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Home gym: interior design and equipment. DIY home gym Gym in apartment design

Not everyone has time to visit a fitness center after work or on weekends. Therefore, if possible, you should try to equip a gym at home. This way you will be sure that you will not miss a single lesson.

For sports maniacs!

Regularity is important when playing sports. This condition is especially difficult for beginners to comply with, although if you make it a habit, it will be no more difficult than getting an electronic signature. As a rule, they are enough for two times, and then the visit to the fitness center is postponed “until next Monday.” That's why it's so important home gym, which will be a constant reminder of the need to exercise.

Economical option

Of course, not everyone can afford expensive home exercise equipment. Therefore, think about what exactly is important in classes for you. Don't dream about bulky machines. In fact, you can successfully maintain shape with simpler equipment.

Ideas for a small gym

Again, not everyone can allocate a separate room for classes. But finding a small corner and equipping it as much as possible is much easier. Just one treadmill, a small TV with a sports channel for motivation - and forward to a sports figure.

Dual use room

Often gyms are combined with other rooms. It's really very convenient. The gym can be placed next to the bedroom, bathroom, or anywhere. The main thing is that you feel comfortable doing it.

Work and sports

A home gym is especially popular among young families, where parents can exercise, supervise their children, and perhaps even work at the same time. This is very convenient for both adults and children.

Multifunctional gym

Modern life requires simultaneous solving of several problems. Why shouldn't the gym solve several problems at the same time? Here you can install a bar, kitchen counter and other things that will be convenient for you. We worked out and went straight to the refrigerator to make a protein shake, for example.

Hall decor

Your home gym needs to be decorated to make you want to exercise. These could be posters of people you look up to or funny pictures to lift your spirits every time you exercise. Don't forget music or a TV with a sports channel.

Motivating walls

Motivation is important in sports. Therefore, even the walls should help you study. Let some phrases be written on them that will spur you to take active action.

Hall color

Regarding topics, I would like to note that the walls should be painted in a color that will also help you in your studies. It won't necessarily be grey colour like in fitness centers. A home gym is just your gym.

A gym in the house is the best help for maintaining fitness and health of any person. Many, not understanding the benefits that arise when equipping a place for sports in their home, are skeptical about this idea. But in our age of overly busy people, it is important to save as much free time as possible.

Most private houses are located far from developed infrastructure city, which includes various fitness clubs and gyms. To get to them, you need to spend a lot of time.

Where to locate the gym

Before deciding on the location of the gym and its equipment, you need to consult with relatives living in this house. Find out their wishes and listen to their advice. This is necessary in order not to remodel a ready-made gym to suit the needs of family members. Only after this can you start choosing a place to play sports.

When choosing a room for a home gym, you need to take into account a number of features that will influence its design. The area of ​​the room should, if possible, accommodate occupancy physical culture to all those who are in the gym. Those who are there should not interfere with each other, as this can lead to injuries that are harmful to health.

You can easily select a room when building a new house by including it in the building design. To do this, it is necessary to consult with specialists in the field of construction and sports. If the house is already completely ready, especially if it is many years old, then it will be quite difficult to allocate a room. There are several options to overcome this problem:

  • reconstruction of the basement (if there is one);
  • use of a warm veranda;
  • repair and refurbishment of the room;
  • construction of additional adjacent premises;

Using one method or another causes different costs Money Therefore, it is extremely important to calculate an option that will combine an acceptable combination of price and quality. Very often in Lately A part of the large living room is allocated for a sports corner - this saves space and money.

Most are famous for their spacious basements American houses However, in Russian reality, many buildings, especially old ones, have only small cellars. To equip a gym in the basement, it must be properly strengthened. To do this, it may be necessary to strengthen the foundation, lay additional beams, make reliable walls, etc.

The arrangement of the basement occurs in several stages. First, it needs to be expanded to required sizes . The expansion must occur in stages to prevent the foundation of the house from subsiding. Having cleared certain part it is necessary to lay the foundation and let it build. This procedure must be carried out until the entire foundation is poured.

Further, need to do the floor . The floor is best made of concrete screed. The screed is poured onto the ground in several stages. The first layer is poured with a mesh or reinforced frame with an admixture of expanded clay or crushed stone. The second finishing layer is made smooth and must correspond to the horizontal level. To increase the reliability of the house structure, in some cases it is necessary to install additional beams in certain places to support the floor of the house.

Basement walls are made on the basis of a foundation from durable plaster, which are not afraid of changes in temperature and moisture. It is better to also plaster and paint the ceiling. All walls, ceiling and floor must first be insulated.

