Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Details about mixtures for leveling walls. Main types of building mixtures for leveling walls Building mixture for leveling walls

The direct purpose of plaster is to protect walls from any influences. Especially it concerns exterior finishing walls Her next direct assignment- this is the alignment of the walls. It is impossible to imagine renovation without the use of plaster. Achieve perfectly smooth walls, corners and slopes, prepare the surface for tiles, under wallpaper or for painting - plaster can do it all. But, before you start plastering the walls in one case or another, you need to understand the types of plaster and for which surfaces they are best suited.

Types of plasters

During the renovation process, the question arises of what plaster mixture should be purchased in order to level the walls. It all depends on the planned work plan. Let's figure out what categories types of plasters are divided into:

  • by readiness for use;
  • by composition, which is based on binder material;
  • as intended.

Depending on which plaster mixture is chosen, the scope of work is determined. Each category of material has its own specific pros and cons. This includes the ease of working with the material, its preparation for work, as well as how much time and effort it will take for final cleaning.

So, the plaster material can be dry and wet. Wet is the type that needs to be applied to the surface. After some time it hardens. Dry sheets include drywall sheets. Where to stop. It is clear that with the help plasterboard sheets Leveling the surface will occur much faster than using various mixtures. But this method is best used in cases where the walls are too crooked and the room is quite large. The process of installing drywall itself involves the use of some space. If the room is small, then using dry plaster is not advisable.

Plastering ready for work

When ready for work, plaster material can be three types. They are produced in the form of dry mixtures or pastes. The third type is homemade.

According to the composition of the plaster

According to its composition plaster mixtures are divided into ordinary and decorative. Common plaster mixtures are:

  • Clay based. They are usually used for plastering. Since clay itself is a very weak material, lime is most often added to the composition.
  • Cement based. They are cement-sand or sand-lime. This is one of the most available materials because of its price. Compositions with the addition of sand of different fractions are used. But these mixtures have a slight drawback. This is the possibility of cracks forming. Especially if very fine sand is used. Cement plaster, which contains lime, are suitable for plastering walls in rooms with high humidity.
  • Based on gypsum.
  • Such plasters are suitable only for dry rooms. The surface after treatment with this plaster is very pleasant to the touch. A flat and smooth wall is completely suitable for wallpapering. If you work on the surface more carefully, you can apply painting. Lime based.

Such plaster mixtures are universal. The only exception is that they cannot be used in rooms with high humidity. For example, in bathrooms. Important! Plaster mixtures based on gypsum set very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary not to knead a large number of

and try to develop it very quickly.

These materials are considered good for rough work. With their help, surfaces are leveled, cracks are sealed, and surfaces are prepared for further finishing.

The next type of plasters in terms of composition is decorative. They are:

Of all the above decorative plaster mixtures, the most expensive is silicate-based. On the same level there is silicone plaster. The cheapest is mineral plaster. All types of plaster considered are perfect for leveling walls in ordinary dry rooms.

Leveling the walls in the bathroom On the modern construction market there is a wide selection of materials that are suitable for leveling walls in rooms with high humidity. There are, of course, differences in technology of use, methods of application, and also in price. You can choose different types

Bathroom walls with a vertical level difference of about 10 cm or more are best plastered using beacons. Lighthouses can be either metal or wooden. Slats can act as wooden beacons. First, you need to use the same plaster or alabaster to fix the slats on the surface of the walls in a level. They are fastened at a distance from each other equal to the width of the rule that will be used when tightening the plaster.

In Khrushchev and Stalinist houses, builders usually did not make sure that the walls were even. Because of this, when repairing, you should first level the walls.

When to level walls

When renovating, you cannot put wallpaper on walls that have defects.

And if you want to glue tiles, then the walls need to be leveled so that they are very even, otherwise there will be voids under the tiles.

Do-it-yourself leveling

Before carrying out work, you should select and prepare a mixture for plastering the walls. In dry plaster mixtures there are two binder material– gypsum and cement. Calculate the amount of material, taking into account the area to be leveled and the number of layers applied.

If you work in residential premises (living rooms, halls, bedrooms), we recommend a gypsum-based mixture that is more environmentally friendly and maintains a favorable microclimate in the room. For kitchens, bathrooms, pantries and more utility rooms Cement mixtures are quite suitable.


