Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Antique wooden chandeliers. DIY designer lamps made of wood

The kitchen with one sad, but very economical light bulb in the middle of the ceiling had been waiting for its lamp for a couple of years, which, as usual, we decided to make with our own hands. In addition to this idea, I had a couple of different ideas in my head: a lamp made of ropes or bottles, a lamp made of cups or twigs, or maybe made of veneer or clay? In short, things didn’t work out for us with kitchen lighting. True, there was a vintage lampshade from the 60s hanging above the desk.

Then, having looked enough at Scandinavian interiors, we caught fire with branches and snags. We decided that one should definitely hang on the ceiling in the kitchen, especially since we dream of a wooden kitchen furniture. No sooner said than done. Because finding a snag is a difficult and lengthy task.

In search of suitable wood, we wandered along the banks of several rivers (Latoritsa, Southern Bug, Zbruch, Dnieper and Desenka), wandered through the forests and puzzled friends who loved hiking. And then we went to the nearest park and found our future wooden lamp right in the middle of the central alley :)

A long-awaited find

Satisfied with the long-awaited find, we returned home and... were confused, because doubts fell upon us. What will it look like? “What should people say?” (Ukr). But how to hang such a lamp if the intended kitchen furniture is not there?

In short, our branch first became a piece of furniture and special pride, and then it was slightly shortened, because part of it went to the children for a wooden lotto with animals. How so? And like this: an unknown animal began to gnaw on the branch :) I had to cut off a part, and then - it was not there - they made a lotto from another piece of the branch. There was a piece of driftwood left, untouched by the beast, and just the right length.

A year has passed and then our beloved “The village” writes to us, saying, let’s cooperate. We wanted it so bad! But we don’t have anything fresh or suitable for their theme. Well, really, I won’t do a master class on sewing a felt giraffe for “The village” :) What can we offer? Of course, the long-awaited driftwood lamp. This is the mainstream and Scandinavia! We discuss this idea with the editor, she agrees and we begin work on a lamp made from a branch with our own hands.

Everything could be done simply and quickly, but we are not looking for easy ways, so we go back to the forest. This time we need thinner branches to make wooden cases for the cartridges in the lamp. Fortunately, we find a fallen and dried tree quickly, combining a pleasant find with a useful walk for the younger generation.

While the children are sleeping...

Suitable branch

All necessary materials for a lamp from a branch:

A large dry branch, wire, plastic E-14 sockets, energy-saving light bulbs with a similar base, a thin metal mounting cable, clamps for it, dry branches with a diameter of 3.5 centimeters, small nails (about 10 pcs.), wood screws (2 short , 1 long), square board (8 x 8 x 2 centimeters), white acrylic paint, acrylic lacquer, masking tape. Saw, drill (engraver), drill, soldering iron, pliers, screwdriver.

DIY kit :)

And now the process of creating a wooden lamp with your own hands:

1. We clean off the remaining bark on the branch sandpaper. We leave some places untouched to give a natural look.

Sanding the branch with sandpaper

2. Mark the places on the branch for drilling holes for the wires. Also at the top of the branch we draw a line along which we will make a groove for the wire.

Marking locations for drilling holes

3. Drill holes using a drill. We make a groove with a drill (engraver).

Drilling holes

Making a groove for the wire

4. Drill holes in the square board for the cable, wire and mounting screw.

We saw and drill a square board

5. We saw branches with a diameter of 3.5 cm into pieces 5 cm long.

Sawing blanks

6. From these blanks, using a drill and cutter, we drill out a core for a plastic cartridge 4.5 cm deep.

Fixing the workpiece

Drill a hole for the chuck with a milling cutter

7. We make holes in them for the wires.

Drill a hole for the wire

Ready-made set of cartridge cases

8. Cut the wire to the required length, connect the cartridge to it, and put the cartridge in a wooden case. Then we thread the free end of the wire into the hole on the large branch.

Collecting details

9. We insert the steel cable into the holes on the branch and fix it with screws.

Fixing the steel cable

10. We lay the wire along the groove, fix it with nails bent into the letter G. We solder the joints of the wires, insulate the soldering points using heat-shrinkable cambric.

Soldering the wiring

The connection point of the wires in the heat-shrinkable casing

Fix the wire with L-shaped nails

11. Everyone wooden parts We process the lamp with sandpaper and cover it with one layer of matte acrylic varnish. Square board We first paint it with white paint, and then varnish it. We did this so that the wooden trim would not stand out against the background of the white ceiling.

