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Datura vulgaris is a poisonous plant with beneficial properties. The use of dope ordinary in medicine and cosmetology

Datura common is one of the most poisonous plants. Contains alkaloids that relax smooth muscles and increase heart rate.

It also has other names - “henbane”, “nonsense grass”, “foolish”, “crazy grass”. At correct application plants, its properties can be used for the benefit of man.

Datura plant is a herbaceous annual, belongs to the nightshade family. In Russia, it is distributed in the Astrakhan region and the lower reaches of the Volga. Datura grass grows in garbage dumps, in ditches and along roadsides.

Datura has a powerful root system, an upright forked branching stem. The leaves of the plant are dark green in color, oval in shape with jagged edges. The flowers are large, solitary, in appearance resemble a small white lily. They exude a sour-sweet aroma. The fruits of the capsule are covered with sharp spikes, divided into four sections. Seeds are small matte black. Up to 800 pieces ripen in one box.

It should be noted that dope serves as a source of the following substances:

Datura in the garden

In addition to dope ordinary, there are decorative types. They are used to decorate flower beds and garden plots.

As decorative varieties are used:

Due to the abundant flowering, decorative dope has won the recognition of gardeners. The fragrant aroma of the plant will mask bad smell from cesspool or compost heap. decorative properties herbs are used in flower beds and front gardens.

Reproduction methods and care

At the end of summer, seeds are collected from bursting boxes. Dry in the open air for a week, store in a dark place in a paper bag.

In early March, the seeds are soaked for 2-3 days in a weak solution of manganese. Then planted in containers with loose soil.

The first seedlings appear after 10 days. Seedlings are grown at a temperature of + 20 ... + 22⁰С, at the end of May, the sprouts are planted in the ground.

For landing choose open sunny places. Datura - moisture-loving plant and requires regular watering and spraying. During the flowering period, it needs additional top dressing. Mineral complexes are applied directly under the root.

Gallery: dope ordinary (25 photos)

Medicinal properties of dope

Tincture is used for liver diseases, as a choleretic agent. Relieves kidney and stomach colic. As an additional treatment, tincture is prescribed for colon cancer.

Fees from the leaves of the plant cope with diseases nervous system: epilepsy, panic attacks and insomnia. As a symptomatic agent, it is used to treat bronchial asthma.

A decoction of the seeds of the flower helps with uterine erosion and hemorrhoids (douching, enemas). Rubbing herbs with oil relieves the pain of arthritis and gout. Lotions from the decoction dissolve hematomas and seals with mastitis.

Procurement of raw materials and recipes

Datura leaves and fruits are harvested during seed ripening in dry weather. Then dried in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. The raw material is considered suitable for use when the leaves begin to break easily and crumble. The harvested plant can be stored for no more than 3 years.

AT folk medicine the following recipes are used:


Due to the fact that the juice of the plant has poisonous properties, the use of herbs in medicinal purposes has a number of contraindications. They should be remembered:

In any case, before using infusions and decoctions of Datura, be sure to consult your doctor.

Datura poisoning

It should be remembered that Datura is a very toxic herb. Therefore, when treating with decoctions and tinctures from a flower, you must follow all the recommendations and do not exceed the dosage. If the house has Small child, then poisonous plant dope ordinary should not be planted in the garden. A kid out of curiosity can swallow grass seeds, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

Signs of poisoning:

  • redness of the face;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • mental arousal;
  • dilated pupils;
  • heart palpitations;
  • hallucinations;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea with blood;
  • fever.

Symptoms in severe cases:

  • drop in blood pressure;
  • respiratory failure;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • heart failure.

First aid

At the first symptoms of poisoning with a poisonous plant, you need to call an ambulance. To help the victim before the arrival of the doctor, you can do the following:

  1. Prepare a strong saline solution (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). The patient needs to do repeated gastric lavage and artificially induce vomiting.
  2. Give the victim any sorbent: activated carbon, white clay, Laktofiltrum.
  3. With a fever, the patient's body is wiped with a damp towel.
  4. If the poisoned person has lost consciousness, then an indirect heart massage is performed.

