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Atlantic Ocean Animal World. Where is the Atlantic Ocean? Characteristics of the ocean, Northern and South Atlantic Oceans

Atlantic Ocean - The second largest ocean after Pacific Ocean. It contains 25% of the water of the planet. The average depth is 3,600 m. The maximum is located in Puerto Rico groove - 8,742 m. Ocean area 91 million square meters. km.

general information

An ocean originated as a result of the split supercontinent " Pangea»For two large parts, which subsequently formed in modern continents.

The Atlantic Ocean is known for man since sincela. I mention about the ocean, which " it is called Atlantic"You can find 3rd in the records. BC. The name occurred probably from the legendary missing mainland " Atlantis«.

The truth is not clear what territory he indicated, because in antiquity people were limited in means of movement by the sea.

Relief and Islands

A distinctive feature of the Atlantic Ocean is a very small number of islands, as well as a complex relief of the bottom, which forms many catlers and gutters. The deepest among them is Puerto Rico and South Sandvichev, the depth of which exceeds 8 km.

Earthquakes and volcanoes have a great effect on the structure of the bottom, the greatest activity of tectonic processes is observed in the equatorial zone.

Volcanic activity in the ocean continues for 90 million years. The height of many underwater volcanoes exceeds 5 km. The largest and most famous are in Puerto Rico and Youth Sandwich's gutters, as well as on the Mid-Atlantic Range.


The large meridional length of the ocean from the north to the south explains the variety of climatic conditions on the surface of the ocean. In the Equatorial zone, minor fluctuations in temperature throughout the year and the average +27 degrees. Also a huge effect on the temperature of the ocean has a water exchange with the northern ice ocean. From the north in the Atlantic Ocean, tens of thousands of icebergs drift, wounding almost to the tropical waters.

The southeastern coast of North America is born Golf Stream - the largest flow on the planet. Water consumption per day is 82 million cubic meters, which is 60 times the cost of all rivers. The flow width reaches 75 km. In the width, and the depth of 700 m. The flow rate varies within 6-30 km / h. Gulfstream carries warm water, the temperature of the upper flow layer is 26 degrees.

In the area about. Newfoundland Golf Stream occurs with the "Cold Wall" of Labrador's current. Waving mixing is created by perfect conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms in the upper layers. Most famous in this respect Big Newfoundland Barrel, which is the source of fishing of such fish as a cod, herring and salmon.

Flora and fauna

For the Atlantic Ocean, the abundance of biomass is characterized by relatively poor species in the northern and southern outskirts. The greatest species diversity is observed in the Equatorial zone.

Fishes are the most common families of nanothenium and blonde shock. Large mammals are presented most widely: cetacean, seals, sea seals, etc. The number of plankton is insignificant, which causes migration of whales in the field of feeding to the north or in moderate latitudes where it is more.

Many sites of the Atlantic Ocean were and continue to remain intense intense seals of fish. Previously, the development of the ocean led to the fact that the hunt for mammals here is distributed already for a long time. This reduced the number of certain types of animals compared to the quiet and Indian Oceans.

Plants are represented wide spectrum Green, brown and red algae. Famous Sargassy form popular books and interesting stories Sargasso Sea.

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest in the world. It makes up about 29% of common Square The world's ocean, and its waters are washed by the shores of South and North America, Europe and Africa. Flora and Fauna Atlantic are represented by a wide variety water plants and marine animals (both vertebrates and invertebrates). Here are the main animals of the Atlantic Ocean, which are found on its extensive expanses.


The habitat of the Atlantic Walrus on the expanses of the Atlantic is located between the Canadian Arctic in the East and Russian - in the West. In this region there are about 25 thousand walruses, but the number of adult individuals is constantly decreasing.

These marine animals of the Atlantic Ocean have characteristic elongated fangs that resemble a beer. They usually live with colonies, and with the help of Röva various tonality communicate with their relatives in the group. Atlantic wallls eat small invertebrates. The duration of their life is 30-40 years old.

Long-tempered professor

This kind of dolphins is found in various subtropical and tropical maritime regions around the world. They are well known thanks to the demonstration of funny tricks when sticking out of the water. Before immersed back under water, these dolphins perform several alders in the air. To communicate with representatives of a kind, they use different whistles.

