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Growing herbs in the country. Spicy herbs in the country: a breakdown of the kitchen garden and features of growing certain types of herbs

Spices This is a great opportunity to diversify your diet. We offer you spicy herbs for the garden, which can be grown in any climatic conditions without much difficulty. By planting herbs in the country, you will provide yourself with excellent flavor and aroma additives to various dishes.

Growing herbs is suitable for everyone. If you don't have a garden or the outdoor area is too small, you can grow chervil, marjoram, mint, parsley, and thyme in a pot on a windowsill. Outdoors, you can grow them in a mixed bed or border, like the old cottage gardens. Best of all, however, is a raised grass bed. It is a good idea to grow herbs in compartments separated by permanent walls of brick, wood, concrete slabs etc.

Planting of herbs is carried out both by seedlings and by sowing in open ground.

How to plant and grow herbs

Before planting herbs, prepare a plot of land. How to grow herbs on your suburban area without the use of chemicals? Very simple, for this we plant straight grasses in strict accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology.

Standard requirements - several hours solar lighting during the day, well-drained soils, harvesting regularly enough to keep the plant compact, and replacing perennials every three or four years. Highly proliferating plants such as mint need to be controlled. Most herbs can be grown from seed, but it's best to buy ready-made seedlings in pots at a garden center. Shrub herbs such as rosemary will suffice in one copy, but smaller herbs such as parsley will need several. Set up a herb garden as close to home as possible - picking herbs if the bed is located at the far end of the garden is usually neglected in wet weather.

What herbs to plant

Which herbs to plant depends largely on how you are going to use them in the future.

Harvest at the proper growth stage - choose as needed for immediate use when plants are actively growing, and some for drying as well. Most herbs can be dried for winter use, but wherever possible, basil, parsley, mint, chives, and chervil should be used fresh. Dry the herbs by hanging them in bunches or laying them out on a tray at approximately 26-32°C. Appropriate place- drying cabinet or greenhouse. After the initial warm drying, the herbs can be kept at normal room temperature for about two weeks, turning them daily until crispy. Chop them up, discard the tough stems, and store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Deep freezing has revolutionized the preservation of softwood grasses in ice cubes. Fill ice cube molds with chopped and blanched herbs and top up with water. Freeze and then store in plastic bags in the freezer. To use, place an herb ice cube in a dish or pot while cooking.

Description, photos and names of herbs

The name of herbs usually does not have other transcriptions and is used unambiguously both on the package with seeds and on the bag of seasoning. Look at the spicy herbs in the photo, you will surely recognize among them those that you use every day. We offer you not only photos and names of herbs for the garden and cottages. Here you can see photos and descriptions of spicy herbs with brief botanical characteristics of crops. All presented spicy herbs with a photo are deservedly popular with gardeners due to their unpretentiousness during cultivation.


This tender annual cannot stand frost. It is sown under glass in March or April in peat pots and planted in the ground in early June in a well-drained sunny place. Plant plants at a distance of 30 cm and regularly pinch the tops of the shoots to get bushy plants.

In summer, the leaves are harvested as needed or frozen. For winter use, dig up the plant in September, plant in a pot, and place it on a windowsill.


The 60 cm high plant has thin pinnately dissected leaves and blooms in July with small yellow flowers in umbellate inflorescences. Dill does not tolerate transplantation. Sow seeds in April immediately in a permanent place and thin out seedlings up to 30 cm apart. Choose a sunny, well-drained spot and water when the weather is dry.

To collect the seeds, the stems are cut when the inflorescences turn brown, tied paper bag on each inflorescence and hung upside down in bundles. Harvest the leaves for use when they are young. The aroma will remain even after drying.


This tender grass on different reasons- it has openwork finely dissected leaves, its life is short in hot weather, and its delicate aroma of aniseed is easily lost in cooking. Despite this, chervil grows quickly, its leaves are ready for harvest 8 weeks after sowing. It is hardy, so its leaves are used until winter.

Sow it in spring or summer immediately in a permanent place. Thin out plants 15 cm apart and water regularly when the weather is dry. Cut leaves from the outer edge of the plant. At the same time, remove the inflorescences.

Add to soup, egg and fish dishes before serving.


Common fennel is a perennial about 1.5 m tall with pinnately dissected foliage and yellow flowers. Don't confuse it with Florentine fennel, a vegetable grown for its thick stem bases.

Choose a sunny, well-drained planting site. You can sow the seeds in the spring, but it's much easier to buy a potted plant from a garden center. The leaves are harvested in the summer in the same way as dill.

Fennel has a stronger flavor than dill, with which they are interchangeable. Seeds are recommended for use in fatty fish dishes.


The narrow, mild-tasting onion leaves can be cut from March to October.

Green onions can be grown from seed sown in March, but potted specimens are easier to plant in the spring or fall. Make the distance between the bushes 25 cm and divide them every 3 or 4 years. The ideal situation is moist soil and full sun. Watering is required regularly. Cut the leaves 3 cm above ground level. Try to cut them before the flower buds open.

Much of the value of chives is lost when dried - for winter use, grow indoors in a pot or freeze-dry.

marjoram (origanum)

There are many varieties of marjoram in the genus Origanum, but Origanum vulgare is called oregano. The most common is sweet marjoram, a bushy plant grown as a semi-cold-resistant annual.

Seeds are sown under glass in March and planted in a sunny place at the end of May, leaving 25 cm between plants. Harvest before flowers open. In autumn, the plants are dug up and transferred indoors. Perennial marjoram is much easier to grow in a pot - by planting a container specimen in the spring.

Use to sprinkle over meat or poultry before frying.


