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Mineral fertilizers for seedlings. Fertilizers for feeding seedlings

The purpose of sowing tomatoes is, of course, their fruits, which gardeners pay most attention to. However, it should be understood that for a good harvest, first of all, it is worth growing excellent seedlings, which require frequent and the right fertilizers... This plant almost always needs additional nutrition, therefore, below we will consider what fertilizers it is necessary to feed tomatoes with.

Signs of malnutrition: when do you need to feed seedlings?

The most topical issue at agricultural forums is "How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump stems?", since thin seedlings are very rarely able to give good harvest and is the first sign that plants need additional nutrition.

Usually, seedlings are sown in a special soil, which is saturated with all the necessary components for plant growth, therefore, we are talking about feeding only after planting the seedlings in open ground.

Important! It is necessary to prepare beds for tomatoes since autumn, when gardeners often saturate the ground with manure or humus (who has what). If it comes O clay soil or about loams, then in the fall it is worth adding a little peat and sawdust to it, which had time to grind well. If the soil is highly acidic, a little lime or dolomite flour... Please note that only rotted manure can be brought into the ground in spring.

After transplanting, seedlings do not always grow well, but their condition will tell you what tomatoes need:

Important! To ensure the simultaneous ripening of tomato fruits, seedlings must be fed with phosphorus and potassium. The quality of such fruits will also be noticeably better.

It is also necessary to apply fertilizers in cases where you plant your tomato seedlings in sandy soil. Of course, you can do without this procedure, but only if your garden is rich in black soil.

When using top dressing, try not to overdo it with the dose, as it is better to "underfeed" the plants (excess of mineral components affect tomatoes no less harmful than their lack).

Seedling feeding scheme

Regardless of which type of fertilizer you will use to feed your tomatoes, it is important to follow the dosage and schedule of fertilizing the breasts. The general scheme for feeding tomato seedlings is as follows:

Important! If the tomatoes are planted on poor soil, and the summer turned out to be very rainy, the amount of dressing must be doubled. At the same time, it is important to reduce the doses of all these fertilizers by 1/3 so that the tomatoes “do not burn out”.

Fertilizers for tomatoes

If you do not know how to reinforce tomatoes for growth, we can tell you about a number of different fertilizers that are used for these purposes. These options are perfect for both rural residents, who can use a lot of organic matter, and urban residents, who find it easier to turn to mineral nutrition for plants.

Did you know? During picking, saltpeter and superphosphate can also be added to the holes in which the seedlings will be planted. However, more than 1 tablespoon of fertilizer should not be used per well.

Mullein feeding

Mullein is most commonly used to fertilize tomato bushes. V fresh it is recommended to use it only when preparing the beds in the fall.

If we are talking about feeding seedlings, then the mullein is collected in a bucket, filled with water and left for several days in the open sun. After fermentation of this mixture, it is very much diluted with water and the beds are watered. Such fertilization will be useful for the whole garden.

Important! Tomatoes are very afraid of large doses of mullein, which can dry out their bushes.

Ash use

When planting seedlings in holes, you can also add about 2 tablespoons of ash, which will provide the bush with all the necessary elements. It can be taken directly from the stove, or you can burn cut branches and fallen leaves right on the future tomato garden.

Ash is good for tomatoes because it contains a lot of potassium, as well as a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium. True, and here it is very important not to overdo it - to bring its soil better in autumn, while more than a pound of substance should not be used per 1 square meter. More serious ash doses are recommended only for clayey and acidic soils.

How to feed tomato seedlings with yeast?

Not everyone knows that yeast can have a very good effect in agriculture, especially when it comes to tomatoes. How to feed tomato seedlings with yeast? To do this, you need to use a very simple solution - add only 10 grams of live yeast to 10 liters of water.

To activate the fermentation process, it is worth taking warm water, and it will also not be superfluous to dilute a little sugar in it. With this solution, tomato bushes are poured.

