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Mandarin clementine at home. Caring for a tangerine tree at home

The evergreen tangerine tree can be an excellent guest in a home greenhouse or decoration winter gardens. Often, even in a simple apartment you can see a miniature citrus plant. After all, it can not only delight the gardener’s eye with its greenery, but also give several dozen fragrant tangerines every year.

However, it is worth paying attention that to achieve a thick lush crown and it is quite difficult for any variety of domestic tangerine or orange tree to produce abundant fruit. To do this, you must follow some rules regarding watering, pruning and fertilizing. These rules are very important when caring for a tangerine tree at home. It’s worth noting right away that gardeners may encounter certain difficulties regarding growing indoor citrus fruits.

You should familiarize yourself in more detail with the rules for caring for a tangerine tree, and also learn how a tangerine blooms.

Of course, the most simple option will purchase a ready-made grafted seedling of any tangerine variety in a fruit nursery or in an online gardening store.

Most often you come across trees with a closed root system. Root system at the same time it is hidden in an earthen coma in a pot or packed in a bag.

If you purchased a tangerine tree of any variety, the root system of which is packaged, then the tree will need to be transplanted into a separate container after purchase.

More economical gardeners prefer to grow citrus trees from ripe and juicy fruit. In addition, many indoor plant lovers receive great moral satisfaction when their citrus tree grows from scratch, although it takes much longer and takes a lot more effort.

So, the basic rules for growing tangerines from seeds:

  • In order to grow a citrus tree at home, you need to select seeds from ripe, juicy fruits. It is worth noting that tangerine seeds have excellent germination.
  • As soon as the seeds are selected, it is advisable not to immediately place them in the soil, but to pre-soak them. To do this, they must be placed between 2-3 layers of clean, damp gauze and placed on a saucer.
  • As the gauze dries, it should be periodically moistened for several days until the bones begin to swell.
  • As soon as you notice that they begin to hatch and the first shoots appear, the plant can be planted in the ground.

If you do not have the opportunity to wait several days for the sprouts to appear, then the seeds can be soaked for 2-3 hours in water with the addition of a few drops of Epin, a growth stimulator.

In specialized stores you can buy a ready-made package of soil for citrus fruits. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can prepare soil for any type of tangerine tree yourself. To do this, mix the following types of soil:

  • Leaf soil.
  • Rotted manure.
  • Soddy soil.

It is worth noting that you should not add clay or peat to the substrate. When planting a tangerine in a separate pot, drainage in the form of expanded clay or coarse gravel is placed at the bottom of the container. Then the soil mixture is poured on top. The seeds should be planted to a depth of 5-6 cm. The pot with the seed should be in a well-lit place, without direct sunlight. Otherwise, the sprout may get burned. If you follow all the rules of care, then after 3 weeks the sprout will appear from the ground. From this moment you can start feeding the future tangerine tree with organic and mineral fertilizers. This is due to the fact that all useful substances from the soil are very quickly washed out during watering.

How to care for a citrus tree

In order for the plant to bloom and bear fruit, it is necessary to follow some rules for caring for indoor tangerines, regardless of its variety.

Lighting requirements

As mentioned earlier, the pot with the tangerine tree should be placed in a sufficiently lit place, while direct sunlight should be avoided. If the plant does not have enough light, it will not grow large and will be sickly. At first glance, it may seem that a pot of decorative tangerines is best placed on the south side of the house.

However, this may cause burns on the leaves. The most ideal option would be to place the plant on the southeast or east side. If the south side is the only possible option for installing a pot with an indoor tangerine tree, then in spring and summer time the plant will need additional shading.

But in winter, it is best to choose the south side of the house to place the tree. During shortened daylight hours in winter, indoor tangerine also needs additional lighting using special lamps.

Air temperature and humidity

As for the temperature regime, the plant will feel best in a room with a temperature of 15 to 18°C. However, this applies to the warm season. In winter, the tangerine tree must be kept at a temperature of 12°C. If the temperature is higher, the tree will begin to bear fruit worse, bloom poorly and weakly form buds and ovaries.

