Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Linoleum underlay - how to use it and how to ruin it. Underlay for linoleum on a concrete floor - how to get a reliable base? Do I need to put underlayment under linoleum?

How to determine whether it is needed or not, and on what basis it is used, you will learn from this article.

Before answering the question of whether it is worth laying a substrate under linoleum, you must:

  1. understand what kind of substrate it is;
  2. what kind of linoleum will be laid on the floor;
  3. what kind of covering was on the floor before?

Let's start with the first point in order.

Also read materials:

Types of substrates

Substrate options offered modern market building materials, a great many.

First, let's list the most popular ones:

  • cork,
  • linen,
  • jute,
  • mixed or combined,
  • made of porous or foamed polymer,
  • wood fiber (coniferous).

Now let's look at these types of substrates in more detail:

  1. Cork backing consists of cork granules (crumbs) obtained from the bark of the cork oak tree, pressed into a canvas under pressure and temperature. This is a completely natural material that also has bactericidal properties. is an excellent heat insulator and noise absorber. Another thing is that it will sag under the influence of a mass of heavy objects. If you still decide what to do, choose the one that has the greatest rigidity.
  2. The linen backing is also completely natural material(consisting of 100% flax), which is obtained using double needle punching technology. Next, the resulting product is treated with compounds that prevent combustion, formation and development of fungus. This substrate also has heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties. Its rigidity is low, so it will definitely sag under heavy objects.
  3. Jute backing. This type The substrate also consists of 100% natural substance – jute fibers. It is also obtained by punching with a needle, and then additionally rolled with rollers under the influence of high temperatures. Being treated with special compounds, the substrate acquires fire-retardant qualities and properties that allow it to resist rotting and mold. This substrate also retains heat and absorbs noise, but, like the previous one, it collapses under the weight of objects placed on top.
  4. Mixed backing is obtained from mixing three types of fibers - linen, jute and wool. Its manufacturing technology is similar to the previous ones. This combined substrate has high density(from 500 to 700 g/m2 with a thickness of 2-3 mm), which increases its heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties. Unfortunately, it will also sag a little under massive objects, although less than linen or jute.
  5. Foamed or porous polymer - such a substrate has excellent heat and sound insulation properties. It is also very inexpensive for the buyer. That's it positive traits for laying linoleum are running out. Its softness does not allow it to be used under linoleum, since it will sag and crumble very much even under the weight of a person.
  6. Wood fiber (coniferous) substrate is a fairly new material on the market. They get it from wood coniferous species. This substrate has excellent heat and sound insulation properties. It also collapses under the weight. In addition, feedback is often heard that after laying it on the floor it emits bad smell. They say that this smell disappears soon, so it's up to you to choose.

Types of linoleum

Now let's talk about linoleum, which will be the surface of your floor. there are quite a lot but in this case we are interested in the presence or absence of a basis:

  • jute,
  • fabric,
  • made of foamed PVC.

When laying baseless linoleum on a concrete floor, it definitely requires a backing, because otherwise you will feel uncomfortable being on such a floor: it will always be cold and too “loud.” Which underlay to choose depends on your financial capabilities, the expected service life of this coating and what the local market offers.

It should be remembered that the substrate should be as hard as possible and that foamed and porous polymers are, in principle, not recommended for use when laying linoleum.

As for linoleum with a base, it is therefore equipped with it in order to combine several properties. The base just replaces the substrate as such, taking on heat and sound insulation. It should be remembered that the thicker the linoleum, and its thickness mainly depends on the base, the more comfortable it will be on the floor. If you want the most comfortable linoleum floor, take the thickest one or additionally insulate the floor using underlay, plywood or fiberboard.

Another small addition: linoleum with a base on average has a 2 times longer service life if we're talking about, of course, about high-quality linoleum.

Linoleum - secrets of craftsmanship (video)

Basic base for linoleum

Finally, we got to the base itself, on which the linoleum will be laid.

It, as with all other types, must be smooth, dry, free of oil stains, cracks, etc.

