Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

How to make natural cooling at home. Cooling a house (apartment) in the heat without air conditioning

If you are faced with heat and there is no air conditioning, then they will help you bear all the hardships more easily high temperature the following tips.

    Douse yourself with water or swim in ponds. The relief from such an event is almost instantaneous and allows you to hold out for an hour or more.

    Moisten clean water T-shirt and put it on yourself. Instead of sweat, water will evaporate from the surface of the body, cooling it, preserving healthy salts in organism. Just don't use cold water so as not to catch a cold in the heat.

    Wet your wrists with a piece of ice wrapped in a towel or bag. Do not allow ice to come into direct contact with your body - it is harmful.

    If you have an unwanted shirt or pants, wet the sleeves or legs with water. Just, again, do not use cold water - too sharp temperature contrasts are dangerous for the body.

    An excellent remedy is to use mineral or simple drinking water sugarless. The mineral water perfectly cools the cervical region, reducing the temperature of the blood entering the brain.

    Dampen the scarf and tie it around your neck. There are thermal receptors on the neck and legs, by acting on which you can easily regulate body temperature.

    Fill the bathtub with regular warm water, in which you traditionally wash, and lie down in the bath for a while. Once your body has adjusted to the temperature, change some of the bath water to cooler water and wait again. Repeat this procedure several times, adding cooler water in portions, thereby gradually accustoming the body to coolness. Just don’t let the water get too cold; you can easily get pneumonia.

    If you are not engaged in active work, constantly replenish your body with water, even if you don’t have a special desire for water. The consequences of dehydration will inevitably lead to overheating, heat stroke and even death.

    Remove all excess clothing, or replace it with shorter ones. In hot weather, it is best to wear cotton and silk (not to be confused with artificial silk!) clothes. No synthetics (polyester) - the body must breathe. Depending on the situation and where you are, try to remove as much clothing as possible. If you are alone at home, then go without anything at all! Replace your boots and shoes with flip-flops, take off your socks, and go barefoot at home. Most heat leaves the body through the soles of the feet (which is why socks often smell bad), the head and the wrists.

    Wear clothes light colors(white, yellow, orange, light blue, pale gray, one-off). Dark clothing absorbs the sun's rays more.

    Wear a hat. Even a cap folded from newspaper will do. Thermal curtain under the headdress accumulates moisture, which cools the head and creates thermal resistance on the path of warm air to the head. Better let your head sweat. If your body sweats, it means it is resisting elevated temperatures and preventing overheating. This is an axiom!

    Avoid direct sunlight. If you need to move to sunny weather, wear a wide hat and loose cotton clothing.

    If possible, go down as low as possible, go to the basement. It is known that warm air lighter and tends to fill the higher floors of the building.

    If it is not possible to hide in the basement, curtain the windows with light, thick curtains or stick reflective film on the windows. Just stick it not from the inside of the room, as lazy people do, but from the outside, or at least in the opening between the windows. If there is no film, sheets of newspaper or writing paper will do. Hang blinds on the windows.

    Use a fan indoors. Once the rooms have cooled down overnight and in the morning, close and curtain all the windows. Use an air ozonizer in your home to reduce acrid smoke from peat burning and fires.

    At night, set the fan to blow out as close to the window as possible or directly on the window. After some time in the rooms you will feel a pleasant breeze from the cool air from the street. In addition, your sleep will improve.

    Minimize the number and duration of switching on lighting fixtures, irons, TVs, computers and everything that noticeably produces heat. Turning off the computer in small room reduces the air temperature in it by 1-2 degrees!

    You can take a bath using products containing menthol and mint.

    In stuffy transport, you can sniff mint oil purchased at a pharmacy (priced at around 40 rubles). The smell of mint or menthol creates a slight cooling effect.

    Take a large glass and fill it to the brim with ice cubes from the freezer. Hold the glass near your mouth and blow into it. Hot air, cooling against the ice, will return cooled from the cup and spread over the face.

