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Strawberry spinach growing. Strawberry spinach growing from seeds

Goosefoot, or zhminda, or strawberry spinach, is an annual vegetable plant that can be classified as an edible green used in cooking. It can also be grown as an ornamental crop. You just need to do this with caution so as not to get another weed on your site. This is what the article is about.

Description of the plant, its characteristics, growing region

This is an annual herbaceous plant of the amaranth family. Its homeland is North America. Native Indians used the plant to dye clothing and materials. This is probably why another of the unofficial names of this plant is Indian ink. And German monks cultivated it more than four hundred years ago.

Strawberry spinach flowers have both male and female organs and are wind pollinated

In Russia it grows in the southern, northeastern and central regions. It grows up to 50 cm or more, has spreading branches covered with light green spear-shaped leaves. Their structure is very similar to tender spinach. It contains vitamins, carbohydrates, carotene and many other useful microelements. As the leaves mature, they become stiffer. From the end of July until frost, it bears fruit with bright red berries that look like strawberries or raspberries.

Strawberry spinach is known as a beauty because of its bright red fruits (fruits), which resemble strawberries or raspberries.

Varieties of strawberry spinach

There are very few varieties of strawberry spinach. Domestic varieties of this crop are this moment does not exist. Our most common variety is Strawberry Sticks.

Variety Strawberry Sticks (Strawberry branch)

A variety of Dutch selection, it has this name because the berries of this variety have a light strawberry aroma. Slightly different from the wild form. The variety is cold-resistant, light-loving, can withstand shade, prefers fertile soils with light structure. One of the fastest growing leafy vegetables.

The variety has become widespread in Russia

The variety is light-loving, but can withstand slight shading. Cold-resistant, able to withstand light frosts down to -7 o C. It is a bush up to 70 cm high with a branching shape. The flowers are small, green, which grow together to form numerous infructescences, reminiscent of bright red strawberries or raspberries when ripe.

More characterized as ornamental plant, flower

Distinctive features of strawberry spinach, its advantages and disadvantages

Strawberry spinach has a lot of advantages. The plant is unpretentious: it grows easily in any soil, in bright sun. Able to tolerate frost. Appearance differs in exoticism. At the same time, it is also edible and even very healthy. First of all, it is grown for its leaves, which appear at the same time as early onions and are suitable for preparing early onions. vitamin salads. Leaves can be stored for future use by freezing, pickling or pickling.

The fruits, which resemble strawberries or raspberries, are also suitable for consumption. They contain absolutely no acid, so they have a bland taste. For eating, they are best combined with other berries. The value of the fruit lies in its high content useful microelements. They are effective in increasing hemoglobin levels in the blood due to their high iron content.

100 grams of strawberry spinach leaves contain more protein than the same amount of milk powder.

Video: beneficial properties of strawberry spinach

Features of cultivation

Strawberry spinach can be sown in open ground immediately after the soil has thawed. In the southern regions this can be done as early as mid-March.

You can sow spinach seeds immediately after the snow melts.

Before sowing, it is advisable to stratify the seeds by placing them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3–5 days, and then soaking them for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or Maxim fungicide. This will protect the plants from fungal diseases and speed up the germination process.

Before sowing, it is useful to soak the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Landing in the ground

The best predecessors would be cucumbers, tomatoes, and other greens. Strawberry spinach is often planted as a compactor for other crops.

When preparing the soil, you need to take care of its fertility. During digging, it is useful to add humus (at the rate of 5 kg/m2) or ash (200 g/m2). It is advisable that such preparation be carried out in the fall.

Seeds are sown in furrows to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm

  • In loose soil, make shallow beards no more than 2 cm deep.
  • The seeds are mixed with river sand in a ratio of 1:3 and sow them in the furrows.
  • The furrows are sprinkled with earth, moistened and mulched. thin layer humus.
  • The bed must be covered with film until seedlings emerge.

Shoots will appear in 10–12 days. It is important to ensure that the soil in the furrows is moist.

When the plants grow, they should be thinned out (twice) so that final version the distances between them were at least 35–40 cm.

You can also plant seeds in holes with a distance of 40 cm between them. Place 4–6 seeds in each hole to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm, cover with soil and lightly moisten. Before emergence, the holes are covered with jars or cut plastic bottles.

To speed up the emergence of seedlings, the crops are covered with plastic bottles

Planting through seedlings

Planting strawberry spinach through seedlings will speed up the possibility of obtaining useful leaves and fruits. It is better to grow seedlings in peat cups so that when planting in the ground you do not injure the root system of the plants.

You can start sowing seedlings in early March. In prepared cups with a diameter of 5 cm, the seeds are buried 1-1.5 cm, sprinkled with earth on top and lightly watered. It is better to cover the cups with film and place them in a warm, dark place, preventing the soil from drying out. After 10–12 days, the seeds will germinate, then the film needs to be removed and the cups with seedlings should be placed on the windowsill, observing temperature regime no higher than +15 o C. Seedlings are planted in open ground after the formation of 4-6 true leaves. This happens approximately a month after sowing.

