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How to paint the facade of a timber house. How to paint timber inside a house - choose paint, protective composition and analyze prices

Painting the timber inside the house is primarily needed for design purposes and only secondarily as protection. But choosing the right coating on your own is difficult, which is why there are so many forums where this topic is actively discussed. If you are interested in how to paint the inside of the timber and how to choose the right color, then this article will help and advise.

Building a house from timber is primarily environmentally friendly, so when choosing a coating composition you need to focus on its composition. It must be on a natural basis. These include varnishes and paints based on natural oil, such as linseed or water. They can be glazed, that is, transparent and emphasize naturalness. wooden walls or collated.

Transparent coatings can be:

  • matte
  • semi-matte
  • glossy
  • semi-gloss

When combined color range and visual effect perception interior space will be different.

How to choose a color

Color range of some coatings

The color of the interior coating and the effects of gloss or matte are the main things that influence the creation of the interior. wooden house. At the same time, when choosing a color, you need to understand that matte or glossy it will look different. The color combined with the matte surface creates a soft effect.

The mood in such an environment is conducive to peace and harmony. This combination is good in bedrooms and children's rooms. Semi-gloss and gloss, on the contrary, are brighter. They are used in rooms common use, such as the living room or kitchen.

Antiseptics and bleaches

Walls made of timber inside the house are less susceptible to harmful ultraviolet rays and humidity, but antiseptic treatment is necessary early. It is performed with special compounds. Antiseptics come on different bases: organic or chemical.

The former protect wood less, but are more environmentally friendly. Natural compositions recommended by experts for internal processing. If you do not paint the timber immediately after construction, it will darken over time. To return it to its original appearance, the walls are sanded. If sanding was done, but for some reason it was not possible to paint it right away, then the darkened areas can be bleached with special compounds - bleaches.

Wax coatings

Waxes for timber

Wax is the best option for treating timber inside the house. It is durable and protects walls well. The only negative is the price. The wax coating is not cheap, but the walls turn out velvety with a gloss. Such processing looks expensive and professional. Most often it is used for the construction of a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

For the convenience of readers, we offer several options for painting the inside of a timber house with glazing compounds while preserving the naturalness of the wood.

Several options for painting interior walls

For various options formulations from various manufacturers are suitable. The main thing is to purchase proven products from reputable companies. These include, for example, Teknos, Tikkurila, Osmo, Sikkens (AkzoNobel), etc. For example, let’s take Teknos products; they can be replaced with any analogues. It is better to use antiseptics and paints from the same manufacturer for work. This way there will be no unexpected chemical reaction.

To work you will need:

  1. Antiseptic for wood on a single base, for example Teknol Aqua 1410-01.
  2. Acrylic varnish transparent or tinted, for example Teknos Natra or Pnelli Lac.
  3. Brush or roller.

Progress of work: the walls are cleaned of dust and sanded. Then the entire surface is treated with an antiseptic in 2 layers. After drying, varnish is applied. The color of the varnish can be selected using special color cards, which are available from all major sales representatives. The varnish must be applied in 2 layers, with the second applied after the first has completely dried.

average cost material consumption per 1 m 2 in one layer will be 90 rubles. Due to the low cost and ease of painting, this method is most popular among owners of private log houses.

A mistake that is made when painting is uneven application of the varnish. The result is a “camouflage” effect of color on the walls and ceiling. This can be prevented by making 3 thin layers instead of 2 layers. It is good to use such a coating for the construction of a house made of profiled timber.

Professional glaze painting

To work you will need:

  1. Antiseptic composition, for example Teknol Aqua 1410-01.
  2. Professional glazing primer for water based, you can use a tinting one, for example Aqua Primer.
  3. Colorless water-based interior varnish, such as TeknoCoat.
  4. Roller or brush.

Work progress: The surface is cleaned and polished. Then you need to do antiseptic treatment. The selected antiseptic option is odorless and dries quickly, so it is ideal for internal processing of timber. Glaze primer is applied to the dry walls. By choosing a tinted option, you can make the color of the walls deeper and more noble. The coating dries very quickly and goes on smoothly. Everything on top needs to be painted with 2 layers of interior varnish. He will create protective layer and will enhance the effect of glazing soil.

