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Calculation of the amount of bricks for building a wall. Online calculation of brickwork by wall area

When starting the construction of a house, many do not even approximately understand how to correctly calculate the amount of brick so that there is exactly enough of it, there is no need to buy more, and at the same time, so that there is no leftover. And if the latter can still be dealt with - something can be completed or delivered, then ordering additional material from another batch means violating the general concept of color. Products from different batches may differ not only in shades, but even in texture, which once again confirms the need for mandatory preliminary calculation bricks for masonry.

What parameters do you need to know?

In order to determine the amount of material for the house, you can use a calculator (see below) or calculate it yourself. To do this you need to know the following initial data:

  • the length of the perimeter walls;
  • wall area (width x height);
  • thickness (half, one, two, two and a half bricks);
  • brick size;
  • type of mortar joint.

You can go the other way and calculate the consumption by volume, based on the fact that each cube of wall requires 400 ± 1 pcs. Accordingly, the amount of mortar is determined separately for solid bricks, separately for hollow bricks - in this case, the consumption increases by 15% for filling voids.

Let's give an example. For a wall 6 meters long and 3 meters high (area 18 sq.m.) you will need 62 bricks.

To determine bricks for construction, there are tables that provide information on the size of bricks, type and volume of mortar, seams, etc., which allows you to approximately determine the required quantity. But in this case the error can reach 15-20%.

How can you correctly distribute the load-bearing load - external and interior walls they go in one brick, there is a distance between them

If you don't use a brick per house calculator, you'll have to take a lot of data into account. It’s easier and, as practice shows, cheaper to contact specialists or use online services.

Brick calculator

Wall thickness

The first condition of warm and comfortable home- adequate climatic zone and region wall thickness. Standard products 25x12x65 cm can be laid in several ways, which will determine its thickness:

  • half - 12 cm;
  • in one - 25 cm;
  • one and a half - 38 cm;
  • in two - 51 cm;
  • at two and a half - 64 cm.

For the vast majority of the territory, excluding the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea, optimal thickness- 51-64 cm, respectively, in 2 or 2.5 bricks.

Now, after determining the thickness, you can proceed to calculating the perimeter, for which you need to know how tall the house is planned and what the length of the walls will be. After obtaining this value, you need to subtract the area of ​​the door and window openings. The final balance will be the required area of ​​future brick walls.

Block sizes

This is a key parameter influencing total material. Depending on the type, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • single - 25x12x6.5 cm;
  • one and a half - 25x12x8.8 cm;
  • double - 25x12x13.8 cm.

The first option looks much more aesthetically pleasing and neat, although this type of installation takes the most time. One-and-a-half and double ones are installed much faster (even according to the most conservative estimates, you can save almost 2 times), but the finished structure does not look so impressive.

When determining how many bricks are needed to build a house, take into account the height of the masonry joint. When laying a single joint, the height of the seam is 5 mm, double and one and a half – almost a centimeter.

The table below shows an example of the most commonly used building materials(single, one and a half, double) taking into account the height of the masonry seam and without it. Using these data, you can also determine the amount of material for the construction of any building, for which you multiply the data by the area of ​​the wall.

In any batch there is a defect - split, knocked down or cracked specimens. This may be the result of improper storage or transportation. On average, 5-7% is spent on defects; accordingly, possible defects are added to the original number and ordered as much as required.


Novice builders are no less interested in the number of bricks in the masonry for wall cladding. Here the calculation algorithm is the same, but the process will take half a brick. In order to understand exactly how much material is needed, you need to know two sources:

  • brick dimensions;
  • seam height.

If a standard single 25x12x6.5 cm is used, then about 52 pieces will be needed per square of surface with a seam height of 10 mm.

Amount of solution

To determine the budget, you need to know how much solution is needed, or rather the volume of its components (sand, cement, water and additives).

The amount of solution is determined according to standard parameters:

  • for full-bodied buildings in one row - 3 masonry blocks of 0.22 cubic meters per 1 m. ready-made composition;
  • for hollow in one row - per 1 m 3 masonry 0.24 cubic meters. ready-made composition;
  • for full-bodied in two rows - per 1 m 3 masonry 0.25 cubic meters. ready-made composition.

Hollow ones require more solution, since part of it is spent filling the voids.

The number of components and the mixing procedure per 1 m 3 of masonry are indicated in detail in the article. Here we add that the service life and thermal insulation of the walls directly depend on the consistency. Too liquid will lead to the formation large quantity cold bridges and the formation of condensation with subsequent destruction of the masonry. Too thick - it will not provide the necessary adhesion and will also begin to burst gradually.

