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Eggshell as a fertilizer for the garden - simple and useful! The benefits of eggshells for the garden How to fertilize the soil with eggshells.

A zealous owner puts a lot of waste into action. And our summer resident finds a use for every trinket. Not many eggshells are thrown away in a year, but many people collect and hoard them to use in the garden. Whether there is an economic sense in this, everyone decides for himself.

What is the value of eggshell as a fertilizer

It cannot be said that the eggshell is a complete fertilizer, but it contains many useful components. Approximately 90% it consists of calcium carbonate - this is the same substance as natural chalk or limestone. Therefore, the use of shells in crop production makes sense, especially on acidic soils. The remaining 10% are impressive list elements, including those very necessary for plants.

So, 100 g of raw shell contains 80 mg of potassium, 400 mg of magnesium, 150 mg of phosphorus, as well as copper, molybdenum, zinc, cobalt, etc. Is it a lot or a little? If it were possible to accumulate several kilograms of shells, this would be a full-fledged replacement for purchased mineral fertilizers. In real life, it is a useful addition to them. But if there is an opportunity, why not take advantage of it?

The composition of the shell depends a little on its color and origin, but the approximate numbers are the same.

The main point in using the shell is to reduce acidity and improve the mechanical characteristics of the soil. To put in order acidity on unsuitable soils, at least fifty shells must be used per 1 m 2 chicken eggs. Of course, it’s easier to pour lime, but ... Normally ground shells are also a baking powder for the soil, contributing to the supply of oxygen to the roots, but don’t forget about trace elements!

The shell is also used as a protection against many pests: if you grind it not very finely, then the sharp edges of the shell scratch the delicate skin of the slugs, injure the insides of the bear. The shell also prevents the spread of certain plant diseases developing in the soil.

How to use the shell

It is almost impossible to harm plants with eggshells (except for those that love acidic soil!). Nevertheless, fertilizer must be prepared and used correctly so that the work does not go down the drain.

shell preparation

The maximum benefit will be when using the shell from raw eggs: after all, when cooking, many trace elements will pass into the water. in shell boiled eggs, in fact, only calcium will remain of the useful components, and it is hardly worth spending time on its preparation. With the shell of raw eggs proceed as follows.

Variants of use in the garden, garden and for indoor plants

If the eggshell is used as a fertilizer, it is applied to the soil when digging or the plants are fed with infusion (the powder is poured hot water, after a day filter and water the beds). For example, under cabbage or gourds, when planting in the hole, add a teaspoon of powder. Under berry bushes in spring, a handful of crushed shells are shallowly buried in the soil. Annual flowers, onions, beets, legumes are watered with infusion of shells 2 times a month.

The shell should not be used when growing those plants that grow on slightly acidic soils: hydrangeas, petunias, ferns, basil, sorrel, etc.

In indoor floriculture, you also need to be careful. Many flowers prefer acidic soils, so they do not use shells at all. These are, for example, gloxinia, pelargonium and all kinds of violets.

For other indoor flowers, a lot of shells are not required. So, when planting on a standard pot, they take, mixing with the soil, no more than half a teaspoon of powder. Once a week, flowers are watered with a diluted infusion. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of powder are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 5 days, after which it is filtered.

In addition to being used as a fertilizer and soil deoxidizer, eggshells are used for the following purposes:

Eggshell- a valuable source of trace elements and a good soil deoxidizer. If used correctly, it saves money and improves the structure and fertility of the soil both in the garden and in pots for houseplants.

and other fertilizers in the topic

Eggshells can serve to increase soil fertility and can bring considerable benefits. Gardeners and gardeners use eggshells as an effective microelement and deoxidizing additive to the soil.

