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Which double blanket is better? What is the best filling for a blanket? Types of fillers and their characteristics

Comfortable sleep is very important for maintaining and maintaining health. It is in a dream that we restore strength and receive a charge of vigor for upcoming achievements. Or we don’t get it if we don’t have the opportunity to get a good night’s sleep. At the same time, the quality of sleep depends not only on the time that we can allocate for rest, but also on the conditions in which we spend this period. We have already written about that. Today we’ll talk about choosing the best blanket.

The first thing you need to decide is the size. Today the market is represented in the widest range products from different countries. Accordingly, almost every country has its own standards, according to which manufacturers work. The main gradation highlights baby blankets, single and double. About, " Woman's happiness"will tell you separately. Now our task is to deal with blankets for adults.

The quality of the blanket directly affects your sleep and health. For example, a natural wool blanket is soothing and relaxing.

Choosing warmth

We experience external temperature differently. Some people sleep under a light blanket even in the winter cold, while others want to wrap themselves up warmer on a hot summer day. Therefore, the warmth of the blanket should be chosen based solely on your subjective feelings. If you sleep together, but your requirements for a comfortable temperature are different, you should sleep under separate blankets. Sometimes such “distance” between spouses is even recommended by psychologists.

The filling and thickness are responsible for the warming ability of a blanket. In addition, as a hint, manufacturers put on the label of blankets dots indicating heat: from 1 to 5. Five denotes the warmest, winter options. In descending order, the warming properties decrease, and one dot, accordingly, indicates a light blanket-plaid, suitable for summer nights.

A duvet is luxurious on chilly winter nights. But it can cause allergies.

Choosing a filler

If you are primarily interested in practicality and low price, you should opt for synthetic blankets. Modern materials(sintepon, holofiber) are almost weightless, but at the same time warm, hypoallergenic and easy to wash even in washing machine. If you are a supporter of environmental friendliness and naturalness, then you should pay attention to cotton and flannelette blankets. Rate, for example, the assortment offered by the Yaroslav Ivanovo company. The classic products of Ivanovo textile workers have long won consumer recognition.

Cotton and flannelette blankets have been proven over decades of use.

From the most economical options Let's move on to more expensive types of fillers. The next most popular are wool and down blankets. Warm natural wool blanketsgreat option for winter. In addition, blankets made from sheep or camel wool are also good for health: they soothe nervous system, help relieve muscle tension, reduce joint pain. Especially cashmere, merino and camel down blankets are valued- thin, gentle to the touch, supporting natural air exchange, as if knowing the characteristics of the individual heat exchange of the one who uses them. There are also exotic ones for our consumers. goatskin blankets, with open fur. They not only perfectly perform their heating function, but are also very aesthetically pleasing in appearance.

Heavy cotton blankets are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Duvets, like pillows, feather beds, were very popular about 20 years ago. Some remain faithful to them to this day. After all, on a cold winter night it’s so cozy to wrap yourself in a soft, rustling blanket filled with down – be it the most valuable eider or an exquisite swan, or even democratic geese or ducks. Even the significant weight of such blankets is perceived by many as an advantage: under the protection of a down cocoon, you feel not only warm, but also in relaxing safety.

They look like memories of the past. Heavy, quickly absorbing moisture and retaining its traces for a long time in the form of a poorly ventilated odor, they, however, sometimes still occur, although rarely.

Bamboo is an exotic filler for our region, but has been used in the East since ancient times.

Fashionable today natural filler – bamboo fiber. In winter, under such a blanket it is warm, in summer it is cool. Light weight does not diminish its advantages. It also does not cause much trouble in maintenance. And finally, the most expensive option offered on the market is. Natural silk threads, rich in protein, like wool, have a beneficial effect on health. Blankets with both bamboo and silk have proven their all-season performance in practice.: It is comfortable to sleep under them both in summer and winter.