The long-tempered dotelfin has teeth, but he does not fasten food with them. These marine animals are very sensitive to the sound frequency and use echolocation to explore their surroundings and during the prey hunt. They feed on fish, squid and crustaceans.


These animals, inhabitants in the aquatic expanses of the Atlantic Ocean, are more famous as sea cows. They meet exclusively in warm waters. Lamantines are predominantly herbivores. The main food is the grass and plants growing on the seabed.

These are large mammals that can grow up to 4 meters and weigh about 590 kg. A distinctive feature - the presence of a lover resembling led. Western Indian species are mostly found on the expanses Caribbean And in the Gulf of Mexico (in particular, in Florida), and West African - inhabit the waters in the West African area.

Spotted Orlyak

This representative of the Fauna of the Atlantic Ocean refers to the class of cartilage fish. It is found in the waters of the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. Spotted Orlyak has a longer tail than most of the skates, and his muzzle on the form resembles the head of the duck.

He hunts on the raff and different small fish, often swaming his head in search of mining among the sand at the seabed. Although these skates are considered underwater animals, sometimes they can be seen by jumping out of the water. The population of these skates is under threat of disappearance due to the frequent attack on them sharks.

Ordinary tune

This fish is on the verge of extinction due to excessive catch. Due to the metallic blue color, it is almost merged with ocean waters, and the body of a drop-shaped form allows it to develop a greater speed.

Tuna is hunting herring, kefalla, mackerel, squid, crabs and shrimps. Even this sea \u200b\u200bfish Known by its annual migration through the water of the Atlantic. The largest tuna, which was caught in the expanses of the Atlantic Ocean, weighed 679 kg.

Big white shark

These representatives of cartilage fish endothermichna. In addition to five standard feelings, they have electromagnetism. In the mouth of a white shark, three hundred triangular shape teeth located in 3 rows. They tear their prey on pieces.

White shark is the largest ocean predator. It can even hunt for other types of their relatives, as well as on nautical lions, seals and turtles, do not happen to Padalu and fish. These sharks live up to 60 years, growing up to 6 meters and the length and reaching weights more than 2.2 kg. The largest population of them is found near the island of Gyer in South Africa.

Atlantic green turtle

The name of these marine reptiles is associated with a cluster green fat Under the smooth shell. Their painting can vary in various shades of yellow, green, gray, black and brown color. The green turtle among all his maritime relatives has the largest shelter and sometimes can change its color.

Although these reptiles are predominantly herbivores, they can also hunt for jellyfish and other small marine inhabitants. On average, the green turtle grows up to 1.5 m and weighs from 68 to 190 kg.

Leather sea turtle

It is found in the southwestern, southeastern and northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean. Often it lives and hunts at a depth of 1280 meters. Leather turtle is more dimensional and has larger front paws than a representative of other species. But shelter is soft and flexible.

It occurs in cooler waters than the green turtle, and is carnivorous. The leather turtle hunts is predominantly on jellyfish, crustaceans and small fish. Excreting offspring, does not care at all.

Humpback whale

The name of this marine mammal is associated with the presence of a dorsal fin resembling hump. These whales overcome huge distances in migration related to the marriage period and reproducing offspring.

They feed on fish, plankton and a krelem, by eating up to 1360 kg of food. These giants weigh from 22 to 36 tons, growing up to 18 meters in length. The body of the streamlined form they have more extended than that of other whales, and the abdominal fins are much longer.


Animals are usually paired tissue, but in some cases they can grow into a single, as in the case of narrowing. He has no dorsal fins, but there are breasts. On average, these animals can weigh from 800 to 1600 kg with a length of the body from 3.95 to 5.5 m. The fang serves as an olfactory organ and as a means for echolocation.

Nutritional by the arctic and polar types of cod and halibut, as well as shrimps and squid, which are found on marine expanses of Greenland. Threats for them are the walruses, white bears, killeries and people.


The biggest animal from the family of dolphins is often called the killer. Kitka hunting almost all, including sea birds and mammals, seals and sea lions, fish and squid.

Another predator of this kind in nature simply does not exist. Adults can reach 9 m in length and on average weigh from 3600 to 5000 kg.

