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Ways to gain peace of mind tips wise. Manifestations of calm in everyday life; household situations, discussions, families, extreme situations

Most of us do not boast of peace of mind. Often we suffer, worry, worry. The cause of everything is constant problems, various household inconveniences, irritation on people and situations that are derived from under control. Moments spiritual harmony In our world - a huge rarity. Let's see how to find peace of mind in the fuss of everyday life?

The peace is called the state when a person harmoniously contacts the surrounding space and, first of all with his own person. It is too difficult for many to achieve this, you have to suffer daily from doubt, anxiety. For such people, the inner balance is non-disabilities. Therefore, the number of those who are looking for ways to gain peace in the shower and keep it longer.

The secret to the achievement of equilibrium inside itself may be comprehended by each. It suffices to understand that everything defines your own choice, and not external circumstances. You choose how to think, at what angle view to look at the situation. So what should be taken to be transformed into a typical state from unusual rarity to you?

What is calm?

Tranquility! Only calm! It must be kept in any situation. Another question is not all of all. But, thanks to the knowledge of how to keep calm, it is easier to find correct solution, exit from any situation, reduce the number of errors.

Excited state is one of the most important barriers to the rational decision of the affairs. So long lose confidence, forces, develop various fears and complexes. All famous factthat people are calm attracted others. Especially those who are calm, coolly and rationally solve various problematic situations, causing admiration and respect for others.

Secret of peace of mind

In the cartoon "Kid and Carlson" there is an episode where the baby is closed in the room, and he is rampant rappingly. The flying Carlson is trying to calm him down, saying "not roar." Then he asks "Is that you roaring or am I roaring?". The kid answers "I'm roaring." As usual overwhelmed with optimism, Carlson says in the end the famous phrase "calm, only calm!"

How often do we speak something similar to someone who came out of equilibrium and can not find a place. He in the literal sense of the word "lost peace."

Why can peace of mind lose?

There are plenty of reasons for this in our lives. Consider some of the main intruders of calm.


Fear of different kind Usually related to certain events from our future. Some simply scare us, for example, a serious exam, an important interview or meeting with meaningful person. Others only hypothetically may occur: some conflicts or incidents. All these events are not related to the current moment, however, we are moving around and now we are experiencing and worry about them.

Such thoughts take our peace confidently and for a long time, acting on the principle of "not yet". If the event is expected, then we will get rid of concern after it is completed. But if it can only occur hypothetically, then we have to constantly live in fear and anxiety.


We can not sleep peacefully if you feel your guilt before someone. This is like an inner voice that tells us that we did wrong or did not do something important that they had to do. The feeling experienced and insurmountable feeling.

As if we deserve a fair punishment for the perfect and in advance begin to serve a message for the deed. The most unpleasant thing is that we do not see the exit from the situation, as if expecting someone that can let us go our sins.


There is something similar to the previous point. Looking into the fact that we need something to do. There is a concept as "cargo of obligations". Often, we lose peace by taking too much that they cannot subsequently fulfill. It is easy to give promises, but then we begin to suffer about the fact that it was not necessary to do this that we would not cope. Sometimes this happens due to the fact that we cannot spend the border on time, saying "no" at the right moment.


We may lose rest due to the fact that we feel offended. With us did unfairly, as we believe. Perhaps this is how it was. In any case, we are driven by a negative feeling that outlines from equilibrium. No matter how you tried to calm down, infringed by pride again and again tells us that in this situation we did not deserve a similar attitude towards ourselves. We can feel the depression or, on the contrary, the malice, but we do not go on yourself with these feelings.


In the previous paragraph, the topic of anger or aggression was partially affected. This is another intruder of calm, and very significant. Whatever the cause of anger, the result is one - we are derived from equilibrium and want to take revenge on the offender. Revenge is connected with the desire of destruction and sometimes even causing harm to someone or anything. Aggression is looking for output and simply does not allow us to feel calm. We feel the desire to act, and right now.

General in the listed causes is a violation of internal equilibrium. There are external or internal factors that bring us out of it.

How to gain peace of mind?

The reasons described above can act as one by one and in the complex with others. Consider the main directions for restoring calm and internal equilibrium.

Return to "here and now." Many negative feelings, such as fear, wines or insult, lead us from reality. We are constantly experiencing past or expected in the future. unpleasant events. At the same time, it does not allow us to enjoy the current moment. It is necessary to return to reality. We begin to realize that in "here and now" we have all the resources to cope with the alarms and find a solution to how to deal with the future situation or release fears related to the past.

Allow yourself to have the right to make a mistake. Many are mistaken, although it is more correct to say that it's all. However, not everyone allows themselves to make mistakes.

To restore sincere equilibrium, you need to stop blaming yourself for something that we did wrong.

There are mistakes from which someone else could suffer. In this case, you need to immediately recognize your guilt and make something at its redemption. However, it is necessary to understand that these actions are finite and limited in time. Do not continue to blame after everything is over, you need to be able to "put a point."

The ability to say "no". It is worth learning to say "no" immediately, if you understand that the obligations imposed on you exceed your capabilities. In this case, you will protect yourself from the situation when you have to suffer about the fact that it should not agree to some dubious offer.

Skill forgive. Resentment is part of us. Even if we did unfairly with us, we will feel stuck until we let go offense. It should not be expected that the offender is assured and will come to ask for forgiveness. It is necessary to give him a forgiveness of an advance. We will not lose anything at the same time. On the contrary - we will find it the most inner calm.