Top dressing with iodine solution

Thanks to iodine, the fruits of tomatoes grow very large, and the moment of their ripening can come much earlier. To water tomato bushes, once a week, make a solution of 10 liters of water, to which it will be enough to add only 4-5 drops of iodine.

Fertilization with manure

Fresh manure for tomatoes, like mullein, is not recommended for use in spring, especially if it is not liquid, but mixed with straw. If you add it to the soil in the fall, then by the spring it will all rot and form natural compost in the soil. Horse dung or chicken droppings work best for tomatoes.

The use of urea for feeding tomatoes

Urea is very good source of nitrogen. But how to properly feed tomatoes with urea that are still at the seedling stage?

It is important to fertilize after transplanting tomato seedlings into the beds, watering them with a solution of urea in such a way that no more than 20 grams of this mineral matter per square meter. Many gardeners recommend using urea only for foliar processing.

The use of preparations for feeding a tomato

Among the well-known preparations for tomatoes, it is best to use superphosphate, since this drug is capable of enriching the soil with nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and even phosphorus at once. You can even spray the bushes with a solution of superphosphate. Complex fertilizers that are recommended for use on tomato beds also include nitroammofosk.

How to do foliar feeding?

Foliar treatment involves spraying the bushes with a solution of water and fertilizers. Often, such a procedure is not necessary, however, if the tomatoes are planted on too acidic soil, appearance their bushes signals a lack of calcium and phosphorus, or flowers will soon appear on the bushes, you cannot do without foliar feeding.

How to feed tomato seedlings using the foliar method? Boron is best suited for this purpose, which provides the following positive characteristics of the bushes and their fruits:

It is necessary to spray tomato bushes with a solution prepared in following proportions: for 1 liter hot water(not boiling water), you only need to add 1 gram boric acid... It is necessary to spray not only the leaves and ovaries, but also the fruits, if they have already formed. Each bush will require about 10 ml of this fertilizer.

How can you feed tomatoes during flowering?

We have already figured out the question "How to feed small tomato seedlings?", However, this plant requires additional support during the flowering period, especially when it comes to greenhouse cultivation. Directly during this period, the bushes and their flowers are recommended to be fed with special complex preparations - nitroammophos, kemira and diammophos.

The frequency of fertilizing seedlings, and indeed their need, depend on the quality of the substrate in which the seedlings grow. Take a closer look at your plants. If they have passed the visual test and are full of health and strength, they do not need any additional nutrition.

When and what is better to feed seedlings

Before picking, tomato seedlings do not need feeding at all.

As a rule, seedlings are fed every 7-10 days. The first time feeding is given 15 days after full germination or in the phase of 2-3 true leaves.

But with tomato seedlings, you need to be vigilant: if it was previously filled with mineral fertilizers, the need for any other feeding disappears by itself. Otherwise, they will grow too intensively, and with a lack of light, they will also.

It is undesirable to carry out the first feeding of seedlings before, if it is carried out. And after transplanting, you need to wait at least a week until the seedlings are completely rooted. To speed up the process, I recommend watering the seedlings once.

If you find that the leaves of the seedlings have acquired a reddish-purple hue, and the plants have frozen in development, most likely this is phosphorus-potassium starvation. Then top dressing is done with a complex mineral fertilizer - Kemira, Agricola, nitrofoskoy.

With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves of the seedlings turn pale, and growth is inhibited. Then they resort to nitrogen fertilizers - ammonium nitrate, urea.

Seedlings are fed with compost - 1-2 teaspoons of fertilizer are added to each pot and watered.

To make a nitrogen supplement, a full box of matches (5 grams) nitrogen fertilization dissolve in 10 liters of pure, preferably. A little more of the total fertilizer is used - from 1.5 to 2 matchbox(7 to 10 grams) per 10 liters of water.