    It is possible to breathe like a yogi using a practice known as shitali pranayama. Sit in a crisscross position and slowly take a few deep breaths in and out. Curl your tongue into a tube so that the tip of your tongue is on the outside of your mouth. Continuing to take slow, deep breaths, breathe through the tube from your tongue and then move your chin to your chest and exhale through your nose. Do this 5-10 times and you should start to feel calmer. Dogs often use their tongues to cool themselves down, perhaps this yoga practice is learned from dogs

    Eat spicy foods. It’s not for nothing that in countries with hot climates people eat spicy food. Spices increase sweating, which cools the body. In addition, spices provide a rush of endorphins, which will help distract you from bad thoughts due to the heat.

    Moisten a cloth with rubbing alcohol and wipe your face, lower legs, and stomach. The alcohol evaporates and cools the body. Do not overuse alcohol to avoid drying out your skin.

    You can get cool drinks at home even without a refrigerator and faster. Simply take the mineral water bottles you need and place them in a jug or bucket of cold water from the tap. Check back periodically and refresh the cold water. Since heat exchange occurs through the wall with cold water, and not with air, drinks cool much faster than in the refrigerator.

    Eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink vegetable juices. Eat watermelon. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol or reduce your consumption!

    Read books where people climb mountains with snow, fight the winds in the Arctic, about polar bears, etc.

Remember that for many centuries the human race lived without any air conditioning. The human body is capable of adapting to the current hot weather, but you will have to obey and change some of your usual behavior patterns and preferences so that the next hot summer does not become your last in your life.


    People in good health usually can easily tolerate heat and temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius. However, in people with weakened heart conditions. Kidneys, serious ailments may occur. Therefore, people should avoid being outdoors during the daytime and hours when the concentration of smog is high. Drink more water.

    Infants, children and pregnant women require special attention, since horses are lighter than others and are prone to overheating.

    If you are experiencing dehydration and signs of heatstroke, seek immediate medical attention.

    Remember that a body temperature of 40 degrees is the bar beyond which serious problems with human life, and a threshold of 45 degrees will bring you closer to death very quickly. Use all sorts available methods cool yourself no matter the cost.

Cooling the air in the summer is one of the top priorities for homeowners. This article will tell you how to use the energy around us for this purpose and make air conditioning practically free.

The importance of ventilation cannot be overestimated. We will not repeat what has been described many times and will focus on our own task - to cool and refresh the air in the house. Traditional ventilation systems can be quite expensive to install due to the cost of components and assemblies, as well as the cost of qualified installation work.

During operation, they consume a significant amount of electricity, especially for cooling air mass, generate a lot of heat and create noise. The system described in this article is easy to install, energy efficient, does not require special skills and is intuitive. It’s worth noting right away that due to its simplicity, it has limited functions, but it provides for modernization in any area at any convenient time.

In our case, the term “recovery” is a synonym for the word “heat exchange”, therefore the concepts “recuperator” and “heat exchanger” are interchangeable. At the physical level, the process consists of cooling/heating air, changing its temperature due to the consumption of thermal energy, and then mixing. How and why this happens, we will look further.

Stable Energy Source

Pursuing the goal of lowering the room temperature in the summer, it is reasonable to ask the question: “Where to give the energy of the heated atmospheric air? How to cool it? Here the forces of nature come to our aid. The fact that at a certain depth the soil temperature is constant will be our main argument when justifying the energy efficiency of the system.

The soil is capable of endlessly exchanging energy - cooling and heating any medium (air, water), but only to its own temperature at a given depth, which remains constant due to the relative stability of the earth's core.

International practice

Of course, we are far from the first who decided to use the endless and free energy of the Earth. IN European countries, which are usually called developed (Germany, Sweden, Belgium, etc.) have been using this energy since the beginning of the last century. The successes achieved in this field are impressive.

Heat exchange systems for water below ground level are called “heat pumps.” These underground and underwater devices heat and cool the entire home. Standard projects have been developed for any building and it is possible to convert the house from a traditional (gas, electric) air conditioning system to heat pumps. In a similar, but more primitive way, this energy is used in our country by arranging underground food storage facilities (cellars).