Medical measures for poisoning

In severe cases, the patient is hospitalized in the intensive care unit. The following activities take place there:

  1. If breathing is disturbed, tracheal intubation is performed.
  2. Enter subcutaneously Prozerin (5 ml).
  3. Intravenously put a dropper (saline solution, Galantamine).
  4. Diazepam is used to eliminate mental arousal.
  5. With fever, a solution of Analgin with Diphenhydramine (2 ml) is administered intramuscularly.

The magical properties of dope

In India, the Datura flower was used for magical rites aimed at improving material wealth. In Tibet, an intoxicating potion was made from the leaves of the grass and mixed with it in the food of young girls. Then they were kidnapped and killed, sacrificing to the goddess of death Kali. The Aztecs inhaled the scent of flowers for an hour, it was believed that this ritual enhances psychic abilities.

An annual plant that large quantities grows in Western Siberia and in the Caucasus, it is called Datura grass. In the people, for its poisonousness, they call it “diverevo”, “bodyak”, “crazy grass”, “stupid grass”, “foolish potion”, “cocktail”, “prickly apples”, “badura”. It is believed that one touch of this plant can provoke inflammation of the skin. Is it so? We will understand in the article.


It is a straight stem with a powerful white rhizome, leaves with sharp teeth. If you rub the leaf between your fingers, an unpleasant specific smell arises. The white flowers bloom from the leaf axils and are also strongly scented.

The fruit of this plant is similar in shape to an egg, on the surface of which there are small green spikes. Inside are large black seeds, with the help of which Datura reproduces. They ripen by the month of October, and it blooms from July to September.

What parts are used

From July to September, dope leaves are harvested, which are actively used in various areas. Collection is made up to 4 times during the growth period. Then the raw material is dried very quickly at high temperatures in special dryers. In our country, the procurement of raw materials is carried out only in the Krasnodar Territory.

Datura herb: useful properties

Datura leaves have a therapeutic effect due to the content of alkaloids in the composition. They are used in the following cases:

  • with a strong cough, it relieves spasms of the muscles of the bronchi;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • for the treatment of neuralgia, rheumatism.

The use of dope in folk recipes

On the basis of the leaves, infusions and extracts are prepared, in the creation of tinctures for asthma, the seeds of the plant are used. Datura is used in the following cases:

  1. To maintain the nervous system in mental illness, neutralizes the manic state.
  2. Vodka tincture is used for paralysis and severe shortness of breath.
  3. The decoction is taken for epileptic seizures.
  4. For inflammation of the eyes, lotions from the decoction are used.
  5. Pain reliever for toothache.
  6. For rubbing in rheumatism.

In the old days, horses were rubbed with grass to prevent gadflies from appearing. They fumigated infectious patients with it.

Preparation of medicines and infusions

To create a tincture, you need to take 100 g of the seeds of this plant, grind them, pour 0.5 alcohol. Close the container and put in a dark place. After a week, strain the tincture. It is used as follows:

  • For inhalation in asthmatic conditions and cough - up to 20 minutes;
  • For the treatment of insomnia - 2 drops per 30 ml, taken several times a day;
  • Inside - 25 drops per 50 ml of water on an empty stomach for a month to prevent strokes and thrombosis.

You can prepare a decoction of herbs for the bathroom. For this 20 g dried leaves brewed in 12 liters of boiling water and infused for half an hour. The finished infusion is poured into bath water.

A decoction for the treatment of tumors and mastitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes and mastopathy is taken in a teaspoon in half a glass of water. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water. plant seeds.

Also, this decoction can be used to gargle with diseases of the oral cavity.

To prepare eye lotions, dilute 2 tsp in a glass of water. decoction.

Contraindication for use

It should be borne in mind that dope is a very dangerous plant. Therefore, before use, you should consult a doctor and take drugs with this very carefully, following all dosages. Otherwise, signs of poisoning appear:

  • diarrhea with bloody discharge;
  • memory losses;
  • pupils dilate;
  • dry mouth.

