Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Application of MDF wall panels. MDF production technology

MDF is one of the most popular building materials to date. Environmental Safety MDF boards, high performance indicators and variety of MDF boards gave impetus to high demand, and consequently, to the widespread development of production technologies. How MDF panels are made, what kind types of MDF there are and why they are good - let's try to figure it out in this article.

MDF panels: description and application

MDF painted

MDF is painted using polyurethane enamels– matte, semi-matte, semi-gloss, high-gloss. Accordingly, painted MDF can be semi-matte, matte, semi-gloss, glossy, with different effects - “texture”, “chameleon”, etc.

Painted MDF

Painted MDF is most often used in kitchen and commercial equipment, as individual elements in the production of combined furniture from chipboard (facades). Painted MDF is very popular among designers and people who follow fashion trends in the design of premises, since this type of MDF helps transform the interior beyond recognition easily and cheaply.

The production of painted MDF begins with the initial priming of ready-made boards with a spray gun (the board is primed to remove resin from the material and to increase its moisture resistance). The slab, dried after the initial primer, is primed with filler - unevenness and scratches are removed. And only after that a layer of enamel is applied to the surface of the MDF.

MDF veneered

Veneered MDF

Externally, veneered MDF is not much different from natural wood, and the service life and durability of this material even exceed the basic indicators of wood. They use veneered MDF for the manufacture of furniture and interiors - where they would like to see natural wood, but either its high cost or unsatisfactory physical characteristics hinder it.

Let us recall that they have a thickness from 0.1 to 5 millimeters. It begins with preparing the surface - the slab is sanded and any depressions and scratches are filled with putty. Then the MDF board is laid on the front part wood veneer one or more species and veneered in one of three ways:

- production of cold veneered MDF consists of gluing a veneer plate using special substances;

- production of hot veneered MDF consists of “pressing” veneer plates under the influence of high temperature to milled parts;

- production of veneered MDF using the membrane method consists of joining veneer and MDF surface under vacuum.

As you have seen, the production of MDF does not involve the use of hazardous synthetic substances; MDF itself does not require re-coatings

MDF panels today are quite popular material for home decoration. They have many functional advantages; such panels are safe from the point of view of the health of the inhabitants of the house, convenient to use, and easy to install. In addition, MDF panels are inexpensive, which increases their popularity.

Wall panels are created from MDF boards, which in turn are made from fine wood chips. The production process consists of dry pressing of chips, without the use of epoxy resins and phenol, which are dangerous for people and environment. The chips are bound by lignin, which is released directly from the wood when heated.

When installing MDF panels there is no need to ensure perfect smooth walls as before painting or wallpapering. This greatly simplifies the finishing process itself. In addition, the panels are quickly mounted using glue or using special brackets - clamps. The finished panels already have edges and grooves that allow them to be connected to each other practically without joints.

MDF panels have a noble appearance, can be decorative and traditionally delight with the structure of wood. This allows them to be used in any room, for example, in bedrooms.

MDF panels are easy to care for, so they are often used, for example, in hallways with high traffic. Such panels will last longer than regular wallpaper, and also have a wide selection of shades and patterns, because veneer or polymer film is applied to the surface of the MDF board.

Traditional option The use of decorative MDF panels is to finish only the lower part of the wall. Some designers consider this option outdated, but others note the enduring relevance of the classics.

MDF panels are often used for finishing wooden private houses. This is understandable, because the interior turns out to be a harmonious continuation appearance the house itself, built, for example, from timber.

MDF panels can also be used to finish the ceiling. It’s convenient that if one of the panels is damaged, you can replace it without touching the rest of the finish. The main thing is to choose a part that is exactly the right thickness and shade.

MDF panels have fairly high heat and sound insulation rates. These qualities can be enhanced if the walls are additionally insulated before installing the panels. Thanks to this property, MDF panels are a popular material for insulating balconies and loggias.

The disadvantages of MDF panels include flammability. If you use this particular material for wall decoration, then the wiring must be hidden in special metal corrugations for reliable protection.

If MDF panels are not protected by film or veneer, then direct influence moisture they may swell. First of all, this danger threatens the places where slabs are cut. Therefore, MDF wood panels are rarely used in bathrooms and for finishing kitchen splashbacks. However, they can also be used in such cases if the joints are protected by skirting boards and strips.

Classic decorative MDF panels look aristocratically strict and at the same time attractive. It is often difficult to tell whether real wood or pressed board was used. The use of such panels will set the tone for the entire interior of the room.

