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How to make a stepladder from wood. How to make a wooden stepladder with your own hands? An alternative to a homemade stepladder

A stepladder is a tool that is needed quite often: and when gardening work oh, and during repairs. It’s even more convenient to screw in a light bulb while standing on the stairs. Today it doesn’t seem like a problem to find drawings of a stepladder, then look at a photo of the finished structure, and also pick up a video with detailed instructions.

Why made of wood? Yet this is the most available material and working with it does not require a large number of special tools. The only drawback of a wooden stepladder is the significant weight of the structure. Although, if you look at it from the other side, the stability is much better.

Preparing to make a wooden stepladder with your own hands

First you need to find following materials and tools:

Having prepared all these tools, you can sketch out a drawing, look at photos of each stage and start building a stepladder with your own hands.

Work on the manufacture of wooden stairs

We take a plane in our hands and process all the boards. Next, we cut the racks to lengths of 2.77 and 3 meters. Those bars that are shorter are used to make steps. You will need eight of them of different lengths (0.46 m; 0.49 m; 0.52 m; 0.54 m; 0.57 m; 0.6 m; 0.63 m; 0.66 m). Plus, you need to prepare two crossbars for them, from which you can later make the stepladder stops.

We mark a groove of 2.5x3.5 centimeters for steps 0.2 meters from the top, the next ones every 0.33 meters from the previous one. We also make marks on those bars that will go to the stops, 2.5 and 83 centimeters from the top edge. Then we take a chisel and a hammer and carefully make windows in the intended parts.

On the long and short bars, we make markings for inserting tenons 6 cm long. Using a hacksaw, we make cuts across the cut, retreating from the edge 6 cm. After that, we cut along the lines until they connect with the first ones. Then we place the outer crossbars in their nests and hammer in the nails. Just don’t be zealous – let the hats peek out. We also number all the steps from the end.

We insert two fixing strips into the sockets on the stops. We cut out tenons on the steps, pull out nails from the first and last ones, and then assemble the stepladder from wood. To ensure that the tenons fit into the grooves as tightly as possible, we tap them with a mallet.

Gluing and assembly

After all these procedures, you need to disassemble the ladder and begin priming and painting. We make small holes with a diameter of 7 mm in the stop and posts. You will need special dowels, which we make from boards and round them using a plane or knife, achieving a diameter of 0.8 and a length of 7 cm. We coat them with PVA glue and insert them into the holes.

Using self-tapping screws, they are attached to the top of a wooden staircase. metal corners, and screw the iron plates onto the top of the stop. If you don’t have a screwdriver and have to work with a screwdriver, then first make a hole in the board with an awl. You can also use a drill with a 1mm drill bit and then easily screw in the screw.

What are the advantages of a wooden stepladder?

  • Firstly, by starting to make such a staircase with your own hands, you save on purchasing a ready-made one in the store.
  • Secondly, you are unlikely to find a wooden stepladder for sale; you won’t even find a similar photo in catalogues.

Today, the market has been conquered by aluminum products, which are very lightweight. But, despite the fact that the resulting structure has a lot of weight, it benefits from stability.

You can use a ladder both in your garden and in your home when wallpapering walls. And if it is treated and painted, it is unlikely to deteriorate in the next 10-15 years. By spending a maximum of one day building a stepladder, you will provide yourself with an important and necessary item in your home and household.

Everyone knows about the benefits of a stepladder in the household, but not everyone has one in their home. It happens that this auxiliary unit is needed at the most inopportune moment. We’ll look further at how to make a stepladder from various available materials with your own hands.

The main types of ladders

A stepladder is a device in the form of a ladder that can stand on its own without support. The main function of a stepladder is to help lift a person to a certain height. A ladder differs from a stepladder in that a stepladder has a support with which it stands on its own.

There are three main types of stepladders:

  • one-sided type;
  • double-sided type.

A stepladder looks like a structure to which steps are attached. Additional elements of the stepladder include elements in the form of handrails and legs. Determining the height of a stepladder is done by calculating the interval between the floor and the last step or platform. The interval between steps is from 20 to 25 cm.

In accordance with functional features stepladders are distinguished:

  • classic look;
  • universal type;
  • transformable stepladder.

Universal stepladders combine the functions of a regular ladder and a stepladder. They are divided into folding and telescopic. A universal staircase has the form of a structure that includes several pairs of sections, each of which has from six to eight steps. In the telescopic type of universal stepladders, sections are gradually extended, which are secured with automatic latches or hooks. This staircase has a fairly decent height.

Stairs called transformers mean they work in several positions. They are compact, easy to transport and can even fit in the trunk of a car.

The classic material for making stepladders is wood or metal. Pipes made of steel or iron act as load-bearing racks, while steps in such stepladders are increasingly made of wood or less durable metal. Such stairs are quite heavy, take up a lot of space and have an unattractive appearance. But, since the components of the stepladder are connected using bolts, any of its damaged elements can be quickly replaced.

Some stepladders are integral - welding is used in the process and construction, so the structure is non-dismountable.

Making ladders from wood is impractical. Since such a unit has a short service life due to susceptibility to moisture and mechanical damage. At the junctions of wooden boards, cracks and small chips appear. In addition, such a stepladder is not able to withstand heavy loads, the maximum weight is 95 kg. In addition, a stepladder made of wood with a large number of steps is quite heavy, which is not very convenient to use.

One of the most popular stepladders, depending on the material used, are metal products made of aluminum or duralumin alloy. The aluminum stepladder is durable, reliable, light weight and easy to use.

In addition, there are combined types stepladders, in which wood is used to construct the steps and metal is used for the racks. Special attention, when choosing or constructing a stepladder, you should pay attention to the stand, since it bears the heaviest load.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with additional elements which help improve work with a stepladder:

1. The presence of a hanging platform will help prevent paint from spilling during the painting process. This accessory is secured using a special hook. At the same time, it is fixed at any height.