They can appear already in the first 10 minutes after ingestion. If such symptoms are observed, it is imperative to call an ambulance and do a gastric lavage. Pupil dilation is observed up to a week after poisoning.

You can not use drugs containing dope:

  1. During pregnancy and lactation.
  2. With glaucoma.

The magical properties of dope

According to beliefs, in ancient times, the devil drove alcohol from this dope grass in order to addict people to sin. He agreed to the proposal of God that all the souls of people who died from vodka would belong to him, so the devil makes every effort to make people drink this drink.

Sorcerers, priests and used grass to perform clairvoyant rites, it helped to see the future. It was believed that dope allows you to cause visions, resists evil spells and bad conspiracies.

Datura was also used as a hallucinogen, it was distributed by nomads. Many in their plots burned grass in bonfires in order to get a wonderful smoke that allowed them to relax, lead to a blissful state, and simply intoxicate.

Some peoples, to achieve a state of euphoria, added grass to smoking pipes or drinks. This herb was used to poison politicians.

Datura grass has been known since ancient times for its medicinal properties.

It was used for bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, neuralgic diseases, stomach problems, epileptic strokes, rheumatism.

In today's article, we will talk about this plant: from history to eating.

Leaves must be collected after the formation of flowers. Raw materials are dried only in non-residential premises and in no case should an oven be used for these purposes. The perfect place- attic and roof As soon as the leaf becomes brittle, it means it has dried completely.

Seeds are collected after the completion of the maturation of the boxes and the acquisition by them Brown. The seed itself should be black and shiny. But for drying the seeds, you can use the stove.

Store parts of dope grass should be separately in tightly closed banks during two years.

Today, pharmaceutical companies grow entire plantations of henbane. And in the factory, atropine and scopalomin are extracted from the plant, which are components of sedatives, antiemetics and antidotes.

Attention! poisoning

Datura is very poisonous. In no case should pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, be treated with preparations containing this plant.

Sometimes the consequences of eating henbane can be severe consequences up to death. Signs of poisoning are impossible to miss:

  • pupil dilation;
  • heart palpitations;
  • slurred speech;
  • cyanosis of the lips and mouth;
  • dyspnea;
  • fever;
  • hallucinations;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling of the face.

If help is not provided in time, then the poison will paralyze the respiratory center of a person and he will die.

First aid is calling an ambulance. You will need to wash the stomach and inject the drug prozerin. With confusion, psychotropic drugs are used.

Growing decorative dope

Gardeners grow ornamental dope grass with joy, thanks to its unpretentiousness.


If reproduction is carried out using seeds, then preparation for cultivation begins in the fall.

It is necessary to prepare pots with a special mixture of earth, humus and sand. And only in the spring the seeds are planted in this soil. But not at once.

They are pre-soaked in hot water.

By the end of spring, young bushes grow, which can be planted in open ground.

After landing under the open sky, the first buds will appear in three weeks.


cuttings also allows you to successfully grow grass.

There are many photos and videos on the Internet on how to do it right. A stalk is cut from an adult henbane and planted in a pot of earth until spring.

Summer cottages are decorated with Datura grass because of its flowering. The Indian variety of henbane is popular, thanks to large flowers in the form of a bell with wonderful petals.

As a result, lush bushes grow, strewn with beautiful bright colors. In nature, the native color of Datura buds is white. But, breeders have bred varieties with lilac, purple, yellow colors and various form petals. For example, you can see a star or rose-like henbane.

The undoubted advantage of a decorative angel pipe is the aroma. It is so strong that it is quite capable of overshadowing unpleasant odors, for example, from a garbage can.

Conditions for favorable growth

Datura unpretentious perennial. For successful cultivation It is enough to observe three important conditions:

  1. illumination;
  2. looseness of the soil;
  3. watering.

It is noteworthy that there will be no weeds near the growth of dope grass. She scares them away with her poisonous essence.

top dressing

It is necessary to fertilize the earth occasionally, for example, with lime milk or minerals. Bushes are pruned after the first year of growth. It is better to winter the bushes at home in large pots.