Another disadvantage of MDF panels is that they can crack, especially if mounted on a frame. However, to split a wood panel, you need a fairly strong blow, so experts do not consider this feature of the material to be a major disadvantage.

Furniture, floor and wall coverings, as well as many other finishing materials are made from MDF boards. However, not everyone understands what this abbreviation means. In the article we will look at all the available information about MDF panels: what it is, what it is used for, what advantages this material has, thanks to which it is so actively used today.

The abbreviation MDF stands for finely dispersed fraction. Such boards are made from wood fibers, the density of which corresponds to average values, by pressing them under high pressure conditions.

The areas of application of the resulting slabs are diverse. For many factory-produced products, MDF acts as a base. Let's consider several main areas of using this material in everyday life:

  • MDF sheet panels are used for finishing floors and ceilings;
  • covering walls with MDF panels is also quite common;
  • production of furniture, the facades of which can have either a smooth surface or be decorated with carved elements;
  • Due to its properties, MDF is widely used as soundproofing material, allowing you to significantly reduce audibility between rooms;
  • a more unusual, but very popular use of this material is the transformation steel doors. MDF is used as a decorative overlay on an existing surface, thus improving it appearance. At the same time, buy MDF overlays for entrance doors possible in the most various variations and flowers.

Interesting to know! Another area of ​​using MDF is the production of boxes intended both for gift wrapping and simply for transporting various products.

In the bedroom decoration

This wide application This material was obtained due to the fact that in the process of its production only materials that are completely safe for human health are used, in particular carbide resins. In addition, such boards have excellent technical characteristics: heat and moisture resistance, and are not susceptible to the formation of various types of fungi and mold on the surface and inside the chips. All this makes MDF boards a worthy competitor to natural wood.

Chipboard or MDF: which is better to choose and why

Behind Lately MDF has been greatly displaced in the market. Why did this happen and is there a difference between these so similar materials? Let's try to figure out whether this arrangement of positions is justified and what caused it.

First of all, it is worth remembering that this is a chipboard, which, like MDF, is made from wood chips by pressing and adding a special binder. True, the second option has several significant differences and advantages, which became the decisive factor in the popularity of its use in some areas.

The ability to hold parts screwed into it is much worse. If we talk about making furniture, then this is fraught with the falling off of attached parts. Kitchen cabinet doors, door handles and much more may simply fall away. Moreover, it is not possible to re-attach the fallen part, since the holes are subject to rapid loosening. MDF furniture boards have a much higher density, which allows them to reliably hold the elements fixed in them.

Environmental friendliness is a significant factor when choosing a material. When wondering what is better - chipboard or MDF for the kitchen, you need to take into account that the first option is absolutely not environmentally friendly. Moreover, it is unsafe for health, since the resins used in the manufacturing process are capable of releasing formaldehyde, a specific substance that has harmful effects. Negative influence, first of all on Airways, as well as on human mucous membranes and skin. At one time, formaldehyde was included in the list of carcinogenic substances that can contribute to the development of diseases such as cancer. It is worth noting that due to its high environmental friendliness, children's furniture made from MDF is highly valued.

Having understood what MDF is in furniture and other products, as well as the advantages that distinguish it from chipboard, it may seem that this material is ideal. And this is practically true, if you do not take into account its high cost, which often becomes the main obstacle to its acquisition.

In most cases, panels are sold without final coating, which also requires additional costs. You can, of course, buy MDF sheets already coated, or you can tackle this issue yourself. In any case, for those who care about the health of their loved ones, this is a low price to pay.

Which is better: laminated chipboard or MDF, and what is the difference between these materials

Speaking about chipboard, one way or another it is implied that everyone has heard about such material at least once. However, the acronym is often confusing ordinary users. In fact it's the same particle board, only with additional laminated coating. At one time, this technology made it possible to improve the original chipboard characteristics and expand the scope of use of this material.

Thus, it is much less susceptible to mechanical damage, thanks to the additional protective layer. In addition, it will be much cheaper to buy a ready-made slab of almost any color. However, with regard to moisture resistance, in this matter laminated chipboard is inferior to MDF and makes it impossible to use it in bathrooms. For the same reason, the question does not arise about what is better for the kitchen: MDF or laminated chipboard.