Observe the parameters and proportions of cement, sand and water when mixing the mortar so that you do not have to redo it.

VIDEO: detailed instructions determining the quantity

An example of calculating the amount of bricks for building a house of 120 sq.m:

  1. Determining the thickness of the walls of the future house

Since we take the central strip of Russia as a basis, the thickness will accordingly be 2 stones. We take the standard size - single 25x12x6.5 cm.

  1. We calculate the perimeter of the walls and area

Length - 10 and 12 meters, 4 walls. The perimeter is 44 meters. Height is standard 3 meters. The area is 132 sq.m.

  1. Using the table above, we determine the type of masonry (double) and type (single)

It turns out, taking into account the seam, 204 pieces. We multiply the area by the quantity 132 sq.m. x 204 pcs. = 26928 pieces.

  1. Taking marriage into account

On average, 7% is rejected, which is 2000 pieces.

Total, for a house with an area of ​​120 sq.m. with a wall height of 3 meters you will need 28928 single bricks.

Using a similar formula, they determine how much is needed for a 10x10 m house. Without repeating the calculation algorithm, we will immediately present the result. On standard house with a wall height of 3 meters, 24,480 bricks will be needed for construction and 6,120 pcs. on the cladding.

Calculation example for cladding

  1. Wall area (12 x 2 + 10 x 2) x 3 = 132 sq.m
  2. It takes an average of 51 pieces to cover 1 square, respectively, 132 x 51 = 6732 pieces.
  3. Taking into account 7% defects, you will need 7203 bricks.

Before you begin directly calculating the amount of material, calculate the area of ​​the window and doorways and subtract from the total area of ​​the walls.

VIDEO: In what cases can you use brickwork 25 cm thick, one stone


Calculation of the amount of facing bricks per wall laying

Algorithm for calculating the amount of facing bricks for building a house

1. Let's calculate the perimeter P (m) of the building; to do this, we add two lengths and two widths of the building.

2. Let's calculate the total area Stotal (m2) of the external walls; to do this, multiply the calculated perimeter by the height of the building H (m).

3. Calculate the area of ​​window and door openings Sopen (m2).

4. We calculate the area of ​​the walls for facing with brick S (m2), for this, from the obtained result of the total area of ​​the external walls Stotal (m2) we subtract the area of ​​the window and door openings Sopening (m2)

S = Stotal (m2) - Sopening (m2).

5. Calculation of the consumption of facing bricks per square meter masonry:

a) for masonry of half a brick, take its length and multiply by the height of the brick and get it

areaSbrick (m2), for standard brick 250?120?65 mm, where:

250 – brick length, mm (0.25 m),

120 – brick width, mm (0.12 m),

65 – brick height, mm (0.065 m),

Skirp=250?65=16250 mm2 (0.01625 m2);

b) in order to determine the number of bricks in one square meter, one must divide the unit by the area of ​​one brick 1: 0.0162 = 61.538 (pieces),

We round up and find that 61 bricks are required per square meter, excluding the seam.

c) but masonry facing bricks is made using mortar, and then it is also necessary to take into account the thickness of the seams; for this we will add one side and one spoon seam to the size of the brick.

1-vertical seam, 2-horizontal seam.

As an example, let's take a seam equal to 10mm.

We get:

brick length 250+10=260 mm (0.26 m),

brick height 65+10=75 mm (0.075 m),

brick area including seams Skirp. seam = 0.26?0.075= 0.0195 (m2),

therefore, per square meter required 1: 0.0195 = 51.28 (pieces),

We round up and find that 51 pieces of brick are required per square meter, taking into account the seam.

6. The total quantity of facing bricks is calculated: S? quantity per 1 m2.

This calculation is the theoretical amount of bricks, but do not forget to take into account 5% of the battle!!!

Using the same analogy, you can calculate the required amount of brick per square meter when laying one brick, one and a half, two, etc.

Calculation of the required amount of bricks for building a house using an example

Suppose we need to calculate how much brick we need for cladding two-story house measuring 10.5 x 9.7 m, height 6 m, windows measuring 1.5 x 2 m, 10 pcs. and the doorway is 1.3?2 m. We will make the cladding in half a brick and choose a 9 mm seam.

When solving a problem, it is necessary to determine how many units of facing bricks will be required for finishing the exterior surfaces of the house.