The surface will be velvety with a pleasant shimmer. The durability of such interior painting is 7 years. The cost of materials consumption per 1 m 2 averages from 130 rubles. According to professionals, this option is also easy to do on your own, but unlike the first, there will be no uneven tinting. The tint applies smoothly and the surface turns out to be uniform. A large assortment of tinting primer glazes makes it possible to choose a color for any interior.

Wax coating

To work you will need:

  1. Wood antiseptic Teknol Aqua 1410-01.
  2. Wood wax with a glaze effect, for example Panelvax, Teknovax.
  3. Brush.

Progress of work: The walls are cleaned in the same way as in the first two cases and sanded. An antiseptic is applied using a brush. After it has completely dried, wax is applied in 2 layers. Wax can be used either transparent or tinted. Wax painting is done with a brush. This method has one big advantage: the timber continues to breathe, since there is no varnish film on top. At the same time, the wood texture receives water- and dust-repellent properties.

The surface painted with tinted wax has an even transparent color. The walls inside feel velvety to the touch after treatment. average cost Supplies for 1m2 from 110 rub. Any of the listed methods can be easily done with your own hands and will emphasize interior interior houses made of timber.

Advantages of coating internal walls made of timber with compounds

Why is coating with compounds better than, for example, gypsum plasterboard with wallpaper or plastering? This is due to a number of advantages:

  1. The compositions for coating timber inside the house are on a natural basis, so they are environmentally friendly and do not have strong odors.
  2. The naturalness of wooden walls is preserved. A wide range color solutions makes it possible to use painting in any interior.
  3. Painting natural ingredients it is vapor permeable, which means the wood will breathe.
  4. Clear varnishes apply smoothly and there will be no color changes on the walls or ceiling.
  5. Natural-based compositions dry quickly (1-2 hours).
  6. Long service life (from 7-15 years). But in many respects this indicator for tinted options depends on the color. The lighter the color, the shorter the service life.
  7. It is easy to repair a damaged section of the wall.
  8. Good combination of price and quality.

There are not many disadvantages to such a coating, the most common is that sooner or later you will get tired of the interior, and it will be a pity to redo intact walls.

Price for work

In all large regions Interior painting of timber walls costs about the same. It depends on the material with which the walls are covered. Average cost of painting the inside of a house:

Works Cost, rub./m2
Wall made of timber Ceiling made of timber
Bleach treatment (restoration) From 70 From 90
Antiseptic From 65 From 85
Padding From 90 From 110
Glaze coloring (1 layer) From 120 From 140
Cover painting (1 layer) From 95 From 120
Sanding between layers From 55 From 75
Grinding From 290 From 350

In terms of square meters of the walls of the house, the price of painting the inside is not small. It’s easier not to overpay, but to do everything yourself. Moreover, the work is not difficult and can be carried out slowly at any time of the year and in any weather conditions.

Filimonov Evgeniy

Reading time: 9 minutes


Painting a timber house

How to paint a house, options for choosing paints and varnishes, how the interior and exterior painting, preparatory work and the stages of their implementation, tips and recommendations.

IN Lately houses made of timber are gaining more and more popularity, many pay attention to the foundation, the reliability of the roof, correct installation walls and use reliable insulation. This is all important, but do not forget about antiseptic treatment One of which includes painting a house made of timber, which improves not only the aesthetic appearance, but also improves the protection of the timber from aggressive environmental influences.

This article describes in detail the moments of painting wooden structure. How to prepare timber for painting, what important recommendations for reliable painting, how to choose the right paint and how to paint the outside of a timber house. What are the main criteria for choosing paint, features of harmful effects on environment what impregnations are and what qualities they should have.

What paints and varnishes should be chosen for exterior work, features of the choice of oil, alkyd and acrylic compositions. How the process of preparing for painting is carried out, how the surface to be treated is impregnated and painted manually and using sprayers and spray guns. How to paint glued or profiled timber.

Description of the cost of paint coatings and work performed. Detailed description how to paint timber with outside, important tips and recommendations for high-quality execution works How rough sanding, treatment with impregnations and medium sanding occurs before painting, features of applying protective varnish.

Various paint options timber house How to properly paint a house indoors.

Preparing the surface for applying paint is a rather complex process and takes a lot of time. But if this is not done, mold, mildew and other pests may appear on the timber over time. IN best case scenario the result of your work will be of poor quality; the surface may have roughness and dust under the varnish.

