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Peach leaf curliness fight in summer. How to cure a peach from curl, methods of control and prevention of the disease

Among the main diseases of peach, the main one is leaf curl according to the scale of harmfulness and treatment; distribution is in the lead in the first positions.

The disease usually begins to manifest itself already in early spring and can be seen with the naked eye: on the newly blossoming young leaves, bubbly swellings of a light green color are suddenly formed, later they change color to pinkish and even reddish, become rather fragile and are observed curly.

If this disease is not dealt with, then the tree can be absolutely bare in May - early June. In addition to the leaves on the peach, curly shoots can also be affected.

A pathogenic infection of the fungus hibernates on branches, shoots with curliness, under the scales of dormant buds, in micro cracks in tree bark and on abrasions with gum. The rapid development of curliness on peaches is facilitated by the lower ambient temperature and saturated air humidity. The dangerous period on peach trees is a decade before the beginning of spring budding and the same period after the growth of young leaves.

Peach curl treatment during the period of progression, it is an extremely difficult thing. Protection against diseases in peach from annoying curls should be a complex of therapeutic measures. Among them special place assigned to sanitary and preventive measures.

They consist in cutting, pruning the ear of the affected shoots, carefully collecting and burning the fallen infected foliage. This is done in autumn or it is suitable in early spring before bud break. Pruning should be done in May, the signs of curly disease will be clearly visible, and there will be no spread of fungus spores. In the fall, it was necessary to process the peaches with 3% ordinary Bordeaux liquid. But if you haven't, don't miss out on the early spring time.

In the bud swelling phase, spray the tree with a 1-2% bluish solution. copper sulfate you can (without lime), two to four days after that, repeat the treatment. For prevention, double spraying with 50% copper oxychloride (0.5-0.75% solution) during the period of primary swelling and the beginning of bud break is also effective.

It is necessary to imagine the curliness of peaches, a fungal disease, cut off the affected parts of the peach and spray well with vitriol. Then we remove part of the land from under the plant. These peaches require careful attention and preventive care. There is a lack of mobile potassium in the soil structure, and trees cannot resist diseases and annoying pests.

After spending sprinkle over peach buy what you need potash fertilizer dissolve 1 glass in 20 liters. and spray everywhere around. Fruit trees, garden shrubs flowers growing nearby. If you deal with manure, then the infected compost is untreated.

Horus works well. If the use of strong poisons is not desirable, there are biological agents, there are many of them. Mikosan (Ukraine), there were practically no signs of curliness. Varieties: Juicy, Red Haven, Demerdzhik. It is necessary to process more than 3 times a season, the first spraying, when the foliage is already blooming well, before flowering.

Used in the treatment of drugs, like Ridomil Gold, Profit, Ordan, they are from curly on a peach, contain mancozeb, the main component from curly.

Curl stone fruit trees- spring fungal disease, there will be no repetitions in the current season, therefore, when spraying in autumn, apricots are treated with copper sulfate, the content is one percent, to destroy the spores of the fungus. In spring, spraying with Horus (half a teaspoon of 10 liters of water) on the green crown and immediately after flowering. Peach trees do not need to be processed by leaves with copper-containing preparations - they can throw off the foliage. Undoubtedly, sanitary pruning, the destruction of diseased, affected foliage, helps. Horus and copper sulfate are stable products.

To get rid of the curl on the leaves, it is recommended to spray the trees with fungicides. It is necessary to spray the peaches 2 times a year with a 3% proven Bordeaux mixture. It is usually done in the fall, with fallen leaves, and in the spring, before the buds open.

The fungicide "Skor" has shown itself well and has good reviews for the destruction of curliness. The tool has a positive prophylactic effect for up to 10 days and an important therapeutic effect for up to 5 days. The preparation "Skor" is safe for gardeners and the surrounding country environment and is not toxic. 1 ampoule (2 ml), dissolves completely in 10 liters of water, having a consumption per one hundred square meters fruit trees.

Pruning diseased and infected peach shoots, the treatment is done with fungicides when the first signs of the presence of a disease are detected, further after 12 days. A solution of a suspension of colloidal sulfur (1%) works well. When the temperature is + 25 + 30, you can spray by mixing ground sulfur simply with lime at a dose of 2: 1. Bordeaux mixture helps everywhere (100 g of the preparation of copper sulfate plus 100 g of lime known to us, dilute thoroughly for 10 liters) when the growing phase is in 1% prepared solution up to 5 times.