1. Calculate the perimeter of the building: P = 10.5 + 9.7 + 10.5 + 9.7 = 40.4 m.

2. Calculate the total area of ​​the external walls: Stotal =40.4?6= 242.4 m2.

3. Calculate the area of ​​windows and doors: Sopening= Swindow+Sdoor,

area of ​​one window Sowind = 1.5?2 = 3 m2,

then the area of ​​all ten windows will be Swindow = 3 m2? 10 = 30 m2,

door area Sdoor = 1.3?2 = 2.6 m2,

Sopening= Swindow+Sdoor= Sopening= 30+2.6 = 32.6 m2

4. Calculate the area of ​​the walls for brick cladding:

S = Stotal - Sopening (m2) = 242.4 - 32.6 = 209.8 (m2).

5. Calculate the required amount of brick per square meter, taking into account the seam:

Skirp. seam =(250mm+9mm)?(65mm+9mm)=0.259?0.074= 0.019166 (m2).

Number of bricks per 1m2 = 1: 0.019166 = 52.175 pcs per 1m2. We accept 52 pieces per 1m2.

6. Calculate the total number of bricks: S? Number of bricks per 1m2.

Total quantity of facing bricks = 209.8 m2? 52 pcs per 1 m2 = 10909.6 pcs.

Taking into account the battle, we get = 10909.6 units +5% = 11455 units.

Subtleties of architectural turns

Facing own home always begins with calculating the cost of work, this is understandable, this pleasure is always expensive, however, in order to reduce everything into one estimate, we need to know how to calculate the amount of facing bricks per house.

You can do this in two ways:

  • On one's own. Having calculated all the necessary values, taking into account all the nuances of the walls.
  • Using special calculators, into which you just need to “drive certain data.

We count the facade and walls of the house

Let's immediately decide that we are going to decorate the entire house with facing (decorative) bricks, and not just its facade. This way it will be easier to show clearly and with an example how the calculations work, and from which points we will move away.

For an accurate calculation, we will need two values:

  • Size, dimensions of the material used.
  • The size of the joint. In this case, it is a little difficult to guide it accurately, but we will proceed from the average thickness.

The standard size of stone used in building cladding is 250*120*65 mm, we need length and height, so we take the values 250*65 mm. We will try to reduce the size of the jointing to the denominator - 10 mm, this is the most best option for masonry.

Important! The thickness of the brick cannot in any way affect the total amount of material, so you shouldn’t even count this indicator.

Standard sizes lead us to 51-52 pieces facing material per 1 square meter. In principle, by entering this data into the calculator for calculating facing bricks for a house, everything will be calculated instantly, but it will be total area walls and the total amount of material.

But the point here is this, the walls of any house are not only a solid surface and we will have to count everything with our own hands, based on the fact that there are dimensions:

  • Window openings. They are not always standard, and the shape and area of ​​such an opening may be different on different sides of the building or on different floors, this will also have to be taken into account immediately when calculating.
  • Doorways, we have at least two doors, front and back, plus, possibly, a balcony.

Knowing how to calculate the amount of brick for cladding a house, and knowing all the parameters of the walls, we get the final figure. Here you can immediately make a small footnote, the total area of ​​windows and doors can be from 20% of the entire square footage of the walls of the building.

Architectural nuances

We often talk about the fact that facing material you need to buy with some reserve. It is clear that the most obvious reasons are broken stones, deformation, or improperly constructed masonry.

However, there is another reason, these are architectural nuances that look great on paper, but are sometimes quite difficult to implement in practice.

Even if the base of the walls is double sand-lime brick M 150, the material is unpretentious and simple, even with it you can make small projections, parapets, extensions, that is, change the even plane of the walls.

Repeating the contour, we will have to take all this into account in the calculations, and even if completely minor changes, they will still require an additional brick.

Windows and rustication of corners

So, we’ve dealt with the walls, now let’s move on to the window openings, because we can’t leave them “naked”.

One simple formula can be used to rusticate the corners of the house and frame the window opening.

In it, the calculation of facing bricks is based on the length of linear meters of openings and its division by the height of the facing material.

Let's explain. First, we measure all the openings. Once again it reminds us of linear meters, that is, we just add everything here. Next we have the height of the stone, this is always a standard size, even if building brick used, 65 mm.

In addition, we add the thickness of the seam, 10 mm, and we get the following formula 1m/(0.065+0.01). According to calculations, this is 13.33 bricks per 1 linear meter.

We carry out exactly the same calculations when we need to calculate the rustication of all corners; by the way, there may not be 4 of them.


We can reduce our calculations to several main points, these are:

  • 52 pieces per square meter of wall.
  • 14 pieces per linear meter of windows and corners.
  • Working surface of the walls.

Knowing all the parameters, we easily come to the necessary numbers.

Additional calculations

If we have a terrace, for example, or a canopy, veranda open type, that is, decorative columns and pillars, which are also included in our calculation of the amount of facing bricks per house, since they must be in the same style direction as the facade.