2. To increase the width of the stepladder legs, it is recommended to use additional support components. They will make the stepladder more stable. They are fastened using screw clamps, while on their lower part there are rubber seals which will help prevent the stepladder from slipping.

3. When performing work on surfaces with uneven surfaces, it is recommended to use extensions for stands. They are able to increase the length of the racks by 35 cm.

4. To facilitate transportation, stepladders use leg extensions. If it is necessary to frequently transport the ladder, roller attachments are connected to it, and when working on unpaved areas, tips with sharp edges are attached.

5. In order to make it easier to climb a high stepladder, a railing is installed next to it. They are flat, round or metal.

6. The presence of a hook for a load will help secure the tools necessary for work on the surface of the stepladder.

Wooden stepladder - manufacturing features

The use of such a stepladder is not limited. It is perfect for cleaning when doing construction work in the house or gardening in the garden. Of course, stepladders made of metal are very popular, but if you have timber or boards, it is more economical to build such a stepladder.

To make a stepladder you need:

  • dry wood timber, the cross-section of which is 5×3 cm, and the total length is about thirteen meters;
  • metal knitting needles, the diameter of which is 0.6-0.8 cm and the length is 10 m;
  • nuts, washers and wood screws;
  • in the presence of rubber, with which the linings for the racks will be made;
  • metal plates for furniture (they will help connect the two halves of the stepladder);
  • metal chain or cord - you will need two pieces of sixty centimeters each;
  • wood glue.

In addition, a standard carpentry tool kit is required, which consists of:

  • electric saws;
  • Bulgarians;
  • electric drills;
  • chisels;
  • grinders;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Stepladder drawing:

First of all, start sawing the timber to make the necessary blanks. To make a stepladder you will need:

  • four boards 1.5 m each;
  • two 0.57 m each;
  • two 0.52 m each;
  • two 0.47 m each;
  • two 0.37 m each.

For convenience, first use a pencil and a tape measure, mark all the necessary cuts on the timber, and then saw it into pieces.

Long parts must be rounded on one side, and rubber sealing nozzles, if any, are attached on the other. They will help make the stepladder more stable before sliding.

You need to step back a distance of ten centimeters from the bottom of the workpiece, and make a recess measuring 0.5x0.25 cm in it. Next, an indentation of 25 cm is made and the procedure for making a recess is repeated. In this area there will be five recesses for fixing the steps. Do the same with the other workpiece. Below, under the recesses, make holes into which the knitting needles will be installed. Use a chisel to narrow the ends of each step. The tapered end should be two centimeters long.

Next comes the main part of the process of making a wooden chisel - processing the blanks. All wooden parts impregnated with drying oil, bleached and treated with antiseptic solutions, which will help make them more durable and resistant to moisture, the formation of fungus or mold.

The final stage begins after all the workpieces have dried. It consists of assembling the entire structure. To do this, you will need to lubricate the end sections of the steps with wood glue and hammer them into the rod parts with a hammer. Next, the spokes are installed into pre-made holes under the steps. The spokes are secured using nuts and bolts. Furniture plates are fixed at the top of the stepladder. To prevent the stepladder from moving apart during operation, a metal chain is used. In addition, it is recommended to make hooks on which it will be convenient to place items needed during work. Using waste pieces from large-diameter plumbing pipes will help you build a tool storage device.

DIY metal profile stepladder

This option for manufacturing a stepladder is reminiscent of aluminum structures sold in any construction stores. Its only difference is the material of manufacture: in purchased ones it is aluminum, but here it is a profile pipe. The advantages of using this material are its cross-section; due to its presence, it is practically inflexible, more durable and lighter.

In the process of making stepladders from profile pipe you will need:

  • electric welding;
  • Bulgarians;
  • electric drills;
  • roulette;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Before starting work, you need to buy attachments for drills and grinders, designed to work with metal products. In addition, make sure you have safety glasses that will protect you from cutting metal. In the process of working with welding machine It is recommended to wear a mask.

Before you start making, you should think about the height of the stepladder. This option should be selected based on personal preferences and the characteristics of the place to work with the stepladder. In accordance with the desired height, two sections of the profile are cut, which will serve as racks.

If there is rust on the pipes, you need to remove it using a grinder and a nozzle that looks like metal brush. After that cut required amount steps for a stepladder. To do this, use a pipe with the same cross-section.

There are two options for making such a stepladder:

  • with the presence of steps of different sizes - this option is more reliable, but complex;
  • with the same steps - we’ll talk about this option further.

All holes from profile pipes must be closed using patches. It is necessary to construct crossbars from a pipe with a smaller cross-section. Their size is equal to the size of the steps. Use suitable brackets to connect the two halves of the stepladder. In the central part of the stepladder, it is necessary to make a hole through which a metal cord is installed, ensuring the safety of working with the stepladder.

The stage of manufacturing a stepladder from a profile pipe is completed by painting it and treating it with anti-corrosion compounds; in addition, it is possible to install additional components that ensure ease of operation.

Features of manufacturing a universal stepladder

The main components of a universal ladder are:

  • steps - the stability of the staircase depends on their number;
  • the presence of front pillars ensures fastening of the steps;
  • to maintain balance, the stepladder is equipped with rear posts;
  • the size of the top step is slightly larger than the size of the steps, since it is intended to stand with the entire weight;
  • the main function of the belt is to prevent the ladder from corroding to the sides;
  • Having plastic or rubber tips will help prevent the ladder from pressing into the floor.

Universal stepladders are:

1. Aluminum - they, in turn, have the following advantages:

  • ease of transportation and movement;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • no need for painting or priming;
  • duration of operation.