Buy tools:

  • primer;
  • screwdriver;
  • beacon profiles;
  • angle grinder;
  • hammer:
  • screws and dowels;
  • a drill with a set of drills and a mixer attachment;
  • plumb line;
  • roulette;
  • bucket or other container;
  • building level;
  • thread, marker or pencil;
  • wide and narrow spatulas, a brush or roller, usually ironed.

In addition, you should buy work clothes, a headband, and gloves.

Surface preparation

  1. First you need to clean off the old coating.
  2. Next, tap the wall with a hammer; if cracks are detected or appear, they are covered with putty or a mortar of cement and sand.
  3. Remove old nails and other metal materials from the wall. The reinforcement is trimmed with an angle grinder and then coated with an anti-corrosion substance.
  4. Cover the furniture in the room with film.
  5. Markings are applied.

Apply a building level to the wall horizontally and vertically to see all the irregularities.

Then they look for defects, for this they put the rule against the wall. So, where there are defects, they put a mark.

Next, they retreat from the corners of the room by 0.3 m, and then draw straight lines vertically in the direction from ceiling to floor. Then they step back 1.6 m from each drawn line and make another line vertically. They determine the length of the beacons; to do this, step down from the ceiling by 150 mm in the corners, and up from the floor by 150 mm, drill holes, and insert dowels with self-tapping screws.

Then they pull the cords horizontally from one corner to another, one slightly below the ceiling, the other cord 15 cm below the floor. In places where the cord will intersect with the lines drawn vertically, drill holes and insert dowels without self-tapping screws. As a result, 2 rows of dowels are formed, with a distance of 150 mm from the ceiling and floor.

Prime the wall

If the wall is brickwork either she's from cellular concrete, then prime with a deeply penetrating compound; if the wall is smooth, then you can choose “Concrete Contact”.

Installing beacons

  1. Screw self-tapping screws into the upper dowels, apply a rule to any self-tapping screw and see how you need to screw the self-tapping screws into the lower dowels so that there is a straight line vertically between them.
  2. Next, two diagonal threads are pulled between the heads of the screws, then a beacon profile is placed under them and moved under the threads to see if it will protrude later. If the beacon profile catches the thread, then re-check the deepening of the screws. Then pull the thread between the screws near the ceiling and near the floor. They are checked in the same way with a beacon profile.
  3. Then calculate the indentation between the upper and lower dowels and cut the beacon so that it indents 5 cm on each side.
  4. And then they do a small amount of plaster. It is spread on the wall along a vertical line, then the cut off beacon is pressed into the plaster so that it is flush with the screw heads. As a result, you need to check whether you installed the beacons correctly. Remove the screws from the wall and wait until the applied plaster dries.

Carrying out work: master class

Wall unevenness up to 3 cm can be eliminated with just one layer of plaster, but sometimes plasters are used that can be used to apply a layer of up to 5 cm.

To mix the mixture, you will need a bucket or other suitable container, a mixer or a drill with an appropriate attachment. The mixture is placed in a container, diluted with water and actively mixed. After this, take a short break and mix again until completely homogeneous. The proportions for mixing the mixture with water are usually indicated on the packaging. To avoid misunderstandings, they should be followed. Otherwise, the mixture will either be too liquid and will not be able to stay on the wall, or will be too thick and will not stick well to the wall.

After appropriate preparation of the wall and installation of beacons, the mixture is thrown onto the wall with a large spatula and leveled using the rule. It is convenient to apply the plaster onto a large spatula using a small narrow spatula.

If there are broaches, holes and depressions left on the surface, then you should not get carried away with beauty at this stage, because all this can be corrected by grouting and puttying. If you do not want the formation of broaches, then more often remove the solution from the rule with a spatula and clean it with a brush, which will not be superfluous to moisten in water. When working in corners, certain difficulties will certainly arise, so the best option Their solution will be to sequentially plaster first one wall, and then, after it dries, the second wall.

It is clear that all beacons must be delivered on time, removed before the plaster hardens, and potholes carefully covered with mortar. But there is no need to remove the lighthouse slats from the plaster!

How best to level very crooked walls: how to level with plaster

If the maximum unevenness of the wall is more than 3 cm, then two or even three layers of gypsum plaster will be required.

The second layer usually needs to be applied a day later, after priming the first layer with water. The rule is to lead from bottom to top along the beacons. The solution remaining on the rule is cleaned off and placed in those places with which the rule did not come into contact. By repeating such movements, the space between adjacent beacons is finally filled. If bumps form, it is recommended to apply the rule from top to bottom, and they will disappear.