Strawberry spinach seedlings are very similar to young quinoa. Is not it?

It is better to obtain seeds for planting yourself. To do this, you need to select well-ripened fruits, gently mash them, fill them with warm water and leave them for a day in dark place. Then rinse them from any mucus that has formed by passing them through a strainer. Next, the seeds are laid out in a thin layer on a napkin to dry, and then removed for storage in paper bag.

Video: Tricks for sowing spinach seeds

Planting care

Care for strawberry spinach can be as follows:

  • The plant is moisture-loving, so it is important to ensure that the soil is constantly moist;
  • Young green leaves are collected before flowering;
  • The first feeding of plants (at the moment of formation of the first true leaves) can be done with ammonium nitrate (1 tbsp/10 l of water), later with ash (half a glass / bush);
  • Periodic weeding and loosening can be done less frequently if the soil around the plants is mulched;
  • Strawberry spinach stems require garter, because... at good harvest under the weight of the fruit they bend to the ground.

Strawberry spinach, or so-called spinach-raspberry, is a rather rare occurrence in domestic gardens. Spinach doesn't belong to any traditional garden herb, but it has its fans. Although spinach is contraindicated in certain cases, most people are still allowed to eat it, without fear of any side effects or consequences.


Wild strawberry spinach-raspberry grows in most countries, in to a greater extent in the mountains and foothills. Spinach-raspberry has two types. Many-leaved pigweed is the first species; it originated in the southern European part, Asia, and New Zealand. Capitate pigweed is the second variety; its homeland is North American territories. They differ from each other to a minimum.

Characteristics of spinach-raspberry.

An annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Aramantaceae Family. Other names: “Strawberry Beetroot”, “Indian Ink”, “Strawberry Sticks”, “Goosefoot Strawberry”, “Pigweed”, “Common Zhminda”. The spinach bush is compacted, grows up to 80 cm. The stems are green in color, growing vertically, and have ribs. Leaves are shaped like diamonds, triangles or arrows, corrugated, rich green in color. The bush has a large number of small flowers ripening in the leaf axils; when the flowers ripen, they grow together. The berries are drupes of fused flowers, 2 cm in size, deep red in color. In appearance, they are more similar to raspberries rather than strawberries. Ripening period is 60-90 days after shoots appear. At this moment, they soften, the berries are easy to crush, and for this reason they are difficult to pick.


There are a small number of varietal varieties of spinach-raspberry. This is because the plant has limited use in cooking. This was not particularly taken into account during selection. Agricultural firms and specialized stores do not know about spinach varieties, so the seeds are sold under a single name. Some sources mention varietal varieties under the names “Sticks”, “Grillage”, “Victoria”; they were cultivated by domestic gardeners. But in practice it became clear that the varieties differ from each other to a minimum.


Spinach contains a large number of beneficial qualities. It contains the following useful substances: oxalic acid, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, E, K, H, beta-carotene, Mg, Ca, Fe. Spinach-raspberry also contains 2.9% protein total weight vegetable. This product is low-calorie - it only contains 22 kcal.

Since the plant is rich in useful elements, it can be used in medicine. Spinach has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, helps normalize the digestive system, and activates metabolism. Also, when consuming strawberry spinach, there is an effect on the reproductive system - there is an increase in potency, a reduction in the risk of rickets, scurvy, tuberculosis, normalization of pregnancy, and strengthening of the immune system.

Beta-carotene, which is found in vegetables, has positive influence on the skin, it improves, it is also nourished and wrinkles are smoothed out. Because of this, spinach is often used in cosmetology; it is added to nourishing masks.


The entire plant is edible, all its fragments. Salads and green cabbage soup are prepared from young leaves and shoots. The taste, of course, will not be particularly noticeable, but the dish will become many times more nutritious. The leaves are dried in order to later brew vitamin teas or prepare infusions. The leaves are also used in sourdough, just like cabbage leaves.

What can you cook from spinach? Dishes.

Spinach berries are an ingredient for filling pies; they will also become wonderful decoration salads. Often compotes or tinctures that have no color are tinted with spinach and raspberries. Although the name is “sweet,” the berries are almost tasteless and do not emit an aroma; for this reason, pure fruits are almost never used anywhere. When the berries are fully ripe, they develop a sweet taste. To prepare vitamin teas, dried berries are used. Below are recipes for using spinach-raspberries.

Kvass. Ingredients: 1 liter of fruits, warm boiled water (2 liters), sugar (500-750 grams). There is no need to wash the fruits, just mash them well, fill them with water, add sugar, mix thoroughly, pour them into a bottle and put them somewhere warm. Fermentation of kvass will occur thanks to the yeast that is found on the berries. After 3 days, drain the finished drink from the sediment, filter and place it somewhere cool.