Mint along with parsley are our favorite herbs. Mint will thrive in most garden soils. Keep it under control by growing it in a container, burying plastic sheets into the soil around the plants or by digging and replanting each year.

There are several types of mint - spearmint (spearmint) is the most common, but round mint, which combines the flavor of an apple with a true mint flavor, is highly recommended for making mint sauce. Plant in autumn with root cuttings 5 ​​cm deep and 25 cm apart.

Sprigs of mint are widely used in cooking.


With its grey-green leaves and spike-shaped clusters of blue flowers, this herb is just as useful in a mixed border as it is in an herb garden. One plant should be enough.

Plant seedlings in spring in a sunny, well-drained area. The leaves are harvested regularly and the plant is lightly pruned in July after flowering. Collect foliage to dry before flowering - sage takes a long time to dry but will keep in a covered container for up to a year.

Sage has a very strong fragrance.


Curly parsley is the most ornamental, but the plain-leaf varieties have more flavor.

Seeds are sown 1 cm deep in April for summer and autumn harvest and in August for winter use. Germination may take up to 2 months. Thin out to 25 cm and water in dry weather. Wintering plants in the ground are covered with glass caps to protect plants or insulation. Remove flower stems as soon as they appear. Harvest regularly - dry the twigs by immersing in boiling water for 2 minutes and then placing in a cool oven until dry.

Widely used in cooking.


Preference should be given to French aromatic tarragon. For the winter, it should be covered with a covering material.

Well-drained soil and a protected site are essential. Plant a potted specimen in March - remove flowering shoots to encourage new leaves to form. Collection from June to October for direct use. Excess can be dried or deep frozen.

Tarragon is used in many classic chicken and fish dishes, for pickles and marinades.


This attractive evergreen shrub for a herb garden, mixed border or planter needs well-drained soil and a sunny, sheltered spot.

regular collection and spring pruning should form about 60 cm tall. Seeds are sown in May. Winter frosts and icy winds in the spring may kill some of the shoots, but new growth will appear.

Needle leaves and white (or blue) flowers are used. This is a traditional seasoning for lamb, pork and veal - insert sprigs before frying and remove before serving.


Thyme is a low growing evergreen shrub. Its aromatic leaves can be harvested all year round. Common thyme has the strongest aroma, lemon thyme is less pungent, and cumin thyme has a pine-caraway aroma.

Plant potted seedlings 30 cm apart in a well-drained, sunny spot in spring. Divide every 3 years and repot. Thyme does well in a pot on a windowsill.

This herb is a traditional partner for parsley in poultry stuffing. It is also widely used on its own.

You can add an exquisite taste to any dish with the help of spices. You can buy them at any store, but most often in winter it is difficult to find fresh herbs at a good price. We bring to your attention a list of herbs, the cultivation of which can be carried out in your country house.

Where to place herbs

You can place spicy herbs anywhere, the main thing is to determine the scale of seedlings of vitamins. You can plant them in a mixborder, in the garden or on the windowsill of the house. If you decide to plant spicy herbs, then it is better to make a raised bed for them, dividing the area with bricks or stones into several zones.

It is also important to consider that spicy herbs should be near the house. A small well of spices on the windowsill will provide quick access to herbs regardless of the weather or season, but they need to be provided with artificial light using phytolamps.

List of herbs for summer cottages

Spicy herbs that can be grown in the garden, we present to you in this list.

In ancient times, coriander was used in cooking and medicine. This is an annual plant that is part of the umbrella family. Coriander also has another name - Chinese parsley or cilantro.

The stem is erect and reaches up to 70 cm in height. The leaves are broadly lobed, with broad lobes. The flowers are small and arranged in umbrellas at the ends of the peduncles. They bloom in June or July. Ripe umbrellas are cut off, as there are seeds. Umbrellas are dried, threshed and stored in paper bags.

Did you know? V Ancient Egypt coriander has been used medicinally.

Coriander is native to the eastern Mediterranean. The history of the plant begins in Ancient Greece from 1400 BC Coriander used to be called bed bugs because the fresh leaves smell like bugs.
For the first time this spicy herb was used as a spice by the Romans. Then she became popular in England, and then came to colonized America. Coriander is used with the appearance of the first leaves and added to any salads, soups, main dishes and sauces.

Did you know? In England and Germany, coriander is used in the production of beer, and in France it is added to perfumes.

The dried fruits of coriander are of great value. They should not be eaten green because of the unpleasant smell, but if they are dried, the aroma resembles anise. Dried fruits are used in Borodino bread, sausages, canned fish, sauces and cheeses.

Essential oils are made from coriander seeds, as they contain vitamins C and A, starch, sugar, nitrogenous substances and fatty oils.

Also, because of the beneficial properties, coriander is used in medicine, namely in the preparation of herbal preparations. They improve digestion and are used for ulcers and gastritis. They are also used in other medicines - antiseptic, analgesic and choleretic. A decoction of the seeds and green leaves of coriander is used as an expectorant for pneumonia and bronchitis.

Did you know? Coriander was used as an aphrodisiac, and it was part of the love potions.

Another type of spicy herb, which is part of the umbrella family and is used as a seasoning, is called parsley or stone celery. Parsley is very popular in Europe. It blooms in early summer, and begins to bear fruit from late summer to autumn.
This spice was sacred plants among the Greeks because of the rich content of vitamin C. Parsley overtakes carrots in the presence of beta-carotene, contains provitamin A.

It contains vitamin B, potassium, iron, magnesium, inulin and folic acid.

Did you know? Parsley can be used as a breath freshener.

Thanks to the essential oil, this plant is used for colds. Suitable as a prophylactic. Parsley juice is used for heart diseases. If you are overweight, you should drink an infusion of parsley with a decoction of dandelion leaves and fennel.

