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Heating installations for a two-story house. Heating scheme for a two-story house: varieties and their characteristics

Warmth in the house is an important condition for a comfortable stay. So a lot will depend on how responsibly you approach planning, from the health of the household to the safety of the entire building. The topic of today's conversation is the heating scheme of a 2-storey private house.

How to minimize heat loss, create an optimal temperature regime in the house and at the same time save on materials and fuel - all this in our material.

Read in the article

Why do you need a heating scheme for a 2-storey private house and its main components

The task of selecting equipment for is not an easy one. To solve it, you need to have a complex of engineering knowledge, mathematician data and practical experience. Professionals cope with the design of heating for a private house in a few hours. It can take a few days for an amateur. In this case, useful and important information about formulas for calculation, types and types of heating systems, features of heating devices with different heat carriers will come in handy.

First of all, let's figure out what a heating circuit is. This is a graphic plan in which all the locations of the elements of the heating system are indicated and how they are connected into a single network.

In a private house, heating can only have a closed circuit for obvious reasons, because the main source of heat is located in the building itself.

The simplest example of a scheme is a single closed pipe that encircles the building around the perimeter. The coolant heats up in and, gradually cooling down, passes along the contour, returning to the original point in order to warm up again. So they used to do it with their own hands in private houses. The scheme of such a circuit is extremely simple, and, it would seem, why invent something new? But this simple system had significant drawbacks - only the first rooms on the way from. Those rooms that were at the end of the heating ring were unlucky. The temperature regime there was unsatisfactory. Mold grew on the walls, and it was uncomfortable to be in them for a long time. In addition, for a full-fledged heating, a volumetric one was required, and with it you cannot install furniture to the walls.

It was replaced by modern heating devices, with elegant, different heat carriers and sophisticated wiring systems that allow you to evenly distribute heat throughout the house.

Combined heating is used in modern homes for greater efficiency. They use, for example, a traditional water circuit with and, which are turned on to heat a bathroom or in living quarters.

As heat generators, they are used on solid or liquid fuels, heat pumps, solar collectors and others.

In addition to the heat source, it should be determined whether the coolant circuit will have forced or gravity movement. This factor is also one of the most important in the construction of the circuit. For natural circulation, a careful calculation of the pipe slope and is necessary. With forced circulation, it is a little easier, the movement is carried out using an electric pump, but the heat in the house will depend on the availability of electricity. Residents of suburban households know that the availability of this electricity depends on many factors and is not guaranteed.

Another important point for choosing a scheme is the type of coolant. It can be water, air or oil. If the choice is made in favor of air, then it is most likely or. The air can be heated using electrical appliances - or infrared radiators. Water is the most commonly used heat transfer medium. It keeps warm well, heats up easily. For the safety of the pipeline, anti-corrosion substances are added to the water and installed to collect sediment.

Advice! If heating is installed in the country and the heating of the building is of a periodic nature, antifreeze is added to the water. So in the absence of the owners, the coolant will not freeze and will not burst the pipes.

Oil fired electric heaters are a great option if you can afford the high energy bills. They effectively heat the room, keep it warm for a long time even after switching off.

Having selected the type of heating, features, circuit and coolant, you can start creating a diagram. Here are some examples of what a heating project looks like:

How to choose a heat source

Most often, the source of thermal energy is selected not for reasons of economy or convenience, but forcedly, guided by the peculiarities of the location of housing and its remoteness from the necessary communications. If there is no electricity, it is clear that installing electric heaters will not work. The absence of a mains gas main will force you to make a choice in favor of solid fuel, and the lack of access roads to the house will make you turn to alternative energy sources altogether. Consider different heating options and their features.

Heating a private house with electricity: the main nuances

There are two methods of electric heating in a private house:

  • with help connected to the network;
  • with the help of a heating system with radiators.

Disputes about which is better - separate heaters or, continue all the time. Supporters of electric boilers cite the long-term preservation of heat in the system as an argument. That is, the traditional coolant cools slowly, and, therefore, such a system is more efficient and economical. On the other hand, convectors and oil heaters heat a room much faster, while infrared emitters heat objects in the room, each of which becomes a kind of battery.

Everything would be good, but keep in mind that when choosing such a heating, you find yourself in direct dependence on the electricity supplier, and they, as mentioned above, sometimes fail.

In addition, the electrical network in the house must be ready for such a load, because heating appliances consume a large number of kilowatts. That is, although it is not necessary to create a heating project, you will have to carefully approach the development of a home power supply project.

And the last challenge you will have to face: the cost of electricity. Today, electricity prices are quite high, despite the fact that our state produces it in huge quantities, sufficient even for sale abroad. Such heating will cost you a pretty penny.