Sand and paint a square board

Varnishing the branch

12. Square wooden blank thread 2 ends steel cable and the power supply wire for the lamp. We set the desired height of the lamp using a cable, fix the cable with clamps.

The topic of our article is wooden ceiling lamps. We will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this material both from the point of view of design and from all other aspects; We will find out where these lamps can be used, and where it is better to use other materials.

Finally, we will learn how you can make a wooden lamp with your own hands with little effort and time.

What is wood associated with in room design? First of all, with antiquity, with the Middle Ages. With time, when people woke up to the singing of birds, and not the noise of cars outside the window; when men were courageous, women did not know the word “emancipation”, they were punched in the face for meanness, and life was much simpler and clearer.

That is why wooden lamps most often have deliberately ancient shapes. For example, chandeliers in the shape of a cart wheel are very popular.

After all, this is what real, let’s say, indoor lighting systems looked like several centuries ago: an old wheel on chains or ropes was suspended from the ceiling, and candles were placed on it.

Why is a wheel with spokes convenient as a stand?

Why did the ancestors settle on this form?

  • When the candles were placed evenly, it gave equal illumination to all parts of the room;
  • The spokes created minimal obstruction to the light, unlike a solid rim.

Modern stylizations have the same advantages; of course, instead of wax candles or rays lamps are used. Most often, of course, also in the form of a candle.

However, we digress. What is bad and what is good about wooden ceiling chandeliers?

Features of the material


  • Wood is not just environmentally friendly. Wood not only does not emit harmful substances; against, for a long time it saturates the air with aromatic resins, which make breathing easier for asthma patients and relieve inflammation of the respiratory tract...
    What can I say - you probably remember how easy it is to breathe in a recently felled wooden house!
  • Wood is easy to process, which opens up wide scope for creativity. If the manufacture of a lamp made of plastic or chromed metal requires devices that are not available in a standard city apartment, then lamps made of wood require minimum set hand tools.

However, alas, not all features of wood as a material for a lamp are as pleasant:


  • A tree is still flammable material . Position wooden elements near incandescent lamps that are going out of fashion is an extremely bad idea; a burnt contact in the lamp socket can also lead to a fire.

  • Wooden chandeliers are susceptible to attacks by bloodthirsty bugs- woodworms, fungus and other evil spirits.

Note: conifers wood suffers from insects and rot to a much lesser extent.

In addition, for hardwood there are antiseptic impregnations, which at the same time reduce the flammability of wood.

  • Wood is a hygroscopic material. It absorbs moisture from the air; when drying, it can change volume, deform and crack.
    If we want our lamp to retain its appearance for a long time, we will have to provide it with more or less constant temperature and humidity.


The negative features of wood are not given to dissuade you from buying or making a wooden lamp, not at all. Let us repeat, this is a wonderful, very beautiful and easy to process material.

However, you need to use it wisely:

  • Lamps made of wood must be shaped in such a way that all heating elements (sockets and lamps themselves) are as far as possible from the wooden structural elements.
    It is better for the lamps to point upward: then the upward flow of heated air will not cause deformation of the wood.
    Standing apart are the lamps, the very style of which involves the use of natural cracks in dried wood. For example, a log with lamps suspended on chains looks great both dried out and cracked.

  • For reasons fire safety it is undesirable to place wooden chandeliers under flammable ceiling elements.
    Yes, the same log on chains will look amazing under an equally old-looking one; however, if it catches fire, the fire will spread very quickly.
  • Wooden lamps are perfect for a bedroom or living room. But in the kitchen with its abundance of steam when cooking or in a damp bathroom, wood is inappropriate.
    It will crack quickly; besides, raw wood is no longer a dielectric at all.

If a phase is shorted to the wooden elements of the lamp, it is quite possible to receive an electric shock. If at this moment you hold on to a grounded pipe or bathtub, troubles can be very serious...

Homemade products

Need I say that something made with your own hands is much more pleasing than something purchased? Yes, your lamp may not be as neatly made as a store-bought one; but the joy of creativity is worth reconciling with the small shortcomings of the product for its sake.