Parsley is also used in cosmetology - in whitening masks. The herb helps to get rid of freckles and gives the face a healthy glow. This spicy plant is used in cooking as a main seasoning. Suitable for decorating dishes, and as a flavoring additive.

Important! Parsley has contraindications for pregnant women.

Thyme is a perennial herb that belongs to the mint family. This shrub grows up to 40 cm in height. Thyme flowering begins in May and ends closer to September.

Thyme contains essential oil, resins, bitterness, mineral salts and flavonoids. It is prescribed as an antipyretic, diuretic and sedative, as it contains ursolic, caffeic, quinic and chlorogenic acids. Thyme is prescribed for neuralgia and neurosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal spasms and atony.

Thyme has a sharp bitter taste and a pleasant strong smell. Thyme leaves are mainly used in cooking. It is good to use them for vegetable dishes and soups from legumes.

Fried fatty meat dishes with the addition of thyme have a piquant taste. In baking, thyme enhances the flavor and aroma of any pies and pies. It is used for smoking fish and meat products and for pickling tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini.

Dill is an annual plant from the Umbelliferae family. Homeland is western and central Asia.

Dill was first mentioned in ancient Egyptian papyri. The plant was used during hiking to improve digestion. In Greece, they were used in nutrition and medicine, and they also wove wreaths from dill.
The Romans made bunches of it that repelled insects. Dill contains vitamins C, B2, A, P, PP, B6, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium. Due to this rich chemical composition, dill has a high nutritional value.

Used in cooking to give freshness to salads, in the preparation of fish, meat, soup and sauces. Put in jars for preservation, as it has a spicy taste and aroma. Extracts from the seeds and herbs of dill are added to perfumes and other cosmetic products. Creams, colognes and toothpastes are made on the basis of essential oils.

Dill is also actively involved in the creation of medicines, such as anetine - used for heart disease. The plant improves lactation, vision and diuresis. Dill leaf tincture is used as a diuretic and antispasmodic.

Salvia officinalis is often planted in their mini-garden and used both in medicine and in cooking. The homeland of sage is the Mediterranean.
Used in cooking dried sage. It is added to soups, rice dishes, salads, fatty meats and minced meats. It improves the taste of boiled fish. Add sage 5-10 minutes before the dish is ready.

Did you know? Hippocrates gave the second name to sage - "sacred grass"

Its roots contain coumarin, and its seeds contain 30% fatty oil. The plant has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, tonic properties. It is also used in the treatment of tonsillitis, neuritis, diabetes, bronchitis, burns, skin diseases, as well as in diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Oregano tops the list of perennial herbs for growing in the garden. The smell of oregano resembles thyme. The plant reaches up to 90 cm in height and has branched roots. The leaves are oblong and the stems are hairy. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences in the form of a panicle, have a pink-lilac color. Oregano blooms in July-August.

The aerial part of the plant is used in medicine. Stems with inflorescences are collected during flowering and dried.

Did you know? In ancient times, oregano was used against witchcraft and slander, as it was believed that it drives away evil spirits.

Oregano has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, choleretic, sedative and hemostatic properties.

Composition of oregano: flavonoids, bitterness, phytoncides, essential oils, phenols (Carvacrol and Timol), vitamins C, B1 and B2.

Oregano is used not only in cooking and medicine, but also in cosmetics. They are added to face and body lotions, hair strengthening balms, perfumes. Oregano is put in dishes from fish, meat, soups from legumes. Add it to the sausage. Oregano gives aroma and sharpness to home preservation.

Tarragon looks like wormwood. Homeland - Mongolia. This plant is also called tarragon or dragoon grass. It contains vitamins B1, B2, A, C, magnesium, potassium, carotene, coumarin, ascorbic acid, phosphorus, bitterness and iron.

Tarragon was first used in cooking by the French in the 17th century. Now they are used as a seasoning in combination with lemon juice, fruits and berries.

The stems are used for marinades and pickles. It is also suitable as a salad dressing. Tarragon is a preservative that preserves the taste and aroma of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms.
Dried leaves are served as a side dish for meat, vegetable, fish and egg dishes, as well as put in soups, broths, sauces.

Soft drinks are made from tarragon and the leaves are added to wines and liquors for richness of taste. Arab doctors believe that this plant freshens breath, eliminates apathy and strengthens the immune system.

Tarragon leaves contain a lot of essential oils that have a calming effect on the human body with headaches, depression, insomnia and beriberi.

Important! Tarragon should not be consumed by pregnant or nursing mothers, as well as by people who suffer from stomach diseases.

There are several types of mint, namely: lemon, apple, green curly and peppermint. Let's talk about pepper.

Mint is native to the Mediterranean. Some grow mint in their garden, and some buy it in pharmacies. It contains a lot of menthol, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese. Peppermint essential oil is used in cosmetology, perfumery and medicine. In cooking, mint is used as a decoration and seasoning.
In medicine, it is used for nausea and to improve digestion. It has soothing and analgesic properties, improves bowel function, and has sedative properties. It is used for spasms of the stomach and intestines.

Did you know? Mint leaves are applied to the temples for headaches.

In cooking, mint is used as an essential oil, and mint oil is used in confectionery. Fresh leaves of the plant are added to lamb and poultry dishes.

It is used in the manufacture of jelly, syrups, compotes and fruit drinks.

Lemongrass is called citronella, lemongrass, and lemongrass. It has a citrus aroma with notes of almonds and a taste of lemon peel. The birthplace of lemongrass is Malaysia. Grows up to 1 meter. It contains vitamins A, B, C, nicotinic acid and fatty acids. The plant tops the list of useful herbs in the garden.