  • The first and most important thing in the process of painting timber is treating it with antiseptic agents;
  • If the composition of the solution requires dilution before application, this must be done strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions;
  • Be very careful when applying the first layer of paint and varnish - the result of the entire painting depends on this;
  • Before painting a house made of timber from the outside, use a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner to vacuum all joints in which particles of shavings or dust may remain;
  • To achieve a beautiful and rich shade, apply the solution to the same place using a brush in 2-3 layers, when using a spray gun - in 3-4 layers;
  • Decide on appearance the final painting result. If you apply paint using a spray gun, the result will be glossy; if you use a brush or roller, the timber will acquire a matte surface;
  • Craftsmen recommend applying the first layer of the product after sanding the timber, and this should be done very carefully so that the surface has an even and smooth base;
  • After sanding the timber, the paint lays down in an even layer, there is no roughness or bubbles;
  • When choosing a shade to paint a house made of timber from outside, keep in mind that the shade on the manufacturer’s test board will vary slightly;
  • This color discrepancy occurs because the area of ​​the house to be painted differs from trial version manufacturer.

Building wooden Vacation home we expect that he will delight us with his appearance for as long as possible, without requiring serious repair work. However, the nature of wood building materials is such that without the necessary processing of a house made of timber, it cannot be guaranteed that after some time it will not change its original properties. Darkening of the walls, the appearance of mold, infestations of insects - there are plenty of people willing to spoil your mood at the first opportunity. That is why painting a house made of timber is a mandatory step in protecting the walls from external factors.

Processing a house made of timber - internal and external

Let's immediately say that painting a house made of calibrated timber is appropriate in cases where you do not plan to hide its walls under finishing materials. At this stage, two tasks are simultaneously solved: protecting the material from unfavorable factors and determining the design of the premises and façade. The protective function comes down to preserving the original parameters of the wood: its color, the absence of rot and mold, etc. – due to the creation of a barrier impenetrable to UV rays and water. The ability of wood to “breathe” is not impaired for the simple reason that air exchange is predominantly carried out through the ends of the timber and micro-slits between the crowns. As for design, painting a house made of timber can make a significant contribution to its formation:

  • can be saved natural beauty wood material, painting it with a transparent (glazing) composition. The option is appropriate if far from the worst material was used during construction;
  • or vice versa, apply covering paints and varnishes to the surface of the walls, giving the log house more modern look. This approach is especially in demand if the timber is not of high quality;
  • There are also borderline solutions that involve the application of translucent compounds. Color palette in the last two cases it is limited only by the imagination of the developer

How and how to paint a house made of timber

Only dry surfaces of the log house are painted. We draw the attention of those people who built a country house from timber to this natural humidity– before painting you will have to wait until the log house dries. What to paint with?

  • water-based compounds. It is the most environmentally friendly option, which is most often used for interior painting;
  • wax and oil based compounds. Wax mastics are used to treat timber houses on the inside, drying oil and special oils that saturate the wood well are used on the outside;
  • paints and varnishes based on organic solvents

Advice to buy a specific paint for a house made of timber would look like advertising. Therefore, we provide only a list of manufacturers whose products have proven themselves with positive side: German Zobel and Osmo, Finnish Tikkurila, Slovenian Belinka. Among the assortment paint and varnish materials From these companies you will definitely select a composition option that meets all your requirements and operating conditions. As a rule, all such paints and varnishes can be applied using sprayers or a regular brush. In any case, you should fully adhere to the manufacturers' recommendations.

We remind you that painting is preceded by sanding the timber walls. After this, apply the first layer of paintwork, wait until it dries, remove the lint and apply the finishing coat of paint. The most labor-intensive of all the above work is the grinding process. So pay attention in advance to the quality of the lumber you purchase.

A little about prices

Depending on the painting technology, the materials used and the qualifications of the workers, the cost of treating a house made of timber varies from 200 to 500 rubles/m2 (including paint and varnish). Below are prices for related work excluding consumables.

If you decide to paint yourself wooden house, then the estimated cost of coatings will be approximately 70-120 rubles. for application on square meter surfaces.