In addition, you will know absolutely for sure that your lamp was made in one copy. Not a single guest, coming to you, will see exactly the same chandelier as at home. Homemade ceiling chandeliers are always exclusive.

Coffee service

We will need:

  • Dry board from any wood. The texture of ash is very beautiful; oak does not need to be stained or varnished. But ordinary pine, spruce or birch will also work.
  • Three translucent coffee cups and three saucers to go with them.
  • Three cartridges for a small base with fastenings for them.
  • Three matching light bulbs. Preferably LED lights: remember the fire safety recommendations outlined just above.
  • Three or six rubber gaskets. The quantity depends on the method of attaching the cartridges.
  • Meter - two two-wire copper wire minimum section. 0.75 mm is enough for the eyes.
  • A thin chain or twisted cord to hang a structure from, for example.
  • Four screws for the ring instead of the cap. It is for them that our lamp will be hung.

In addition, you need to stock up on a drill with drill bits for wood and tiles, pliers and a screwdriver.

Let's get started:

  1. We process the planed board with sandpaper - first coarse, then finer.
  2. We drill three holes where the cartridges will be located.
  3. If noble types of wood are used, then the processing of the board ends there. If the wood is simpler, we cover it with stain and after drying, varnish it twice.
    The nitro varnish only dries in the air for a couple of hours, so you won’t have to wait long.
  4. Then comes the most dangerous step: we need to drill holes in the coffee cups and saucers without breaking them.
    We use only and exclusively drill bits for glass and tiles. Great efforts are unacceptable; We drill slowly, without distortions. Key moment- when the tip of the drill passes through: pressing the drill a little harder at this moment will split the cup or saucer.

  1. We attach wires to each cartridge. Until we fasten them to each other.
  2. We screw the entire future lamp into a single whole. If our chucks use platforms with holes for screws, we pull them to the board directly through the holes in the saucer and cup.
    If there is a hollow threaded tube and a nut at the end of the cartridge, we again pass them through the cup, saucer and board. A rubber gasket is placed between the metal and glass.
    You can cut it yourself from an unnecessary bicycle or car tube; you can use a ready-made gasket suitable size from any repair kit for plumbing.
  3. We screw screws with rings into the back side of the board.
  4. We connect the cartridges in parallel. You shouldn’t leave the twists wrapped in electrical tape: we’ll carefully even do the side of the lamp that no one will see. Use a block to connect the wires.

  1. The block is fixed on the back side of the board in any way - a drop of glue or a screw. A piece of wire that will be connected to the wiring is clamped in it.
  2. We attach chains or cords to the rings on the back side; their other end is attached to a hook in the ceiling. The wire runs along one of the chains. Light bulbs are screwed in.

Press the switch and enjoy.

As you understand, the shapes that wooden chandeliers can take are limited only by your imagination. Let's show a few more original designs.

Sailboat made from driftwood and TV packaging

This original lamp made from oddly shaped driftwood picked from the forest. The author kindly posted a photo of his creation online.

The structure, of course, is not a fire safety monument. However, remember that LED lamps are extremely economical and practically do not heat up. If so, the risk of fire is reduced to nothing.

Chandelier made of dry boards and rope

Here, two ready-made matte lampshades are used as light sources. The simplest and most inexpensive. Everything else is the author's improvisation.

What is most striking is not that the lamp was made by hand: as you can see, there is nothing structurally complex about it. It is surprising that the author of the work was able to see beauty in such a seemingly worthless thing as old board. And show this beauty to others.

Please note: in this design it is also worth using only and exclusively energy-saving or LED bulbs.

Incandescent lamps, especially high-power ones, create a very real fire hazard.

Timber with pots

And such ceiling lamps are not mass produced. Looks very original. To drill the bottoms of pots, you also need to use only and exclusively tile drills. In addition, you should not use incandescent lamps here either. Even low-power ones.

Hollowed out log with soffits

Another fire inspector's nightmare come to life. However, here too the use of light sources with minimal heat generation reduces the risk of fire to nothing.

Despite the exaggerated and simple appearance of the lamp, it can hardly be called made in five minutes on the knee: it was probably difficult to hollow out the log inside.


If you liked the wooden ceiling lamps described and shown, great. Even better if you have your own, original ideas. As you can see, they can be the most unexpected. Good luck with your creativity!