Abiga-Peak is used 40-50 g. 10 liters. during growth 4 times in an interval of 2 weeks. Soon to use the drug (0.2 kg / ha) - the main thing is the first spraying on the "green cone, and the second - after flowering."

Peach curl appears in spring with sharp and strong changes in daily temperatures. The best remedy from the curl on the peach, tear off the leaves affected by the disease (be sure to burn them), when pouring the fruits, there is no curl at all and the young leaves are no longer affected.

Peach is not only a very finicky tree that requires certain climatic conditions and compliance with the rules of caring for him, and he also reacts sharply to treatment with protective drugs. At the slightest inaccuracy, leaves and fruits falling off, developmental delays and other troubles can be expected. One of the dangerous diseases of this fruit tree is the curliness of the peach leaves, when it appears, it is necessary to immediately take measures to save the culture.

The causative agent of this disease, which can cause a lot of trouble for gardeners in the spring, is the so-called voiceless fungus. It becomes especially active in the spring, while its spores penetrate into the cracks in the bark of trees and on the scales of leaves, after which you can observe the release of resin from them. When a disease occurs, the leaves become ugly and curl, and their color also fades.

If timely spraying is not carried out, then shoots may even die off. Most often, this disease can lie in wait for such peach varieties as Cornet, Earley Cornet, Armgold, in an average degree such varieties as Collins, Stark Delicious, Dixired can get sick. All others are considered more resistant to the onset of the disease.

Of course, drug treatment will always be the most effective of the control methods, but it is always better to carry out prophylaxis than to treat peach trees later. For these purposes, at the beginning of March, it is necessary to spray crops using the well-proven 1% solution of copper sulfate. After about 4 to 5 days for better protection it is necessary to do this spraying again.

For preventive treatment in order to avoid a dangerous disease, you can also use the well-known 3% Bordeaux liquid or one of the fungicides - "Raek", "Hom", "Skor" - which can be purchased today in a specialized store.

In autumn, experts advise pruning the affected trees and spraying them with copper sulfate.

Also, in order to prevent disease and protect the fruit tree, it is advised to give preference to dry areas of the garden well-lit by the sun for planting and growing peaches.

Control methods

Of course, fighting the disease in the spring is not an easy task, but if you start in a timely manner complex treatment, you can expect a good result. The first step is to carry out the procedure for pruning and burning affected leaves and shoots in May. It is recommended to do the first pruning during the growing season, and the second before the spread of the fungal disease spores. Before spraying a tree with special preparations, it is necessary to take into account the fact when exactly the infection occurred.

The fight against leaf curl after the flowering period involves protection by treating the plant with tank biological products - such as planriz, pentaphage, trichodermin. It is also recommended to use copper oxychloride and special fungicides for spraying in spring. Until the buds appear on the trees, urea, copper sulfate or lime milk can be used along with these drugs. In the fall, experts advise spraying wood and soil in the area of ​​the stamp circle with any of the aforementioned agents, with the exception of fungicides.

For the treatment of the disease, for many years in a row, gardeners have widely used the method of processing peaches with a solution of 3% Bordeaux mixture. When spraying trees with this drug in the spring, it should be borne in mind that there will be a certain delay in the fruiting of the crop compared to the generally accepted terms. Excessive phytotoxicity is also possible, which will grow at the same time as the shoots. But a clear degree of efficiency this method much higher than all possible negative consequences.

It is especially good to carry out processing with Bordeaux mixture in the event that a disease is observed fruit crop for a couple of years now. The traditional folk remedy for combating curliness can be safely called ordinary clay. It is customary to use it together with lime, and it works as an adhesive, an adsorbent. The useful substances present in the composition of such a solution - sulfur, silicon, aluminum and others - also help to overcome the ailment. Clay for the treatment of peach trees can be used in its pure form.

If the clay-lime mixture did not give the expected effect, and the use of the Bordeaux mixture for some reason is impossible, then modern preparations can be purchased for processing. These are delan, chorus, speed, which can be used both in combination and each separately.

As all sorts of laboratory studies have shown, this kind of new generation means will help to make effective treatment leaves from curl almost one hundred percent. In the fall, it is imperative to collect, compost or burn the leaves, since the infection partially remains on them.