The problem of environmental friendliness of laminated chipboards also remains relevant. Despite all attempts to reduce the amount of formaldehyde contained, some probability of encountering a fake still remains. That is why it is worth paying attention Special attention studying the certificates that are attached to each batch of the product. Thus, we again come to the conclusion that in the question of which is better (MDF or laminated chipboard) for furniture and home decoration, the answer is clearly in favor of the first option, especially since you can always buy laminated MDF boards.

How to choose and buy MDF panels for walls, floors, ceilings or furniture

Depending on how you plan to use the purchased MDF panel, you need to take into account its various characteristics and, in specific cases, focus on the most important indicators.

Thus, painted MDF panels are better suited for manufacturing kitchen furniture. They have increased resistance to moisture and therefore do not deteriorate as a result of constant contact with water.

However, this will not be enough to decorate the bathroom. In this case, it is better to give preference to a material with increased moisture resistance, to achieve which double-sided lamination is used. This will protect the panel not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

If you are planning any Finishing work on the facade of furniture, then veneered material is suitable for this purpose. But if we're talking about about the need for finishing large area, then it is quite possible to use a regular tiled one.

As for manufacturers, the desired quality can be obtained if the European country of origin is indicated on the packaging. Sweden, Germany, Poland - all these countries have their representative offices in many cities of Russia. But Chinese products, although they will be cheaper, are unlikely to satisfy you with the proper strength and moisture resistance.

Helpful advice! If you want to find one or another original product on the Internet, try to avoid intermediaries who resell products purchased directly from the manufacturer. To do this, it is enough to correctly formulate the Internet request, for example, as “official website MDF furniture Kaliningrad".

But no matter which manufacturer you prefer, be sure to conduct an external inspection of the product before purchasing it. The same rules will apply if you need to purchase an MDF frame profile. The inspection procedure is carried out according to the following points:

  • make sure the surface is smooth and free of chips;
  • check the panel by touch: the surface should be smooth, depressions or bumps are unacceptable, as they can cause a decrease in the strength of the panel;
  • MDF board should not have any odor;
  • all panels must have the same color;
  • also pay attention to the indicator that characterizes the degree of swelling of the material as a result of contact with moisture. The normal value is considered to be 17%.

Also, before you buy MDF wall panels, please note that they can have different thicknesses. Thin ones greatly simplify work, as they are lighter and do not take up much space during storage. However, they are quite fragile, so they can break due to careless handling during operation. Thick ones are much stronger and more reliable, but it is not recommended to use them for decorating very small rooms, because they will take up already valuable space.

How to attach MDF panels to the wall and ceiling with your own hands

Even if you have not worked with such material before, it is quite possible to figure out on your own how to attach MDF panels to a wall or ceiling. And first of all, you need to prepare tools and materials. This list includes a simple pencil, a corner for marking right angle, building level, hacksaw, hammer drill, screwdriver or hammer, dowels and screws.

The work begins with cleaning the surface on which the fastening will be made. It must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. In addition, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection for the presence of fungi and mold.

If you need to make a ceiling from MDF panels with your own hands, then you will need both guide profiles and hangers, plus wooden blocks, which will act as transverse parts of the frame. If we are talking about MDF fastening panels to the wall, then simple blocks of wood or a special plastic sheathing will be sufficient.

Helpful advice! To make the fastening process easier, it is recommended to use clamps. This will allow you to fix parts of the covering on the sheathing and, in general, will make the task much easier.

The most important thing is to make the correct markings for the sheathing, which in the future will allow you to accurately secure all the elements. How to do this correctly can be seen in the photo of ceilings made of MDF panels. At this stage, it is important to take into account that the distance between the fixed panels and the real ceiling should be sufficient to accommodate lamps, as well as other communications.

Installation wall panels MDF also begins by marking the place where the first sheathing strip will be attached (it doesn't matter whether it's vertical or horizontal). Maintaining the required distance, all sheathing elements are attached, and after that the installation of MDF wall panels begins. They are fixed quite simply using clamps or self-tapping screws.

Helpful advice! High-quality and certified products can be found on the official Soyuz website. MDF wall panels made from them are highly valued due to their compliance with all requirements and standards.

This is not to say that installing MDF panels on a wall with your own hands is a difficult process. Rather, it is monotonous and demanding high precision calculations and constant attention.

Decorative finishing of walls and ceilings is the final stage of renovation of premises in a house or apartment. The range of building materials for decorating surfaces is huge - from bulk mixtures for plastering to sheets, panels, rolls and tile materials. Among this variety, MDF panels stand out for their extraordinary characteristics, which is what attracts consumers.

