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Attaching snow guards to membrane roofing. Snow guards for soft roofs - installation organization

Snow guards for flexible tiles, price from 45 rub./piece. with delivery throughout Moscow and the Region. The catalog assortment includes 30 items. Hurry up to choose and buy right now!

Every roof must be equipped with security systems. Such roofing structures are divided into three conditional groups:

  • Devices used to ensure the safety of people on the roof. Such roofing systems are made in the form of various fences.
  • Equipment that prevents avalanches of snow masses accumulated within the roof. These are the so-called snow retainers. Today, a roof with a structure for retaining snow will no longer surprise anyone.
  • Devices for quickly evacuating people through the roof, for example during a fire. These are stairs and other structures.

Snow guards are one of the most common safety systems in Europe. Today they can increasingly be seen on the roofs of houses, public or industrial buildings in Russia.

Snow guards provide:

  • safety of people who pass below the building;
  • integrity of balconies (especially on the upper floors);
  • safety of the roof and its elements;
  • integrity of drains.

Why should the roof be equipped with a snow retention system? Interesting fact: in Europe Insurance companies refuse to sell policies to owners of houses that do not have snow guards installed. And that says a lot.

The absence of a snow retention system on the roof can only be justified by the fact that the roof has a slight slope from soft tiles with a rough surface. The roughness of the material is achieved through the use of mineral granules in the raw materials for its production.

In all other cases, snow guards soft roof– a required element. They do not spoil the design of the building, but often play the role of additional decor.

Snow guards for soft roofs: there can be 2 types:

  • tubular
  • in the form of corners (snow stops/snow catchers);

If there is little snowfall in your region, pay attention to spot snow detainers for the roof. These are triangular metal structures.

Tubular systems – universal option. They are suitable for both metal and soft roofs. Coverage in this case does not matter. Such snow guards have universal supports.

Corners (snow catchers/snow stoppers) are installed exclusively during the installation of a soft roof, and tubular snow retainers are installed both during the installation of the roof covering and after installation of the roof.

The number of snow retention structures is determined by the following factors:

  • roof overhang length;
  • its angle of inclination;
  • roof slope length;
  • snowy area where you live.

Looking for suitable snow guards? Call and your roof will be completed the best system security at a competitive price!

Most of the regions of our country are famous for their snowy winters. But it's quite common a natural phenomenon quite often brings considerable trouble to owners of private houses. Snowdrifts that accumulate on the roof over a certain period of time only seem light and fluffy. However, this is a deceptive impression, since they consist of numerous layers, which makes the overall cover dense and very massive.

The layers accumulated on the roof can pose a very real danger, especially in spring period, when thaws begin, and the upper layers swell with moisture, become heavier, and the lower layers turn into ice. A mass of snow and ice that has melted from below can easily slide down from a metal roof, not only damaging the drainage system and causing damage to outbuildings, but also threatening serious injuries to people or animals. Installation snow guards on a metal tile roof will allow you to avoid many of these unpleasant moments, increase the safety of the roof, and increase the durability of the roof, and the building as a whole.

Why do you need a snow retention system on the roof?

The climatic features of many Russian regions are such that in winter period the abundance of snowfall often reaches very impressive levels. It is clear that it will not be possible to avoid the formation of snow caps even on a perfectly smooth roof, unless, of course, the slope of the slopes is made too steep (more than 60 degrees).

The snow that falls in calm weather falls neatly on the roofing, and during the day, under the influence of direct sunlight and rising temperatures, it begins to melt. By evening, an icy relief crust forms on it, as the temperature drops. Such a surface becomes very favorable for fixing subsequent snow layers.

The thickness of the snow layer during the winter period can grow to very significant values. But such a mass cannot remain indefinitely on a roof, even with a slight slope. And, having reached a certain critical state, it slides off the slope, often very abruptly, like an avalanche, often dragging the roofing material with it.

Such a situation can end tragically for a person or animal who happens to be under the eaves of the roof or in close proximity to it at that moment. And even in the best case, if we don’t look at everything in such gloomy terms, the collapse of such a snow “avalanche” can cause significant damage to the household - cause the need for urgent repairs to the roofing or seriously damage courtyard buildings.

In order to minimize the likelihood of occurrence similar situations and special snow-retaining systems various designs. These simple, in principle, devices are designed to reliably hold accumulated large masses of snow on the roof, preventing them from falling down sharply. With the onset of warming, when the snow begins to actively melt, melt water will gradually flow along the terrain into the gutter and be discharged into the storm sewer.

In addition, to avoid the formation of icicles and ice between the eaves overhang and the gutter, some zealous owners also arrange heating for the edges of the roof, as well as the gutter itself. This system is turned on in winter, as needed. But this is a special conversation that requires a separate publication.

Installation snow retention elements are carried out in certain areas of the roof - along the edge of the roof, on top of the roof windows, above the ventilation and chimney pipes. This is necessary so that ice and snow masses do not damage these structures when sliding down.