Sea Horse

This marine animal is bone fish and the nearest relative of the tuna and salmon. He has thin skin instead of scales and ridicule spikes around the edge of the whole body. Sea skies have no teeth, so they feed, sucking the prey with their elongated jaw immediately in the stomach.

Their main food is plankton and some types of crustaceans. In anticipation of production, these fish can be masked on the background of underwater vegetation, changing their painting in accordance with environmental. The reproduction of them is also very specific, since the offspring produces the male.

Mediterranean monk sealer

This animal of the Atlantic Ocean is found in the Cape Blanco area and Madeira Islands and is the most rare of all lastonous. According to statistics, there are less than 700 individuals in the world.

This seal has a small flat and wide muzzle and short flippers with small thin claws. The body is covered with a short hair, which is updated every 6-8 weeks. These seals feed different fish, squid, eel and octopus. The maximum duration of their life is 45 years.

Royal Penguin.

The second largest type of penguins is found in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The growth of this bird can reach 1 meter, and the weight is from 9.3 to 18 kg. It feeds in the main fish, less often - squid.

The royal penguin can dive with a depth of 100 to 300 meters below sea level for the extraction of food and be under water up to 5 minutes without lifting on the surface. Like other penguins, it is a flashing bird that goes or slides on the ice.

Lemon shark

This species is found in shallow water near the coast. The species name is associated with the coloring body, which can vary from yellow-brown to olive-green.

The muzzle in the citric shark is short, rounded shape. She has bad eyesight, but excellent smell. This is a nightly predator, which, with the help of the sense of smell and an electricallyceptor system, finds potential prey. It feeds on fish, marine birds, small sharks, crustaceans and molluscs. It can grow up to 2.5-3 meters and weigh up to 250 kg.

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The second largest Atlantic Ocean is in all climatic belts, which directly affects the composition of its plant and animal world. In addition, the distribution of animals and plants in the ocean significantly affects warm flow Gulfstream flowing in the northern part of the Atlantic. Distinctive feature The Atlantic Ocean is its high biological productivity.

Plant World of Atlantic Ocean

Ocean vegetation is represented by algae and flowering plants. Among the flowering plants of the Atlantic are known such plants like Zoster and Posidonon. Of particular interest is the oceanic, forming a huge colony stretching at the Mediterranean Sea, stretching at 700 km. This is the world's largest plant, the length of which is as much as 8 km. In addition, Posidononon - the plant is very older. The age of Posidia's Spanish Oceanologists has about 100 thousand years old.

Naturally, among the vegetation communities of the ocean, various algae occupy the prevailing place. Their distribution in ocean waters depends on the temperature regime. Cold Waters - Habitat different species Laminaria, and moderate water are favorable for the development of red algae and fukusov. In the tropical areas of the Atlantic, excessive warming and coverage of coastal sites do not provide opportunities normally develop aquatic plants. Therefore, algae in the tropics almost do not occur. Self favorable conditions For the development of phytoplankton, formed at a depth of about 100 m.

Animal World of Atlantic Ocean

A feature of the Atlantic is a species diversity of mammals whose number has significantly decreased as a result of intensive extermination in the past century.

The species diversity of the animal world of the Atlantic contributes to its favorable climatic conditions. Therefore, in the Atlantic Ocean, you can meet almost all inhabitants of the World Ocean.

An important objects of fishing fishery are concentrated in the Atlantic: herring, sardine, cod, sea bass, flounder. Obsters, crabs, lobs, shrimps, oysters, mussels, squid, Karakatitsa are mined.

Life in the open ocean depends on the phyto and zooplankton. Where these microscopic drifting organisms accumulate, those who feed on them are going. These are fine wipes, larvae and comb, which, in turn, are food for larger marine inhabitants. Kita, whale and giant sharks, tuna, dolphins, predatory sharks, sword fish and sailboats rushed to places of clusters of a large plankton torn whales - Calvators and coushlota, as well as petty fish. A mass of seabirds flies to fish shoals.

In the areas of deep-water plains of the Atlantic, where the surface waters are almost not mixed with deep waters, phytoplankton does not develop. Therefore, oceanic deserts are formed here and almost absent. different forms Life.

The most interesting inhabitants of the Atlantic Ocean are volatile fish, which are represented by 16 species. It is curious that these fish lay the caviar to any floating object, even on the garbage.