Leveling a plaster wall with your own hands: how to carry out the work correctly

When applying two or more layers, do not forget to moisten the previous layers with water after they have dried. The first two layers, if three-layer plastering is intended, are usually not leveled, leaving them rough. And the third layer is brought to perfection.

Is it possible to level plastered walls with plaster?

Yes, if the walls are uneven. It is better to level a plaster wall using gypsum-based plaster.

What to do

If the unevenness is more than 3 cm, then you can cut off the bumps with an angle grinder. It is recommended to cover the depressions with putty.

What materials are best for leveling?

Plaster with gypsum can be applied in a fairly thick layer, but it will still be durable. Because of this, using a similar composition, it is possible to make walls with large defects smooth.

Grouting and sanding after leveling the walls with plaster

If, after applying the plaster, tiling is planned, then it remains as is. If wallpaper is pasted, it must be rubbed with a special trowel; before painting, puttying is done with preliminary rubbing of all defects. Sometimes puttying is done before wallpapering in order to achieve ideal quality - this is at the customer’s choice.

Grout removes all minor defects (sinks, bumps, tool marks) that remain on the plaster. It begins only after the top layer of plaster has completely dried. If the plaster is dry before grouting, it is slightly moistened with water. It is necessary to grate, alternating circular movements and in a running motion, with a special grater. Sometimes this smoothing is done again, also slightly moistening the applied plaster with water, achieving a glossy, optimally leveled wall. After this, putty is applied in accordance with the recommendations placed on the packaging or documents included with the mixture.

Plastering will even out even walls that have severe defects, bumps and depressions. Therefore, after the operation, it will be easy to glue tiles, wallpaper and other materials to the walls.

Useful video

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Everyone wants to admire in their home perfectly smooth, even walls, even geometry of lines in rooms and impeccable finishing. If the pleasure of a perfect renovation is still ahead of you, then you are faced with one of the most important questions - how to level the walls?

The walls in an apartment are usually leveled:

  • plaster;
  • drywall;
  • putty (for small differences up to 1 cm).

Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages. After analyzing them, you can decide for yourself which one to choose and what is best suited for your apartment.

Selection of building mixture

Today, the construction industry offers a variety of mixtures for leveling walls, ranging from sand-cement, cement-lime and ending with gypsum, which is in demand for individual housing. What is the difference between them?

To do right choice, necessary:

  • take into account the amount of work to be done, room conditions (for example, humidity);
  • Using a plumb line and level, approximately determine the curvature and unevenness of the walls;
  • evaluate your financial capabilities, because the cost of plasters differs, including depending on the brand.

Cement based mixtures

The grade of cement determines the quality of the dry mixture (M300, M400): the higher it is, the stronger the coating. For walls in residential premises, it is enough to choose cement grade M150, which is optimal for plastering works.

The amount of sand in the mixture and the size of the fractions affect the purpose of the work:

  • Sand with larger fractions is suitable for rough rough finishing.
  • For fine finishing, fine-grain material is selected.

Modern sand-cement mixtures cannot do without special polymer additives, which give the material plasticity and improve adhesive properties.

Advantages of cement-sand mixtures:

  1. Possibility of use when internal works in a damp room. It is best to level the wall in the bathroom with cement-based mixtures.
  2. More low price, which distinguishes them favorably among all building mixtures.
  3. Durability of the prepared solution.

Let's name some characteristics of the dry mixture cement based:

  • The thickness of the layer for a concrete wall without the use of reinforcing mesh should not exceed 20 mm, for brick - 25 mm.
  • Consumption is approximately 1.8 kg/sq.m. m with a layer thickness of 1 mm.
  • The price of cement-sand plaster is from 145 rubles per 25 kg.

Cement-lime mixtures

In the range of cement mixtures there is also a place for cement-lime mixtures. Adding lime to cement increases the plasticity of the solution; its properties are similar to gypsum, but at the same time more durable.

Advantages of cement-lime leveling mixture:

  1. Prevents the formation of fungus and mold.
    The coating regulates the humidity conditions in the room.
  2. The solution adheres firmly to the wall, including wood and concrete.
  3. When dry, it does not crumble or crack even when drilled.


  1. Low compressive strength.
  2. The price is higher than cement-sand plasters, from 205 rubles for 25 kg.

Gypsum mixtures

For many, there is no longer a question of what is the best way to level walls, because gypsum mixtures occupy the first place in the popularity of plasters. They have excellent leveling ability, thanks to which you do not need to use putty before finishing, and very easy to apply.