However Most natural fillers require attention and careful care. In addition, even the purest natural materials can cause allergy attacks, especially after prolonged use. Wool can attract moths, and fluff can attract dust mites, which can be extremely difficult to get rid of. Once wet, cotton wool clumps and evaporates very poorly. The most expensive blankets with natural fillings require professional dry cleaning: regular washing is destructive for them.

Natural silk fibers are light, like dandelion fluffs, and provide excellent warmth in cold weather and cooling in hot weather.

Determining the quantity

Even if you can afford an expensive all-purpose natural blanket filled with bamboo or silk, it is still worth having several blankets for different seasons. Firstly, any blanket needs cleaning sometimes. Secondly, it is even psychologically pleasant to change your “night shell” from time to time. Therefore, it is best to have 3-4 different blankets, choosing your favorite filler and optimal thickness. And let the thick one warm you in the worst frosts duvet, and on hot summer nights there will be a thin blanket-plaid nearby, giving way in the off-season to “intermediate” options.

A good blanket is a must for a healthy, restful and comfortable sleep. Every buyer always has ideas about the comfort of bedding. When thinking about how to choose a blanket, it would be useful to listen to the advice of experts. With their help, it is easier to understand the variety of assortments and truly choose quality product, meeting individual requirements and wishes.

Which blanket to choose

Bedding is not at all the kind of thing that you can choose from a photo in online stores. Before purchasing, you need to think in advance about all the main qualities of the product: size, sewing technology, material, filling, warming properties. With the first characteristic, everything is more or less clear: the size can be single, one-and-a-half or double. When choosing it, you need to take into account only personal preferences and the ability to select suitable bedding.

Woven materials are used for covering - calico, satin, polyester. As for sewing technology, according to this parameter all products are divided into quilted, karosteppe and cassette. A quilt is made with a special quilt that secures the filling. In Karostep products, the filler is held in place by stitching. Cassette models have separate sections with filler inside each. They are considered the most wear-resistant and easy to clean, since they hold the filler best, preventing it from rolling into lumps.

For newborns

The standard size of the product for newborns is 120x120 cm. Experts recommend choosing lightweight models with a practical cotton covering, avoiding synthetics. It is better if the item is completely natural and environmentally friendly. However, among synthetic models you can also find a blanket suitable for a newborn’s crib; the main thing is to check for quality certificates.

When choosing, it is important to consider the season. In summer, you can cover your child with a light flannelette, fleece, silk or thin woolen blanket, under which he will not sweat. For winter you will need more warm option– down, padding polyester or cotton wool product. It is advisable to choose a blanket that you plan to use during walks among models with removable covers.

For the winter

The warmest thing for winter and other cold periods of the year should be chosen among models with high-quality filler that has sufficient ability to retain heat. The degree of heat transfer of a product is indicated on the product label in the form of dots. There can be from one to five. The more points, the warmer the model. Keep in mind that optimal materials relate:

  • natural and artificial down;
  • camel and sheep wool;
  • padding polyester;
  • holofiber;
  • Thick cotton blankets provide good warmth during the cold season.

For summer

Which blanket is best for the hot season? For warm summer nights, it is recommended to choose silk products, wool-blend blankets, light bedspreads with bamboo or other plant fillings. Models with padding polyester, wool and down are very inconvenient to use in the summer - it is too hot to sleep or relax under them. An exception may be thin woolen items.

For all seasons

The most practical option An all-season blanket is considered a two-sided product. One side is covered with regular fabric, and the other with wool or fur. There are also double models. In cold weather, two fabrics are fastened together with ties, snaps or buttons, and in warm weather, the lighter one is unfastened and used separately. Products with fillers such as holofiber or silicone fiber are suitable for any season. They provide comfortable sleep both in winter and summer.

How to choose a blanket by filling

Many people believe that a blanket's ability to retain heat depends only on the base material. However, the models different manufacturers with the same filler can differ greatly in the degree of warmth. It is influenced by the type of fabric of the cover, the thickness of the product, and the quality of the material used. Which filling for a blanket is better and how to correctly evaluate the quality of a particular option that provides the warming properties of the product?