An excellent effect is provided by the alternation of mineral water dressings with natural ones based on humic acids - Potassium humate, Humix and so on. According to this scheme, seedlings are fed every 7-10 days, alternately using full mineral fertilizer and biofertilizer.

Roll the leaves immediately after the nutrient watering clean water from a home watering can, This will wash away the remains of the solution and prevent burns. Fertilizer solutions should not be applied to overdried soil, otherwise there is a high risk of burning the delicate roots.

Replaces infusion or mullein. To prepare the concentrate, take a bucket of fresh organic matter, fill it with 20 liters of water, mix and infuse for 7-10 days.

A strong solution is poured into water for irrigation of seedlings in the ratio: for mullein - 1: 15-20, for poultry droppings - 1: 25-30. When feeding, spend a glass of nutrient fluid for 8-10 young plants. As the seedlings develop, the fertilizer rate is gradually increased.

Feeding seedlings with folk remedies: 5 cool recipes

Eggshell powder is added to the seedling substrate and sprinkled with soil in cups

Summer residents who do not like "mineral water" usually feed their pets on the windowsill with completely natural fertilizers.

I have selected for you 5 of the most interesting, but simple folk remedies feeding seedlings:

  1. Grind and fill with water in a ratio of 1:20. Cover the container with fertilizer with a lid (the smell will not be pleasant) and put in warm place for 3-4 days. Watering with egg infusion will provide the plants with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and silicon.
  2. It turns out a nutritious mulch for seedling plants. Do not throw away food leftovers sunny fruit! Dry the banana skins in the oven, grind into a powder in a blender (coffee grinder) and store in a separate jar. Do not rush to send it to the trash and - this waste also makes an excellent organic fertilizer for home seedlings.
  3. Seedlings grow by leaps and bounds, if you feed them ... right, yeast! To prepare a yeast feed, dilute ½ cup of sugar and a pinch of yeast in three liters of water and let it ferment for 7-10 days. And then every 7-10 days, diluting a glass of mash in 10 liters of water.
  4. Try to feed the seedlings with water left over from washing meat and fish products, salt-free vegetable broth. Since the concentration of nutrients in such feeding is small, it is used without additional dilution with water.
  5. For the prevention of diseases and pests, it is useful to sprinkle seedlings with infusion. It is enough to carry out 1-2 such treatments during the time the plants are on the windowsill. It is easy to prepare the infusion - pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, put a handful of husks there and bring the liquid to a boil. After cooling, strain the infusion and dilute it with two parts of lukewarm water.

Occasionally it happens that even with normal care and regular feeding, the seedlings freeze, ceasing to develop. This may be due to micronutrient deficiencies. .

If you planted seedlings in a highly fertile substrate, instead of fertilizing, I advise you to water the plants 1-2 times with a weak solution of Baikal EM-1 (1: 2000)

To replenish it, I advise you to turn to the help of foliar feeding. In 10 liters of water, dilute 2 grams of molybdenum, 2 grams of boric acid, 2.5 grams of manganese sulfate, 2.5 grams of copper sulfate and 2.5 grams of cobalt sulfate. Spray the seedlings with a solution from a fine sprayer or spray bottle.

To make the seedlings less sick, it will not be superfluous to treat the plants with a solution every 8-10 days. For this purpose, one or two crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the water for irrigation.

Once again, I emphasize that excessive zeal in feeding seedlings is punishable - it will turn out to be skinny and elongated, little adapted to Spartan conditions open bed or greenhouses.

An interesting option is feeding seedlings with infusion medicinal herbs that have expired. See how easy it is to make seedling fertilizer like this!

Probably, many have already grown seedlings of various vegetable crops if you yourself are used to growing seedlings. Today we will talk about tomato seedlings, or rather, about what it can be fed with after it has risen and has become a little stronger. How should it be done and when? Is it possible to feed at home?