  • If linoleum is supposed to be laid on wooden floor, it also needs to be prepared. Remove all uneven surfaces and putty if necessary. This method of attaching linoleum, such as gluing, cannot be used with. Otherwise, there are 2 dangers: the glue will enter into a chemical reaction with the floor paint, which will be reflected on the surface of the linoleum, or will take the shape of the surface of the old one. It makes no sense to lay an additional underlay under a wooden floor.
  • If sheets of plywood were laid on a concrete floor for insulation, then such a coating also does not need to be used. There is another danger here: since plywood is a hygroscopic material, it can move under the influence of moisture, which cannot but affect the evenness of your floor. Of course, if you are sure that the concrete floor is completely dry and the humidity in the room is not off the charts, then you don’t have to worry.
  • If linoleum is placed on old tiles– the surface must also be well prepared - leveled, all seams sealed, all stains from oily liquids removed. Then the linoleum is laid.

In this article, you got acquainted with the main ones, found out on what bases the installation of a substrate is required, on which ones it is not necessary. Once again we received confirmation simple rule that the base for any type of coating, and especially for linoleum, must be carefully prepared.

Floor coverings

Do you know whether a backing is needed for linoleum?

From the author: Hello, dear reader. During my work as a sales consultant in construction hypermarket In the flooring department, customers asked a lot of questions. Some of these questions were absurd and ridiculous, but some, on the contrary, were quite logical and reasonable. One of these questions is: do you need a backing for linoleum/PVC? In the article I will give some useful recommendations on choice, installation and will answer the question whether it is even possible under this coating lay down a backing?

Something about flooring

Of all the common floor coverings, linoleum is considered the most practical. Firstly, it is not afraid of moisture, like parquet and laminated boards, secondly, it is quite simple to lay it, the material is cut with an ordinary stationery knife, thirdly, it does not require coating special care, fourthly, has a relatively low cost.

This list can be supplemented with at least a few more items. I would not say that the material we are considering is better than laminated boards or parquet in all respects. Tastes are different, therefore the floor coverings are different, that’s all. So, you have decided that our elastic “comrade” is suitable for your apartment. But which one exactly?

Linoleum is divided into types, just as laminate is divided into classes. The protective layer of a standard household one is from 0.1 to 0.3 mm. The protective layer 0.3 is called “household reinforced”. Semi-commercial from 0.4 to 0.6 mm. Commercial - from 0.7mm and above.

It is not intended for installation in residential premises, so we will not consider it. So that you completely lose the desire to install “commercial” flooring in your home, I will say one thing - environmental standards do not allow its use in a residential space.

When choosing a floor covering, pay attention to protective layer, and not by the total thickness. For example, the total thickness can be 3.5–4 mm, and the protective layer, like that of ordinary household linoleum, can be 0.2 mm. Or vice versa - the thickness is 2–2.5 mm, and the protective layer is quite large - 0.6 mm or more. In general, thickness is needed to hide minor flaws in the floor surface. It doesn't affect anything else at all.

You can find linoleum on a foam or felt base. There is also homogeneous linoleum, without a base as such. But this type is usually not used in apartments, and it is rarely found in stores. Felt provides additional sound insulation and warmth.

But keep in mind that if your floor itself is cold, felt will not help here - first you need to properly insulate the base itself. In addition, the felt base of the floor covering will make the floor surface softer and more comfortable for bare feet. But it is not worth laying it in rooms where water can seep under the baseboard, since the felt will seal under the influence of moisture.

If the floor covering has a strong, specific odor, this means that its quality is below average. In addition, it can be hazardous to health. High-quality linoleum, which meets environmental standards, does not have the same odor, regardless of how long it has been in the roll.

One of the most famous brands in Russia for the production of the coating we are considering is the Tarkett company, as well as its subsidiary Sinteros. The brand produces high-quality products, including not only linoleum, but also laminated boards, fittings and the newfangled Art Vinyl coating. Guarantee period service is 15 years. This is not an advertisement, but a characteristic of the manufacturing company in comparison with other corporations that make similar products. Along with Tarkett and Sinteros, we can mention the Belgian brand IVC, which also produces floor coverings of good quality.