In cooking, fresh and dried stems of the plant are used in powder form.

Important! The stalk of lemongrass is tough, so it needs to be finely chopped or ground into a paste.

This plant is used in Asian cuisine. It is added to stews, soups, curries, seafood, chicken, beef and pork dishes.
Lemongrass has a tonic and stimulating effect. It has strong bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Lemon grass improves concentration and eliminates overwork and its consequences.

Did you know? Lemongrass is called "voodoo grass" and is planted around the house to get rid of snakes.

Based on lemongrass, they create a refreshing tea drink in Thai cuisine. Citonella is also added to coconut desserts and sweets with the addition of milk and nuts.

Fennel is perennial, which is part of the celery family. The plant grows up to two meters in height. It looks and tastes like dill and anise. Fennel flowers in July or August. Homeland is Southern Europe. In ancient times it was used as a spice and medicine.

Did you know? It used to be believed that fennel increases a person's strength and prolongs his life.

The aroma of fennel is reminiscent of anise liqueur. The fruits of the plant are used to improve the digestive process. Fennel contains the following: quartzetin, camperol glycoside, flavonoids rutin, anethole, vitamin C and B.

Preparations made on the basis of fennel increase the secretory activity of the digestive glands, act as a diuretic and expectorant. Fennel promotes lactation and has antifungal activity.

The leaves of the plant are used in cooking. It is added fresh to meat and fish dishes, as well as to salads. The seeds are added to marinades and soups. And fennel sauce goes well with cold fish.


Perennial green melissa has an unusual aroma, and it can be grown in the garden.

Grows up to 80 cm in height. Blooms all summer with white flowers.

Did you know? Melissa means "bee" in Greek.

Melissa has a lemony taste and smell. For medicinal purposes, the aerial part of lemon balm with flowers is used. This plant strengthens and invigorates the body, eliminates bad breath and helps with brain congestion.

Melissa is also used in perfumes and health products. Lemon grass and leaves are used as a spicy seasoning and added to soups, salads, sauces, vegetable side dishes, fish and poultry dishes. Lemon balm, rhubarb and mint are used to make tonic and refreshing drinks.

Rhubarb is a vegetable, but cooked like a fruit. The leaves and root of the plant are considered poisonous and only the stems are eaten. The plant belongs to the buckwheat family. Homeland is considered Central China.

The composition of the stem includes vitamins C, B, PP, carotene, pectin, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Use rhubarb for anemia and tuberculosis, as well as to normalize acidity. The plant has a positive effect on the functioning of the lungs and heart. For medicinal purposes, rhubarb roots and rhizomes are used.
It improves digestive processes, keeps the body in good shape, rejuvenates and prevents rapid aging. Thanks to the sweet and sour taste, salads, sauces, preserves, jams, pies, pies, compotes and jelly are made from rhubarb.

Features of collecting and drying herbs

For drying, the aerial part of the plants is used. They need to be collected during the period of full development, that is, in summer, in dry, good weather, when there will be no dew on the leaves.

Important! Do not water the plants the day before harvest.

The main thing is to carefully collect, then aroma oils will remain in the green spices. Torn or broken leaves lose their flavor. The entire crop must be carefully dried. For this, an attic is suitable. Temperature is approx. 30°C. Large leaves, like those of sage, are laid out on racks in a thin layer.

Dill or tarragon is tied into bundles, wrapped in newspaper and hung up. Anise and coriander are bundled and threshed after drying on a baking sheet.

Drying time for herbs is up to 7 days. It depends on temperature and plants. If the leaves begin to rustle and fall off, and the stems do not bend, then the spices have dried up.

It is especially useful to grow spicy herbs in winter time when there are not so many vitamins, and fresh herbs in stores are quite expensive. But even in summer, a small garden with herbs on the windowsill can diversify the interior of the kitchen and make dishes fragrant and tasty. Growing herbs on a windowsill is easy and fun. If you choose the right plants, you will get not only an evergreen bed, but also a spectacular flower mix. Available for purchase today ready containers for growing greens. Typically, such boxes are equipped with separate "pockets" where you can grow greens with a small root system.

Many gardeners transfer developed plants directly from the garden to the house. This is a great way to get green Garden with fragrant herbs without any hassle. At home, many perennials feel good, including:

  • motherboard,
  • sage,
  • thyme,
  • Melissa,
  • caber.

Before transplanting, the plants are well watered, dug up, and, if necessary, shorten the roots. After planting in a box, the shoots should be cut off. This will make it easier to adapt and improve the growth of new greens.

Usually the plants used for growing on greens are unpretentious. They are easily accustomed to a new place and grow quickly. Growing herbs on the windowsill allows you to get fresh herbs at any time of the year. True, in winter, spicy herbs need additional illumination, otherwise the leaves will be pale and weak.

Soil selection

The home garden should be loose, breathable and as nutritious as possible. However, you should not abuse fertilizers, because the resulting greens will go to food. So, apart from organics, there should not be any other applications. Garden soil is usually heavy and acidic, so it is advisable to use a ready-made substrate. All-purpose soil is fine. It contains required amount nutrients, it is light, friable and well passes moisture.

To grow herbs on a windowsill, you will need a sufficiently high container where you can make good drainage. If we are talking about growing 1-2 plants, but a regular one will do flower pot.

Some plants don't need soil at all. Watercress and mustard leaf do well in water. It is enough to create the necessary humidity by placing moistened cotton wool or special moisture-retaining granules on the bottom of the container. It is important not to allow the roots to dry out, otherwise the plant will quickly die. Similarly, you can grow onions on a feather. Usually, glass containers or plastic jars are taken for this purpose. When compiling a home garden, you can disguise water containers with moss or sprinkle them with decorative stones. Then it will be possible to make an effective and beautiful garden which will give the interior a special charm.