Prices for snow guards

snow guards

Until recently, snow retention systems were practically not installed on the roofs of Russian private houses. Therefore, the traditional occupation was to clean the roof several times during the winter manually using shovels. It must be said that this task is not an easy one, and in addition, the work of cleaning the roof is unsafe.

Installation today snow guards provided building standards and norms. By the way, it is even interesting that in European countries with harsh and snowy winters (Scandinavia), a house that does not have snow retention systems installed on its roof cannot be insured, since the building is considered unfinished and does not meet safety standards.

Elements of the snow control system can be designed to different load, which can vary from 80 to 300 kg per meter. Systems designed for higher loads may well become a good support used in conjunction with walkways when carrying out preventive and repair operations. So they become component common system work safety on the roof.

Types of roofing snow retention systems

Snow retention systems can be divided into two categories - according to the functions they perform and according to their design, on which their appearance depends. It should be noted that the aesthetic form snow guards It can even add neatness and aesthetics to the roof. Therefore, when choosing from the range of systems offered for sale, you can also pay attention to the design solution in which they are made.

Functional purposes snow retention systems

Due to the fact that today manufacturers offer various options products designed to perform certain functions, it is necessary to indicate how they differ from each other. So, in specialized stores you can find following systems:

  • Structures that partially retain snow masses. In the spring, snow slides off the upper areas of the roof and rests against a kind of barrier, and then gradually melts, which allows the moisture to partially evaporate and partially go into the storm or drainage sewer. That is, the gutters are not loaded with large flows of water, and the layer of snow does not have the opportunity to completely fall from the roof.
  • Barriers for completely retaining snow in certain areas of the roof, that is, they completely block the path of snow in a certain place. When it begins to melt, water passes under the installed barrier element or flows around it on both sides. This allows you to direct water flows in the required direction, protecting certain areas of the roof, for example, chimneys and ventilation pipes, roof windows and other elements.

  • The third option is systems that are capable of containing only large masses of snow, since when they are installed, between their elements and the roof surface, big enough gaps. Such systems are necessary for roofs covered with soft bitumen tiles, which have a rough surface, due to which snow is well retained on it. In addition to bitumen coating, such systems are also successfully used on roofs covered with metal tiles.

Which option to choose depends on several factors, which include the average statistical data on the thickness of snow cover in winter in a particular region, the angle of the roof, the smoothness or roughness of the coating, as well as its topography. For example, if there is a lot of snow in winter, and the thickness of its layer on the roof can reach up to 500÷1000 mm, then it is necessary to install the last of the listed types of systems, since small masses of snow and melt water must be free to leave the roof.

In regions where the snow load is not so great, they can be installed snow guards, partially holding back the snow, that is, the first option listed.

Prices for metal tiles

metal tiles

Construction and shape snow guards

It is interesting that the system itself for retaining fallen snow on the roof is by no means new. People have long learned to counteract the possible uncontrolled descent of snow and ice from roof slopes. Thus, in some Northern European countries, as snow guards logs of small diameter were used, which were tied to the ridge of the roof and lowered on ropes to the required level of the slope, closer to the eaves overhang.

Today, manufacturers have developed several types of systems that have different shapes and design. Therefore, it is quite possible to choose from among them the option that is most suitable for a particular terrain.

It must be said that for some flat roofing materials, such as bitumen shingles or folded metal coating, fits almost any snow-retaining designs. But for metal tiles and some other roofing materials with a distinctly high relief, it is necessary to select a specific model of system.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the fact that snow-retaining elements must be firmly fixed to the roof. This means that they must be placed in those places where the roofing has a reliable support on the boards or sheathing bars, since thin metal coatings are not able to withstand heavy loads.

More one important point- all metal snow guards must have a protective polymer coating. Otherwise, their life will be short-lived - in a couple of years they will simply be “gobbled up” by corrosion.

  • Lamellar snow guards - This is an excellent choice for roofs covered with metal tiles, since they are light in weight and the structure is able to evenly distribute the snow load. Most often, such systems are used on roofs whose slope angle is no more than 30 degrees. Lamellar snow-retaining the elements are solid or perforated plates, which are fixed to the roof using special brackets screwed to the sheathing system with roofing screws.

  • Corner snow guards - this is the simplest and affordable option. They are a metal strip bent into a corner of a certain size. The upper edge of the element, turned towards the ridge, when fastened, is installed at a right angle to the roof surface, which prevents the free flow of snow masses, reliably holding them on the roof.

Such systems are also often used on roofs covered with metal tiles. They don't have high strength and are not designed for high point loads. Therefore, they cannot, for example, be a support for a technician during repair or maintenance work.

Corner corners are fixed snow guards along the crests of the relief waves. The systems are fixed using the same roofing screws.

  • Lattice or mesh snow guards are a regular lattice. It can be made from whole metal sheet, in which holes of various configurations are cut, or welded from a metal strip, round or profile pipes. The design is also not particularly complex, so such snow guards quite popular. In addition, they look very good on the roofs of modern private houses.

For fixing lattice snow retention systems use special supports that are installed in the area of ​​the eaves of the roof. But often this snow-retaining the barrier rises higher - one or two lines of the metal tile relief. The grate perfectly thins large masses of snow as they slide along the roof slope, and retains ice until it melts.