Video "Peach Curl"

After watching the video, you will learn how to treat an ailment such as curliness and how to take preventive measures.

Peach is a delicate tree that is afraid of frost, various pests and, of course, diseases. One of the most typical and dangerous is the curliness of peach leaves. What it is, and how to deal with it, we will tell you further.

Did you know? Where the peach spread from around the world is not known for certain. Researchers have determined that the closest to it is the wild species of peach Prunus davidiana Franch, which is found near Beijing (China). But it is believed that the plant penetrated from northwestern India to Persia, from where it then spread throughout Europe. Peach first appeared in Italy in the middle of the 1st century. Now it is actively cultivated in the warm parts of Eurasia and America.

What is Peach Leaf Curl

The disease is considered the most common and is among the leaders in the frequency of lesions. peach tree... It appears on shoots and young leaves. Moreover, if the leaves are already 2 weeks old, their chance of catching the disease is minimal. Most often they get sick at the age of 5 to 8 days.

The disease manifests itself in the form of blistery swellings on the leaves. At first they are light green, then they turn amber red and then brown. A waxy coating appears on them, where the spores of the fungus mature.

The bubbles become brittle, and the leaves themselves thicken, dry, turn black and crumble. First, the lower ones, then in the middle of the shoot. As a result, a few leaves remain on its tip, and it looks like a brush. As a rule, one- and two-year-old shoots are affected.

The branches themselves are also affected by the disease. They become yellowish, thicken, bent, and eventually dry up completely. The internodes become thicker and shorter. Accordingly, the next year, a tree that has no shoots since last year does not bear fruit.

With a strong defeat, the buds die off already in the first year of infection, without bearing any fruit. If they manage to form, they also turn out to be deformed.

Did you know? The source of infection is spores of Taphrina deformans, a marsupial fungus. The tree becomes infected once a year, in spring. Spores penetrate into the buds, as well as into the cracks and wounds of the shoots, from which gum begins to ooze. Affected leaves become a breeding ground for new spores, which scatter over the bark of the tree, where they overwinter, and in the spring they begin a new cycle of infection. Taphrina deformans mainly affects fruit trees but most often nectarines and peaches.

If you do not spray the peach from curl in time, you can have a completely bare tree in the garden in May. It is weakening and may not survive the next winter's frost.

Preventive measures for curliness

The first and main preventive measure against curliness is choice the right place for planting a peach. It should grow in a sunny, dry place and well away from other trees.

Important! The rapid spread of the disease is facilitated by high humidity air, low temperature environment, sharp drops temperatures. That's why spring is the most dangerous for the peach tree.

Among the preventive measures, the most popular is peach treatment with copper sulfate (1%), Bordeaux liquid (3%) or fungicide. Of the latter, they recommend "Skor", "Hom", "Raek".

Preventive treatment spend 2 times a year. The first one is in the fall, after the trees have thrown leaves. The second - in the spring before the first leaves appear. Although some experts recommend after the first spraying to be repeated after 4 - 5 days.

Important! Spraying is done in calm and dry weather. Otherwise, the wind will carry the solution to neighboring plants, bypassing the peach, or the rain will immediately wash it off.

How to deal with the disease? Preparations to combat leaf curl

Treatment of a tree from this disease is very difficult and time-consuming, therefore it is recommended to pay enough attention to preventive methods immediately upon planting.

AND important place among them are sanitary-preventive work.They provide for the pruning or complete removal of the affected shoots, which must be immediately collected and burned outside the site.

If these events are held in the fall, all the leaves that have fallen from the tree must be burned along with them. In the spring, they cut off those shoots on which signs of the disease are clearly indicated.

Did you know? There is still no consensus among gardeners as to when it is more effective to prune in the spring: in May, when infected shoots are visible, but the spores have not yet spread through the tree, or in early spring, together with the removal of frozen and dried shoots.

In addition to treating peaches with a Bordeaux mixture, the use of fungicides is effective in treatment. Most often, it is recommended to use "Skor", since it is non-toxic, and therefore safe for the environment and the gardeners themselves.

For one hundred square meters of the site, 2 ml of the drug (1 ampoule) are needed, which must be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Healing effect lasts up to 5 days, and prophylactic - up to 10 days.

Use also "Abiga-Peak" at the rate of 40 - 50 g per 10 liters of water. It should be used 4 times at intervals of 2 weeks.

