Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Bathroom renovation is a budget option. How to renovate a budget bathroom

Let's do budget renovation In bathroom

Lack of funds is quite common in these times of crisis. Therefore, it is very important to find an option for a budget bathroom renovation that would look, if not luxurious, but decent. And so that the renovated bathroom lasts as long as possible, at least 5-10 years. However, is there such an option?

You can make repairs much cheaper. The most important components of the repair price:

  • the price of the work performed;
  • cost of building materials;
  • price of delivery of materials.

You can save money on all these components.

we do the wiring in the bathroom

Bathroom renovation planning and budget

The main condition is that you need to draw up a budget. If it is not there, the costs will be much higher than planned. The more detailed the renovation budget, the easier it will be to fit into it.

Write down in detail what you are going to do and what results are expected. You can draw up a floor plan taking into account the scale and plot on it the locations of all sanitary products: washing machine, bathtub, toilet (if the bathroom is combined with a bathtub). Also on the plan you can show the placement of mirrors, lamps and various accessories.

Before you start designing, you need to collect as much information as possible. Now the construction industry is experiencing rapid growth, new finishing materials are being produced, new technologies and elegant design solutions are being introduced. You can visit stores to look for items that will be placed in the bathroom. Explore options online design projects bathrooms.

toilet before and after renovation

First you need to study the prices of building materials. Many of them can be purchased in online stores at a much lower price than in construction stores and on the market.

First of all, most renovation work in the bathroom must be done with your own hands, especially knowing how expensive this work is. Often the cost of performing work exceeds the cost of materials. Many jobs do not require a professional builder. For example, almost all dismantling work. Of course, having experience in carrying out repairs is highly desirable. And the lack of knowledge can be filled by studying the Internet - instructions for performing various repair work.

In order for everything to be done with your own hands, it is better to choose works that have simple technologies, allowing you to cope with the work without special knowledge. You will also need minimum set tools that can save a lot of time and effort when independent execution works The presence of a hammer drill will make it easy to make holes for wires, pipes and their fasteners. If there is an angle grinder, they become a feasible task breaking through a groove in the wall.

bathroom before and after renovation

Selection of building materials

Construction materials are also produced for consumers with different income levels.

By cost they are divided into classes:

  • economy;
  • standard;
  • elite

Of course, even if money is short, there is no need to buy frankly bad material for repairs. Repair or replacement of this is not quality material can significantly exceed the cost of quality material or goods. But the difference in quality between the best part Economy and standard class materials are practically absent. In this case we are talking about draft materials.

The same balanced approach can be applied when choosing tiles, plumbing fixtures, and bathroom fittings in order to make a budget renovation in the bathroom with your own hands. No need to overpay for the brand. When buying a product, you need to start from its specific advantages or disadvantages, without taking into account fashion. When preparing for a budget renovation, there is no point in buying elite materials. Most often, they differ only in their original appearance, and the quality is almost no higher than standard-class materials.

Domestic building materials, Slovenian, Polish, Bulgarian plumbing and fittings and sanitary ware – best choice. We are not talking about cheap Chinese stuff. But in average price category can be expected good quality goods at an affordable price.

So that without investing big money To ensure comfort in the bathroom and lift your mood, find budget cute accessories for it. They will be able to contribute to inexpensive finishing The bathroom will receive unique touches and the bathroom will become more convenient to use. These can be curtains, soap dishes, shelves, rugs and other decorative elements.

We take out unnecessary old items

Everything that is unsuitable for further use is mercilessly removed. So, cast iron bath Over many years of use, the enamel may be largely lost, the sink may crack, the toilet may crack and leak water.

First of all, we disconnect the old bathtub, toilet and washbasin and take them out of the room. Before removing the bathtub, first unscrew the drain pipe and fastenings. We perform the same actions with the sink.

All non-metallic items are thrown into the trash. All metal ones are sold for scrap metal. At least some savings.

Removing tiles

Next, using a regular hammer and chisel, all old tiles are removed from the walls and ceiling. A signal that old tiles from the floor needs to be removed, the grinding and crunching noise created by grains of sand caught between the tiles when you step on it. This means that the tiles are torn off from the cement base and are held in place only by the neighboring ones.

If you hear a booming sound when you knock on a wall with tiles, then there are voids under the tiles. This sign, like the network of cracks in the glaze, indicates that it is time to change the tile.

Dismantling of water supply and sewerage

We dismantle and remove the bulky old sewer system. If there was a suspended ceiling, dismantle it. At all, dropped ceilings- Not The best decision for rooms with high humidity. Still air, dampness and darkness all create favorable conditions for fungal growth.

We remove the bathroom door together with door frame. Old doors will look very strange against the background of the renovation done. Let's sort it out existing system Soviet-era water distribution.

Start of repair work

Do-it-yourself budget bathroom renovation begins with marking and laying communications.