The disadvantages of aluminum stepladders include:

  • high level of thermal conductivity, therefore it is not recommended to use such a ladder during repair of a high-voltage line;
  • high level of thermal conductivity - rapid heating of aluminum when working with high-temperature materials.

2. Metal, which have the following advantages:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • available materials and tools during the construction process;
  • high strength.

Among the disadvantages of metal stairs it should be noted:

  • instability to corrosion;
  • the need for painting, priming and applying anti-corrosion compounds;
  • If welding is performed poorly, there is a risk of injury.

To build a universal staircase from any material during the work process, you need to prepare:

  • roulette;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • square;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric drill;
  • grinder;
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • welding.

In addition to this tool, you must have:

  • rubber for sealing legs;
  • glue or liquid nails;
  • metal profile or pipes.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for making a transformer stepladder:

1. C metal pipe Using a grinder, cut eight identical sections.

2. Cut the steps; their size depends on the preferences of the stepladder manufacturer and is selected based on the features and working conditions in which the stepladder will be used.

4. With locking mechanisms the steps are connected to each other. Monitor the quality of the weld, as it is subject to high loads and must be strong.

5. Using a primer and then paint, treat the surface of the transformer stepladder. After it has completely dried, use the device for its intended purpose.

A stepladder is an extremely useful tool in almost every home. It will allow you to treat the ceiling, wipe dust from the top of the cabinet, or trim the garden.

The price of this device is not too high, however, a DIY stepladder will give you the opportunity to show your imagination and save money. Let's consider the basic rules for performing manufacturing work and the options for materials used.

This device is easy to transport from place to place

The most common type is the DIY wooden stepladder. It is constructed from special bars or boards. The main advantage of using wooden stepladders is their lightness and ease of assembly.

Metal models, on the contrary, are quite bulky and transporting them around the apartment is quite difficult. To assemble this type of ladder, you will need welding equipment.

Making a stepladder out of wood with your own hands will be much easier. All you need is tools for wood processing and an assembly diagram. Also, stepladders may differ in type of design. There are types for internal use or streets, each of them differs in size.

Tools and materials

The following expert advice will help you answer the question of how to make a stepladder with your own hands. First you need to take care of the tools. It is necessary to prepare the devices:

  • saw;
  • tape measure for measurements;
  • hammer and drill.

This product should be made from wooden block dimensions 50x30 mm. It will help in the manufacture of racks and steps for the stairs. The length of the beam should be approximately 14 m. Usually such material is sold in lengths equal to 6 or 12 m. This means that it is best to buy 3 bars of 6 m each.

Instead of timber, you can also use regular board dimensions 25x80 mm.

Additional characteristics of the material are shown in the table:

Additionally, you will need to purchase various fastening components in the form of bolts and other fastening tools.

When starting assembly, you first need to prepare a diagram of the future wooden stepladder. It is also taken into account that the structure has smaller dimensions on top, and larger dimensions on the bottom, which gives it stability.

Stepladder arrangement diagram

Creating a bowstring and steps

To make wooden stepladder stands, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Four strings approximately 150 mm long need to be cut from the timber. Two of them will be used as a support, the rest will be used to make the stairs;
  2. Then in two bowstrings it is necessary to make grooves 2 cm deep and 2.5 cm high across the entire width of the beam.
  3. In the racks that will be used as support, you will also need to make grooves for jumpers. They will need to be placed at the height where future steps for the stairs are planned to be placed.
  4. Next you will need to cut the steps for the stepladder. Their length is selected depending on the drawing used.

In each step you will need to make spikes on both sides, they serve to attach them to the main structure.

Assembly of the main part

Let's start arranging the stepladder stool with our own hands. We insert the crossbars into the prepared holes. We recommend that you treat the studs with adhesive before doing this to improve adhesion.

Keep in mind that the spikes of the steps must fit tightly and be securely fixed, this will prevent further loosening of the structure.

Next you need to hammer the tenons into the grooves of the stairs. The best way to do this is to use a hammer. After arranging all the crossbars in the marked places, they must be secured with bolts. Master Klaas for making wooden fixture watch in this video:

If the stepladder is assembled from boards, then the steps will be slightly different. In this case, the arrangement of grooves is excluded, since the thickness of the material will not be enough. In this product, the steps are fastened using steel angles.

In order for the created stepladder to be reliable and serve you for a long time, we recommend additionally fastening the strings of the main part with knitting needles.

To do this, you will need to drill additional holes under the grooves. After installing the steps, you need to insert the spokes into them and tighten them with bolts.

Final stage

The process of creating a stepladder from wood with your own hands has almost come to an end, all that remains is to connect all the working parts together. To do this you will need to use hinges or brackets.

Don't forget to install a restraining chain at the bottom of the stairs. It will prevent divergence between the supporting and working structures.

However, the use of large stairs inside small apartments is not entirely justified. In such cases, it would be better to assemble a ladder chair.

Its assembly technology differs from a conventional stepladder. Due to its small size, there is no point in making a folding structure.

The process of creating a small staircase is as follows:

As a result, you will receive a small stepladder suitable for use in small apartments.

A stepladder made by yourself will become an indispensable assistant in everyday life.

Stepladders are folding ladders that are indispensable for carrying out various works in a city apartment, in a private house and in a country house. These staircase structures are comfortable, stable, compact and practical. A do-it-yourself stepladder can be made from scrap materials. The manufacturing process is simple and anyone can do it. At the same time, a homemade stepladder will not be inferior in functionality and reliability to industrial designs.

How to make a stepladder with your own hands? First, you need to select the most suitable model of a folding structure, then select the material from which the stepladder will be made with your own hands.