What is good about a natural heat exchanger?

The operation of our recuperator is based on the same physical process, as in heat pumps. Focusing on economy, we use this principle, bringing it under own needs and local realities.

Problems that an adapted autonomous recuperator can solve:

  1. Constant natural ventilation behind closed doors and windows.
  2. Quickly replace indoor air with fresh air.
  3. Cooling the air in the room.
  4. Preparing the air mixture for subsequent actions.


  1. Absolutely environmentally friendly. During installation and operation basic system no toxic materials are used and no heat is released into the atmosphere.
  2. Safety. The recuperator does not use electric motors (with a power of more than 100 W), chemical agents, or high voltage.
  3. Simplicity and cheapness. For forced ventilation are used only rarely powerful fans power 100 W. Ventilation occurs naturally.
  4. Oxygen is not burned during operation.
  5. Low noise level.


  • the basic system does not provide for filtration, humidity control, heating or other processing of the air mixture (but allows for the possibility of installing appropriate equipment later).

Simple and clear system

Autonomous heat exchanger for country house is a system of ventilation ducts, partially laid underground, included in the supply and exhaust ventilation circuit. In order to create such an “air conditioner”, it is not necessary to understand the intricacies physical phenomena. Just knowing that it works is enough. You can verify this by going down into any basement, well or subway in the heat.

The operating principle is as follows:

  1. Atmospheric air passes through pipes laid in the ground at a constant temperature (usually from +4 to +10 ° C).
  2. In the underground part, cool soil absorbs thermal energy heated air.
  3. Cooled air is delivered through ventilation ducts to the premises of the house.
  4. Simultaneously exhaust fan removes saturated and heated air mixture (“old air”) from the room.

According to the principle of construction, such systems are divided into two main types: pipe and bunker.

Pipe - consists entirely of pipes. The design can be varied depending on the conditions of the site. Suitable for reconstructing a house without a spacious basement, but it will require a lot of work earthworks.

Bunker or stone - the heat exchanger is a bunker filled with large stones. Occupies less area than a pipe one (you can arrange it in the basement of the house). Requires a basement or underground space. The best option during new construction.

We create an internal system of ventilation ducts at home

In both cases, the ventilation ducts inside the house will be located approximately the same. Let's start with them.

A primitive supply and exhaust ventilation system consists of external and internal ventilation ducts connected into one network. Air outlets are located in the upper diagonally opposite corners of the rooms. In one there is an inflow, in the other there is an exhaust. In a one-story building, the main air ducts may be located in attic. In a two-story building, the supply and exhaust air ducts of the first floor will pass in boxes inscribed in interior decoration, second floor - in the attic. The location of the main air ducts should be determined for each house individually, taking into account the layout (location of walls and partitions).

Advice. Premises where it is recommended supply and exhaust ventilation: living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen, dining room, offices, pantry, recreation rooms, gym. In bathrooms and restrooms there is only an exhaust fan. Not needed at all in corridors, vestibules, halls and loggias.

Rules for calculating the internal ventilation duct system:

  1. Pipe sewer diameter 250 mm for supply distribution and combined outlet channels. Approximate consumption - two lengths of the house + height of the upper ceiling + 20%.
  2. Sewer pipe (gray) with a diameter of 150 mm. Approximate consumption is three times the length of the house + 20%. For two-story house with equal floor area + 50%.
  3. Pipe fasteners (based on the wall material) at the rate of 1 pc. by 70 cm.
  4. Insulation (roll mineral wool) - 1 roll.
  5. Foam, sealant, decorative grilles.
  6. Elbows, revisions, couplings (1 piece per 70 cm).

Attention! Do not use 90° elbows, this will impede the passage of air and create noise. Combine 45° elbows (following the sewer example).

