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Red wood. What does red wood look like? Mahogany in various products

Red tree

1) This name means mainly ornamental, and partly timber (see. Ship timber) of a large tree from the genus Swietenia L., belonging to the meliaceae family (see). The only species that belongs here, S. Mahagoni L., is precisely what gives everyone the well-known furniture K. tree. It is a significant tree with feathery leaves. Small flowers are bisexual, their stamens grow together into a tube; box fruit. Grows in Central America and Westindia. Heavy wood of its red-brown color. Another tree that grows in Senegambia and belongs to the same family is Khaya senegalensis, close to the owlet. The lower grades - "simple" K. tree (Madeira Mahagoni), without a pattern on the longitudinal section, and "striped", obtained from the same wood when sawing parallel to the core rays, represent the wood of Cedrela odorata L., C. guianensis Aubl. and C. Toana Roxb. sw. (Khaya) senegalensis Desn. - the best variety (specific gravity-0.91) and partly Soymida from Africa. By suitability, they distinguish: "figured" - going to plywood, with a beautiful pattern and a slight smell, and "Jamaican" - more solid, used for the manufacture of solid furniture. The color and beauty of the pattern can be judged when sawing raw wood: the fiery, yellow-red color turns over time into a beautiful chestnut, bright red - into dark brown, while pale red (the lowest grade) remains, on the contrary, unchanged or even brightens . In the main markets, the following varieties are distinguished: in Hamburg - Tabasco, Mexican, Austin, Westind, Piramiden and Vosa del Toro (a new variety from 1874) and in London - Honduras, Mexican, Tabasco, Caba and St. Domingo. Also called K. tree - Cornus alba L. and Cornus sibirica Lood. (Vyatka province), Evonymus Maacki Rupr., Dahurian buckthorn (Rhanmus davurica Pall.), Erythroxylon and yew (Taxus, baccata L.), and sometimes (in Germany) and wood of Coulteria (Caesalpinia) tinctoria Kunth.

A. B. And V.S.

2) Under the name of K. tree (see. Dye tree), the trunks of various species of Caesalpinia tropical trees, peeled from bark and sapwood, go on sale, namely, more often than others, the fernambuco tree (Caesalpinia echinata L. and Caesalpinia crista L.), sapano tree (Caesalpinia Sappan), Nicaragua (Caesalpinia bijuga) and Brazilian C. tree (Caesalpinia brasiliensis and Caesalpinia vesicaria). It is imported into Europe in the form of stumps up to 4 ft. length. The coloring beginning of the K. tree, brasilin C 16 H 14 O 5, in an aqueous solution when boiled in an open cup, especially in the presence of alkalis, quickly decomposes with the formation of a pigment, brasilin C 16 H 12 O 5. In its pure form, brasilin forms small dark crystals with a gray metallic luster, soluble in hot water with a pink color that fluoresces to orange. Compared to the chromogen brasilin, brasilin has a much greater coloring power. K. the tree goes on sale also in the form of shavings and in the form of an extract at 30 ° B. (see Dyeing wood). The extract has five times more coloring power than the tree. The best variety of K. tree is the fernambuco tree; in a fresh section, it has a brownish tint, changing to red in air. Like kampesh, the staining power of wood increases to a great extent if wetted chips are left to lie in heaps for a long time. Cold water extracts comparatively little from the chips; strong infusions are obtained only by boiling. The broth is colored light red, which, under the influence of alkalis, changes to cherry red. Fabrics with alumina mordant attached to them are dyed red or pink, when using chrome mordant, an olive color, iron gray-violet or black is obtained. As an independent paint, K. wood is now completely not used, since the coloring given by it is very fragile in relation to light, air and soap. But as a highlight, mixed with other dyes, K. wood is consumed in fairly significant quantities.

A. P. Lidov. Δ.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .


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What is a "red tree"?