A column measuring 38x38 centimeters, as the most common for verandas and canopies, will require 4 solid bricks in one row with standard size 250*120*65 .

Again, in our calculations we take into account the thickness of the seam, which we try to keep within 10 mm. In general, the instructions are quite simple.

We will need exactly 118 bricks for one column. Actually, knowing this figure, we then calculate how much is needed for the remaining columns.

There is one nuance here, which depends on the size of the pillar; if everything is simple with the walls, and there can only be one option for calculations and masonry, then we can lay pillars in several types.

Advice! Do not pay attention to the discrepancy between the sizes of the facing bricks. You can just use standard dimensions for the walls, and for columns you can choose torn corner bricks, its dimensions are 220*90*65. In this case, the number of pieces of material will not change, only the size of the column itself.


Such close attention to calculations is due to the fact that the price of the material is not the cheapest, and it is necessary to understand how much material to buy at once. The color scheme plays a big role here. We have noted more than once that bricks from different purchase batches may differ in color.


Knowing how to calculate facing brick delivered to your home, we can proceed with the rest of the work ourselves, and keep the result in mind when choosing materials based on cost. The price per brick is always per piece. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Happy construction!


How to calculate facing bricks?

Necessary explanations. It is advisable to make a preliminary calculation of the bricks in such a way that you can purchase bricks from one batch at once. This is done so that there is no need to buy additional bricks later.

Bricks from another batch may, even if slightly, differ in color, which will negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of the house. In essence, for this you need to know at least approximately the amount of bricks for construction.

How to calculate the amount of facing bricks?

Before starting calculations, we need to decide how thick our walls will be. Standard bricks can be laid in half a brick, while the wall thickness will be 120 mm, in one brick - 250 mm, one and a half bricks - 380 mm, in two bricks - 510 mm, and in two and a half bricks - 640 mm.

For building a house in our climate (this does not mean the southern hemisphere), the optimal thickness would be two and two and a half bricks. If you have decided on the thickness of the wall, you can begin to determine the basic parameters of our structure.

To do this, we must know the perimeter length and height. By simply multiplying these two data we get the total perimeter area of ​​the wall.

After this, we must subtract from this number the total area of ​​​​all door and window openings. By simply subtracting from the total area of ​​the wall obtained earlier, we obtain the required area of ​​the brick wall. You also need to decide on the size of the brick itself.

Bricks are single, one and a half and double.

Single brick parameters: length – 250 mm, width – 120 mm, height 65 mm.

One and a half 250 x 120 x 88 mm, double – 250 x 120 x 138 mm.

If you want to speed up and make construction a little easier, you can purchase one-and-a-half or double bricks, but this may affect the aesthetics of the wall.

I think a single brick wall looks more beautiful. However, this is a matter of taste. And only after that can you decide on the calculation required quantity bricks

To simplify the calculation, we present the amount of brick required to lay one square meter of wall in two and two and a half bricks, taking into account the number of mortar joints. The seam height is 10 mm.

Taking the calculations from the table and multiplying them by the previously calculated area brick wall, we get the amount of brick needed for our construction. However, you need to keep in mind the amount of defective bricks, so it would be optimal to purchase a certain amount of stock in excess of the required amount, equal to approximately 7% of the total number of bricks.

How to calculate brick for cladding?

The consumption will be the same as in conventional masonry, but based on the calculation of half a brick.

To calculate the required amount of brick when cladding a house, we need only two parameters - the size of the brick and the size of the jointing. If the brick parameters are 250 x 65 mm, and the standard jointing size is 10 mm, then after making a simple calculation we find that 52 bricks are needed for 1 sq.m of wall.

What parameters do we need?

The surface area that we want to cover and the size of the brick. The height of the mortar joint remains the same - 10 mm. We accept consumption per 1 sq.m. Therefore, we calculate the area of ​​the surface to be covered and multiply it by the number of bricks from the table. We get the amount of bricks for cladding. If you want to use some exotic configurations in the form of arches and others when cladding, you will need an additional amount of brick.

To do this, in your calculations you can make a reserve of 10-15% of the total amount of bricks. This is necessary in order to make up for the losses that occur when cutting bricks due to figured masonry. These are the calculations you need to make to calculate the brick. Happy computing!


Calculation of the amount of facing bricks per wall laying

Algorithm for calculating the amount of facing bricks for building a house

1. Let's calculate the perimeter P (m) of the building; to do this, we add two lengths and two widths of the building.

2. Let's calculate the total area Stotal (m2) of the external walls; to do this, multiply the calculated perimeter by the height of the building H (m).