In terms of composition, the eggshell consists of 92-95% calcium carbonates (moreover, this calcium carbonate is absorbed almost completely due to the fact that it has already undergone synthesis in the bird's body from organic calcium to inorganic),
*1-3% from magnesium carbonates, 1-2% phosphates and
*3-4% organic matter. And as you know, calcium and magnesium are absolutely essential plant nutrients, immediately after nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, in addition, they deoxidize the acidic soil of the Non-Black Earth Region and improve its structure. Excessive acidity reduces the fertility of the earth, negatively affects the development and productivity of many plants.

In addition, the eggshell has a different crystal structure than lime or chalk, so the pieces of the shell are quite well “absorbed” by the soil. Therefore, the shell is very useful for the garden.

Eggshells contain calcium carbonate, which can be used as lime fertilizer.

In order for the action of the shell to begin faster, it needs to be crushed.

Eggshells for the garden can be useful when growing seedlings. Even in the last century, when there were no pots for growing seedlings on sale, resourceful gardeners took clean eggshells, filled it with fertile soil and sown vegetables and flowers in it. When the seedlings grow up, the shell is crushed and the seedlings are planted from the ground along with the shell. At the same time, this is one of the ways to replenish the supply of nutrients in the soil.

Dry shells are placed in a jar, rammed, and can be ground in an electric meat grinder into dust. They take crushed shells from 4-5 eggs, pour a liter of boiling water, insist 5 days. stirring daily. Water seedlings of peppers, eggplants, asters, beets, roses, indoor flowers. You can add coarsely crushed shells to seedling bowls as drainage. In the garden, shell powder applied to the bed gently deoxidizes the soil and improves its structure. Dose: 1-2 cups per 1 square meter. This powder can be powdered with seedlings of flowers to protect against the "black leg".

More accurately, you can determine the acidity of the soil using an agrochemical laboratory. But it will take a lot of work. I myself determine the acidity of the soil on my suburban area using a simple technique. From the area to be checked, I take a small amount of crushed soil and pour it up to the second division from the bottom into a bottle for feeding babies. Then I pour water up to the fifth division and pour half a teaspoon of powdered chalk, and put a tightly rolled nipple on the neck and shake vigorously for 2-3 minutes. When chalk interacts with soil, carbon dioxide is formed. The pressure in the bottle increases and the nipple expands. With weak acidity, it straightens slightly; the higher the acidity, the more the nipple takes on its original shape.

Eggshell, as you know, consists mainly of calcium, which is a fertilizer, but not as paramount as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. A significant benefit from it (if it is well ground) will be when applied with mineral fertilizers. The fact is that most of soil acidity increases them, and the addition of shell powder neutralizes acidity, which increases the effectiveness of fertilizers.

But nevertheless, since the shell contains calcium and a set of various trace elements, needed by plants, it is more expedient to introduce it under those crops that most often lack micronutrient fertilizers. For instance, cauliflower will certainly appreciate such top dressing introduced into the hole during planting. It is best to grind the shell before use. It does not hurt to douse it with boiling water before this.

An impressive part of the products from our table contains the elements necessary for the development of plants and is deservedly used as a fertility vitamin. One of the available and easy-to-use products is the shell. rich and healthy the harvest is provided to gardeners who know how to use eggshells as fertilizer, top dressing and protection and who know how to make a vitamin cocktail out of it for the garden.

Elemental composition and benefits

The outer shell of bird eggs is a natural source of calcium carbonate, an element that is easily and quickly absorbed by plants. The calcium content in the egg shell exceeds 90%.

Enrichment of the soil with the listed microelements reduces its acidity and makes it loose, which leads to an increase in fertility. This is one of the reasons for using egg shells for vegetable gardens, gardens and houseplants.

It is recommended to collect the shells of eggs that have not been exposed to heat treatment. It contains all the elements necessary for soil nutrition. Effective use of chicken and quail eggs, their shell is easily amenable to mechanical processing, and the useful elements contained in it are well absorbed. The shell of the used egg must be washed to remove protein residues. If the conditions for drying the shell are optimal, then the remaining protein will not become a source of bad smell.