Instead of conclusions

Painting a house made of timber must be carried out in a timely manner - the amount of time that will pass from the commissioning of the building to the first repair work depends on this. Don't expect a coat of paint to protect your walls forever. The protective layer will have to be renewed at least once every 5 years.

Painting a house made of timber from the outside involves a whole range of work, which consists of: making the right choice paint, surface preparation and so on. A wide variety of paints can be used to paint a log house. They can be light, dark, bright and so on.

However, in most cases, a person tries to preserve the original beauty natural wood, therefore, to paint a house made of timber from the outside, he uses transparent or translucent paints. So, as stated earlier, painting the outside of a house is quite a complex process. However, in any case, it is best to do it yourself.

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Preparatory process

Often painting a house made of timber from the outside is accompanied by very large-scale preparatory work. This is not strange, because if you don’t foresee everything possible nuances, then there is a high probability that the work will not be completed at the proper level, and this cannot be allowed. That is why it is worth preparing in advance, namely, taking into account all the following nuances.

The paint must be diluted in strict accordance with the instructions. Here you need to take into account all the factors that will influence this or that layer. Special attention During the preparation process, attention should be paid to the first layer.

Before starting work related to painting the outside of a house made of timber, it is worth vacuuming its surface to remove all excess that may have accumulated between the logs. Otherwise, those places where there was dirt or chips may quickly change color.

If the exterior of the house is painted with ordinary brushes, then only two layers of paint can be applied. If a spray gun is used for these purposes, then you can walk 3-4 times over the same place.

It is also worth remembering that what tool will be used for painting directly determines how the house will look from the outside. If here we're talking about about using a spray gun, the surface will definitely turn out glossy, that is, shiny. If you use a regular brush or roller when painting, it will be matte.

Before you start painting, the frame must be sanded. Moreover, this must be done as efficiently as possible. Otherwise, roughness will remain on the surface of the wall, which will then reveal itself during the process of cleaning the surface. This should definitely be avoided.

You should not trust the color that is present on the standard painted board. In any case, it will be different on the wall. This is not because manufacturers are deceiving their customers, but because the area to be stained will be very different from the one used as a test. You should not be afraid of this, since the shade will not differ much.

By the way, some tools were mentioned above. Basically you will need:

  • brushes;
  • roller;
  • empty containers;
  • spray gun;
  • sandpaper;
  • ladder;
  • some unnecessary clothing;
  • gloves.

If construction time is delayed, then there is a high probability that the log house will have different tones in different places. In this case, you will have to first level out the color of the surface. This is done extremely simply. Chemical bleach is applied to the wall before painting. Only after this should the wall be painted with the chosen paint or varnish.

Before painting, you should think about the fact that after this process, neither the outside nor the inside of the house will smell like the fresh smell of wood. Any paint will instantly destroy this aroma. Moreover, even one layer is enough. The only thing that will remain is the properties of wood, for which people love wooden houses.

All those products that can be applied to wood are divided into two large groups- varnished and varnish-free. The first option forms on the surface of the tree protective film, which protects it from external influences. The second type of coating is different short term service, which is often limited to five years. It also does not create a protective layer on the surface, but penetrates into the wood.

It is best to use varnishes that have an acrylic base. They have an elastic base that will not collapse as the wood dries out.

A wide variety of paints and varnishes can be used for exterior work. Which option should I choose? This is worth talking about in more detail. So, it’s worth talking about the main characteristics of the paints that are used today for painting wooden houses outside.

  1. Oil paints. They are used very rarely for painting the outside of houses. They are very sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet rays. They have a negative effect on them. Quite quickly, a surface that is painted with just such paint becomes unusable, that is, it simply changes its color.
  2. Alkyd paints. Not suitable for outdoor use wooden buildings. Here, rather, we can talk about metal or plastered surfaces.
  3. Emulsion paints cope well with the water that gets on them. They do not fade in the sun. They are very similar to adhesive paints, which are washed out with water over time. This is unacceptable for exterior painting of a house made of timber, so they should not be used as a basis.
  4. Silicate paints based on liquid glass, are also not used for application to wooden surfaces. They are most often applied only to plastered, stone or concrete walls. Moreover, we can also talk about external use here.
  5. Water-dispersed paints can also be used for exterior painting of a timber house. By the way, they are very easy to use and allow the surface they are applied to to breathe.
  6. Acrylic paints are one of the most best options, which is used to cover the walls outside. They are easily washed off with water until completely dry. They are practically not susceptible to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Their durability can be the envy of any other type paint coating, which is used for exterior painting of timber walls.