An idle warm veranda can also be used as a gym. If it is poorly insulated, it can be brought to normal condition, for example, by heating, and then used. If possible, you can decorate the veranda to make spending time there more enjoyable. If it is not possible to carry out major renovation verandas, you can make sports seasonal and practice only in suitable weather conditions.

If there is a free room in the house, it can be converted into a place for playing sports, however, You should not use rooms located on the second floor as a gym , since noise and vibration will disturb people below. If the house has too much a large room, it can be divided into two separate rooms so that sports can be done in one of them. Sometimes a warm attic is equipped for a gym.

The best option, if it is impossible to use the previous ones, is to build an additional room. It can be made adjacent to the house and make a passage through the wall, or placed on the site near the house. This room must be made warm using thermal insulation materials. To make it last longer, during construction it is best to follow all the rules for the construction of premises. When building a separate room, it is necessary to make an additional extension to avoid drafts when entering and exiting it, as this may adversely affect human health.

The selected gym premises must meet certain parameters for more effective physical education. The building in which the gym is located must be well ventilated . Providing the body with a constant supply of fresh air will help increase performance. A lack of oxygen can even be detrimental to the health of the practitioner. The easiest way is to choose a room with a window , which can be opened. If necessary, if there is no window, you will have to install an air ventilation system.

In a room with a gym there should be good ventilation. It would be better if it had an opening window.

The area of ​​the room should be well lit , since dim lighting can contribute to injury, also human body has higher performance when the room in which it is located is well lit. Lamps must be placed evenly to achieve the same level of light.

Since most exercise equipment makes loud noises, the room in which the exercise takes place is Soundproofing needs to be done so as not to irritate family members. In this case, modern soundproofing materials will come to the rescue; choosing and buying them today is very simple. There are both expensive options and cheaper ones. The former dampen noise much better, however, many will not be able to afford them.

Before starting renovation or construction it is necessary to draw up a project or a simple plan. It is better to consult with specialists in this field, especially if repairs will be carried out on our own. People with experience in this field will always tell you which material is best to choose, how to arrange and make the most efficient use of the available space. You can contact any design agency, which will draw up the correct plan in accordance with the wishes of the customer, as well as taking into account the requirements of the construction business.

Under renovation it is necessary to choose finishing materials that are capable of absorbing and subsequently evaporating moisture . This is due to the fact that during training a person often breathes and sweats, which creates moisture. If you choose water-repellent materials, there is a high probability of condensation, which contributes to the development of fungi and mold. It is necessary to give preference to materials that are resistant to cracks from vibrations, since training equipment and equipment are often their sources.

We have to choose materials that will be resistant to damage, since situations often occur in which there is excessive mechanical impact on the walls or floor. During repairs it is necessary to use environmentally friendly clean materials so as not to cause harm to health. Interior decoration The premises should be easy to clean from dirt and dust.

It is advisable to use neutral colors for the color scheme of the gym. , you should stop using it too much bright colors because they can cause irritation nervous system, and also distract from classes. As finishing you can use non-woven or paper wallpaper or water-based paint.

For security do not make the floor from slippery materials to avoid slipping and injury. It is best to choose rough surfaces. Carpet or composite is perfect rubber cover. It is best to plaster and paint the ceiling. From stretch ceiling It is better to refuse, as it collects fumes.

If you plan to have small children in the gym, you need to allocate a special area for them, to avoid injury to them. In this area you can place toys or special children's exercise equipment. This is relevant for working mothers, in cases where there is no one to leave the child with.

Purchasing exercise equipment is the final stage in arranging a sports room in a private home. This procedure must be approached with all responsibility and not buy the first shells you come across.

Exercise machines are selected based on what exercises a person will perform. If the owner wants to jog at home without leaving home, then purchasing treadmill will be justified. If your preference is for running outdoors, you don’t need to buy it.

It is worth refraining from buying used exercise equipment, because their condition is often far from normal, even if appearance it's unnoticeable. By purchasing an unreliable or broken exercise machine, you are putting yourself, your health and the health of others at risk. It is better to purchase certified products in specialized stores that provide a quality guarantee. These simulators correct use, should not harm human health.

If you have little experience in sports, no need to buy complex and expensive exercise equipment , it is better to give preference to simple and inexpensive ones. As this area develops, you can think about purchasing more complex devices. Due to the elementary design of simple simulators, they are easy to operate and repair. Dimensions play an important role in case of limited space in the room for sports. It is necessary to correctly calculate the area occupied by the exercise equipment so that as many of them fit as possible.