  1. MAHOGANY - red and brown wood of mahogany, sappan and a number of other tropical trees, often also called mahogany (tropical America, Africa, Southeast Asia). Very durable, with a beautiful texture, the wood is well polished and has long been used to make high-quality furniture. Sometimes mahogany is called yew, black alder and sequoia wood.

    Mahogany, reddish-brown dyed wood from tropical trees, often also called k.d. Very strong, heavy, polishes well. Coloring K. d. due to the presence of dyes, sometimes extracted for the manufacture of paints. To obtain K. d., trees from the meliaceae family are more often used: American and African mahogany (see Mahogany tree), as well as the sappan tree of the Caesalpiniaceae family from the South-East. Asia (it smells of violets), etc. K. wood is used in the form of facing plywood in the furniture industry, for the interior decoration of steamships, wagons, apartments, etc. Sometimes K. wood is called yew, black alder and sequoia wood, which has red color, but not possessing other qualities of a real K. d.

  2. Mahogany - the territory of the RSFSR, surrounded by the White Guard and interventionist fronts in 1918 or 1919
  3. Under the name "mahogany" in international trade, there are species that have red wood with various shades, but not all of them have the properties characteristic of real mahogany.
    And yet, the rocks of the Meliaceae family of the genus Svitaniya are considered a real mahogany.
    American original. The genus Svitenia (Switenia) is a genus of evergreens, in which, according to various sources, there are from 5 to 8 species that live in the New World (Central and South America, Antilles). Of these, three are very close species, known in Europe since the middle of the 17th century as mahogany and giving the most valuable wood. They are united by the common name of mahogany. The first to be studied and known was the species of mahogany (Switenia mahagoni), mahogany, mahogany or mogno, which has the best wood properties. This is a large tree: height up to 30, and sometimes up to 45 m, trunk diameter up to 2 m at the butt. The leaves are small, paired, and oblong-pointed, with oppositely seated leaflets. The flowers are small, axillary, collected in panicles. The fruit is a box. Grows profusely in tropical rainforests, in lowlands and on low hills on moist fertile soils, sometimes climbs mountains up to a height of 1200 m. Distributed in the West Indies (Antilles).

    The concept of mahogany appeared in Europe in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, and then, as often happens in history, had a completely different name - ebony. Europeans, accustomed to their traditional species, such as beech, maple, ash, oak, cherry, which have a peculiar texture and tint range, but do not have such a bright and original color, really liked the colonial wood, which has an incredibly diverse color range from dark chocolate to light orange.

    The rainforests of the equatorial and subequatorial regions of the Earth are widely known as a source of durable and beautiful timber for construction, and are also the main material for creating comfort.
    Currently, there are more than 2,500 tropical hardwoods, about 100 hardwoods are supplied to the global consumer market in the form of sawlogs, lumber, veneer, plywood and finished products. The main suppliers of mahogany are Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil and the countries of equatorial Africa.
    Mahogany on the world market is mainly represented by the species MERANTI, MERBAU, KEMPAS, NYATO, KERUING, JONGKONG, MAHAGONG.
    Mahogany variety Shorey has long been a world-famous breed, especially popular in Holland, Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, where it has gained wide popularity as an excellent material for the production of various joinery and musical instruments.
    In nature, there are 40 species of the Shoreya and Paroshorea groups. The density of wood is from 560 to 865 kg / m 3 at a moisture content of 12%. Working humidity of wood 8 12% after chamber drying. Wood has excellent properties for processing: it is easy to saw, drill, plan, grind. It holds nails and screws well, it is easy to glue and paint in the desired tones and shades. Among the many properties, it should be noted excellent strength and durability, the stability of wood, low susceptibility to movement during operation, especially in joints.
    European architects and designers, familiar with the ideal characteristics of reddish-brown wood, have long used it in construction and interior decoration, furniture and interior design.

  4. The people call "mahogany" yew berry, because its wood is really red. It is very strong, heavy, does not rot, does not give in to fungal diseases. Mahogany furniture can last for centuries.