What are the panels made of?

Decorative wall cladding with MDF panels is fundamentally different from other methods of working with finishing coatings:

  1. Compared to wallpaper, plastic or slabs decorative foam MDF panels for walls are a rather hard material, in addition, the surface of the panels is covered with a laminate, which allows them to be washed with any cleaning agents and detergents;
  2. Replacing MDF panels is much easier than re-pasting wallpaper or repairing tile covering, since the main method MDF installation- on wooden frame using special clamps, so disassembling the structure is not difficult. If you use special glue for MDF panels, it will be almost impossible to disassemble them;
  3. Unlike plastic, thin wallpaper or ceramic tiles, MDF panels retain heat well and serve as a good sound insulator, which adds advantages to its operation;
  4. The range of colors, textures and textures of the panels is very wide, so decorative wall panels will fit into any room and support any interior.

The basis of MDF is wood, and the structure of the panel resembles a sandwich of several layers - load-bearing, protective, decorative and structural. Despite the complex composition, production from waste from the wood processing industry (wood dust) makes the products cheap and accessible, and the use modern technologies– strong and durable. The initial and final materials differ in their characteristics in favor of the panel - the products become durable, flexible, moisture-proof, good performance sound insulation, light weight and at the same time easy to cut, saw, drill, etc. Compared with similar materials– Chipboard, fibreboard, OSB, – panels are made without the addition of phenol and other synthetic resins, so they can be used to decorate any premises, including children’s and medical rooms.

Pressed wood dust mixed with paraffin and lignin is pressed under high pressure and at high temperatures, and the resulting semi-finished product is covered with melamine coatings with different textures and different color, which not only diversifies the design, but also makes the panels durable and protected from mechanical damage - scratches, impacts, etc.

Types of products

All existing panel options differ from each other only in design, color, texture and size: the manufacturing technology remains the same. Design can be divided into several classes that define what MDF panels are and what they are made of:

  1. Veneered panels are made with veneer applied as the penultimate top layer, protected by a laminate. The veneer has a texture natural wood, but the cost of the products remains the same;
  2. Laminated products are more popular than other MDF options, since melamine as the last layer makes the surface protected from mechanical damage and moisture resistant. Such MDF panels can be mounted in rooms with high humidity- in the kitchen, in the toilet, in the laundry room. The range of textures and colors here is much wider than that of veneered products. In addition to protection with melamine film, such panels can be covered with a high-gloss film, which makes visual perception the lined surface is original and even respectable;
  3. Painted MDF panels are covered acrylic paints, therefore they have the widest range of colors, but such products cannot be made with wood texture.

The final choice of MDF design depends on the room in which it will work. decorative finishing from panels. Laminated products are suitable for household premises for any purpose, veneered - for rooms with high traffic, so that the walls are protected from accidental damage.

Panel sizes

The standard size of MDF of any structure and design is 260 mm length and 200 mm width. If you have accurately calculated the required number of MDF boards according to the height of the room, then they can be cut to size for you in the store. If you prefer personal control, you can cut panels at home different ways: hacksaw, hand or electric jigsaw, grinder, on a special machine such as a tile cutter. Also in the store they can immediately collect for you monolithic slab from MDF of any sizes.

Panel thickness, mmProduct length, mmPanel width, mm
10,0 2800,0 2070,0
10,0 2620,0 2070,0
12,0 2800,0 2070,0
12,0 2620,0 2070,0
16,0 2800,0 2070,0
16,0 2620,0 2070,0
18,0 2800,0 2070,0
18,0 2620,0 2070,0

You can often see panels of non-standard sizes on sale, depending on the manufacturer’s equipment. Therefore, when choosing a particular room design and panel texture, do not forget to check the dimensions of the products so as not to make a mistake when calculating their quantity:

  1. Standard MDF has a length of 2600 mm; sizes 2400 mm or 2700 mm are also available. If the panel width is the same, recalculate them total easy, and for standard premises with a ceiling height of 2500-2600 mm, the length of the products does not matter;
  2. The range of width that a slab can have is 150-900 mm, sometimes 1200 mm. The wider the product, the fewer seams there will be on the wall surface, and such a surface will be perceived more naturally. But for narrow, long and small rooms, a panel with a width of 200 mm is usually used;
  3. The thickness of MDF ranges from 3-30 mm, and veneered products can have a thickness of up to 60 mm. A variety of sizes allows you to use MDF for any room.

How to install panels?