If we talk about which system is more suitable for a two-story house, then listen to the opinion of professionals. And they advise using closed systems for multi-storey structures, which guarantee uniform heating of the entire circuit.

System circulation options

We have already touched on the topic of forced or natural circulation in closed and open systems. It should be added that the principle of natural movement of the coolant is only suitable for systems that heat small areas and are equipped with low-power boilers. The maximum pipeline length in such a circuit is 30 meters. Gravity heating systems for two-story houses are rare. The efficiency of such heating is lower than that of designs with a pump.

Let's compare the main pros and cons of heating with natural or forced circulation:

Natural Forced
Does not depend on the source of electricityCan be used in rooms with complex geometries and place pipes for maximum aesthetics
Economical as it does not need an additional pumpConvenient to regulate the temperature in the room
Does not emit extraneous noise and vibrationCan be used for multi-storey buildings
Easy to install and maintainWorks with small diameter pipelines
Works for some time after the boiler is turned offHas a long service life
Heats up for a long timePump noise during operation
Can't use polymer pipesDependence on the source of electricity
Not suitable for multi-storey buildings
Heating scheme for a two-story house with natural circulation
Heating scheme with forced circulation of a two-story house

Wiring types and their features

The wiring diagram of the heating system in a private house is the result of the work of engineering, this process should not be underestimated.

Layouts can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • towards vertical or horizontal;
  • through the pipeline to two-pipe or one-pipe;
  • in the direction of movement to dead ends and oncoming ones.

In the heating project of a two-story house, two types of the listed categories must be present. This is not to say that some of these types are good or bad; in each specific case, the best option should be selected. But how to do that?

The first choice - one-pipe or two-pipe heating distribution in a private house? Opinions differ dramatically on this issue, and all arguments should be examined before reaching a decision.

What one-pipe systems look like

A single-pipe heating system of a private house looks like one circuit with a boiler and radiators. It is ideal for a one-storey building. There is only one riser to which all other devices are connected.

The one-pipe system can be horizontal or vertical, depending on the location of the riser.

Diagram of a one-pipe heating system with bottom wiring:

If this type of system is used for a two-story building, a vertical riser is used. Diagram of a one-pipe heating system for a two-story house with a vertical riser:

Advantages and disadvantages of one-pipe wiring:

pros Minuses
The installation of such a system will require less, it is easy to install it yourself.Do not connect more than ten radiators to a vertical riser. The lower floors will not get enough heat.
The cost of the system will be much lower due to fewer materials.With such a wiring, you cannot use thermal valves and regulate the air temperature in a particular room.
For one-pipe wiring, the installation of a circulation pump is required. Without it, the efficiency of the system will be extremely low.

For your information! Modern radiators have regulators and valves that allow you to regulate the temperature even with one-pipe wiring.

What are two-pipe systems

A two-pipe heating system with top wiring allows the coolant to rise up and then move to each radiator separately. Thus, each one has two pipelines with an inlet and an outlet flow.

An example of a two-pipe heating system diagram of a two-story private house:

The advantages and disadvantages of such a circuit:

Minuses pros
Compared to a one-pipe system, higher material costs will be required. In such a system, there are many more adapters, taps and other accessories.Uniform heating of all rooms. The coolant enters each battery at the same temperature.
Natural circulation can be used in such a circuit. No need for a powerful electric pump.
To repair the radiator, there is no need to shut down the entire circuit.
There are difficulties in installing a double-circuit heating of a private house with your own hands.You can use a dead-end or passing method of movement of the coolant.
This contour is perfect for buildings with a large area.

For your information! Heating specialists recommend installing thermostatic valves and drain valves on each radiator for urgent repairs.

German practicality: Tichelmann's scheme

An engineer from Germany, Albert Tichelman, was the first to suggest changing the principle of the return flow in the heating system. The meaning of the Tichelman system in a two-story house is that all circulation circuits have the same length, which allows you to maintain constant uniform pressure.

Tichelman's scheme for a two-story house:

Tichelmann's design should span the entire building, uniting the floors. Experts recommend additionally installing a pump on each floor to circulate the coolant. Some recommend installing one common vertical riser and from it to do the wiring across the floors. For better regulation of the temperature regime in the premises, balancing taps are installed in the circuit. They allow precise floor adjustments.

What is good and what is bad in Tichelman's loop for two floors:

pros Minuses
Can be used in rooms with any geometryLonger piping leads to higher material costs
In such a circuit, it is possible to install a large number of radiators.Small diameter pipes cannot be used.
Uniform heating of rooms
Easy to installThere are difficulties with laying a hinge in non-standard door and window openings
Resistance to adverse factors and long service life

Now the Tichelman system is one of the most popular among the owners of country houses.