Made from bamboo

The bamboo product is soft and light, retains its shape for a long time, is not capable of causing allergies, is easy to wash, and dries quickly. It is not warm enough for winter, but in summer, spring or early autumn it is very comfortable to sleep under it. However, before choosing a bamboo blanket as your primary option for the warmer months, it is worth assessing the humidity conditions of the climate in which you live. Bamboo fiber absorbs moisture very well, so when high humidity It will be difficult to dry it.

Made from wool

Wool blankets are a good option for the pickiest couch potatoes. They perfectly absorb moisture, while remaining dry, retain heat, and have healing properties. How to choose a wool blanket? Among them there are both lightweight models and thicker and warmer ones, so when purchasing, you need to focus on the main purpose of the product. For winter, it is better to choose a quilted wool blanket made from sheep, camel, goat or llama hair. Knitted wool blankets are good for the warm season. The disadvantages of this filler include the risk of damage by moths and allergenicity.


Such products are known for their beneficial properties, due to which they are recommended to be chosen by people with sore joints. A blanket made from merino wool - an elite breed of sheep - has especially valuable healing effects. This type of woolen product is considered hypoallergenic. A good option for young children and people with sensitive skin. Blanket made from sheep wool valued for:


A camel blanket is warmer than a sheepskin blanket, but also more expensive. In terms of warming properties, the material is only slightly inferior to swan down. Camel wool is hollow inside, so it is about 2 times lighter than sheep's wool. The only disadvantage of this filler is associated with moths, which can ruin the item. Camel wool blankets are characterized by:

  • high wear resistance;
  • excellent ability to absorb and evaporate moisture.


Previously, blankets with cotton filling were in great demand due to their excellent warming properties. However, now they are losing popularity because they have several significant disadvantages. They are difficult to wash and take a long time to dry. Vata has the ability to absorb unpleasant odors, roll and bunch into lumps, due to which the item quickly loses its original appearance. Their advantages:

  • very warm;
  • durable.

Holofiber blanket

This artificial filler is lightweight, has good warming properties, and also provides excellent air exchange. Among blankets with holofiber it is easy to find both summer and winter models. The material does not cause allergies. The disadvantage of this filler is considered to be worse moisture transmission than natural materials. The advantages of these options:

  • they provide comfortable sleep;
  • The products are easy to care for.

Made from swan's down

Blankets with swan down are deservedly considered the warmest and at the same time lightest. They provide very good air circulation and have excellent absorbent properties, but require regular cleaning. When choosing a natural product, it is important to make sure that the filler used is actually swan, and not harder goose down or feather. Another disadvantage of this filler is its high allergenicity. Those who suffer from allergic reactions should pay attention to artificial swan down.

From padding polyester

A synthetic blanket is warm and light, but does not allow moisture to pass through well enough. It is recommended to wash it infrequently, because this way the product can quickly lose its shape. How to choose a good blanket with padding polyester? When purchasing, you need to make sure that the filler of the product is elastic and moderately voluminous. Too loose, fluffy material is the so-called glued padding polyester. Like other types, it is a specially treated polyester fiber, but in its production a toxic glue is used that releases harmful substances.

Cashmere blanket

Cashmere products are different at a high price, but they are very warm, light, durable. Unlike other wool products, cashmere blankets are suitable for allergy sufferers. At proper care they are able to retain their valuable properties and good appearance for many years. It is believed that cashmere is a capricious material that requires constant use of dry cleaning services. However, high-quality items can be machine washed. To ensure that your cashmere product has the best possible long life, you need to use the gentle wash mode.

Video: how to choose the right blanket

The offered video materials will allow you to obtain information about the intricacies of selecting bedding for healthy sleep. Experts tell you how to choose the right products depending on the purpose, time of year and desired characteristics. The video will help you avoid common mistakes that buyers make when purchasing bedding.