Hello, dear readers! Today it's time to pay attention to the waters on Earth. That will turn by the Atlantic Ocean. We learn all the main features of the Atlantic Ocean, its characteristic ...

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean (after). Its area with seas is 91.6 million km 2, the average depth is 3600 m, and the volume of water is 329.7 million km, the maximum depth is 8742 m (Puerto Rico Gutter). In the northern hemisphere there are almost all the large bays (Guinean, Biscay) and the Sea (North, Caribbean, Baltic, Black, Mediterranean).

In the southern hemisphere there are such seas: Sea of \u200b\u200bLazarev, about, sea of \u200b\u200bbells, sea Weddell. The main groups of the islands in the Atlantic Ocean: Newfoundland, United Kingdom, Large and Small Antilles, Ireland, Green Cape Islands, Canary Islands, Falkland (Malvinsky).

The overall characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Meridional Mid-Atlantic Ridge shares the Atlantic Ocean on the Western and Eastern Parts (the depth above it in the West is 5000-6000 m, and in the east about 3000 m). The temperature of the water on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean near the equator to 28 ° C, in high latitudes, water freezes. The salinity of water is 34-37.3.

Surface flows form a cyclonal cycle in southern high and northern temperate latitudes, in subtropical latitudes an anticyclonal cycle. The northern subtropical cycle consists of warm northern trade in the Golfstrum and the Cold Canary Circuit, the Southern - from the warm southern facade and Brazilian and cold western winds and bengal flows.

From north Arctic Ocean On the south along the shores of North America, a cold Labrador current is sent. In the north, the continuation of the golfstrum is the warm north-Atlantic flow. The largest tides in Fandy Bay, 18 m.

Fisheries developed (cod, merlusa, herring, marine bass, tuna) - 2/5 of the world catch. Oil in the Atlantic Ocean is mined on the shelves of the North Sea, in the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean. Coastal nautical deposits of diamonds (southwestern Africa), Zircon, Ilmenite, Rutila (USA, Brazil), sulfur (Mexican Bay), manganese iron ore (Canada, USA, Finland).

Also, the Atlantic Ocean occupies a leading place in the global ships. The most important ports: New York, Rotterdam, Houston, Boston, Hamburg, Marseille, London, Genoa, Havana, Dakar, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Odessa, St. Petersburg.

Northern part of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean is divided into the northern and southern parts, the border is conditionally carried out by the equator. But, if you look from an oceanographic point of view, then the equatorial countercover, located at 5-8 ° of northern latitude, must be attributed to the southern part. For the most part, the northern border is carried out along the northern polar circle. This boundary in some places are marked by underwater ridges. The coastline of the Atlantic Ocean in the northern hemisphere is very strongly cut. Its relatively narrow northern part is connected to the northern-ice-ice ocean with three non-fourth ducts.

The devisians of the Strait, a width of 360 km, in the northeast combine the Atlantic Ocean with the sea of \u200b\u200bBuffin, which belong to the north-ice ocean. Danish strait (in a narrow place its width of 287 km) is located in the central part between Iceland and Greenland. The Norwegian Sea is located in the northeast between Norway and Iceland, its width is about 1220 km.

In the east of the Atlantic Ocean, 2 deep water areas are separated, which are included in the land. More northern of these water areas begins the North Sea, which in the east goes to the Baltic Sea with the Botnik and Finnish bays. South there is a system of intra-projectal seas - Mediterranean and black - a total length of about 4000 km. The ocean with the Mediterranean Sea is connected in the Gibraltar Strait, in which there are two opposite flows. The lower position takes the flow that is sent from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, since the Mediterranean waters are characterized by greater salinity, which means that more density. In the tropical belt in the south-east in North Atlantic, the Mexican Bay and the Caribbean Sea, which connects with the ocean Florida Strait.

North America's coast cut into small bays (Barnegat, Pamiko, Delaware, Chesapeake Bay, and Long Island Strait). In the North-West are the bays of St. Lawrence and Fandy, the Strait of Bell Isle, Hudsons Bay and Goodzonov Strait.