We mark the places where the cold and hot water for power supply of plumbing fixtures: toilet, bathtub, washbasin, washing machine. We mark the places where the pipes will be laid. Based on this marking we make a groove. This will help in the future to hide the water distribution pipes when installing the water supply.

You should not save your budget on DIY bathroom renovations and not replace the inlet taps. Ball valves have performed well. Meters are also installed. Please note that inlet taps must be purchased from good manufacturer. When replacing, you need to shut off the water on the risers, so it will be better if they last a long time.

We install the sewer system by analogy with the water supply system, trying to drown all the pipes as much as possible. Due to the fact that the diameter sewer pipes above, doing this completely is much more difficult. However, it is better to try to do this so that they do not spoil appearance bathroom.

We cut a groove in the wall for laying the electrical wiring to the lighting fixtures and the socket next to the mirror (the lamps look better next to the mirror).

An independent wire connected to a separate machine in distribution box, we lay it to power the washing machine.

The process of installing an outlet requires strict adherence to safety measures. After all, in the bathroom due to high humidity, electrical wiring must be hidden, and all connections must be carefully insulated.

All sockets, switches, and electrical wiring in the bathroom must be protected from moisture. If lighting fixture It is planned to leave it in its old place, it is necessary to check the electrical wiring to it. Due to long-term use, the wire may break and the lighting may fail. If this failure occurs after tiling the bathroom, it will be a shame to have to break the tiles to fix the problem.

We carry out the installation new door. It is better to make the bathroom door open outward to save space, especially if the bathroom is small.

Ceiling finishing

Now let's work on the ceiling. According to your tastes and preferences, you can simply level the ceiling and paint it ceiling paint. You can, of course, realize your design ideas and make some kind of multi-level or mirror ceiling, but this project will go beyond the budget option.

If the surface of the ceiling is fairly flat, then it is enough to thoroughly clean it of the previous coating, putty and prime it. Then we treat the surface of the ceiling with paint. Such repairs are inexpensive and look very nice. It is especially impressive if matte waterproof paint of the correct shade is successfully selected for the design.

In addition to being beautiful, a budget option for renovating a bathroom ceiling is also practical. He is not afraid of leaks from neighbors. If the paint peels off, you can paint it again and the ceiling will look the same.

Wall and floor finishing

More often, the bathroom floor is tiled, but if you don’t have enough money for tiles, you can opt for linoleum.

Budget PVC linoleum of any texture and color, including waterproof options, are widespread on the market. Take measurements of the size of the bathroom and try to find a piece of linoleum with a minimum of waste. The cost of linoleum covering is $6-10 per sq. m. There is no need to glue linoleum; it levels itself and is fixed with a plinth.

laying tiles on the bathroom floor

If you still prefer tiles, then first we prepare the base for tiling. If the floor has a large difference in height, you must first level the surface. This can be done using a self-leveling floor, or cement screed. Due to the fact that there is a high probability of water leakage in the bathroom, waterproofing is needed. When leveling the walls, if there are bumps, we chop them off. If the leveling work is done carefully, the easier it will be to tiling and the less consumption of tile adhesive will be.

If the walls are smooth, it is enough to walk with concrete contact for better adhesion of the tiles to the base.

We are choosing tiles for our bathroom. Select the tile you like color range and size. If there is a pattern on the tile, we determine its location.

When choosing a tile, you should fulfill some requirements - such tiles should not be overly fragile and slippery.

Porcelain stoneware tiles are best suited, but they are too expensive for budget renovations.

We carry out flooring and wall tiles. This stage of the budget self-repair The bathroom is the most difficult part of the renovation process. Tiling requires some experience and knowledge. There is a small nuance for the bathroom. If the floor around the perimeter of the room is made a little higher than along the rest of the surface, when a spill occurs, the water will collect in the center and will not seep down to the neighbors.

laying tiles on the wall in the bathroom

After laying the tiles, we begin to grout the seams in the bathroom. First we clean tile joints from glue. Otherwise, the glue will come out on the grout and you will need to clean the grout again. Grouting joints also requires skill. A special grout is used for this.

Installing a bath

When installing the bathtub, make sure that its position is horizontal. Modern brands of bathtubs have adjustable legs that make this goal easy to achieve. If you decide to tile the side of the bathtub with ceramic tiles, be sure to leave a hatch to allow for repair work. Its size should be selected so that it is easy to maintain the bathtub drainage system.

installing a bathroom

Old bathtub models are attached polyurethane foam along the perimeter and are fixed using cement mortar. We also fix the legs of the bathtub with cement, leveling it.

We install a toilet, sink, washing machine. The bathtub is usually installed before tiling.