The soil and sand should be sieved before mixing to remove debris, worms and large larvae. Experts strongly recommend disinfecting the soil from pathogens, small larvae and pests. The most common methods are:

  • Steaming... A month before use, steam the soil in a water bath for 2-3 hours. The container lid must be closed.
  • Calcination. 30 minutes in the oven, preheated to + 40 ºC.
  • Freezing... In autumn, leave the prepared soil outside, sheltering it from precipitation. About a month before use, the soil is brought into the room, heated, mixed with the rest of the ingredients and taken out into the cold again.

Each of these methods has supporters and opponents, no matter which you (or will not) use depends only on your choice.

When to feed

Three weeks after the seedlings appear, the seedlings grow rather slowly, but as a result, growth is activated. In order for the sprouts to develop correctly, without stretching excessively in length, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime and on time to feed tomato seedlings.

Amateur gardeners who do not yet have experience in growing seedlings need to know when it is best to feed tomato seedlings.

First feeding

The first application of fertilizer for tomato seedlings is when the first real leaf appears on the seedlings. Fertilizer is prepared as follows:

  • In water at room temperature, Agricola-Forward fertilizer is diluted in a ratio of 1 teaspoon per liter of water.
  • Agricola No. 3 or Nitrofosk preparations, a tablespoon of which dissolves in a liter of water, are perfect for them.
  • On average, this amount of fertilizer is sufficient for 40 bushes. This remedy strengthens the roots of young plants best.

Which would you prefer?

Buy top dressing in the storeFeeding yourself

Second feeding

To carry out the second feeding, dilute a tablespoon of "Effeton" in a liter of water. If the plants are too stretched, experienced farmers recommend preparing fertilizer for tomato seedlings from superphosphate, diluting a tablespoon in 3 liters of water. When the bush is overstretched, the Athlete is also suitable, which slows down the growth of the top of the plant and enhances the growth of the roots.

When preparing the composition, it is important to observe the proportions indicated in the instructions, otherwise the seedlings may stop developing altogether.

Third feeding

Top dressing after picking. It is carried out approximately one and a half weeks after the dive of the seedlings. A tablespoon of nitroammofoska (nitrophoska) is diluted in 10 liters of water. Usually a glass of the finished solution is consumed directly for 2 glasses of plants.

Fourth feeding

The next feeding is carried out in 2 weeks. For feeding, it is advisable to dilute a tablespoon of potassium sulfate or superphosphate in 10 liters of water. At the same time, the consumption is one glass per bush.

Fifth feeding

The most recent top dressing is done in a couple of weeks. How to feed tomato seedlings now? A tablespoon of nitrofossi is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. A glass of funds is spent on a bush.

In addition to root fertilization, foliar feeding tomato seedlings. The same products are used for spraying. At the end of spraying with fertilizer, after a few hours, the plants are sprayed with clean water.

How to feed seedlings

If it is decided to start feeding after the appearance of the first leaf, then at this moment it is necessary:

  • Prepare a solution of copper and water the seedlings generously with it. The purchase of this substance is possible in a specialized store. Preparation is made from 1 teaspoon of copper and 10 liters pure water... It is allowed to store such a product for an unlimited time.
  • If there is a lot of fertilizer left after watering, you can pour it into plastic bottle and leave it even until next year. Thanks to this procedure, young shoots will be reliably protected from late blight.

Late blight

  • For the second feeding after the dive, you can use urea. In the end, for good growth green mass of seedlings requires a large amount of nitrogen. 10 liters of clean water will require 1 tablespoon of urea. The resulting solution is abundantly watered with seedlings.
  • For the third top dressing of tomatoes, nitrophosphate mineral fertilizer is ideal. A solution of 1 liter of pure water and 1 tablespoon of this substance is being prepared. The resulting fertilizer is sufficient for a large number seedlings.
  • The next feeding is repeated as needed. You can prepare the solution according to the second recipe or use organic fertilizers for this. Compost, which is poured into boxes with seedlings, is excellent. And it is possible to continue feeding the tomatoes foliarly by spraying the leaves from a spray bottle. The solution for this feeding method is prepared:
  1. From 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 1 liter of hot water.
  2. The liquid should be heated to about 80 degrees.
  3. After infusion of the solution within 24 hours, its light part is poured into a separate container and diluted with water to 10 liters.
  4. The fertilizer for spraying is ready.