Give out negative feelings. No one is insured against negative emotions. Everyone can get into a situation where irritating or stressful factors will act on it. Control your anger and restrain, of course, it is important. However, it is equally important to give a way out of all accumulated negative feelings afterwards. This will help to gain peace of mind.

Sincere calm is also a skill, and it often arises as a result of habit. The habits are in here and now, allow yourself the right to make a mistake, say "no" when it is necessary and the ability to forgive and give out negative feelings.

Methods that give the opportunity to stay in harmony.

Now there are a mass of theoretical or practical material on this topic aimed at gaining an internal balance. Many perceive it as something uncomfortable, meaningless. Few people believe that this leads to good results. Only the right approach and optimistic attitudes will help you achieve. positive effect. The key to understanding itself lies on the surface - this is a systematicness, gradualness, regularity.

To achieve rest, adopt the following rules:

  1. Cleaning calm is real only when a person personally wants to do this and he is focused on the result.
  2. Only everyday practice allows you to achieve this, and the superficial study will not lead to anything.
  3. The depth of the process is important and the presence of a specific purpose.

  • Reach mental silenceHaving uttered on the exhale the lengthy "Schshshshshshshsh", as if you imitate a light noise of the surf. Imagine how the waves are gently wash the shore and roll back, take your excitement into the sea.
  • Express gratitude. Express thanks for all the "good" and all the "bad", for everything you worry about what to learn and what to adopt. Express thanks for everything that is waiting for you in the future. Let me wipe yourself warmth and gratitude light.
  • Listen, trust and follow your intuition. The decision may at first glance seem correct, but ultimately not to serve your highest good. Tune in to feelings arising in your body when you make a decision. If you are experiencing a warm, confident feeling "Everything will be fine" - it means that you followed your intuition. If you are alarming or doubt, it means that you went against it.
  • Release your familiar look at things, Look at the world at a different angle. Your point of view is not "law", but only one of the many point of view. Your view on things can cause you stress. Look at the world with an unlimited look, which says: "I can". "
  • Meditate. Meditation teaches you mental and physical discipline, as well as emotional self-control. Can not meditate? Try to download music for Mercarmonic meditation. This technology allows you to immerse yourself on the frequency of the brain, the corresponding meditation, by pressing the play button. It's easy and nice, and this is one of the most powerful self-privacy tools that you can use at least now!

  • Know what "and it will pass." Changes - part of life. Be calm and patient - let everything happen naturally and organically. Develop a courage that will allow you to focus on the desired results, and not on the problem.
  • Simplify your life. Simplicity gives inner peace - due to the fact that you guide your energy correctly. Get rid of everything you do not need, including from connections and friendly relationships that do not give you anything good.
    Focus on what is important to you. Do not overload yourself with an excessive amount of things, tasks and information. Leave one or two goals that are more expensive for you.
  • Smile.A smile is capable of opening the doors, turning "no" in "yes" and instantly change the mood (both yours and others). Smile yourself in the mirror. Smile family members, employees, all who come across your eyes. A smile radiates the energy of love - and what you send, you get. It is impossible to smile sincerely and at the same time experience the malice, sadness, fear or envy. Smiling, you can feel only happiness and peace.
  • Be a job started to a logical end. Close the circle. Unknown affairs (non-reclamation, unspecified words, unfinished projects and tasks) - grave load for your consciousness, you feel it or not. Each unfinished case takes the energy of the present.
  • Be faithful to yourself. Love yourself. Imagine your dreams and make a junk. Find your destination and execute it.

  • Live in the present. The past will not return, and the future depends on what you think and do in this moment. So pay attention to this, focus on doing everything you do, well, and just live. Do not let life pass by due to the fact that you live past or future.
  • Do not worry. How much time do you spend on excitement about what "can happen"? And what did it really happen from this (and broke your life)? Little, but nothing at all ... isn't it? Focus on what you want, and not on what you do not want.
  • Take care of your health. Take care of your body: do physical exercises, Play B. sport games, correctly fit and highlight enough time to sleep. Add yourself energy daily exercises and watch your well-minded.
  • The morning is wiser than the evening. Sometimes, when you are overloaded with problems, it is not possible to fall asleep. First of all, do our best to physically eliminate the problem. If you can not do anything, refer to the energy solution of the problem. Visualize the ideal position of things (in which this problem does not exist), while the problem does not disappear by itself or until the solution will come to you.
  • In their speech, adhere to the principles of Sufism. This ancient tradition Provides that you should say something, only if: it's true, it is necessary and this good words. If any of what you want to say does not satisfy these criteria, do not say that.
  • Use the shutdown button. Avoid information and sensory overload. Turn off the TV, smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer, MP3 player (unless you listen to audio recordings for meditation or relaxation). Learn easy to "be", optionally something "doing".
  • Use imagination. Building your dream life begins in imagination. It is there that you take the canvas and paints and draw the most desirable life!

  • Do not do everything at the same time. Do something one and do it well. In all, use a holistic approach and make maximum effort.
  • Start from the most difficult. Do not postpone things for later. A large amount of mental and emotional energy is being wasted because of fear of affairs, which we do not want to do - tedious, unpleasant, complex or frightening. Observe them - only as it should, well. And then go to simple cases.
  • Observe the balance. Promote the achievement of success and inner peace, supporting the balance in your life.
  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Enjoy this journey called "Life". Everyone will happen when the time comes. Pay attention to every moment of life and appreciate it. Where to rush? As soon as you achieve the goal, new tasks and problems will certainly appear.
  • Head to say "no". Do not allow indignation from mistakenly said "yes" to break your inner peace. If you overstrain and do something that causes you stress, you will be angry with a person who asked you about it, act not the best possible way and devote enough attention to its own obligations and desires.
  • Drag money from the list of your priorities.Strive to be a man rich in the sense of relations, and not material benefits.