By the way, gardeners insist dope grass and use it as an insecticide in the fight against moths, caterpillars, hawthorn, spider mite. However, it will not be possible to get rid of ants, wireworms and beetles in this way. Bees really like the nectar of Datura flowers, but such honey is harmful to people.

Remember! Do not grow dope in playgrounds, kindergartens and bedrooms.

An enigmatic plant with beautiful flowers and a southern scent is known to be a powerful hallucinogen. Datura was used by ancient peoples in cult rituals, occultism and herbal medicine.


The exact homeland of Datura has not been established. Mentions of grass are found in the legends of all continents except Australia. One of the versions says that Datura was brought by the sailors of Columbus from the American continent. According to another, tribes of wandering gypsies found intoxicating grains near the Caspian Sea and spread them throughout Asia. But the greatest popularization of henbane was promoted by healers who transported seeds in their wanderings.

Belena was often used for magical rites. The Aztec tribes considered the flower sacred. Priests used it to cause hallucinations to contact spirits. Datura fruits were sacrificed to deities.

In the Middle Ages, Chinese doctors treated various ailments with Datura. And the Indians, with the help of henbane wine, plunged into ecstasy. In the countries of Europe, there was once a legend that sorcerers could prepare an ointment based on dope grass that allowed them to fly.


Datura (lat. Dature) or dope refers to poisonous, herbaceous plants and is included in the nightshade family along with potatoes and tomatoes.


Datura flower is a spreading shrub with spectacular tubular flowers with an extension at the end. A description with a photo will give a complete picture.

The height of the perennial reaches 1.5 m. In frosty winters, it is grown as an annual. Datura has a thick, erect stem with a hollow structure. Sometimes painted at the base in a red-violet color. The first, central shoot bifurcates at a height of about 30 cm. A conical bud grows in a fork. It grows and opens with a funnel up to 20 cm in diameter.

large, fragrant flowers reminiscent of a lily with five petals. White or purple flowers are located in the convolutions of the stem singly. The next flowers will appear in 1-2 weeks. The bush will be completely covered with flowers closer to autumn, when several flowers will bloom every night. Hybrid forms of Datura bloom in purple, yellow, lilac, cream, purple flowers. The buds open with the onset of evening and bloom for only one night. At the peak of flowering, the opened flowers fill the night air with an exotic fragrance.

Datura fruits are ovoid capsules with small spines. Internal structure boxes are divided into 4 sections. Each fruit contains about 800 seeds. Rounded grains of black color are compressed, irregularly reniform. They have increased endurance and remain viable for decades.

Flowering begins in July and lasts until the end of September, when frosts begin. The fruits ripen in September-October.

The branched rhizome of the rod type is quite long and has a white color.

The arrangement of large, serrated leaves on long petioles is alternate. The size and shape of the leaves depends on the location. In the basal part they are narrower and longer, planted on a short petiole. The upper surface of the leaf is velvety, dark green in color, the underside of the leaf is a tone lighter.

Among the people, the flower is known by several names: crazy grass, henbane, angel's pipe, dope grass, Lunar flower. Datura settles in small groups in wastelands, along roads and along the edges of vegetable gardens.


In biology, there are 13 types of dope, and each of them is poisonous. The concentration of toxic substances is related to the season and place of growth. There are ordinary, terry and semi-double types. Distribution on the European continent received:

Breeding on the site

During the flowering period, dope looks very attractive. Certain varieties of dope are planted by gardeners on garden plots with decorative purpose, especially since the plant is unpretentious in care. And flowering is accompanied by the spread of a pleasant aroma with tropical notes, overlapping other smells in the garden.

For full growth and abundant flowering the flower needs a lot of sunlight, regular watering and loose soil. In the shade, the plant grows weakly and looks unattractive. The need for moisture is explained by increased evaporation through large leaf plates. From the lack of water, the leaves and buds fall off the flower. The soil should be nutritious, saturated with organic matter. Acidic soils are not suitable for growing.