3. Calculate the area of ​​window and door openings Sopen (m2).

4. We calculate the area of ​​the walls for facing with brick S (m2), for this, from the obtained result of the total area of ​​the external walls Stotal (m2) we subtract the area of ​​the window and door openings Sopening (m2)

S = Stotal (m2) - Sopening (m2).

5. Calculation of the consumption of facing bricks per square meter of masonry:

a) for masonry of half a brick, take its length and multiply by the height of the brick and get it

areaSbrick (m2), for standard brick 250?120?65 mm, where:

250 – brick length, mm (0.25 m),

120 – brick width, mm (0.12 m),

65 – brick height, mm (0.065 m),

Skirp=250?65=16250 mm2 (0.01625 m2);

b) in order to determine the number of bricks in one square meter, one must divide the unit by the area of ​​one brick 1: 0.0162 = 61.538 (pieces),

We round up and find that 61 bricks are required per square meter, excluding the seam.

c) but masonry facing bricks is made using mortar, and then it is also necessary to take into account the thickness of the seams; for this we will add one side and one spoon seam to the size of the brick.

As an example, let's take a seam equal to 10mm.

We get:

brick length 250+10=260 mm (0.26 m),

brick height 65+10=75 mm (0.075 m),

brick area including seams Skirp. seam = 0.26?0.075= 0.0195 (m2),

therefore, per square meter required 1: 0.0195 = 51.28 (pieces),

We round up and find that 51 pieces of brick are required per square meter, taking into account the seam.

6. The total quantity of facing bricks is calculated: S? quantity per 1 m2.

This calculation is the theoretical amount of bricks, but do not forget to take into account 5% of the battle!!!

Using the same analogy, you can calculate the required amount of brick per square meter when laying one brick, one and a half, two, etc.


Using the house calculator presented on the site, you can calculate total number bricks for facade cladding. It is enough to find out the area of ​​the wall and pediment (if there is one). Note! The calculator is an approximate result as the material varies in length. We offer bricks in lengths of 210, 230 and 250 mm.

What do you need to know to calculate a house?
The facing brick calculator contains all the basic parameters (for example, the thickness of the joints). It is enough to know the area.

Square rectangular wall calculated using a simple formula: S = a * b, where a is length, b is width.

Square pediment more difficult to determine. It can have a triangular, pentagonal, trapezoidal shape. We find out the area of ​​a triangle using the formula: S = ½ a * h, where a is the length of the base, h is the height at the ridge.

The formula by which you can calculate the area of ​​a trapezoidal pediment looks like this: S = ½ (a + b) * h, where a and b are the length of the bases of the trapezoid, h is its height.

Calculating bricks for a house with a pentagonal pediment will require a little more action:

To begin with, we mentally divide the pediment into two parts: a rectangle (or trapezoid) and a triangle;

  • We calculate the areas of the first and second parts using the formulas above;
  • Let's summarize the results.

As you can see, nothing complicated. Knowing the area, you can calculate the bricks for the house using a calculator or yourself.

A few nuances

— In the house calculator, you can take into account the area of ​​all window and door openings, which are subtracted from the total wall area. All we have to do is state the overall result. It is not difficult to calculate the area of ​​the openings. If they are non-standard, use the formulas presented above. It is easier to ignore small round windows in gables altogether. This will not affect the overall cost much.

— When calculating the house, take into account the type of masonry. As a rule, the brick is cut and some of the material is rejected.

— Determine the thickness of the masonry. It can be single (half a brick) or double. By default, the calculator takes into account half-brick masonry. If you are interested in double masonry, multiply the result by two.

— Set the percentage of scrap when calculating the total amount of facing bricks on the calculator. No matter how carefully you transport the material, there will be a fight. This is about 5-10%.

By making an accurate calculation of the bricks for your house, you can find out the total cost of the material. Don't skimp - order a little more. A certain percentage of defects and broken bricks there is always.


Brick calculator from Bricus

Calculation of bricks for houses begins with the use of an online system. Using the Internet has become common practice for people of all ages. For the younger generation, this method is convenient and does not take much time. There is no need to call every company and find out from managers the quantity and cost of building materials for construction country house. You can first use the brick calculator by setting the price per brick specific company, look at the output amount and choose a supplier based on considerations of material benefits.

The principle of calculating bricks for a house

By default we have set the traditional options wall material, which are often used in suburban construction. These are facing, ordinary single and one-and-a-half bricks, Euro-format, double porous stone, modular and silicate. But you can set other parameters by clicking on the “custom sizes” bar. Required to fill out:

    The total length of the perimeter walls in meters.

    The height of the walls at the corners in centimeters.

    The thickness of the mortar in the masonry in millimeters.