Let's list other advantages of this material:

  1. Mineral, environmentally friendly pure material, does not contain harmful components.
  2. Does not shrink, does not crack, does not delaminate.
  3. Maintains a comfortable indoor microclimate due to the ability to absorb and release moisture.
  4. Consumption for the same thickness of the plaster layer is 2–3 times less than that of sand-cement mixtures.
  5. The low density of the material allows it to be applied in a thicker layer in one go, the thickness of which can reach 60 mm.
  6. Good adhesion and low weight of the material allow it to be used on poorly absorbed surfaces.
  7. High plasticity and fast setting, unlike sand-cement mixtures.
  8. Good heat and sound insulation.
  9. The result is absolutely flat and smooth leveled surfaces.

Advantages and disadvantages of leveling with plasterboard

What do you use to line the walls in your apartment if you want to make repairs quickly? Drywall allows you to quickly get results without having to deal with long waits, debris, dust and dirt. Using this material, you can eliminate even very large differences on the walls vertically and horizontally. And most importantly, all the work can be done independently, without resorting to anyone’s help. The following methods of installing gypsum boards on walls are distinguished:

  • , when using which gypsum board sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws on metallic profile, mounted on the wall using guides and vertical posts fixed to the floor and ceiling.
  • A frameless method that involves gluing drywall to the wall using special compounds. Applicable if the wall has a slight slope.

By choosing drywall, you get:

  • smooth and smooth walls with less effort and time compared to plastering;
  • the opportunity to additionally equip sound and heat insulation, as well as carry out hidden wiring and install switches and sockets without gating.

Leveling walls with plaster is a relatively difficult and troublesome process. However for self-execution this work completely It is not necessary to have many years of experience and be a painter-plasterer of the highest category.

You just have to put in a little effort and everything will work out. And with a successful outcome the result will be worth the effort, After all, a high-quality plastered surface is always a strong and durable basis for finishing.

But before you begin practical actions, it’s worth understand the theory, if you wish, spend a little time on the information below.

Why is this process necessary?

When it comes to facing works, smooth walls- this is invaluable, if not to say, necessary factor especially if we're talking about about gluing wallpaper or laying ceramic tiles.

The flatter the working area, the faster and easier the workflow will be, and the better the result will be.

Therefore, leveling plaster is used to level wall surfaces.

If we talk specifically about the advantages, then alignment with wallpaper contains the following positive aspects:

  • careful appearance finished cladding;
  • absence of depressions, bumps, graininess on the surface;
  • uniformity of the wallpaper structure;
  • improved adhesion when gluing decorative coatings;
  • no diverging seams.

Now, as for the tiled cladding. If you are laying tiles on uneven wall trying to achieve smooth surface due to adhesive solution, you can get pretty stressed out, and without getting a quality result.

Indeed, in this case, to obtain a single plane needs to be controlled by level each tile, which inevitably involves laying in different places different thicknesses glue solution. And if you make a mistake in any area even by a couple of millimeters, it will be immediately noticeable.

Plus, when laying too thick a layer of glue, it is possible that the solution will slide under its own weight. As a result, you will need to mix a thicker mixture and press each tile against the wall, waiting for it to fix in the right place, which will increase the period of repair work.

Types of material

For rough work, or, in other words, for leveling walls, it can be used one of three main types of plasters:

Which mixture is better?

When considering this issue, attention will be paid to the three types listed above, namely, in what cases is it more appropriate to use one or another composition? In order to decide which mixture to choose, you need to pay attention to the material of the walls to be covered.

Cement-sand plaster – more Suitable for leveling brick walls. As for concrete surfaces, the quality of adhesion of the solution in this case leaves much to be desired. Therefore, when using such a mixture for plastering concrete walls, you cannot do without a primer.

Lime plaster, unlike the previous one has higher adhesive properties. This allows it to be used for finishing concrete and even wooden surfaces (shingles).

Lime – a component that protects the plaster layer from the formation of mold and mildew, which is an indispensable quality for finishing.

Can be used for finishing dry rooms gypsum mixture, the advantages of which include shorter drying period unlike the first two options, as well as the ability to coat the finished surface without resorting to additional putty.

Do-it-yourself leveling with plaster

The smooth surface of the walls is a decisive, but not the only factor among those that have a positive effect on the appearance of the room. In order for everything to be perfect, when carrying out plastering work it is also worth pay attention to the procedure for aligning corners.