All photos from the article

Over the past few decades, virtually none have remained design direction, which would not use wood products to one degree or another. A lamp in general and a chandelier in particular are objectively one of the most noticeable interior items, therefore hanging chandeliers made of wood are deservedly considered perhaps the most popular trend at the moment.

Features of wooden ceiling lamps

Any wooden object in the interior of a room is associated on a subconscious level with warmth and comfort. Traditionally, homemade wooden chandeliers are used in all areas of oriental themes, where geometric regularity of lines and at the same time warmth natural wood promote peaceful relaxation.

A trend like country music is generally impossible without using natural materials. For rural style At all times, the use of slightly rough, unusual forms was characteristic. Massive look Such lamps create a feeling of reliability.

An antique wood chandelier is associated with medieval romance and knightly tournaments. Interspersed with forged metal elements give this design exquisite lightness and unique flavor.

Advantages of wooden lamps

  • The first thing that catches your eye is the naturalness of such a chandelier. Hard to find more environmentally friendly pure material. Moreover, being constantly near a heat source, wood releases health benefits into the atmosphere. essential oils and microelements.
  • Processing technology of this material, as a rule, is no different great complexity . Assembly is relatively simple wooden structures accessible even to children.

  • Wooden dacha chandeliers are deservedly considered to be perhaps the most the best solution . After all, the dacha itself is intended for a country holiday closer to nature.
  • The price of the structure plays an important role. Even if you use it, the total cost homemade chandelier will be available for almost any budget. But as a rule, all costs end with the purchase of cartridges, light bulbs and wires, and a few planks or branches can always be found at any dacha.

What are the disadvantages of such lamps

  • Opponents will immediately point out to you the fire hazard of such a chandelier. There is, of course, some truth in these statements, but with proper installation and use of LED or other low-heating light sources, you are in virtually no danger. In addition, there are a lot of natural impregnations preventing fire.

Important: such homemade lamps, no matter what you impregnate them with and no matter how competently you collect them, it is highly undesirable to place them near sources open fire. For example, next to the fireplace or in the barbecue area.

  • Whatever one may say, wood is a living material and very hygroscopic. Wooden chandeliers for a bathhouse look great, but it is better to install them away from showers and steam rooms. Constant changes in temperature and high humidity are far from conducive to the preservation of the massif. In this case, a wood-look chandelier is more suitable.
  • Another serious problem with this material is high probability damage to the array various kinds pests. But as mentioned above, no one is stopping you from impregnating your chandelier with natural protective compounds.

A few words about self-assembly

A do-it-yourself antique chandelier made of wood is a very real thing. In essence, all you need is a great desire and standard set carpentry tools, which are found in almost every home.

Wooden chandeliers can increasingly be seen in the interiors of country mansions. What is the reason for such popularity of such lighting devices? Of course, first of all it is important to note environmental safety natural wood. This one is useful and quality material Ideal for making your own wooden chandelier.

Wooden chandeliers, made of wood, fill the room with a pleasant and soft light, allowing the owner of an apartment or house to completely relax after a busy day at work.

Wooden chandeliers have excellent technical and performance characteristics. Professional interior stylists note their unique wear resistance, as well as the possibility of making such lighting fixtures with their own hands.

Attention! A high-quality wooden chandelier has a fairly high cost.

It is not necessary to spend money on buying ready-made lighting fixture, because it is quite possible to do it yourself, turning your creative ideas and original ideas into reality.

In addition, a DIY wooden chandelier is a guarantee of uniqueness and individuality.

Reasons for choosing wood for making a lamp

In our age scientific and technological progress And innovative technologies, have become widespread polymer materials, which pushed natural wood into the background. Despite the variety of finishing and decorative materials offered by lighting manufacturers modern market, interior designers continue to use natural wood in their work.

Original wooden chandelier with your own hands, step-by-step instruction, as well as photos can be found in the video:

Natural wood has certain advantages. For example, this natural material retains its original characteristics during mechanical processing.

Advice! For relaxation, professionals recommend choosing spruce or pine for making a wooden ceiling chandelier. Doctors recommend choosing such wooden chandeliers for people with chronic respiratory diseases, as well as for asthmatics.

Also among the advantages of natural wood, we highlight the ease of processing. If desired, you can make antique or modern wooden chandeliers, and of any degree of complexity.

When choosing wood to decorate the interior of a living space, you can make it cozy and harmonious.

