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How to collect alstroemeria seeds from flowers. Alstroemeria - growing "Peruvian lily" in open and protected ground

Alstroemeria, a spectacular tuberous plant with tall stems, crowned with exotic flowers resembling medium-sized lilies, “descended” into European gardens and greenhouses from the Chilean and Peruvian mountains back in the 18th century.

Since then, numerous varieties of "Peruvian lilies" have been bred with flowers of all shades, combinations and transitions of white, pink, red, yellow and purple. In the inner, central part, each such flower keeps a wild striped speck, reminiscent of a distant mountainous homeland. In the cut, they can stand from two weeks to a month.

Despite its origin from very far abroad, Alstroemeria is able to grow and bloom beautifully in greenhouses, rooms and gardens of the middle lane.

Alstroemeria - cut

"Peruvian lilies" can be very tall, with two-meter stems. Such varieties are actively bred in greenhouses and conservatories for commercial cutting. In the rooms, dwarf alstroemerias are grown, not growing above forty centimeters. The most common indoor varieties.


Snow-white flowers with a predatory yellowish-brown speck in the throat.

Pale pink "lilies" decorated with "signature" tiger stripes.

Yellow petals with a central dark salmon stripe are painted with thin dark brown strokes.

Yellowish-pink dark-skinned women, marked with a characteristic brown "barcode".

There are two ways to grow such alstroemerias.

Alstroemeria from seeds


For sowing alstroemerias in February-March, a soil mixture is prepared from two parts of leafy and one part of sod land. As baking powder, washed coarse sand and fibrous peat are added, which, moreover, slightly acidifies the soil.

The substrate is mixed well, then frozen or washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A layer of expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the planting tank with a mandatory drainage hole, and a prepared soil mixture is poured on top. The soil is moistened.


The seeds are placed on the surface, slightly pressed into the substrate, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, the sown container is packed in a plastic bag and sent to the lower “vegetable” section of the refrigerator for a month for stratification.

At the same time, the polyethylene coating is slightly opened twice a day, condensate is removed and, if necessary, the soil is moistened. At the end of the stratification, the bag with the container is placed in a very bright place with a temperature of 20-25ºС.

Sowing is regularly ventilated and moderately moistened. With a short daylight hours, it is useful to organize additional illumination up to 12 hours a day, as in the homeland in the Andes. Germination should be expected from ten days to a month. After germination, the polyethylene coating is removed. At the stage of 2-4 true leaves, the seedlings dive into separate "teenage" cups with a drainage layer and optimal soil. When the developed root system fills this container, the young alstroemeria is transplanted into a larger container. Such a plant blooms in the second or third year.

Alstroemeria seedlings from tuber parts

An adult plant has a developed tuber with numerous growth points. During the dormant period, after flowering in summer or autumn, such alstroemeria is dug up and a large tuber is divided into sections with at least five to ten points of growth with a sharp blade. The sections are sprinkled with crushed charcoal, the separated plants are seated. Flowering can be expected in the next summer season.

Alstroemeria (or Alstroemeria) - a flower of extraordinary beauty

Attention! It should be borne in mind that all parts of delicate exotic "lilies" contain poisonous juice, which can irritate the skin and mucous membranes. They are not grown where there are small children and pets.

Further care for alstroemeria

  1. Illumination."Peruvian lily" requires bright, but mostly diffused lighting. Best of all, it will develop on the southwestern and southeastern windows. On the south side, mandatory shading is required. In the summer of alstroemeria, balcony "vacations" are useful.

  2. Temperature regime. In summer, the optimum temperature is 20-22ºС. Heat of 28º and above leads to the cessation of flowering. If the soil is very warm, there is a predominant development of tubers to the detriment of stems and flowers. In winter, the temperature of the content is reduced to 13-15ºС to provide a dormant period necessary for the mass laying of buds.
  3. Watering. The worst thing that can happen to a viable alstroemeria is stagnation of moisture in the soil, leading to root and stem rot. Therefore, it should be watered moderately, with soft water, preventing the earthen coma from drying out. In winter, at low temperatures, watering is limited.

  4. Air humidity. In a dry atmosphere, evergreen alstroemeria quickly sheds leaves and buds. In order not to give the plant a reason for such an untimely leaf fall, it must be sprayed regularly, especially in the summer, making sure that moisture does not fall on the delicate petals. It is also helpful to place the Peruvian lily container on a pallet of wet pebbles or expanded clay.

  5. Top dressing. During the period of intensive growth, and even more so flowering, the "Peruvian lily" needs regular feeding. The very first, early spring, is carried out with a mineral complex balanced in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In the future, blooming alstroemeria is fed weekly with a composition in which the phosphorus and potassium components predominate. In the autumn-winter season, top dressing is stopped.
  6. pruning. To stimulate growth and flowering, dried stems and wilted flowers are regularly removed, not forgetting the toxicity of the Peruvian lily juice.