In some cases there may be a need application of similar measures in relation to doorways. Below - about everything in order.


Surface preparation – mandatory procedure , during which the wall is cleaned of dust, debris and crumbling fragments.

You also need to make sure that there are no nails or other elements sticking out in the wall that may become a hindrance during the plastering process.

Once plastered the surface is completely dry, it needs to be leveled using gypsum or cement putty.

This is usually done in two layers. The first layer is applied with a wide spatula, then the dried surface is sanded and finished with finishing putty, which further serves as the basis for decorative coating.


Formation internal corners performed in the process of plastering adjacent walls. At the same time, applying plaster along the beacons itself will allow you to achieve even corners.

When leveling, you need to ensure that a large amount of mortar does not accumulate in the corner. If excess mixture is still formed during the process, it should be carefully removed with a spatula.

As for leveling the outer corners, in this case the easiest way is to use a special perforated corner profile, which pressed into fresh solution, after which excess mixture is removed from its surface.


If it is necessary to plaster the doorway, you can use the same perforated profile, which will protect external corners from chips.

Profile installed on both sides along the perimeter of the opening, securing it with a plaster mixture. The space between the profiles is filled with a solution, leveling it using the rule.

For those who are encountering plastering work for the first time and do not have any experience behind them, you can practice on small areas walls, mixing a small amount of mortar. This will allow you to slightly fill your hand and give you more confidence when carrying out larger procedures.

Look in next video— how to level walls with plaster:

And what solutions can be used. The market offers a wide range of ready-made mixtures. And sometimes it is difficult for a person to understand such a variety of products.

Before what kind of work are walls leveled?

If you are planning interior decoration premises, then leveling the surfaces is indispensable. Any finishing material fits well only on a perfectly smooth wall. Continuous leveling of walls with plaster mixtures is The best way achieve a perfectly smooth surface.

Uneven surfaces must be corrected if you want to lay tiles. Also important Smooth surface for finishing with wallpaper. When you plan to paint walls, a smooth surface is the key successful repair.

Types of mixtures

To find out what mixtures there are for leveling walls, you should study where they are used and what they consist of.

Here's what's on the market:

  1. Putty. This material classified as dry mixtures for continuous leveling of walls. It is a powder that can have a creamy texture. Used as a finishing layer in the process of leveling surfaces. After drying, you can glue wallpaper onto this mixture or paint the walls in the color you like. If a person wants to get a smooth wall, then the choice should be putty.
  2. Primer. Also used for leveling. During the process, all dirt and dust are removed from the surface. The absorbency of the surface decreases. Once the layer has dried, applying paint and glue becomes easy. After priming, these materials begin to be used sparingly. The surface becomes resistant to penetration of moisture and varnish. Many people don't know that primer creates an antibacterial coating on the wall. Mixtures for leveling walls lie more evenly on the primer. If you look at the composition, you can see the presence of various additives in the material that actively fight fungi and mold.
  3. Plaster. It is used when it is necessary to create a new and smooth surface. It is used to protect the fence, load-bearing walls from high humidity, creates good sound insulation. Heat loss from the wall is reduced.
  4. Adhesive and Cold-resistant solutions are obtained.
  5. Solutions universal purpose. Widely used for various surfaces. They have good adhesion and are resistant to low temperatures. Such mixtures for leveling walls are suitable for rooms that are not heated in winter time of the year.

Much attention is paid to the decorative direction. Many are produced various colors. You can choose the texture to your taste.

How is the primer applied?

A layer of primer must be applied before puttying or painting the walls. If we look at the composition, we can see the substances that form a film after application. The primer is made on an acrylic base. You can also find the desired product on a mineral or oil basis. They also produce mixtures for leveling walls on alkyd based. Some types of primer are presented in the table:


Where is it used?

Special alkyd primer

Apply to wooden bases before further finishing of the room.


It is a universal mixture due to its special composition. This mixture has unique ability penetrate into the surface.


Use on surfaces only in dry places. Suitable for metal surfaces.


Can be used on any surface. The downside is the toxicity of the components. It cannot be used at home.

Polyvinyl acetate

Suitable for any walls, prepares the surface well.


Apply the first layer on metal surfaces, as well as on wooden ones.


It is chosen when finished door surfaces already leveled.

Classification of putty

A pasty material called putty is often used for finishing and leveling walls. It contains filler, binder and special additives.