    Number of rows for installation of masonry mesh.

    Set the wall thickness according to the proposed options.

In addition, check the box if you need to take into account the gable, windows and doors. When choosing wall thickness, the drawing on the right side clearly displays the selected option so that it is clear what each type of brickwork looks like.

Not difficult? We are sure you can do it. But if anything happens, call, write, contact us using any form on the website. We are always in touch!

Ryazan brick.rf

What are the pros and cons of brick cladding houses?


Decorative cladding of the facade of a brick house has a number of positive and negative points, which is important to consider before you start covering the walls yourself. The advantages of this option are:

Cladding your own house always begins with calculating the cost of the work, this is understandable; it is always an expensive pleasure, however, in order to reduce everything into one estimate, we need to know how to calculate the amount of facing bricks per house.

You can do this in two ways:

  • On one's own. Having calculated all the necessary values, taking into account all the nuances of the walls.
  • Using special calculators, into which you just need to “drive certain data.

We count the facade and walls of the house

Let's immediately decide that we are going to assemble the whole house, and not just its facade. This way it will be easier to show clearly and with an example how the calculations work, and from which points we will move away.

For an accurate calculation, we will need two values:

  • Size, dimensions of the material used.
  • The size of the joint. In this case, it is a little difficult to guide it accurately, but we will proceed from the average thickness.

The standard size of stone used in building cladding is 250*120*65 mm, we need length and height, so we take the values 250*65 mm. We will try to reduce the size of the jointing to the denominator - 10 mm, this is the most optimal option for masonry.

Important! It cannot in any way affect the total amount of material, so you shouldn’t even count this indicator.

Standard sizes lead us to 51-52 pieces facing material per 1 square meter. In principle, by entering this data into the calculator for calculating facing bricks for a house, everything will be calculated instantly, but this will be the total area of ​​the walls and the total amount of material.

But the point here is this, the walls of any house are not only a solid surface and we will have to count everything with our own hands, based on the fact that there are dimensions:

  • Window openings. They are not always standard, and the shape and area of ​​such an opening may be different on different sides of the building or on different floors; this will also have to be taken into account immediately when calculating.
  • Doorways, we have at least two doors, front and back, plus, possibly, a balcony.

Knowing how to calculate the amount of brick for cladding a house, and knowing all the parameters of the walls, we get the final figure. Here you can immediately make a small footnote, the total area of ​​windows and doors can be from 20% of the entire square footage of the walls of the building.

Architectural nuances

We often say that facing material must be purchased with some reserve. It is clear that the most obvious reasons are broken stones, deformation, or improperly constructed masonry.

However, there is another reason, these are architectural nuances that look great on paper, but are sometimes quite difficult to implement in practice.

Even if the base of the walls is double sand-lime brick M 150, the material is unpretentious and simple, even with it you can make small projections, parapets, extensions, that is, change the even plane of the walls.

Repeating the contour, we will have to take all this into account in the calculations, and even if there are very small changes, they will still require an additional brick.

Windows and rustication of corners

So, we’ve dealt with the walls, now let’s move on to the window openings, because we can’t leave them “naked”.

One simple formula can be used to rusticate the corners of the house and frame the window opening.

In it, the calculation of facing bricks is based on the length of linear meters of openings and its division by the height of the facing material.

Let's explain. First, we measure all the openings. Once again it reminds us of linear meters, that is, we just add everything here. Next we have the height of the stone, this is always the standard size, even if building bricks are used, 65 mm.

In addition, we add the thickness of the seam, 10 mm, and we get the following formula 1m/(0.065+0.01). According to calculations, this is 13.33 bricks per 1 linear meter.

We carry out exactly the same calculations when we need to calculate the rustication of all corners; by the way, there may not be 4 of them.


We can reduce our calculations to several main points, these are:

  • 52 pieces per square meter of wall.
  • 14 pieces per linear meter of windows and corners.
  • Working surface of the walls.

Knowing all the parameters, we easily come to the necessary numbers.

Additional calculations

If we have a terrace, for example, or a canopy, an open veranda, then there are decorative columns and pillars, which are also included in our calculation of the amount of facing bricks per house, since they must be in the same style direction as the facade.

A column measuring 38x38 centimeters, as the most common for verandas and canopies, will require 4 in one row with a standard size 250*120*65 .

Again, in our calculations we take into account the thickness of the seam, which we try to keep within 10 mm. In general, the instructions are quite simple.

We will need exactly 118 bricks for one column. Actually, knowing this figure, we then calculate how much is needed for the remaining columns.