If any seas in the world is there, then it consists only in clean conscience and patience. It is the harbor to us, in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe world of this floating. Conscience is not afraid of conscience, therefore a person is fucked. Saint Tikhon Zadonsky (1724-1783)

One of serious problems Our society is its nervousness and weak stress resistance. Similar symptoms are easily explained: modern life is not similar to the SPA resort, and more reminds Wild Jungle, where only the strongest survival can survive. Naturally, existence in a similar state does not give the best way to our health, and on appearance, and on the situation in the family, and on successes at work.

If you do not want to "burn" by 40 years, then you just need to know how to gain peace of mind. Especially since it is not so difficult, especially if I develop immunity to stress, depression and neurosis.

Why one manages to gain peace of mind, and the other is not?

If you drive or study by public transport, try a few days in a row to watch passengers in the minibus or the metro wagon. Look at their facial expressions, on gestures, on how they behave in the morning duties, etc. You will see that many people are immersed in their sad thoughts. It can be seen by how they frowning eyebrows, eat the bottom lip, teasing the handle handles and the ends of the scarf.

And if some unfortunate will come to the leg or accidentally pushes such a person, then it may be completely unpredictable reaction: from tears to swearing. This suggests that a person cannot gain peace of mind and therefore each trifle is able to bring it out of equilibrium.

Calm, sir or how to become calmer?

But, fortunately, not everyone is similar to the maniacs who can be confused by sacrifice just that she dared by chance to touch their sleeves. If you look carefully, you will see that the faces of some passengers express complete serenity.

They dream of something beautiful, enjoy your favorite music on their ai-fae, and type that came to my leg, meet a light smile and phrases: "Nothing terrible", "do not worry", "happens", etc.

This few categories today no longer need to find out how to gain peace of mind, they have long come true. So why some luckyons can keep serenity, which even the lotus flower causing, and others constantly resemble an angry bear, whom the swarm of the bees?

"When you feel bad - listen to nature. The peace of peace soothes better than millions of unnecessary words. "Confucius

Those who do not like and do not want to work on themselves, explain everything primitively: so he was calm. Yes, indeed, people with strong nerves and a restrained warehouse of character live is much easier, but even the most violent choleric will be able to know Zen after a little effort.

How to gain peace of mind: 10 steps

Without difficulty in this life, nothing can be achieved. And no one for a sowing on a saucer will clarify the spiritual harmony. However, there are a number of rules, following which, to gain peace of mind will be much easier.

1. Contact the negative.
Our world is imperfect and cruel! Hunger, war, cold, poverty, epidemic, natural disasters, Dictators, maniacs - there is no end-edge with these misfortunes. Are you able to change all this? And from the fact that you bring yourself to suicidal depression, experiencing that children in Africa are starving, do you help you very much? Learn to filter negative information, especially where it is not able to change anything.

To preserve the world of spiritual, it should also be in every way to avoid the condemnation of others. Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky (1833)

2. Think positively.
Despite all the failures and difficulties, you must learn to see (positive moments) in trifles.
The conclusions "I am the most beautiful", "I will be fine", "I will solve this problem," "I will be happy" and the like becoming permanent residents in your head.

3. Go from aimless experiences to action.
If you really take all the problems of humanity to heart, then you can find peace of mind only by eliminating them.
Likes and censats in Facebook, sobs over the photo of a homeless kitten also did not bring any use.

How to whine and fluttering in front of a computer or TV, better go to volunteer - the benefit today is a suitable organization to choose not a problem.
If you can't give this case enough time, then material assistance to charitable funds is also a good solution.

4. Do not take more than you are able to wear.
Overwork is one of the main causes of stress.
Turning ourselves in a woven donkey hung by Bauls with problems and tasks, you risk falling to halfway.

5. Do not participate in unnecessary disputes.Remember the anecdote about an old man who is interested in how he could live to a hundred years with full health?

He replies: "I never argued with anyone."
For the sort of opponent: "But it is impossible!" He is quietly responsible: "You are absolutely right."
Follow it with example.
Sometimes truth is really born in the dispute, but more often - the forerunners of the heart attack.

6. Do not fuss and do not be late.

Surely many familiar situations:
* you important meeting, and you could not calculate the right time for fees and now in a panic, we take one apartment and are nervous that everyone spoiled;
* You made a report to the report to last dayAnd now we are worried that even a sleepless night will not help you have time for a term. Discipline, organization, graphs and lists will help gain peace of mind.

7. Get rid of envy, suspicion and other destroying feelings and actions.
Negative thoughts and emotions do not create anything. Moreover, the forces spent on the evil, envious gossip, gloating, quarrel, etc., you could send something useful.

8. Find a place for exercise in your life.
- the mandatory component of the life of every happy and successful man. Without active exercises, you will only be a thick dull loser.

9. Live in an interesting and bright life.
People who are constantly busy, are planning something, do not have too much time for bad news, torments and experiences that destroy the mental balance.

10. Find a way to quickly calm down in stressful situations.
You can take advantage existing methods (breathing exercises, count up to ten, wash cold water, listen to music, etc.) or - to invent your own.
The main thing is that you can always take yourself in hand.

Check out the passage from the M / f "Kung Fu Panda", where the master Shifa teaches his grief-ward how to find the inner peace. 🙂

Watch, smile and take a note!

Well, do you really want to tell me that the proposed ways, how to gain peace of mind, are such complex?