Grilles, when installed on the roof, can form a gap of different heights between their bottom strip and the roof covering. Therefore, when purchasing systems of this type, it is necessary to clarify this parameter.

  • Point corner snow guards - These are single elements that are installed on the roof in several rows, usually in a checkerboard pattern. Unlike others snow retention systems, point elements are usually installed during the roof installation process. They are fixed to the sheathing of the rafter system, fixing the waves of roofing material into the recess after it is fixed.

By the way, such simple devices can be very effective. When positioned correctly, the snow on the roof is distributed evenly. Another thing is that if there is too much sediment, they may not fully cope with their task.

In addition, such point barriers have installation features - their elongated brackets are inserted under piece roofing material. So for metal tiles such an option is hardly possible.

  • Snow guards- "horseshoes" . Not so long ago, systems that can also be classified as point systems appeared in specialized stores. They are called "horseshoes" because of their characteristic shape. These metal parts are made specifically for certain metal tile profiles, that is, they fit this roofing perfectly.

Snow guards— “horseshoes” have a curved shape, a size designed for a specific profile. And on the sides there are mounting platforms with holes for fixing them on the roof to the sheathing guides.

  • Tubular snow-retaining systems are also very popular. They are installed on different roofing coverings. The design is simple and straightforward, so installing the system is usually not particularly difficult.

These snow guards consist of brackets and metal pipes, usually having a diameter of 15 to 30 mm. The brackets are fixed to the plane of the slope with standard roofing screws with a certain pitch, along the line of fixing the sheets to the sheathing.

Pipes in this design protective systems can be from two to four. They work on the same principle as lattice ones, that is, they cut layers of snow sliding down the slope, preventing them from falling down in their entire mass. Sometimes tubular snow guards installed in several rows - this is necessary if the roof has big enough area, and the house is located in a region with very snowy winters. This will be discussed below.

All varieties snow retention systems are produced in different color design external protective polymer coating. Therefore, they can be matched to any color of the roofing material (on the RAL scale).

Calculations required for selection snow retention systems

The choice of type of construction will also depend on the strength of the roof truss system. It is clear that if you install completely snow-retaining elements, then the roof should easily withstand the load from the sediment collecting on it. But this is always foreseen when designing the roof - the required operational reserve is built into the strength of the elements of the rafter system.

Prices for ceramic tiles

ceramic tiles

The roof should withstand it if it is designed according to all the rules. But the load application vector caused by the masses of snow is decomposed into two components - perpendicular to the slopes and along them, along the line of the slopes. And this longitudinal load can be quite significant, capable of cutting off or twisting the fasteners snow-retaining elements.

This is all said so that before choosing a certain option snow guards, produce preliminary calculations and draw up a project for installing these elements on the roof slopes, taking into account various points. On how correctly they will be fixed snow-retaining devices depends on their functionality, safety and service life. Many factors are taken into account:

  • Roof slope . This parameter directly affects the magnitude of the force vector directed along the slope. So, if the slope angle exceeds 15 degrees, then snow guards There will be a very high load. And, up to a certain limit, it grows rapidly with increasing slope! Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to use tubular or lattice systems.

Don’t know exactly at what angle the roof slopes are located?

This is easy to calculate mathematically using known trigonometric formulas. Probably everyone can measure the linear dimensions of a roof, and then simply insert the resulting values ​​into a special one.

  • Features of roofing , in this case, metal tiles. For all types of metal tiles, except Monterrey, universal fastenings are suitable snow guards. For Monterrey, due to the characteristics of the profile, special ones are produced that make it possible to do without additional reinforcement of the sheathing, which cannot be avoided when installing universal systems on it.
  • Climatic conditions of the region - This refers to the average level of snow cover thickness characteristic of the region of residence. This will be discussed below.
  • Number of rows snow retention elements determined on the basis of the calculations carried out, to which we will now move on.

Counting snow retention system, it is very important to achieve a uniform load on the metal tiles, as well as on the structure of the rafter system. It is important to remember that the brackets should not be attached directly to the eaves of the roof. They must be on a rigid foundation, otherwise the overhangs may not withstand the snow load.

So, how to do the calculation.

It should be correctly understood that the most vulnerable element of the snow retention system is the brackets with fasteners. It is clear that the likelihood that the weight of the snow will tear a pipe or grille is not particularly high - rather, it will turn out the fastening or bend the bracket.

Each bracket produced for such systems has its own strength indicators. So, for example, standard holder No. 76b for two-pipe snow guard, can withstand a load of 300 kg. But a “lighter” mounting option, bracket No. 62, is designed for a maximum load of only 110 kg. This means that this must be taken into account when choosing a system and when planning its installation on the roof. It is likely that one row of barriers will not be able to hold the amount of snow typical for your region. This means you have to install snow guards in two (and sometimes more) rows, evenly distributing them along the length of the slope.