    Yew grows very slowly, only 2-3 cm per year. The highest yew in the world is apparently located in Transcaucasia, in Adjara. Its height is 32.5 m. It is at least 4000 years old.

    Yew grows almost throughout Western Europe: in Belarus in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, in Western Ukraine, in the southern Crimea, in Transcaucasia, where there is a yew-boxwood grove near the city of Khosta. It is protected, it is a nature reserve.

    Young yew shoots, bark, leaves and seeds contain substances that are poisonous to humans and some animals, such as horses and cows.

    Another type of yew is pointed. This tree grows in Russia in the Far East, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin, as well as in China, Japan, and Korea. But Canadian yew is a low, sprawling shrub 1-2 m high.

    very much on topic
  6. By the way, Red Tree is a team that sings songs
  7. MAHOGANY, red and brown wood of mahogany, sappan and a number of other tropical trees, often also called mahogany (tropical America, Africa, Southeast Asia). Very durable, with a beautiful texture, the wood is well polished and has long been used to make high-quality furniture. Sometimes mahogany is called yew, black alder and sequoia wood.

There are many products on the market made from species called mahogany. They are often quite expensive. However, only a small number of them have excellent performance characteristics of a real mahogany - a breed of the Sviteniya genus of the Meliev family.

The first species to become widely known was the Mahogany Svitanie, which is simply called mahogany, mogno, or mahogany wood. This mahogany is common in the Antilles in the West Indies. Here it grows abundantly in the lowlands and on the hills. This breed is very fond of fertile moist soils. These are unusually large trees with a height of 30 - 45 meters. Their trunk diameter reaches 2 m.

During the first few decades of the twentieth century, the mahogany was practically cut down. However, in the middle of the century, artificial mahogany plantations were established on a number of tropical Caribbean islands. In addition, the British brought this breed to India and the island of Sri Lanka.

There is another variety of trees that fit the definition of "red". Their wood is somewhat inferior in quality to mahogany, but its reserves, unlike the latter, are quite large. This is the large-leaved Svitenia, or koaba. It grows in Mexico, eastern Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia. In addition, this mahogany was transported by the same Englishmen to And a third type of American tree that can be classified as "red" - Switenia humilis. It is distributed in El Salvador, in the southern regions of Mexico, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. As a material for the manufacture of various kinds of products, this type is known less than others.

In addition to American, there are African varieties of trees such as mahogany. Two types of such plants are common on this continent. The first of them is the genus Kaya. These are evergreen trees growing in Madagascar and the Cape Verde Islands.

The most common breed of kaya mahogany, which is also called African kaoba or African mahogany. A fairly well-known variety also belongs to the Kaya genus - I will say white. It is named after the color of the bark and is a fairly tall tree (15 - 50 m).

Another African genus of the Meliev family is called Entadrophragma. It includes varieties such as sipo, sapele and casipo. Just like kaya, these are very large trees - up to 45 cm high and up to 2 m in diameter at the bottom of the trunk.

Solid mahogany is used for interior decoration and cladding of various structural elements (walls, doors, floors). Often this breed is used for the manufacture of various kinds of decorative interior items: figurines, masks, caskets. This wood is so valuable that not every craftsman will decide to take up the manufacture of, say, the same cabinet from this material. Its main advantage lies in the ability to maintain its shape for many years. Such furniture is fabulously expensive.

In Russia, a real mahogany, the photos of which can be seen a little higher, is almost impossible to find on sale. In most cases, the maximum that our consumers can count on is a chest variety, which is also called sugar. This is a yellowish-orange breed with a rather pleasant smell for humans, disastrous for insects.

sacred mahogany

Red tree
This group includes the American mahogany tree, the Californian sequoia, the Philippine meranti, and some types of Australian eucalyptus. But only true mahogany has the most valuable wood. And yet, the rocks of the Meliaceae family of the genus Svitaniya are considered a real mahogany. American "original"

The genus Svitenia (Switenia) is a genus of evergreens, in which, according to various sources, there are from 5 to 8 species living in the New World (Central and South America, Antilles). Of these, three are very close species, known in Europe since the middle of the 17th century as mahogany and giving the most valuable wood. They are united by the common name of mahogany.
The first to be studied and known was the species of mahogany (Switenia mahagoni), mahogany, mahogany or mogno, which has the best wood properties.