Jam. Since the fruits have almost no taste, they can be added to any jam for greater vitamin content. In another case, other components that have brighter colors are added to strawberry spinach jam. taste qualities and an attractive aroma. To prepare the base - syrup - we need equal parts of granulated sugar and water. The ingredients must be mixed and the syrup brought to a boil. Next you need to pour the fruits into it. This mixture is brought to a boil, then removed from the stove and cooled for half a day or overnight. This action is repeated 3 times. Then the finished jam is poured into jars, closed and placed somewhere cool.

Salad. To prepare dishes, not only berries are used, but also spinach-raspberry leaves. Ingredients for salad: young leaves, 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, 1 tablespoon sake, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon soy sauce. Grind the sesame seeds using a blender and add them to the leaves. The remaining ingredients are mixed and we season the salad with this mixture.

Who is contraindicated for spinach-raspberry?

The benefits of eating spinach-raspberries are good, but the fact that spinach contains a large amount of oxalic acid can also have a negative effect. Saponin, which is found in leaves and berries, is a toxic substance. For this reason, eating leaves or berries in large portions can affect the appearance of intestinal disorders. For what diseases is it prohibited to eat spinach: diseases of the urinary tract, digestive organs, ulcers, gout.

How to properly grow strawberry spinach.

Spinach-raspberry is successfully cultivated in the Russian center, in the northeast, in southern regions our country. Strawberry spinach is unpretentious, frost-tolerant, easy to care for, and grows on any soil. Cultivated outdoors and at home.

Often the plant is not cared for at all; its propagation occurs successfully and by self-sowing. However, a rapid transformation from a vegetable into a weed may occur, and then you will have to wage a tough fight against it.

Planting and agricultural technology.

Planting and caring for the crop is simple. You can sow the seeds once, then the spinach will multiply on its own. Spinach doesn’t care about its neighbors; it can grow either separately or adjacent to peppers or tomatoes, or between rows of carrots or beets.

How to plant spinach-raspberries.

Plants need to be planted after the soil has warmed up sufficiently. Can be planted in two ways: seeds or seedlings, seedling method It takes more time and effort, but it contributes to a quick harvest. The ridges are dug up in advance, and fertilizing is applied at the same time. It is better to fertilize with organic mixtures, manure that has already rotted, or humus.

Cultivation by seed method.

Before seed stratification is carried out - you need to keep the grains in the refrigerator for several days. This helps to increase their germination rate. After stratification, the seeds must be soaked for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect them. Sowing the finished seeds is carried out in rows 1.5-2 cm deep. Next, they are sprinkled with soil or sand. The plantings are watered and covered with film before seedlings appear. As a rule, this happens after 10-12 days. Next, the covering material is removed. Sowing seeds can be done before winter time of the year. You will receive fresh leaves already in May.

Seedling method.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in April. It is better to plant the grains in separate peat cups to avoid ongoing replanting. The seeds are sown 1-1.5 cm deep. After deepening, the soil is watered, the glasses are covered with film material and placed where it is warm and dark. 10-12 days after the shoots appear, the shelter is removed and the cups are placed on the windowsill. After the seedling has 4-6 true leaves, they are transplanted into open beds.

Watering and feeding.

Spinach-raspberry does not like the soil to dry out, it cannot tolerate it, for this reason watering must be regular. It is recommended to water under the roots with a thin stream. Spinach is unpretentious when it comes to feeding. In the spring, the bushes are fed with ammonium nitrate to enhance green mass production. Then you can only feed the plants with an ash solution or a complex containing potassium and phosphorus.

How to weed and loosen the soil.

If you planted spinach by direct sowing of grains into the ground, then weed the plantings very carefully and scrupulously. From the time it was planted until the seedlings appeared, 10-14 days can pass; during this time period, the growth of weeds will not be weak, and they can simply strangle the weak sprouts. After the seedlings have appeared, it is recommended to mulch the ridges with peat or humus. It will be protective measure against growth weed, plus the water will remain in the soil.

Treatment of diseases and prevention of harmful insects.

The case of spinach-raspberry getting sick is a fairly rare occurrence. The appearance of the disease can occur due to neglect of the beds or due to bad weather. In most cases, fungus appears on the crop in the form of spots or plaque on the leaves. Then the infected bush is destroyed. Almost no harmful insects are observed on plants. Since they do not like berries without taste and leaves containing a lot of oxalic acid.

How to harvest.

The word “harvest” somehow doesn’t fit with spinach-raspberry, because all its fragments are edible. Young greens are picked before flowering to prepare a salad; later they begin to taste bitter and become tougher, although useful qualities and are preserved at the same time. In the third month of summer, the berries begin to ripen. The fact that they have a rich red color does not mean anything - this is not a feature of maturity. The berries ripen fully only in autumn time of the year. At this point they turn dark burgundy, soften and can wrinkle easily. Just at this time the fruits become sweet. The berries are cut from the stem, then carefully separated from each other.


Adding spinach-raspberries to your diet is useful, as the culture contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. The protein content in the plant is higher compared to milk powder. But its cultivation is still a rare occurrence. Due to the fact that spinach is not known to many people, the berries are tasteless. And yet, this vegetable is becoming popular among gardeners and gardeners, since it is unpretentious to growing conditions and reproduces itself.