What to plant

Can be grown at home various varieties lettuce, sorrel, parsley, dill, marjoram, green onions and cilantro. Compact varieties of cherry tomatoes, hot peppers, early ripening and undersized varieties of cucumbers will be able to diversify the garden with herbs. By the way, chives also feel great in the home garden and go well in the greens.

Among the unpretentious plants are:

More demanding plants include leaf lettuce, lemon balm, sage, rosemary. Much is determined by the varietal characteristics of plants. Before buying seeds, you should check with the seller how good it will be for plants at home. For example, some varieties of sage are large, and rosemary can be difficult to grow on a windowsill. Leaf lettuce usually requires additional lighting: it does not go very well into greens under room lighting. It is worth noting that most herbs blend well with each other and are suitable for co-growing. Almost all herbs love bright light, high humidity, and temperatures around 25°C.

Secrets of Successful Growing

All herbs, except for onions and watercress, need a long daylight hours. Therefore, they light up from the garden. V summer time it is advisable to place the box with the plant on the balcony; in winter, even if there is a south window, the plants will have to arrange additional lighting. Lamps are often installed in the kitchen daylight that provide good lighting in working area. Such a lamp will be quite enough to improve the growth of green pets. With a lack of light, the plants quickly stretch and have small pale greens. V good lighting need basil, almost all types of lettuce, mint, rosemary, etc.

To be guaranteed to become the owner of a luxurious green garden at home, you should buy only early ripe varieties when choosing seeds. It is also necessary to check the timing of seed release, since many herbs quickly lose their germination.

It is quite difficult to grow parsley at home. However, this plant is very popular, which is why many herb lovers make attempts to grow herb at home. For these purposes, a capacious box, nutrient soil and good drainage are suitable. Parsley grows best outdoors: on a balcony or veranda.

Those who want to grow both a decorative and a useful garden bed should pay attention to perennials: marjoram, mint, sage. These plants can please the eye for a long time appearance, while the clothespin of the leaves will have a positive effect on the aesthetics of the decorative garden. However, if green pets stay in one place for a long time without a transplant, they will quickly grow and deplete the earth, so that the home garden will have to be updated annually.

Spicy herbs respond well to spraying and do not like high air dryness. Dill, mint and basil will not give a good harvest with a lack of moisture. To increase air humidity you can make a mini-reservoir, diversify the composition and create an optimal microclimate.

Many lovers of plants on the windowsill approach the arrangement of a home garden with imagination. For planting compact plants, which include almost all herbs, old cups, sugar bowls, oilers are suitable, which will give the kitchen interior an original look. It is convenient to grow herbs in plastic bottles. If you turn the bottle horizontally and make round holes in the top of the bottle, and pour water inside, you can get the perfect container for forcing onions. And if you put the bottle upright and cover it with earth, you can get a compact vertical bed for growing undersized greens, such as dill and parsley.

It is impossible to make a bed without a drainage layer. It is almost impossible to shed the soil qualitatively and not harm the root system of plants. To improve water exchange, you can use a hydrogel, which is added to the soil during planting. It retains moisture and, on the one hand, protects plants from overflow, and on the other hand, it gives off excess water when the roots do not have enough moisture.

Each dish has its own spicy herb, leaves and stems that add flavor. All this greenery is in demand and is increasingly found on window sills. Familiar herbs and spices are back and kitchen plants are added to them. different countries. The list of herbs for cooking in the home garden is long and growing. Those who have some free space in the kitchen or on the windowsill grow aromatic herbs themselves.
Herbs are very popular because they give our favorite foods an incredible taste. Potted rosemary, basil and other plants also decorate the kitchen. And when there's no fresh herb or a wide range of dry spices to make cooking more varied, the food doesn't taste very good. Spicy herbs on the windowsill are not exotic, we will consider growing methods below.

Growing herbs at home

Most herbs work well in a small windowsill garden. The easiest way is to sow seedlings in a flower pot and place them on a windowsill near a light source. Plants need: light four - five hours a day and a constant temperature should be 18-22 degrees.
Fresh homegrown greens are the perfect base for delicious dish. How to grow greens if you don't have a dacha? Those who do not have their own vegetable garden will be without fresh spices from herbs. Although there are many different spices on sale, owning a vegetable garden on the windowsill is something. In addition to aromas, it uplifts the mood with visual perception. Even in the smallest apartment, there are ways to realize the dream of your own herb garden.

Suitable plants

Not every herb is suitable for growing at home. It is best to choose plants that are relatively low maintenance and easy to maintain. If you can't water frequently, choose drought-tolerant varieties. You can also adapt different irrigation systems while you are away.
Who lives in a poorly lit apartment also needs to consider additional lighting or buy shade-loving plants. Garlic and parsley, for example, can grow with little light and are therefore well suited for dark rooms. Parsley grows slowly and it will take a long time before the first harvest. It is better to cut it, rather than pull it out with the root, in order to get the next crop faster.
Oregon, basil, and rosemary are also easy to care for. But they require a large number sun, therefore they are best grown on the south side, where there is a lot of light.
If there is not enough space for plants on the windowsill, you can also find a solution in the form of shelving with built-in lighting.