Particular attention must also be paid to air humidity. During hot dry days in summer, as well as on winter days, when central heating dries out the air in the room, the plant needs additional spraying. Sometimes this spraying will have to be carried out up to 3 times a day. For additional humidity, you can use a bowl of water placed on the windowsill or use other humidifiers. It is worth noting that dry air often provokes the formation of pests. These could be ticks, scale insects and many others. During the flowering period, the tangerine tree must be sprayed very carefully to avoid moisture getting on the buds and flowers. In this case, spraying is best replaced by wiping the leaves.

Watering rules

The tangerine tree needs frequent and abundant watering. On a hot day summer period The plant must be watered 2-3 times a day. As for winter time, if you maintain a sufficiently high temperature regime, and constantly humidify the air in the room, watering twice a week will be enough. Watering a tangerine tree of any type must be done only with settled water. The water temperature for irrigation should be room temperature.

If for some reason the plant suffers from a short-term lack of moisture, it will not die, since to reduce water loss the tangerine will shed all or part of its leaves. However, it is worth noting that on bare branches fresh leaves don't grow back. They appear only on new branches. It is for this reason that many gardeners try to avoid unexpected leaf fall and provide the plant with regular watering. At the same time, you need to know that frequent overwatering of wood can cause the development of fungal diseases.

Feeding and replanting

Caring for a tangerine tree at home also involves replanting it annually in larger pots. The root system of tangerines grows quite quickly and entwines the earthen ball over its entire surface.

Replanting plants involves changing the drainage layer and adding soil mass. If you take out the plant with the earthen lump and see that there was enough space for roots to grow in the pot, then you can only get by by replacing the drainage layer, and insert the tree back into the pot with the same earthen lump and add only the top layer of soil.

Every year, it is recommended to transplant a tangerine tree at home before March - before the start of the growing season. The root collar should not be deepened during transplantation. She will have to provide the same level relative to the ground surface.

During the growing season, which lasts from April to September, the plant needs feeding. Every week, tangerine must be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. It is recommended to alternate types of fertilizer. Adult trees that grow in cramped pots especially need feeding, without updating the soil or replanting.

So, for one week it is recommended to water the tangerine with a solution of liquid mullein, and for another week - with a ready-made complex fertilizer for citrus trees. Such fertilizers can be purchased in specialized stores. Fertilizers should include the following components:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.

It is recommended to fertilize in the first half of the day. However, before this, the soil must be watered. The temperature of the nutrient solution should be at least 20°C. The recipe for preparing the fertilizer must be strictly followed.

It is worth noting that care orange tree at home will be almost the same as caring for a tangerine.

The most economical way to obtain a tangerine tree seedling is to grow it from a fruit seed. But if the grower already has finished tree and he wants to get offspring from him, then you can choose one of the following methods for reproduction:

Control of possible pests

Even if the tangerine tree is given everything the necessary conditions and proper care, flower growers sometimes face problems such as pests. Among these pests, the most common are the following:

  • Whiteflies.
  • Scale insects.
  • Red spider mite.

Each of the above pests can cause irreparable harm to the tangerine. That is why, at the first detection of these insects on a plant and the slightest suspicion of their presence, it is necessary to wipe the leaves or spray the entire tree with special preparations: Actellik or Fitoverm. Acaricidal and insecticidal agents must be used only in strict accordance with the attached instructions for use.

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Evergreen tangerine tree has become a frequent guest of home greenhouses and winter gardens. Even in ordinary apartments you can find miniature ones citrus plants, because they not only delight the gardener’s eye with their greenery, but also give several dozen fragrant fruits every year. True, achieving a thick crown and abundant fruiting is not easy, there are special rules watering, fertilizing and pruning, which are necessary for the tangerine tree when caring for it at home. Certain difficulties in growing indoor citrus fruits can cause some trouble for the grower.

Growing a seedling from a seed

There is nothing easier than buying a ready-made grafted seedling from a fruit nursery or from an online gardening store. Most often, trees are sold with a closed root system: directly in pots or in a clod of earth, packed in a bag. In the second case, transplantation into a container will be required.

But for gardeners, growing a citrus tree from the seed of a ripe fruit is much more economical. In addition, many people get mental satisfaction from growing plants from scratch, although it takes much longer.