When making budget renovations, usually the bathtub is installed near the wall in one of the corners of the bathroom. But, when large size bathroom, it is possible to place the bath in the center. IN Lately Often bulky bathtubs are replaced by shower stalls. They occupy less space. Among the shower stalls, there are budget options of decent quality.

Installation of sink and toilet

Then the sink is installed. It's pretty easy to install. The sink can be mounted on brackets or placed on a pedestal. The second option is more preferable, as it makes it possible to hide drain pipes and thus do better interior bathroom after renovation with your own hands. If the bathroom is combined with a toilet, installing a toilet is also included in the renovation.

installing a toilet in the toilet

All plumbing fixtures are connected to plumbing system and the sewerage system. The mirror is mounted in a predetermined place. We also attach a variety of hooks, shelves, curtains, and towel racks.

We complete the renovation by installing the doors.

With today's level of equipment and the availability of universal building materials You can do a super-cool bathroom renovation. If you choose expensive natural materials Given the complexity of installation, such an arrangement will cost a pretty penny. But we will look at simpler ones, economical options.

Where to start renovating a budget bathroom?

First you need to draw up a repair plan and estimate. The owner must see the final result of the arrangement. To save money, material changes may be made in the estimate. The first thing you should do is change metal pipes previous years into metal-plastic or plastic. old cast iron bath can be restored. The sink can remain the same as long as it is not broken and looks tolerable. Such work is usually performed by specialists, but, if desired, you can do it yourself. Then the costs will consist only of the cost of materials and components.

What need to do?

When carrying out a budget renovation of a bathroom, work should be done on arranging the ceiling, walls, and floor. In this case, you can also turn to professionals or do the work yourself.

tiles and mosaics for the bathroom photo 1-4

renovation of walls and ceiling in the bathroom photo 5-8

Dismantling old bath and with your own hands.

The best option for bathroom walls

The cheapest option is to paint the walls oil paint and whitewashing the ceiling. This is how the bathroom was updated at the end of the last century. Today there are other inexpensive ways. An economical method is to cover the walls with washable wallpaper or install plastic panels. However, the most suitable option for bathroom walls is tiles or plastic mosaic (photo 1,2,3,4). The range of these materials is extremely wide. The industry offers tiles:

  • plain and colored with a glossy sheen or matte velvety;
  • different sizes and shapes with a rough or smooth surface;
  • edging;
  • various colors and designs;
  • Russian, European, American manufacturers;
  • different price ranges.

Tip 1:

To ensure that the tiles do not differ in color or shade, you should buy tiles from the same batch (the number is indicated on the package).

Tip 2:

If tiles turn out to be expensive for you, then pay attention to plastic mosaics, they are cheaper. It can be combined with ceramic tiles and wallpaper.

Tip 3:

Tile equip those parts of the walls that come into contact with water. In other places you can put up washable wallpaper that matches the tiles (photo 5).

photo 9-10

renovation of a budget bathroom photo 11

The sequence of all activities when carrying out a bathroom.

Floor ceramic tiles

Ceramic tile for the floor is also considered the most the best option. Special floor tiles endowed with the best strength and performance characteristics. Its advantages:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage and chemical exposure;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • long period of operation;
  • wide choose;
  • low prices.


For bathroom floors, you cannot use tiles intended for walls. It will be slippery and may crumble.

photo 12

photo 13


At one time, the ceiling in the bathroom was whitewashed with chalk. It was economical, but short-lived. When taking a shower, the chalk simply washed away, revealing a gray slab of panels. Today the industry offers for the ceiling in the bathroom:


If you paint the ceiling (photo 6), you should achieve perfect flat surface. This - difficult area, requiring a lot of effort and time.

According to many clients, the best option for a budget bathroom renovation is the installation of a suspended or suspended moisture-resistant ceiling (photo 7, 8). This equipment has the following advantages:

  • durability;
  • original and beautiful view;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • opportunities to hide construction defects;
  • soundproofing.


To carry out renovation work in the bathroom economically, you should decide on the materials used. To do this, you will need to take measurements of the room and find out the prices for different types coatings Price analysis and opportunity independent arrangement– the path to economical repairs! Your bathroom may look like this (photo 9,10,11,12,13).

Doing something with your own hands is not only fashionable and pleasant. Such activities may provide some cost savings. Successful combination cost savings, pleasure from doing the work yourself and many other reasons explain the development of do-it-yourself technology.

Time to start renovating your bathroom

The obvious lack of funds for large-scale repairs in the house forces us to be careful when determining the moment of repair. The desire and need to do everything with your own hands must be brought into line with the family’s lifestyle. All repair problems become especially acute when updating the bathroom - one of the key rooms of an apartment or house.

Conventional variations of such homework are usually tied to the holiday season. It's a little more difficult to renovate bathrooms when the whole family is there. Here are the typical complications you need to be prepared for when no one in the family can leave home for a while:

  • the need for constant cleaning;
  • the need to coordinate each work with household members;
  • impossibility of turning off plumbing fixtures for a long time.