Western Atlantic The ocean is surrounded by a shelf whose width varies. The shelf split deep gorges, the so-called underwater canyons. Their origin still causes scientific discussions According to one of theories, the canyons were cut by rivers when the ocean level was lower than modern. Another theory binds their formation with the activities of the Kalamutic currents. It was suggested that it was these flows that are the causes of the deposition of the deposits at the ocean bottom and cut through the underwater canyons.

The bottom of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean has a complex relief formed by the combination of underwater ridges, hills of kitelin and gorges. Most of The oceanic bottom, with depths of about 60 m and to several kilometers, are covered with a thin sea, dark blue or bluish-green deposition. A relatively small area occupy rock outputs and sections of gravel-pebble and sandy deposits, as well as deep-water red clays on the shelf in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean for the communication of North America with North-Western Europe, telephone and telegraph cables are laid. Here, the areas of the north-Atlantic shelf are confined to the areas of industrial fisheries related to the number of the most productive in the world. In the central part of the Atlantic Ocean passes a huge underwater mountain chain with a length of about 16 thousand kilometers, known called .

This ridge shares the ocean into two approximately equal parts. A significant part of the vertices of this underwater ridge does not reach the surface of the ocean and is at a depth of at least 1.5 km. Separate the highest peaks rise above the ocean and form the islands of Azores in North Atlantic and Tristan-da-Kunya in South. In the south, the ridge overtakes the Africa coast and continues further to the north in Indian Ocean. Along the axis of the middle-atlantic ridge, a rift zone extends.

Surface flows in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean are moving clockwise. The main elements of this large system are a warm flow of Golf Stream, as well as North-Atlantic, Canary I. Northern Passatoe flows. Gulfstream flows from the Floridian Strait and Cuba Island in the northern direction along the coast of the United States and about forty-degrees of northern latitude deviates to the northeast, changing the name to the north-Atlantic flow. This flow is divided into two branches, one of which goes to the northeast along the shores of Norway and then the Northern Arctic Ocean. It is thanks to it that the climate of Norway and the entire North-Western Europe is significantly warmer than it could be expected in northern latitudes. The second branch turns to the south and further to the southwest along the shores of Africa, forming a cold canary flow. This course moves to the southwest and connects to the northern trade in the course, which is sent to the west towards the West Indies, where it is merged with a golfranch. In the north of the north-trade shock flow, there is a region of stagnant water, rich in algae and is known as the Sargasso Sea.

Along the North Atlantic coast of North America from north to south passes cold Labrador Currentwhich comes out of the Buffin Gulf and the sea Labrador and cools the shores of New England. (There is a Labrador current in the picture, it is not on the top picture with the currents of the North Atlantic Ocean. There are all the flows of the Atlantic Ocean).

Southern part of the Atlantic Ocean.

Some experts refer to the Atlantic Ocean in the south all the water space to the most Antarctic Ice Cover; Others are accepted by southern border Atlantic Imagined Line Connecting Cape Horn in South America with a Cape of Good Hope in Africa. The coastline in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean is less cut than in North, there are also no internal seas.

The only large bay on the African coast is Guinean. On the coast South America Large bays are also small. The most southern edge of this mainland is the fiery ground - has a rugged coastline surrounded by numerous small islands.

In addition to the Mid-Atlantic Range in the South Atlantic, there are two main underwater mountain chains.

The whale ridge extends from the south-western edge of Angola to the island of Tristan da Kunya, where it is connected to the middle-Atlantic. Rio de Janeiro's strand stretches from Tristan da-Kun Islands to the city of Rio de Janeiro and is a group of individual underwater hills.

The main flow systems in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean are moving counterclockwise. Southern Passatown During the West. Near the east coast of Brazil, it is divided into two branches: the northern carries along the north shore of South America in Caribbean, and southern warm Brazilian flow, moving along the shores of Brazil and joins the flow Western winds or Antarcticwho is sent to the east, and then north-east. Part of this cold course is separated and carries its water to the north along the African coast, forming a cold Bengelege current; The latter eventually joins the North of the Passat flow. The warm Guinean current is headed south along the coast of North-West Africa to the Gulf of Guinea.

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The animal world of the Atlantic Ocean is rich in a variety of their fauna. In all the layers of water and throughout the length there are thousands of animal species.

Atlantic Beloboki Dolphin.

Whiteord Dolphin

Humpback whale

Dwarf Cachelot.