The shells should be dried in a dry, warm place. It is better to put them in paper bags, carton boxes, plastic pallets. Dried shells can be crushed a little and stored in any containers. The storage container should not be tightly closed. Recycle collected material to the state of the powder should be before use.

You can grind the shell into powder using a blender, meat grinder, coffee grinder. It is convenient to grind small portions in a mortar. Many housewives put the shells in a tight bag and grind them with a rolling pin.

Fertilizer form and applications

As a fertilizer or top dressing, the shell is used in the form of powder and infusion. It is also used as protective agent from pests. The method of using the shell depends on the degree of its grinding.

seedling growth stimulator

The shell is ground to a state of flour and used when transplanting seedlings into open ground. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of powder at the bottom of each hole, plant a seedling, cover the hole with earth. egg fertilizer in the form of a powder, it dissolves quickly, releases nutrients into the soil and makes it less acidic. egg flour can be sprinkled on the ground around the stem of the plant, this is the prevention of the disease "black leg".

Feeding, nutrient pots

Unground shells are used to prepare nutritious infusions. The halves are used as eco-pots for seed germination. At the dried shell, use a needle or an awl to make a drainage hole from the bottom. Fill egg containers with earth and plant flower or vegetable seeds, no more than 2-3 pieces per 1 shell. From the egg shell, the soil will receive useful substances. When transplanting seedlings, it is enough to carefully split the pot so as not to create obstacles for the root of a young plant.

Reliable drainage and protection

The shell in the form of small pieces is a good barrier to garden pests. She is sprinkled with aisles, if egg supplies allow, then it can be sprinkled around each plant. The sharp edges of the shell are an obstacle to slugs and snails. shells small size used as drainage for the soil, they can be laid at the bottom flower pots and add to plant holes. Such drainage makes the soil loose and a crust with capillaries does not form on its surface, through which moisture intensively evaporates. Due to the low rate of decomposition, egg drainage works for several years.

natural fertility vitamin

There are several ways to make fertilizer, but the result of the application is always the same - a healthy and disease-resistant plant.

In order for the harvest to be worthy, you should know how to use the eggshell as a fertilizer and for which crops.

A positive result is brought by top dressing with infusion of fading and diseased houseplants. Treatment should be carried out 1-2 times a month. A small amount of fertilizer is applied before watering the plant. For healthy flowers, the solution is not recommended. With caution, the infusion is used to fertilize seedlings.

  • Young peppers, eggplants and tomatoes love watering with egg solution.
  • Calcium is needed for stone fruit crops - cherry, plum, bird cherry.
  • Shrubs and trees need to be fertilized with infusion - raspberries, currants, gooseberries, apple trees, pears, apricots.
  • Egg infusion increases the yield of strawberries and strawberries.
  • All varieties of onions, broccoli, beets, lettuce, melon, pumpkin, watermelon. - crops for which eggshells are indispensable as a fertilizer.

Many crops thrive in heavy, acidic soils and do not tolerate excess calcium well. Not applicable in this case. eggshell as fertilizer. For which plants should not be used egg vitamin: for seedlings of strawberries, cucumbers, spinach and beans, as well as for indoor flowers - hydrangea, gloxinia, violet, azalea, gardenia and pelargonium.

Fertilizer for the garden or fertilizer for flowers from an eggshell will be more effective if you add onion peel, garlic or ashes to it. Brings good results sharing chemical and organic elements of soil and plant nutrition.

Attention, only TODAY!

Eggs are included in the diet of a well-nourished person. And not just chicken. Many prefer quail, someone loves goose, and someone prefers exotic ostrich. One way or another, the contents of the eggs are eaten, and the shells are often simply thrown away. According to statistics, the family three people consumes up to 800-900 chicken eggs per year. If average weight one shell - 10 g, then during the season you can accumulate up to 8-9 kg of eggshell.