Any paint has a number of parameters that must be taken into account when choosing a specific option. For example, the gloss index shows how shiny the surface will be. This type of paint has a number of disadvantages. All of them show a wide variety of defects on the surface, as well as cracks and emphasize roughness.

However, they also have one tangible advantage. It lies in the fact that such a surface is quite easy to care for. It can be wiped with an ordinary rag, after which it will shine.

Some features

Drying speed various types colors are not the same. At the same time, paints that are made with volatile solvents and those that have an emulsion base dry the fastest. Takes the longest to dry oil paints. If you add driers to any paint, it will dry much faster than the usual standard version.

Another very important indicator For any paint that is used to paint the exterior of a home, there is a requirement for lightfastness.

This parameter characterizes how much the bright coating will fade over time under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Very important parameter, when it comes to exterior painting of the house.

Thus there is great amount a wide variety of types of paint that are used for application to a particular surface. Best suited for outdoor work with logs acrylic paints. They are easy to apply and dry almost in a matter of moments. A good option for anyone who decides to paint their own home.

It is worth noting that all types of paint that are applied to the surface of a timber house must be characterized by high resistance to ultraviolet rays. It is very destructive to many types of paintwork.

When painting the surface of walls, it is imperative to take into account many nuances that allow you to maximize the quality of processing. Which ones need to be taken into account were described a little earlier. If you ignore them, there is a high probability that the coating will turn out to be of poor quality and the work will have to be redone from the very beginning.

Correct painting A house made of timber not only gives its appearance the desired shades, but also protects the wood from various harmful influences. In this article we will talk about the technology of painting a wooden house, as well as various materials which are used for this work.

Why do you need to paint a house made of laminated veneer lumber?

The main purpose of painting is to give the appearance and internal view home of the required shades, change visual perception external and internal surfaces of the timber and the house as a whole. Proper painting does not hide the texture of the wood, but gives it new colors and emphasizes the pattern of the timber. However, applying paint or varnish is the final step in a whole complex of actions aimed at protecting walls from damage by dampness, mold, ultraviolet radiation and fire. Therefore, before painting, the walls inside and out are treated with antifungal, anti-rot, etc. Often, treatment with protective substances and painting occur simultaneously, but this approach is only permissible with cheap paints. It is not advisable to mix more expensive paints with reagents and protective agents to avoid color changes. The final step in painting a timber house is varnishing. It does not change the color of the wood, but protects against ultraviolet radiation and scratches.

Choosing paint for timber

The choice of paint depends on the quality of the timber. If the beam is made of wood with beautiful design, then use impregnations, transparent and translucent varnishes. If you don’t like the pattern and texture of the timber, you can use opaque paints. In this case, a house made of laminated veneer lumber will lose one of its main advantages - the unique texture of natural wood. In addition, all materials used to paint a timber house must be highly permeable to water vapor. Otherwise, the tree will not be able to absorb and release moisture, which means it will begin to become damp and rot. In addition, the indoor microclimate will worsen, because in a normally painted house made of timber, the walls absorb excess moisture in the rooms and remove it outside, from where it evaporates into the atmosphere. Therefore, paints must be water-based, and varnishes oil-based.

When choosing impregnations, paints and other paints and varnishes, keep in mind that in Russia they produce very good ones, but they do not make any normal paints for wood. Therefore, you will have to choose only from imported materials. The best paints The following companies produce for wood:

  • Zobel;
  • Osmo;
  • Renner;
  • Tikkurila;
  • Sikkens;
  • Teknos;
  • Finncolor;
  • Belinka.

Good results are obtained by using paint from the Teknos Futura series, which forms a vapor-permeable film with varying degrees of dullness. From universal remedies most effectively Osmo Holz-Schutz Öl Lasur. This product is based on natural oil protects wood from ultraviolet radiation, does not interfere with the removal of moisture and gives the wood different shades, depending on the number indicated on the can.