Real reviews.

Oleg Sergeevich, Rostov region, 38 years old:“The zhminda crawled onto my plot from the neighbors, I didn’t plant it. Initially I wanted to pick out the spinach, then I decided to read about it, and in the end I left it. I use it as a green for salads. The fruits have no taste, despite their decorative nature.”

Anastasia Romanovna, Belgorod region, 62 years old:“Once I decided to try to plant a spinach-raspberry variety, they encouraged me in a specialized store. The green part is delicious. And the fruits are of zero use, they are only beautiful, but have no taste. I painted them apple compote. The next year the seedlings appeared on their own; I did not sow them myself. I left it, okay. I weed out the excess, of course, so that there is no strong growth.”

Valentina Vyacheslavovna, Maykop, 56 years old:“I planted spinach-raspberry strawberry for the first time for testing, it became interesting. I liked the photo. It turned out the same way in life. The bushes resemble swords with berries strung on them. Spinach grows on my plot for decoration; the fruits are unsuitable for food, as they are tasteless.”

Planting spinach is a great addition to your garden plants. A member of the Amaranth family, strawberry spinach is not only an ornamental green, but also an excellent source of vitamin A and one of the most beneficial sources of minerals and nutrients that we can grow in our garden. How to plant strawberry spinach and what are its benefits? About the features of care, planting, useful properties oh read the article.

Origin: general information

Strawberry spinach is native to North America. It grows wild throughout the northern part of the continent, in open foothills, mountainous and subalpine regions. Considered endangered in some US states.

The scientific name of this curious plant is Chenopodium capitatum, which is Latin for capitate pigweed. The plant is popularly known as “strawberry sticks” or “strawberry spinach”. Growing this edible herbaceous plant is of interest to many gardeners. That is why the annual plant is so popular in New Zealand, Canada, and is common in Alaska and Europe. Its favorite habitat is sand dunes and calcareous soils. The plant prefers moist mountain valleys, open forests and flat areas.

What kind of vegetable is this?

Strawberry spinach is an annual herb of the family Chenopodiaceae, a heat-loving species of the genus Blitum, one of the fastest growing types of leaf vegetables. Also known as Goosefoot strawberry and Indian ink, many call it strawberry beet due to the similarity in color and flavor. But strawberries have nothing to do with it. Baby spinach leaves are a good substitute for this plant, either raw or cooked.

Leaves and stems

Strawberry spinach is a tender, fast-growing green plant with a pleasant aroma. The leaves are wedge-shaped at the base and triangular at the ends, nice texture, sharp, arrow-shaped, slightly wavy edges, growing in pretty open rosettes. Their structure is very similar to soft spinach, so it is better to eat fresh greens right away rather than store them in the refrigerator.

The taste of the leaves is very light and slightly sweet. Their bright, rich color makes an excellent accent in salads, especially when combined with other salad leaves. In their raw form they are good source vitamins C and A. In salad mixtures, the juicy, crispy leaves should be used in small quantities, as the plant is toxic. As they mature they become somewhat tough.

The spinach stems are crisp, sweet and tasty, white and slightly marbled with a subtle hint of beetroot flavor. Can be used in fresh or used when cooking in soups. The lower leaves have a long stem; as they mature, the stems become shorter and the leaves gather into large “spears” every 2-3 cm and move up the stem, becoming less jagged.

Botanical description: flowers

Chenopodium capitatum, also known as Beetroot and Strawberry Spinach, Strawberry Blite, has some attractive traits. The small, spherical flower clusters (up to ½ inch) are green when ripe but soon turn bright red. These numerous flowers are densely packed in round clusters in the uppermost leaf axils and twisted around the upper stem. At the peak of flowering, they form clusters up to 3/8 inch in size.

Flowers have no petals. They have 3 short stamens surrounding an oval green center with a tiny 2-sided spire at the tip. It soon turns brown. At the base of the flower there is a green calyx with three elongated lobes less than 1 mm long. Strawberry spinach flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are wind pollinated.


Mature plants have shiny red berries with distinct seeds. They taste sweet, with a subtle aroma of strawberries and nuts. As it ripens, the calyx expands and is filled with ripe, bright scarlet pulp. The calyx lobes curve around a single brown seed. The berries appear on stems that rise above the foliage. In the initial period of ripening they are green.

The plant contains vitamins A and C, thiamine, potassium, folic acid and carotenoids lutein. Native Americans used the red berries to dye leather, clothing, and materials, and the juice from the edible fruit as a red food coloring. It is not for nothing that this vegetable, due to its peculiarity, received another unconventional name - “Indian ink”.

If you do not thin out the spinach and do not replant the plant on time, the seeds will spread throughout the garden. This is one way to breed crops for forestry. Sweet-tasting red spinach berries can be used in salads, but they add more visual appeal than flavor.