If it is planned to install a pipe heat exchanger in a one-story building, the supply channel will exit from underground into a heat-insulated box outside the building and enter the attic. In a two-story building, it is better to bring it into the building at the bottom of the first floor and install an internal vertical (distribution) channel, which will then be led into the attic space.

When installing a bunker option in the basement of a building, the vertical distribution channel will exit from the bunker directly into the room. It is also possible to mount it outside.

An example of calculating the consumption of materials for installing internal channels at home

Let's take as an example cottage with a calculated ventilated area of ​​60 m2, which will have approximately 100 m2 total area and approximate dimensions 8x12 m:

  1. Pipe 250 mm: 2 x 12 + 3 + 20% = 32 m.
  2. Pipe 150 mm: 3 x 12 + 20% = 43 m.
  3. Fasteners: 32 + 43 / 0.7 = 107 pcs.
  4. Elbows, revisions, couplings - take as 1 piece per 3 m: 32 + 43 / 3 = 55/3 = 20 pcs.
  5. Grates: 8 pcs. (2 for each room).
  6. Switches: 4 pcs.
  7. Foam, sealant.
Name Unit change Qty Price Total, rub.
Pipe 250 mm linear m 32 200 6400
Pipe 150 mm linear m 43 150 6450
Elbows, revisions, couplings PC. 20 40 800
Fasteners PC. 100 30 3000
Lattice decor PC. 4 100 400
Switches 2-cl. PC. 4 120 500
Insulation pack 1 1000 1000
Foam, sealant, etc. 1000
Total material 19550
Job 5000
Total material and work 24550

Tube heat exchanger

In order not to complicate the calculations with mathematical calculations, we will provide data from tests already carried out in average form, or rather their results.

The basic principle that must be observed when creating a pipe system is that there must be at least one underground channel pipe per room. This will facilitate the operation of the fans due to atmospheric pressure. Now all that remains is to place required amount pipes in the underground part of the site. They can be laid separately or combined into a common channel (250 mm).

IN this description we suggest not taking into account maximum load, when all rooms are forcedly ventilated at the same time, and the average, which will be supplied with regular periodic ventilation different rooms(as happens in real life). This means that there is no need to output a separate channel for each room. It is enough to connect 150 mm air ducts from each room to one common 250 mm channel. The number of common channels is taken at the rate of one channel per 60 m2.

Creating a recuperation field

Diagram of the tube recuperator: 1 - fan; 2 — channel in a trench ∅250 mm; 3 — rows of pipes ∅250 mm; 4 - recovery field.

First you need to select the location of the pipes (recovery field). The greater the length of the laid pipes, the more effective the air cooling will be. It should be noted that after the work is completed, this area can be used for planting, landscape design or a children's playground. Under no circumstances should you plant trees on the recuperation field:

  1. We excavate the soil to a freezing depth of plus 0.4 m.
  2. We lay 250 mm pipes with a pitch of at least 700 mm along the axis.
  3. We bring the air intakes to a height of 1 m. It is advisable that they be located in a shaded but well-ventilated place.
  4. Using elbows and adapters, we combine them into a common 250 mm channel, which connects to the house ventilation system (see above).

Attention! In the underground part, use special soil sewer pipes with a thick wall. They do not need to be thermally insulated, but simply covered with soil and spilled with water. Only concreting is allowed if necessary.

Calculation of the amount of work and material consumption:

  1. For a recuperation field we take an area measuring 15x6 m with an area of ​​90 m2.
  2. The volume of excavation soil at a freezing depth of 0.8 m will be: V cat = (0.8 + 0.4) x 60 = 72 m 3.
  3. Volume of a trench 40 cm wide (10 m from the house): Vtr = 1.2 x 0.4 x 10 = 4.8 m3.
  4. Total volume of earthworks: V total = V cat + V tr = 72 + 4.8 = 77 m 3.
  5. 15 m sections: N neg = a / 0.7 = 6 / 0.7 = 9 pcs., where a is the field width.
  6. Total pipe length: L = N negative x 15 + 10 = 9 x 15 + 10 = 145 linear. m.
  7. We accept the consumption of elbows, couplings, adapters 2 pcs. x 15 m = 30 pcs.