  7. Timely transfers. Young, rapidly developing plants require an annual transplant. Mature alstroemerias with powerful tubers are transplanted at the same frequency, combining this operation with dividing the bush.

  8. Prevention and treatment of diseases. Too dense shoots, combined with excess moisture, create conditions for the defeat of alstroemeria with gray rot. As a preventive measure, the optimal irrigation regime is observed, and densely overgrown bushes are divided and planted. Putrefactive processes are stopped by treatment with foundationazole and copper preparations.

  9. Pest Elimination. At room conditions, spider mites and thrips can settle on alstroemerias. These insects are destroyed once and for all by systemic insecticides - karbofos, aktara, aktellik.

Alstroemeria outdoors

In the middle lane, alstroemeria often decorates summer areas with annual lush flowering. Tall varieties are suitable for open ground, of which a great many have been bred: crimson with a yellow speckled throat "Mozart", golden "Eldorado", pink "Prima Donna", white "Albatross", dark purple "Indigo" and dozens of others, embodying in the flower the most whimsical combinations of exquisite shades.

To settle alstroemeria seedlings on your site, they can be obtained from seeds in the same way that is used for indoor varieties - February sowing in loose, slightly acidic soil, stratification for a month, germination in good light, temperature 20-25ºС and high humidity, picking at the stage of 2-4 true leaves. Sowing is also used immediately in open ground in April. Such seedlings will bloom no earlier than in the third year. In addition, in April-May, a mature tuber or part of it, separated from the mother plant, can be planted on the site.

The place where alstroemerias will grow should be well lit, but inaccessible to the scorching rays of the midday sun.

Important! Stagnation of moisture and high standing of groundwater is unacceptable.

Soil for planting"Peruvian lilies" is prepared in advance. She must be:

  • nutritious. For this purpose, compost is added;
  • slightly sour. It is provided with high-moor peat or bark of coniferous trees;
  • loose, with good water and air permeability. If necessary, sawdust or chopped straw are introduced.

Good results are obtained by planting tubers in meter-long ridges up to 20 centimeters high. They are planted at intervals of 40 to 60 centimeters, deepening up to 15 cm. A horizontal coarse mesh is installed above the ridge to support tall stems with weighty flowers.

Further landing care includes:

  • weekly watering with soft water;
  • systematic weeding and loosening.
  • complex top dressing once a week during the flowering period.
  • soil acidification by peat mulching. Such an operation will also prevent overheating of the tuber, in which alstroemeria stops growing and flowering.

In autumn, the stems are cut to a height of 7-8 centimeters and cover the plant with spruce branches, bark and dry leaves. In the middle lane, for resistant varieties, such shelter is usually sufficient. In order to fully insure alstroemeria from freezing, its tubers are dug up in mid-October, dried and stored until spring under the same conditions as dahlias - in a basement or cellar, at low but positive temperatures.

The main conditions for the growth and flowering of alstroemeria are carefully observed in greenhouse culture:

  • daylight hours are not shorter than 12 hours;
  • temperature not lower than 16 and not higher than 20ºС;
  • the soil is fertile, loose, slightly acidic. Plants are conveniently planted in separate containers with a diameter of 25 cm;
  • watering with soft water is regular, but moderate;
  • increased air humidity;
  • supporting mesh for tall stems with powerful flowers.

Distillation after a cool dormant period allows you to get blooming "lilies" almost all year round.

Growing alstroemerias as a business

Having mastered the cultivation of "Peruvian lilies", you can extract a certain income from this process:

  • sell seeds. Alstroemeria seed material ripens even in the open ground of the middle lane, and its germination capacity lasts 3-4 years. The Internet will help you sell your own seeds;
  • trade in seedlings or tubers. More of a hassle with packing, mailing, and limited to the spring season only. However, it will bring more profit than the sale of seeds;
  • grow alstroemerias for cutting. The most profitable method, requiring considerable investments in the initial stages. Nevertheless, these costs pay off in a maximum of two years, and in the future they bring constant tangible profits.

Alstroemeria, despite its exotic origin and unusual appearance, is not one of the most whimsical crops. Its cultivation is successfully mastered by both amateur flower growers and owners of profitable greenhouses.

Video - Alstroemeria: growing from seeds and tubers

Vide – Alstroemeria

Alstroemeria(Alstroemeria) is a perennial rhizomatous plant native to South America with loose inflorescences of very beautiful flowers of various colors, dotted with contrasting strokes and stripes. According to the exotic color and structure of the flower, alstroemeria resembles orchids and lilies, so the plant is also called " peruvian lily" And " lily of the incas".