If in the last century the main question was where to buy and what was not so important, today the main problem is the problem of choice. The variety of types of goods is sometimes confusing. Most of a person's life is spent in bed - this has long been proven and calculated by scientists. Therefore, you should purchase sleeping accessories as thoughtfully and scrupulously as possible.

For every inhabitant of the planet, the word blanket evokes only positive emotions: affectionate, cozy, warm. But how many types of blankets are available to buyers? - hundreds. This is the usual cotton or down blanket, and a newfangled know-how - lyocele made from fibers of eucalyptus trees or. And you need to choose the one that will become native. This means that you should start by defining the selection criteria. Clearly state the requirements for it. After all, it can be warm to keep you warm on frosty evenings and nights, and possibly for cool summer twilights.

So, what are the different types of blankets? First of all, varied in size. The next distinguishing factor is naturalness. The filler can be different; it is difficult to say which filler is best for a blanket, it all depends on personal preferences and the properties of the material. Thus, polyester, thermofiber, etc. are classified as synthetic. They are durable, easy to wash, hypoallergenic. But often artificial materials have poor air conductivity, and the body does not breathe during sleep. Therefore, blankets made from natural materials are preferable for a good night's rest. And here huge selection: blanket made of camel wool and merino, sheep wool and flannelette, silk and wool, various rugs and bedspreads.

Remember, the blanket must be environmentally friendly

colorful mosaic

There are also fundamental differences in assembly methods: stitched or patchwork quilt. Pieces in the form of patchwork mosaics are extremely popular in the 21st century. These are not just mended old things, but works of art. After all, cotton and linen, calico and wool are used in the manufacture of these bright panels that came through several centuries. When creating a country style interior, a patchwork quilt is a must. Or owners who are fond of folk romanticism will definitely choose this option. Under such a product you will not only feel comfortable and calm, but also aesthetically pleasing. Unique and colorful, it will become a pleasant acquisition not only for yourself, but also an invaluable gift for family and friends.

Time-tested stitching

A larger number of natural blankets are as familiar as quilted. Moreover, a stitching product that has the shape of squares, and not just parallel straight lines, will be more reliable and durable. The most popular option is a wool blanket. Such models come in open versions - made from tanned skins and blankets, as well as blankets with wool filling. Their most significant advantage is warmth and healing effects. Thus, a blanket made of sheep wool contains animal wax - lanolin. And its anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect has long been proven by doctors. They are easy to care for: dry quickly and are easy to wash. The types include:

  • cashmere;
  • camel;
  • merino;
  • double silk (camel hair, silk and fluff of the Kashmir goat).

Before you buy a blanket, choose its construction type

So what is their fundamental difference?

The softest and lightest blanket is considered to be made from goat down. Gentle and quickly absorbs moisture, yet dry to the touch - a cashmere duvet. Its healing warmth will support rheumatism and radiculitis, sprains and headaches.

The most durable and incredibly wear-resistant with airy lightness and optimal heat conservation is a camel blanket. This wool is also highly hygroscopic and will help improve your health. It will warm you gently, but will not allow you to overheat and sweat while sleeping. Even for babies, pediatricians recommend a similar blanket made of camel hair.

Special gentle warmth products made from merino wool are famous - a specially bred breed of sheep with a thin fiber thickness. For orthopedic diseases, it is recommended to use a blanket made of sheep wool of this particular breed. It is completely anti-allergenic, and therefore suitable even for people with asthmatic diseases. Moreover, the moisture-absorbing properties of such raw materials are eight times greater than those of any other natural or synthetic material. A unique chemical reaction occurs when moisture is absorbed: sorption heat is released.

Products made from natural raw materials include something familiar to everyone - a flannelette blanket. It is made from natural cotton. Its advantages include compactness, low wrinkleability, and the possibility of covering. Such products last for decades: they can be easily washed even in a machine and dry quickly. Often this type of item is purchased for newborns: hypoallergenic, optimal for covering a child not only in a crib, but also in a stroller for a walk or when traveling.