We ourselves bring ourselves to hysterics, insomnia, neuroses and other "pleasures". While no one prevents us from strengthening their stress resistance.

It is most important to try to be peaceful, and to be peaceful, do not concern any other affairs, evaporate from different ridiculous chatter, reading newspapers and listening to news. Schiigumen John (Alekseev) (1873-1958).

45 of the most simple ways to find calm

In our age of a rush, a shortage of recreation and information overloads to gain peace of mind is not so easy. We are experiencing and fierce what has already happened, nervous because of current events and worry about the future.

The problem is often not even in the increased psychological loads, but in the fact that we do not know how to get rid of this concern normally. Many relaxation process is reduced to alcohol, coffee with cigarette or extreme hobbies. Meaning There are extremes simple methods Observe mental equilibrium Literally in a few minutes. We offer you 45 such ways.

1. Make a deep breath at one time or two or four, keep your breath at the same period, then exhale smoothly smoothly.

2. Take a handle and write down your thoughts on paper.

3. Admit that life is a difficult thing.

4. Record the three of your most successful events in life.

5. Tell a friend or your favorite person that he or she means for you.

6. Sit on the porch and do nothing. Promise yourself to do it more often.

7. Give yourself a permit just to wander for a while.

8. Look at the clouds within a few minutes.

9. Fly over your life in your imagination.

10. Defoche your eyes and just notice the peripheral vision, everything is done around you within a few minutes.

11. Give a few coins for charity.

12. Imagine that you are inside a transparent protective bubble that protects you.

13. Put your hand on the heart and feel it beats. It's great.

14. Promise to yourself that in no way that you will save a positive attitude to the end of the day.

15. Be grateful that you do not always get what you want.

16. Think, how would you live your life if you knew exactly that you never be rich.

17. Allow your body to do what he wants at this moment (nothing is illegal, of course).

18. Smoke fresh flowers.

20. Determine the most intense part of your body. Strain it from all my might for a few seconds, and then relax.

21. Go out into the street and touch something at 100% natural. Fist the texture.

22. Look around and let yourself designate each object you see. Realize how simple these things really are.

23. Smile the most stupid smile in the world and imagine how you look.

24. Think about your big problem as if with her, your friend addressed you about advice.

25. Imagine that you are connected to the Earth and your roots extend to the center of the planet.

26. Make yourself a head massage by all ten fingers.

27. Consider 10 to 1 and listen to Ehu after each figure.

28. Feel bosy legs with the soil under themselves and realize the connection with our land.

29. Stop focusing on other people.

30. Decide to say no.

31. Write a list of all the problems that are worried. Then filter the ones that do not actually depend on you or are not very important.

32. Drink water (dehydration causes stress).

33. Live such a life that you use.

34. Reform a difference between your desires and necessity.

35. Sincerely apologize before ... Well, you yourself know to whom to blame.

36. Think about the expanses of the Universe and understand how you are unnoticed by your trouble.

37. Refuse a quick solution for a complex problem and strive to solve it at a deeper level.

38. Detach some additional time To communicate with the child.

39. Listen to white noise and relaxing music - it really relaxes.

40. Write down best advicewhich you have ever received and apply it.

41. Take a walk with the dog.

42. Close your eyes and allow the sun to warm your eyelids.

43. Let yourself recognize your mistakes.

44. Look at other people and admit that they are the same people as you - with their hopes, dreams, fear and struggle.

    good, very good, the topic is relevant !!


Many of the people ask themselves the question: "How to gain peace of mind and calm, which will make harmoniously interact with the outside world, while maintaining the interaction of the balance at all levels (mental, emotional and physical) personality?

Improved by passing through the veil of oblivion and while in the process of life under the influence of many catalyst energies, to remember the true and gaining the inner balance is not an easy task and this is the challenge that stands before each.

The top of this is available to everyone, and all the faces of it and so are in our inside. Each installs and configures its system in a comfortable range and borders.

The inner balance of a person cannot be achieved by an extraneous effect, it should be born inside, it does not matter how it will happen, with an awareness of or without it, but the essence will proceed from the inside. Outer side Can help only with the direction, but not with self-organization.
Moreover, random and "raid" on self-development here are not helpers. To achieve internal purposes - you need to carefully treat yourself and systematically work.

Observing soul equilibrium And harmony with itself is the level of our state that is available in every moment of our reality here and now.

The nature of these things is not passive at all, but on the contrary - is very dynamic and implemented by a variety of other factors. All this is organized by combination: mental activity, energy, body, emotional part. Any of these factors has a serious impact on the rest, by organizing a person being in a single whole creature.

Before each of us is a challenge and he is accepted by each of us, manifests itself in our free choice.

Internal balance of man - This is the necessary conditions for life in our world. And if we ourselves do not form it, it will be formed without our conscious participation and entered into a certain low-frequency range allows you to manipulate, manage, and take energy.

That is why our question is directly related to the real freedom and non-volatility of each.

Modes of formation of mental equilibrium and harmony

Achievement is possible in two modes:

First mode

Conscious, personally controlled process of building, adjustment and configuration of all components inner harmony. In this case, an individual equilibrium built in the process is stable, positive, energy filled and optimal.

Second mode

Unconscious, chaotic, when a person lives, unconsciously obeying and following the automatic inclusion of a chain of thoughts, emotions and actions. In this case, our nature is built in the low-frequency control range and is implemented as destructive and destroying for humans.

Over time, entertaining a positive working worldview, we can create our own ways to integrate and install internal balancing at any time, even the most critical.