Choosing what to lay for each specific room

A certain type of linoleum is optimal for each room. Here is a list of rooms in a typical living space and recommendations for choosing flooring:

  • hallway. Since there is high traffic here, in addition, all the furniture that you bring into the apartment first ends up in the hallway, there is a lot of load on the floor here. Therefore, I recommend choosing a protective layer of 0.5–0.6 mm;
  • kitchen. There is also quite a high permeability here, so a protective layer of 0.4–0.5 mm is suitable. It is best to choose a material without a felt base, since in the kitchen it is possible for moisture to seep under the baseboard. But if you are sure that this will not happen, then the choice is yours;
  • living room. In the living room suitable coating with felt, since the likelihood of moisture ingress is minimized, and heat and sound insulation will never be superfluous. In this case, the protective layer can be from 0.3 mm;
  • children's room Likewise with the living room;
  • bedroom. Here, as a rule, there is minimal traffic, so a protective layer of 0.2 mm is suitable. A felt base will also come in handy here;
  • glazed balcony or loggia. Same with the bedroom;
  • bathroom. Using linoleum here is not a good idea. !

Now about the substrate

Is it possible to put underlayment under linoleum? As a person who worked in a hardware store and took part in the installation, I will say that the substrate for this flooring no need for plywood or other base. Many sites convince you otherwise. Moreover, your flooring may become unusable before the end of the guaranteed service life. Now I will explain why.

The fact is that linoleum itself is made of soft material. It is the most elastic floor covering. The area of ​​application, total thickness, protective layer and other parameters do not matter here. Any PVC material is stored in rolls; it can be bent by hand, which cannot be done, say, with a parquet/laminate board.

Despite the diversity of modern finishing materials For flooring, linoleum is still the most popular and in demand. This happens because linoleum has long proven its practicality, durability and wear resistance. In addition, the cost of such coverage is very affordable. However, before you finally make your choice, it is worth deciding whether you need an underlay for linoleum when laying it, whether it is better to lay it on a concrete or wooden floor and how much it all costs.

Leveling the floor, preparing the base

In order to determine what type of linoleum flooring you need, you should decide on the type of floor itself. Most often this concrete base with quite uneven surface, so first you should level it. This process should be taken with full responsibility, since not only will depend on an even concrete layer appearance floor covering, but also its service life.

First, you need to completely clean the floor surface from the old coating, if any, remove all layers of vapor, noise and waterproofing, and thoroughly clean the floor from construction debris, dust and dirt.

Then the quality of the concrete pavement should be assessed. With help building level of the appropriate length, measurements should be taken and all bumps, dents, and the height of differences between the building slabs should be noted. If total number unevenness exceeds 15-20% of total area floor, then it is necessary to repeat it. It is best to level concrete covering with the help of which it will independently fill all the holes and irregularities.

The last stage of preparing the concrete base should be treating the floor with a primer.

How to prepare wood flooring

For the preparation of wood covering First of all, you need to carefully seal all the cracks. You can use special blades for this, but it is much more effective and cheaper to use homemade composition. Take old newspapers, chop them finely and fill them with big amount warm water. When the paper softens, you need to squeeze it out and mix it with glue. Use the resulting paste to carefully seal all cracks, chips, crevices and irregularities.

After this, the floor surface must be cleaned sandpaper to remove roughness. Of course, you can treat the floor with sanding. This can be done either manually or with a special device. Then the surface will become perfectly flat and the underlay on the floor under the linoleum will lie flawlessly.

Is a linoleum underlay really necessary?

Many experts still argue fiercely about whether a linoleum underlay is needed on a concrete floor. Reviews and opinions vary widely, however, it is worth noting several important details:

  • with the help of a substrate you can level out minor unevenness in the floor surface, which will have a beneficial effect during operation;
  • if laying is done on a cold floor, the room is not warmed up enough or there is an unheated basement below, the underlay will help eliminate this nuisance;
  • Almost all types of substrate have a noise-absorbing effect, help soften sounds when walking, and also make the coating softer.