There is one nuance here, which depends on the size of the pillar; if everything is simple with the walls, and there can only be one option for calculations and masonry, then we can lay pillars in several types.

Advice! Do not pay attention to the discrepancy between the sizes of the facing bricks. You can just use standard dimensions for the walls, and for columns you can choose torn corner bricks, its dimensions are 220*90*65. In this case, the number of pieces of material will not change, only the size of the column itself.


Such close attention to calculations is due to the fact that the price of the material is not the cheapest, and it is necessary to understand how much material to buy at once. The color scheme plays a big role here. We have noted more than once that bricks from different purchase batches may differ in color.


Knowing how to calculate the facing brick for a house, we can independently proceed to the rest of the work, and keep the result in mind when choosing a material based on cost. The price per brick is always per piece. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Happy construction!

The building materials market is developing dynamically, therefore, the range of finished products is becoming wider every year. However, classic ceramic and sand-lime bricks do not give up their leading positions, remaining the most popular block when constructing walls.

What is the reason for such universal recognition? Firstly, brick - high strength material that can withstand very heavy loads. Secondly, he is extremely durable, if technology is followed, the house will last for hundreds of years. Third, aesthetic attractiveness, many choose brick precisely for this reason.

Before starting the construction of a building, it is necessary to calculate the consumption of materials in advance. Many people often don’t understand how to do this. Right, and some don’t even imagine how approximately calculate the quantity of bricks. However, this is a very serious expense item and should be treated with the utmost care.

Our service invites you to use online calculator ohm bricks for building a house. Visual elements will clearly show what something looks like, and simple shapes will not force you to fall into a stupor and make unnecessary calculations before filling them out. The results will help you understand what volume, how many funds and equipment will be required to deliver all the building materials at one time. Eliminate the need return again if there is a shortage or overpay money for obscene surpluses.

Brick calculator for building a house

The house brick calculator will help you easily find out the required number of blocks to build walls and all related elements of the structure. It is based on GOST data, recommendations and other regulations. The obtained values ​​have a minimum error and will allow you to navigate when traveling to a hardware store.

We take into account and take into account the following designs:

  • walls;
  • window;
  • doors;
  • pediments (triangular, trapezoidal, pentagonal);
  • jumpers;
  • armored belt

We work in accordance with regulatory documents, such as GOST 530-2012 “Ceramic brick and stone”, GOST 379-2015 “Brick, stones, blocks and silicate partition slabs”.

How to use?

First you need to decide what type of blocks you are going to use when building a house. If you accepted final decision that it will be a brick, then you need to indicate its parameters and price:

  • type (ceramic, silicate);
  • execution (hollow, solid);
  • size (single, one and a half, double, euro, modular);
  • price per joke.

Then fill in all the fields in the “Wall Parameters” block. Calculation needs to be done separately for external (+ internal load-bearing walls) and separately for partitions, since they have different thickness masonry Enter this and all other data according to the plan and documentation for your home.

  • the total length of all walls (with the same masonry thickness);
  • height of the walls at the corners (ceiling height);
  • masonry option (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 bricks);
  • thickness of the mortar in the masonry (10, 15, 20 mm);
  • masonry mesh (you must determine the appropriateness of use yourself).

This is where the main part of the calculator ends, you can immediately scroll down and press the button Calculate" The data obtained will be correct for the box with the previously specified parameters.

If you want to know more accurate values, we provide the opportunity to take into account windows, doors, gables, lintels and armored belts.

In order to activate the element you are interested in, click on the " Add».

Fill in the parameters of windows and doors, also indicating their quantity.

  • height, cm;
  • width, cm;
  • quantity, pcs.

If the roof of your house is not flat, indicate the characteristics of the gables and the quantity.

  • height, m ​​(total);
  • height between bases, m (in trapezoidal and pentagonal);
  • base width, m;
  • width of the bases, m (in trapezoidal and pentagonal).

The basis called a straight line connecting two opposite angles at kinks.

Lintels are the connecting link in the masonry chain and are used to cover the openings of windows and doors. Fill in the fields:

  • thickness, mm;
  • length, m;
  • quantity, pcs.

If you are going to strengthen the structure of the house with an armored belt made of monolithic reinforced concrete, add the appropriate item and enter the values:

  • thickness, mm;
  • quantity, pcs.

It is assumed that the width of the armored belt and jumpers will be the same as the width of the building block.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or find an inaccuracy, please write in the comments or fill out the form on the website, we will respond shortly.

Calculation of bricks for a house

How to calculate the number of bricks manually?

In order to answer this question, you need to know the main types and sizes of bricks, laying methods and, of course, the calculation method. You should familiarize yourself with this information, at least in order to understand the essence of the process and not doubt the reliability of the calculations.