Based on their appearance and functionality, these stairs are conventionally divided into three groups:

  • Classic.

  • Telescopic models are assembled from several retractable sections, which are securely fixed with hooks or automatic locks (latches). These stairs can be very tall.

Telescopic stepladder overview

  • Transformable stepladder is a modern, universal, multifunctional stepladder. The transformer consists of sections that are connected using hinges. Hinges allow you to easily and quickly change the position of the sections and securely fix the selected position. The transformer can easily take the form of: a classic model, a ladder with a console, a convenient construction platform, or a regular (extension) ladder.

Multifunctional transformable stepladder

Structure height

How to determine the correct height of your folding stairs? To do this, you need to know the maximum height to which you need to reach from the top step of the structure. Your height and 30-35 cm are subtracted from this height, which will allow you to perform all the necessary actions without touching your head to the ceiling.

A stepladder for a standard apartment has a height of 70 to 150 cm. The number of steps depends on the height and can range from 3 to 5 steps. For production needs and construction work in a private home, a model with a platform is convenient. A more complex design (transformable stepladder) allows you to significantly increase the height of the stairs.

Materials for production

As a rule, folding structures are made of wood or metal (aluminum alloy or steel). The choice of material depends on the purpose of such a ladder, its size and the load it must withstand.

Stepladders made of light and durable aluminum alloys are very popular. If you are planning to make a transformer, then you should pay attention to aluminum materials. Structures can be assembled from one type of material, or you can combine several different ones.For example, a garden folding ladder or a reliable stepladder for construction and repair work can be made from steel pipes (stands) and wood (steps).

The best option for making a stepladder is aluminum profile or pipes. Of course, you can make a stepladder for your home from wood. This is the simplest and affordable option. But it is worth considering that for such work you need to use high-quality, well-dried wood.

Wood structures

The first thing to do is to develop drawings of the future wooden structure. You need to clearly understand what type of stepladder will look like, determine its configuration, and basic parameters. While working on the drawings, they also determine the choice of fasteners and materials that will be needed to make the stairs. As a rule, a full-fledged transformer is not made from wood.

For the string of a wooden stepladder, beams (approximately 5x5 cm) are used, for the steps - a board (3-4 cm thick). It is necessary to mark and cut the string beams to the required length. They should match the height of your stairs.

Once you have cut the beam to the required length, you can begin making the steps

To ensure the stability of the structure, the lower ends of the wooden beams are cut at an angle of approximately 30 degrees.

The next stage is the manufacture of crossbars (steps). The number of steps is calculated taking into account total height stepladders and the optimal distance between the rungs. When ascending/descending, a step of 35 cm is considered standard; approximately this distance should be between steps.

It is worth considering that almost all models of stepladders have a feature: they taper from bottom to top. The length of the first (lower) step should be approximately 65 cm, the top - no more than 35 cm. The dimensions of the steps will have to be adjusted as the stepladder is being manufactured. After preparing the steps of the required size, it is advisable to number them on the reverse side.

The stepladder will be more stable if the bottom is wider than the top

If the design of the staircase has an additional platform, it is made of the same material as the steps. The second half of the stepladder (support) is assembled in the same way, only instead of steps, to enhance strength, crossbars are used, nailed across or diagonally (different options are possible here).

One of the options for attaching the second half of the stepladder

To securely connect all the parts of a wooden structure, bolts are used, and to ensure the mobility of its parts, hinges are used, and spacer mechanisms or limiters are used to fix the position.

In most cases, the two halves of the stepladder are connected by hinges

The limiter is needed to prevent the legs of the stepladder from moving apart

Installation begins by connecting the string and crossbars. To do this, self-tapping screws are screwed into the ends, in the places where the steps are attached. All joints must be treated with wood glue. The steps should be parallel to the plane of the floor when the ladder is unfolded. If the stairs have a platform, then additional support is installed.

The movable halves of the stepladder are connected by hinges. A travel limiter must be provided. Secure it at two ends. The limiter ensures the stability and reliability of the wooden structure.

Making a wooden stepladder with your own hands

If the steps are attached with glue, then to increase the strength of the structure, the bowstrings are tightened with metal rods. They are located under the steps: at the bottom (under the first step), in the middle, at the top (under the top step).

Metal rods are needed to make the stepladder more durable

To protect against rotting wooden elements stepladders must be coated with an antiseptic compound that creates a water-repellent film. You can also varnish the product without affecting the metal parts of the structure.

Metal constructions

A metal stepladder can be made from pipes or profiles. When working with metal, you need to be very careful and carefully handle all sharp edges after cutting.

To protect hands and feet from injury during operation of a folding metal structure, you can use special plastic or rubber plugs.

Metal products can be dismountable (detachable connections are used for installation) or monolithic (welded). Welded joints are typically used for steel structures made from pipes and angles.

Stepladder made of steel pipe using a welded joint

To make a stepladder from metal you will also need a drawing. Working through the design metal stairs, it is worth making one part of it longer, which will allow you to form comfortable handles on top and make it easier to secure the hinges without compromising the strength of the structure.

Rectangular metal profile - best option for installation of a folding ladder. And here is a product from steel pipes and the corners turn out to be quite heavy, which is not very practical, especially for home use.

To make a stepladder you will need metallic profile(section approximately 20x40 mm). The length of the profile must correspond to the calculated height of the stairs.

After cutting everyone necessary details do not forget to carefully process their edges. Drilling into metal required holes for bolted connections. Hinges are installed in the same way as in wood products. As a limiter, you can use a piece of pipe secured with movable metal bolts.

Drill holes to connect the two halves of the stepladder using hinges

It is advisable to provide special anti-slip pads on the steps of a metal structure. Now you know how to make a stepladder that best suits your needs.