Important! Experienced gardeners know that the peach is a fastidious plant, requiring strict adherence to the rules of caring for it, special climatic conditions. He is no less sensitive to various drugs. If you make a mistake with the dosage or the spraying period, the tree can shed all the foliage, fruits, slow down their development, or dry out altogether.

Folk remedies to combat curliness

As already mentioned, chemical treatment of peaches with fungicides and Bordeaux liquid is the most effective methods fight the disease. But some gardeners try to use chemicals last but not least, trying with all his might to cure the plant with folk remedies.

So, it is recommended to use spraying with tobacco infusion. A kilogram of dried tobacco or tobacco dust is poured into 5 liters of boiling water and infused for 3 days. The infusion is filtered, diluted with water 1: 2 and the affected trees are sprayed 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks.

It is considered effective emulsion,prepared from 90 g of slaked lime and 350 g of softened clay, diluted in 10 liters of water. First, you need to dilute the clay with water until smooth, and then, stirring thoroughly, add slaked lime. The solution must be free of sediment.

You must use it immediately, without leaving it on next time... But the expected effect will be obtained only with regular spraying of trees. This rule also applies to other folk methods.

But most often the mushroom is resistant to folk decoctions. Therefore, if you do not want to use serious drugs for the treatment of a tree, in addition to pruning peach leaves affected by curliness, it is recommended to spray with 1% Bordeaux liquid, a harmless agent "Biostat", which includes essential oils, as well as special mixtures.

For example, a mixture of lime and ground sulfur in a ratio of 1: 2 or a solution of a suspension of colloidal sulfur (1%). In this case, spraying is recommended at an air temperature above 25 ° C. But remember if folk remedies do not give a visible result, do not neglect the treatment of peach with fungicides.

Peach is a fairly disease-resistant tree. With regular preventive maintenance to prevent infectious diseases, he will not bother the gardener with ailments.

However, it is not always possible to pay enough attention to the tree. And then the peach can be affected by fungal infections. The most common of these is the curliness of the peach leaves.

Peach disease

Fungal infections develop on many fruit trees and berry fields. Peach is no exception in this matter, it suffers from fungal diseases, like other fruit trees. Infections spread especially rapidly during warm and rainy years. The following can cause troubles:

  • moniliosis;
  • clasterosporium or leaf perforation;
  • fruit rot;
  • powdery mildew.

All fungal diseases lead to damage and premature fall of leaves, when the growth of new shoots stops, deformation and drying of fruits. The tree slows down nutrients come in insufficient quantities and are poorly absorbed. Fungal diseases They progress quickly and are difficult to treat. A weakened tree can easily freeze out in winter.

The best way to prevent disease is prevention. Spraying a peach for prophylaxis several times a season with folk remedies prevents the development of spores of fungal diseases on it.

Important! The grower must draw up a calendar of treatments garden plants during the season.

Curly leaves - signs of the disease

The most dangerous disease peach - curly leaves. Spores of the fungus overwinter on fallen leaves and germinate on branches and leaves in early spring. They grow only on young leaves. If the tree is covered with leaves for more than two weeks, then the fear of curly peach in the spring already disappears. But in summer, the second wave of regrowth of young leaves begins. At this time, the curl may reappear.

Important! The main feature diseases - reddening of young leaves, their curliness.

Sometimes the leaves may turn yellow. They thicken and deform, become corrugated, swollen.

Flower buds are deformed together with the leaves. This year's harvest is dying. Next year, there will be no fruit on the diseased tree either. With a strong development of the disease, it is worth manually removing all the fruits, since high-quality peaches will no longer grow.

At high humidity the fungus is capable of infecting all young leaves within 10 days. Following the leaves, young shoots begin to curl: they discolor, slow down in growth. In winter, unripe branches freeze out.

Peach curl - fungal disease... Spores in the form of a whitish bloom are visible on the back of a peach tree leaf. Over time, the leaves turn brown and fall off. On fruits, the fungus appears in the form of brown growths. Underdeveloped fruits also fall prematurely.

Treatment methods

If the first signs of the disease appear on the leaves, action must be taken immediately. How can this difficult disease be treated? Peach leaf curl main disease of this culture, treatment is carried out throughout the season. The methods of struggle are different:

  • cut off the reddened leaves;
  • cut diseased branches 10 cm below the place of manifestation of the disease;
  • sprayed with fungicides.