Types of bricks for construction

First of all, the bricks are divided into two large groups depending on the material of manufacture:

  • ceramic;
  • silicate.

The red ceramic brick is based on high-quality clay with minimal quantities impurities. After molding, it is fired in ovens at temperatures from 1000 to 1300 degrees.

Sand-lime brick consists of quartz sand and lime. After pressing, it is exposed to water vapor at a temperature of 170-200 degrees and a pressure of 8-12 atmospheres. Also, various impurities are often added to it, for example, titanium dioxide allows you to maintain the snow-white color of the product for decades.

It is also important for us to know what they may be in depending on filling:

  • full-bodied;
  • hollow.

From the name it becomes obvious that solid brick does not have cavities. It is the most durable and is used for the construction of load-bearing walls. The void ratio is extremely small, for ceramic brick it is 5%, for silicate brick - 12%.

Inside hollow bricks contains two or more holes, which are used to retain heat and increase the level of sound insulation. The void ratio can reach 40%. They are used to create partition walls or as cladding.

The last characteristic we are interested in is brick sizes. According to GOST 530-2012, ceramic bricks are divided into nine different standard sizes (NF), and silicate ones according to GOST 379-2015 - into five. Only three of them are particularly popular in Russia:

  • single (1 NF) 250x120x65 mm;
  • one and a half (1.4 NF) 250x120x88 mm;
  • double (2.1 NF) 250x120x140 mm.

Two more types of blocks are also widely used:

  • euro (0.7 NF) 250x85x65 mm;
  • modular (1.3 NF) 288x138x65 mm.

What size blocks to use during construction is up to everyone to decide for themselves. There are no structural differences; the house will be equally strong if it consists of both double and single bricks. Fundamental is precisely aesthetic component, most prefer the classic single brick.

The only objective point that is really worth paying attention to is the construction time and the price of materials. As a rule, one-and-a-half and double bricks are cheaper, and the number of cement mortar which is required for installation. And due to the larger size of the blocks, less time is required to construct the structure.

How to choose the thickness of a brick wall?

The thickness of the masonry is selected based on design features home and climatic conditions region.

According to SP 15.13330.2012 “Stone and reinforced masonry structures”, the minimum thickness of a load-bearing brick wall is 1/20 of the floor height, i.e. at standard height The ceiling in a private house is 2.7 meters, the thickness of the walls will be at least 2700 mm x 1/20 = 135 mm. Let's assume that we have two-storey house and then the value will double to 270 mm.

Meanwhile, there are the main types of masonry and the resulting width of the wall:

  • half a brick - 120 mm;
  • in one brick - 250 mm;
  • one and a half bricks - 380 mm (10 mm is added to the seam between the bricks);
  • in two bricks - 510 mm (10 mm per seam);
  • two and a half bricks - 640 mm.

It turns out that we need masonry one and a half bricks. But do not forget that in regulatory document contains recommendations for minimum thickness walls. If you build a house with a high roof from ceramic tiles, all overlaps will be in the form monolithic slab, and on the second floor you want to arrange a gym with massive equipment, you should consider options with a wider type of masonry.

In addition, due to the fact that brick is an extremely dense material, it has high thermal conductivity. Experienced way it was found that the most favorable conditions are achieved at the following masonry thickness and outdoor temperature:

  • one and a half bricks - up to -12 ° C;
  • in two bricks - up to -20 ° C;
  • two and a half bricks - up to -32 ° C.

Calculation of bricks for a house with your own hands

In order to decide simple task, such as calculating the required amount of brick per masonry, you need to know:

  • length of walls;
  • wall height;
  • wall thickness;
  • brick size.

Once we find the area, we will need to use tabular data. Nothing complicated, but let’s look at an example for clarity.

  • square cottage with a wall length of 10 m and a floor height of 2.7 m;
  • the blocks used are single;
  • thickness load-bearing wall 1.5 bricks.
  • length external walls- 10 m x 4 = 40 m;
  • area of ​​external walls - 40 m x 2.7 m = 108 m2;
  • look at the table below, pay attention to the laying of 1.5 bricks;
  • 108 m2 x 153 pcs/m2 = 16524 pcs.

Happy calculations and easy construction!


Brick consumption table for 1 m 2 and 1 m 3 of masonry


Brick size

Excluding mortar joints, pcs.

Including mortar joints, pcs.

1 m 3 masonry



1 m 2 masonry of 0.5 bricks



1 m 2 masonry in 1 brick



1 m 2 masonry of 1.5 bricks



1 m 2 masonry in 2 bricks



1 m 2 masonry of 2.5 bricks