Dwarf Kit

Ring Corn

Small kitanka

Harbour porpoise

Sea Leopard.

Ordinary Dolphin.

Ordinary seal

Northern smooth whale

Gray Dolphin.

Gray seal

Blue whale

Monk seal (Bellochius)

Southern smooth whale

The animal world of the Atlantic Ocean is rich in a variety of their fauna.

In all the layers of water and throughout the length there are thousands of animal species.

The water of the Atlantic Ocean until the middle of the last century was leading the catch of the seafood. However, the many years of their mining had pushed the resources of the Atlantic, now its share is 40% of world catch and seafood, and now it ranks second in the catch after the Pacific Ocean.

Near the coast of Europe, in the northeastern part of the ocean - the greatest catches. Abundance of food, small depths, good illumination, the dynamics of coastal waters and the features of the structure of the bottom contribute to high biological activity in this part. The main fishery here make up: Tubats, squid, cambals, crabs, shrimps, lobs, mussels, sea scallops, herring, mackerel, perch, lobsters, snails, oysters and sprats.

In tropical latitudes are also engaged in the extraction of marine inhabitants, but not as abundant as in moderate. Here interest for the fishery is: some kinds of sharks, squid, shrimp, lunguhsts, mollusks, sword, tuna, turtles, etc.

Also in tropical waters inhabited predators, dangerous for a person: sharks, barracuds and moray. It is quite peculiar here and the world of corals, and the coast of Cuba has whole "underwater forests" - overgrown with soft corals.

Various mammals live in the Atlantic Ocean: dolphins, couching, whales, sea pigs, seals, etc. And sponges, ringed worms, crustaceans, starfish and marine lilies live in deep-water areas of the ocean.

Report: Atlantic Ocean 2

The Atlantic Ocean covers an area of \u200b\u200b92 million km.

He collects freshwater From the most significant part of the sushi and stands out among other oceans, the fact that both polar regions of the Earth connect in the form of a wide strait. The middle-atlantic ridge passes in the center of the Atlantic. This is the belt of instability of the earth's crust. Separate vertices of this ridge rise above the water in the form of volcanic islands. Among them are the largest - Iceland.

The average depth of the ocean is less than the quiet and Indian, the maximum depth reaches 8742 m (Wpadina Puerto Rico).

The southern tropical part of the ocean is under the influence of the South-Eastern Passat. The sky above this part is slightly tinted with cumulus clouds similar to cotton. This is the only place in the Atlantic, where there are no cyclones. The color of water in this part of the ocean ranges from the dark blue to the bright green (near Africa). Water is green when approaching the equator, as well as the southern shores of Brazil. The tropical part of the south of the Atlantic is very rich in life: Plankton's density there is 16 thousand individuals on a liter; There is an abundance of volatile fish, sharks and other predatory fish. In the southern part of the Atlantic there are no coral builders: they were supplanted from here cold trends. Many researchers notice that cold flows in this part of the ocean richer life than warm.

Equatorial Atlantic is a completely different picture. The sky here is closed with dense clouds. Heat, Duchot, abundant rains rear here throughout the year. The coastal waters of the Atlantic were green and mutted, as large rivers flow into the ocean - Amazon, Congo and others. This part of the Atlantic, in contrast to the southern tropical, is characterized by less salinity, since the rivers are strongly desposed this part of the ocean. Due to the desalinated water and there are no corals in this part of the ocean, but very rich in flora and fauna.

Northern tropical part of the Atlantic. The calm is dominated here, most often with clear sky. In the east, rain raking is rare: here is the sea continuation of the Sahara, which from time to time "bestows" the ocean clouds of dust, which leads to frequent fogs and the establishment of the weather. Corals are absent in the eastern ocean, as there is a cold Canary current, but they are very abundant in the West, where the banks of the Antille Islands and Florida are born. Bermuda islands are the most northern District Spread corals. This part of the ocean is very rich in life, and richer colder waters. Therefore, in the waters of the cold canary flux they catch in large quantities Skumbriev, Falus, Cambalu, Herring, Macrel, Kefal and different other fish. A sign of the wealth of fauna is the abundance of sharks. The district of the Canary Islands attracts fishermen, as Langustov, Anchovov, Sardines, Merlanov are caught there.

