees. Spruce spruce branches are able to protect the flower in winter from both cold and overheating.

In regions with harsh winters, gardeners dig up the plants and transplant them into large containers or boxes. The containers are transferred to the basement or other cool room where the hibiscus spends all winter. The bushes are transplanted back into the garden with the onset of spring.

Hibiscus propagation

Garden hibiscus can be propagated in several ways, but the seed method and cuttings are more reliable.

Propagation of a plant by seeds

Growing hibiscus seed method lasts from January to March.

Strong specimens are immediately placed in a permanent place, and weaker bushes are grown in the training garden.


Vegetative propagation spend in the summer.

  • Cuttings are cut with two or three internodes.
  • The lower sections must be treated with a growth stimulator.
  • Twigs are planted in a greenhouse with peat. For cuttings organize lower illumination.
  • In a month, hibiscus take root.
  • Then they are transplanted into containers with a substrate of turf, leafy soil, peat and sand. Plants are watered regularly.
  • With the advent of new shoots, a pinch is made, which contributes to the dense branching of the bush.
  • After the formation of the bush, the plants are planted in open ground.

With proper care, shrub flowering can be expected in the first year after planting in the garden.

garden hibiscus

Diseases and pests

Hibiscus has an average degree to diseases. If properly cared for, the shrub will grow healthy. But the lack of fertilizing with nitrogen and iron can lead to the appearance of chlorosis, which is expressed in the fall of old foliage and yellowing of new leaves. To avoid this disease, the plant must be fed in the spring with fertilizers with nitrogen, and watering should be done with iron chelate.

During the dry season, spider mites, or whiteflies may appear on the hibiscus. Insects can be controlled with insecticides.

Growing hibiscus on garden plot is not difficult if you follow necessary rules care. A healthy plant will regularly delight the eye with variegated flowers. various forms and colours.

Garden hibiscus in its homeland, the Hawaiian Islands, is considered flower of love. Indeed, it is dazzlingly bright and attractive. His presence in the garden can create a festive mood. Despite the fact that the garden hibiscus looks exotic, it is not difficult to care for it.

hot pink terry variety justifies the popular name of hibiscus - the flower of love.

Varietal variety of garden hibiscus

Garden (sometimes also called Syrian) hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae. V vivo there are up to 200 different species of this plant - they differ in size and shape, as well as the size and color of the flower (the flowers of some varieties may correspond to the size of a volleyball).

Tree-like varieties often decorate the streets in southern countries.

According to the shape of plants, they are distinguished:

  • shrubs;
  • shrubs;
  • decorative trees;
  • herbaceous species.

Low grassy species look bright in borders and flower beds.

It is worth noting the most attractive varieties in modern garden culture:

  • Woodbridge with ruby-red single flowers, preferring open space;
  • gorgeous terry Ardens;
  • upright bush Oiseau Bleu with blue-violet flowers up to 14 cm in diameter;
  • Lady Stanley, flowers resembling a carnation;
  • vertically growing Totus Albus with simple white flowers;
  • created to solo in the composition of a compact bush Hamabo blooming pink.

Ruby flowers of the Woodbridge variety.

Depends on the type chosen placement of plants in the composition. So, stunted shrubs look great in mixed borders. Syrian hibiscus also looks harmoniously with ground cover roses and contrasts with decorative deciduous shrubs. But the tree-like variety can be perfectly beaten by using several plants with different colors in a standard solitary planting.

The bushy Totus Albus adorns itself with simple white flowers.

How to care for a plant

Planting a garden hibiscus carried out in the spring. Make sure that the plant you plant in the garden is well protected from the winds.

Oiseau Bleu flowers can be up to 14 cm in diameter.

Please note that shrub heat-loving and demanding of light. If you place it in a shaded area, then it will grow more slowly and bloom not too abundantly. Here are some recommendations from the reviews experienced flower growers. Follow them and caring for garden hibiscus will be quite simple:

  1. If your site is located in a region with a cool climate, then choose non-terry varieties - they are more hardy.
  2. For hibiscus to bloom profusely, every two years it will need light pruning.
  3. Complement planting with hibiscus with lavender bushes - this will help protect the plant from aphids.
  4. Required for a plant fertile soil with good water permeability.
  5. Over watering the plant does not need - moisten the soil only after it dries.
  6. Lush bloom you will be provided if you do not forget about regular phosphorus supplements.
  7. Potash fertilizers will also be required - thanks to this wintering plants will become easier.