Modern style: scheme "Leningradka"

In the classic heating system "Leningradka" for a two-storey house, heating batteries are placed at the same level along the perimeter of the building. According to the location of the pipeline, it can be vertical or horizontal. A two-story building is characterized by the use of a vertical pipeline. It is more difficult to install, but the efficiency of such a system is much higher than horizontal.

Leningrad heating system, scheme for a two-story house:

In modern design of such systems, fittings and other additional equipment are actively used, which significantly increases the efficiency of the circuit. You can use a pump to circulate the coolant, but Leningradka will cope with natural circulation.

The advantages and disadvantages of the scheme:

pros Minuses
It is quite possible to carry out the installation of heating of a private house "Leningradka" with your own hands. The circuit diagram is simple and accessible for a novice master.for the preparation of the project must be done by professionals
High system efficiency
Relatively low costs for materials for installationSystem adjustment and balancing required
It is possible to repair radiators without shutting down the entire circuit.

Collector heating system: features and benefits

The collector heating circuit of a two-story house has a main distinguishing feature: each battery has its own piping. This makes it possible to regulate the heating of each radiator or turn it off altogether if necessary. The main element of such a circuit is a collector. This is a fragment of a large diameter pipe with one inlet and many outgoing pipes. Each output can be connected to its own circuit.

Collector circuit diagram:

Now about the advantages and disadvantages of such a system:

pros Minuses
Each radiator can be controlled separately: adjust the temperature and turn offHeating a building with such a circuit will require more energy.
For such a system, you can use thin pipes and even hide them in the thickness of the wall.The system has a high level of hydraulic resistance, so you cannot do without one, but rather several pumps
You can mount multiple contours for different floors or rooms. This is great if you plan on doing some of them.The system is dependent on electricity to function.

To better imagine the features of collector heating of a two-story house, video material on the topic:

Radiant heating system and its scheme

The use of a radial heating system for a two-story house is one of the most effective options. It is guaranteed to provide your home with warmth and at the same time will save on energy. In this case, you will need to install not one, but several collectors, one per floor. And, in addition, each floor has its own supply and return branch.

Important! For radiant heating of a house, it is important to carefully insulate the walls.

Beam layout:

Positive and negative points:

The beam system is great for multi-storey structures. It makes no sense to install it in a small number of rooms.

Thermal calculation of the heating system: what is it for

A sign of a professional approach to the development of a heating scheme is the calculation of heat loss. Do I need to do it if we are talking only about a private home ownership of a couple of floors?

What will give us such a calculation:

  • we will establish how much power the boiler will need;
  • calculate the number of radiators for each room;
  • find out how much heating the house will cost;
  • we will understand how you can avoid heat loss;
  • we will determine the probability of destruction of building materials and finishes from dampness and temperature extremes.

The only difficulty is that it is difficult to calculate the heating of a private house with your own hands. It will take a lot of time and nerves. So, when starting the calculations, please be patient and use calculators to simplify the process.

Calculation of the power of the heating boiler by the area of ​​the house, the formula

If you make a mistake with the choice of the boiler, keep in mind that the result will be an overconsumption of fuel and a decrease in the life of the system. If the boiler runs on solid fuel, then it will have to be cleaned much more often.

Advice! When calculating the required power of the boiler, set aside a small margin in case of an extreme drop in temperature.

Before starting the calculation, you should determine the possible heat loss of the building. This is a very difficult part of the job and requires many metrics to be taken into account.

The size of the heat loss is influenced by the materials of the walls, and. Consider the presence of warm floors and the type of wiring used. Organizations professionally engaged in such calculations even take into account household appliances in the house, from which heat can be generated during operation. But such accuracy, in principle, is useless.

In a simplified version, it is believed that for the middle zone, one kilowatt of thermal energy is enough to heat ten square meters of area. Thus, if the area of ​​your house is, for example, 100 squares, then you should purchase a boiler with a capacity of 10 kilowatts. This norm corresponds to standard rooms with standard ceiling heights. If the house has non-standard dimensions, you still have to do the calculations.

If it's just high ceilings, do it simply: calculate and apply the coefficient. If we take the standard height of 270 centimeters as a unit, then with a height of, for example, 320 centimeters, you get a coefficient of 1.2. Use it. Thus, multiplying our ten kilowatts (at a hundred square meters) by 1.2, we get the required power of 12 kilowatts.

Another important factor is climatic. That is, 1 kilowatt is for central Russia. And for the northern regions, at least 2 is required, for the Moscow region - 1.5, for the south - 0.9. This should be taken into account when calculating.

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Expansion tank calculation and its features

The task of the expansion tank is to maintain optimal pressure in the system, preventing water hammer and pipeline rupture. With an open system, the calculation of the tank size is not particularly important. It's just a container in the attic. It is better to use a large tank so that the water does not spill out, even if it boils in the pipes.

It is much more difficult if the system is closed.