Important! The main thing is to take immediate action when curly hair appears.

The affected leaves are quickly cut off and burned. Young leaves, on which there are no traces of the disease, should preferably be sprayed with Champion.

Curl preparations are used mainly before flowering. Verified chemical agents protection - these are Skor, Horus, Topsin M, Abiga-Peak, Delan.

You can fight the disease with these funds in any phase, except for flowering. The interval between the use of the fungicide solution is 8 days.

The number of treatments should not be more than three times per season:

  • before flowering;
  • after flowering;
  • a month before harvest.

You can sprinkle a peach with a chemical for the last time no later than three weeks before harvest.

The microbiological preparation Fitosporin-M has received widespread use, which is used not only for treatment, but also for soaking seeds before sowing, for better storage harvest.

Biological preparations such as Trichodermin, Guapsin, Planriz do not have a dangerous effect and do not accumulate in plant tissues. Such preparations can be used to treat the tree even during the ripening of the fruit.

You can process the leaves with 10% strained mullein infusion. The manure disinfects the plant and feeds the tree weakened from the disease.

Gardeners often use another common treatment for curly foliage. A kilogram of dry tobacco is steamed with five liters of boiling water. The mixture is kept for three days. After straining and diluting the infusion with water in a ratio of 1: 2, the diseased trees are sprayed twice with an interval of 2 weeks.

A simple way to protect peach from leaf curl was developed by N.N. Leonov. It consists in spraying a peach with a clay mixture 3 hours after it has been treated with a fungicide. At the same time, they achieve 98% of the effectiveness of the drugs.

The clay mixture increases protective properties peach tree and is absolutely harmless to humans. 350 g of soft clay and separately 90 g of slaked lime are dissolved in a bucket of water. By mixing two liquids, a homogeneous solution without precipitation is obtained. They are sprayed with diseased parts of the plant.

Clay is at the same time a fertilizer, as it contains a large number of essential trace elements. In addition, the clay-lime mixture prolongs the action of the fungicide up to 30 days instead of the usual two weeks.


The main thing in disease prevention is to grow a strong, strong tree. Correct planting location, timely pruning every year, fertile soil and sufficient watering allow you to grow a healthy tree. It successfully resists both infections and pests.

Usually a weakened tree is ill. You can save a peach from curliness with the help of preventive measures. These include various actions:

  • treatment with copper-containing preparations (fungicides);
  • timely sanitary pruning;
  • cleansing dried bark and removing gum deposits;
  • selection of resistant varieties.

Prevention of fungal diseases begins in the fall. After sanitary pruning, dig up the soil around the tree and place fresh manure or organic mulch. They clean the bole and skeletal branches from dry bark, whitewash. The influx of gum is cut out to healthy wood, the dried wound is covered up garden pitch.

After dropping the foliage, sprinkle the peach with a fungicide solution on the bare branches for prophylaxis: Skorom, Hom, Raikom.

Spring sanitary pruning is an important measure for peach protection. Before the leaves bloom, dry, weak and excess branches are cut, too long shoots are shortened.

In addition to good agricultural technology, to prevent the disease, it is necessary to spray the peach with copper-containing preparations. The traditional means in the prevention of fungal diseases are early spring treatments 1% solution of copper sulfate or 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid.

If the peach was already sick last season, then it is sprayed from the curly leaves special means- fungicides. The most common use of drugs Horus, Skor, Topsin M. Treatment of a sick peach from curliness with biologics Fitosporin-M and Biostat leads to very good results.

It is necessary to process the tree according to the attached instructions. It should indicate the concentration of the solution and the time of application.

Important! Every year it is necessary to change the means used on the site in the fight against infections.

Breeders are trying to develop varieties that are resistant to the main diseases of the crop. These varieties include the following varieties:

  • In memory of Rodionov;
  • Simferopol early;
  • Early Kuban;
  • Donetsk yellow;
  • Morettini;
  • Bagrinovsky;
  • Redhaweng;
  • Yellow;
  • Saturn.

A systematic fight against a fungal infection allows you to get rid of it within 2-3 years.


Fighting varietal peach curl is not easy. Copper preparations, which are traditionally used to kill fungal diseases, belong to upper class toxicity. Therefore, it is worth trying to prevent the disease, rather than fight it with dangerous means.