Variety Ardens refers to terry.

By the way, this garden shrub suitable for cultivation and as a pot plant. This way of growing is somewhat more complicated. So, the plant needs to choose the perfect place in every sense - otherwise, when moving or turning flowering plant there is a high risk of breaking weak flower stalks. Choose a sunny and warm place, protected from the winds. Hibiscus in a tub will need to be cut regularly (in early spring or in autumn) - this will help maintain its decorative shape.

Garden hibiscus feels great in a tub. A little imagination and ... the tricolor looks even more spectacular!

Potted hibiscus should be sprayed regularly, because it tropical plant. Every two weeks, feed it with fertilizers of the phosphorus group. You also need to water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist. For the winter, the tub should be moved to a room with a temperature of about 13ºC and a sufficient amount of light. Watering for this period is not stopped, but its frequency is reduced.

Pale pink compact Hamabo.

Transplanting garden hibiscus may not be necessary at all- in conditions of constant feeding and watering, in a well-lit place, the plant can live for more than 20 years. If you decide to transplant the plant, then do it in early spring. After transplanting, the hibiscus is pruned and the next year they get an excellent flowering plant.

Hibiscus Pruning Rules

Flower buds in garden hibiscus are formed only on the shoots of the current year. That's why regular pruning guarantees you many colors. Cut the plant before the start of active growth - at the end of winter.

They can become a real decoration of your site. You probably do not suspect how many amazingly beautiful and unusual varieties managed to breed breeders.

At summer cottages and household plots you can often see phloxes. O proper cultivation see these colors.

By the way, pruning can also be used to ensure ornamental shrub. In southern countries, where hibiscus is ubiquitous, balls, pyramids and even cubes strewn with flowers are made from it.

Ardens purple is shaped like an ornamental tree.

The plant tolerates pruning very well. You can form a bush or a tree of the size you need - such compactness will allow the hibiscus to fit into the design not only suburban area but also terraces and even balconies.

How to Winterize Your Garden Hibiscus

Most non-double varieties of garden hibiscus are frost-resistant. This means that in the southern regions no special preparation for winter is required, but in the northern regions the plant hibernates only with shelter.

Often used in ornamental gardening and landscape design. This is understandable: its magnificent huge inflorescences will leave few indifferent.

The most common lilac, it turns out, has many varieties. With a skillful approach, you can land a whole one on your site!

And from the barberry of Thunberg you can arrange a picturesque purple border. It's all about growing and propagating barberry.

Herbaceous and tree hibiscus they are prepared for wintering in the same way - they need to be cut off, watered abundantly (before frost). A few days after watering, the plants are spudded, and for this they use ordinary earth with the addition of sand.

Ready for winter! Shelter option for plants.

In the second half of November, they also hold warming. To do this, the prepared plant is covered with sawdust or dry foliage - so that the height of the mound is about 15 cm. Young bushes need to be covered especially carefully, for which there are several ways:

  • the whole bush is bent to the ground and covered with a special cloth (spunbond, lutrasil), and then also with plastic wrap;
  • around the bush is created strong frame, wrapped with covering material in several layers, and for better shelter they even use spruce branches.

By the way, after winter frosts, the Syrian bush hibiscus leaves its dormant state for a long time - keep this in mind so as not to uproot a viable plant.

Reproduction methods

Garden hibiscus reproduces in several ways:

Chopped cuttings root quite quickly in water.

  1. Cuttings. Cut cuttings are placed in water, and then planted in the ground as soon as roots appear on it. You can first plant a seedling in a pot and place it in the garden for the summer, and take it to a warm place for the winter. Cuttings are carried out in the spring, before flowering begins - you can also use the parts left after pruning.
  2. Reproduction of garden hibiscus can also be done with seeds. They are sown from January to March. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in Epin's solution, and then placed in a soil mixture of peat and sand. The bowl with seeds is covered with glass. It is important to keep warm - up to 27ºC, which will contribute to good seed germination. The bowl should be periodically ventilated. As soon as the seedlings have a few leaves, they can be dived into separate small pots.

Seeds sprouted, soon you can dive into pots.

Keep in mind that if a shrub is grown from seeds, then flowers will appear on it only after 3-4 years.

What difficulties can you expect?