The easiest thing after wallpapering is installing MDF panels, and this is another plus that sways consumers in favor of this finishing material. Working with panels is a pleasure, it is a very simple and fast process. We have already listed the tools for cutting and installation, and every home has it. With a length of just over 2 m, MDF is easy to transport home, and shop cutting makes transportation even easier.

Choose your tool based on cutting capabilities and results:

  1. The metal hacksaw has a fine tooth, which is very good, since the edge of the panel will not be torn. But you will cut longer with this tool than with a hacksaw. It is recommended to use a metal blade if you need to precisely adjust a certain area of ​​the surface;
  2. Grinder with a disc for wood: the disc should be with fine teeth, but there will be a lot of dust. Therefore, it is more suitable for a private courtyard;
  3. Electric or manual jigsaw: With a jigsaw you can cut MDF anywhere, especially since it can be connected to a vacuum cleaner to collect dust. Hand jigsaw recommended for the same work with corners, turns or niches as a hacksaw. Even if there is a slight inaccuracy when cutting, special ones are used to hide uneven joints. decorative corners for MDF panels;
  4. A lathe, metal scissors or metal sharpening are used rather by amateurs, since there are usually other tools available. Moreover, the machine can easily cut only a thin plate - no thicker than 3 mm.

A little about how the installation is done: the panels are connected to each other by a tongue-and-groove system, and for fastening to the wall, either special fastenings are used - clamps, or clips, or even simpler - small shoe nails or self-tapping screws. The clamps are spaced 30-40 cm apart from each other if the panel is attached directly to the wall, and at a distance corresponding to the width of the sheathing. This casing makes it easy to disassemble if necessary. required area coverings.

The sheathing is made from wooden slats with a cross section of 1.5 x 4 cm or 2 x 4 cm, and is used if the wall is very uneven. On flat surface MDF can be attached to liquid nails, or (if the wall is made of foam concrete, wood or other soft materials) straight to the wall.


How to bend MDF?

There are often areas with curved surfaces, and such places need to be decorated with curved panels. How to bend them? There are bent products on sale, but the bending radius is not always finished product will suit a specific place in the room. Therefore, they bend panels at home, and very successfully. True, for bending you need to take the thinnest slabs, always for painting (other panels may crack), but the difficulty will be the same - to choose the same color.

To bend correctly decorative panels, you need to make a template with the required bending radius. Any available materials are suitable for this - metallic profile, plywood, plastic, etc. The main thing is to give the products the desired radius of the circle, which should correspond to the radius of the surface to be decorated.

MDF softens before bending, but not with steam or water, as is done with plywood or cardboard, but by impregnation with alcohol compounds - glue, solution, just alcohol. Aqueous solutions will cause the MDF to swell, and the same form in terms of thickness and cross-sectional configuration, it will no longer accept. Glue is applied notched trowel, alcohol - with a swab. After this, the bar is applied to the template and fixed for a day.

A variety of panels for wall decoration are used very often in the renovation process. However, when choosing, many focus solely on price, ignoring many important specifications, which determine not only the service life of the material, but also the impact it can have on human health. Let's look at what is remarkable about MDF wall panels: prices, a catalog of photo examples, characteristics and operating features of this material.

If you look at the catalog of MDF wall panels, you will find that in appearance this material is not much different from all other fiberboards, which are made by pressing wood chips under strong pressure with the addition of special organic binding materials. Due to the effects of pressure and high temperature, the final product has a dense, uniform structure, which significantly expands the possibilities of its processing even in comparison with natural wood.

In order to make MDF sheets, as a rule, products obtained from wood processing or low-grade wood are used. At the same time, the resulting product fully complies with established environmental and technical requirements and provides extremely wide possibilities for use. MDF boards painted or covered with a special film, which gives them an excellent appearance.

Among the advantages that MDF has over other similar materials are:

  • complete absence of synthetic substances, environmentally friendly;
  • providing additional sound insulation;
  • resistance to moisture: high-quality panels do not deform under the influence of steam or water;
  • the slab can be decorated independently in any style using one of the methods for its final finishing;

  • the surface of this material is not a favorable environment for the emergence and development of various microorganisms, mold and fungi;
  • the material lends itself perfectly to any mechanical processing, including sawing and decorative carving;
  • MDF boards have a dense structure, due to which they perfectly hold elements screwed with screws or nailed to them;

This solution has many advantages, among which are not last position takes the price. You can also buy from MDF much cheaper than if you purchase high-quality plastic. In the same time photo MDF panels indicate that the range color solutions is very large and you will not be limited in your choice by anything.