Tiered solution on the balcony

If you want to grow spicy herbs, transplant the plants immediately after purchase or sow them in large pots. Because often the pots in which they are sold in garden centers or supermarkets are too small. Young roots of grasses do not have enough space for full growth.
Spicy herbs are used frequently, as a rule, they do not require much water. So in order to avoid waterlogging the roots, it is better to use small shards or expanded clay at the bottom of the pots as drainage. Expanded clay absorbs excess water and returns it gradually when the ground is dry. Also, too much heat can damage plants and dry out the soil quickly. Pots should not be placed close to heat sources.
If you don't have time to use or want to dry out excess herbs, cut no more than half so that the other half continues to grow. In this case, you will always have fresh herbs.
Do you have a balcony It is great for growing herbs in the summer.
Do you use only salt and pepper as spices in your dishes? Then you should definitely try fresh herbs. Spicy herbs make it possible to easily and quickly raise good spirits. They give the dish a herbal spicy and interesting taste, aroma.
Fresh herbs are essential spices in daily life: parsley, green onion, dill and other herbs can be quickly dialed in the right amount at any time, chopped into the right dish. Fresh herbs on the windowsill or in the garden are always at hand and can be harvested according to personal preference. How to use fresh herbs skillfully and what are the alternatives, the conclusion is up to you.

Herbs: what's up with what?

Those who use spices in their fresh herb dishes consume less salt. And salt, as we know, retains water in the body. Due to their high mineral and vitamin content, herbal blends make an important contribution to a healthy diet. Valuable ingredients are preserved in most fresh herbs. Before use, it is enough to rinse them under running water without heat treatment.

Herbs commonly used in cooking

  • Basil goes well with almost all Mediterranean dishes. It acts on the appetite, has a detoxifying effect. Fresh leaves can be chewed for fresh breath. Basil comes in green, purple and purple leaves. It belongs to the mint family and gives dishes a spicy, spicy flavor and aroma. Used in salads and as a decoration, the velvety leaves look wonderful. Surplus basil can be easily frozen: chop the leaves, mix with a small amount olive oil, close the jar and freeze.
  • Green onions are like a miracle of nature, thin stems come out almost like from a designer. Their taste is a bit pungent. They can be used raw in salads and sauces. If you want to get feathers saturated with vitamins, in no case do not grow onions in water, plant them in the ground!
  • Wild garlic is better than regular garlic, it doesn't smell. The taste of the dish is better with wild garlic. It contains iron, accumulates in the blood, lowers blood pressure and strengthens the heart.
  • Savory strengthens the stomach, promotes digestion and invigorates. Savory is often used in legume dishes. He fights with side effect legumes with gas formation. Savory aids in the digestion of starchy foods and game. Whole branches are added to the pot while cooking and achieve a good aroma.

Important! Don't confuse savory with thyme!

  • Borago, otherwise known as borage, tastes like cucumber with an onion flavor. It is considered as a diaphoretic, diuretic, cardiotonic agent. Contains a lot of potassium, ascorbic, organic acids, carotene. It is a substitute for cucumber, it is added to various salads, sauces, hot dishes, cold vegetable soups. Borago gives a piquant taste to fish, minced meat, minced meat. It is also used as a fragrance for various drinks.
  • Burnet has a mild, cucumber-like flavor, perfect for herbal sauces and salads. The borage herb has a similar taste. Applies to fish, drinks and sauces. Young leaves of burnet are used for canning. Leaves are used in cooking in soups, salads, egg and fish dishes, cocktails, drinks. The roots are boiled and used as a garnish. The leaves and roots are brewed like a tea.
  • Watercress salad is very similar in taste to horseradish, someone is a bit like a radish. It has a savory taste and is applied to dairy products, eggs or chicken. It contains a lot of vitamin and strengthens the immune system. It happens different types: curly, with narrow and ordinary leaves of different maturity. It is eaten both raw and with meat dishes. Especially in the west, watercress is widespread. In our country, watercress has also become very popular recently.
  • Arugula has a peppery-spicy and sour-fresh taste. Stimulate appetite and digestion. Great for salads, but also for risotto, pasta or fish.
  • Dill stimulates appetite and relieves indigestion. It is ideal for cucumbers and fresh fish, especially salted sea ​​fish. Dill has been used since ancient times in cooking, the most common herb in the kitchen. Harvest time is early summer. It can be both dried and frozen. V freezer kept throughout the year. The seeds are used in Indian and South American cooking. When salting, we can not do without this plant. Dill is said to calm nervous system.
  • Parsley is suitable for almost all dishes. It is rich in provitamin, vitamin B, B2 and calcium. Parsley stimulates the kidneys, purifies the blood and aids in digestion. Parsley is common and curly. It is compatible with all other spices, suitable for almost any dish. Often it is also used to decorate dishes, it brings a fresh look and rich taste to stews, meat and many other products. Regular parsley has a richer flavor than curly parsley.
  • Oregon is used in many sauces. It's hard to imagine Italian pizza and herbal mixes without it. You can also use a sprig of oregon with cheese. Even when dried, the aroma remains if stored in a closed jar. The spicy, slightly tangy flavor of Oregon is great for salads. Oregano (second name) has a tart, slightly peppery taste and is used a lot in Italian and Greek cuisine. Promotes appetite and calms the nerves.
  • Rosemary smells great! The branches are narrow, needle-like, reminiscent of a green forest. Rosemary is a versatile herb, great for poultry and pork, both when frying and when baking. Contains a lot of essential oils that stimulate the appetite. It in a pot gives the feeling of a kitchen garden in a Mediterranean garden. Rosemary relieves headaches, calms the nervous system, has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and biliary activity.
  • Thyme goes best with meat and potato dishes. Oddly enough, thyme, unlike many other herbs, is stronger than fresh. Thyme has spicy - sweet taste and its wonderful aroma develops only when cooking. It has a calming, antispasmodic, expectorant effect.
  • Tarragon has a high content of essential oils, which have a spicy-bitter taste. It stimulates appetite and secretion of gastric juice. It is used for main dishes of pork, lamb, beef.
  • Wormwood is an ideal herb for rich and hearty dishes, adding spice. It stimulates the bile flow and thus guarantees optimal digestion of fats. Used only by young upper leaves wormwood before flowering. Often used for the production of liqueurs. There are countries where they bake bread with the addition of wormwood and juniper berries.
  • Chervil stimulates metabolism, cleanses the blood and removes toxins. It has a slightly spicy taste with parsley and vanilla aromas, fresh leaves and stems are used for a slightly sweet flavor. It is good for diet soups, eggs and poultry dishes. Perfectly harmonizes with crabs and even Frankfurt green sauce. In Sweden, cognac is made with fresh chervil and vodka. Chervil is used only in green form. It should be added to the dish just before serving. Chervil greens - good source ascorbic acid, protein, vitamin C, glycosides, mineral salts, provitamin A. It lowers blood pressure, improves digestion.
  • Coriander is a typical Asian herb with a slight anise flavor. It is suitable for cream dishes, promotes appetite and relieves bloating.
  • Lovage is used mainly for soups and stews, for confectionery and drinks. Even a small amount can give a special mushroom flavor to canned food. It has a diuretic effect and is therefore beneficial for the kidneys and bladder. Often used in dietary nutrition.
  • Marjoram goes great with meatballs or fried potatoes. It has a particularly calming and relaxing effect on the gastric mucosa. Marjoram is used in almost all German sausages because of its powerful, spicy flavor. And potatoes are perfect with marjoram. It came to us from Mediterranean cuisine and can be used for all hearty meals.
  • Mint is suitable as a standard decoration for desserts and mixed drinks, as well as for meat, fish and yogurt sauce. Peppermint essential oils stimulate bile flow and soothe the stomach and intestines. The taste of green leaves refreshes the taste of salads, new potatoes. Exists different kinds mint, the most famous is peppermint.