The first place in terms of environmental friendliness is occupied by such an unusual-sounding blanket made of bamboo. It is the bamboo viscose fibers extracted from the core of the stems that are weightless and durable and have the highest breathability. Antiseptic and antibacterial properties that destroy the viability of pathogenic microbes make bamboo blankets a leader among bedding items. Products made from this colossal blade of grass can and should be washed in a regular machine, only on a delicate cycle. Then lay it out on a horizontal surface and allow excess moisture to drain. With simple drying: all fibers will quickly be absorbed the same form. A bamboo blanket will last longer if it is fluffed and aired periodically.

Case - important detail, it will help you keep your blanket fresher longer

An important detail - the case

No less important element in a blanket and material for the cover. There are samples with removable covers: they are easy to remove and replace, and the product itself remains clean and in its original form. But in many cases, it is the cover that is quilted together with the filling. Regardless of the choice, the fabrics used for it are also natural materials. Calico and polycotton act as a durable and reliable companion, be it a woolen or bamboo blanket.

Of course, products made from other high-status types of fabrics are no less in demand. For example, . Moreover, it is not only covered with silk fabric, but can also be filled with silk. Such Chinese specimens will emphasize the status of the owners and even become a kind of family rarity. They are an elite and expensive purchase. Often they are not quilted, otherwise silk fibers will pass through the smallest holes and thermoregulation will decrease. In the manufacture of other types of blankets, silk is also used. For example, a patchwork quilt is assembled from pieces of silk of rich color and unique pattern. So, summer and winter, natural and artificial, quilted and with covers - a huge selection of cozy blankets.

Down and feathers from waterfowl (ducks and geese) are the most popular natural filler. It makes the blanket warm and very airy. The lightest models are made from the down of live birds. Cheap feather blankets (from 3,000 rubles) are usually heavy and short-lived, after a short time a feather begins to emerge through the fabric. A high-quality blanket costs about 8–10,000 rubles. Pooh white goose or Icelandic duck is additionally processed with a composition from dust mite– these products can be used by asthmatics and allergy sufferers. However, when washing, such impregnations can be washed out.

Care: Can be dry cleaned, but can also be washed – at +60°C, dry flat, periodically turning over and shaking the stuck down fluff with your hands. Both pillows and blankets benefit from regular (at least once a month) airing in the fresh air.

Feather is not bad

If the blanket had only fluff, it would simply not hold its shape, but would “spread” like a pancake. Even the most expensive blankets contain feather (10%), it gives the product elasticity, airiness and volume. However, coarse feather is often mixed into low-quality blankets - it is easy to recognize by touch. The optimal ratio is 60% down, 40% feather. The higher the percentage of feather in a blanket, the cheaper it is.


Wool blankets are real doctors! They have a healing effect because they contain animal fat (lanolin). Woolen blankets are irreplaceable for people suffering from osteochondrosis, rheumatism and colds. When in contact with the human body, wool can absorb up to 30% of moisture (sweat), while remaining dry to the touch. Moreover, as soon as you get out from under the blanket, it will begin to actively evaporate moisture. Therefore, wool blankets do not require additional drying. And finally, wool has unique ability self-cleaning (dirt is shaken off the wool fibers). So forget about frequent washing!

Sheep's wool

In addition to the fact that sheep's wool is warm and absorbs moisture well, it helps with radiculitis, arthritis and back pain. Ideal for those who suffer from insomnia. Sheepskin blankets are much lighter than cotton blankets; not only an adult, but also a child will be comfortable under them. In children's production, sheepskin is used, woven in a special way, so that wool and lint do not come out of the blanket. However, be careful. Sheep's wool can cause allergies in some children. This is the most a budget option from all wool fillings. A sheepskin blanket costs from 3,000 rubles, a lamb down blanket (this blanket is less warm, but more delicate) - from 2,500 rubles.

Care: It is better not to wash blankets made of sheep wool; dry cleaning will help deal with stains. Sheep wool tends to cake over time, so turn the blanket over frequently and air it out in the fresh air.