Features worth knowing about

The leaves and seeds of this plant contain saponins - these are toxic substances that in small quantities are not capable of causing any harm to our body. Saponins are poorly digestible and are largely destroyed during the cooking process.

The plant also contains oxalic acid, which in large quantities can reduce the nutritional value of food and interfere with calcium absorption. However, even with this in mind, strawberry spinach is a very nutritious vegetable in reasonable quantities. Heat treatment of the plant will reduce the oxalic acid content. People with a tendency to rheumatism, arthritis, gout, kidney stones or hyperacidity should take special care when consuming spinach in their diet as it may aggravate their health condition.

Strawberry spinach, which has the most controversial reviews, nevertheless has antioxidant properties, which increases the assessment of its positive qualities. It is better to enjoy the best taste properties of greens at the beginning of the season, since the plant prefers coolness and reacts painfully to heat, producing flowers and seeds with a bitter taste. Spinach will begin to bloom as soon as the spring days begin to lengthen and temperatures rise above 23°C. Therefore, this feature should be taken into account when preparing salads. The optimal temperature for growing succulent leaves is up to +23 °C. Watering also affects the taste; the plant needs sufficient moisture.


This plant is cultivated by gardeners, but has never been grown very widely. Strawberry spinach grows quickly and acquires decorative function at full growth. The plant prefers moist soil and plenty of light. In well-drained, fertile garden soil and a sunny position, it blooms from June to August and reaches a height of 1 to 3 feet. Just keep the plants raised and well watered regularly.

The cultivated plant is essentially the same as the wild plant and therefore does not require much care, making it ideal as an ornamental plant for borders or patios. IN northern regions With a mild climate, the harvest season is longer. You can also plant spinach in the fall. Uncontrolled cultivation of this herbaceous plant can become a real problem; spinach will behave like a weed and become a serious pest for garden plantings.

Seedlings from seeds

Strawberry spinach seeds are small but easy to harvest. They should be soaked in water overnight and thoroughly rinsed and dried. You can then store it in a cool, dry place until next year.

As an edible crop, sowing of the plant should begin at the end of February. Seeds should rarely be sown in trays to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. The soil temperature should be above +10 °C to ensure good germination. It is advisable to use fertile garden soil. Like other members of the genus, strawberry spinach prefers a lot of light.

Growing from seeds should begin in a closed, cool room. Make sure the soil in the trays is moist. For growth more seeds use good compost. The first shoots will appear 14 days after planting. Once the plant reaches a height of 20-40 cm or 8-16 inches and the first two leaves appear on the stem, it should be replanted.

Strawberry spinach seedlings react painfully to the late transplant procedure. The seedlings need to be transplanted before the last expected frost. Harvesting occurs 45-60 days from the start of planting. Rich soil and sufficient water will provide best growth and full berries.

Planting and care

Chenopodium capitatum is an easy to grow plant that is tolerant of light frost, cold weather. Strawberry spinach prefers a lot of light and sun, moderately fertile soil. Planting and care are carried out from the beginning of spring.

If you grow a plant in an area with a cold winter, then at the end of spring you can already harvest the first harvest of young leaves, and in the summer - berries. If you live in an area with warm winter, then seedlings should be planted in the fall, then the plant will gain strength throughout the winter and the harvest will last throughout the spring.

How to grow strawberry spinach? The plant is an annual and can be sown directly from seed for harvest the same year. It blooms from July to August and the seeds ripen from August to September. Planting is carried out in acidic, neutral and alkaline soils. It cannot grow in the shade and needs plenty of watering. Grows up to 60 cm.

Plant spinach outdoors by sowing the seeds ½ inch deep in even rows no more than 16 inches wide. Planting by succession is a great way to have fresh spinach leaves all summer long. To do this, you need to plant the plant in the ground every few weeks. There is no need to additionally fertilize the soil before planting. The flowering period lasts on average 21 days and can begin on the 45th day from the start of growth. The entire vegetative cycle is 126 days.

Growing on a windowsill

Spinach leaves are easy to grow at home. The plant can be grown on a windowsill or directly on the balcony. Enough to support optimal temperature for growth and provide not excessive, but plentiful watering. The soil acidity level should be at least 7. After three weeks, the first spinach shoots should be planted.

Growing lettuce can be done at the same time as planting other vegetables, such as parsley. It is the perfect companion for spinach. Other annual plants can grow next to it: petunias and marigolds. You only need to maintain a distance between the crops so that they are not crowded.

Use organic fish emulsion or cotton seed meal as a fertilizer at home. Feed strawberry spinach throughout its growth period with a nitrogen solution. Remember to loosen the soil, but be careful not to damage the plant's fine roots.