Helpful advice! You can order a kitchen apron made of MDF with photo printing. It will be quite expensive, but in this way you can bring any of your ideas and preferences to life.

Another remarkable ability of this material is to hide the imperfections of the base. An excellent example of this is MDF door trims. Their price is simply incomparable to what it would be if the door had to be completely replaced. At the same time, the effect that you achieve using MDF panels for doors can be considered more than worthy.

How to choose high-quality MDF panels for walls yourself

To buy MDF wall panels, you will need a small amount, but when purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality of the purchased material, so that in the future you will not have to spend money on purchasing already quality product. Let's look at what you should pay attention to before buying MDF boards:

  1. Availability of a product certificate, which must indicate that only environmentally friendly raw materials were used in the production process. It must also be stated that the product does not contain formaldehyde or other toxic or hazardous impurities.
  2. Make sure that the product offered to you corresponds to the characteristics that the seller initially stated. Inspect the batch, assess how large the number of defective products is. If you see that the number of low-quality units is large and there are cracked, chipped or uneven panels, it is better to refuse to purchase a product from this manufacturer.
  3. It is worth paying attention not only to the size, MDF prices panels for walls, but also on their colors. In addition to the fact that you just have to like the color of the MDF panel, make sure that it is evenly applied by meticulously examining several slabs from the batch.

Colors of MDF panels: catalog of the most popular solutions for creating an interior

Technical characteristics and price of MDF wall panels do not always play a decisive role in the matter of choice. Often we focus on color, wanting to choose the most suitable option which will fit perfectly into the interior. In order to appreciate the diversity of the offered assortment, just look at the photo of the decoration of the hallway or any other room with MDF panels, which are offered on specialized resources.

On sale you can find both plain versions and imitations of the most various surfaces: MDF panels for brick, stone, exotic breeds wood, MDF white gloss, and much more.

You can often see furniture made from this material. Most often on the Internet you can find photos of kitchens made of MDF. Both the prices and characteristics of such products are much nicer than those made from many other materials, and the design possibilities are almost limitless. This was the reason for their popularity.

How to attach MDF panels: lathing size and sheet installation

It is quite possible to install MDF wall panels yourself. For this purpose, it is enough to buy MDF panels for walls, the dimensions of which correspond to the requirements of the existing room, and also find some tools that everyone will probably have in their pantry.

There are two possible ways fastening: on an adhesive base or on a lathing. The second option is mainly used, since it is this that allows you to hide existing communications, and also not to worry about dismantling the previous coating. If glue is used, the prepared surface must be perfectly flat and smooth, which is not always possible.

To work you will need a tape measure, a building level, a screwdriver, metal corner, hand saw or a jigsaw, as well as screws or glue, depending on which method you choose.

In order to evenly attach the panels with glue, you first need to apply the appropriate markings, starting from the corner of the room. The vertical and horizontal boundaries of each panel that will be fixed are indicated. After this, you can apply glue to the back of the panel as indicated on the packaging and glue the element to the wall. As a guide, it is recommended to look at photos of wall decoration with MDF panels.

Helpful advice! Proceed with gluing the next panel only after you are sure that the previous one has been placed level. To do this you need to use a building level.

If you decide to do the sheathing, then you must adhere to the standard recommendations for this type of work:

  • to create the sheathing, you can use both metal guides and simple wooden blocks;
  • the distance between the sheathing elements should be 40-50 cm. This will ensure the most reliable fixation of the panels;
  • It is necessary to strictly ensure that the sheathing is level. Otherwise, this may affect the cladding - it will be wavy;
  • you need to start attaching the slabs from the corner of the room;
  • it is necessary to check that at the joints the panels fit tightly to each other without forming gaps;
  • between the floor and the panels it is necessary to leave some distance, which will subsequently be closed;
  • in order to give the corners an aesthetic appearance, use a special flexible corner.

Like any others renovation work, facing walls with MDF panels requires effort and attention. However, this task can be done by almost anyone who has at least basic skills in working with tools. To make your task easier, you can use detailed videos or photo instructions, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet.

Regardless of the area of ​​use, MDF wall panels are suitable for interior decoration demonstrate equally good performance. The main thing is to approach their choice responsibly, conduct a thorough inspection and make sure that the products comply with certification, are environmentally friendly and can serve you for a long time.