Factors affecting the formation of spiritual equilibrium

1. Speed \u200b\u200baccommodation

The desire to accelerate the flow of events in life, intolerance and a negative reaction in the form of irritation due to how soon the events unfold, the rejection of what is happening contributes to the emergence of an imbalance.

Stay in the moment, the adoption of the circumstances that we cannot affect, promotes only better decision questions. Our reactions to the external events occurring are key and defining it. Only we ourselves choose how we react to emerging situations and events.

All external catalysts are originally neutral in their essence, and only we decide what they will be, reveal their potentials.
Giving time is to concentrate on each action. It does not matter what you do, staging buttons, cook food, wash dishes, or something else.

Step by step, we should pass our way, to pay our attention only to the present, not to accelerate the movements that move with due speed. Let's let a small thing in your world, give him completely, should not constantly betray what you care about you, you need to learn to distract the mind.

Such simple actions for pumping awareness, but the stone water sharpens and what you will achieve will hit you. It is the little things that we start the way make our consciousness more plastic and weaken all that tensions that will be copied in us for years, pushing us into an unreal world. We do not dream of how it should be, we are moving to it yourself. Once, just wash the dishes with an obvious interest, think only about it, do not hurry, let the thinking process do everything for you. Such. simple logic Reveals the usual at a completely different angle. Moreover, the world itself becomes more understandable attentive and thinking, already at this stage retreats some of the fears.

Not everything in life we \u200b\u200bcan control - this means that it does not quite make sense to fight, such is reality. And it often happens that any other impact will bring only the harm of the situation and mean that it will be consciously gaining peace of mind and harmony in ourselves are not ready.

2. Moderation

Care from the oversaturation of the surroundings of excess, the ability does not divide the world to black and white, the ability to clearly understand the level of own forces, not to waste time - all this makes it possible to accumulate the necessary potential of our energy to further use it when creating a positive internal balance (equilibrium).

3. Image of thinking

Thoughts are an energy substance within us. To establish harmony, it is necessary to distinguish and track them. But not every thought that we catch inside ourselves belongs to us. We ourselves must choose what to believe. It is necessary to consciously distinguish the thoughts coming to us.

Our motives are mirrored in the world around, the negative state of thoughts will apply to the world weight as a whole. Inciting himself to track thoughts and making a conscious choice, we take responsibility for our lives, achieve a mental balance and harmony with yourself.

Tracking thoughts involves not reacting to the resulting images reflexively, automatically. Make a pause, feel what feelings and emotions this thought is, and make a choice like it, or not.

An unconscious fast automatic emotional response to emerging negative thoughts launches the process of developing and emissions of negative low-frequency energy, which reduces the frequency level energy tel And, as a result, lowers in low ranges.
The ability to distinguish, track, and choose thinking makes the opportunity and creates the conditions for creating or restoring personal soul equilibrium and tranquility.

4. Emotions

Human emotions are an estimated identity relationship and response to the impact of external life catalysts.
With a conscious attitude, our sensual sphere, our emotions are the divine gift and the creative force, uniting with the highest aspect of the Superstone, an inexhaustible source forces.

With an unconscious attitude and automatic emotional reactions to external catalysts, the cause of suffering, pain, balance disorders.

If thoughts, figuratively speaking, the "trigger" starts the launch of energy processes, then emotions are those driving forces that give acceleration (acceleration) by these processes. It all depends on the direction of attention of the vector and on how consciously or unconsciously dive into this accelerating flow. Everyone chooses how to use this force for creativity, creation, strengthening communication with its superdad, or for destructive explosive emissions.

5. Physical body

The body is just a continuation of our thinking.
At the level of the physical body, the energy circuit binding thoughts is closed - the body, emotions - the body, the harmonic system - the emission of energy.

For the use of specific thinking with the addition of an emotional cocktail, an influx of an individual type neurotransmitters, which determine which personal physical and moral feeling we will experience

  • Positive emotionsthey cause relaxation and tranquility, allow our body and not to overcome energy and work in the right mode.
  • Negative emotions on the contrary cause local dstruses, which can manifest itself with smooth muscles and deformations of tissue shells, spasms and compression, have an accumulated effect, so lead long-term negative processes throughout the body

The human hormonal system reacts to the emotional state, which means it has a direct impact on the body's condition in the moment, on the reverse side, with an increase in the level of some hormones, and emotionality grows.

As a result, we are able to learn to control emotions, driving to some extent a hormonal level of the body, and this will give us the opportunity to easily overcome part of negative emotions, we will get control of them. This skill will largely determine our potential to damp against many painful states, and later life expectancy.

7 Soviets for the acquisition of sincere equilibrium and harmony

1. Abandon strict planning

When plans are created to draw the goals of development, sales of maneuvers, achievements and results - then everything is in order. But when we control every minute of our life space, We demoralize themselves from the fact that behind. We need forever to run somewhere and all the time. In this mode, we yourself are closed on domestic aspects and miss special opportunities to solve situations. You should be more plastic and open to maneuvering on events without emotional suffering.

It is difficult to see every little thing from possible events in the future, but if we are capable of adjustments in the moment, nothing knocks us out of the rut, and we confidently float in line with life, deftly driving our "paddle", returning to the right balance on time.

2. Symbols are not accidental

Nothing happens by chance. If we are able to see, distinguish and believe the signs that we are sent from higher plans, we can manage our balance and avoid many troubles. Training the vision and feeling of signs can be in a timely manual to avoid negative impacts and following in the optimal frequency range of settings, adjust the destruction in the stream of energies, gaining sincere equilibrium and calm in life.