Natural substrate

Most popular material cork is used to make a natural backing for linoleum. It is produced by pressing granules from cork oak bark, and only natural binders are used. So the end result is a 100% environmentally friendly material.

Linen or, for example, jute backing is also quite popular. You can lay insulation under linoleum and combined type- This is a mixed insulation consisting of jute, flax and wool.

Under linoleum has some advantages. During production, it is treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant compound, which prevents fire, rotting and mold formation. Jute insulation has the ability to absorb moisture and release it back, but it does not get wet.

The linen underlay for linoleum on a concrete floor is also quite environmentally friendly and, as in the previous case, is treated with special compounds, so it also does not rot, and no “living creatures” will grow in it. It is made by punching natural flax with a double needle and rolling it on a roller.

Polymer substrate

The underlay for linoleum on a concrete floor, a photo of which can most often be found on the Internet, is made from This is the most inexpensive and common insulation, but it is not very convenient to use it under linoleum. Although these materials also have sound insulation and have good thermophysical properties, under roll material they quickly wrinkle and lose their quality.

To determine which linoleum substrate is right for your case, you should pay attention to the price of polymer substrates (they are much cheaper than natural ones), as well as their variety.

The polymer backing for linoleum on a concrete floor is as follows:

  • polystyrene foam boards;
  • penofol (roll);
  • aluminum foil isolon;
  • foamed polymer);
  • other polymers.

Multilayer insulation

Also, a backing for linoleum on a concrete floor is also used as part of multi-layer insulation. For example, a film heated floor is very convenient; it will maintain a constant floor temperature at 26-30˚C, which will not allow the coating to melt.

A layer is laid on thermal insulation material, sheets of film heated floor are laid on top. The structure is connected to the electrical network. The thermofloor is covered with plastic film, then sheets of plywood are laid. You should not use fiberboard; you can damage both the linoleum and the film thermofloor. You need to carefully ensure that the plywood sheets are attached directly to the floor without touching the thermal film. The backing and linoleum are laid on top of the plywood. This design guarantees high-quality insulation concrete floor.

Insulation of a balcony or loggia

The underlay for linoleum on concrete is also usually multilayer construction. Only here infrared floors are most often used; they are not afraid of moisture and do not contribute to fire. The floor temperature is regulated by thermal sensors, and copper-silver conductors are hidden in the graphite strips, through which electricity at 220 V. In principle, in this case you can do without a substrate at all, but if the linoleum is not thick enough, you risk damaging the heating film.

Laying the substrate - installation technology

In principle, you don’t need to have any special knowledge to lay linoleum, but you should still adhere to some rules. First you need to carefully clean the floor from dirt and dust, vacuum it, and if necessary, wash it.

After the floor has dried, the linoleum underlay is laid. Ordinary polyethylene is placed on the concrete floor for warmth and to provide vapor barrier over the entire surface. The strips overlap each other, and the joints are connected using tape. Polyethylene should be spread in such a way that it extends slightly onto the walls - about 3-4 cm.

Now the layer of insulator itself is laid. If the backing material is rolled, then you just need to cut strips of the required length and lay them on the floor, and glue the joints with tape. If the substrate is sheet, then the sheets must be laid out in a checkerboard pattern and the joints must be carefully glued.

The next layer is linoleum itself, but before final installation it is recommended to spread it loosely on the floor and leave it in that position for a couple of days.

Laying linoleum - should I glue it or not?

Laying linoleum can be done in several ways, and it is not at all necessary to glue it to the substrate. If you want to save a little money, you can glue only the joints with special glue, but this cannot be done for all types of linoleum.

You can also use double-sided tape, which is generally quite convenient. The adhesive tape can be applied in the form of a lattice over the entire area of ​​the room, or you can use it only at the seams. This depends on the area and configuration of the room.