For germination, you need to select several seeds from ripe, juicy, sweet fruits to increase the chances of success. Tangerine seeds have good germination. As is the case with the seeds of many crops, it is advisable not to immediately place the seeds in the ground, but to soak them first. To do this, they are placed between 2-3 layers of clean gauze and placed on a saucer. The gauze needs to be moistened as it dries for several days until the bones swell. As soon as the first shoots hatch, it’s time to plant the plants in the ground. If it is not possible to wait several days, then the bones are soaked for 2–3 hours in water with the addition of a few drops of Epin (a growth stimulant).

A bag of soil for citrus trees can be purchased in specialty stores. If there is no such thing nearby, then prepare the soil yourself by mixing leaf soil, rotted manure and turf soil. You can add to this mixture river sand. It is not recommended to add clay or peat to the substrate. Drainage (expanded clay, coarse gravel) and a soil mixture are poured into the bottom of a clean pot, container or other container. The seeds are planted to a depth of 5–6 cm. It is important to choose a place for the pot that is well lit, but without direct sunlight, so that the young sprout does not get burned. At favorable conditions The sprout will appear from the ground in 2.5–3 weeks. From this moment, you can begin feeding the future tree with organic or mineral fertilizers, since beneficial substances are quite quickly washed out of the ground during watering.

Caring for indoor tangerine


It is recommended to choose a brightly lit room as a permanent place for the pot, because without enough light decorative tangerine will not grow big, will be painful. It would seem that the easiest way is to place the container on the windowsill of the south side of the house, but this is fraught with burns to the leaves. A more acceptable option would be to choose the southeast or east side. If the south side is the only possible variant to install a pot of tangerine, the plant will need shading on spring and summer days. But in winter, on the contrary, the southern window sill - a good place for a seedling. When daylight hours shorten in winter, it is necessary to turn on additional lighting– special phytolamps.

Temperature and humidity

The best temperature regime for tangerine seedlings is +15+18 °C in the warm season, and about +12 °C in winter. In hotter weather, the tree begins to bear fruit worse - it blooms poorly, and weakly forms buds and ovaries. Air humidity is very important for tangerines: on hot, dry days in summer, as well as on winter days when central heating dries out the air, it is necessary to spray the tree frequently, sometimes up to three times a day. You can place a bowl of water or another air humidifier on the windowsill (imitation of a waterfall, fountain, stream). Too dry air often provokes the appearance of pests such as mites, scale insects and others. During flowering, the tree should be sprayed carefully. To avoid moisture getting on the buds and flowers, it is better to replace spraying with regular wiping of the leaves.

Hardening. In order for the plant to become stronger, it should be hardened, that is, helped to adapt to changes in temperature and lighting. To do this, in the spring during the day, you need to take the seedling out to the balcony for a short time or closed veranda(or at least open the window).


Indoor tangerine needs frequent watering. On particularly hot days you will have to water it 2-3 times a day. In winter, if the temperature is kept fairly low and the air is well humidified, watering twice a week will be sufficient. It is recommended to first pour water for irrigation into bottles or other containers so that it can settle and warm up to room temperature.

A tangerine tree will not die due to a short-term lack of moisture, since it will shed all or part of the leaves to reduce water loss. Fresh greenery will not grow on “bald” branches; it will appear only on new branches, so everyone tries to avoid unexpected leaf fall. But frequent overwatering of the tree with water is no less dangerous - fungal diseases can develop.

Transplantation and fertilizing

Growing and caring for a young tangerine seedling involves annual replanting into a larger container. The root system of the tree grows very quickly, entwining a lump of earth over its entire surface. Replanting involves changing the drainage layer and adding soil mass. If, having pulled out a tree with a lump of earth, it becomes clear that there was enough space for roots to grow in the pot, then you can replace the drainage layer, insert the tree back with the same lump of earth and add only a surface layer of soil. Annual transplantation is carried out before March, before the start of the growing season. The root collar should not go deep during transplantation; it should be ensured at the same level relative to the soil surface.

The entire growing season, from April to September, the seedling needs feeding. Every week it needs to be fertilized with mineral or organic fertilizers, you can alternate them. This is especially necessary for mature trees that grow in cramped pots, without replanting or renewing the soil.

So, one week you can water it with a solution of liquid mullein, and a week later - with a ready-made complex fertilizer “for citrus trees”, purchased in a store. The finished composition must necessarily include nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Before fertilizing, which is recommended to be done in the first half of the day, the soil should be watered. The temperature of the nutrient solution must be at least +20 °C. The recommended recipe for preparing the fertilizer should be strictly followed.