3. Practice faith in God and serving to the highest forces

We must have a sacral place in direct (physical) and figurative sense (aspiration and faith), it allows you to support "purity", "confidence" and "form" right goals. Trust! Trust Divine Providence, Flow, Most High, and also as a Creator - the key to follow the flow, the key to a successful, calm, filled, realized life. Do not pull out the "steering wheel" from the hands of the highest providence, let help you with the present.

4. Forget the problem at time and trust the universe of its decision

Often we can not stop your thinking mind, because we are bothering us a large number of Problems. One of good technician - Learn to "forget" a request. If you have some kind of problem - you formulate it, and then "forget." And your vision at this time independently finds a solution to the problem, and after some time you can "remember" your request along with his decision.

Learn to listen to your heart, to your inner voice, a little, to your supernatural intuition, which tells you - "I don't know why I need it - but I go there now", "I don't know why you need to leave - but it's time for us "," I don't know why I need to go there - but for some reason I have to go. "

In the state of the balance of equilibrium, we can act, even if we do not fully know or understand the situation logically. Teach listening to yourself. Allow yourself to be inconsistent, situational and flexible. Trust the stream, even when it is difficult. If difficulties are observed in your life, while you are sure that they have listened to themselves, their intuition, and did the best that they could in the current situation - do not hurry to accuse the stream, ask yourself what this situation teaches you.

What does the flow take me through this situation? If there is no answer to this question - just release it. Trust. Perhaps it will be revealed later - and you will learn, "Why was it all." But even if it does not reveal, trust anyway. Once again - confidence is the key!

5. Treat the time correctly

Do not go to the past - the past has already happened. Do not live by the future - it has not come, and may not come, but may come completely different (the most unexpected). All we have is the present moment! Concentrate at each time of your existence when the time flow is at the level of your.

Skill be It manifests itself in a conscious attitude towards consciousness slows down, and in this moment you can feel the taste and completeness of all the lifelong it would seem like a simple action. Feel the taste of her in the taste of food, in flowers flavors, in the blue sky, in the rustle of the leaves, in the murmur of the stream, in the flight of the autumn leaf.

Every moment is unique and unique, remember it, charge them and these feelings that you experienced in this unique instant moment. Your feelings, your perception is unique in all universe. All that everyone has collected in itself is its gifts of eternity and his immortality.

The equilibreence is nothing but the desire to live in this world at the speed, with which it actually goes, that is, simply do not rush it. Testing irritation and have a real opportunity to influence the speed of occurring events - completely different things.

And if something depends on you really, it can always be done calmly. And most often the real symptoms of irritation are nervous gesticulation, rage, accusatory speeches that we say to ourselves, a delicious feeling "Well, why am I?" - They appear only at the moment when it is already crystal clear that we are absolutely powerless and can not affect the process.

The only thing we can is in one moment, not irritating and not accelerating, enjoying, thank for him. And it is with such a choice and the relationship in this moment that the unique and optimal our mental equilibrium and harmony with themselves is supported.

6. Creative potential

At the level coming beyond our linear thinking 3-dimension creative potential is the disclosure of the highest divine potentials of one endless creator at the personal level. The disclosure of the creative potential fills the positive energy, allows you to be maximally balanced, increases the frequency of the energy-level, and strengthens your personal relationship with its superdad.

Practicing the classes of your favorite thing, especially if it is connected with the hands of some small motor work - you enter the state when your mind is automatically calmed. Right today, right now - find moments how to do what you like to do. It may be cooking, making souvenirs, writing paintings, writing prose and poems, walking in nature, car repair, listening to your favorite music and much more, which brings you personally joy.

Do not ask yourself - why? Throw rational, "correct" questions. Your task is to feel the heart, feel the course of circumstances, and the easiest way to do this, performing what I like. If you like to cook - prepare if you like to walk - walk, try to find what "includes" you in the "live / live" state.

7. Take from people and life what she gives you currently with love and gratitude both in terms of material and emotional.

Do not demand more or better, do not try to aggressively influence, offended or "learn" of the other.
Finally, look for and experiment that it helps to calm your thinking mind. What exactly allows you to relax, and get into space without thoughts? What method works well for you? Find these ways and make the most important thing - practice.

Our optimally balanced personal equilibrium is associated with the Divine Energy Stream. Therefore, in order to be in this thread, we need to assemble yourself in such a way that our frequencies are configured to this thread. Feel this stream at the level of heart, feelings, thoughts, remember these frequency settings, integrate these frequency settings in your energy source and make them your integral part.

To be here and now in one moment of eternity at the frequency of love in infinity of one endless Creator!

Calm as personality quality - possession of internal happiness in volumes, easily blocking the appearance of anxiety, anxiety and excitement.

Oh, teacher, what is the root of calm? - asked the curious student. - The roots of calm - safe. If a person does not threaten death or illness - he is calm, - answered the wisest. - Oh, teacher, what is the trunk of calm? - asked the smartest student. - the trunk of calm is correct picture The world, composed of loyal thoughts and deprived of unnecessary passions, said the wisest. - Oh, teacher, and where are the branches of calm? - asked the favorite student. - Tranquility branches stretch to loved by the spirit of people, "the teacher explained," because those living with calmly gain peace of mind.

Calm is the excess of the energy of internal happiness over negative energies external world. A person shows anxiety and anxiety when he mentally plays the scale of threatening to occur and understands that it is not ready to meet her all. Not enough internal happiness to kill the negative impact of external factors.

A calm person is so "a big ship" that its cargo watering is practically not changing under the influence of cargo. Big ship - Great swimming. Dr. O.G. Torsunov in this context says: "We have inside there is a certain waterline of happiness, the number of happiness in life. If, let's say, Waterlinia, if happiness becomes more in life, a person relaxes. If the happiness is not enough in life, that is, the waterline rises above, the ship is above rising, the cargo is less, happiness is not enough in life, then as a result, a person becomes very tense. He is nervous, angry, he cannot live normally. And what is so calm? Calm - this means that a person has so much power to relate to life correctly that his waterline never changes . Although he has a lot of happiness in life, even little, it is always balanced, peaceful. This means that a very strong person, he can be an example for others. He has a margin of durability internal. This means that his inner happiness is stronger. He has so much in happiness that it is stronger what is happening around. This means that the ship, it has a lot of displacement, and there is a bigger or smaller, the waterline does not change, the ship is big, sailing. That is, it will be fine with him, no wave will betray him. Therefore, there are people with great displacement, that is, they have a lot of happiness fit. And there are people who have little displacement, little happiness fits in life. And people who are able to accommodate a lot of happiness, they can give it to others, and they have a very strong stability of the inner, they are very calm in nature. "

Calm person, possessing significant reserves of internal happiness, can be an excellent mentor, for he can be compassionative. In other words, he will calmly enter the state of another person and will be able to give him real help. People feel this saving power of calm and stretch to her. Near calmness itself becomes calmer.

Calm with any life defold keeps a sober mind and a clear mind. Therefore, it equifimibly perceives the objects of the outside world, does not facilitate internal conflicts and contradictions. Celuchere-posolate see things, what they really are. In response to problematic situations, it always finds time for reflection and thinking, therefore it acts rationally, relying on a deep analysis of the situation, and not for impulsive antics and emotional bursts. Hans Morgolius wrote: "Only in calm waters, things are reflected in undischarged. Only calm consciousness is suitable for the perception of the world. " Calm in a conjunction with self-compliance and other volitional qualities of the individual helps to survive in critical situations and succeed when implementing other life scenarios.

Calm sincerely trusts God and people, benevolently and friendly applies to the world around. It does not show excessive attachment to the objects of the outside world. Excessive attachment is the enemy of calm. Going a leg with a self-control, calm carefully controls the unconscious attachment of feelings to everything that they see, hear and feel.

Calm is the skill of the strength of asceticism and the knowledge of "untie" feelings from attachment to the surrounding objects. It is necessary to control my thoughts and desires on an ongoing basis to show calmness, that is, it is necessary to keep his desired mind in the Jedis and his tentacles. Feelings impregnated with egoism are instantly tied to the objects of their desires. They begin to poke: "I want new carBuy new house, let's go to the Maldives. " Looking at the object, feelings do not give a person to be calm. Sav of feelings is losing peace. A calm, reasonable person, controlling his motives, does not go on the desires and whims of feelings.

This is stated in Bhagavad-gita: "Feelings are so strong and restless that they are forcibly fascinated by the mind of even one who has knowledge and makes a lot of effort to subordinate the mind of their power. The one who removes their feelings from the objects of feelings and holding them in obedience, focuses its consciousness on the highest truth, is called a man with a solid mind. When a person contemplates the objects of senses, he appears affection for them. From this attachment there is a lust, which is then transformed into anger. The anger turns a person in the darkness of illusion, and the illusion leads to a loss of memory, and the mind disappears with memory, and the one who lost the mind falls into the ocean of suffering. However, one who is not tied to anything and does not reject anything, one who follows the regiscient principles reaches liberation and subordinates the feelings, receives all the mercy of the Lord. "

A calm person aware of his imperfection and, strictly treating himself, is not afraid to make mistakes. Thanks to this, he is indulgent to others and takes them as they are actually. Jean Batist Moliere in Misanthrope wrote:

On everything that wakes up such anxiety in you
I look calmly me, as in human properties.
And just to insult me \u200b\u200bcould not
See people vice, and lie, and evil,
How the hawk is not found strangely carnivore,
Martyshka - tricky, and the wolf is bloodthirsty.

Calm shows the path for self-development, gives respect from the outside people, adds confidence to himself, frees from fears and commissionality. A person came to one prince and offered to practice the battle rooster of the prince. Prince agreed. Ten days passed. - Well, how? - asked the prince. - My cock is ready for battle? - No no! He is too arrogant and rushes into a fight. It can not be released! Ten days passed. - Well, now? - No, it's too early. He is very nervous, reacts to everything. A little, where what rooster is crying, he does everything at his own expense. It can not be released. Ten days passed. - And now? - It's too early. Strength and rage overwhelm it, break out out, and it is noticeable. Ten days passed. - Well, now what is it ready? - Now he is ready. It is calm and calm, immobally and as if carved out of wood. On other people's screams do not react. But other roosters do not want to fight with him and, barely envy him, run away with a cry.

A calm person speaks quietly, but amazing fact, everyone is listening carefully. What is the mystery? Why is this happening? Larkor opens simply. A calm person, communicating with other people, does not include his false ego. Accordingly, people do not turn on their false ego. The active hearing is when the ego of the speaker and his listeners sleep. Also, listen to the one who respes. Calm always causes human respect. Other Krikun-Govorun raises the voice, seeking to take the floor, intercept the initiative to itself, satisfy its significance. Increased tones will instantly be the human ego. The opposition arises, disputes and quarrels begin. No one is listening to anyone. All shout simultaneously. Emotion fountain and only. When egoism is present in the words of a person, no one will listen. Calm does not attach something or someone special significance, his ego, like a negligent watchman, eternally dorm. Therefore, it causes sympathy and, like a magnet, attracts people to him.

Calm antipode of tension, irritability and concern. Dr. Pounces in the book "The textbook of confident life" claims that " chief factor Tensions - mental blasting. Meanous mind always feels overloaded. Chaotic state of mind means a confusion that creates tensions. Such a mind only jumps over the problems that he is not able to decide. He nervously dares from one problem to another, never coming to a specific conclusion, in fact, without catching the essence of the matter. Such deferred problems accumulate, pray at each other. And what as a result? The brain gives up, desperately appealing: "I suffocate!" - Just because it is not organized. It is cluttered and itself seems overloaded. Pay attention to the word "seems". When we are relaxed and calm, it is easier to organize our mental work. The result is a feeling of strength and strong self-control. The performance is increasing, as well as the pleasure of what we do. Stress and nervous load fall. Edwin Markham, the American poet and the writer, made such an observation: "In the heart of the cyclone, tearing heaven, is a plot of full rest." Cyclone is gaining its power from a quiet center. So we. Energy action is born from relaxation. Energy is generated and emitted from a calm center. Uncontrolled flashes of rage thugged in recent years not one career. It is unpleasant to work next to the "hot head".

In the human community a woman is served by a woman. It is endowed with the nature of calm hormone. The energy of calm the woman is six times stronger than in men. When a woman is calm, a man is experiencing confidence and inspires personal growth. Therefore, a man "pecks" on calm women. Understanding that he has little of this quality - there is no optimism or pessimism, and there is little calmness, the man subconsciously stretches towards the one who has this quality is plenty - to a woman. Anecdote in the topic. Husband - Wife: - Cute, open my secret to me. How do you always manage to stay so calm after me on you to Naura? The wife is calmly responsible: - very simple. After each of our quarrel, I go to the restroom and start cleaning the toilet. - And how can it calm you? - And I clean his toothbrush!

A calm person has a sense of action and does not tease equilibrium forces with some idealizations. Being mobile and flexible, it easily adapts in harsh life realities. A calm person is aware of himself and his place in the world and does everything possible to maintain harmony with him. In the context of this thought, the parable sounds.

There was one king. And he wanted such a picture that would radiate peace and calm. To each time, looking at her, I became calmer and easier. The award for such a picture was a gold bag. Many artists began to work. When all the pictures were added, the king examined them, but among them only two attracted his attention. On one canvase, a quiet lake was depicted. It, like a mirror, reflected the mountains towering around it and the blue sky with white clouds. On the shore grew out the colors, and the motley butterflies were flushed over them. Everyone who looked at this picture was convinced that this is the perfect painting of peace.

On the second canvas were mountains - sharp and sullen. Above them was the sky, the shower was shovel and sparkled with lightning. On the mountainous wall fell foaming waterfall. It looked in no way peacefully. However, looked after, the king saw a tiny bush, growing out of crevices in a rock under a small stone visor in a rock. On him a bird whine nest. There, surrounded by rapidly falling raging water, despite everything, she continued to surround the chicks. It was this picture that chose the king.

Peter Kovalev 2013 year

Modern people live in a hurry and bustle. Few people can keep calm and peace in the heart. The wrong approach to life and itself, turns around that a person loses a sense of control over his life and is in search of happiness and sense of satisfaction. But, there is another option. You can live, keeping peace of mind. How to do it? Let's look at 7 tips.

1. Everything begins with forgiveness. First of all, you need to forgive yourself. For what? For the mistakes of the past, lost opportunities for their drawbacks. For this you just need to realize that you are yesterday and you today are 2 different personalities. Yesterday you have acted as allowed the level of your consciousness, and today I have already acquired experience and became wiser. Do not blame yourself for your past - it is meaningless. Just forgive and thank the life for the fact that you were able to realize and understand your mistakes. Release them and do not look back.

2. Get Freedom from Dependeswho gnaw your soul. Someone cannot cope with smoking, someone's social networks, and there are those who have developed dependence on people. Do not be afraid to break with these controlling dependencies, and you will gain lightness and freedom that are the basis of peace of mind.

3. Another component of our lives that destroys peace of mind - it's a hurry. Court with this phenomenon is a bit more complicated, because it will take time to form new habits. Planning, ability to deny, control their promises, as well as awareness of the value of time, will help you to master the time management skills. When you plan your time, not allowing anyone and steal it with you, you will forget about the hurry and stress that she provokes.

4. What we fill your soul and mind, defines our inner state. If you are exposing yourself to excess information loads, do not follow what you read, see and listen, you will always have "porridge in my head" and "Cocktail of complex emotions". Start today to control the flow of information, not allowing anything that does not benefit, and your mind will always be clear, and emotions are controlled.

5. Rest you need to restore your mental balance, energy, strength. Its lack of negatively affects all the spheres of our life, but in the first place our soul suffers. Loss of harmony and tranquility due to overwork, simply inevitable. Find a time to restore spiritual and physical forces.

6. It is necessary to learn to see in all positive prospects, extracting from every situation is all better. No matter what a negative situation is, there is always something good that you can take out of it. Therefore, rebuild your thinking in search positive momentsAnd when it becomes your habit, you will always keep calm and joy in the shower.

7. Remember the most important thing - our mental state is influenced by the people with whom we come closer and spend a lot of time. Therefore, review your circle of communication and try to remove yourself from those people who try to break your calm in every way, to undermine faith in success and own forces! Replace their those who help you, charges positive energy and fills with joy.