To do this, you can use the following formula:

M=i ×Ns ×sinα,

M is the load caused by the mass of snow drifts along the edge of the roof slope, directed along the roofing.

i- coefficient taking into account the force of friction on the roofing. It would not be a big mistake to take this coefficient as 0.8.

L- length of the slope from the ridge to the installation line snow guards

Ns- the value of snow load, established through long-term meteorological observations for a specific region.

sinα - sine of the roof slope angle (α) - is necessary for correct calculation of the vector of force application along the slope.

Where to get the value Ns? This can be checked with your local weather service. Or use a table or map of zoning the territory of Russia according to the level of snow load. An example of such a map is given below:

To make it easier for the reader to carry out independent calculations, below is a calculator that will perform the calculations in just a few seconds.

Before you begin installing snow guards, you must complete all necessary calculations, on the basis of which we can understand, first of all, what type of snow barrier we need, how many of these roofing elements need to be installed, where on the roof they will be located, at what stage of the roofing work they need to be installed and how the work process itself will take place.

What determines the choice of snow guard?

The choice of the type of snow retention element is greatly influenced by the type of roofing. For example, rope snow retainers or snow stops are usually installed on soft tile roofs, and tubular or lattice snow retainers can be mounted on all types of roofs.

On some types of roofing, all types of snow retention systems can be installed, and on some, for example, on roofs made of N-114 corrugated sheets, it is necessary to install only highly specialized systems that take into account the characteristics of such a roof.

When to install snow guards

It is most correct, of course, to install snow retention systems together with the installation of the entire roof. This option minimizes the risk of damage to the roofing due to, for example, an error in determining the location of the rafters and sheathing. In addition, the installation itself is performed to a higher quality.

For some types of snow barriers, for example, for some types of point snow stops for flexible tiles, manufacturers strongly recommend installing them at the time of laying the roofing.

In some cases, when installing snow retention systems on already finished roof Situations may arise that require partial dismantling of the roofing. The reason for this is usually the need to install additional elements lathing for securing brackets.

If we talk about the time of year, installation can be carried out even in winter. But in winter conditions such an installation occurs in isolated cases, since it is always associated with additional financial costs.

In addition to the roof perimeter, snow barriers should be installed above roof elements that may suffer either from the melting of a large snow mass or from the pressure of snow collecting on them. Such objects, for example, can be chimneys, roof windows or ventilation outlets;

If your roof consists of several levels, then snow retention systems should be installed at each of these levels;

Installation of snow guards along the perimeter of the roof is best done in one continuous line;

To ensure the necessary stability of snow retention elements, installation of support brackets should be carried out on the sheathing roofing system;

When snow falls from the roof above the entrance to a building or over the entrance to a garage, there is a very high probability of property damage or harm to human health. That is why snow retainers should be installed in these areas of the roof first;

At long length roof slope, large angle of inclination and expected high snow load, an additional line of snow retainers should be installed;

Installation of snow barriers always involves working at height and is potentially hazardous. In this regard, the installation of snow retention systems always requires careful adherence to appropriate safety precautions;

Safety equipment for working at height

Safety Equipment

Required Tools

Standard set tools usually include:

Battery or corded screwdriver,

Two pieces of keys (usually 13 keys),



Installation of a tubular snow guard

Installation of this type of snow guard begins with the installation of brackets. Brackets must not be installed directly in front of the roof eaves. It is necessary to make an indentation from the edge of the roof of approximately 60 cm.

When installing a snow guard on a metal tile, to level its level, place it under different sides of the bracket. different quantities seals included in the kit. Only one 7 mm high seal is installed under the top edge, and two seals are installed under the bottom edge. The height of one of them is 7 mm, and the height of the second is 14 mm.

For standing seam roofing, tiled roof, roofs made of natural tiles, roofs made of composite tiles, roofs made of soft tiles and roofs made of corrugated sheets with a high profile height (N-60, N-75, N-114), there are special snow retainers with a special bracket shape that takes into account the characteristics of a particular form of roofing.

By general rule, the brackets cannot be installed from each other at a distance greater than 110-115 centimeters.

After installing the bracket, tubes are inserted into its holes, which are the main working body of the snow retainer.

In order to create one continuous row of snow guards, their adjacent tubes are inserted into each other at a special crimping point. The connection point is additionally secured with a nut and washer.

If there is a need to shorten the tubes, then it is recommended to use a jigsaw or a hacksaw for metal, but not a grinder. Although in practice this requirement-recommendation is very often ignored by installers.

Please note that cheap snow guards do not have special crimps on the ends of the snow guard tubes or holes for fixing.

Attaching the tubular snow guard bracket

Connection of snow retainer tubes

When installing the last snow guard, it is important to ensure that the distance from the bracket to the edge of the tube is no more than 30 centimeters.

When simultaneously installing snow guards and a roof fencing system on the roof covering, it is recommended to install snow guards above the roof fencing. As a last resort, they can be combined with each other during installation.

For roofs made of corrugated sheets with a high profile height - N-114, N-60, N-75, specialized snow retainers are used. Their main difference is the presence of special plates, as well as the presence of additional snow-retaining hooks.