Making a metal stepladder with your own hands (Option 1)

Making a metal stepladder with your own hands (Option 2)

The main requirements for the design of a stepladder are reliability and safety. Cheap household equipment is rarely of high quality, and purchasing a high-quality model has a significant impact on the budget. It is more profitable to select the necessary parts and make a stepladder with your own hands.

To build a staircase designed for long-term use, you will need pieces of a metal profile with a cross-section of approximately 20x40 mm:

  • 195 cm long – 4 pcs.;
  • 45 cm long – 12 pcs. (cross members can be made from blanks of a smaller cross-section).

You will also need:

  • Two small iron plates 3–5 mm thick;
  • Half-meter steel stud with a diameter of 12–16 mm with nuts;
  • Two metal scraps for the top connectors (20–30 cm).

Profile rectangular section would be the best option. The use of pipes and corners is possible, but will make the structure heavier or reduce its rigidity.

Required tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • Drill, metal drill;
  • , “troika” electrodes;
  • Hammer;
  • Files - round and flat;
  • Barbosk brush, manual or in the form of an attachment for a power tool;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Roulette, square;
  • Keys.

The finished stepladder will need to be cleaned with a rust converter and coated with enamel.

Steel blanks are sawn to length and cleaned of large rust with a brush. On flat surface two strings of the future ladder are placed. The location of the steps is marked, which are then welded at right angles.

The upper part is made to connect the halves of the staircase. Pieces of steel profiles are fixed to the edges of the bowstrings by welding at an angle of 120°. These elements should be positioned as accurately as possible - otherwise the stepladder will turn out crooked.

Holes for the rod are drilled, and burrs are removed with a round file. Ears from iron plates are prepared and tried on in place.

The second movable half of the staircase is assembled in the same way, with the exception of the top - instead of profile parts, the ears are fixed by welding.

Both parts are connected using a stud, and the nuts are tightened. The latter are hammered out with a chisel or secured with locknuts. Start finishing:

  1. Scale with welds knocked down with a hammer and removed with a barboska;
  2. Use sandpaper to remove rusty deposits from surfaces;
  3. The joints are polished with a grinder;
  4. Rust converter treatment is performed;
  5. After drying, the product is primed and painted.

The result of several hours of work is a reliable stepladder. Another solution to the problem could be the option wooden structure: less durable, but more accessible for independent repetition.

Devices often required in everyday life and households can be made on our own using step-by-step instructions, thereby saving your own budget. If such a useful thing as a do-it-yourself stepladder is made of wood, then its technical and safety characteristics will largely surpass factory production, which offers lightweight aluminum structures for use.

A wooden stepladder made by yourself will last no less than purchased products.

DIY wooden stepladder

You will need:

  • wooden blocks with a section of 5x3 and a total length of 14 m;
  • metal steps: these can be either spokes or plates, total length – 10 m;
  • spokes for greater safety;
  • fasteners - nuts, bolts, self-tapping screws;
  • plates for fastening the legs together;
  • metal chain – 1 m 20 cm;
  • epoxy glue.


  • grinder or metal scissors;
  • hacksaw;
  • wrench;
  • drill;
  • tape measure and marker.

Stages of work and their features

Before you start making a stepladder, you should sketch out a rough sketch for its manufacture. You need to put all the dimensions on it at once. Only a highly qualified master can afford to work without a sketch. You should not think that a stepladder with your own hands is an object that requires a superficial attitude. Firstly, the safety of those working at height depends on it, and secondly, it is very convenient when you don’t need to constantly measure workpieces, you just need to look at the sketch.

Next, the wood is cut. You will need 4 pieces, each 175 cm long. Basically, the length is determined by the height of the work being done: if a stepladder is needed in the garden, then you should proceed from the size of the trees, but you can’t climb it too high either, other means will be needed. To work on the roof, a type of ladder called a ridge stepladder is used. It is distinguished by the fact that the second half of the folding bed is thrown over the roof, and bars are nailed to the tops for stability.

Then the stair blanks are cut with a grinder. It is better to use a metal profile for this rather than round elements, again for the safety of the worker. A foot on a flat profile will be much more stable than on a narrow cylinder. The blanks should be in the same quantity for both sides of the stepladder - factory ones are made only on one side, but this model will have two working ladders. This is convenient if the work requires two people or hard to reach places we need an immediate approach.

The length of such elements depends on the distance between the long side bars. The upper ends should be 40 cm apart from each other, and the lower ends should be 60 cm apart. You should get two pieces 57, 52, 47, 42, and 37 cm long. That is, the distance between the steps is approximately 27 cm.

Then holes are drilled in the long elements according to the diameter of the steps if the elements are round, and metal corners are attached for flat ones. The drilling depth should not be less than 2 cm. In the same way, holes for the knitting needles are made slightly lower. Then the structure is assembled without the use of bolts in order to see all the flaws and correct them immediately. All elements are processed, because the material may be damaged by mold or mildew.

Assembling ladders. To do this, epoxy glue is poured into the recesses, wooden hammer round steps are driven in. Then, using fasteners, the spokes are mounted, which are tightened with nuts on both sides. Profile steps are attached using wrench. After assembly, the glue takes time, so the blanks are put aside for a day. If the installation went without it, then it’s time to start working on the plates.

One part of the elements is attached to the tree, and then the metal ears of the structure are fastened together so that it can freely fold or open. Plates from the mechanism of an old sofa are perfect for this task.

Next, you need to take care of your own safety - the metal chain is cut into two parts with scissors and screwed at the ends to opposite elements. It will prevent the stepladder from unfolding completely if the legs begin to slide along the surface. Naturally, this is done at the bottom of the stairs. The owner will decide at what distance, but usually this is the length of the entire chain, that is, when unfolded, the legs form a regular square with a side of 60 cm. It is advisable to “put shoes on” the legs, otherwise there is a risk that the ladder will slip on a particularly slippery or wet surface. Installation is complete.