Top dressing recipes

Feeding options for tomato seedlings:

  • 0.5 g of urea, 4 g of superphosphate and 1.5 g of potassium salt per liter of water.
  • 0.5-0.7 g of ammonium nitrate, 3-4 g of superphosphate, 1.5-2 g of potassium sulfate per liter of water.
  • 1 tablespoon of ash in 2 liters of hot water. This top dressing is administered within 24 hours, then filtered.
  • Infusion eggshell. Three-liter jar 2/3 filled with shells and filled with water. Insist on this fertilizer in a warm place for 3-4 days. The same shell can be used three times. To feed the seedlings, the eggshell infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

  • Infusion banana peel... It is prepared according to the principle of eggshell infusion from dried banana skins. It is diluted with water in a 1: 3 ratio.
  • Fertilizers based on humates (according to the instructions on the package).

You can also watch this video, where experienced gardener will tell you what top dressing should be used during the flowering of tomatoes.

Fertilizing tomato seedlings is very important for proper and harmonious growth. Strong and durable tomato seedlings that have received the full range of essential trace elements will provide you with a bountiful and high-quality harvest.

For fertilized tomatoes and peppers, the plants may lack nutrients. in the boxes of these cultures occurs for two months, and there is not enough food for the plants for this entire period.

Young plants are especially susceptible to this deficiency, and the deficiency nutrients immediately affects their condition.

However, when feeding any seedlings, one must not lose a sense of proportion. Large doses of fertilizers applied for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers, as well as too frequent feeding will not help the plants, but most likely will harm.

When choosing a drug preference should be given to liquid species... If you purchased a dry mineral mixture, be sure to dilute it with water before using. The fact is that root system seedlings are not able to independently use dry minerals introduced into the soil.

Minerals will come to the roots only after dissolving with water at, and this is a long process, and the seedlings may suffer from a lack of nutrition and slow down growth.

For better distribution of minerals in the soil feeding tomato and pepper seedlings should be done after watering the plants... It is necessary to carry out the procedure in the morning, so that by the evening, when the air temperature drops, it does not provoke the development of a fungus in the soil.

When using ready-made fertilizer mixtures, follow their purpose.... If the fertilizers you purchased are intended for adult plants, then for seedlings you need to reduce their concentration in the solution by half.

Top dressing will be more beneficial if you are around the plants loosen the ground regularly... Just do it with the utmost care, loosen exclusively the topsoil one or two hours after watering.

Fertilizers for tomato seedlings

Tomatoes - especially demanding culture in all periods of development. Correct and timely feeding allows you to get strong, viable specimens for subsequent cultivation in greenhouses or open ground.

During the cultivation of tomato seedlings it needs to be fed three times:

  • The first feeding is carried out 10 days after the picking of the plants.... By this time, the roots have already taken root well in the new soil and are able to absorb all the introduced elements from it. At this stage, tomatoes need nitrogen and phosphorus, so the use of the drug "Nitrofos" will be optimal. 1 tbsp. the spoon is diluted in a liter of water. Top dressing is applied after a slight preliminary moistening of the soil, then the bushes are spilled with fertilizer until the entire soil is evenly moistened.
  • The second feeding is carried out after 2 weeks.... The composition of fertilizers during this period depends on the condition of the plants. If they are stretched out from lack of lighting, then nitrogen should be excluded from fertilizers. The mixture is prepared from double superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Each mineral is taken in a tablespoon per liter. Of the ready-made liquid fertilizers, the most suitable during this period are "Uniflor Growth", "Effecton", "Signor Tomato".
  • A week before planting tomatoes in a permanent place, the third feeding is carried out... For her, a solution of Nitrofoska is used.