For the calculation, you will need to calculate the total volume of the circuit with and radiators. The technical documentation of the batteries contains an indication of the volume of the coolant. It remains only to calculate the volume of the pipeline, using the formulas for the sixth grade of a comprehensive school. It is clear that you will not get a completely accurate figure, and it doesn’t matter. Returning to the topic of simplified calculations, we note that on average, 1 kilowatt of boiler power accounts for about 15 liters of coolant, provided that modern equipment is used. That is, for our hypothetical house of 100 squares and a boiler of 10 kilowatts, 150 liters of water are required. Next, you need to apply the formula:

Tank volume = coolant volume x 0.04 (4% - expansion coefficient) / membrane efficiency value in the tank.

The latter indicator is not difficult to find in the technical documentation for the expansion tank. If the procedure seems too complicated for you, use a calculator.

Comfortable living in a private two-story house completely depends on the complex of communications, among which one of the main places is occupied by the heating network. Is not it? It is she who is responsible for maintaining the optimal temperature regime and the safety of the building itself. You must admit that the temperature in the room is one of the main components that ensure a comfortable stay.

The choice of a heat source and its correct connection directly depends on whether you can maintain the temperature necessary for living. Here we will help you understand how the heating system of a two-story house functions, and which wiring schemes are recognized as the most effective.

Here you will find information on the types of coolants, methods and features of their connection. For clarity, the material is accompanied by connection diagrams, as well as videos that will help expand knowledge about heating systems in private houses.

It is rather difficult to independently select the equipment necessary for assembling a heating system. To do this, you need to have special engineering knowledge, be able to navigate in detailed calculations and nuances of installation.

If you have the appropriate education or you already have experience in installing heating wiring in a two-story house, then you can choose the heating scheme option yourself, using useful information and practiced skills.

Choosing a source of thermal energy

The heart of the heating network is a heat generator, which heats the coolant to the optimal temperature and, if its technical capabilities allow, maintains the set parameters around the clock.

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Before us is a three-story country house. On the ground floor there is a garage and utility rooms. Living quarters will be located on the second and third floors. A two-pipe system will be selected as heating, radiators will be used as heating devices.
three-storey country house
It is impractical to install a single-pipe system in this house, since the area of ​​each floor is more than 60 m2. And this means that if we install a one-pipe system, then the first radiators will receive all the energy from the coolant, each subsequent one will receive a little less. And since our floors are large, the difference between the first and the last radiator will be very significant. To avoid this, we must make a two-pipe or collector system.

boiler room

The boiler room will be located on the ground floor. The boiler will be gas-fired with a closed combustion chamber and a coaxial chimney.
The boiler power will be 43 kW. This power is calculated using the following formula (195 m2 x 170 W) + 30%. 30% is a margin necessary for the efficient operation of the boiler in severe frosts or for quick warming up of a cold house.

connecting the boiler to metal-plastic pipes and installing a filter

installation of a unit for draining and filling the coolant

A pump, an expansion tank, a safety group are already installed in our boiler, and we just need to put a filter in front of the boiler and a drain / fill unit for the coolant at the lowest point of the system.

installation of two-pipe heating on the ground floor

distribution of main pipes

We collect and hang radiators, do the wiring and connect the main pipes.

radiator connection diagram in a two-pipe system

Let's take a look at connecting a radiator to a two-pipe system.

closing radiator in a two-pipe system

The last radiator is closing and we immediately bring a 16 mm pipe to it.
And so we examined the installation of a two-pipe heating system for the first floor. This floor will be designed for non-residential premises, so the radiators will not work at full capacity, but will provide a temperature of about 15 C, which we will set with the help of thermostats installed on the radiators.

scheme of two-pipe heating of the second floor
Now let's take a look at the second floor.
We stretch the riser, mount the radiators and connect the main pipes.

thermal insulation of metal-plastic pipes

Let's turn our attention to the front door. To lay pipes, we need to deepen them into the floor and insulate them well.

radiators are connected in the same way as on the first floor
Consider the risers and their connection. Radiators are connected in the same way as we saw on the first floor.
to connect the third floor we need 32x26 adapters
We will connect the third floor through adapters, 26 pipes will immediately go there.

third floor plan

Now let's take a look at the third floor. Radiators are installed here in the same way as on the first and second floors. There is a radiator under each window to avoid fogging the windows in subzero temperatures.
Now let's briefly tell you how to calculate the power of the radiators for each room. Let's take one room as an example. The calculation will be seen according to the following formula:
19.5 m2 (room area) x 170 W (power required for heating 1 m2 of a country house) / 180 W (power of one section of an aluminum radiator) = 18 sections.
But since there are 3 windows in our room, we divide 18 sections by 3 and get 3 radiators of 6 sections each. Here is a simple formula for calculating the power of the radiator.