Tip: To quench your thirst, brew fresh mint, it's delicious!

  • Dried laurel is available in every kitchen. Quenching, preparation sauerkraut hardly possible without intense taste. The evergreen laurel shrub can be grown as a houseplant.
  • Nettles are used raw, but briefly scalded to prevent biting. The taste is similar to spinach. Nettle is rich in vitamins, minerals, and is helpful in forming blood support. Shchi is cooked from young nettles. Try nettle dumplings.
  • Balsam (Sarmatian censer), young leaves give yogurt and other dairy products a fresh flavor. Its taste is reminiscent of lemon, although the leaves are similar to nettles. Melissa leaf censer is added to various drinks and balms.

Also, mint and thyme can be added to tea for taste and as a decoration for various drinks. Spicy herbs not only look beautiful, but also taste great in food. As you can see, many herbs have healing and health benefits. What grass to grow on the windowsill you decide for yourself based on your own preferences. Remember that in nature the wind caresses the greenery. Do not place the pots too tightly to prevent air movement.
For those who read the article to the end, a recipe for a special oil.

Homemade herbal oil

You could see oils with herbs on store shelves. They are not cheap. You can easily make your own herbal oil. Simply add the desired aromatic herbs to the oil bottle and leave to mature in a dark place for 4 to 6 weeks. You can use any variety of fresh or dried herbs and create an oil to your liking. Fresh herbs contain more flavor than dried herbs, as the essential oils are lost during drying.

Oils with various herbs

Spicy herbs in the country are an integral part, because they perform several functions at once. In addition to direct consumption of food, they are widely used as medicinal and ornamental plants. Spicy aromatic herbs give dishes a unique smell and taste, and in flower beds they look noble, delicately emphasizing the artsy beauty of bright buds.

Perennial herbs

Perennial aromatic herbs are easy and profitable to grow. Many of them grow in one place for several years, reproduce without problems and are unpretentious in care. The only thing to consider is the winter hardiness of each particular crop, species and plant variety. You may need to cover the plant for the winter or bring it into the house to save it until the next season.

Thyme, or thyme

One of the most popular plants. Thyme, better known as thyme and popularly referred to as Bogorodskaya grass. It is used in many dishes, especially its taste and aroma is revealed in tea drinks. Thyme is an excellent accompaniment to meat and fish dishes.

Thyme has many species, all of them are photophilous, but have varying degrees of winter hardiness. Types of common and creeping thyme are very winter-hardy. At the same time, creeping thyme has a compact, neat bush, which is often used in flower beds, mixborders and alpine slides as a ground cover plant.

But lemon-smelling thyme is inferior in winter hardiness. In care, it is more whimsical, it can get wet and freeze, it requires a more careful selection of a site that is sunny and well-drained. But it is unsurpassed in beauty: it has a dense inflorescence and a long flowering period from the second half of June. For lemon-smelling thyme, you need to choose a quiet, calm, warm place, and cover it with spruce branches for the winter. It is not recommended to use denser shelters (for example, special covering materials), because under them it can rot.

In one place, thyme can live approx. 5 years. To save a valuable plant, it can be propagated vegetatively: cuttings or dividing the bush. The bush is divided without difficulty: root system just torn apart neatly by hand. Cutting is a more troublesome process and requires a certain skill. For cuttings, young shoots are taken, on which there is a slightly lignified part. It is recommended to root the cutting in perlite or a substrate of sand and peat (50% sand + 50% peat). Kornevin can be used to stimulate root formation.