During the season, feeding is carried out every week, alternating mineral composition and organics. Flowering is stimulated by hard water, such as milk of lime. Unopened tubes of flowers testify to the lack of nutrition and moisture.

The bushes are transplanted into pots for the winter and placed in a non-residential, bright room with a temperature not higher than + 15 °, otherwise the plant will stretch. Rarely watered. After wintering, when some of the leaves fall off, pruning is done.


For propagation, seeds are most often used. In the spring they are soaked in hot water for 0.5-1 hour. Then only specimens that have settled to the bottom are placed in containers with earth. Germination conditions are dark cover and temperature 10-12°C. Shoots will appear in 15-30 days. Then they are already contained at t=25°. Closer to summer last days May, seedlings 15 cm high are planted on the site.

You can use the cutting method. Used for rooting warm water or nutritious, moist substrate. Select cuttings with 2-3 knots. Cut them off just below the knot. A package of film and warm place. Young leaves will appear in 10 days.

Landings on the site are freely placed, leaving about 1 m between the bushes. Young plants throw flowers in the first year.

medical application

Use healing properties Datura-herbs have learned more doctors Ancient Greece. Avicenna characterized the plant as an excellent drug. Hyoscyamine contained in henbane helps to reduce the secretion of sweat and salivary glands, reduces the production of bile and stimulates the activity of the heart muscle.

The composition of henbane revealed tannins, alkaloids, carotene, oils, trace elements and fats. The content of alkaloids in various parts is different. Most of them are concentrated in foliage and stems.

In pharmacology, the production of drugs with datura, intended for the treatment of:

  1. Bronchitis and asthma
  2. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum
  3. cholecystitis and colitis
  4. Tachycardia
  5. Neuralgia and mental disorders
  6. Rheumatism

Decoctions are used for rinsing rubbing and enemas. Oil infusion is useful for constipation as an internal remedy. Powdered leaves are mixed into cigarettes for asthmatics.

In veterinary medicine, henbane relieves convulsions in cattle, promotes the growth of the fat layer in pigs.

When treating dope, it is important to remember the dosage and consult a doctor so as not to harm your health. When self-harvesting medicinal raw materials from Datura, several rules are required:

  • Collection is carried out in a warm and sunny weather after 10 am.
  • Be sure to use gloves and do not touch the plant with your hands.
  • Do not dry indoors or in the oven.

Raw materials are sorted into leaves, flowers and seeds. Use separately and store in a closed container. Shelf life - 2 years.

Harmful effect

Datura is poisonous and should be handled with care. Grass is clearly contraindicated in people with glaucoma. They are even forbidden to be near the landings. Should not be taken during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. It happens that young children are attracted to boxes of dope grass. They open them, and the seeds are pushed into the mouth, which causes poisoning.

Toxic substances begin to act on the body quickly. Signs of poisoning are blue lips and oral cavity, dilated pupils, palpitations and impaired speech. The temperature rises and swelling of the face appears. In severe cases, convulsions and hallucinations are observed. In the absence of help, the respiratory system is blocked and the death of a person is possible.

Long-term use of drugs with dope, in addition to the therapeutic effect, leads to mental disorders.

Datura on site

Datura is used in landscape design in single and group plantings. It looks spectacular in the background of mixborders. Spreading bushes with prominent flowers will decorate the flower garden and a source of pleasant smell.
Indian view from bright flowers Suitable for pot and container growing.

Decaying plants serve as small fences and successfully fill empty spaces after flowering perennials. in early spring. If you install an additional support, then the dope will pull itself up to the level of the eye.

See also video

An annual plant of the Solanaceae family.

It occurs on loose, moist soils near home, in fields, along slopes and ravines. It grows on the territory of Ukraine, in particular the Crimea, the Caucasus, western Siberia.

Among the people there are other names for the herb, such as: drunken cucumbers, kinglets, stupefied grass, bodyak, bad drunk, etc.

The plant sometimes causes very strong hallucinations. Since ancient times in India, shamans have used for their ritual. In ancient times, in some countries, grass was used as a narcotic substance.