3D heating scheme for a two-pipe system made of metal-plastic

And so we examined a 3-storey house with a two-pipe heating system.

The choice of heating scheme for a two-story house depends on its area and layout. The most familiar and widespread scheme for summer cottages and country houses is still a heating system with natural circulation of the coolant, which is not much different from the heating scheme of one-story houses.

The only feature of the natural circulation heating wiring diagram in a two-story house is the choice of a place for installing the expansion tank. There is no need to take it out to the attic and you can limit yourself to its location anywhere on the second floor (of course, at the highest point of the room), providing the ability to discharge the coolant.

With this method of connecting heating devices, the coolant enters them from above (upper wiring), which ensures uniform heating of radiators and heated rooms. To ensure the directed movement of the coolant, the pipes must be laid with a slope of 3-5 degrees, remembering that the diameter of the return pipeline should increase as it approaches the boiler.

The supply line can be laid under the ceiling or under windowsills. Examples of connecting radiators are shown in Figure 1.

Among the advantages of the heating scheme for a two-story house with natural circulation are:

  • Independence from power supply
  • Reliability
  • Ease of operation
  • Silent system operation

Unfortunately, there are many more disadvantages in a natural circulation heating system than advantages:

  • The complexity of installation and the need to lay pipes with a mandatory slope
  • Small heated area: the system simply does not have enough pressure to heat a two-story house with an area of ​​more than 130 m2
  • Low efficiency
  • Large temperature difference between supply and return, which negatively affects the operation of the boiler
  • The presence of oxygen in the coolant and, as a result, internal corrosion of the system
  • The need to monitor the level of constantly evaporating coolant and add it. As a result, scale builds up on the pipes.
  • For the same reason, antifreeze must not be used.
  • High material consumption of the system

It is much more efficient to use heating systems with forced circulation of the coolant in a two-story house. In this case, the easiest way is to implement the following schemes:

  • One-pipe
  • Two-pipe
  • Collector

You can do them yourself

One-pipe heating scheme for a two-story house

With a one-pipe connection scheme for heating devices, the movement of the coolant is divided into two branches, one of which goes to the first floor, and the second to the second floor. On each floor, shut-off valves are installed at the entrance to the heating pipe, which allows only half of the premises to be heated.

After passing through the heating devices, the pipes with the coolant are again combined into one, going to the boiler. The connection of radiators on each floor is the same as for one-story buildings.

To regulate the heating level of radiators and to balance the system, shut-off valves are installed at the inlet of each heater. At the exit from the radiator, shut-off valves are also installed, designed to turn it off in case of replacement or repair. With this connection, the replacement of heating devices can be performed without stopping the entire system and draining the water. Also, on each radiator, an air vent is installed in its upper part.

Installation of radiators is carried out with a bypass line, which significantly increases the uniformity of heating the room. It is possible to mount heating devices without a bypass line, but in this case, it is necessary to install heating devices of different thermal power in the house, taking into account the loss of cooling of the coolant: the farther from the boiler, the more sections the radiator should have. If you do not follow this rule, then in some rooms it will be hot, while in others, on the contrary, it will be cold.

The heating scheme of a two-story house can be without shut-off valves, or rather, with a smaller amount, but at the same time its maneuverability is significantly reduced. In this case, it is no longer necessary to talk about separate heating of the first and second floors.

Advantages and disadvantages of a one-pipe heating system

  • One-pipe heating system is relatively easy to install
  • Its use provides efficient heat dissipation
  • A single-pipe heating system for a two-story house saves on materials.

The disadvantages of this type of heating system include the uneven distribution of heat over heating devices, as well as the need to balance the system.

All these shortcomings are devoid of a two-pipe heating system of a two-story house with forced circulation of the coolant.

Heating scheme with forced circulation of a two-story house

The two-pipe heating system of a two-story house with forced circulation provides an even distribution of heat and is a more efficient system, it is not for nothing that it is often compared to the human circulatory system. In it, the heated coolant is supplied to each heating device separately through a branch from a common supply pipe. An outlet is also provided for the return pipe from each radiator.

Radiators are installed with air vents and shut-off valves on the supply pipe, allowing you to change the degree of heating of the heater. For safety reasons and to avoid overpressure in the heater, no shut-off valves are installed on the return pipe outlet from the radiator. The supply pipe can be laid under the ceiling or under the windowsill.

The only drawback of a two-pipe heating system is its high material consumption: pipes are needed in double quantities for supply and return. In addition, pipes are difficult to decorate, and it is not always possible to hide them. The collector heating circuit is devoid of all these disadvantages.

Collector circuit for heating a two-story house

The collector circuit can be used with equal success to heat both one-story and two-story houses. It works only with forced movement of the coolant, which is preliminarily supplied to the collector. In this case, each heater is separately connected to the manifold through shut-off valves.