When installing such snow guards, first a plate is installed on the wave of corrugated sheeting, secured on the sides using self-tapping screws, and then a bracket is installed on it.

The hooks prevent the so-called “snow copies” from falling off between the waves of corrugated sheeting. In the case of ordinary corrugated sheeting, such “spears of snow” do not pose a particular problem, but on a roof with high profile corrugated sheeting they can become a serious threat due to their large mass.

These hooks must be installed on the bottom row of snow retention tubes so that they are located between two ridges of the corrugated sheet.

Example of a "snow spear"

Snow guards for soft roofs

On a roof made of flexible tiles, either turned snow stops or tubular snow stops are usually installed.

Most shingle roofs have two features. Firstly, they have a slight slope of the roof slope. Secondly, the coating of the bitumen shingles itself has a certain snow-retaining ability (the exception is collections in which there is no stone chips).

In this regard, the power requirements for snow retention systems on soft tile roofs are significantly lower compared to similar requirements, for example, for metal tile roofs.

Some manufacturers of asphalt shingles, for example, the manufacturer trademark Katepal, they even admit the complete absence of snow retainers on their roofing.

Both are installed over the entire roof area.

Example of a snow stopper leg

An example of a conventional point snow guard

Snow stopper on a soft roof

Calculation of snow retainers for roofing made of flexible tiles

When calculating required number point snow guards per one linear meter roofing, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the model and type of snow stop, the characteristics of flexible tiles, the angle of inclination of the roof, the method of attaching the snow stop to the roof (traditional or using glue), the area of ​​the roof and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

You can usually find on the Internet general recommendation install 4 to 5 snow stops per linear meter of flexible tile roofing. But this amount refers to the average roof slope with an angle of inclination from 30 degrees to 40.

As the steepness of the slopes increases, the number of snow stops required per linear meter will increase.

Relatively minimal required quantity There are also discrepancies in the rows of snow stoppers. For example, Borge specialists recommend installing this type of snow guards in two rows, while Tegola specialists talk about the minimum required three rows, each of which should be located at a distance of about 60 cm from each other.

Point varieties of snow stoppers for soft roofs are represented by two main types: a snow stopper-leg and a regular snow stopper made of metal or plastic.

Here it is also necessary to keep in mind that these are averaged data and that on steep slopes the number of rows should be greater.

Installation diagrams for Borge snow stops

Installation diagram for angles from 40° to 70°

Installation diagram at an angle from 30° to 40° (4.5 snow stops)

Installation diagram at an angle from 30° to 40° (4 snow stops)

Among the general rules for calculating the required number and location of snow stops, two rules can be particularly highlighted.

The first is that point snow stops must be installed in a checkerboard pattern.

The second rule says that it makes no sense to install this type of snow barrier in one row.

Installation of snow guards on flexible tiles

When installing the roofing covering and point snow stops of the “leg” type at the same time, the snow stop support is secured to the continuous sheathing with self-tapping screws or nails. After this, the attachment point is covered with shingles from the next row.

Installation of spot snow retainers is usually carried out starting from the second row of shingles.

In cases where the installation of a snow stop is carried out on an already finished roof made of flexible tiles, the installation is carried out directly on the shingles. In this case, a special sealing gasket is used, which eliminates the possibility of leakage at the installation point.

Some manufacturers recommend using bitumen mastic for additional sealing.

Attaching some types of plastic snow stops to the roof can be done not only using traditional screws or nails, but also using special glue.

The advantages of using such adhesives are obvious. However, there is one disadvantage when working with them, the significance of which depends on the climatic characteristics of a particular region and the degree of caution of the home owner.

The fact is that the calculated possible load of a glued snow stopper is limited to 550 kilograms, while the maximum load of a snow stopper installed using self-tapping screws is 1100 kilograms.

First floor installation of a spot snow retainer

The second stage of installing a point snow guard

Installing a snow holder on a soft roof in our climate with abundant winter precipitation is not just a decorative element, but necessary protection for property and human health.

How to install snow holders on a roof made of soft materials different from other types of roofs? The answer is obvious:

  • The installation of a soft roof requires a small roof slope angle (about 15°). In other words, an avalanche of snow from the roof is impossible in this case.
  • A soft roof has a rough surface, unlike a metal one. In view of this, the chance of snow accidentally sliding off the roof is significantly reduced.

In view of the above, we can conclude that soft roofing requires the installation of less powerful retainers than other types of roofing.

Today, manufacturers offer the following types of snow guards:

  • lattice;
  • tubular;
  • lamellar (point).

Let's take a closer look at each of these types.

Lattice snow retainers. The structure consists of lattice sections that are attached to the roof using brackets.

Tubular snow guards in their own way appearance reminiscent of window curtain rods. In this case, brackets are attached to the roof sheathing or rafter system, through which they pass in two rows metal pipes. The smaller the step between pipe fastenings, the greater permissible load on the design.

Tubular snow guard

Plate snow retainers are most often installed on roofs made of metal (galvanized steel, European tiles, etc.). However, it is also rational to use them for soft roofing in regions characterized by abundant winter precipitation.