Is it a lot or a little? If you want to really use the substances in the shells, then not so much! It is estimated that, depending on the degree of soil acidity, it can be applied from 0.5 kg. up to 1 kg. for each square meter surfaces.

In fact, calcium in its pure form is a metal; in nature, calcium compounds are more common - bicarbonates and salts formed from it. These salts are the components of limestone, chalk, and also the shells of any eggs. Calcium carbonate occupies up to 95% of the content in the composition hard shells eggs. In addition, 27 more elements of the chemical periodic table are present in it. These are magnesium carbonate, magnesium phosphate, phosphorus, potassium, iron, aluminum, sulfur. In percentage terms, they occupy a very small part, but with constant fertilizer, they will also not go unnoticed.

The films that accompany the shells themselves from the inside are rich in organic matter. Mainly mucin and keratin.

The structure of the calcium bicarbonate present in large quantities in the shell, differs from the structure of the resulting by chemical means chalk.

PLEASE NOTE: Since the shell is created by nature itself, calcium salts also have a completely different crystalline form, which is better absorbed by plants.

Video - we make a solution from eggshells to fertilize plants

Why shells are good for plants

Egg shells in ground form and in water infusions will benefit your garden, especially if it is located on clay, heavy and acidic soils, as it contributes to:

  • soil deoxidation. Around the world, soils with a pH level of 5.5 to 7 are considered fertile. Only with these indicators can the nutrients surrounding the roots of the plant be dissolved and the absorption of these vital materials for photosynthesis and growth. And if the level value is 5, then this means that the soil is highly acidic, toxic for many plants, and acidity needs to be reduced by 100 times in order to lower this figure to an acceptable 6;
  • enrichment with minerals;
  • increasing soil looseness. The plots allotted for vegetable gardens are often clayey, heavy in structure. This (in addition to acidification) does not allow air to enter the root system, leads to stagnation of water in the soil, and when the weather changes, cracking of the soil and breaking off the roots. The introduction of eggshells significantly improves the aeration properties of the earth;
  • repelling pests (medvedka, slugs, moles). If powder can be used for slugs and snails, then for bears, shrews and moles it is recommended to use large pieces of shell. You can only slightly break it with your hands. Sharp edges of hard shells will prevent the spread of pests;
  • protection against certain diseases (black leg, vertex rot).

Ways to use eggshell

The shell, crushed to a state of powder, can be:

  • just fall asleep in the soil, followed by embedding it with a rake. This can be done both before and after planting, it is very useful to make holes for potatoes and onions;
  • sprinkle over the ground to protect against cruciferous flea beetles, clutches of cabbage butterflies, reduce weed growth and mulch;
  • use in decoctions and infusions for irrigation.

Finely crushed shells can be scattered manually, but it is more rational to make a special device: plastic bottle we evenly make small holes through which the powder will spill onto the surface of the beds.

Shallow embedment around the perimeter is useful for trees trunk circle so as not to damage the roots.

To use beneficial features shell film, you can make infusions from the shell without removing this film.

Usually one or two weeks are enough for the water, into which the raw shell will be lowered, to begin to become cloudy and emit a specific smell of hydrogen sulfide. This means that the infusion is ready and you can water the plants with it. For 1 liter of water, take from 5 to 10 shells. The finished solution can be diluted with water when watering up to 10 times.

We collect and store the shell correctly

Those who have tried to collect the shell will immediately note the only minus of this process - the smell, which eventually begins to emit organic protein residues on inside shells and thin films remaining inside. We recommend two ways of hassle-free collection and storage of shells:

  • with rinsing under running water in order to get rid of organic particles and the films themselves;
  • calcination in the oven as the shells accumulate.

In the case when you thoroughly wash the shells, you will get a positive side - the ability to dry the future fertilizer without any inconvenience associated with the smell. But also negative side will consist in the fact that you will not count the useful substances contained in the films themselves.