This connection method allows you to mount and dismantle heating devices on a working system, without stopping it and draining the coolant.

  • The system is easy to manage. Each of its circuits is independent and can be connected to a separate automatic control system with a separate circulation pump.
  • You can connect a warm floor
  • You can hide the pipes in the raised floor by placing the manifold in a separate cabinet
  • The heating system is easy to install and can be done "with your own hands"

What to give preference to

Any of the above schemes for heating a two-story house has been tested in practice and has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. There is no fundamental difference between them. It is much easier to implement in practice a collector heating circuit.

User questions:

  • What diameter of plastic pipes should be used in a two-pipe heating system of a two-story house?
  • With a forced circulation system, how to make wiring on the second floor so that the solid fuel boiler does not boil when the electricity is turned off
  • Which heating system is best for a three-story kindergarten?
  • Hello. Tell me please. One-storey house with a ground floor. At the level of the first floor, a boiler room is attached (the boiler is on the first floor, I want to note - NOT in the basement). How to properly assemble a one-pipe system, where to install a circulation pump
  • In accordance with which regulatory documents the choice of the heating system scheme is made (one-pipe, two-pipe, with bottom wiring, with top wiring, dead-end)
  • Hello. Two-storey house. On the ground floor there is an electric boiler and a sequential diagram for connecting radiators. The first floor has its own electric boiler, but the connection diagram is collector. It is possible to combine them and close them to one boiler. Both schemes have p
  • Hello! Double-pipe horizontal heating system with forced circulation. The house is two-storey. On the second floor there are 2 radiators. Can I power them from two different points on the ground floor?
  • Good day! Is it possible to combine a two-pipe and one-pipe system in the heating circuit? thanks
  • Is the battery bypass required? If so, what SNiP does it regulate?
  • hello, please tell me what pipe diameters you need to conduct heating lines for a two-storey building
  • Good day! I have a two-storey house on the second floor of 10 radiators, on the first 10 radiators! I bought a Ferroli floor boiler, and a pump, I want to make a forced heating system, two-pipe! Please tell me how? Thank you in advance, sincerely
  • I have a 2-storey house. On the ground floor there is heating without a pump. Second floor without heating. Is it possible to connect the second floor to the existing heating through a pump, and leave the first one without a pump? All heating from one boiler. If so, how?
  • Good afternoon! Tell me please! My husband and I built a house ourselves without involving others. But we cannot decide on heating. The house of the 2nd floor has a boiler room attached at the 1st floor. From heating we want to get the following: on the 1st floor, underfloor heating and batteries, 2nd floor only
  • Good day. A hinged boiler, two-pipe system 25 mm polypropylene. I built an attic. On the second floor, the builders launched a metal-plastic pipe 20. Two batteries, a single tube. The second floor does not heat up at all. HOW CAN I CORRECT? THANKS.

Heating systems of country cottages with a height of 2 or more floors are usually designed by heating engineers. But the owners of dwellings of simple planning with an area of ​​up to 200 m² do not have to contact specialists - you can think over and organize heating of the building yourself. The purpose of this publication is to explain which heating scheme for a two-story house is best combined with specific operating conditions, boiler equipment and radiators. We propose to consider the existing options and choose the best one.

Types of heating systems

Practice shows that most homeowners put forward 3 basic requirements for the heating system of a two-story house:

  1. The house should always be warm.
  2. The minimum consumption of energy carriers - natural gas, firewood, electricity, and so on.
  3. The beauty. It is advisable to remove pipes, fittings and heating devices from the eyes so as not to spoil the interior.

The requirements are listed in order of importance from the users' point of view. We will talk about the cost of installation in the process of considering systems.

The wishes are quite understandable, but they should be linked to technical capabilities. For example, in remote regions there are power outages or there is no main gas. Hence the advice: first, determine the main fuel and the reserve energy carrier, select the boiler and. Put your wishes on paper - sketch out a rough draft with your own hands.

The owner of the house is far from always able to equip engineering networks by himself - to develop circuits, install equipment and pipes. In this case, it makes sense to contact the specialists of an engineering firm that is engaged in the listed works. For example, in the central region of the Russian Federation, services for the installation of boilers and installation of heating systems are provided by the TeploMoskva company.

Such a thorough approach will allow you to mount a heating scheme for a two-story house, which will not have to be redone later. There are 5 system options to choose from:

  • gravity (it is also gravitational and convection);
  • one-pipe;
  • two-pipe;
  • beam (otherwise - collector);
  • underfloor heating water circuits called underfloor heating.

Note. The first scheme involves the natural circulation of the coolant through the pipes and an expansion tank connected to the atmosphere. In the rest, the principle of forced circulation with the help of a pump and work under pressure is implemented (a closed membrane tank is used).