Point snow guards – suitable option For soft roof with a small snow load and a slight slope.

Installation procedure

Structures for retaining snow are attached at the stage of roof installation; sometimes they are mounted directly on the covering, placing the elements parallel to the eaves. Optimal size the pitch between the retainers varies between 35-50 cm. The method of fastening the elements entirely depends on the chosen type of retainer design.

So, for example, hooks, point and corner structures are placed in a checkerboard pattern, and tubular specimens are placed strictly in one line. Let's take a closer look at the installation algorithm for each type of delay.

Tubular structures can be purchased with fasteners included. They are mounted to the sheathing using ordinary screws. It is rational to place the clamps along the line of the supporting wall, the step between them varies within 0.6-1.1 m.

Important: the holes for screws in the roofing must be sealed with rubber strips, which are included in the design kit.

Snow stoppers or point stoppers are installed during the installation of roofing material. They are simply screwed to the base and the fastening points are covered with a sheet of roofing material.

If snow retainers are installed on a finished soft roof, it is rational to use rubber seals to avoid leaks at the fastening points.

Luxury or necessity

The absence of snow guards on the roof can lead to dire consequences:

  • threat to human life;
  • damage to property as a result of snow falling from the roof;
  • deformation or breakage of elements of the drainage system;
  • damage to the roof structure frame.

    Important: even if your roof has snow guards, if there is a lot of winter precipitation, it must be periodically manually cleared of snow and adhered ice.

In regions with snowy winters, there is a common problem - avalanche-like snow falling from the roof of a house, which can not only cause material damage, but also claim the lives of passers-by. This problem can be avoided by installing snow guards on the roof. These structures allow you to keep the main layer of snow on the roof surface. Only by melting can water from the snow flow freely through the gutters. The type of snow guards is selected depending on several important factors: slope angle, roofing material and amount of snow cover in the region. Let's take a closer look at what types of snow guards there are and what are the features of their installation on different roofs.

Types of snow guards for the roof

Snow guards for the roof can be purchased together with the roofing material when building a house, or they can be purchased separately when the house is already built. In different stores, such devices may be called differently: snow blocking fences, snow stops, snow stops, snow cutters, snow barriers, snow stops, and of course, snow retainers. This variety of names is due to the fact that these simple devices can perform different functions.

First category - snow barriers or snow blocking barriers- completely retain snow on the roof surface. Snow should melt naturally on the roof. The removal of its layers even partially from the roof is unacceptable.

Second category - snow cutters- designed to cut the total layer of snow into small pieces. Thus, its energy during the fall is much lower than it would be if the entire layer of snow went down in an avalanche. This is enough to ensure safety.

Roof snow guards differ not only in shape and size, but also in material and structural reliability. First of all, when choosing a particular type of snow retainer, you need to focus on how much snow it should hold back.

A tubular snow retainer for a roof is a structure made up of brackets into which two pipes with a diameter of 15 - 30 mm are inserted. Overall height the structure is about 15 cm. The bracket looks like a vertical plate with holes for pipes. At the bottom of the bracket there is a horizontal shelf for attaching to the roof slope. Metal screws 8x60 mm with a hex head are screwed into it. Sometimes the type of bracket may differ depending on what type of roofing material the snow retainer will be used for. The installation method may also differ.

The strength of the tubular snow retainer structure depends on the distance between the lower pipe and the roof surface. The optimal distance is 2 - 3 cm from the roof to the first pipe and 8 - 10 cm between the pipes.

Important! Tubular snow guards can be installed on roofs with very high slopes of up to 60°. Indeed, in such cases, the snow pressure is very high and its movement occurs very often. On roofs with a slope of more than 60°, snow guards are not installed at all, since it is believed that snow does not linger on them and falls off immediately.

Tubular snow cutters belong to the category of snow retainers that are designed to cut a layer of snow into several parts. These structures are considered the most reliable, capable of withstanding the powerful pressure of a snow layer and can be used on roofs of any type - from sheets, rolled soft materials, as well as from natural tiles. They are installed along the entire perimeter of the building, along the entire slope. Moreover, the installation of tubular snow cutters is carried out in a continuous row, and not in a running pattern. Sometimes, when the snow load is very high, two rows of snow guards are placed at a distance of 2 - 3 m from each other.

The lower row of tubular snow guards is secured above load-bearing wall, i.e. at a distance of 40 - 50 cm from the eaves overhang. After installation, they are practically invisible against the background of the roof, because the color of the snow guards can be matched to the color of the roof. Typically, tubular structures are made of galvanized steel, and the top is covered with a layer of paint to match the color of the roofing material. As a result, the product is durable and non-corrosive.

Lattice snow guards for the roof come in a variety of sizes. Universal type of design: brackets to which a vertical grille is attached. All parts are made of galvanized steel, painted on top, so that the gratings can also be matched to the color of the roof. But the size of the grate may be different. The largest ones are 15 - 20 cm high, but there are also small ones, where the height of the grate is no more than 5 - 7 cm. Naturally, depending on the size, lattice snow retainers can hold different volumes of snow.