The second option is more troublesome, since it will be necessary to warm them up on a baking sheet or in a patch as the shells accumulate. But it will be much easier to crush and grind the shells.

Each gardener turns hard and hard shells into useful lime dust in his own way:

  • can be scrolled through a meat grinder;
  • pretty quickly do it with a coffee grinder;
  • just crush with a pusher by hand;
  • wrap in a tight canvas bag and beat with a hammer.

You can store already dried shells for quite a long time. Preferably not in polyethylene, but in paper bags or glass, but loosely closed containers. The potential plant balm you prepared should not suffocate.

Crushed eggshell - photo

For which plants can shells be used as fertilizer?

As you know, each plant has its own individual preferences. Some of them like more acidity of the soil, someone less. Therefore, trying to feed with an infusion of shells or pour crushed powder from them into the soil for violets (Saintpolias uzambarsky) is not only useless, but even harmful.

It is not necessary to make an excess of alkaline additives in planting asters. Seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are more likely to be happy with watering from the shells than directly applying it to the substrate.

But they will respond very positively to the introduction of the shell into the ground:

  • leaf salad;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • radish;
  • swede;
  • pumpkin;
  • watermelons, melons;
  • greens (parsley, dill, celery);
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans);
  • stone fruits (cherries, plums);
  • pome trees (apple, pear);
  • bushes of raspberries, currants, gooseberries;
  • citrus and coniferous.

Important nuances

To find out which soil prevails in your area, you can use the official method: take samples and take them to the laboratory, where after research you will be given exact numbers.

V Lately indicator tapes became popular. A strip of such a tape is moistened with moist earth and acidity indicators are immediately determined.

But there is a faster one affordable way: about 50 g of earth is collected in a bottle, topped up with water up to 200 ml. Instead of a lid, a compressed (rolled) rubber nipple (finger cap) should be used. After a few minutes of vigorous shaking, bubbles from the chemical reaction will begin to form in the bottle. If at the same time the rubber on the nipple stretches a little, then the soil is slightly acidic. But if gas formation is strong, then most likely you will not escape liming.

About the neutrality of the soil they will say:

  • Clover;
  • chamomile;
  • coltsfoot.

Acidic soil is:

  • plantain;
  • horsetail;
  • Ivan da Marya;
  • mint.

Will grow on alkaline:

  • mustard.

DON'T FORGET: one shell for good development garden plants happens a little!

The shell can be combined with purchased fertilizers, or you can combine this natural delicacy with the same natural fertilizers, like onion skins, ash, banana skins, orange peel, nettles, shells walnut, potato peelings. There are known data that potatoes did not get sick and grew large and even if ash, shells and onion peel dry.

It is better to make decoctions (infusions) from banana skins and zest of any citrus fruits. For example: 10 eggshells and the zest of 2 oranges are crushed, boiled for about half an hour in 3 liters of water, after insisting and cooling for several hours, you can water not only seedlings, but also any houseplants suffering from a lack of fertilizer, especially in spring.

Video - using eggshells as fertilizer for the garden

To obtain a high-quality and rich harvest, all cultivated plants need constant care, loosening, watering and fertilizer. There are many varieties of fertilizers, both chemical and organic, but not all of them are affordable. One type is the eggshell, which contains great amount useful elements, but the main one is calcium.

Article plan

Each person has eggs in the diet, which are used not only for intended purpose, and for different kind baking. On average, according to statistics, a family of three uses up to 1 thousand eggs per year (this can be 10 kg of potential fertilizer if the calculation is made from the fact that the average weight of one shell becomes 10 grams). The volume, of course, is small, but given the purpose for which it is used, perhaps this amount will be enough.

The composition of the egg shell

The shell is 95 percent calcium carbonate in crystalline form, which is well absorbed by the soil and all plants. In addition to calcium, the composition of the eggshell contains many other elements, such as iron, sulfur, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. And the films inside the shell are rich in organic matter, with a predominance of mucin and keratin.