In addition to simulators the gym can be equipped with additional accessories , depending on the type of activities that will be conducted there. For gymnastics, fitness or dancing may be requiredh mirrors . They must be at their full height in order to see themselves completely and ensure that the exercises are performed correctly, this is especially true when practicing independently.

In addition to standard exercise equipment, subject to availability of conditions, a gym can be equipped with a horizontal bar, parallel bars, pear, gymnastic ball and other accessories. You can also buy jump rope, dumbbells, gymnastic mat, hoop . If it is not possible to purchase simulators, some of them can be made from improvised materials; instructions for their manufacture can be found on the Internet.

For fun while training on the wall You can hang a TV or audio system . They will help brighten up monotonous and monotonous workouts with music or interesting videos. Additionally you can install air conditioner . You can also place an armchair or chair for relaxation after hard training. It would also be useful coffee table. Small parts interior decorations such as cups, statues, medals can be placed to your liking in a separate corner, preferably away from the exercise equipment.

Considering the popularity of gyms, opening a fitness center is a profitable business. But organizational issues and the choice of specifics to ensure greater income require a serious approach, so that in the end you do not have to go broke due to expenses.

Market competition and potential customers

According to experts and people with experience in this field, sports business will be profitable only in populated areas, where the number starts from 30 thousand. At the same time, you must definitely look at the competition. Already 2-3 full-fledged and long-running sports clubs will not allow you to reach the required profit. If there are no competitors, then the payback will be at least 2 years.

If you are worried that your business will not be in demand, keep in mind that according to statistics, 1% of the population resorts to any kind of services. That is, in a city with 30 thousand, at least 300 people will become your clients. This is quite acceptable for a microdistrict in a metropolis.

We draw up a business plan based on the main client base (see also). Think about who could become your potential client? If you plan to open in the city center, then office managers will come to you, whose work is sedentary and a subscription to training near the office will suit many of them.

In general, you can target the following groups:

  • Office workers;
  • Schoolchildren and students;
  • Girls who watch their figure;
  • Bodybuilders.

All these four groups can easily coexist in one gym; for this you don’t even need to profile the exercise equipment, but if you are targeting a specific clientele, then certain nuances are worth taking into account. For example, for semi-professional bodybuilders and powerlifters, it is preferable to have strength training equipment in the maximum variety, while for people losing weight, aerobic exercise and an appropriate auxiliary arsenal are needed.

What should a fitness room be like?

What do visitors expect from a gym? This is a very important question and in your business project you must take into account the nuances that will require you to invest from the very beginning.

The ideal gym is bright, emotionally inviting, with big amount mirrors The training range is varied and separate equipment is presented in large quantities. Pleasant music plays in the background, motivating you to do even more. There is always an experienced trainer in the gym and the overall atmosphere is friendly. At any time there are no queues either in the gym itself or in the exercise equipment.

To achieve this picture, consider the following questions:

  • You will need a building or premises with large windows and perfect ventilation;
  • In the room you need to either think through or find a room with adjacent showers;
  • The acoustics will need to be worked out;
  • Purchase and think through a combination of simulators in advance;
  • Find professional trainers;
  • Calculate the approximate attendance of the hall and the system of discounts so that there are no voids or, conversely, overcrowding in the room.

Rent of premises and its arrangement

Perhaps the most difficult issue in any business is choosing premises and renting a building. In the center it is expensive, but there is a lot of traffic, and in the residential area it is accessible, but initially the attendance is limited. In this matter, you need to focus on your clientele.

Hall selection

If you are aiming for office workers, then for them it is preferable to have a hall in the center, in the same place where they work. This way, you can negotiate with companies in the future to provide discounted memberships to all their employees. This is a large-scale business, so saving on rent is inappropriate in this case.

On the other hand, if you are targeting semi-professional athletes, the so-called “jocks”, who want to keep themselves in shape and create something like a community, then for such an audience you can rent basement in a residential area. In this case, the start-up costs will be much lower, but the renovation and arrangement of the hall depend on the initial condition of the room. Usually in basement rooms it is more difficult to install showers, ventilation and sewerage, but if this is already provided, then rent will be very cheap.

The minimum area for even the smallest gym is 100 square meters. m.