The name "mahogany" is usually understood as wood of different shades of red and brown mahogany, sappan and a number of other tropical trees.

MAHAGONIE TREE (Cercocarpus ledifolius) Mahogany is a sound breed. Mahogany wood has an average hardness and density, practically does not crack or warp, it is well cut, processed and finished. The mahogany apron has a light gray or greenish color, and the core is from brownish red to reddish brown. The wood has a pronounced ribbon texture, which is defined by stripes of dark brown and light shiny stripes with a red tint. Typically, carvings made of mahogany darken over time and take on a deep crimson tone.

Almost everyone knows in what production mahogany is used. First of all, it has found its application in the manufacture of the highest category in terms of quality furniture. It is also used in the decoration of luxurious interiors of palaces, apartments, offices, yachts, etc. Today, for obvious reasons, it is mainly used for the production of sliced ​​veneer, which is used to finish less expensive types of wood.

For a long time, mahogany exports accounted for most of the budget revenues of Latin American countries. Due to intensive felling, this tree species almost disappeared from the face of the earth, and its felling was somewhat stopped. Today, most mahogany comes from man-made plantations in the West Indies and Central America. There, they mainly grow mahogany of the “large-leaved svitaniye” species. Brazil is currently the largest supplier of mahogany. There has always been and is a demand for this high-quality raw material. Now you can find several dozen species of trees that are part of the "false mahogany" group.

According to the ancient belief of the American Indians, redwood saves from lightning strikes. Sometimes "mahogany" is called the wood of yew, black alder, sequoia. Sequoia is a revered, one might say sacred tree of the American Indians.

ROSANDWOOD South American wood; has a pleasant smell, excellent polishing; suitable for fine furniture and fine carpentry.
Palosando. Palo Santo is a sacred tree of South American Indians. The Incas used this plant for ritual fumigation of space in order to get rid of evil spirits and the negativity they brought. Palo Santo wood was also considered an effective material for making protective amulets.

Palo Santo was used in the rituals of Ayahuasca - a sacred shamanic act associated with the reception of a special herbal decoction that transfers its participants to the supernatural world. Not possessing a psychoactive effect, Palo Santo brought another gift to the ritual - its deep, penetrating aroma, which protects the traveler through the worlds from evil and possible troubles.

Indian rosewood - Dalbergia latifolia - also known as Indian or East Indian rosewood, Java palissander, Indonesian rosewood, Bombey blackwood, Malabar , sonokeling). It is found in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Indonesia (in the latter country it is plantation grown and is marketed under the name sonokeling).

We have all heard the expression “master cabinetmaker” and “mahogany furniture”. A master cabinetmaker is called a carpenter who is in perfect command of his craft and who will not spoil the most precious wood and can make the most elegant furniture from it.

The people call “mahogany” yew berry, because its wood is really red. It is very strong, heavy, does not rot, does not give in to fungal diseases. Mahogany furniture can last for centuries.

Yew grows very slowly, only 2-3 cm per year. The highest yew in the world is apparently located in Transcaucasia, in Adjara. Its height is 32.5 m. It is at least 4000 years old.

Yew grows almost throughout Western Europe: in Belarus in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, in Western Ukraine, in the southern Crimea, in Transcaucasia, where there is a yew-boxwood grove near the city of Khosta. It is protected, it is a nature reserve.

Young yew shoots, bark, leaves and seeds contain substances that are poisonous to humans and some animals, such as horses and cows.

Another type is the pointed yew. This tree grows in Russia in the Far East, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin, as well as in China, Japan, and Korea. But Canadian yew is a low, sprawling shrub 1-2 m high.

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