Thanks to a large number calcium contained in the eggshell, favorable processes occur in the soil that affect the growth and fruiting of plants.

Functions of calcium

  • Thanks to calcium, the vital activity of microorganisms is activated in the soil, which release nitrogen from organic matter and accelerate the process of decomposition of organic components.
  • Calcium affects the acidity of the soil, reducing it to the required level, as well as improving the structure of the soil.
  • Promotes better dissolution of all useful substances in the presence of a humid environment.
  • Also, thanks to calcium carbonate, plant immunity increases, which is not only necessary to fight a variety of diseases, but is also needed for easy adaptation to other conditions. external environment- this primarily concerns seedlings (during its planting in open ground).
  • Nodule bacteria are activated in the process of soil deoxidation, which help to retain nitrogen in the root zone.
  • And one of the main properties of calcium is the strengthening of the vascular walls, along which the movement of useful components necessary to accelerate the growth and development of the root system takes place.

Applying powder from eggshells, the friability of the soil increases. This is especially true in gardens with clay soil. This is necessary for air to enter the root system, since its access is minimal on heavy soils.

Also, when using the shell, the earth is enriched with useful minerals that are in its composition.

You can use the shell not only as a fertilizer, but as a means to protect against harmful insects, such as a bear, a slug, and even a mole. To get rid of slugs, eggshell powder is used, but for bears or moles, it will be enough just to break the shell into small pieces, so that its sharp edges will prevent the further spread of pests.

The shell powder helps prevent diseases such as blossom end rot, black leg.

Even for indoor crops eggshell is useful not only as a fertilizer, but also as a drainage, when transplanting flowers into different pots.

Eggshells are used for various purposes and different ways Let's look at some of them.

Nowadays, special cups for seedlings are more and more in demand, which, when the plants are ready and planted in the ground, are dug in with them. After that, in the process of watering them, the cups become limp and do not interfere further development root system. By the same principle, you can use eggshells. Having made small pots from halves, having filled the earth there, you can start growing seedlings in them.

When the time comes for planting in the ground, it will be enough to crush or break the shell a little, and having planted all the contents in the ground, the shell will serve not only as additional fertilizer, but also as protection against pests.

In order for the absorption of calcium to occur as quickly as possible, you can prepare a water infusion on eggshells. To do this, pour egg material into the container, which can be either in powder or in its entirety. All this must be filled with water and let it brew for a week. There are no proportions for this solution, it all depends on the presence of the number of shells and the required volume of the area to be fed.

The more shells there are, the more effective the solution will be, but the approximate proportion of shells to water is 1: 3. Before pouring the shell into the container, it is recommended to wash it, thereby preventing the future solution from acidifying.

How to make eggshell mortar

Using egg shells for compost

Each gardener has on his plot compost pit for cooking organic fertilizer from a variety of waste such as weeds, tree leaves, food waste, and so on. To obtain a more effective and complex fertilizer, manure, ash, and even sometimes mineral fertilizers. So the eggshell will play an important role as cooked humus, thanks to its useful features which have been discussed above.

Most indoor plants, whether seedlings or houseplants, need good soil and drainage to keep the soil from becoming waterlogged and souring. Typically, expanded clay or crushed stone is used as drainage, sometimes foam or brick chips. Eggshells are excellent drainage for houseplants.

To use the shell as a drainage, it does not need to be crushed - it will be enough to crush it a little and lay it on the bottom of a pot or other container for planting. With a slight crush, it remains air layer through which liquid and air will pass, which have a beneficial effect on plant growth. Also in this case, the shell will play not only the role of drainage, but also perform the functions of organic fertilizer.

Eggshell has many useful elements, thanks to which there is an active growth of plants, not subject to numerous diseases. Therefore, the shell is used both as the main fertilizer and as a top dressing. Before applying, the main condition for its effective impact on the soil and plants is the grinding of the shell into powder.