Description: Although the birthplace of Datura is Asia, it is well adapted to the climate of Central and of Eastern Europe. Grown in gardens ornamental plant. Has a highly developed root system. Rod powerful root white color. The height of the flower reaches 120 cm. Straight stem and large leaves with an unpleasant odor. The flower itself is considered poisonous.

Datura leaves are pointed at the end, ovoid, narrowed at the petiole, with front side dark green, underside lighter.

Datura has large single flowers of white or purple color, funnel-shaped. Flowers appear from June to September and have an unpleasant odor (especially at night). Flowers reach 12 mm in length.

The fruit is in the form of a rounded erect capsule, which is covered with sharp spines up to 1 cm long. One box contains over 500 seeds.

Seeds black matte, slightly flattened, large.

Datura propagates by seeds.

sowing period - early spring, seed ripening period - from June to October.

Common Datura blooms: June - September.

Datura vulgaris: planting and care

Datura - (another name for the flower) is easily grown from seed. You can find seeds at any garden store. Germination is almost 100%, but the first shoots appear no earlier than a month later.

Seed preparation: Previously for several days, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator, or in a conventional cold water, this will soften the hard, dense rind that covers the seeds.

Zip bags can be used. Pour a little water, place the seeds and wait for the piercing, then you can safely plant in the ground.

Seeds are sown in the ground in mid-May. But for fast flowering, seedlings are used.

Growing seedlings: Seeds are sown in bowls, after 3 weeks, the first sprouts should appear, after some time they dive into separate containers.

Seeds are sown on the surface, lightly sprinkled with soil up to 1 cm from above. It is necessary to water abundantly through a sprayer.

After sowing, the containers are covered with a glass flask and the temperature is kept at 20 degrees, periodically removing the flask for ventilation.

With the advent of seedlings, the sprouts are provided with sufficiently strong diffused light and abundant watering.

To do without diving, only one seed is planted in one pot.

Hardening: With the appearance of the first 2-3 leaves, young shoots must be hardened. First, they are taken out for 1 hour in the open air, but after a few days, the time is gradually increased.

A month later, if the night temperature does not drop below +10 degrees, the seedlings can be left outside all night.

Upon reaching 15-20 cm in height and the presence of 15-20 degrees of air temperature, the seedlings are transferred to open ground, planted in increments of 30 cm, but the root collar cannot be buried in the ground.

Soil: Choose a soil that is nutritious, loose, conducts air and water well and is rich in organic matter.

Location: On open field choose a sunny area without drafts and wind, otherwise the dope branches will break, bend over, and the buds will fall off.

Watering: Pay particular attention to watering. It should be plentiful, but do not overdo it. Use soft, settled water.

If the watering regime is violated, dope will drop leaves and buds.

Top dressing: During the period of active growth (flowering), it is necessary to make organic fertilizers: manure, compost 2 times a month.

Medicinal properties of Datura vulgaris

The plant is used in pharmacology, for the preparation of herbal preparations. The content of the left-handed alkanoide - hyoscyamine, the drug affects the smooth muscles of the bronchi, reduces pain in the airways.

Datura reduces the tone of smooth muscle organs, reduces perspiration, reduces the secretion of the pancreas and salivary glands, and reduces the vagal effect on the heart.

The powder is used to prevent respiratory infections, with bronchitis, as an antispasmodic, for wound healing, in cosmetology, and for hemorrhoids.

By chemical composition, the herb contains alkaloids: gustamin, atropine, daturin. From leaves and seeds, obtained essential oil and various tannins.

The composition of tobacco products includes dope as one of the means of causing hallucinations.

Self-use is strictly prohibited, the plant is poisonous and should only be used under medical supervision.

The plant is used in folk and traditional medicine at:

  • depression,
  • nervous attacks (mental breakdowns),
  • nervous system disorders
  • rheumatism
  • whooping cough
  • bronchitis (bronchial asthma)
  • conjunctivitis
  • nymphomania
  • bradycardia
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer
  • spastic constipation
  • colitis

The essence of freshly squeezed leaves is used for manic states and triple nerve neuralgia.