The rule here is: it’s better not to top up than to overfill. Excess fertilizer, its excessive concentration, leads to burns of leaves or stems and even death of the tree.

Caring for an adult plant

Let's look at how to care for an adult tangerine tree at home. Many of the above rules for caring for tangerine seedlings also apply to a grown plant. But as the tree grows, the need for periodic pruning of branches and pinching the tops of shoots is added.

Like all other trees, it is advisable to remove dried leaves, twigs, and downward shoots from tangerines. But these measures will not help to form a compact tree with a thick and lush green crown. They try to grow homemade tangerine as dwarf plant, therefore the crown is formed like a bonsai tree. To do this, the growing tips of the shoots are pinched (removed) at the desired length. For example, you can pinch the top of each sprout after 5 leaves appear. Seriously harm tree growth and formation beautiful crown the so-called tops are shoots growing from the root. They need to be removed.

Advice. In the first years of fruiting, in order to avoid unnecessary stress on the plant, florists recommend pinching the flowers of the tangerine tree. By leaving only a few flowers on the trunk, you can achieve large, fragrant fruits without depleting the plant.

An adult tangerine tree in a pot also needs to be replanted. Unlike young seedlings, it is enough to replant a fruiting tree after 2-3 years. During the procedure, the drainage and the surface layer of soil must be replaced and topped up required amount soil. It is advisable to disturb the earthen lump as little as possible.

When setting fruit, the tree trunk and fruit-bearing branches must be tied to a support to avoid them breaking off.

Propagation of home tangerine

The most economical way to get a tangerine tree seedling is to grow it from a seed. But if there is already a tree, and the grower wants to get offspring from it, then he chooses one of the following methods:

  • Layerings. From an adult plant, select a branch with a thickness of at least 4 mm and a length sufficient to bend the branch and pin it to the ground (preferably in a separate, nearby pot). The branch is not separated from the bush, but is buried in the ground, with the top of the branch protruding to the surface of the soil. The digging area must be kept moist by adding a root-forming agent to the water several times. The branch is separated from the mother plant only when the cuttings form good new roots.
  • Air layering. The cuttings take root “in weight”. An adult shoot is cut in a circle, cutting off the bark 1 cm wide. The wound is treated with “Heteroauxin” or “Kornevin”, wrapped with sphagnum moss and transparent polyethylene (loosely, in the form of a cone). This “pupa” must be kept constantly moist until roots begin to form (this may take several months). When the roots become clearly visible through the polyethylene, the rooted branch is cut off and planted in a separate pot. It is advisable to create a young seedling for the first time greenhouse conditions, covering the pot with a transparent lid or bag.

Pest Control

Even when given to the mandarin complete care At home, flower growers sometimes encounter problems such as pests. The most common are the following:

  • Whiteflies;
  • Scale insects;
  • Red spider mites.

All of them are capable of causing irreparable harm to the plant, therefore, when pests are detected or at the slightest suspicion of their appearance, you need to wipe the leaves or spray the entire tree with special preparations, for example, Actellik or Fitoverm. It is important to use insecticidal and acaricidal preparations in strict accordance with the instructions for use!

" Trees

Few people think that a fruit-bearing exotic tree can be grown from a tangerine seed. Wonderful citrus fruits will delight you with their, although not large, regular harvest. You don't have to live in the tropics to have your own tangerine tree on your window.. The material presented below will allow you to grow tangerines at home without making mistakes.

Recently, tangerines have been successfully grown in greenhouses, winter greenhouses and on the windows. Amateur gardeners have learned the intricacies of growing exotic trees , now it’s no secret to anyone. Due to doubts about whether it will bear fruit, many do not dare to have an exotic pet in their window.

Growing it from a seed is as easy as shelling pears, but to get the fruit, you need to follow some recommendations. Advantages of growing tangerines in an apartment:

  • citrus plant characteristics unpretentious and tenacious;
  • neat tree in a pot is wonderful decorate the interior;
  • tree will delight with abundant foliage and a pleasant aroma;
  • the owners of the tree note that it helps with depression and loss of strength.
  • tangerine, like indoor flowers It does not require special care;
  • you can grow it from any purchased tangerine;
  • it will come from a seed excellent decorative tree.