If you are targeting people who are losing weight and simply active people, choose a premises in the central part of the city, but with convenient access. For example, on a minimally accessible street next to the main one. The building should inspire confidence from the threshold, since it is important for girls to study in prestigious gyms. Semi-basement clubs are not for them, as is the prospect of going to the very center through traffic jams.

When choosing a room, pay attention to the ceilings. Their height should be at least 3.5 meters, because it is difficult to ensure clean air flows otherwise. The issue cannot be resolved through ventilation alone - it will either be stuffy or drafty.

The rule of ceilings does not work only with basements, but there the ceilings are not heated by the sun, and ventilation circulates air more intensively, all other things being equal. The gym must have a shower and toilet. Without them, the gym will not be in demand. If the building is suitable in all respects, but it is impossible to equip showers in it, abandon the idea and look further for options.


Even if you rent a room where a gym was previously located, the floors need to be re-laid. They should be warm, soft and non-conductive. Ideally it should be like this:

  1. On the monolith there is PVC moisture insulation;
  2. Expanded clay backfill;
  3. Chipboard layer;
  4. Foam plastic;
  5. Decorative processing.

You also need to consider that there should be mats in places where strength training equipment is used.

Repair must be controlled Chief Engineer public services and his team. This will help in the future to resolve the issue of reclassification if, for example, you are renting the basement of a residential multi-storey building.

Concerning decorative renovation and design, here it is also better to use the services of a professional, since the hall should aesthetically attract the attention of clients. Think about partitions, locker rooms, office furniture at the entrance.

Equipment and simulators

Regardless of who the gym is aimed at, the room should have:

  • cardio equipment;
  • strength training equipment;
  • fitness mats;
  • bicycles;
  • Treadmills;
  • fitballs;
  • racks, benches and bars;
  • steppes;
  • dumbbells;
  • hoops;
  • jump ropes

If you are planning to open a gym general plan and you have competitors, go to them and see what is in demand. This is necessary to make a minimum of mistakes at the equipment procurement stage.

Never buy cheap equipment. This usually involves rapid breakdown and even injury to trainees.

To figure out how many exercise machines you will need for your chosen gym, count 15-16 exercise machines for every 100 square meters. m. That is, if the area of ​​your hall is 100 sq. m. m., then 15 simulators are all you need. There is no need to purchase more equipment, because you always need to take into account the distance between the machines and the general entrance space.

This is especially true for families with growing children. The intellectual development of a child is of great importance, but it should not interfere with physical development. Full physical training– this is, first of all, health, which ensures normal brain activity.

In other words, without physical development impossible to achieve proper operation brain and all other organs and systems of the body. Many parents try to send their children to sports clubs and clubs. This is very correct solution, but having your own sports corner at home is perfect option for the constant physical improvement of the young organism.

Organizing a space for sports in a city is quite difficult, but still possible. This is facilitated by a wide range of modern designs and commercially available exercise equipment. All these devices differ in:

  1. dimensions;
  2. functionality;
  3. placement method;
  4. cost.

Main types of home sports corners

If the owner of an apartment is planning to design a sports corner (see photo below), he must first become familiar with the types of similar structures and study the range offered by different manufacturers.

The choice of a sports complex depends on:

  • apartment size;
  • geometric features of the room;
  • the amount that the apartment owner is willing to donate for the purchase of sports equipment.

Ideas for decorating a gym at home

Unfortunately, most modern apartments disadvantaged in square meters, and, as a rule, has dimensions of no more than 10 m2. But this should not be a reason to refuse to install sports equipment. Even in a very small room you can build a miniature sports corner.

  • Option one. A Swedish wall is installed in ceiling hoops are mounted, a basketball hoop is mounted on the wall. Additionally, you can hang a punching bag. Such a composition will take no more than 1 m2, which will in no way affect the rest of the children’s area.
  • Option two is more advanced and involves using transformable furniture, which can simultaneously be a sports element and perform the function , , . Such furniture saves space well, and its modern design means that it fits perfectly into any interior.

For owners of an apartment with a large children's room, it is much easier to decorate a sports corner with their own hands. The absence of restrictions in square meters provides great opportunities, including the equipment of an entire sports complex. In addition to the main attributes, horizontal stairs, horizontal bars, an obstacle course, and various exercise equipment (treadmill, bicycle, etc.) are placed here.

Of course, such a sports corner will require significant financial investments, but the reward for the parents’ efforts will be the health and cheerful laughter of their children.

Advice. By using your own imagination or inviting a professional designer to your home, you can design a children's sports corner in a specific theme, for example, a jungle or a pirate ship.