Beneficial features

Family Chenopodium, to which it belongs this type spinach is not only a storehouse of nutrients and minerals for humans, but also a source of food for many birds in wildlife. In addition to its value, the plant is used as a medicine. Strawberry spinach has:

  • anti-inflammatory effect on the skin (used as a lotion to combat blackheads);
  • relieves eye swelling and fights bruising, reduces the risk of degeneration macular spot and cataracts as we age;
  • antioxidant effects (vitamins A and C help support a healthy cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke, while folic acid reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer);
  • softening effect (for inflammatory processes in the lungs, the juice given by the seeds is consumed orally).
contains alkaline acid, which our body needs for many functions (including peristalsis) and plays an important role in intestinal health.

Spinach seeds can be dried and ground into flour. The crushed seeds are used as grain crops in making bread. Since spinach is a leafy vegetable, always rinse the leaves with clean water before consuming.

Strawberry spinach is also called zhminda, mari and raspberry spinach. This is an annual vegetable plant. It is grown as decorative culture and used in cooking. You need to know how to properly care for this plant and control its growth. It multiplies quite quickly and can become another weed on the land.

This is a vegetable and ornamental plant. Its leaves contain a large number of microelements necessary for humans, which is why many people use it in cooking. Spinach originally appeared in North America. In Russia it can be found in the south and northeast of the country.

The height of the plant reaches 70 cm. The branches are spreading and covered with light green leaves. They are shaped like a spear. As the leaves mature, they become tougher. At the end of July, the first bright red berries appear. Outwardly, they resemble strawberries, which is where the name strawberry spinach comes from. Their seeds are clearly visible. They have a sweet taste.

The flowers are small and spherical in shape. During maturation they are dominated by green tint. But then it changes to bright red. The flowers have no petals, but there are three stamens. They surround an oval green center. At the base of the flower there is a green calyx.

The flowers are hermaphrodite and are pollinated by the wind, which is the reason for the rapid growth of this plant.

Advantages and disadvantages of strawberry spinach

Every culture has them. It is worth considering them in more detail to understand what to expect from this plant.

Strawberry spinach, despite all its advantages, is not without its disadvantages.

It is strongly recommended to use strawberry spinach in food if you have high cholesterol, problems with blood pressure, chronic constipation and frequent colds. The plant can strengthen the immune system without the use of drugs.

Popular varieties

Agronomists do not specifically breed decorative types of this plant, therefore the seeds of two varieties predominate on the market, which are also found in nature:

  1. Grillyazh- This is a variety that can withstand frosts down to -7 degrees. Created specifically for the northern regions of the country. Externally, it is a bush up to 70 cm high. The flowers are small, and the berry resembles a raspberry in appearance.
  2. Strawberry Sticks got its name because the berries smell like strawberries. The variety is unpretentious and does not differ from the wild species in anything except size. It is a little taller and the flowering is stronger.

It is worth noting that the external similarity of the berries does not give the same taste. However, they are quite sweet.

Growing methods

It is possible to grow strawberry spinach in the following ways:

  • self-sowing;
  • seeds;
  • seedlings.

It's worth considering these options in more detail.

Self sowing

This method is suitable if there is already this plant on the site. You don’t need to do anything, it will sprout on its own next year. If there are concerns that it will take important areas land, then it is worth picking the berries by hand and saving them for sowing next year.

Growing from seeds

To get spinach seeds, simply pick its berries.

To obtain seeds, you need to collect several of the largest berries. Then the testes are kneaded with hands and filled with water. The mixture must be in a warm place. When it ferments, you need to strain everything through a sieve several times until the seeds are completely separated. The resulting material is folded into a paper bag so that air can flow into it. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

Immediately before planting, it is necessary to stratify the seeds so that they “wake up”. This will increase the percentage of germination. To do this, you need to soak the seed material in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. It is recommended to add growth stimulants to it. Then the seeds will be cleaned of possible pathogenic bacteria and will receive the necessary minerals for rapid germination.

Read more in our other article:

There is no need to flood the seeds during stratification. They should be in damp gauze or a bandage.

Planting can be done after the snow has melted, when the ground is still quite wet. It is recommended to choose a place where peas, tomatoes, or potatoes previously grew. It is worth choosing a place where partial shade appears sometimes during the day to avoid leaf scorch.

Planting process:

  1. the land is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  2. preparing small holes with a distance of 4 cm between them;
  3. watering holes;
  4. placing 3 - 5 seeds in them.

It is worth covering the ground after planting until the first shoots appear. If you plan to use additional fertilizers, it is better to use organic ones. You cannot use fresh, as it contains a large amount of ammonia. Dry rabbit droppings are best because they contain less of this substance, which can kill the seeds or roots of the plant.

Growing seedlings

For this purpose, specially prepared boxes with soil are used. Planting begins in mid-February, if the snow in the region is already melting at the end of March. There are no special requirements for land.

To grow strawberry spinach seedlings, prepare boxes of soil in advance.

Here's how the landing happens:

  1. make a furrow and place strawberry spinach seeds in it;
  2. they fall asleep;
  3. watering is carried out.

It is best to store boxes of soil on the windowsill. When the first shoots appear, you can fertilize using organic minerals. They are also best suited to increase the growth rate.