To properly germinate a seed, you need to buy several tangerine fruits. Remove the largest seeds from inside. Small and soft ones are not suitable, it is better to throw them away.

For indoor growing It is better to choose low-growing species.

If you do not take into account fruiting, for the sake of an evergreen plant, you can plant seeds from any purchased tangerine on the window. For the sake of fragrant fruits, it is recommended to plant the following varieties of tangerine:

  1. Early fruiting citrus variety Unshiu it is considered very productive and unpretentious. The low-growing tree has a spreading crown with flexible branches. With sufficient care and additional lighting, the tangerine will bear fruit without ceasing.
  2. Indoor variety of mandarin Murcott allows you to get fruits as sweet as honey. The ripening season is summer.
  3. Early ripening tree Shiva-mikan fits in well in room conditions. Blooms and bears fruit profusely. The weight of the fetus can reach 30 grams.
  4. Many people successfully grow Clementine tangerines on the window.. In order for it to bear fruit and not grow “wild”, you will need to graft a branch of cultivated citrus.

In principle, you can try to plant any tangerine, the question is, will it bear fruit? We will consider the answer to this question and many other aspects of cultivation below.

Will an ornamental tree grown from a seed bear fruit?

Experts are unanimous in their opinion that without grafting the tree will not bear fruit. Don’t let this scare you, it’s not difficult to purchase a cultivated scion; one branch will be enough. Tangerines grown in this way will delight you with orange fruits for 3-4 years.

If you don't vaccinate, the tangerines will be small, green and tasteless.

On a well-rooted crown, the scion will quickly take root. Such a plant will cost much less than buying citrus at a flower shop. Many amateur gardeners share branches for propagation different varieties cultivated mandarin.

There are cases when tangerines go on sale with twigs. For the sake of experiment, you can try to graft or root it. There is no need to be afraid of difficulties; there will be no problems with the plant. Your efforts will be rewarded with a fragrant harvest.

Optimal growing conditions

An unpretentious plant requires certain conditions for placement and cultivation. By observing these requirements, you can achieve fruiting throughout the year. If you properly care for the tree, it will constantly bloom and bear fruit. You can often find tangerines with fruits of different ripeness on the windows. Conditions to be provided:

  • stable temperature regime not less +14 degrees;
  • best seat in the house unshaded windows on the south side;
  • plant sufficient air humidity is needed, it can be achieved by spraying;
  • during dry periods it is necessary ensure regular watering(it is recommended to place a container of water nearby);
  • autumn and winter, watering frequency is reduced, soil loosening is added;
  • in the spring they fertilize universal fertilizers.

In an adult plant, a crown is formed and excess branches are removed. At abundant flowering in the first year of fruiting, it is better to pinch off some of the inflorescences. This is done so as not to burden the young tree. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the tangerine so that there are no diseases on the leaves or drying out.

A lack of moisture can destroy the plant, and an excess will cause rotting of the roots.

How to choose a seed for planting?

The seed is taken from a ripe, bright orange fruit. Yellow and green are not suitable. To get 2-3 sprouts, you need to collect at least 10 strong seeds . It is better to plant immediately; there is no need to wait for the seeds to dry out and wrinkle. It is preferable to buy tangerines during the natural fruiting season, in autumn or winter.

During the rest of the year, there is a greater chance of getting low-quality hybrid seedlings. The quality of the seeds can be checked using water. Heavy seeds will sink, hollow ones will remain floating on top. Thanks to the selection of high-quality seeding material, the seedlings will be strong and stable. Weak seeds may die over time.

Landing conditions

The conditions may seem complicated, but these are just subtleties that must be observed. In the future everything will be much easier, the main thing is to do everything correctly. Prepared seeds must undergo certain preparation before they fall into the ground..

  1. Seeds must be disinfected from the effects of fungi, with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The ratio of peroxide and water is 1:10. Simply dip the seeds into the solution and remove.
  2. Next, take a saucer or any other container and cover it soft cloth. Wrap the seeds in it. Wet the cloth well. Make sure it is moist every day. There is no need to pour too much water; too much moisture will cause the seeds to rot.
  3. If the germination process seems tedious, you can immediately sow the seeds in moist soil. In case the seeds do not sprout, this option will not work.