When painting a house that has stood for more than 5 years, you will need bleach, for example, Tikkurila Homeenpoisto. It will remove blue stains from the surface of the timber without changing its texture. In addition to factory paints and oils, you can use homemade compositions which give very good results. There is no single recipe or “correct” ratio of components, because everyone chooses the proportions for themselves. Here are the most commonly used components for such formulations:

  • natural turpentine (gum);
  • linseed oil;
  • wood resin;
  • beeswax;
  • palm wax;
  • water;
  • various natural pigments, dyes and colors.

How to paint a wooden house correctly

The technology for painting a house made of laminated veneer lumber includes the following operations:

  • removal of old paint (not necessary for new houses);
  • rough grinding;
  • treatment with protective impregnations;
  • medium grinding;
  • treatment with impregnation colors and fine grinding;
  • application of protective varnish.

Rough grinding

Preparation for painting begins with removing the old paintwork (paintwork). New homes do not require this procedure. If not deleted old paint, then you will not be able to properly treat the wood with protective reagents, or sand it to remove minor scratches, color and texture improvements. Sanding can be done manually, using a coarse sandpaper(numbers from 20 to 60) and with a grinder using medium sandpaper (numbers from 100 to 140). If you are using a sander, do not use coarse sandpaper on it. A trembling hand or an awkward movement will lead to the formation of a hole on the surface of the beam and you will have to spend a lot of effort to eliminate it. During the rough sanding process, you remove old paintwork and also remove the top layer of wood that has been discolored and grayed by exposure to ultraviolet light. The maximum layer that can be removed during rough grinding is 2 mm, but it is better not to reach such values ​​and limit yourself (if possible) to a thickness of 0.5–1 mm.

Treatment with protective impregnations

Most protective impregnations penetrate to a shallow depth (up to 5 mm) and rain washes them out of the wood after a few years. Therefore, re-treatment with impregnations after 3–5 years is a reliable means of protecting timber from rot, mold, various bugs and fire. For a new house made of laminated veneer lumber that has stood for several years, impregnations produced by the Russian companies Senezh and Neomid are well suited. The products from Tikkurill are somewhat worse and noticeably more expensive. When treating with impregnations, keep in mind that they should only be applied to well-dried wood. That is, it is necessary to treat a house made of laminated veneer lumber in early autumn, before the onset of the rainy season. Impregnations are applied with brushes, rollers or spray guns, whichever is more convenient for you. Neither method has any significant advantages.

Medium sanding

After treatment with water-based impregnations, pile rises on the laminated timber, which must be removed using a grinding machine. The grinding depth should not exceed 0.5 millimeters. Sanding is carried out after the impregnation is completely absorbed and the pile rises. Move whenever possible grinder against the pile, thanks to this it will be possible to improve the quality of the sanded surface and reduce the thickness of the removed layer. It is not advisable to perform this operation manually due to high probability lint scuffler. Use 160 to 200 grit sandpaper on your sander.

Processing with impregnation colors and fine grinding

Perform this operation 20–30 hours after sanding so that the wood has time to completely absorb antiseptics and other protective reagents. Apply impregnations with a brush, roller or spray gun. If you use universal products (Osmo Holz-Schutz Öl Lasur and analogues), then treatment protective equipment and colors are combined, after which they are sanded as described above. However, the use of universal means is not the best choice. and the fungicides in their composition are much inferior to specialized Russian preparations, so tree protection will be insufficient. After applying water-based impregnations, the timber is again covered with pile and must be sanded again. The only difference from the sanding described above is the sandpaper size from 180 to 220.

Application of protective varnish

The use of varnishes based on natural resins allows you to create a thin, durable film that is permeable to steam but impermeable to water. In addition, many varnishes can be mixed with various colors. In this case, the use of impregnation colors is not required. Thick protective compounds are applied with a brush, carefully rubbing them into the wood. Liquid formulations applied using a spray gun. If you do not want to use a thick composition, dilute it with the solvent indicated on the can. Most often, white spirit, gasoline or water are used as a solvent. Apply aqueous compounds thin layer, allowing to dry for at least 5 hours. This will save you from the appearance of lint on the timber and the need to sand the surface of the house. If you apply oil-based compounds, apply them in 3-5 layers. If you apply water-based compounds, then the number of layers should be at least 10, preferably 15. This will create a protective layer required thickness. When working with varnishes inside the house, be sure to open all windows and doors, this will help avoid poisoning. Use safety glasses, rubber gloves and respirators.