When it is warm enough outside, the strongest shoots are planted in open ground without additional preparation. After transplantation, the plant must be watered.

Caring for strawberry spinach

Do you want to grow strawberry spinach in your garden?


Strawberry spinach does not require special care. However, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds. Watering is carried out as the soil dries. It is better to add a little water, but quite often, and loosen it after watering. If there are strong winds in the region, then it is worth applying under the shoots. When the leaves of neighboring bushes begin to touch each other, it is recommended to thin out the beds to prevent the plant from growing too quickly.

To protect against pests, the soil next to the spinach should be sprinkled with a thin layer of ash. It is also an organic fertilizer. Every two weeks it is worth adding various minerals in the form of fertilizing. You should constantly alternate minerals.

Secrets of experienced gardeners

There are a few interesting facts about strawberry spinach, which you need to know about when growing it.

These secrets will help you properly care for the plant and not get another weed on your plot:

  • If you want strawberry spinach to grow in a certain area, you need to pick the seeds and plant them yourself every year.
  • If you do not want to constantly collect seeds, you can place the plant in a ventilated greenhouse so that the seed material does not spread beyond its perimeter.
  • The leaves and seeds of the plant contain saponins. These are toxic substances, but they are completely safe for humans in small quantities. When thermally processed in cooking, they completely disintegrate. However, health problems may arise if you eat too many raw berries.
  • Oxalic acid reduces the value of products. Therefore, it is necessary to add the plant to food in moderation.
  • The taste of strawberry spinach is not the best; flowering also brings little pleasure to gardeners compared to other flowers. But the nutritional value berries and leaves makes many people grow it.
  • If the plant becomes too numerous, you can get rid of it by uprooting it. Root system not very developed, so you can dig it up.
  • Thus, strawberry spinach may be a good antioxidant and medicine at correct use. But if abused, it is a toxic substance. The berries can be used in preparations for the winter. Leaves that can be frozen can be used in cooking during the cold season.

Pest Control

1- Root rot 2- Aphids 3- Whitefly

Strawberry spinach is almost not susceptible to pests.

However, the following problems may occur:

  1. Root rot, which appears due to high soil moisture. It is necessary to stop watering for a while and add quicklime to the soil at the rate of 150 grams per 1 square meter land.
  2. Aphid or whiteflies may affect leaves. If you do not plan to use the plant for food, then you can use modern poisons. If the leaves and berries will be used in cooking, then you need to use soap solution until the pests disappear completely.

Thus, if you want to decorate your country cottage area a beautifully growing weed that has a number of beneficial properties and can be used in preparing various dishes, it is worth purchasing strawberry spinach seeds. However, this name is not always written on the seeds. It can also be raspberry spinach. And some honestly write pigweed, since this plant is indeed a relative of quinoa.

» Strawberries

Strawberry spinach is an interesting plant, gaining increasing popularity. The characteristics of the plant and the rules of cultivation will be discussed in the article.

Seeds of a plant with an unusual name have appeared in gardening stores. Before you start planting, you need to carefully study the distinctive features, advantages and negative characteristics.

Many gardeners believe that strawberry spinach - achievement of foreign selection, hybrid of spinach and strawberries.

However, this is a misconception. The plant is widespread in the southern territories of Europe, North America and the coast of Asia.

The peculiarity of this vegetable crop is that both leaves and berries are suitable for food. And it got its name because of the external resemblance of the fruit to strawberries.

In addition to the main name, there are many synonymous names - spinach-raspberry, pigweed many-sided, pigweed many-sided, zminda vulgaris, spinach multileaf.

Botanical description of the plant

Strawberry spinach belongs to the genus Mary of the Chenopodiaceae or Amaranthaceae family. It has a great resemblance to quinoa. annual plant, but if the seeds remain in the ground, the crop will grow again next year without outside intervention.

Leaves are green, triangular-lanceolate, edible. The apex of the leaves is pointed, the base goes into the petiole. Edges with pointed teeth. The branches reach 70 centimeters. The root is multi-headed and thick. The stem is erect.

Strawberry spinach - annual plant, blooms in July, fruits ripen in August

The flowers, twisted into balls in the axils of the leaves, are bisexual, tripartite, consisting of five perianth leaves, five stamens and a pistil. Perianths are red, fleshy.

The seeds are black-brown in color and have longitudinal grooves. The surface is smooth and shiny.

The plant blooms in late July - early August, the fruits ripen at the end of August or beginning of September. The inflorescence is a complex drupe.

The name of the plant is due to the similarity of the fruits to strawberries or raspberries. It is often called spinach-raspberry.

But the berries do not taste like raspberries or strawberries. They are tasteless.

The berry contains a small amount of pulp and great content seeds Ripe berries spinach-raspberries are considered when acquire a burgundy color.

Features of cultivation

There are about 20 plant varieties, the differences between which lie in the size of the plant itself, shape.

Gardeners grow about 10 species of this crop. The most popular species are Virofle, Victoria.