In the Northern Tropical Atlantic, the most legendary hurricanes often occur, which brought masts and dumped overboard guns. The favorite path of these hurricanes is from east to west along the Antille Islands, and the summer time is the summer and the beginning of autumn. In this part of the Atlantic, the color of water is greenish blue, and the shores sometimes lemon.

Through the northern tropical part of the ocean, the great warm flow of Gulf Stream passes. It is felt here to a depth of 800 meters and reaches the speed of 1.7 m / s Rotation of the Earth rejects this flow to the East, leaving along the coast of North America to penetrate the cold Labrador flow. It "Cold Wall" seals the shore from Golf Stream, and the temperature difference here can reach the winter of 8 ° C. If up to 50 ° West longitude, the direction of the golfstrum can be cleaned enough, then its stream is expanding to the east, divided into jets heading in different directions. This part of the ocean is called Golfustrim Delta. Round year In this area, frequent bad weather, half of all days a year - rainy.

In the place where the Cold Labrador Current is found with Golfustrim, there is a shallow near the island of Newfoundland. The waters of this shallow are one of the main areas of marine fishing in the North Atlantic. There is no large variety of animals, as in the tropics, but each species is represented by a mass of individuals: sea hedgehog, dowry, crabs, mollusks. The coast has a lot of salmon, catch in huge quantities Sea trout, Greenland bull, cod.

The offland shelves are rich in depositsimi mossy. In the North Sea, the Caribbean, the Mexican Gulf is carried out oil mining. The coast of Florida is mined phosphorites, southwestern Africa found raising diamonds.

The polar latitudes of the Atlantic are one of the picturesque areas of this ocean. Powerful ice-eyed languages \u200b\u200bcome out of the depths of Greenland and Antarctica and hang over the cold bluish-green ocean waters with high ocenes of transparent ice. At times, they are laid out with a crash and big boulders - icebergs - are taken out in the open ocean to 40 ° S.Sh. These areas of the Atlantic are dangerous for shipping.

From the oldest times the Atlantic began to master the man. On the shores of the ocean in different years there were navigation centers in Ancient Greece, Carthage, Scandinavia. From the great era geographic discoveries Atlantic has become the main waterway on Earth. Integrated Ocean Nature Research began only in late XIX. century. The English expedition on the Chellenger ship produced the depths of depths, collected material about the properties of the aquatic masses, about the organic world of the ocean. Currently, the expeditionary squadron to 40 ships of science of many countries continues to conduct studies of the properties of water masses, the relief of the bottom.

Location: The Atlantic Ocean is limited to the eastern coast of North and South America, the Western coast of Eurasia and Africa, the waters of the Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean.

Area: 91.56 million square meters. km.

The average depth: 3,600 m.

The highest depth: 8,742 m (Puerto Rico Groit).

Relief bottom: Meridal Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Inhabitants: numerous varieties of single and multicellular organisms, fish (herring, cod, sea bass, merlusa, tuna, sharks, mackerel and many others), dolphins, whales and many others.

Currents: warm - Northern Passatoe, Golf Stream, Northern Atlantic, South Passatoe, Brazilian; Cold - Labrador, Canary, Bengelsk, the flow of Western winds.

Additional information: The Atlantic Ocean received its name from the Atlantic Mountains located in the North-West Africa, in another version - from the mythical continent of Atlantis, on the third - on behalf of Titan Atlas (Atlanta); The Atlantic Ocean is conventionally divided into the northern and southern regions, the boundary between which runs along the equator.

The exchange of substance and energy in the ocean occurs on all latitudes and in the entire water temperature vertically, but in different conditionswhich determine the intensity of the exchange processes: depending on geographic latitude, oxygen amounts, transparency, etc. Depending on the geographical latitude and depth, the number of plants and animals changes. In the Atlantic Ocean in low latitudes in 1 liter of water contains more than 10 thousand microorganisms, at a depth of 1 km - 90, and at a depth of 5 km - only 15.

As in other parts of the World Ocean, 3 groups of organisms live in Atlantic: Plankton, Nekton and Benthos.