The collection of leaves is part of the preparations "Astmatin", "Astmatol", which is used for bronchial asthma.

The oil is used for external treatment, and is part of Saliniment, Complex Liniment for neuralgia, rheumatism, inflammation of the joints and muscular rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis.

From the collection of flowers, decoctions are prepared for epilepsy, cough, bronchial asthma.

Datura vulgaris: use in traditional medicine

On the basis of Datura ordinary, they prepare alcohol tinctures, decoctions and powder.
Dried leaves are used to make a powder in the treatment of coughs and shortness of breath.
At the tip of a spoon (very small dose) 3 times a day, the powder is taken orally.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

  • When running chronic illness, the patient needs to breathe smoke from burnt leaves.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed leaves, pour a glass of water, put in a water bath for 5 minutes, then for 20 minutes you need to inhale the vapor through your nose.

Treatment of the psyche, seizures, epilepsy

Infusion preparation: 1 teaspoon of crushed seeds, pour 250 ml. boiling water, cover and let it brew for 20 minutes. Take 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon.

With stomach cancer, the infusion helps to reduce pain.

For outdoor use

Decoction preparation: per glass of water, add 1 tsp. crushed leaves, bring to a boil, let it brew for 30 minutes, then 1 teaspoon of the finished broth, diluted with 100 mm of water and used as lotions for external use for arthritis, arthrosis, inflammation of the eyes, as a rinse for toothache.

A decoction of Datura flowers is taken for epilepsy and angina pectoris.

Treatment of hemorrhoids and uterine prolapse

A warm sitz bath should be prepared. Shredded dry raw materials 1 tbsp. spoon, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Dilute the concentrate in 10 l hot water and take 2-3 times a day a warm sitz bath for up to 10 minutes until the water cools down.

How to get rid of unwanted hair

Often women develop hair that is not desirable and needs to be removed. For cooking, you need 200 grams of crushed dry raw materials, pour 1 liter of boiling water, put on a small fire and stir constantly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then allow the gruel to cool and apply thin layer on the required areas skin.

Decoction for enemas and douching

Recipe: 1 tsp. dry powder pour 0.5 liters. water, put on a small fire and cook for 5 minutes. Remove and let steep for 30 minutes, then strain. Apply the decoction once a day for 2 weeks. But check with your doctor first.

Datura oil

The oil is made from the seeds of the plant. Used to get rid of unwanted hair. The oil is applied to the surface of the skin, penetrating deep into the hair follicle, destroying it. Prior to application, it is necessary to do epilation, when the pores are still open, apply to the surface, otherwise the oil will not get inside the skin.

Superficially used for sciatica, arthritis, eczema.

Datura oil is used internally when removing stones from the gallbladder and intestines (fecal stones). It also acts as a sedative nervous stress and seizures.

Collection and preparation of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, seeds and leaves of Datura are used.

From the moment of flowering until mid-autumn, the leaves are torn off and dried in dry weather. Wet leaves after rain, or with dew, quickly darken. In one year, you can collect up to 3, 4 fees.

Pluck off the bottom petals first. Dry in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight, or use an electric dryer. The temperature during drying should not exceed 40-50 degrees. As soon as the main vein has dried out and breaks well, the grass is harvested and kept in glass jars, or tightly closed bags.

After contact with the leaves, be sure to wash your hands well. Shelf life 2 years.

Seeds are harvested starting in autumn from ripe fruits. Like leaves, they are dried and transferred to jars for storage.


Through the poisonousness of the flower, any self-medication can lead to overdose and poisoning. Some people deliberately smoke or inhale the smoke from burning leaves to get hallucinations, this is extremely dangerous and leads to poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea with blood
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Violation of the central nervous system
  • Impaired coordination of movements
  • Disorientation
  • Pupils dilated
  • Partial memory loss
  • hyperreflexia
  • Partial paralysis

With the above symptoms, immediately call an ambulance.