However, many experts consider the previous methods to be short-lived and prefer to glue linoleum. For this you can use special adhesive compositions or bitumen mastic. By the way, bitumen mastic- this is a fairly good waterproofing agent, and its paste-like consistency will help further level out unevenness in the base. It must be remembered that the use of mastic requires treating the concrete floor with a special primer suitable for working with bitumen.

How much and what will you need

In order to calculate the cost Supplies For installation, you need to take into account many different factors. Of course, it all depends on the size of the room and the work required to level the base. It is also important what kind of linoleum backing you will use and how you are going to attach it.

  • cost of materials for leveling the floor ( cement-sand mixture and primer for a concrete base and putty for a wooden one);
  • quantity and price of the insulating substrate and everything needed to attach it (adhesive tape or glue);
  • linoleum itself and means of fixing it (glue, mastic, tape, etc.);
  • skirting boards.

The main thing is that you need to calculate the quantity and width of the linoleum itself as accurately as possible, because if it is not enough, then fixing it will be problematic, and if you take more of it, just in case, you may simply waste money.

Everyone knows that for laying a floor covering such as laminate, which is a rather thin, porous, warm material. Despite the popularity of laminated flooring, many people choose linoleum for their apartments as a less demanding and economical material.

Few people know that even under linoleum, a substrate is necessary. For what? We'll find out a little later. Disputes still flare up on this issue, as before, in Soviet time, linoleum was simply laid out on concrete.

In this article we will also find out what types of linoleum underlay are available, which one is better to lay under a wooden or concrete floor, and in what cases there is no need for this addition.

Purpose of the substrate

Experts who recommend using underlayment note three of its functions: masking floor unevenness, insulating it, and sound insulation. If your floor was done poorly during the roughing stage of the work, or if you completely skipped this difficult stage, the floor surface may be uneven. And even if you took care of its alignment, no one is immune from a small flaw.

It is distinguished by its softness, so all the unevenness of the floor will definitely come out after laying it. It is worse if tears or abrasions occur at the site of the tubercles. Linoleum underlay allows you to better hide all these errors and extend the life of your flooring.

As for insulation, it’s clear: thin material laid on a concrete floor will not retain heat. Especially if your apartment is located or if you are the owner of a private house with a basement. In this case, the substrate will accumulate heat and protect your health.

Considering the excellent audibility of modern panel houses, such an advantage as sound insulation in the floor will only be a good plus. The substrate will absorb noise coming from below.

Types of substrates

In order for you to be able to correctly decide which one is best among all the varieties of linoleum substrates, you need to know that there are several of them, and each has a number of pros and cons. Among the most suitable for modern apartments and house types of materials, experts note the following:

  • From jute;
  • Linen covering;
  • Combined material, it includes jute and flax, as well as wool;
  • Foamed variety made from penoizol or isolon.

To choose exactly the material that best suits your floor, you need to note for yourself the operating conditions of the future floor, your material capabilities, and then rely solely on your preferences.

Jute backing

The jute type consists of the jute fiber itself. Its main advantages are that this material is resistant to rotting, burning, and mold.

In Russia, this type of substrate is not very popular due to its high cost. However, if cheapness is not the main condition for your choice, please note that jute backing for linoleum is perfect option for those who dream of good thermal insulation of their floor. This is especially true for owners of private houses, where the concrete screed is often laid either directly on the ground or on the roof of an unheated basement.

In addition to the above advantages, we can note the environmental friendliness and safety of the material.

Having opted for the jute option, make sure that it is very dense, since a soft substrate under soft linoleum is a risk of dents forming on the floor.

Cork type of substrates for linoleum

As the name suggests, it consists of crushed cork. This option is one of the most popular, thanks, especially in terms of sound insulation and thermal conductivity.

Cork underlayment is sold in rolls, which makes the installation process much easier (just put the roll at one end of the room and push it towards the other).

Another reason for popularity of this material- its cellular structure. Each cell seems to contain a small air bubble. Due to this, the load on the coating is distributed evenly.