Mint is a very common plant that has many species, such as Water Mint or the better known Peppermint. Peppermint has a high winter hardiness, it reproduces very easily even without the intervention of a summer resident. The fact is that mint belongs to small aggressors, so it is better to isolate the area where it settled to a depth of 25 cm. Plastic bumpers or any other metal, tin bumpers can be used as limiters. So, the rhizomes will not be able to spread. Mint can withstand significant shade. For example, we have mint in the garden for a long time grew under the crowns of old apple trees.

Peppermint has a variety of decorative forms. One of the most interesting is Peppermint variegated. It is less prone to uncontrolled reproduction, can be used in flower beds as bright accent. However, the variegated form prefers more lit areas. Otherwise the mint will lose its decorative properties- will darken and lose variability.

Mint is one of the most popular medicinal plants. According to the doctor's prescription, it is also used for gastric disorders, neuralgia, as a sedative. As a medicinal raw material, young shoots of mint 20-25 cm long are harvested. If you harvest mint during flowering, you can dry it and fill it with fragrant bags.


Melissa officinalis is often also called lemon mint because its leaves have a very pleasant delicate aroma and taste with notes of lime and lemon. Melissa is not demanding in care, it is grown without any special features. Overwinters superbly in conditions Middle lane without any additional cover. In one place without problems grows 3-4 years. Then planting can be rejuvenated by dividing the bush. You can collect seeds from lemon balm, but vegetative propagation is considered a simpler and more effective way: the plant recovers faster and becomes a full-fledged inhabitant of the garden. Unlike mint, lemon balm is not an aggressor, it does not need any limiters in the garden. At the same time, Melissa prefers sunny areas.

Agastakhe, polygon

For the aroma of leaves, vaguely reminiscent of the smell of mint, agastaje also received the name of Mexican mint. There are species of agastahe that are quite winter-hardy, which endure winters in central Russia without any problems. This plant is tall, can reach 1.5 m. Sometimes a multi-grate requires additional shelter in winter.

Agastakhe is often used as ornamental plant in flower beds and mixborders due to high erect stems and very beautiful vertical white-purple inflorescences. Agastache can be propagated by dividing the bush or by seeds. In addition, the multi-coloured plant reproduces quite well by self-sowing. It is this culture from seeds that turns out well and quickly. The best time for sowing - early spring, then by the end of the season an adult full-fledged bush will grow.

Tarragon, or tarragon

This culture is well known, long and successfully grown in gardens. The grass is unpretentious to light, can withstand partial shade, while a very long period, more than 5 years, grows in one place without a transplant. Tarragon does not belong to aggressive plants, but nevertheless it forms root offspring, therefore it gradually spreads over a large area. Tarragon is used for canning, pickling and pickling cucumbers. There are many recipes for medicinal tinctures on tarragon.

Lovage officinalis

The plant has a large set of very useful qualities, as evidenced by its numerous names. At different peoples there are different designations for this weed, but they are all consonant with the word "love": lyubets, pet. Acts as an indispensable assistant in the kitchen in the preparation of meat dishes.

Lovage is winter-hardy, has a fairly powerful bush and decorative flower stalks, so it is successfully used in flower beds - in the middle or background. In one place, the lovage grows for 10 years. It reproduces by dividing the rhizomes. share lovage better in spring. Division is also allowed at the end of August, up to the 20th. It is not recommended to delay reproduction: the plant will not have time to take root before frost, and the delenka will not take root.


Oregano also has a lot interesting incarnations: common oregano, variegated, yellow-leaved. Oregano ordinary green-leaved hibernates better than others, but it still happens that oregano falls out. There are losses even if you cover the oregano for the winter. Although if one root is preserved, the plant gradually grows and recovers. In order not to take risks, it is better to grow oregano as a container culture. In this case, in the summer, when the threat of frost has passed, the oregano is taken out into the garden, and with the onset of the first autumn cold, they are returned to the room. Wherein optimum temperature for the maintenance of oregano in winter, a temperature of 2-4 ° C is considered.

The most decorative yellow-leaved oregano is the least winter-hardy, the most capricious. Even a secluded corner in the garden will not save her. In a warm, bright place, oregano can get wet during the winter. Oregano is propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings. When propagating seeds, varietal characteristics are not preserved. Oregano can be propagated by seeds, and decorative forms are best propagated vegetatively.

Salvia officinalis

All types of sage are low-resistant. This plant is capricious exactly as much as it is decorative. Very low winter hardiness, it is very problematic to keep it. It is best to grow in pots and move outside only during the warm season. In winter, as well as oregano, it is better to keep at a temperature of 2-4 ° C. Therefore, although sage is a perennial herb, in cold conditions it is grown either as a container plant or in an annual culture, acquiring planting material annually.


Fassen's catnip is also called catnip in another way for the special passion for pets. All types and forms have good winter hardiness. There are varietal catnip with a taller upright bush. Kotovnik easily reproduces, including self-sowing.

In addition, catnip is not only a spicy-aromatic herb, but also an ornamental plant with abundant flowering and very pleasant aromas. Perfectly fit into the border on the front edge of the flower garden. The catnip blooms for a long time. At the same time, you need to monitor the grass and remove faded flower stalks in time. This stimulates the growth of side shoots, which immediately begin to bloom. Due to this, flowering is stretched for almost the entire season, and the plant always has a well-groomed neat appearance. Thankfully, the catnip responds to a haircut.

Planting herbs

All herbs require good drainage in the soil, so the soil must be drained before planting. When planting, you need to pay attention to the fact that the soil fits snugly to the roots. After planting, the plants must be watered.

Spicy perennial herbs can be sown from seeds in open ground or grown through seedlings, which, after the threat of return frosts, are planted in open ground. Oregano, mint, sage and tarragon, for example, are proposed to be sown in seedlings. About how to prepare the seeds of herbs and how to sow them for seedlings, c.