  1. In a few days the seeds will hatch. At this point, you will need to prepare the soil for planting them. It is better to give preference to light, non-acidic soil. You can buy the soil composition ready-made or prepare it yourself. For 1 part sand, take 2 parts earth and humus. Land taken from a forest belt is suitable.
  2. Choose a small pot. Place the bones there. Planting depth is 1-2 cm. Weak shoots can always be removed. Strong - replant.
  3. Some practice growing seedlings in disposable cups. This method has a right to life, but it is better to take peat or flower pots. Moisture evaporates worse in a glass.
  4. Water as the soil requires, it should always be damp.
  5. Loosen the soil until the plant is well rooted, it is not necessary.
  6. In order for tangerine seedlings to grow quickly, it is necessary provide additional lighting. Especially it concerns winter period when natural light is not enough.

By the number of shoots you can judge how high quality the seeds were. When planting 10 seeds, normal germination is 3-5 seedlings. Some of the seedlings may die as they mature. Natural selection will allow you to get strong shoots.

How to care for a young seedling

Care consists of regular watering and spraying of the leaves. To prevent the leaves from getting sick, do not spray them with tap water. Let it sit for at least one night. It’s good to have a special watering can that will contain settled water. To prevent the roots from rotting, you can add a little potassium permanganate to the water.

As a preventive measure against aphids and midges, onion peels should be placed around the plant. E If pests have infested, the seedling is washed with water infused with garlic, laundry soap or salt. Midges can live on the surface of the soil. It will need to be loosened.

Grafting a houseplant

In order for a citrus tree to bear fruit, it is necessary to graft a cutting from a varietal tangerine. Sections are made with a disinfected sharp instrument. At the time of grafting, the young tree should be as thick as a pencil. There are many methods of vaccination, choose the most convenient option:

  • T-scion using a shallow cut under the bark;
  • vaccination under acute angle , the cut is attached to the cut on the tree;
  • V-cut It is made in the center of the wildflower, a twig is placed inside.

You need to vaccinate quickly and carefully. The vaccination site should be tightly bandaged and sealed. garden varnish . To ensure after the scion comfortable conditions plant, you can cover it with a transparent bag or glass jar. You can use growth stimulants.

A rooted and grafted tree, located on the south side at sufficient watering and applying fertilizers, will delight you with an abundance of tangerines. Having secured growing tips, you can safely start planting.. Experience shows that anyone can grow a tangerine from a seed.

Many people have tried at least once in their lives to stick a tangerine or other fruit seed into the ground, in the hope that flower pot soon a fruit-bearing tree will grow. The task is difficult and overwhelming, mainly due to a lack of knowledge on cultivation, and then there is no need to talk about proper care.

But it turns out that if you approach the matter correctly, without relying on “maybe”, then, for example, anyone can grow a tangerine tree in an apartment, even those who are not a skilled gardener. The main thing is patience, the ability to care and the desire to achieve what you want!

As is the case with other citrus crops, there are two possible ways to grow a tangerine tree - purchasing a seedling from a specialized store, or growing a tree yourself from a seed. The second path is more interesting and exciting (if you have the habit of caring for plantings), and if everything works out, then in a couple of years you will be filled with pride that homemade tangerine not only smells fragrant, but also bears fruit!

It’s worth starting the process of growing at home by extracting seed material.

The procedure is expected to be as follows:

  • Extraction and preparation of seed material
  • Preparing the container
  • Preparing the land for planting
  • Waiting for shoots
  • Preventive measures against diseases and pests

So, let's start moving through the list from the very beginning. It is worth starting the process of growing at home by obtaining seed material - several tangerine seeds, preferably 5-6, since not all of them can sprout. To do this, purchase ripe tangerines from your nearest store, which are stored in appropriate conditions (not in the refrigerator, not in direct sunlight), from which you remove the seeds necessary for this stage. Rinse the “extracted” seed thoroughly and place it on a flat, open surface to dry. After the seeds have dried, you need to start preparing them for planting.