You can grow spinach without much difficulty. The ancestors of the plant were weeds, which is why it is very unpretentious and resistant to natural conditions. Grows on any soil and does not require special care.

If there is no timely watering or loosening, the plant will still bear fruit. Spinach grows like an ordinary weed and is not susceptible to frost, drought and other temperature fluctuations.

To get the harvest faster, it is necessary to grow the plant with seedlings. It's worth starting at the beginning of March. Seedling trays are filled with soil. After this, 1-2 seeds are placed in each.

The seed should not be placed too deep, as in this case it may not sprout.

The plant is transplanted into open ground after at least 5 leaves appear. The distance between the holes must be at least 40 cm. Experienced gardeners recommends fertilizing the soil before planting spinach.

Another way to grow spinach is from seeds. This is the simplest method that guarantees a harvest. Planting should begin immediately after the snow melts or in the fall before the onset of frost.

5-6 seeds are placed in one hole. After the first few leaves appear, the weakest shoots are removed.

Beneficial features

The plant is a source of many beneficial substances: vitamins PP, B1 and B2, E, H, K, microelements (iron, magnesium, calcium, etc.).

Regular consumption of fruits increases hemoglobin, and the use of spinach leaves as an ingredient and an independent dish leads to cleansing gastrointestinal tract and improvement of work nervous system.

In addition, the leaves can be used as a component of warm compresses and to improve the functioning of joints and muscles.

Eating strawberry spinach cannot harm your figure, since the calorie content of the plant is low and amounts to only 22 kcal. That is why the plant is an ideal product when following a diet.

It is rightfully considered a source of protein, per 100 grams of plant, 2.9 grams of protein are useful. Carbohydrates - 3.6 g, and fat - only 0.4 g.

In addition, the plant serves as a source of beta-keratin.

Application in medicine

Spinach stimulates work of cardio-vascular system . Contained vitamins A and C are powerful antioxidants that prevent cholesterol oxidation. Strawberry spinach contains carotene, which prevents damage to artery walls.

In addition, the beneficial substances contained, in particular, vitamin C and beta carotene, protect the walls of the colon from exposure to harmful substances and prevent constipation.

Regular consumption of strawberry spinach improves the functioning of the male reproductive system. In addition, spinach consumption is recommended for anemia, rickets, scurvy, tuberculosis and anemia.

For hemorrhoids and hypertension the plant can also have a positive effect on the body. In addition, spinach takes important place in the diet of people with diabetes.

Strawberry spinach increases hemoglobin levels and strengthens the immune system human body. If the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted, experts recommend adding spinach to your diet.

Use in cosmetology

The plant is actively used by cosmetologists as an integral ingredient for face masks and creams, since it contains beta keratin.

It has a positive effect on the condition of facial skin, helping to smooth the skin and reduce wrinkles.

Rejuvenation mask

Boil 100 grams of plant leaves in milk until a mushy substance forms. It is recommended to use enamel cookware.

Place the mixture on a thin cloth, apply to the surface of the face and neck, avoiding the area around the eyes, and hold for 15-20 minutes. After which you need to remove the remaining particles of the mixture and wipe your face with chamomile decoction.

Use in cooking

The plant is low in calories, and therefore ideal for dietary nutrition. You can prepare many different dishes from it.


Required ingredients:

  • 500 g spinach;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • pepper, salt (to taste);
  • 200 g hard cheese;
  • 3 tablespoons soy flour;
  • 200 g ricotta.

Beat the eggs and add seasoning to the resulting mixture. Grate the cheese. Then add the remaining ingredients to the egg mixture and mix thoroughly.

Grease a baking dish with butter. Next, you need to put the resulting mixture in a greased form and place it in a preheated oven. Bake for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.


First you need to wash the berries and dry them. Boil syrup from sugar and water in a 1:1 ratio. Add washed fruits to the resulting sugar syrup. Bring the mixture to a boil, then let cool.

In addition to spinach berries, you can add other fruits to the jam.. For example, kiwi. The jam acquires sourness and an unusual exotic taste.


Required ingredients:

  • strawberry spinach fruits - 2 kg;
  • 2 kg sugar.

Fruits do not need to be washed. There is natural yeast on the surface of the fruit that will act as a starter. Pour the fruits warm water. Place sugar.

Cover the container with the ingredients with a lid and put it in a place at room temperature. Infuse kvass for at least three days.

Contraindications for use

Despite its many benefits, spinach has its drawbacks. The most significant - excessive oxalic acid content contained in the plant.

Use is contraindicated for people with gastric ulcers or padagra. For diseases genitourinary system Strawberry spinach should also not be consumed as food.

Strawberry spinach - a beautiful and healthy plant. IN Lately Growing spinach-raspberries is becoming increasingly popular.

It is very unpretentious and does not require special care and immune to environmental changes. The fruits last for a long time, from June to the end of September.

That's why strawberry spinach often used in decorative purposes . It is planted in places where the growth of other ornamental crops is problematic.

Besides, Both the fruits and leaves of the plant are edible. Used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking.