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I am a successful person. What does it mean to be successful? The results of the survey

Probably, very many concerns the question of what people become successful, and which are not. We are constantly visible from the screens of TVs people who have achieved success, and in the depths of the soul sigh about why this is an unbearable task for us. It turns out everything in our hands!

Concept of success

Success is a rather tensile concept. Each person determines success for himself in its own way. For one to become successful - means to manage a large company or organization, and for the other - just find your place in life. Someone will consider himself successful by receiving money, and someone - building a family. Everything is individually and depends on the personal characteristics of a particular person. Nevertheless, there are general characteristics that determine the success in life.

What is he - a successful person?

A person who accompanies in life success is visible to the naked eye. He has a radiant look, a happy smile and solid gait. He is so radiated fluids of luck and confidence.

A successful person is, above all, that person who:

  • Does not work, which he does not like. He enjoys the case that is engaged in. In addition, his occupation brings him an income that suits him. If the monetary remuneration received for work becomes unacceptable for it, it takes some actions to correct the situation.
  • It is purposeful, always reaches its purpose, and this achievement does not exhaust it, but makes more professional.
  • It has creative, non-standard thinking, does not produce stereotypical actions. Such a person does not seek to merge with the crowd, to be like everything.

Steps to gaining success in life

How to become a successful person? It is known that people are not born, but become. And this is great news! Consequently, it is available to everyone. All you need is to take a number of steps or measures to help find this treasure. You can simply watch people who attract their independence and confidence, and you can read books. How to become a successful person, tells in many printed publications. In any case, you need to start acting and do it right now.

Perhaps on the way to success you will be waiting for various barriers and obstacles. Do not be afraid and give up ahead of time. The main thing is to believe in yourself, in your strength, and the result will come sooner or later. Any rollers back will allow a different look at the situation, see their mistakes to continue to repeat them.

Specific goal

To achieve success, you need clear, accurate goals. There should be no vague and foggy. Otherwise, no advice, how to become a successful person will not help.

The goal can be very bold and long-term, nothing terrible. In this case, it should be divided into minor tasks, which will be completed, you will approach the ultimate goal. For example, if you want to achieve a head of the head in the leading company, it is possible and you need to start with lower positions, gradually rising up the service staircase. So concrete!

Sequential steps

To implement the intended tasks, you need to develop concrete steps, that is, your actions that you will be performed to achieve the ultimate goal. For example, you need to outline where you need to call, go, to whom to talk, or maybe make friends so that your plan moves and was not stood.

People who have become successful put for this maximum effort and labor. They did not sit on the spot. They were constantly in motion, found new ways to solve the task. For example, you want to get to an attractive place for you, but the vacancies are closed, and this means that you will not officially get this job. However, it is possible to get acquainted with someone acquaintance, try to get into the same organization, but to another position, looking at what an open vacancy is available in the data bank. From another place of work, then you can move to the desired, because any movement inside the team occurs much easier.

Flexibility in the implementation of the intended

It is difficult to become successful if you exercise stubbornness and hardware. If something fails to be carried out in one ways, there may be other ways to solve the task. Usually advice, how to become a successful person do not help those who are stubborn in a negative understanding of this word and do not respond to permanent barriers sent to him. In this case, most likely, it is worth considering their goals and tasks and adjust the course.

Reasonable deadlines

When we think about how to become a successful person, we just need to set specific time. When they are blurred and undefined, it acts very relaxingly, a person cannot concentrate on achieved to start acting further. Dates should not be very compressed or very stretched. It is necessary to objectively assess its strength and opportunities, then not to suffer from the complex of inferiority, from the fact that he did not have time or very relaxed from an exorbitant long term.

Qualities necessary for a successful person

To achieve a goal, you must have some qualities. Many people when thinking about how to become a successful person and what depends on general success, for some reason they mistakenly believe that the case is only in luck. They say, one lucky more, and another just such unfortunate fate.

All this is not so. To be successful in affairs, family and in other life situations, you only need to have a number of qualities, without which such a person is unthinkable.

So you need to be:

  • Confident man. It's not easy at all, this is not trained in school, often the family can not give confidence to their children. There are a lot of insecure people around, among them you can hardly find a successful person. Therefore, you need to do everything to achieve vital confidence. If you need to read a lot of books for this, do it if you need trainings - attend them. In a word, you need to use everything that brings you to confidence.
  • Independent of other people's opinions and judgments. It is impossible to dissolve in the crowd, and even more so leather someone's views. It is important to have your own point of view on various issues and situations. Try not to think subjectively, but on the contrary, learn the ability to look at one or another situation from the side.
  • Self-critical. You need to be able to soberly assess yourself, your actions in order to make the necessary adjustments in time and action. You need to be able to admit your mistakes and at the same time not to spend time on self-vacation. It should be understood that everything can be wrong.
  • Fearless, who knows how to risk. In fact, it is almost impossible without prior preparation. All we are afraid of something. If difficult situations happen in our lives, we are experiencing a stress load. You need to be able to cope with your stress, no matter how difficult it is. Stress resistance is very important quality that is often even assessed with a device for work.
  • Optimist. Without constantly good arrangement of the Spirit, it is even difficult to imagine a successful person. The one who is constantly dying is unlikely to be able to achieve success in life. It is necessary to learn to enjoy not only from the result, but also from the process, including from the process of turning into a successful personality.
  • Really loving the case he is engaged in. If you do an unloved business, it is impossible to achieve success in it. You need to "burn" with your work, have a great desire to do it. Well, when the work coincides with the hobby. Often seeks the success of the one who began to deal with something not because there was a prospect of earning, but because he just liked him insanely. That is why the young man became successful.

And what prevents from being a confident person?

Many people have qualities that interfere with success and generally slow down the harmonious personality development. If you carefully follow yourself, you can notice these features, and then gradually eradicate them. Here is some of them:

  • Lack of self-confidence and understated self-esteem. Success simply cannot exist side by side with such problems. It is even funny even to look at an unsure man who thinks: "I want to become a successful person!"
  • Fear failure. Many people are so afraid that they refuse those chances in advance that the life presents them. However, whoever does not risk, the one is known, does not receive awards, so you need to learn not to be afraid of defeat.
  • The accusation of others in their failures. This is a matter of many people who are trying to shift responsibility for their missions on others, and then they are accused of what they did not work. This is already knowingly losing, and success can not be expected.
  • Unmotivation. If there is no interest, it is impossible to succeed in any matter. This is the proven truth for a long time, so you always need to look for that for which we will perform certain actions.
  • Lack of self-discipline. The discipline must be in the first place in a person who seeks success. It is impossible to allow yourself to relax on the way to the target target. The rest should also be strictly on schedule, and not when it is pleased.
  • Insufficient flexibility. This applies not only to actions, but also thinking in general. It is important to be able to change your views as quickly as it takes time or situation.


When someone wonders on how to become a successful person, but nothing for this does, but only envies the one who has managed to achieve something in his own life, it can be safely argued that he will not achieve the desired.

It is very important not just to speak or dream, but to act. Each step brings you to your dream, and inaction, on the contrary, throws back. It is the energy and there is a driving force of success. You need to believe in what is conceived, and this will certainly come true. After all, very many successful people living now or before us, once were the same as we. They also started, and they had as many fears. However, they did everything. It turns out and here!

Today at the round table we will discuss the topic of success.

Who is a successful person? How to become successful? Is it possible to learn this or should be born successful? Is the statement true that a successful person is successful in everything?

In my opinion, the success of a person can be assessed in two criteria: external and inner. External is socially appreciated in this culture. Signs of success (status, condition, social situation, etc.). Internal - these are the individual criteria for each individual personality, for which he relates (or does not relate to) into the category of successful people. And they can, as the coincidence with external (fully or partially), and be completely different. If a person relies in his life only on external criteria, it is gradually incredibly neurotic (as competition is high) and maybe in this race for external attributes successes to completely lose themselves, their needs and values. This is fraught with disappointment in adulthood, dissatisfaction with life and the inability to effectively resolve existential crises. But the second option (reliance only on the internal criteria) is also not ideal, it can lead to a complete separation from reality, a decrease in social adaptation and even social rejection.

Therefore, it seems optimal to me that a mixed version appears when a person is based on the external and internal criteria, compiling them in an individual and acceptable proportion. At the same time, it is important not to forget every time in the process of movement to success to check your well-being (both physical and psychological), to be able to hear their basic needs and not ignore them.

If we talk about the strategies to achieve success, it seems to me that important elements of any of them will be the following things:

  • persistence. Success comes as a result of many efforts, usually does not come to those who do only one effort on the way to it.
  • ability to experience failures. It must be done, allowing everyone as a result of failure feelings to manifest itself and live in your body, to be able to express these feelings, then after anger, despair and devastation to you will come new impulses, new energy and new resources.
  • attitude towards success. If you do not put success at the head of the corner, and the main purpose of your life is still to determine our own personal development (and success is considered as a side effect of development), then (as practice shows) the success becomes much more achievable.
  • support. It is important on the way of our own development (he is the way to success) to be able to find a support everywhere where it can be taken. For this, it is important for a person to enjoy communicative skills, to be open to peace and experience, respect yourself and others.

If you briefly try to express my main idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess and success, then it is probably possible to do this: if you develop and go to the path intended for you, you will always be successful. Success can be determined by different criteria, but the main thing, after all - your own attitude towards yourself and its success.

Success is a achievement of some significant result, right?

Speaking about himself "I am a successful person," I recognize that I achieve important results for myself in life.

The achievement of the result is developing, in my opinion, from the three main components:

1. I know exactly what I want,

2. I believe that I can secure myself,

3. Act.

If you translate into the language of psychology, this is an understanding of your own needs, adequate self-esteem and activities.

From practical experience I know that the maximum number of problems on the way to success happens, oddly enough, with the first item. People do not know what they need, do not know their individual characteristics and aspirations. Maybe therefore further do not pass. In fact, it is impossible to go "I don't know where" and receive satisfying results.

A person may look socially very successful - good work, living conditions, family, even hobby available :-). But inside - longing. Something is important, important for this person - they are not understood and, as a result, is not implemented.

Most often, the inability to understand their needs is formed in childhood and is fixed later in adolescence. The mechanism of forming a lack of understanding of a simple - medium in which a child lives, does not attach any value to his desires and aspirations, and the child learns not to perceive them. And searches for other ways to regulate your life.

Anecdote on this topic:

- Vova, home!

- Mom, I, what, frozen?

- Not.

- I'm hungry?

- Not.

- And then what?

- You want to do lessons.

For me, in practical work in the subject of success, the problem of chronic unusual success is the most interesting. What it is? This is when a person seems to not recognize that the result achieved is successful. Well, that's not all. The mountains have already turned out like, and no satisfaction, no joy, nor pride in their achievements really experienced - a painful and empty situation.

This situation has different sources. Most often, parental messages, for example, "you should be better than all", or "never stop". These messages are not easy to change, they are deep, as if fixed in the cell level. But when gradually the power of the message becomes less and less, the person begins to perceive life in a different way - "as a mountain from the shoulders."

And in the possibility of such changes - for me a lot of inspiration!

I agree with colleagues in the fact that the success is most often an external criterion, evaluative. Success is always determined by whose eyes and someone's opinions. Through certain social attributes, which in this social group are considered significant. Successful person more often declared others than he himself. He himself will rather tell about his comfort, about happiness, as he was already noticed, about interest in life and about satisfaction, but not about success.

In my opinion, the words "success" and "success" have fundamentally different shades. Success is the compliance of the result and the target originally. If the goal corresponded to the needs of a person, his deep desires, his abilities and was generally harmonious for his personality, then success is only a natural consequence of the right goal and competently attached efforts.

The success of the same label, the conformity of human life with certain external criteria, a certain "facade", followed by anything, including internal dissatisfaction.

For mask success, those who are not very confident are often hidden in their own significance, in the legitimacy of their own desires, doubts their abilities, feels a shortage of love and approval. And for such a person, it is successful - this means to finally get a positive assessment of yourself, to get love, approval, and maybe envy - it is important that a person will be recognized as significant. And, accordingly, will get more self-confidence. Meanwhile, in such a way, the true needs are often not realized, and sometimes all this leads to the fact that the external, socially recognized halo of success is achieved, and the internally accumulates dissatisfaction, because the true needs are not taken into account and are not recognized. Because of this, a person often comes into the race. Thinking that the more approval and recognition he gets (and the more successful it will be in the eyes of others), the more comfortable it will be in himself. But often it turns out to be strictly the opposite - the more strength is spent on the race for the success, the stronger the tension and is sharp dissatisfaction with itself.

I do not think that the external criteria for success should be relying. What is suitable for one, it can not be completely different. Material needs are different. Abilities - too. Yes, and quality, human tasks in life are very individual.

Therefore, it makes sense to look for your true needs and implement them. Build adequate self-esteem. A happy and implemented person who knows how to appreciate itself, will not be too much importance to attach the views of the "wide audience". Meanwhile, the most real success is often coming to such people. And even more deepens satisfaction with life. Yes, and those who support and approve of such a person are also always located.

Success can be learned. It is enough to start to imitate those you consider successful. Use their methods. Corresponding to the image, which is essentially in detail with social conventions. That's just not always guarantees happiness.

Success can also be learned. Only for this you need to look in the opposite direction, not intense, but inside yourself. Search for your purpose. His talents and "raisins". Use competently your qualities, and not grow artificially. And to be similar only to yourself, that is, any information, any training or information that can be useful to skip through the filter "And how suitable it is for me?" On this path, much more chances not only to achieve success (socially), but also to become happy.

How to be a successful person? This question is one of the most exciting in modern life. We think about success and say, films are shooting and writing books, a huge number of psychological trainings are held on the subject of success. Therefore, a large luggage of knowledge has accumulated in this area. Psychologists and non-professional researchers made conclusions about the essence of success, the qualities of a successful person and what prevents life achievements is made, detailed recommendations and algorithms for success are written, tactics and strategy for conquering and conquering life vertices have been developed. Some of these recommendations we will analyze below.

To become successful, you must first understand what success is in your understanding. After all, the definitions of this concept in different people can differ significantly. For whom, success is money and glory, for someone - professional achievements and recognition of talent, and for someone - the presence of a loved one, family and children. Other options are possible, some of which may seem strange to everyone, except for those who seek them.

And yet there are some universal indicators and definitions of success and a successful person. A successful person is the one who does what he likes, getting from his profession and money, and pleasure. This is the one who reaches the intended goals. The one who thinks is non-standard and goes out the faded paths to the top. And comes there much earlier than others.

How to achieve success? Even the longest and difficult path begins with the first step. Technology achieve success is simple: you make the first step, then the second, third and so on. Sometimes you have to stop, sometimes - to make bypass maneuvers. This is normal. If you do not miss the main one and do not turn the path from the intended path.

Sequence of actions to achieve success:

  1. Put specific goals. "I want to earn a lot" - a very vague desire. It is necessary to understand well how much exactly you want to earn to feel that you have achieved vitality.
  2. Set the deadlines for achieving these goals. "Increase income twice a year" - a specific goal with clear terms.
  3. Consider different embodiments of the scheduled. In order to double the income, you can go to work to another company, where such salary is paid, you can work on two works, and you can open your business or even change the profession. Think of what option is easier to implement and what will bring you more pleasure.
  4. Plan concrete steps. For example, to go to work in another company, you need to start contacts with those who work there, to find out which requirements are presented to candidates, tighten those items that do not correspond to the summary, etc.
  5. Show flexibility. If something from the planned did not work out, look for other ways and ways to achieve the goal.
What does success depend on and why does someone get to achieve everything that is intended and even more, and someone does not work anything? There may be a lot of reasons, but the main thing is not the fate of the villain. Obviously, to achieve success, a person requires certain character qualities, as well as some skills and useful habits. Consider, can help you be a successful person:
  • Perseverance, in everyday life, often refinable. Good luck - not at all synonymous for success, and on the way to the desired goals you will definitely raise small and large failures. Perseverance will help to go further and do not fall in spirit.
  • Self confidence. This quality is not all given from birth and not always purchased through school and home education. But without him, do not come to success, so you have to develop it. The simplest and most effective recommendation to those who suffer from self-satisfaction: inhere themselves and act as a confident person, no matter how terribly. The surroundings will believe that you will be all over the shoulder and eventually you will kill you.
  • Independence. Your thoughts, as well as your deeds should not depend on the opinions of others around or from stereotypes imposed by a system with a society, the authorities in the profession, the complex of your own installations. Think globally and always try to look at the situation on the part.
  • Creativity. A creative approach to business is useful not only to lyrics, but also to physicists. It helps to find new ways and unexpected decisions that will continue to be successful.
  • Stress tolerance. A person who actively acts and coming in life with seven-world steps often has to be in a psychologically uncomfortable setting. And not only is located, but to work: think, analyze, make optimal solutions. Therefore, such quality, as stress resistance, he is very and very useful.
  • Self-critical. With all your real or intake self-confidence, you do not have to forget that you are not flawless. You may be mistaken, including in large. The ability critically refers to their actions, as well as the understanding of their weaknesses and deficiencies can be your weapon in the struggle for the championship.
  • The ability to focus on the main thing. Life, as well as work, many-sided and diverse. There is always a chance to distract to something minor and losing time and other resources. If you can constantly keep your main goal in my head, remember the events in the whirlpool, the chances of achieving success are very great.
  • The vigor of the spirit and optimism. Without him nowhere. It is unlikely that someone, seeking success, presents itself in the form of a displeased grouse in the world, sitting on a bag of money. A positive attitude is important at all stages of life and professional path, without the ability to look at things in a positive key and seeing good survival around themselves very difficult. And even more so not to survive, but to live with pleasure. After all, a successful person is not only the one who has achieved glory, wealth and recognition, but the one who can enjoy all this. Including when all the achievements are only in the plans.
  • Love and even passion for the lesson of the whole life. To be a successful person, you need to be passionately to love what you are doing. Only subject to this condition can be obtained from its fate something significant instead. If you choose the whole life, proceeding only from its financial profitability, then you, of course, can achieve certain success in it. Your successes can be even significant, but still a breakthrough in your field you are most likely not committing. After all, you will not give up your profession with all the soul, and you will use it only for life benefits. And she will not deliver pleasure. Thus, one of the important conditions of success will not be respected.
In addition to the qualities necessary to a successful person, there are qualities and character traits, it is completely unnecessary. Here is some of them:
  • Low self-esteem and insecurity
  • Fear fail
  • Lack of thinking flexibility
  • Fear of any change
  • Habit to seek to blame
  • Breaking and inability to focus
  • No motivation
From these qualities, the future successful person must be easily eliminated. This will be the first step on a long path to success.

And the achievement of this is one of the popular topics of modern psychology. We will try to find an answer to a number of questions.

  • What is successful different from unsuccessful?
  • How to achieve this?
  • What are the criteria and success standards available in society?

In modern Russia, the welfare of a citizen is usually judged by the prestigious car expensive and known from famous and fashionable designers, the ability to rest abroad. But, these are only external signs, since a successful person has for special features that distinguish it from others. Let's talk about this in more detail.

First. A successful person will look for opportunities, and unsuccessful - excuses and obstacles. For example, in a difficult situation, the lack of money, the first will find a way to earn, and the second - will announce the reasons why it is difficult to earn in the period

Second. A successful person will act, despite reluctance, ignorance and fear. The unsuccessful - postponed "for later." The second category is usually passively waiting for the problem to solve "in itself."

Third. A successful person is a person who will always strive for more than he is currently. Otherwise, a special life philosophy begins to act: "Why? So it comes down as it is."

Fourth. A successful person will not be afraid to fall, because he knows what will make everything to rise again. He has no fear and fears. The unsuccessful all the time is afraid that makes a mistake, because it will not even try to get up again on his feet.

Fifth. A successful person will not need to be stimulated from the outside, since he is self-motive, driven by excitement and needs to prove power, interest and ability to achieve their goal. Otherwise, it will take the maximum amount of effort so that the subject conscious is finally what seeks to what.

Sixth. Successful is not afraid to risk, because it understands that life is not predictable. That is why negative circumstances will be able to intervene in the most thoughtful plan. But from this thought unsuccessful refuse to act. Therefore, only installation on it will be the main.

Seventh. A successful person can be patient, ready to go long to his goal. Moreover, he is aware that it will take a large amount of labor to solve problems.

Eighth. Successful will not be afraid to get a failure, and the unsuccessful this situation will be able to "knock out the saddle." Moreover, if trying to achieve something in life, then without difficult moments it is not necessary.

Ninth. A successful person believes only in itself, and unsuccessful words and opinions of others about themselves and about the world around. Moreover, the second category of citizens is usually subordinate to the views of the team, agreeing sooner or later with a generally accepted point of view.

Tenth. A successful person "helps" in the activity of a big dream, worthy and unsuccessful - will pursue small and non-smooth goals. In history, there are a large number of examples when success came when the target unattained at first glance was chosen. But with the right even very bold strategy will be implemented.

Therefore, if we talk about how to be a successful person, then an unequivocal answer can be as follows. It is recommended to generate the necessary for this quality. It is available to each person if there is a desire.

If we talk about how to try to develop the specified qualities, then you need to keep in mind. Only in the event that constant development and adjustment of their thoughts and actions occurs in the specified direction, then it will be possible to become successful very quickly.

No matter how people like to equality in life, they still have everything, others only complain about their destiny and bend on pellets or simply survive, more or less reduced ends with ends. What is the matter? What is one - a successful person, and the second remains a loser in life?

What is the success

From the small years, each of us dreams of becoming a successful, rich and famous, but not all this dream is carried out. And the point here is not in fate, as many believe, but in the desire for the goal. Those who can not get out of poverty, do not even think about the fact that they themselves are the creators of their fate. For this reason, they are just sitting, pulling the sleeves, and they are waiting that in their life, too, everything will be done by itself. And in this they are deeply mistaken.

The same people who have success and stand on the social staircase a little higher, passed the hard way to him. They set themselves the target and walked to her, despite difficulties, and ultimately achieved what they wanted in their lives. At the right moment, they take the brazards of the board with life in their hands and belong to this with full responsibility.

A successful man and a woman will always look at a positive look at any situation, even if she brings fails, and for the motto they take the phrase: "What is not done is always for the better." Such people are always optimistic and do not give up under any circumstances. Their favorite books and films are only with a positive plot. They exclude the whole negative from their lives.

A successful person is always calm and balanced. It does not allow his emotions to take over the consciousness, for this simple reason he never happens to be depressed. Successful personality in everything will be only when it seeks everything herself, and many know about it. Therefore, in order to succeed, it is necessary to move forward by the field of heart, and not for someone's advice, whether parents or influential members of society. For those who wish to achieve their goal, there are unlawful rules for successful people.

Rules of all successful people

Most people live according to the principle: built a house, the son raised, planted a tree, which means he reached his goal in life. But at the very matter, everything is completely wrong. For a successful man, the mission does not end. It is stupid and the purposefulness, patience and thirst to achieve his goal. In order to fulfill a dream, a successful man holds in his life of the rules that cannot be neglected.

The rules of a successful person are as follows:

  1. First of all, a successful man must be balanced and judicious. In no case, he should not lose their composure, stick in disputes or various debates. He holds all his emotions with him.
  2. One who dreams of achieving success will always objectively assess any situation associated with his movements to a cherished dream. He will never boast of success, which was not achieved by his work, will never be discouraged because of his failure. In addition, all the achievements of a successful person regards as a fair fee for his works.
  3. Successful personality that brings up discipline and self-control. In order to become the one who he wants to be, has to sacrifice his small less priority desires.
  4. The secrets of all successful people are still concluded in order to be able to organize the team and lead them.
  5. If you want to be successful, you should know that the hardness of the word and loyalty to him is something that causes not only respect, but also inspires confidence in such a person, thanks to which success gradually comes.
  6. Thanks to respect and confidence in a successful man, people consider him an authority for themselves. In addition, he has a knowledge that uses. Thanks to respect and confidence of other people to a successful man or woman, they are for them authorities. In addition, they have knowledge that uses
  7. The secrets of any successful person also concluded in its hard work. On the way to the cherished dream, he works not to twist the hands and ultimately achieves success.
  8. Before becoming successful, almost each of us is subjected to temptations to achieve wealth with a dishonest way, therefore the main thing is that honesty and morality will take over, and you could fully say that we achieved success only in good faith.
  9. The rules of each successful person still consist in the fact that it is not capable of greed. In a difficult moment, he will help relatives and close people either will be in charity. This, he again deserves authority among people.
  10. Among other things, the successful person is well developed intuition, so that it quickly makes decisions, analyzes the current situation and, if successful is risk. But with failure, she does not blame himself in a similar event itself or someone else, but trying to extract from the happening lesson.
  11. But the most basic rule of all successful people is the passion and love of the case they are engaged in, as well as enthusiasm, with which they move to the goal. And, of course, faith in success. Even in the event of failure, such people say: "I can do everything, nothing is impossible for me."

Qualities of successful personality

A successful man and a woman differ in their foresight, while an ordinary person can look at a simple thing and not pay attention to it, successful - in the same subject will see a lot of ideas, thanks to which you can get a colossal profit. One of these people is Warren Edward Buffett.

He was awarded the title "The most successful and successful investor." Good luck is accompanied by the small years. The secrets of this successful person are concluded in its commercial talents that manifested themselves at an early age. In his first six years, this Edward earned his first money, while using less successful people. At that time, he bought the packaging of bottles with Coca-Cola, and this is six cans, for twenty-five cents. And then sold them to his friends five cents each. Then, at eleven years, he began to play on the stock exchange and buy, and then sell shares. And after fifteen years later, he earned his first ten thousand dollars. At the moment, Edward has already earned several tens of millions.

If you analyze the life of successful people, then you can note their independence in the first place. They are not burdened with any serious responsibilities, but at the same time they always take care of their relatives. In addition, such a person is always confident in himself and in his abilities and relies only on them. Because only with this location of things, he can achieve success and even because of any failure is able to benefit.

Persistence is also one of the positive features of a successful personality. He goes forward to his goal, falling and rising, and falling again. But at the same time it does not go off the planned path. In addition, his imagination is so developed, and so that he invented, neither embodied in life, all this brings great success.

The person who put the life goal and consciously goes to her, while always knows the price to his work and herself in particular. To achieve similar results, it goes forward with a high head-raised. Because a successful person, successful in everything, should always be remembered about it.

In addition, successful people are always only positively thinking and exclude the whole negative from their lives. They work a lot so that success does not leave their home. Also, a successful personality has another positive trait - passion. In this case, a person must be accepted with passion for his favorite case, which will later lead only to success.

If you have all the above features of character, you can fully accept for your favorite case, which will eventually lead only to a positive result and will help achieve a cherished dream. Otherwise, you need to develop these qualities in yourself and seek success.