To do this, the seed must be soaked for better germination: it is better to take a clean, damp cotton cloth, wrap the tangerine seeds in it and leave them for a couple of days. There is no need to fill the fabric with seeds with water, but you need to make sure that the fabric is constantly wet - completely drying it out is unacceptable, as this will ruin the whole thing. For those who don’t want to deal with fabric and constantly monitor its moisture status experienced gardeners I advise you to purchase a hydrogel (possibly called aqua-soil, eco-soil), which will allow you to carry out the desired process without hassle. The hydrogel will replace damp cloth/gauze: by mixing the powder in the required proportion with water and placing the seeds inside the resulting jelly, you will not need to worry for several days that the seed will dry out at home.

Video about how to grow a tangerine from a seed

While the seeds are swelling and hatching, they do not need any more care than described above, and therefore it is time to start preparing the container and soil. Let's start with containers: at the first stage, you can take a container of any volume, up to plastic cup. In the future, the grown seedling will need to be grown in a pot with a volume of about 4 liters. Before filling with soil, drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot (or any other container you have prepared). Let it be small pebbles, crushed walnut shells.

Now let's decide on the land. Like the “wild” one, homemade tangerine does not like acidic soils, so if you purchase the substrate at a specialized point of sale, you need to make sure that the soil is peat-free. If you prepare the soil for planting yourself, then some light mixture that allows air to pass through well, for example, a mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand, is best.

After everything is prepared, and the seeds have hatched and sprouts have already appeared, you can proceed directly to planting. Selected grains must be placed in grooves 3-4 cm deep and sprinkled with earth. Water the soil well, but try not to overwater. After this, we remove the pots with plantings in the dark warm place. As a rule, tangerines even in natural conditions They sprout for quite a long time, so don’t be scared or despair because there are no sprouts for a long time; as a rule, they appear 3-4 weeks after planting. At this time, it is necessary to ensure that the soil in the container is moist, but not waterlogged.

Water the soil well, but try not to overwater

After the sprouts have appeared, it is necessary to move the pot to a bright, but again warm place. Mandarin is a heat-loving plant, and for its good growth and development the temperature environment should be at least 200C.

First of all, as noted above, tangerine grows only in suitable temperature conditions. If the pot with sprouts is placed in a cool place (below 20 -22 0C), the plant will stop growing and may soon die completely.

After each watering, it is strictly necessary to care for the tangerine: loosen the soil

Secondly, you must remember that the citrus tree is moisture-loving. In the summer, care includes mandatory watering, which should be done several times a day (depending on temperature and humidity conditions). In winter, watering is done less frequently - about 3 times a week, as the soil in the pot dries out. In addition, the leaves of the tree must be sprayed generously every day, and a container of water must be placed next to the pot. All these measures are necessary to ensure sufficient humidity, which is vital for the tangerine tree, since under natural conditions it, as a rule, does not lack moisture. The water must be filtered and settled, at room temperature. However, you can’t overwater the plant either. After each watering, it is strictly necessary to care for the tangerine: loosen the soil and, if necessary, apply fertilizer.

Thirdly, some gardeners who have a citrus tree growing in artificial conditions This is not the first year, it is recommended to replant the plant annually in the spring. Moreover, this must be done extremely carefully, trying not to touch the soil around the roots. After the tree reaches eight years of age, replanting can be done once or twice a year. Like home care will not just allow the tree to grow better, but from a certain point will also influence the qualitative and quantitative indicators of tangerine yield.

Fourthly, mandatory when growing citrus fruits at home, are feeding the tree with mineral and organic fertilizers. Balanced fertilizers are best purchased at a specialty store. The most frequent feeding should be done when the plant has its first leaves. The frequency of fertilizing in the summer is once every 14 days, with the onset of autumn once a month.

Video about tangerine tree

Pest and disease control.

Citrus trees grown at home can be seriously damaged by flies, aphids, and red mites. Therefore, mandatory care should include a weekly visual inspection of all parts of the plant, from the trunk and root part to the leaves and shoots.

As soon as you notice pests, you must immediately take a number of measures aimed at saving the tree. If you notice pests in time, then you won’t need strong “chemistry”. It will be enough to prepare a solution from onion peel or garlic, and use it to thoroughly rinse the entire plant - leaves and trunk. Don’t be lazy, rinse everything carefully and thoroughly, since spraying will not give the desired results. Instead of homemade infusions prepared yourself, you can buy a biological product in a specialized store “ green soap", which will help cope with pests.