Advice. The deeper the heat exchanger is installed, the more efficient its operation will be. More than one tier is allowed.

Name Unit change Qty Price Total, rub.
Sewer pipe 250 mm ground linear m 150 250 37500
Elbows, couplings, adapters PC. 30 50 15000
soil development cube m 77 300 23000
backfilling cube m 70 150 10500
Pipe installation work 3000
Total material 52500
Total work 36500
Total work and material 89000
Cost of 1 sq. m 89000 / 60 1500

Bunker heat exchanger

If there are unoccupied basements, they can also be used to construct a hopper (air or heat exchange tank) for a stone heat exchanger. Its action is based on the energy intensity of the stone - it gradually gains temperature environment and balances the flow of passing air. If there is no free space in the basement, the bunker can be arranged in an area outside the house.

Schematic diagram of the bunker heat exchanger: 1 - fan; 2 — pipe Ø250 mm; 3 - protection; 4 — stone Ø200-450 mm; 5 - brick walls; 6 - cover

At a certain place, a pit measuring approximately 2x3x3 m is dug. A trench is made from the exit point of the common channel of the house ventilation system to the pit of the future tank, and a 250 mm pipe is laid into it to a depth of 140 cm, through which cooled air will be discharged from the bunker. Along the wall to which the trench approached, a vertical groove is laid to the bottom for a pipe with a diameter of 250 mm. Then the bottom is laid out with bricks or concreted. The bottom of the air tank must be at least 1 meter deeper than the soil freezing level.

Attention! After installing the bottom of the bunker, a 250 mm outlet pipe should be laid.

The beginning of the outlet pipe protrudes from the wall 1/3 of the distance to the opposite wall and is lined with brick protection. A protective grill is installed at the inlet opening.

Filling the tank

It is better to lay the walls out of brick or cast them from concrete (without slag!), since these materials conduct temperature better than others. Cinder block is not suitable due to its thermal insulation properties. The walls and bottom must be carefully waterproofed (roofing felt) on the outside and plastered on the inside to prevent the penetration of organic matter or moisture. The height of the walls is up to ground level minus 20 cm. An inlet hole is made at the top of any wall and air intake pipes are installed. To facilitate the operation of fans, we recommend installing 3 pcs.

After the solution has hardened, the bunker must be filled with large pebbles. Sizes from 200 to 450 mm in diameter. The stone must be clean of organic matter and washed.

The tank is covered with a “lid” made of solid plank flooring on wooden beams, covered waterproofing materials. Turf is laid on top. Then the outlet pipe is connected to the house ventilation system (to the common ventilation duct) and backfilling is performed.

Calculation of the volume of work and consumption of materials:

  1. With an air tank size of 2x3 m and a depth of 3 m, the volume of soil (excavation and stone for filling) will be: V = 2x3x3 = 18 m 3 + V tr = 22.8 m 3.
  2. Volume brickwork: V treasure = S walls + S bottom x 0.125 = ((2x3) x 2 + (3x3) x 2 + 2x3) x 0.065 = 36 x 0.065 = 2.34 m3.
  3. Total pipe length (10 m from the house): L = (10 + 3) + 10% = 15 m.
  4. Number of elbows - 6 pcs.
Name Unit change Qty Price Total, rub.
Red solid brick cube m 2,3 7000 16000
Pipes 250 mm linear m 15 250 3750
Knees PC. 6 50 300
Stone cube m 18 1500 27000
Cement/sand/treasure. net - - - 2000
Lid - - - 1000
excavation cube m 22,8 300 7000
tank masonry cube m 2,3 1000 2300
pipe laying linear m 15 100 1500
cover device PC. 1 1000 1000
Total material 50000
Total work 12000
Total material and work 62000
Cost of 1 sq. m 79550 / 60 1000

The cost of stone for filling a tank may vary depending on the region of construction.