Diseases of fruit trees cause a lot of trouble for gardeners. It is very important to know what correct processing garden and disease. Dear readers, together with a consultant in horticulture and horticulture, candidate of biological sciences Vladimir Kiryushkin, we will talk about protection against a disease that is in the first place in terms of harmfulness - the curliness of peach leaves.

The initial manifestations of the disease appear at the very beginning of spring: pimpled bubbles appear on fresh leaves, later they acquire a reddish tint. And this emerging problem is very urgent everywhere.

Fungus causative agent of peach leaf curl - "Taphrina deformans »

Some gardeners speculate that this damage is the result of aphid habitat. We can definitely say: the crumpled leaves of a peach at this time of year are not aphids. This is a fungal disease that manifests itself precisely in the spring, when, with the onset of heat, active growth of shoots begins, and the fungus immediately infects peaches and nectarines.

On control

Preventive methods of dealing with a disease such as curly leaves begin in the fall. When the air temperature drops to 10-5 degrees, you must do the following:

  • Prune infected trees and spray them with copper sulfate or sulfur and lime solution.
  • The trunk circle must be freed from all residues, the leaves and branches must be burned, the soil must be loosened.
  • In early March, the plant is treated with a sprayer with a 1% solution of copper sulfate. After a few days, spraying must be repeated. You can also use a 3% Bordeaux liquid solution.
  • To reduce the risk of this disease, you need to choose dry, well-lit areas of the garden for planting a peach.

How to treat a peach from curl

The resulting swollen leaves will fall off after a while. But our task is to make sure that the leaf curl disease does not infect new young leaves. Therefore, trees must be processed. How to process a peach from curly leaves, we will tell you in detail.

If the degree of damage is still high, it is better to use systemic drugs"Horus" and "Skor" (chemicals). To a lesser extent, you can use "Strobi", "Ridomil Gold". The treatments must be repeated every two weeks, or once every 10 days. And it is better to change the preparations: First, spray with "Ridomil", then with "Fast", and then - with "Horus".

But the first treatment, while it is still cool, it is better to carry out "Horus", and then "Fast" and "Ridomil"

And with systemic (chemical) substances, trees need to be treated once every 2 weeks.

We increase knowledge

Chemical fungicides and insecticides are of systemic and contact action.

Contact drugs act only at the site of application. Their action is limited only to the surface of leaves and fruits. This means that before eating the fruits, it is enough just to wash them well so that they are safe.

- action systemic drugs much more efficiently as they penetrate the capillaries of the plant. That is, the fruits are also impregnated with the drug, it takes time to active substance disintegrated. The instructions for each drug indicate how long after application the fruits can be eaten.

Peach processing. What will the bees "say"?

The period of "waiting" for the action of the "chemistry" listed above is about a month. Ripe peaches, ready to harvest, will be here in the Kiev region (even if it is an early Kiev variety) in the second decade of July. Until that time, the drugs will have time to completely decompose.

As for the harm of preparations for flying insects - the same bees, at this time the processing has already formed here, the ovaries are clearly visible, and the nectar is not released. This means that bees do not fly at this time, so the measures taken will not bring harm.

If you do not take action, then the fungal infection that causes curly leaves, in principle, will stop by itself by about July. But the peach will not only lose all the leaves, but it can also shed the ovary. Plus, he can almost certainly freeze up next winter. Therefore, we recommend that you follow our recommendations on how to treat peach leaves against curl to preserve your harvest.

The problem of the Kievsky early peach is that when it was bred, the emphasis was on winter hardiness. That is, the best-most were chosen winter hardy varieties capable of withstanding up to - 25-27 degrees Celsius. Therefore, this variety winters in the northernmost peach growing zone. In general, it is very difficult to simultaneously breed a very resistant variety to diseases, such as curly peach, and at the same time be winter hardy.

Later, the variety "In memory of Rodionov" was obtained (it was bred by the same Rodionov, who created the variety "Kievskiy early"). This variety is more or less resistant to curliness, but it is very rare and difficult to obtain.

If you find such a lesion as leaf curl on your trees, treatment is necessary. Otherwise, you may be left without wonderful and very useful fruits.

In the case when there is already a large lesion, it is advisable to collect and burn all diseased leaves in order to avoid damage to new leaves. And, of course, process the trees

Treating fruit trees for diseases is not a whim, but a mandatory measure when maintaining your garden.