In this form, the shell is absorbed faster. And when investing it in the ground in large fractions, the decomposition process will take a long time and, as a result, the benefits from it will not come soon.

  1. To prepare the powder, it is necessary that the shell is well dried, and preferably fried in the oven.
  2. In order for the shell to be in a dry form, after collecting it, it must be washed and put to dry in a dry and warm place. You can not rinse, but then there is a possibility of an unpleasant odor during long-term storage.
  3. It must be stored in a dry and warm place so that moisture does not occur, which will make the grinding process difficult.
  4. In order to grind it, you can use a meat grinder or coffee grinder. The following method is also popular: wrapping the shell in a strong fabric, knock on the fabric with a hammer or other heavy object. You can also use an ordinary bucket and a stick with a diameter of at least 5–7 mm - having poured shells into a bucket, it will need to be pounded with this stick until the desired result is obtained.

If all the rules were followed when collecting the material, the powder will turn out to be very fine, without residual large fractions.

After preparing the powder, it can be stored long time subject to certain rules. So, in order for the shell to retain its properties and not deteriorate, the following rules must be observed:

  • The powder storage container should not close too tightly to allow air to pass through.
  • If a suitable container is not available, paper bags can be used.
  • Plastic bags must not be used.
  • The place for storing eggshells should be dark and dry.

Which crops are eggshell fertilizer suitable for?

Each plant has its own individual needs, which depend on the quality and type of soil or on their growing season. For example, in one period more nitrogen is required, and during flowering and ovary - potassium and calcium. It is also worth knowing that some plants, such as violets, can be harmed by shell fertilizer, and for example, such top dressing will be useless for asters.

But there are plants that respond positively to this fertilizer, these include:

  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • radish;
  • eggplant;
  • cabbage and all its varieties;
  • greens (lettuce, parsley, dill);
  • pumpkin;
  • gourds;
  • legumes;
  • stone fruit trees;
  • shrubs.

How and how much to fertilize from the shell

Shell fertilizer can be applied at any time and in many ways.

  • During the spring or autumn digging vegetable garden - they scatter eggshell powder over plowing, after which they cover it with earth at a depth of 10–15 cm. There is no specific application rate, it all depends on the amount of powder. The main advantage of this fertilizer is that with its excess, it will not bring harm to plants.
  • The next way is fertilizing plants with prepared solution. Its preparation is very simple, it is necessary to fill the shells with water and leave for 5-7 days to infuse. The resulting mixture, if it is concentrated, must be diluted with water approximately 1 to 2.

  • shelling in any form (both in powder and pieces) directly into the wells of plants - this way you not only fertilize the plants, but also protect them from pests such as a bear or a mole.
  • Not too fine powder can be poured in the spring and summer as a mulch and protection of cabbage or other crops from slugs.

But for all positive qualities this fertilizer will not be enough for the full development of crops, so it must be used as an additional top dressing with other mineral or organic fertilizers.

The shell can be added to fertilizers such as ash or bread, but the best option there will be a use of the shell to obtain organic fertilizer through composting, since not only the shell, but also many other useful components can be put into the compost.


Summing up the above, we can say that eggshell fertilizer plays a big role in the growth horticultural crops due to the predominant element calcium carbonate. Also, this fertilizer is useful in that it contains many other elements necessary for plant growth.

The main functions of this fertilizer are soil deoxidation (as a result of which its structure improves), strengthening of plant vessels (through which all useful nutrients). Eggshells also strengthen plant immunity, which helps fight a variety of diseases. Eggshells can be used both as a pest control and as drainage or seedling molds.

The advantage of the shell is its safety (fertilizer from eggs does not harm even with excessive amounts). A main disadvantage shell fertilizer is that it cannot be used as the main one - for good harvest the shell must always be applied together with mineral or organic fertilizers.

How to use the shell as a fertilizer - video