Home gym for adults

Adults love to play sports just as much as children. Moreover, exercise on sports equipment is necessary to maintain good physical shape, strengthen muscles and skeletal bones. With insufficient motor activity, the muscles atrophy, and the person feels powerless. Hence all age-related diseases and poor health.

The advantage of the metal complex is that it is much easier to assemble than a wooden sports corner. And there will never be splinters on your hands.

Interior and decor features

A sports room in the house, like any other, requires an appropriate interior and decoration. When designing this area, designers recommend and try to use as much as possible. Since everything here symbolizes health, the presence of synthetic finishing materials would be inappropriate.

It is better to decorate the walls of the gym cork panels, and make the floor out of natural wood or lay . In order not to suffer from the impressive weight of exercise equipment and constant dynamic loads, sports equipment should be installed on special podiums. In addition to practicality, it is also an additional decorative factor.

Between walls and sports equipment (except Swedish wall) a distance of 30 cm must be maintained. If we're talking about about a large sports corner, it is rational to put a locker for clothes and towels, and floor scales here.

Gymnastic exercises and exercises on simulators are best done in the presence of musical accompaniment. Therefore, you should take care of purchasing a player. But a portable player with headphones can easily replace it. Those who do not consider themselves music lovers may want to listen to literary works or study foreign language, master any training.

What should a home gym be like? There should be enough light, but it should not irritate the eyes. Too bright lamps will have a tiring effect on the body.

You can equip a sports corner not only in an apartment; it is suitable for this.

How to arrange the interior of a gym

The main advantages of the gym in own apartment or at home in front of the fitness club: no need to waste time traveling, you can work out according to any schedule and completely free.

Choosing a location: what to look for

A separate room is ideal. Its area depends on the number of people who plan to study at the same time: 8-10 sq.m is enough for one person, 15-20 sq.m. for two.

Premises requirements

  • unhindered access to fresh air (necessary during physical activity),
  • excellent ventilation (eliminates high humidity),
  • the presence of windows (solves the issue of natural light plus psychological comfort).

Therefore, you can organize the interior of the gym independently:

  • on the veranda,
  • attic,
  • loggias (balconies),
  • in any room of an apartment or house with windows and suitable decoration.

Gym interior: how to decorate the walls

The necessary properties of wall coverings in such a specialized room: vapor permeability, sound insulation. In the hall where they practice exercise, there is always humidity. AND plastic panels or ceramic tile on the walls, due to the condensation that occurs on them, they will maintain it high level. It is better to abandon such coatings in favor of panels made of natural cork, plaster, and wear-resistant paper wallpaper. They will provide a comfortable climate for classes.

Floor materials

In addition to strength and wear resistance, flooring is obliged to reliably protect the interior of the gym in terms of sound insulation. Especially when the hall is equipped in an attic or in an apartment. One of the winning options is concrete screed plus soundproofing underlay. As a finishing coat:

  • lint-free carpet with a thick backing (for industrial or office use),
  • cork panels,
  • rubber sports surface.

These materials have good soundproofing characteristics, plus, due to their softness, they have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. So that you can exercise with weights, under the carpet (in case cork panels- on top) a rubber covering is laid.

Important rule of color design

Psychologists advise including blue, gray, green, light beige and cream shades in the interior of the gym. They are suitable for wall design. But the colors of the equipment can be black, steel or bright, catchy - the main thing is that they are in harmony with the design of the room.

Light for the gym

It is advisable to organize overhead lighting, for example, distribute it evenly across the ceiling Spotlights. Such light is diffused, does not strain the eyesight and does not create sharp shadows. The training area in front of the mirror requires additional lighting.

No gym interior would be complete without mirrors; they also help with lighting and create a spatial perspective. Have mirror wall or a mirror in full height at right angles to the window opening, then the reflection is not overexposed or darkened.

Combined sports hall

When it is not possible to arrange a gym in a separate room, an area for exercise equipment can be organized in the living room, bedroom (closer to window openings). In the living room, the border will be, for example, a bar counter: sports equipment is located in front of the window, and in the opposite part of the room there is a place to relax. In the bedroom, a screen will fulfill this role.

The place for classes is distinguished by design: the walls are painted a different color or finished with a different material. The TV must be placed so that it can be seen both in the recreation area and in the exercise area.

Successful results together with the company "TopDom"

Do you want to enjoy exercising at home? Don't hold back. What will be the interior of the gym, issues of planning, design and repair will be taken care of by our designers and finishers. All you have to do is stock up good mood and get on the treadmill!