Plankton is the most powerful community. IN different parts Ocean density plankton is different. Maximum density - between 45 ° and 70 ° of both hemispheres, the smallest - north of 70 ° C. sh. And in low latitudes. In general, plankton has a great influence on physical properties Water I. physical processes In the ocean: electrical discharges are accumulated on the surface of plankton organisms - negative and positive on the dead; The accumulation of plankton and necton forms sound screening layers, reduces the transparency of water, etc.

Plant World of Atlantic Ocean

Phytoplankton develops well with a good illumination of the upper layer of water, it has a rather complicated species composition, changes from the place to the place, from year to year and the season of the year. Observations from space from the color of water and its mapping allows you to get a picture of the distribution of phytoplankton in the ocean. With the help of spectrometers, this can be carried out for different regions and from airplanes.

Large plants are usually attached to the bottom and have more limited distribution ranges. The greatest accumulation of aquatic plants is observed in the Sargasso Sea, which was called from the brown algae (Sargasso).

Green plants, producers of oxygen and organic substances - the basis of the existence of both ground and many oceanic systems. They live on small depths, some are not deeper than 10 m.

The largest, for example " sea salad"Have a length of about 1 m, dwell in relatively warm and transparent waters; The second representative of green algae is "sea moss."

Brown algae is less demanding to temperature and light, grow to a depth of 50 m, and there are also in polar latitudes. In the sewage, laminaries and giant brown algae - macrocysts, spreading to 80-meter depths and having a length of the stem to 300 m (as a rattan palm on land) are growing in the seating lamp of the North Atlantic Waters. There are red algae characteristic of moderate and tropical latitudes, the most common porphyra, robin, chondrus, they grow to a depth of 60 m.

Animal World of Atlantic Ocean

Rich and diverse animal world Atlantic. Animals inhabit the whole thickness of the ocean water. The variety of fauna increases towards the tropics. In polar and moderate latitudes, they have thousands of species, in tropical - tens of thousands.

In moderate and cold waters, large marine mammals (whales, lastonodi), fish (herring, cream, cambal), many weary and crustaceans are inhabited. More than 100 species of animals are bipolar, that is, they live only in cold and moderate belts, such as seals, whales, sardines, mussels, etc.

Tropical latitudes are characterized by an abundance of animal species. Very peculiar world of corals, but the coral buildings of the Atlantic are insignificant in comparison with the Pacific Ocean.

At a depth of about 4 meters, the coast of Cuba lives the coral "Sea Fan", which has the type of lops-shaped leaves, penetrated by the vessels network, is a soft coral Hongonary, forming whole thickets - "underwater forests".

In the tropical waters, many inhabitants dangerous for man: sharks, Barracuda, Muren. There are fish-hedgehogs and invertebrates sea hedgehogs, whose needles injections are very painful.

The deep-sea areas of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as other oceans, represent a special environment of tremendous pressure, low temperatures and eternal darkness. Here you can meet crustaceans, iglozzy, ringed worms, silicon sponges, sea lilies.

In the Atlantic Ocean, there is also the "Ocean Desert" ("Ocean Sugar") - this is Sargassovo Sea, where the biomass value is no more than 25 mg / m3, which is primarily due to the apparently with a special gas regime seas.

Biological resources of the Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic Ocean has rich enough biological resources. It accounted for 40% of the catch of fish and seafood. This is fish, crustaceans, mollusks, etc.

The greatest catches are in the northeastern part of the ocean, where very high biological productivity due to the dynamic of coastal waters, abundance of food, good illumination, small depths and a kind of structure of the bottom. Falls of the ocean gifts here are Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, United Kingdom, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Spain and CIS countries. The maximum catches of seafood were in the 80s. XX century and amounted to about 12 million tons. The species composition of the catch is as follows: Mackerel, Side, Tubat, Perch, Herring, Sprot, Kambala, Crab, Langust, Omar, 5 species of shrimp, squid, snails, oysters, sea scallops, brown and red algae.

In tropical latitudes there is also fishery, though less abundant. Main objects - tuna, some types of sharks, sword-fish, Langules, shrimps, squid, turtles, mollusks, etc. The ocean productivity is small here, but in general, in the species composition of the catch is 7 times richer than in moderate latitudes.

Until the end of the 50s. XX century The Atlantic Ocean was leading in fish mining. But perennial fleens affected its resources, and the Pacific Ocean came to first.