So, if on hibiscus buds are tied, but soon fall off, then the reason for this is insufficient watering or lack of nutrients.

If there is an excess of iron in the water for irrigation, then the lower leaves of the plant will fall off, and the upper ones turn yellow.

The flowers of Lady Stanley resemble carnation flowers.

Lush foliage combined with total absence leaves indicates that the plant received excess nitrogen fertilization.

The lack of moisture indicates wilted drooping leaves, and too cold soil will cause the roots to dry out.

Incredibly beautiful terry variety Danica.

Garden hibiscus is a great plant for single and group plantings. It does not require complex care, and thanks to its varietal diversity, it will decorate your site for many years.


An amateur gardener talks about herbaceous hibiscus (flower diameter - 27 cm!), its flowering and care.

Flower lovers will ask: how to properly care for garden hibiscus? How to successfully plant it? We will try to give a full answer to all these and many other questions.

In order for hibiscus to take root well and please the eye for many years, it is necessary to choose the optimal place for its cultivation and good care. It is important to choose a site generously illuminated by the sun, but at the same time inaccessible to the winds. The soil should be fertile, light and breathable and sufficiently moist.

Here is a suitable site. Let's start landing. This process includes the following steps:

  • It is necessary to dig a hole that will be about twice as large as the root system of the plant.
  • Drainage should be laid at the bottom. It can be made from broken brick, crushed stone or expanded clay.
  • We lay layers of sand and compost in the following sequence: sand, compost, sand.
  • We immerse the seedling in the pit, while the root collar should be slightly deepened.
  • Fill the rest of the hole with a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand. The proportion should be 2:4:1.
  • We plant and water the plant.
  • Fill the remaining depression with soil and level the near-stem circle.

Rules for the care and cultivation in the garden

Garden perennial hibiscus is not capricious in care. But still, it should be watered regularly, after the soil is completely dry. In hot weather, it is necessary to water more often and moisten the soil with moisture.

The soil around the plant requires constant loosening. It is important to get rid of weeds and other grasses, as they can harm the hibiscus.

Nitrogen and phosphorus supplements are applied during the vegetative period, with a frequency of 2 times a month. Further, top dressing with potassium is added, but this is closer to autumn.

To prevent the bush from thickening, it is necessary to remove old branches in a timely manner. This is especially true when young shoots begin to grow.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the flowers bloom for only one day and therefore it is necessary to remove them when they fade. This will free up space during the period of abundant flowering.

Proper rooting of hibiscus

The root system of the plant is represented central rod from which the shoots come. If the hibiscus gets enough nutrients, then a transplant is not needed. Otherwise, the pit for transplantation must be prepared in advance, they make it with a margin so that the root can get used to the new conditions.

Nutrient composition for laying out in the transplant pit:

  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 2 parts of leaf land;
  • 1 part of ripe humus;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

A bucket of water is poured into the pit, then the roots of the plant are established. After that, they start hilling and watering. The earth should sit around the flower.

It is important to transplant to a new place before flowering begins in the spring. The roots from above must be removed, while the rest are moved along with the earthen clod. The crown is cut a little.

After transplanting, hibiscus also needs to be fed. All the same phosphorus-potassium fertilizers will be ideal. By the way, potassium will repel aphids.

Hibiscus arborescens can be grown in tubs or pots if the climate does not allow it to be done in the ground. When growing several plants in one box, their trunks are intertwined and create an unusual composition. This can be seen in the photo.

With the onset of spring, when new shoots appear, it is recommended to remove old branches. This is necessary in order not to interfere with the bloom of new ones. Last year's shoots are shortened by about a quarter. With the systematic removal of branches, you can achieve the desired shape.

Trimming types:

  • Stimulating. It is held in early spring.
  • Thinning. So weak or old shoots are removed.
  • Corrective. Shaping the plant.
  • Autumn. When the plant has stopped flowering.
  • Pruning for survival. At the same time, a minimum of the ground part of the hibiscus is left.
  • Top dressing and fertilizers for hibiscus

Feeding rules

It is necessary to feed garden hibiscus 1-2 times a month.

Fertilize, preferably in the evening, when it is not hot outside. So the distribution and absorption of nutrients will be faster and harmful substances will not stand out when exposed to sunlight.

A couple of hours before fertilizing, the soil is moistened with water at room temperature.