What and how to feed peppers?

start at the most early dates development.

Already in the phase of the first two true leaves, you need to shed the seedlings with a mixture of ammonium nitrate (0.5 g), superphosphate (3 g), potassium sulfate (1 g).

All ingredients must be diluted in a liter of pre-settled water.

IMPORTANT! When applying fertilizers, make sure that they do not fall on the leaves, and in case of accidental contact, rinse them off with warm water.

Pour the same mixture over the pepper the second time, but double the dose. It is necessary to do this in two weeks after the first feeding.

A few days before planting the pepper in the ground, the third feeding is carried out... Fertilizer solution is prepared from 15 grams wood ash diluted in 1 liter.

IMPORTANT! You can not feed pepper seedlings organic fertilizers, and manure is categorically contraindicated for him. Such dressings inhibit the root system of the pepper.

Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with folk remedies

Adherents of natural fertilizers can be advised to carry out top dressing with folk remedies:

  1. Bird droppings... Diluted 100 g in 1 liter, infused for 10 days. It is recommended to add to it before use copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.
  2. Banana peel... It is a source of potassium, especially recommended for tomatoes. Peel from 2-3 pieces is insisted in 3 liters of water for 3 days.
  3. Eggshell... This is how to feed the seedlings of peppers and tomatoes after a dive, since the shell is recommended for laying out as a drainage when diving. You can fill half a bucket of the shell with water and use it for watering after three days.
  4. Husk onions ... 10 g are poured with a liter of water, and infused for 5 days.
  5. Yeast... 1 g per liter.

The appearance of plants is an indicator of a lack of nutrients

The need for extraordinary feeding of seedlings and the composition of fertilizers can be judged by its appearance:

  • Lightening of the lower leaves- lack of nitrogen.
  • Arrangement of light stripes along the veins- lack of iron. Seedlings should be sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate.
  • Withered leaves talk about a lack of magnesium. Its deficiency can be replenished by adding wood ash to the soil.
  • Pronounced purple veins on tomato leaves- lack of phosphorus. 5 g per liter of water is infused for a day, then it is diluted with another liter and the seedlings are watered with this composition.

By observing the simple rules for using fertilizers, you can grow a strong and healthy seedlings peppers and tomatoes, which will give you a rich harvest in autumn.

Useful materials

Read other articles on pepper seedlings:

  • and do we need them?
  • How to grow

There is no consensus on the need to feed seedlings. Someone is sure that it is better not to do this before disembarking in the greenhouse or open ground... At home, the plant needs to be watered and maintained at the correct temperature. Sometimes this is not enough: the foliage withers and changes color, the growth of the bush slows down. To avoid these signs, you need to feed the seedlings. The introduction of organic and mineral dressings is allowed.


Tomatoes can be found on almost every summer cottage... Even inexperienced gardeners try to grow them. To multiply your favorite variety and get a decent harvest, you need to take care of growing strong seedlings.

The seeds are planted in a special soil mixture:

  • land from the garden (you cannot use the soil from the place where potatoes grow);
  • humus;
  • calcined sand;
  • chalk powder.

To make the seeds more likely to germinate, they can be soaked in water. After 1.5 days, the first shoots will hatch. However, some gardeners advise sowing seeds directly into the ground. They are confident that the seedlings will grow stronger and stronger. Seeds are sown in early or mid-March (sometimes even in early April). High quality soil and correct temperature can ensure the health of seedlings. To guarantee bountiful harvest and active plant growth should be fed.

Top dressing is carried out in 4 stages.