Example of a rough design for heating a 2-story mansion

These systems can be combined with each other. For example, on the first floor, make warm floors, and on the second, assemble a ray scheme. Now let's take a closer look at each option separately.

Natural circulation circuit

To understand the principle of the gravitational system, study the typical scheme used in two-story private houses. A combined wiring is implemented here: the supply and return of the coolant occurs through two horizontal highways, united by single-pipe vertical risers with radiators.

Reference. There are other ways to organize gravity flow on two floors, for example, to distribute the risers directly from the expansion tank with pipes of a smaller diameter. The scheme is material-intensive, it looks like a spider, and installation will cause a lot of trouble.

How gravity heating of a two-story house works:

  1. The specific gravity of the water heated by the boiler becomes less. A colder and heavier heat carrier begins to displace hot water upward and take its place in the heat exchanger.
  2. The heated coolant moves along a vertical collector and is distributed along horizontal highways laid with a slope towards the radiators. The current speed is not high - about 0.1-0.2 m / s.
  3. Diverging along the risers, the water enters the batteries, where it successfully gives off heat and cools. Under the influence of gravity, it returns to the boiler through the return manifold, which collects the coolant from the remaining risers.
  4. The increase in water volume is compensated by an expansion vessel installed at the highest point. Usually, the insulated container is located in the attic of the building.

Schematic diagram of gravity wiring with a circulation pump

In a modern design, gravitational systems are equipped with pumps that accelerate the circulation and heating of the premises. The pumping unit is installed parallel to the supply line and operates when electricity is available. When the light is turned off, the pump is inactive, and the coolant circulates due to gravity.

Scope and disadvantages of gravity

The purpose of the gravitational scheme is to supply heat to dwellings without reference to electricity, which is important in remote regions with frequent blackouts. The network of gravity pipelines and batteries is able to work together with any non-volatile boiler or from stove (they used to say - steam) heating.

Let's analyze the negative aspects of using gravity:

Comment. The last negative point does not play a special role - the energy spent on heat production will not go anywhere. It will return as the pipelines cool down.

To fulfill requirement No. 1 (see the first section) in conditions of unreliable power supply, the owner of a two-story private house will have to bear the cost of materials - pipes of increased diameter and facing for the manufacture of decorative boxes. The remaining disadvantages are not critical - slow warming up is eliminated by installing a circulation pump, the lack of efficiency - by installing special thermal heads on radiators and pipe insulation.

If you took the development of a gravity heating scheme into your own hands, be sure to consider the following recommendations:

An important point. Do not forget to carefully insulate all elements of the gravitational scheme located in the attic of a two-story house, so as not to warm the cold roof.

Calculation and design of gravity heating in a complex layout cottage should be entrusted to specialists. And the last thing: lines Ø50 mm or more will have to be made with steel pipes, copper or cross-linked polyethylene. The maximum size of metal-plastic is 40 mm, and the diameter of polypropylene will come out simply threatening due to the thickness of the walls.

Pros and cons of a one-pipe scheme

A small plus of one-pipe wiring: it is easier to hide one branch in a wall or under floors than two. The heating network can be easily combined with other types of forced circulation systems.

Two-pipe routing - simple and reliable

There is no need to describe the algorithm for the operation of the two-pipe circuit, since it is outrageously simple. There are 2 pipelines laid by all the heating devices - supply and return. According to the first, the hot coolant enters the batteries, where it is cooled and returns to the boiler through the second. The connection is appropriate - one connection is cut into the flow, the second into the return.

Classic dead-end wiring. Shown here is 1 shoulder on each floor, if necessary, their number can be increased to 2-3

In two-story country houses, 2 types of two-pipe systems are used:

  1. Dead end or shoulder. The supply and return lines end at the last radiator, in fact, the coolant changes direction and flows back to the boiler.
  2. Accompanying (circular, Tichelman's loop). The supply pipeline ends at the last battery, and the return pipeline starts from the very first radiator, passes through the rest of the heaters and returns to the heat source. The direction of water movement does not change, hence the name.

Note. Both systems operate forcibly from a pump and in the overwhelming majority of cases operate at a pressure of 1-2.5 bar. It makes no sense to make them open, it is easier and more convenient to put a membrane expansion tank next to the boiler.

In the Tichelman loop, after leaving the battery, the water does not turn around, but flows in the same direction (classic ride)

Two-pipe schemes are almost flawless, so let's start by listing the disadvantages:

  • extended branches with a large number of heating devices require deep balancing, but with the number of batteries 5-6 pcs. there will be no problems;
  • the pipelines of the Tichelman hinge inevitably bump into doorways, which you have to bend around in different ways;
  • a heating network assembled from polypropylene will cost more than a similar one-pipe system;

There are really few downsides to two-pipe circuits: they are reliable, stable in operation, easily amenable to automatic adjustment and function equally well with underfloor heating, radiators and other types of heaters. The arms of the dead-end wiring can be made of different lengths and workloads according to the number of batteries, and the Tichelman loop is a sample of hydraulic balance that does not need balancing.