In order for the stepladder to please the owner for a long time, it can be given an external gloss by carefully sanding it with fine sandpaper and varnishing it.

For storage, you can soak it with used machine oil so that the ladder intended for garden work can stand all winter untouched by mold or mildew.

Additional amenities

To make working with a stepladder convenient, you can make additional structural parts of the wooden staircase. For example, several hooks nailed to the ends of long elements will allow you not to hold the bucket in your hands, but to hang it nearby, thereby freeing yourself from heaviness and increasing the speed of work.

Errors when making stepladders

  1. To prevent distortion when inserting ladders into holes, you should drill them parallel to the other side. That is, work must be carried out on both elements at once. To do this you need to use long drills.
  2. When installing nuts, do not forget about washers; they will help facilitate installation and make tightening stronger. If the holes are made large, then the bolt head will not be pulled inward, but will remain on the surface, and the tightening strength can be varied.
  3. You also cannot neglect the installation of the spokes: tightened on both sides with nuts, they will not allow the steps to fall out of their own grooves. If you couldn’t get factory studs, you can cut threads on any steel elements.
  4. You can use a nylon cord instead of a metal chain. But iron is stronger, and the cord will break under increased load.
  5. It is necessary to put rubber knobs on the legs, even if the stepladder is securely chained. You can use plugs from something or wrap non-standard ends with several layers of electrical tape on a woven base. Then you can be sure that the stepladder with the iron chain will not slip at the most crucial moment.

Thus, using everything correct actions, wooden stepladder self-made can be used for any work related to heights: work in the garden, renovations in the apartment, even for screwing in a light bulb, a ladder will come in handy. The model provided by the manufacturer raises some complaints due to the lightness of the aluminum profiles from which it is made, but a wooden one will be much more reliable and stable.

Many household projects may require a stepladder. This includes repairs, harvesting, replacing light bulbs, and so on. For gardening and housework, both a factory model and a DIY stepladder are suitable. After studying the instructions, you can make a design that is optimal in terms of characteristics.

Made of wood

Material selection

Miniature Attachable Design

To build homemade ladder, often use wood. However, along with ease of processing, this material also has certain disadvantages. This includes the hygroscopicity of wood, due to which the product will require additional protection.
A suitable material for making a simple staircase is a metal profile. A garden structure made of metal has less weight than a similar model made of wood. Due to the profile cross-section, the elements will not be subject to deformation. You can purchase suitable blanks in construction stores.
A homemade ladder can be made from aluminum or steel.

The pros and cons of these materials are presented in the table below.

Weight Strength Corrosion Requires protective coating
Aluminum Light weight, the product is easy to transport Inferior to steel analogues, but has sufficient strength for household use No corrosion No priming or painting required
Steel Significantly more weight High strength Susceptible to corrosion Due to susceptibility to corrosion, periodic painting is required

Choosing a stepladder model

To select the optimal configuration homemade stepladder, it is worth deciding on its purpose and operating conditions. As for models, for making it yourself, it is preferable to choose an A-shaped stepladder. Here you can use both steel and aluminum profiles. A staircase of this design will be easier to assemble.

Convenient to store a small folding stepladder. But making it at home requires some experience in this field. Therefore, below we will consider how to make an A-shaped staircase from metal.
When assembling, it is worth considering that a welded connection is superior to a bolted connection in terms of reliability and maintainability. If the stepladder parts will be fixed with bolts, an accurate calculation of the loads is necessary. Otherwise, deformation of the fastening element is possible, which leads to inconvenience during folding of the structure. IN worst case it is possible that the metal will not withstand the loads exerted on the stairs.

Preparation of materials and tools

To make an A-shaped stepladder with your own hands from a steel profile, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder, metal wheels;
  • drill;
  • square;
  • marker;
  • hammer;
  • roulette

When cutting metal, you should use safety glasses, and when welding, wear a special mask.
Materials you will need:

  1. profile in sufficient quantity;
  2. straps that will prevent accidental unfolding of the stepladder.
  3. fasteners (hardware).

Before starting work, it is worth sketching the future structure and then preparing drawings. You should immediately determine the height of the structure and cut 4 identical profile segments of the appropriate size. The steel profile must be cleaned using a drill with a brush attachment.

To make a stepladder, it is preferable to use a profile with a rectangular cross-section.

Future structural supports are secured in pairs with two long bolts. Thanks to this connection, they will be freely brought into working condition. When deciding how to make a stepladder with your own hands, you should devote enough time to calculations and prepare detailed drawings. This will ensure the reliability of the design and compliance of all elements.

How to assemble a garden stepladder

When the supports for the steps are ready, they are laid parallel to each other and markings are made for future crossbars. It is worth using a square at this stage to maintain an angle of 90 degrees. Steps are cut from the same profile or corner.
When the crossbars are ready, first the lower and upper parts are fixed by spot welding, and then all other elements. If all components are correctly connected and there is no need for correction, welding seams can be made. If the support section is planned without steps, two horizontally located crossbars are welded, and an additional one diagonally. This is necessary to secure the supports relative to each other.
All that remains is to fix the limiting cable in the middle of the flight and weld a fragment of a profile or corner to the ends of the supports in the lower part. At the end garden design primed, then a layer of paint is applied.

An electrician made a reliable assistant with his own hands - watch the video

As well as, the steel structure is quite easy to assemble. Leave a comment and share your own ideas on how to make a simple stepladder with your own hands.