  1. The first feeding can be done after the development of the third leaf. It is necessary to use combined mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. Agricola 3 is a fertilizer for better growth of the root system and aboveground parts. In addition to nitrogen, the fertilizer is rich in potassium and phosphorus.
  2. The second top dressing is applied to the ground 12 days after the pick (transplant). It is advisable to use. The main components of the fertilizer are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. 1.5 tsp the granules are dissolved in 5 liters of water. Plants need to be watered with half a cup per sprout.
  3. The third feeding is applied on the 26th day (completely similar to the second feeding).
  4. The last feeding is necessary when the tomatoes reach two months of age. If the seedlings do not develop well, they need nitrogen. If the green mass is sufficiently developed, you need to focus on phosphorus and potassium. Make a nutritious cocktail. Dissolve a full tablespoon of wood ash and half a tablespoon of superphosphate in 5 liters of water. Under each bush, 100 ml of solution is applied.

If the color of the foliage acquires an unnatural shade (purple, yellow, brown), emergency feeding with the missing minerals is necessary.


Eggplants love moisture and oxygen. Seedlings do not grow well and grow slowly. The seeds are sown in February. Plants need to be watered regularly and in moderation and the necessary fertilizers applied. Until the moment of landing in the ground, 3 feeding is carried out.

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers will help seedlings quickly develop root systems and greens. After the appearance of the first sheet, you need to add "Uniflor growth" in accordance with the instructions.
  2. In order for the root system to develop faster, you can add a solution " Living force"On the 10th day after the pick.
  3. 3 days before planting, the plants need to be fed with ecogel. This will allow the seedlings to take root quickly.


Pepper grows in almost every country house. The process of growing pepper seedlings is similar to growing tomatoes. Pepper needs to be provided warm temperature, water sparingly and apply nutrients. "Correct" seedlings will yield a decent harvest.

Unlike tomatoes, pepper seeds are best germinated. They are tightly similar, so disembarkation is done in mid or late February. Pepper seedlings love to present "surprises". Strong, healthy bushes can decay overnight. Timely and correctly selected top dressing will allow the pepper to grow better and form a harvest in the future.

How to feed peppers for fast growth?

  1. The first feeding can be done when the bush releases the first full-fledged leaf. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of urea (carbonic acid amide) in 10 liters of water. It is rich in nitrogen and potassium. Water the plants carefully (no more than 100 ml per bush). 10 days after this procedure, the bushes should be dived into larger pots or boxes.
  2. So that the bushes are not oversaturated with minerals, the second feeding is carried out 21 days after the first. The composition of the solution is identical. Sprinkle the soil in the crates before watering the peppers. thin layer wood ash.
  3. The third and last feeding of seedlings is carried out 7 days before transplanting into the ground. If the seedlings grew slowly, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be applied. By the time of planting in the soil, the plant should have formed a strong root system. For this, the bushes must be fed with phosphorus. Perfect option for feeding - double superphosphate.


Cucumber seedlings grow very quickly. Seeds must be planted a month before planting in the ground. Germinating sprouts should be watered sparingly so that they do not stretch out and weaken. If the cucumber seedlings begin to grow poorly and wither, the root system does not have enough oxygen. The soil must be loosened for better breathability.

Top dressing of cucumbers before planting must be done twice.

  1. For better growth, any fertilizer with a high nitrogen content is used as the first top dressing. The event is held after the appearance of the first full-fledged leaf on the lash.
  2. The second feeding needs to be treated more scrupulously. To prepare the solution, you will need one and a half liters of water, 3 tbsp. l. wood ash, 10 g of potassium nitrate and 5 g of double superphosphoric acid. A complex of micronutrients ("Master", "Sizam", "Oracle") can be added to the solution. The mixture is applied 10 days before planting cucumbers in open ground or in a greenhouse.

According to this scheme, you can feed zucchini and zucchini.

The ability to plant seeds directly into open ground is only presented in warm regions. In most cases, gardeners need to prepare in advance strong seedlings... She needs optimal conditions for development and growth: the right temperature, good mineralized soil and timely fertilization.