Goat hair (fluff)

As a filler for blankets, as a rule, they use the delicate undercoat from the neck and chest of Kashmiri mountain goats, which graze on the slopes of the Himalayas even in severe frosts. These are the warmest, softest and lightest wool blankets. They perfectly relieve muscle tension by providing micromassage. Only 100–200 g of down per year is collected from one goat, so such a blanket is not cheap. Minimum price – 12,000 rubles. (children’s – about 4,500 rubles)

Care: Delicate wash.

Camel's wool

A blanket made of camel wool is lighter than a sheep's wool. Very warm, has medicinal properties. Thanks to a large number lanolin, recommended for those who have problems with the spine and joint diseases. The service life of a camel wool blanket is 6–7 years. Choose a model made of combed wool, since sheared wool will poke through the bedding and prick.

A blanket with open wool costs about 4,000 rubles, a quilted blanket: wool – from 2,500, down – from 3,500 rubles.

Care: Delicate wash.

Blankets purchased in specialized stores and having a certificate of conformity are covered only with natural cotton fabric. Most often it is cambric, satin, cotton with the addition of lyocell.


Blanket with synthetic filling – the best choice for allergy sufferers. After all, unlike wool and down, artificial filler is not favored by dust mites.


Blankets made from padding polyester are very light and cheap, but they do not guarantee you quality sleep, because this artificial material does not allow air to pass through well: the body does not breathe, and under such a blanket during heating season you will feel like you are in a bathhouse.

Holofiber, comforterel

New generation polyester. Although it is more expensive than the synthetic synthetic ones, it provides excellent support temperature regime, and weighs no more. A high-quality synthetic blanket breathes (of course, worse than natural fibers), does not electrify, does not accumulate dust, and is easy to wash. Product good quality will cost at least 3,000 rubles.

Care: a blanket made of holofiber and comforter can be easily washed in a machine, as can synthetic winterizer. But the latter becomes harder over time from repeated washing.


This is the most expensive, most weightless and warmest (even hot) filler. Its cost equal to the value of gold, because to get just 1 kg of fluff you need to pick about 60 nests (!). The cover is made of silk - the thinnest fabric allows the blanket to take the shape of the body as much as possible. A blanket made of 100% eider down costs from 5,000 euros...

Nowadays blankets with “open” wool are very popular. Soft and fluffy blankets with “fur on the outside” are pleasant to use as blankets. Falling asleep wrapped in such a blanket is a pleasure!

cotton wool

An environmentally friendly filler that retains heat well, absorbs moisture and does not cause allergies. The disadvantages of a cotton blanket are its heaviness and ability to absorb various odors. Although some simply cannot fall asleep unless they are pressed down with a thick “grandmother’s” blanket on top. It's a matter of habit!

Care: does not like washing (cotton wool gets into tight lumps) or dry cleaning (stains remain). All that remains is to regularly ventilate the cotton blanket and dry it in the sun. Old blankets can be vacuumed and dusted outside. However, it is better to think about your health and finally say goodbye to this overwhelming and rather dubious inheritance.

Several factors need to be taken into account:
*What temperature is maintained in your bedroom at different time of the year,
*Can the blanket adapt to temperature changes,
*Does the blanket have water-repellent properties?
*Which blanket do you prefer: thin or thick?
*Is the blanket hypoallergenic?
*What materials is the blanket made from?
*The size of your bed and the number of people sleeping on it
*Does the blanket meet your wishes regarding softness, comfort and warming properties?

The thickest blanket is not always the warmest, among other things, the blanket should be breathable, downy and lightweight to retain heat.

Often blankets with the same filling are varying degrees warmth depending on the amount of this filler in a blanket.

On the other hand, different fillers have different warming properties.

The warmest blankets are definitely duvets.