As can be seen from the calculations, the final cost of air conditioning 1 m2 differs for both options. The main selection factor is the level of occurrence groundwater. If it is high, less than 3 m, then it will not be possible to build a bunker heat exchanger. The pipe one is suitable even with a groundwater level of 1.5 meters.

Installation of fans

The system presented here provides for the synchronous operation of two duct fans- supply and exhaust - installed in each air outlet of the room. This makes it possible to quickly deliver cool Fresh air into the room and remove the heated one. For effective ventilation, a fan power of 100 W each is sufficient. When choosing a fan, pay attention to the noise level when it operates.

Approximate cost of operation

If you ventilate each room three times during the day for 20 minutes, then we get 1 hour of operation of 8 0.1 kW fans. This is less than 1 kW/hour per day. Per month - 30 kW. At a price of 5 rubles/kW this will be 150 rubles/month.

The service life of recuperators and ventilation ducts at home is limited by the service life of the material. For underground elements - from 50 years, for internal - unlimited.

The system does not require maintenance (except for fans - once every 5 years).


The described scheme can become the basis for more complex system conditioning. It can be gradually included additional elements— filters, heating and cooling elements, more powerful fans, blocks automatic control and others. The air mixture prepared underground has a stable temperature not only in summer, but also in winter, so it can also be used for heating.

Vitaly Dolbinov, rmnt.ru

Summer is coming into its own, and with it comes, and in some places has already arrived, heat that often exceeds the normal level, which makes our lives so difficult. Oh, how wonderful it would be if optimal temperature comfort always reigned in an apartment or house!

In this article we will talk about how to cool an apartment or house in the summer with your own hands.

We don't let heat into the house

Modern high-rise buildings with thermal insulation are an excellent choice if you want to insulate your house and not freeze in winter, but in summer such structures, unfortunately, will be a disadvantage. Therefore, when looking for ways to cool an apartment, pay attention to the material external walls and the roof of the house (and in apartments - for facades), to the extent that it is capable of not transmitting heat.

Dark and rough materials are undesirable for the roof; it is better to choose reflective surfaces that do not let the sun and heat into the home. They are not recommended for use in the reconstruction of facades. Large or "French" floor-to-ceiling windows should be closed in the summer using blinds or Japanese panel curtains. Since completely open windows, occupying a decent area, let too much heat into the apartment.

For windows, you can also use solar control glass with insulation - universal for both winter and summer. Double glazing is also used. Ideal option For those who are constrained by budget and time, a self-adhesive tinting film will be used; it will protect not only from excessive heat, but also from annoying sun rays.

In the morning, as soon as you feel the first heat, close the windows and balconies tightly to prevent heavy hot air into the room, close the curtains or lower the blinds. Curtains for the period of active heat should be chosen heavy, dark color. They will also help preserve the color of furniture upholstery, carpet and wallpaper, preventing them from fading.

Methods for cooling apartments and houses in summer

1. To prevent the room from getting too hot, get big amount greenery - indoor plants, pots with seedlings. if you have garden plot With installed system watering, water your lawns early in the morning. This way they will be able to retain moisture for a longer period, and the house will be cooler. Spray your heavy curtains with cold water from a spray bottle - the air will be humidified for a while, breathing will become more pleasant and easier.

2. Wake up early and thoroughly ventilate the room while the air is still damp and cool after the night. By filling your home or apartment with freshness and then closing the windows, curtains, doors and balconies, you can extend the feeling of clean air and relative coolness for several hours.

3. Also use chandelier fans, which will artificially create coolness, and the energy costs for their operation are several times less than what is needed to operate an already expensive air conditioner. This ceiling fan will partially save you from the heat.

4. Use a fan - women especially love this option, but men are also ready to use it in the sweltering heat. If hot air does enter the room, an emergency measure may be to hang wet, cold sheets and towels for a while to cool the air.

5. Try to cook less on fire. Include more cold dishes in your summer diet - salads, okroshka, snacks, etc. Use the hood more often.