A large steel grate is capable of resisting large volumes of snow and ice flakes. As a rule, the entire layer of snow is retained on the roof, including the smallest pieces of ice, and only melted water flows down.

Lattice snow guards are installed on long slopes with a fairly large slope to ensure that blocks of snow are kept from falling. The effectiveness of these actions depends on the height of the grate. Also, the roofing material does not matter either; almost all materials have their own types of fasteners.

Important! Please note that tubular snow guards are more robust construction. If the volume of snow is too large, the slatted plates can buckle, bending outward under the pressure of the block. This does not happen with pipes due to the strength of the structure. The strength of lattice snow guards is also affected by the shape and reliability of the brackets or guides. You should not purchase flimsy products that are the same thickness as the grill itself.

There are also designs of lattice snow retainers, in which the lattice is welded to longitudinal pipes. In this case, the product turns out to be extremely reliable.

Installation of lattice snow guards is carried out in a row along the eaves of the slope. If the length of the slope is more than 5.5 m and the snow load in the region is high, then in addition to lattice ones, other types of snow barriers are installed, for example, plate ones.

For small amounts of snow on the roof, corner snow guards are installed. They are mainly installed on roofs made of metal tiles or corrugated sheets, since the snow guards themselves are made of the same material and have the same color.

As can be seen in the photo showing corner snow guards for the roof, they are metal products bent into a triangular structure with two edges and shelves for attachment to the base. The height of such snow guards is from 4 to 6 cm. They are usually installed on roofs where the slope angle does not exceed 30 °, since they simply cannot withstand high pressure.

Corner snow retainers are attached directly to the roofing material, including the upper wave of corrugated materials.

Install similar snow impellers along the ridge in a checkerboard pattern in several rows, from 2. The distance between rows is from 50 cm to 1 m.

Corner snow retainers are not very durable and are not able to keep a large layer of snow from sliding, so they are used in regions where there is not much precipitation. The roof also needs to be regularly cleared of snow.

Yokes - point snow retainers

Snow yokes, or hooks as they are also called, are not a way to retain any significant volume of snow, so they are used as an addition to lattice and tubular snow retainers, as well as on soft roofs with a slight slope.

On a soft roof, snow usually stays on its own; this is facilitated by the rough surface of the material and the granule topping. For example, snow accumulates on bitumen shingles or roofing felt and is held without problems. And if the roof slope is small, then snow melting is unlikely. However, for safety reasons, spot snow retainers are installed in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 50 - 70 cm from each other.

The peculiarity of the yokes is that they can only be installed at the stage of roof installation. They are triangles with a long plate for attaching to the sheathing. The plate should be located under the roofing material and attached to the sheathing; bitumen shingles are laid on top and hide the attachment points. Thus, the roof is protected from leaks.

Wooden logs are used very rarely to retain snow. They can be found on no less rare wooden roof- shingles or shingle roofing. The logs are installed on special hooks, which are secured to the sheathing or rafters of the roof structure. The larger the diameter of the log, the greater the volume of snow such a snow support can hold.

The log itself is located on low altitude above the roof surface - 2 - 3 cm. Therefore, melting snow can flow freely to the gutters. The rest of the snow is held until it melts completely.

Installation of snow guards on the roof

It is best to install snow guards together with the roofing material. Sometimes it is recommended to install snow barriers not along the entire perimeter of the roof, but only over important objects: pedestrian paths, car parking, roof windows and balconies. Installation locations are selected on the basis that when a snow avalanche descends from a roof with a slope of 35°, the snow fall zone is 0.4 - 1.5 m from the roof overhang.

The distance from the snow retainer to the eaves overhang should be from 50 cm to 80 cm. Snow retainers cannot be mounted directly on the eaves overhang. The only exception is when the cornice is formed rafter legs roofs.

Important! If you install snow retention structures on or near the eaves overhang, the collapse of the eaves along with the snow retention structures and a snow avalanche will inevitably occur. The lightweight overhang design is simply not able to withstand such pressure.

For roof snow guards, the price depends on the type of product, material of manufacture, size and popularity of the manufacturer's brand. And it can vary in the range from 1.5 to 230 USD.

Metal tiles are by far the most common roofing material. But its very design suggests that snow will fall on it very often. The smooth surface of the material practically does not retain snow. And the sensitivity of the material to temperature changes contributes to the fact that during the day the snow melts and slides down along the surface of the metal tile, carrying the entire layer of snow and ice.

Considering all this, snow guards for metal tiles are simply an urgent need.

For roofs covered with metal tiles, you can use the following types of snow guards:

  • Tubular;
  • Lattice;
  • Lamellar.

The latter are used only on slopes with a slight slope and in regions with little snow in winters. In other cases, tubular and lattice structures are used, as they are the most durable and easiest to install.