What you need to know and be able to do for an inexpensive bathroom renovation

The specificity of the bathroom is its saturation engineering equipment. This means that the home handyman must understand the basics of plumbing and sewerage, and in addition:

  • understand the operation of ventilation and heating
  • understand how electrical wiring is done and electrical equipment is installed
  • have experience in painting, tiling, carpentry, and often plumbing and other work.

In order for a budget bathroom renovation to be economical and effective, the master must be able to count costs and analyze them. Developed imagination will help the home craftsman compare options and choose the best one, comparing not only the cost, but also the associated work and their consequences. Such qualities of a master can be considered no less important than the ability to work with his hands.

An amateur specialist must understand that a good economical option bathroom renovation is calculated and thought out taking into account the present and future needs of the entire apartment.

Scope of bathroom renovation

U economical solution There must always be certain limits. To make repairs inexpensive and short-lived, an independent home specialist must be able to correctly determine the scale and scope of all work. One of essential principles such a strategy is to preserve everything that can be preserved. Refusal total cladding tiles and attention to color down to the smallest detail - and a successful budget solution for a small bathroom has been implemented.

A home craftsman must be able to take risks. For example, do not replace old water pipes steel pipes just because they can rust. Experienced master will leave existing pipes, but will provide the possibility of quick access to them.

Minimizing and optimizing work in the bathroom is the main focus of efforts home handyman in the implementation of a budget project.

How to ensure inexpensive bathroom renovations

To make an economical, budget renovation in the bathroom, you need to attack this goal on a broad front. As one of the fundamental measures, it is necessary to develop immunity against the influence of advertising of plumbing fixtures and materials, which is better replaced by increased competence. Daily self-education on interior design technology will give very serious results even after a month.

There are several fundamental directions for bathroom renovation, any options of which should obviously reduce the cost of the operation:

  1. Do not use wet processes - plasters, screeds, laying tiles with mortar or glue.
  2. Do not touch network engineering- pipelines, ventilation and electrical wiring.
  3. Widely apply modern cladding from prefabricated piece materials - lining, panels and analogues.

But main way make repairs economically - not even in these directions, but in the ability to correctly find your own individual option that ensures maximum efficiency. This requires the ability to calculate the cost of materials and labor costs. Labor costs are important even when the work is done with your own hands.

Competent, thoughtful calculation will allow you to make, albeit on a budget, but bright and individual work. Laconic finishing, for example, can save money on the purchase of an expensive bathtub with hydromassage. A simple and even sparse finish can easily create a witty backdrop for expensive plumbing fixtures.

Ready-made cladding and economical repairs

A sure way to save money on bathroom renovations is to use ready-made pieces for decoration. synthetic materials. There are many advantages, in addition to low cost:

  • the use of ready-made piece materials, lining, panels or their analogues can be carried out without surface preparation, even on an old coating;
  • installation of finished cladding does not cause significant pollution;
  • synthetic materials are not afraid of moisture;
  • It is easy to ensure accurate surface geometry.

Like most modern construction and finishing materials, finished panels or lining do not require such high skill as real plaster. A skilled craftsman can confidently take on such work and, if desired, achieve maximum quality, for example, minimize losses due to the thickness of the finished finish.

A good option for using ready-made cladding can include not only walls, but also the ceiling and even the floor. The overall quality depends significantly on small details and details, for example, on the junction of the cladding with plumbing fixtures. Thoughtful connections will ensure a high class of such budget repairs.

Plumbing equipment

Choosing inexpensive plumbing fixtures also requires some experience. It is important to understand that there are many specially designed inexpensive models intended for mass use. These are the models you need to look for.

First of all, you need to make sure that the plumbing actually requires replacement. It is possible that thorough cleaning and replacement of fittings will leave the earthenware toilet and washbasin completely intact. Technology can make it possible to preserve it too. When choosing the cheapest models you need to be careful, the impossibly low cost is a way to get rid of the product, not to sell it.

Economical bathroom renovation design

When doing renovations economically, it is important not to sacrifice the interior to cheapness - a bathroom renovated with visible and even demonstrative stinginess can make a depressing impression.

Something beautiful and witty can help design solution. The basis of such a solution is a clear and effective idea. Here are examples of such a fundamental idea for a bathroom interior:

  • bright, cheerful and original color;
  • witty and unexpected placement of plumbing fixtures;
  • unusual types of finishing.

A home craftsman should spend time studying analogues, exchanging opinions with others, and consulting specialists. It’s good to call women for help - representatives of the fair half are focused specifically on design, and not on solving technical problems that can completely absorb the attention of the master.

Design and its implementation with your own hands, done effectively and economically, is not an easy task, but its success is the basis Have a good mood and progress on other projects.