If you are looking for the best underlayment material and have settled on choosing a cork underlayment, then it is worth finding out performance characteristics which manufacturers highlight:

  • Soundproofing;
  • High thermal conductivity, thanks to which you can safely walk on the floor barefoot even in winter;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Good resistance to the spread of mold and other harmful microorganisms;
  • Protecting linoleum from various kinds damage.

Despite all the advantages, this material also has a couple of disadvantages. This is primarily its softness. If we stand with our feet on a cork base, we will feel how pleasantly springy it is. But for furniture this is not the best option, since there is a risk of linoleum deformation under the weight of sofas, cabinets and other bulky items.

The second disadvantage for some buyers will be the rather high cost.

Linen backing

Linen is a one hundred percent environmentally safe material. As for the technology for making a substrate from this plant, flax is punched with special needles and then treated with fire retardants. Thanks to the second point, you don’t have to worry about small pests getting under the floor.

Combined backing made from a mixture of linen, jute and wool

If you ask experts which substrate for linoleum is better, they will immediately answer you - the one made from a mixture natural materials. This product is characterized by strength, moderate rigidity, and density. This will allow you to forget about what a cold floor is forever.

During production, the universal combined substrate is treated with antifungal drugs, as well as fire retardants, eliminating the risk of insects.

Foamed modification of the substrate made of penoizol or isolon

As for this type of substrate, many experts and even linoleum manufacturers do not recommend choosing a foam modification. The fact is that when laying the floor covering on penoizol or isolon, it will not be possible to achieve perfect evenness, so there is high risk the formation of dents that will not slow down to turn into ruptures.

If you doubt this, you can conduct a home experiment yourself. Place any sheet of paper on the table or floor and press the end of a sharp object onto it. The maximum that can happen is that a microscopic hole will appear on the sheet. If you put something soft under the sheet and do the same, the sharp object will immediately punch a hole. The same can happen with linoleum laid on a soft surface of a foam backing.

In what cases is a linoleum underlay required?

There are not very many reasons for placing a substrate under linoleum, however, for someone during the repair process they can become decisive.

  • Cold floor. The underlay will do a good job of protecting your feet from the cold concrete underneath the thin flooring. This is especially true for those who have children who like to crawl on the floor. The warmest “clothing” for any gender is a backing made from a mixture of jute, linen and wool.
  • Uneven floor. Small imperfections in the floor, dents can easily be hidden under the lining.
  • Baseless linoleum. If you have chosen a coating that consists only of a base layer, then you can’t do without an insulating backing.

When can you do without a substrate?

If the above three reasons are not your case, then you can safely lay linoleum without a backing. There may be two options here: if your linoleum will be laid on the previous covering, or if you purchased a floor covering based on foam or jute.

In the first case, before directly laying the new covering, you should definitely check the old floor for chips, holes, cracks and other defects that may “pop up” after the work is completed.

If you choose a floor covering with a lining consisting of several parts: glass fiber, PVC impregnation, fabric material, cellular PVC, polyester or jute, then the underlay is not necessary for linoleum.

For our country, the most suitable base is foamed polyvinyl chloride. This material has the same coefficient of thermal expansion as the floor surface, so if it is heated, the floor covering will not deform.

What requirements for the subfloor should be taken into account, expert opinion video

To summarize, we can say that if you purchase multilayer linoleum, the base of which is jute, fabric or PVC, then there is no need for a backing. But a baseless one, laid without heat-insulating linings, will not give you a high-quality result. And here it doesn’t matter which substrate for linoleum is better. It is important to protect the apartment from drafts and to keep the floor free from unevenness.

Having chosen linoleum as a floor covering, having purchased what you need, you decide that you can start laying it. But then it turns out that there are two options for installing it: either on a substrate or without it. But even this minimal choice is controversial.

First, let’s figure out what it is, what it’s made of, and why it’s needed. Actually it's insulating material, which is placed on the base in front of the linoleum flooring.

Why is it needed, what types are there?