Flaws: It is worth considering that fluff can cause allergies. Also, down can become damp, absorbing moisture, and dust mites, which are harmful to health, can grow in it. Another disadvantage of duvets is that they quickly absorb moisture, dry slowly and gradually “fall off” as a result.
How to choose: When choosing a duvet, give preference to those that are quilted with small squares that prevent the down from “pilling.” You cannot wash a duvet in a washing machine; you will have to take it to the dry cleaner.

Sheep wool blanket

People who suffer from back pain should consider purchasing a sheep's wool blanket. Sleeping under a warm and cozy wool blanket is not only pleasant, but also beneficial!

Natural sheep wool is an ideal filler for a blanket, because it perfectly maintains a comfortable temperature for your body and has healing properties. Under a light and thin sheepskin blanket you will be warm in winter and cool in summer!

Camel wool blanket

Why is a camel wool blanket better than others? Firstly, it protects the body from harmful electromagnetic radiation, which comes from household appliances and computer equipment. Secondly, thanks to the warming effect of such a blanket, blood vessels dilate, blood microcirculation increases, activating metabolism and restoration processes in tissues, so it can be used for treatment and prevention various symptoms neuritis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatic pain.

Flaws: Wool blankets are often heavy and scratchy, which children especially don't like.
How to choose: A wool blanket can be quilted or in the form of a blanket. Quilted is suitable for winter, and plaid is ideal for summer.

Composition: Most often, the filler is 100% cotton wool (cotton fiber), fabric made from natural materials is 100% cotton, and economy series cotton blankets that use polycotton fabric are also available on the market.
Properties: Cotton wool is an environmentally friendly filler that retains heat well and absorbs moisture. Cotton blankets do not cause allergies, so they are suitable for absolutely everyone.
Flaws: These blankets have a noticeable weight and can absorb and retain various odors and, unfortunately, are not practical.

Blanket with holofiber filling suitable for people with allergies to down, feathers and natural wool. This blanket holds its shape perfectly and can be easily restored, for example, after vacuum packaging.

One more distinctive feature Holofiber blankets are characterized by their lightness. Thanks to the hollow structure of the Holofiber fibers, it perfectly allows air to pass through, so it dries quickly, evaporating excess moisture, and does not become a source of unpleasant odors.

Synthetic blankets.
Composition: Polyester is a non-woven 100% synthetic fiber that does not absorb moisture and, most importantly, does not cause allergies.

Properties: Artificial fillers are warm and light, suitable for people with allergies. Also everyone synthetic materials are well ventilated and do not absorb odors.

Sintepon blankets are inexpensive, last a long time and can be easily washed in the washing machine without bunching up. Blankets made of polyester fibers perfectly restore their shape and dry quickly.

People who have allergy to wool, we can recommend bamboo and eucalyptus blankets or blankets with synthetic filling, such as swan down blankets, blankets also do not cause allergies soy fiber and silk blankets

*silk blanket can also keep you warm all year round, it all depends on the amount of silk filler. However, it should be said that the silk filling itself is quite a heavy material, so silk blankets are often made thin and light, and therefore not very warm.

A silk blanket dries quickly, which is extremely important for people suffering from diseases such as rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis.
Flaws: The thing about most silk-filled blankets, especially those made in China, is that silk blankets cannot be washed or dry-cleaned.

*Blanket made from artificial swan down no need to beat, it will keep its shape perfectly even after active children's games. It removes moisture perfectly and will dry quickly if your child accidentally spills juice or tea on it.

When choosing a blanket for allergy sufferers it is important to pay attention to Is the product washable? at high temperature and whether the material used to make the blanket prevents dust mites. The best materials in this sense, are materials made from artificial fibers that resemble goose down in their properties, but at the same time prevent the appearance and reproduction of dust mites.

*Blankets with filling made from natural bamboo, undergone special treatment, which preserves its unique antibacterial properties. This eco-friendly blanket is suitable for people with allergies to down, feathers and wool.

Flaws: Not all bamboo blanket manufacturers are honest, and sometimes there is not enough bamboo fiber in the product to fulfill its environmental credentials.
How to choose: You should choose which version of the bamboo blanket you need - standard or lightweight, based on your wishes for the thermal insulation of the blanket. Standard ones are usually thicker and therefore warmer.