For reference. In a country cottage with an area of ​​up to 200 m², it will be possible to get by with pipe diameters of 10-20 mm (internal), no more.

The principle of collector distribution of the coolant

The beam scheme is a modern type of two-pipe routing that meets all new and old requirements: efficiency, cost-effectiveness due to automated control, completely hidden pipe laying, and so on. What are the features of the system:

  1. The heat carrier from the boiler is directed to the main distribution unit - the collector.
  2. The radiators are connected with DN10-15 connections to the manifold in a two-pipe scheme, each to its own pair of fittings on the supply and return manifolds. There are no highways.
  3. The supply pipes are insulated and laid hidden along any convenient route - under the floor covering, behind stretch ceilings or in the walls.
  4. With the help of collector flow meters (rotameters), manual adjustment of the amount of water directed to the battery is available. If the comb is equipped with servo drives connected to a room thermostat, the coolant flow will be controlled automatically.

The perfection of collector heating schemes for two-story houses is somewhat overshadowed by the high price of materials. Combs with rotameters, pipe insulation, servos - all these elements cost a lot of money. The second disadvantage: such a system is difficult to assemble in habitable premises without making repairs. To hide the bundle of pipelines, you will have to disassemble the floors or remove the ceiling sheathing.

Underfloor heating circuits

Like the collector circuit, a water-heated floor is installed during the construction or renovation of a two-story house. There are 2 ways to install underfloor heating:

  • monolithing of pipe coils in a cement-sand screed;
  • layout of pipes of heating circuits without filling the screed.

For reference. Concreting of pipelines is usually done on the first floors of residential buildings. The second method is used for laying inside wooden floors.

The ends of pipes Ø16 x 2 mm, laid with a snake or a snail, are connected to the comb, which was mentioned above and described in detail. A manifold with a mixing unit or RTL thermal heads provides a supply of coolant to the circuits with a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C.

The advantages of underfloor heating are obvious - real energy savings of 15-20% due to surface heating to a temperature of 20-25 ° C and comfort for those living in the house. Now on the negative points:

  1. Installing a warm floor in a two-story dwelling is not a cheap idea. In terms of the cost of materials and installation, this is the most expensive option for space heating.
  2. Heating circuits, especially in cement screed, are very inert in terms of regulation. Imagine, a cold monolith comes into operation within 24 hours. To prevent the room from overheating, a third of the required thermal power should be supplied by batteries that quickly respond to changes in air temperature.
  3. In the event of a malfunction or water leakage in the circuit, the concrete screed will have to be broken.

Method of installing underfloor heating without cement screed

Despite the listed problems, warm floors are used by homeowners more and more often - heating is too comfortable and fuel savings are noticeable. Unlike other heating systems, heating circuits do not spoil the interior of the premises at all.

Choosing a suitable scheme

After getting acquainted with the heating systems used in two-story houses, it's time to return to your draft project, where the types of radiators and boiler are selected, the arrangement of this equipment is determined and the wishes are listed. Then we choose the scheme in accordance with the recommendations:

Advice. Underfloor heating without a radiator network is not suitable for everyone. To warm up a room with a warm floor, its surface will have to be brought to 30 ° C or more. A long stay in such a room causes a feeling of stuffiness and discomfort for many.

In a small country house on 2 floors, it is worth making a one-pipe system from PPR pipes. With 3-4 batteries on each branch, it will work flawlessly. We do not recommend using "Leningrad" in a large cottage. For more information on choosing a layout, watch the video from an expert:

Compatibility with various boilers

When choosing a heating scheme for a two-story house, you need to take into account the type of heat source. For example, all systems, except for the gravitational one, are capable of working with a wall-mounted gas boiler. In the event of a power outage, the heat generator will simply stop. The best option for gravity is a non-volatile floor-standing unit or a brick oven with a water circuit (a tank is a boiler, but not a coil!).

Direct docking of gravity wiring with a solid fuel boiler is highly undesirable, although homeowners do it anyway.

Due to the low speed of movement and the slow extraction of heat, the heating unit will overheat and boil, sooner or later an accident will happen. It is imperative that you need a buffer tank that takes away excess energy, and it is connected according to all the rules by gravity - with large diameters and with slopes. The building will be bulky and ugly.

The closed systems of two-story houses are compatible with any boilers, including double-circuit ones. The only recommendation: when connecting to solid fuel units, it is better to use one that will not allow the coolant to boil and prevent an accident.