Top dressing:

  • Manure. This is the simplest organic fertilizer, it suits almost every plant and saturates it with essential nutrients. But still, it is important to observe the measure, because organic matter can also harm hibiscus if used without measure. Use this component only when it lies for a couple of days and dries a little. Feed in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per 2 liters of soil. This mixture is suitable for feeding even a one-year-old hibiscus.
  • Peat tablet. An analogue of manure.
  • Mineral supplements include phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. The following proportions are recommended: 1 part phosphorus: 2 nitrogen: 3 potassium. And also suitable bone meal, urea potassium magnesia. Magnesium increases resistance to stress. Helps prevent leaf fall and yellowing.

Loosening and mulching hibiscus

To reduce the growth of weeds and prevent severe overdrying of the soil, it can be mulched. For this use:

  • Dry peat.
  • Sawdust.
  • Tree bark.

What to do before mulching:

  • Remove weeds by roots.
  • Water the ground.
  • Loosen to a depth of about 5 cm.
  • Wait a bit for the top layer to dry a little. This will prevent compaction of the soil when it is mulched.

Mulching will help retain moisture in the soil for longer. long time. This should be done in the spring, when the ground thaws well and dries out. If you do this earlier, then the cold soil will not thaw well due to the layer of mulch. So you can just freeze the roots. As a result, garden hibiscus may die.

Draft and hibiscus

The plant is very capricious in this regard. A draft can provoke the fall of buds and foliage.

Plant watering rules

Understanding how to properly water a plant can only be done with experience. In spring and summer, it requires high humidity. The ground should be moist, but not very wet. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out too much.

Pests of outdoor hibiscus include:

  • Aphid. A small insect transmitted by contact from a diseased plant. Young shoots and buds die. The leaves become sticky, twisted and bent.
  • Spider mite. Prefers the reverse side of the sheet. Forms a shell on it that looks like a web.
  • Worms. Waxy discharge on leaves or cuttings.
  • Shchitovki. The attack appears as brown tubercles on the stems.
  • Gallica. Yellowing and early fall of leaves and buds. The larvae settle inside the buds and feed on them.

Hibiscus garden can be bred with:

  • Rhizomes. By separating it. This is the easiest way to reproduce. To do this, you need to dig a plant, determine the main root. The place of the incision is marked so that the small annual roots are preserved. Cut the root into pieces. The cut is sprinkled with ash so that it does not rot. The resulting root is buried in a hole, cut down and watered with warm water.
  • With the help of cuttings. Cut off the woody twigs along with the buds in the spring. Put in a container with a special solution. It must be changed periodically. When a large number of roots are formed, they are transplanted into a pot with soil.
  • With the help of seeds. Herbaceous hibiscus is most suitable for this type of reproduction. Seeds should be soaked for 10-12 hours in a special solution for root germination. Then they must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried, wrapped in cloth and polyethylene. Clean up in warm place, ventilate periodically. After the first sprouts have already erupted, plant in the ground. They need good care.

How to prepare a plant for winter

Winter preparation technique:

  • Hibiscus cultivar identification. Whether he is sensitive to frost or not. The heat-loving flower winters well in a pot.
  • Application of potassium fertilizers in autumn. It is important at this stage to complete nitrogen fertilization.
  • Watering the plant 1 time in 1-2 weeks.
  • Remove fallen leaves and debris.
  • Mulching the earth. Approximately 5-8 cm. old layer must be removed.
  • You can cover the plant with a cloth.

Hibiscus diseases

noninfectious chlorosis. It is manifested by a weak color of flowers or a complete absence of flowering. Leaf spotting and yellowing may be present. This is the result of a lack of trace elements: nitrogen, iron, potassium, magnesium.

infectious chlorosis. Manifested by abscission and yellowing of leaves, lack of flowering and weakness of the plant. It can happen due to infection with viruses, fungi and microbes.

Sunburn. Manifested by white spots on the foliage. Occurs when exposed to direct sunlight.

Vascular wilt. Signs: wrinkling of branches, death of the whole plant. This is a fungal infection of the Chinese rose.

Some gardening tips:

  • The Syrian rose loves the sun, but during a strong sun, it is advisable to cover it a little.
  • The soil should have a temperature of at least 12 gr.
  • It is important not to forget about top dressing.

In conclusion, we can say that only complete care will become a guarantor good flowering hibiscus. It is important to treat the plant as if it were alive and surround it with love and care, and then the result will not be long in coming.