Those who love to sleep on natural materials, They prefer products made from cotton, wool and silk.

Cashmere blankets
Composition: Cashmere wool. This is a rare material, collected by hand in limited quantities.
Properties: Cashmere wool is the thinnest and silkiest compared to others. This is why cashmere wool feels so great to the touch. More gentle than silk, cashmere wool does not irritate the skin, does not “roll”, does not leave lint, and, very importantly, does not cause allergies.
Flaws: Rare and exclusive material is used to produce a cashmere blanket, which is why its price is appropriate.

Baby blanket

Experts say that of the types of blankets listed above, wool blankets are best suited for children, especially the smallest ones. The cotton blanket, although warm, is very heavy. Synthetic winterizer is light, but synthetic and not very warm, and a down blanket, although warm and light, can cause allergies.

For an active, restless baby the best option there will be a light but large blanket.
For children, as well as for adults, it is recommended to purchase at least two woolen blankets: a light blanket for use in the summer, and a warm quilt for use in the winter.

A special place is occupied by all-season blankets, or4 seasons blanket.

This is what blankets consist of. as a rule, of two: lightweight and light, which are fastened together with ties, buttons or snaps. The beauty of all-season blankets is that they are versatile. If you fasten the blankets together, then you won’t be afraid of harsh winters with bitter frosts, but in the summer you just need to unfasten them a warm blanket, and sleep under the light summer. For the demi-season period it is better to use a warmer blanket. This blanket will be an excellent choice for those who do not have the opportunity to buy different blankets for each season of the year.

The degree of warmth of a blanket is a purely individual concept, each person has his own indicator, it all depends on your reaction to cold and heat.

Blanket sizes are divided into three main groups: one-and-a-half (1.5-size) blanket, double blanket and double Euro-size blanket.

*One and a half blankets come in the following sizes: 140x200 cm, 145x205 cm, 150x210 cm, 155x220 cm. The size depends on the standards adopted in different countries and from different manufacturers. In our country, traditionally, since Soviet times, the most common size of a one-and-a-half blanket is 145x205 cm.

*Dimensions double blankets are as follows: 172x205 cm, 175x205 cm, 180x210 cm. Russian standard for a double blanket: 172x205 cm.
IN last years The most widespread size of a double blanket is 200x220 cm - this is the so-called “European standard”, which provides much more comfortable conditions sleep for two people.

The least common blanket size is 220x240 cm, which is called "royal" or "king size". It makes sense to buy it if the width of your bed is at least 180 cm; it is also difficult to find bed linen in which the duvet cover will fit a blanket of this size.

For an adult standard size blankets are 200 cm long and 140 - 160 cm wide. If you are the tallest person, we recommend purchasing an extra-long blanket - 220 cm in length. For lovers of French or double beds, it is better to choose blankets measuring 200x200 cm or 200x260 cm.

* when purchasing, please note that the size of the blanket matches the size of the duvet cover.

*Note on the label, it is she who can say a lot about the quality of the blanket. Look on it for the following information: name of the manufacturer, symbols, indicating the features of cleaning and care, the composition of the filler and fabric of the cover (linen, calico, teak or satin are best).

NOMITE inscription means that natural filling was used for the blanket. In addition, instructions for use must be present.

*Blanket price depends on its filler, blanket manufacturer, prestige trademark manufacturer.

The most budget option is a cotton blanket. Its price is significantly lower than the price of blankets made from other fillings. But the service life of such a blanket is not long. So you will have to buy it more often.

Blankets with synthetic fillings are also inexpensive.

To a higher price category include down and wool blankets. The cost of the latter can also vary greatly depending on the wool used.

The cheapest blankets here will be sheep wool. More expensive ones are blankets made of camel wool.

Blankets made from cashmere (the fluff of Cashmere goats) can be classified as elite.