Stepladders are folding ladders that are indispensable for performing various works in a city apartment, in a private house and in the country. These staircase structures are comfortable, stable, compact and practical. A do-it-yourself stepladder can be made from scrap materials. The manufacturing process is simple and anyone can do it. At the same time, a homemade stepladder will not be inferior in functionality and reliability to industrial designs. This article has everything about how to do it: a description of the process and tips.

How to make a stepladder with your own hands? First you need to choose the most suitable model folding design, then choose the material from which the stepladder will be made with your own hands. By appearance and functionality These stairs are conventionally divided into three groups:

  • Classic.
  • Universal. Universal designs are distinguished by the fact that they can also be used as a regular (attached) staircase structure. Such stepladders are divided into folding and telescopic.
  • Telescopic models are assembled from several retractable sections, which are securely fixed with hooks or automatic locks (latches). These stairs can be very tall.
  • Transformable stepladder is a modern, universal, multifunctional stepladder. The transformer consists of sections that are connected using hinges. Hinges allow you to easily and quickly change the position of the sections and securely fix the selected position. The transformer can easily take the form of: a classic model, a ladder with a console, a convenient construction platform, or a regular (extension) ladder.

Multifunctional transformable stepladder

Structure height

How to determine the correct height of your folding stairs? To do this, you need to know the maximum height to which you need to reach from the top step of the structure. Your height and 30-35 cm are subtracted from this height, which will allow you to perform all the necessary actions without touching your head to the ceiling. Stepladder for standard apartment has a height from 70 to 150 cm. The number of steps depends on the height and can range from 3 to 5 steps. For production needs and construction work in a private home, a model with a platform is convenient. A more complex design (transformable stepladder) allows you to significantly increase the height of the stairs.

Materials for production

As a rule, folding structures are made of wood or metal (aluminum alloy or steel). The choice of material depends on the purpose of such a ladder, its size and the load it must withstand.

Stepladders made of light and durable aluminum alloys are very popular. If you are planning to make a transformer, then you should pay attention to aluminum materials. Structures can be assembled from one type of material, or you can combine several different ones. For example, a garden folding ladder or a reliable stepladder for construction and repair work can be made from steel pipes (stands) and wood (steps).

The best option for making a stepladder is an aluminum profile or pipes. Of course, you can make a stepladder for your home from wood. This is the simplest and most affordable option. But it is worth considering that for such work you need to use high-quality, well-dried wood.

Wood structures

The first thing to do is to develop drawings of the future wooden structure. You need to clearly understand what type of stepladder will look like, determine its configuration, and basic parameters. While working on the drawings, they also determine the choice of fasteners and materials that will be needed to make the stairs. As a rule, a full-fledged transformer is not made from wood.

For the string of a wooden stepladder, beams (approximately 5x5 cm) are used, for the steps - a board (3-4 cm thick). It is necessary to mark and cut the string beams to the required length. They should match the height of your stairs.

Important! To ensure structural stability, the lower ends wooden beams cut at an angle of approximately 30 degrees.

The next stage is the manufacture of crossbars (steps). The number of steps is calculated taking into account the total height of the stepladder and the optimal distance between the rungs. When ascending/descending, a step of 35 cm is considered standard; approximately this distance should be between steps. It is worth considering that almost all models of stepladders have a feature: they taper from bottom to top. The length of the first (lower) step should be approximately 65 cm, the top - no more than 35 cm. The dimensions of the steps will have to be adjusted as the stepladder is being manufactured. After preparing the steps of the required size, it is advisable to number them on the reverse side.

If the design of the staircase has an additional platform, it is made of the same material as the steps. The second half of the stepladder (support) is assembled in the same way, only instead of steps, to enhance strength, crossbars are used, nailed across or diagonally (different options are possible here).

To securely connect all the parts of a wooden structure, bolts are used, and to ensure the mobility of its parts, hinges are used, and spacer mechanisms or limiters are used to fix the position.

Installation begins by connecting the string and crossbars. To do this, self-tapping screws are screwed into the ends, in the places where the steps are attached. All joints must be treated with wood glue. The steps should be parallel to the plane of the floor when the ladder is unfolded. If the stairs have a platform, then additional support is installed. The movable halves of the stepladder are connected by hinges. A travel limiter must be provided. Secure it at two ends. The limiter ensures the stability and reliability of the wooden structure.

Making a wooden stepladder with your own hands

If the steps are attached with glue, then to increase the strength of the structure, the bowstrings are tightened with metal rods. They are located under the steps: at the bottom (under the first step), in the middle, at the top (under the top step).

To protect against rotting, the wooden elements of the stepladder must be coated with an antiseptic compound that creates a water-repellent film. You can also varnish the product without affecting the metal parts of the structure.

Metal constructions

A metal stepladder can be made from pipes or profiles. When working with metal, you need to be very careful and carefully handle all sharp edges after cutting.

Advice! To protect hands and feet from injury during operation of a folding metal structure, you can use special plastic or rubber plugs.

Metal products can be dismountable (detachable connections are used for installation) or monolithic (welded). Welded joints are typically used for steel structures made from pipes and angles.

To make a stepladder from metal you will also need a drawing. When working on the design of a metal ladder, it is worth making one part of it longer, which will allow you to form comfortable handles on top and make it easier to secure the hinges without compromising the strength of the structure. A metal profile with a rectangular cross-section is the best option for installing a folding staircase. But a product made from steel pipes and angles turns out to be quite heavy, which is not very practical, especially for home use.

To make a stepladder you will need a metal profile (section approximately 20x40 mm). The length of the profile must correspond to the calculated height of the stairs. After cutting all the necessary parts, do not forget to carefully process their edges. The necessary holes are drilled in the metal for bolted connections. Hinges are installed in the same way as in wood products. As a limiter, you can use a piece of pipe secured with movable metal bolts.

On the steps metal structure It is advisable to provide special anti-slip pads. Now you know how to make a stepladder that best suits your needs.