Produced directly through the roofing material:

  • We outline where the snow guard will be located.
  • We strengthen the sheathing with an additional bar.
  • We assemble the snow guard kit, but do not tighten the bolts.
  • We fasten the roofing material, and drill holes on top for fastenings. The holes should be located in the lower wave, which is adjacent to the sheathing.
  • We secure the assembled bracket to the slope with 8x60 mm bolts. We seal the holes with rubber pads. The pitch between the brackets depends on the slope of the roof and the length of the slope. The greater the slope, the more often the brackets should be located. For example, a step of 50 cm will be more than enough for the strongest structure.

  • We insert the pipes into the brackets. Or if lattice snow guards are installed, then we connect adjacent sets together.

We remind you that it is necessary to attach snow guards above a load-bearing wall. To install a snow guard over a roof window, it is necessary to strengthen the sheathing.

If the slope is longer than 5.5 m, two rows of snow guards should be installed.

Depending on the type of metal tile, the design of the bracket supports varies. For example, for installation on Monterrey metal tiles, snow retainers are used, the brackets of which are equipped with a special protrusion. This makes it possible not to strengthen the sheathing.

The surface of the corrugated sheet is as smooth and sensitive to temperature changes as that of metal tiles. Therefore, snow retainers are simply necessary to keep snow on the roof. In addition, the melted snow freezes in the evening, when the next day the melted snow again begins to move along the roof, ice flakes scratch the corrugated sheeting. As a result, over time, the galvanized coating is peeled off, scratches appear in which rust develops.

Just as in the case of metal tiles, tubular, lattice and plate snow retainers can be used for corrugated sheeting. Most often, tubular snow guards made of galvanized steel, painted to match the corrugated sheet, are used.

Installation of snow guards on a corrugated roof practically no different from installation on metal tiles:

  • The fastening is made through the material.
  • The sheathing needs to be strengthened.
  • And seal the holes for fasteners with special gaskets made of weather-resistant rubber.
  • The fastening must be located in the lower part of the corrugated sheeting wave, which is adjacent to the sheathing, otherwise the sheet will bend and become distorted.

If you plan to install snow guards on an already finished roof, you will have to disassemble part of it to strengthen the sheathing. Or strengthening the structure must be taken care of in advance.

To install corner or plate snow retainers, reinforcement of the sheathing is not required, since they are fixed directly into the sheet of corrugated sheets or metal tiles in the upper wave. The bolt must cut into the wood of the sheathing, otherwise the structure will be fragile. The fastenings of the corner snow guards should be located through one wave.

On seam roofs, only tubular and lattice snow retainers are used. The main difference between installing tubular snow retainers on a seam roof is that the brackets have a unique shape and are attached directly to the seam. Thus, the tightness of the coating is not compromised.

As you can see in the photo, fastening to folds made using clamps:

  • We put the clip on the fold.
  • Drill 2 - 3 holes.
  • Insert the bolts and nuts and tighten.
  • The pitch between the supports depends on the slope of the roof. The most reliable option is to attach to each fold.

An undeniable advantage of attaching snow retainers to a seam roof is that there is no need to strengthen the sheathing. All work is carried out from above, onto the finished roofing material. As a result, the design turns out to be quite reliable, since the main snow pressure is distributed along the fold.

Please note that not all snow guards for standing seam roofing are made of galvanized steel. There are models made of copper. They are not sold as a set, but individually: a piece of pipe, lower and upper brackets. Prices for copper snow guards are higher than for regular ones, but copper seam roofing is not a cheap pleasure.

Soft roofing has its own characteristics, which affect the choice of the type of snow guards and installation nuances:

  • The slope angle of a roof with a soft roof should not exceed 15 °. With such a slope, an avalanche of snow is unlikely. Therefore, powerful tubular snow retainers are practically not used.
  • Sprinkling from stone chips It traps snow on the surface of soft roofing materials and prevents it from sliding off.
  • Due to the fact that for the installation of a soft roof a continuous type of lathing in the form of sheets is used moisture resistant plywood, there is no need to strengthen the sheathing.
  • However, all work on installing snow guards on a soft roof must be carried out at the stage of laying the roofing material.

For soft roofs, yokes are most often used, less often - tubular snow retainers.

Installation of tubular snow retainers on a soft roof is practically no different from installation on corrugated sheets or metal tiles. The disadvantage of fastening such a structure is that the fasteners are located on top, i.e. The seal of the coating may be compromised.

Triangular yokes or stoppers are attached using this technology:

  • They must be arranged in a checkerboard pattern in 2 - 3 rows with increments of 50 - 70 cm.
  • The yoke is attached to the sheathing so that the next sheet of soft tile hides the fastening plate, and the triangle of the yoke itself remains on top.
  • We fasten with self-tapping screws.

If the roof is already installed, the yokes can also be fixed on top; in this case, gaskets made of weather-resistant rubber are used.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in the conditions of our snowy winters, the use of snow retainers on roofs is mandatory. However, it is still necessary to clean the roof once every week or two, depending on the amount of precipitation that has fallen. You can get rid of the need to clean the roof and trap snow by installing a heating cable under the roof. This way, the snow will immediately melt and flow down the drain. The formation of icicles and snow avalanches is excluded.