Wooden ceiling chandeliers will help add an accent to the room and emphasize the main idea chosen for decoration.

Advice! In order to put into practice creative fantasies, you can experiment with the selection of wood species.

For example, antique wooden chandeliers can be made from oak or larch, and modern options lighting fixtures are made from pine.

Among the advantages of choosing a tree to create ceiling chandeliers, professional stylists note the wonderful combination of this decorative material with other decor options: glass, plastic, metal, fabric.

Disadvantages of wooden ceiling lamps

It would seem that with this a huge number positive characteristics, the tree should become ideal option for the manufacture of ceiling lighting fixtures. But unfortunately, even wood has some significant disadvantages that should be mentioned.

Wooden chandeliers are easily flammable, as wood is not resistant to high temperatures.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to use light bulbs in such chandeliers that will heat up during operation.

For safety reasons, professionals working with this natural material, they prefer to choose fluorescent or LED lamps that cannot create fire hazards.

Among the disadvantages of ceiling wooden chandeliers used in rooms with high humidity, we highlight the instability of the tree to negative impacts environment: moisture, temperature fluctuations.

Ceiling lights made from wood are susceptible to insect attack.

Advice! To provide your ceiling lamp reliable protection against these factors, it is important to coat the finished product with a special protective impregnation.

Also among the disadvantages of choosing lighting fixtures made by hand from wood, we note their high cost. As it dries, in some cases the original appearance of the ceiling chandelier may also change.

If we take into account all these disadvantages inherent wooden products, you can make an original and functional lighting fixture that will become the pride of the owner of an apartment or house.

Materials for work

To assemble a wooden ceiling chandelier with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • roulette;
  • screwdriver and hammer;
  • pencil;
  • electric drill;
  • hammer and pliers;
  • antiseptic for processing wooden products;
  • socket, light bulb, electric wire;
  • decorative elements

Depending on which particular model of lighting fixture will be created, this list may be supplemented with other materials and tools.

There are certain rules that must be followed when starting work related to the creation of wooden ceiling chandeliers.

First of all, it is necessary to take care of the complete treatment of the material with a special antiseptic composition.

In addition, you need to pay due attention to the fastening system finished product to the ceiling surface. For example, you can choose an original metal chain so as not to be afraid that the chandelier will fall from the ceiling.

When connecting a wooden lamp, it is better to use the services of a professional electrician to avoid emergencies.

Antique chandeliers and lamps give magical light. Original form and the sophisticated style of antique chandeliers will be appropriate in many design ideas, filling each room with special light! Antique sconces and lamps will help you create your own fairy tale, stopping time and capturing a holiday of exquisite style in your home.

The Starinoff-furniture company will produce for you wooden chandeliers, lamps, antique sconces with forged elements. If you do not find the model you need in the catalog, we will be happy to fulfill your order based on photos, drawings or sketches. Call and order!

Vintage handmade chandeliers

Antique chandeliers and sconces are a great way to feel comfort and coziness, a state of tranquility in any interior design. Chandeliers and sconces made of wood have been used at all times. They were first made from metals: copper, bronze, iron. The wealthy could afford a silver chandelier. The most popular metal was bronze. The high cost was the starting point in the search for materials resembling these metals. This is where gilded wooden chandeliers originated. They were installed mainly by the noble nobility in their estates.

Advantages of natural wood:

  • antique chandeliers and sconces are durable.
  • An environmentally friendly product is a guarantee of safety. Complete absence materials that negatively affect health. The most pleasant smell of the natural resins released.
  • wood has excellent vibration and impact resistance.
  • ease of processing, implementing creative ideas.
  • Each breed has a high decorative quality.
  • improvement appearance by applying to the surface various coatings.
  • Every little detail is aesthetically attractive, emphasizing the extraordinary taste of the customer.

Where to buy antique lamps in Moscow?

Today, these light sources are often found in various houses or apartments. Nowadays it’s not at all difficult to buy yourself an antique chandelier or sconce made of natural wood for your dacha or garden gazebo. It’s rare that there are no wooden attributes in rooms of this type. By purchasing antique chandeliers and lamps, you will create integrity and harmony of the place they will decorate.

If you want to decorate your interior in an intricate, subtle and elegant way, order antique chandeliers and sconces from Starinoff Furniture, made according to new trend: innovative processing and any surface shade, matte or glossy.