6. Place a can of cold water or a bowl of ice in front of the fan. This will help cool the air temporarily

Remember: your home is your castle. That is why it should protect you from any misfortunes, including sweltering heat.

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Summer is joy and grace. But when the thermometer shows unimaginable numbers in the shade, it becomes sticky, wet and almost unbearable. In the heat of hell it is difficult to be within the walls ordinary apartment, fall asleep at night. Especially if there is no air conditioning.

website I found working tricks that will help you feel comfortable at home, even if the temperature outside is off the charts.

Ice in front of the fan

Chilled sheet

If it’s very hot at home even at night and it’s impossible to sleep, then put the sheet in the freezer for 10 minutes and only after that put it down. Don't forget to put the sheet in a plastic bag first. This will create a feeling of coolness, not moisture, when falling asleep.

Damp curtains

If you open a window and heartily spray the curtains hanging on it with water from a spray bottle, the effect of more humid and cool air is guaranteed. True, it will last up to half an hour. For a lasting effect, you need to spray the fabric quite often.

Closed windows and balcony

In order to cut off hot air from the street and prevent the greenhouse effect, you just need to get rid of the habit of opening windows and balcony door, when it's hot. It is best to ventilate the apartment before it gets hot, at the most early hours, and after it subsides - late at night.

Reflective film

A real barrier to sunlight is reflective mirror film on windows. She sticks easily with my own hands, is inexpensive and effectively keeps the room cool.

Ceiling fan

A ceiling fan is a great solution to the heat in your apartment. Moreover, in summer period it should rotate counterclockwise to create a cool air flow at high speed. This cool breeze effect will definitely help you feel good on the hottest days.

Several new plants

Plants help keep the house cool, as they partially lose moisture during the process of processing moisture. Therefore, the air in a house with greenery is cleaner and fresher. Aloe vera, areca palm, ficus benjamina, house fern, etc. can especially help keep things cool. pike tail, golden pothos. However, you should remember to water them frequently.

In hot weather, after working on the site, you want to relax in a house where it’s cool and fresh. Installing an air conditioner is an expensive pleasure. However, you can do without it.

1. Remove items that accumulate and retain heat from the house: woolen carpets, heavy dark-colored curtains, Stuffed Toys, winter jackets and coats. Place canvas, straw or cotton runners on the floor, and hang linen or cotton curtains on the windows. Windows facing the sun

side, keep them curtained so that direct sunlight does not heat the air in the house. These actions will help reduce the temperature by one and a half to two degrees.

Do not humidify the air too much. Wet sheets, pans of cold water, spraying water - all this should be used very sparingly. Otherwise, you risk getting not life-giving coolness in the house, but subtropical stuffiness.

2. Pour water into plastic bottles about four-fifths full, place them in freezer and when the water turns into ice, place the containers at the highest possible height (shelves, ladders, cabinets). The cooled air will begin to descend and displace warmer air, making the house cooler. The condensation formed on the bottles will slightly humidify the air, making it easier to breathe in the house. If you want to make the cooling process continuous using the described method, put a second batch of bottles in the freezer. Then simply change the containers every two hours: with melted water - in the refrigerator, with ice - in the rooms. This will cool the room a couple more degrees.

3. If there is a fan in the house, turn it on more often and leave it running even when you are working on the site. Moving air heats up much more slowly than standing air. You can put a couple of bottles of ice in front of the fan: the air will gradually cool down another degree and a half (a running fan, at least a little, heats the air around it).

4. Any electrical appliance generates heat during operation. For example, five ordinary light bulbs incandescents, when operated simultaneously, produce approximately the same amount of heat as a small radiator. Do not turn on the lights throughout the house on a stuffy evening. Another solution is to replace regular light bulbs with energy-saving ones.

No need to hang on windows facing the sunny side, metal blinds: Metal heats up under the sun, raising the temperature of the air around it.

5. Cook food often open fire on the street. The dishes will turn out tastier, and the stove will not heat the air in the house. Leave all windows open at night and, if possible, open cabinets and bedside tables slightly to cool the heated air inside them.