The mixture is divided according to the following parameters:

  1. According to the state of a certain phase: dry or in the form of a paste. Paste putty is considered a ready-made solution.
  2. By type of binder component. Plaster and cement can be used. Polymers are often found in the composition.
  3. According to the purpose of the composition: for leveling walls or for “passing” the second layer of putty.

How to choose the right mixture for leveling walls? Adviсe

Before purchasing material for leveling walls, you need to decide what type of walls you have and what they are made of. It is important to understand that for different types certain materials are needed. Many people settle on a universal mixture for leveling walls and ceilings.

It is also necessary to take into account the temperature factor and humidity in the room. If you choose a mixture to level the walls in the bathroom, then the humidity there will definitely be higher (at least 60 percent). In this case, the choice should be a cement-based mortar.

When the room has low humidity, it is permissible to use any mixture. You can buy cement or gypsum. Cement-lime mixtures also work well.

Each product package contains recommendations for its use, mixture consumption for leveling walls and other characteristics. Please read these instructions. There are packages without labels indicating the composition and storage conditions of the material. This product is not recommended for use. It is unknown how the material will react. After application, the composition may lie unevenly or crumble the next day.

What else should you pay attention to?

When purchasing building materials, many people rely on the price tag in the store. Construction professionals recommend looking at the amount of material that will be needed per 1 square meter. It is better to purchase high-quality and already proven brands. Usually they are more expensive than other analogues, but there is a guarantee that you will not have to redo the work again.

Review of materials

Before choosing a material, you should study the offers on the market. In great demand use:

Is it worth purchasing universal mixtures?

When starting a renovation, citizens are often interested in the question of which mixtures for leveling walls are universal. People are concerned about whether the quality and lifespan of the product changes depending on what surface the mixture is used on.

On the market of universal coatings for leveling walls, the Nivoplan mixture has proven itself well. It is widely used during wall leveling work. different structures. "Nivoplan" is well suited for It is applied in thin layers on concrete walls and plasterboard. This material is applied to foam concrete surfaces, as well as to cement-lime walls.

Continuous leveling of walls with dry mixtures ensures ease of application and good adhesion.

What are the secrets to getting a perfectly smooth surface?

Many people don't know what there is simple technique for leveling walls. It is available even to those who are undertaking renovations for the first time. Professionals note the high-quality coating using this method.

If you have to work with a dry mixture, then you need to fill it with water. The temperature of the liquid should be room temperature. It is a mistake to believe that in hot water the composition will be prepared quickly. Ideally, you need a drill to mix the solution, but you can also prepare it by hand.

It is important to mix all proportions correctly according to the instructions. If there are errors in the proportions of ingredients, the solution will turn out to be very liquid or excessively dry, with cracks.

The resulting solution is applied thin layer using a trowel. It’s good to have a wooden grater on hand to quickly remove excess solution. If a thick layer is obtained, then it can be leveled with a special strip. The next step will be the process of grouting the plaster.

How to work with color mixtures?

It is becoming increasingly popular this season. You can choose any shade that suits the interior.

When working with this type of plaster, there are some nuances:

  1. This composition can only be applied to a damp surface. Before starting work, you need to wet a rag and walk it over the walls.
  2. If a “worn out” area appears, it should not be allowed to dry before another layer is applied. If you miss this moment, then a stain will appear on the wall that will be difficult to get rid of.
  3. This type of plaster mixture hardens in 4 hours; in rare cases, it can take one or two days to dry. The room temperature directly affects drying time. It is also important to know the humidity in the room in order to predict the time when the surface will become dry.

Temperature restrictions

When choosing a wall leveling product, it is important to look at temperature limits. Most solutions on the market are considered frost-resistant. This type can be used in unheated rooms.

Some plaster mixtures, in addition to their resistance to sub-zero temperatures are wash-resistant. This effect is achieved due to the presence of hydrophobic compounds in the mixture.

It is believed that it is impossible to use the composition for leveling walls at temperatures below +5 degrees. Heat also has a bad effect on solutions. Do not use the composition if the room temperature has risen above +25 degrees.


Special attention should be paid to the shelf life of the used building material. It must be used up no later than one year from the date of manufacture. Individual products must be used no later than six months after production.

Water-based compounds

The compositions are stored the longest at water based. They can be used even a year after production. At the same time, the product does not lose its properties and characteristics. The same recommendations can be given for plasters based on artificial resins. They are usually sold in 25 kg containers.