Making a metal stepladder with your own hands (Option 1)

Making a metal stepladder with your own hands (Option 2)

A stepladder is a portable folding ladder - a useful device often used in everyday life and at work. Can be used in production different materials. The characteristics of the design, such as strength and lightness, as well as the complexity of the manufacturing process itself depend on this.

A metal stepladder is highly durable, but making it with your own hands is not easy. For this you will need special tool and metalworking skills. More suitable option, which you can make yourself, is a wooden stepladder. If there are no special requirements for the design (weight, appearance), then even a non-professional can create it with his own hands. Everything you need to make: your desire.

A simple stepladder made of timber

To make a simple garden, you will need 13–14 meters of timber with a cross section of 60×40 mm. For support posts you need 2 m beams (4 pcs.).

The following bars must be prepared for steps and crossbars:

  • 590 mm (2 pcs.);
  • 545 mm;
  • 500 mm;
  • 455 mm;
  • 410 mm (3 pcs.).

The same markings are applied to the two support posts to which the steps will be attached. The distance between the steps is 400 mm, the first (lower) step is no less than 100 mm from the edge. According to the markings, 5 grooves with a depth of 15 mm are selected.

To assemble the main part, the support posts are placed with the grooves up and aligned. The distance between the upper ends is 400 mm, between the lower ends – 600 mm. The steps are placed in grooves and secured with self-tapping screws or nails. An additional crossbar is mounted at the top on the reverse side.

The support does not have steps, so its supports are connected by crossbars only at the bottom and at the top. The design is complemented by a jib. It is important not to make a mistake with the distance between the upper ends - it is 300 mm.

Having assembled both parts, all that remains is to connect them together. The support is installed so that its “horns” are between the top step and the additional crossbar of the main part. This design will not require fasteners at the top, and the lower ends can be moved to a suitable distance, choosing the most stable position.

IN wooden stepladders When the steps are fixed in the grooves simply with glue, knitting needles can be used to increase the reliability and strength of the structure. A metal spoke is inserted under the step (holes are pre-drilled) and secured with bolts and nuts.

To prevent the supports from moving apart, use nylon cords or metal chains. They are mounted at the same height on both sides, connecting the support to the main part.

Important!In many cases, rubber attachments on the legs are mandatory. They prevent slipping.

By creating a stepladder from wood with your own hands, you can immediately add useful elements to the structure. Top part, for example, can be equipped with hooks on which it is convenient to hang a bucket of tools. Another option is a cutting 10–15 cm high from a pipe with a diameter of about half a meter. Attached to a stepladder, it is perfect for storing large tools.

Step-by-step production wooden stairs stepladders:

Step stool

Stepladders, like any other folding structures, have one undeniable advantage - they are convenient to store.

But still, storing traditional stepladders requires some space. But modifications that fold into a stool or chair can be so compact that they do not take up any space at all. But their height is also small.

Making a step stool with your own hands from wood is not particularly difficult. You will need boards 45 mm thick and bars 35x45 mm. Fasteners include screws or nails, as well as wooden pins.

The compact design will require careful attention to the manufacture of parts and assembly. The drawings contain dimensions that must be observed. Otherwise, folding and unfolding the step stool may become difficult or even impossible.

The design parts should not interfere with each other when moving. The two lower steps, similar to a small chair, rotate on pins. When folded, they fit inside the stool. It is possible to provide additional fasteners - a lock that secures the structure in the unfolded state. Manufacturing stepladders:

wooden chair

Multifunctional option It happens that a stepladder, being certainly, useful device most

So, to make supports, take one and a half meter boards, 60 mm thick, 180 mm wide. The steps are also made from boards. You need to select grooves in the supports for attaching the steps. The support is equipped with a crossbar; additional holes are drilled to allow its rearrangement. A special feature of this design is the hinged connection. The edges of the support boards are sawed off at the required angles, and the support boards are screwed to the upper ends. The lower edges of these boards are connected by a piano loop. With this design, the stepladder does not need additional devices to protect its supports from moving apart. The piano hinge with support boards is guaranteed to hold the unfolded stepladder in the working position.

The staircase drawing also contains schematic drawings of structures obtained on its basis.

How else can stepladders serve?

A wooden stepladder is an almost finished easel, a stand for painting. It can be used by both adults and children. The only difference will be in the height at which the paper is attached and the location of the shelf for paints, jars of water, etc. To secure the paper, it is advisable to equip the structure with a plywood board.

You can also make a table from one stepladder. All you need is a tabletop - a board made of chipboard or plywood. Part of the upper steps is removed, the crossbar on the support is installed flush with the highest remaining step. The shield is placed on the step and crossbar.

If you have two identical stepladders, you can make a bed and a gazebo with your own hands. In the first case, you will need a long shield to create a bench on the top of the stepladders. The lower parts can be used as tables (see above) or as the lower tier of a bed (you will need another long board). A gazebo can be made similar to a bed.

Material processing

Wood products almost always need to undergo additional processing. Advice!

Parts of tools and devices must be polished and treated with special compounds. This also applies to wooden stepladders. First with sandpaper

you need to polish all the parts that will come into contact with human hands. The surfaces should become smooth enough so that when using a stepladder there is no chance of landing a splinter. Surfaces affected by mold should also be cleaned. To make a wooden stepladder more resistant to impact, it is impregnated with a special solution - stain. This product serves, first of all, as an antiseptic, that is, it prevents wood from rotting and the formation of mold. Important point– the parts of the structure must be treated with stain before they are assembled. This will extend its service life.

When the ladder is already assembled, it is advisable to soak it in drying oil and apply layers of paint or varnish. All these procedures are quite simple, they are not difficult to do with your own hands.