The underlay prevents the material from coming into contact with the floor. It serves for:

  • Compensation for unevenness of the base. If the base has defects, they will be reflected in the coating. All the depressions, cracks and tubercles will be drawn on its surface. This will subsequently lead to destruction. The material underneath, by compensating for small irregularities, will protect the linoleum from premature wear.
  • Soundproofing. This especially helps in apartment buildings, where you can clearly hear the noise from the lower floors.
  • Thermal insulation. In rooms located on the first floors, the floors are always cold. The same applies to apartments under which non-residential premises are located. Floors in houses built on the ground also require additional insulation. In this case, it is an excellent insulation.

There are several types of insulating materials


Jute backing consists of fibers of plant origin. This is a unique material made from natural jute fibers. It contains a fire retardant that prevents rotting and burning. It is able to absorb and remove moisture over time without getting wet.


This type consists of crushed tree bark. Its production process eliminates the use of synthetic substances. However, she has best performance heat and sound insulation.

For cork material, in addition to high price there is another significant drawback. Due to its low rigidity, its surface bends under heavy furniture. And this leads to deformation of the linoleum.


The linen backing retains natural ventilation between the floor and the floor covering. And this prevents the appearance of moisture and fungus. Since flax is used in the manufacture of this material, it is an absolutely natural product.

During the production process, the material is treated with fire retardants, which prevent insects from infesting and prevent rotting.

Don't know what to use to keep the room warm and dry? Use a backing that contains equal proportions of linen, jute and wool. It has additional wear resistance and thermal insulation properties.


Regarding this type, experts have long come to the conclusion that it is not suitable for linoleum. It quickly wrinkles and loses its shape without performing its functions.

Video: what should be the base for laying floor coverings

To answer the question unambiguously, you need to know exactly specifications a properly constructed subfloor designed specifically for installing linoleum. So the basis should be:

  • durable;
  • as hard as possible;
  • absolutely dry;
  • flat – smooth changes of 2-7 mm are acceptable;
  • no oil or grease stains;
  • no traces of old paint.

Types of bases for linoleum

Now let's look at all the possible bases on which such a floor covering can be installed.


A concrete base leveled using a special leveling mixture, or a “floating floor,” is considered ideal. This is what actually is the most the best substrate under linoleum.

Before laying the coating on the concrete screed, it must be allowed to dry completely. Drying time depends on room temperature, humidity and ventilation efficiency. But according to the standards, the drying and hardening period concrete screed cannot be less than 30 days.

You can very easily check whether the screed contains moisture using a simple piece of cellophane film. You just need to put it on the screed overnight and secure it with tape. If in the morning it turns out that the film is dry, then you can begin installation. In this case, the base must first be thoroughly cleaned of dust.

Under no circumstances should a concrete base be leveled by laying sheets of plywood or other wood material on it. They absorb moisture and become deformed, so linoleum on such a base will quickly lose its performance characteristics.


A wooden floor is also a good base, but if there are cracks, irregularities, nail marks or other flaws in it, then first apply a layer of 8-12 mm thick on top of it. It is this that will perform the function of an insulating and leveling material.

In the case where the floorboards are well preserved, the use of plywood is not required. Minor unevenness and microcracks are eliminated using a special putty.


Provided that old linoleum adheres firmly to the base, has no unevenness, torn spots or deformations; a new coating can be laid on it. Before doing this, the base needs to be degreased and glue applied to it.

Ceramic tile

In this case, we are talking about an ideal base for linoleum. If the tiles have come off, cracked, or the seams between the tiles have become deformed, then before installing the linoleum, all defects are eliminated using a leveling compound.

When it is completely dry, everything is sanded with sandpaper and the dust is removed. On this basis, the floor covering will serve for a long time and properly.

Based on the information above, we can safely say that neither cork, nor jute, nor linen, nor felt materials, which wide range presented on the market are completely irrelevant. They are designed to level the base and insulate it.

But, firstly, all bases are pre-leveled according to the rules and regulations, and, secondly, household-type linoleum in its design is based on a fabric, jute and polyvinyl chloride base, that is, it is insulated.

An exception is a coating without a base, which requires a substrate as additional insulation. Moreover, it must have increased strength and rigidity.