There are many species, highly decorative hybrids and varieties of alstroemeria.
This is a well-known highly productive and disease-resistant greenhouse culture: cutting large flowers of alstroemeria stands in a bouquet for a very long time (about 3 weeks). If you do not forget to change the water in the vase daily, alstroemeria opens the entire inflorescence completely, to the very last bud.
In greenhouses, tall varieties of alstroemeria (about 1.5 meters) are grown, giving a first-class cut (distillation is done twice a year). It is also practiced to grow alstroemeria in large containers. Created compact hybrids of alstroemeria for pot culture, the height of which ranges from 20-40 cm, blooming all summer with large flowers (5-7 cm in diameter).

Alstroemeria is grown in open ground without digging and shelter only in countries with a mild climate. But since this plant withstands slight freezing of the soil, therefore, alstroemeria can also be grown in regions with relatively cold winters, provided that good drainage is provided during planting of rhizomes and with mandatory shelter of rhizomes for the winter (thick layer of mulch, covering with spruce branches, straw, etc.). The following version of an air-dry shelter that prevents deep freezing of the soil has proven itself well: in autumn (after frost damage to the aerial part), the shoots of alstroemeria are cut off, the dried soil above the rhizome is mulched with a thick layer of dry leaf, which is covered with a film on top, and soil and humus are poured on it. In regions with severe frosts, where the earth freezes deeply, alstroemeria is carefully dug out in the fall with a clod of earth, transplanted into containers and then placed for wintering in a cold, non-freezing place (basement, cellar). The optimal temperature regime for keeping alstroemeria during the year:
- January-February: 4-9 degrees;
- March: 14-15 degrees;
- April: 18-20 degrees;
- May - August: 20-25 degrees;
- September, October: 15-16 degrees;
- November: 9 -5 degrees;
- December: 2-4 degrees.

Alstroemeria successfully grows in ventilated places, but protected from strong winds; prefers light (but without hot sun) and semi-shaded corners of the garden. Alstroemeria thrives in well-drained, loose, fertile soil that is neutral to slightly acidic. High-moor peat, humus, straw chaff, and other loosening materials are added to heavy soil before planting rhizomes.

Alstroemeria - planting, care, reproduction

The overgrown rhizomes of alstroemeria in the spring, if necessary, are divided into parts (with 10-15 eyes), treating for half an hour with a pink solution
potassium permanganate, and planted at the rate of 3-4 plants per square meter. Delenki are planted in the ground (planting depth is about 10 cm), trying not to damage the hatched sprouts. After dividing the rhizome, alstroemeria does not grow well in the first year; it almost blooms to full rooting.

To replace the shoots of alstroemeria that fell under the spring frosts, new shoots soon grow from the rhizome. Breaking out weak shoots in flowering plants contributes to better flowering (in young plants, all shoots are retained). Tall alstroemerias require a support device.
Alstroemeria is watered moderately: prolonged waterlogging of the roots leads to their decay.

Alstroemeria is demanding on nutrition: the plant is fed weekly during the growth period (until the end of summer), alternating mineral and organic fertilizers; for the period of budding, stop applying nitrogen
Species alstroemerias are propagated by spring sowing of seeds (they remain viable for 3-4 years). Sowing seeds is carried out in a bowl with a loose substrate, pressing them into the soil, lightly sprinkling with earth and moistening the crops; the bowl is covered with glass. Shoots of alstroemeria usually appear after 3 weeks; seedlings bloom in the second year. Alstroemeria seedlings are planted in the garden after the end of frost with a distance of about 35 cm between plants.

Prepared by Ziborova E.Yu.

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Alstroemeria flowers: growing in the garden, greenhouse and at home

Alstroemeria (Alstroemeria)- Lily of the Incas or Peruvian lily, came to us from South America. It is a very beautiful perennial plant, highly valued for its ornamental flowers and also for its long cutting life. In industrial greenhouses, Alstroemeria is distilled twice a year.

If you are missing the exotic in the garden - then this plant is for you! Alstroemeria flowers collected in racemose inflorescences, and when they bloom, they resemble exotic butterflies that accidentally flew into a flower bed in search of nectar. Alstroemeria is a fairly tall plant, the height of some varieties ranges from 80 cm to half a meter.

The color of alstroemeria flowers is the most diverse: yellow, and red, and pink, and pale lilac, almost always with spots on the petals. In addition, the alstroemeria petals are decorated with dark longitudinal lines, which become thinner and shorter closer to the center of the flower. Alstroemeria flowers resemble lily flowers, only small, only about 6 cm in diameter.

Sowing alstroemeria seeds

At growing alstroemeria from seed flowering will come in the third year. Alstroemeria seeds can be sown directly into the ground in April-May. By sowing seeds in February-March for seedlings, you can achieve flowering in the second year. For sowing seeds, take 2 parts of leaf and 1 part of soddy land, mix well. Place the alstroemeria seeds on the ground, press them lightly, lightly sprinkle with soil on top. Place the container with planted seeds in a plastic bag and send for stratification.

Alstroemeria seed stratification carried out for a month at a temperature of +2 +5 °C. After exposure to low temperatures, alstroemeria seedlings appear within 10-20 days, however, some seeds may germinate within a month.

In late May - early June, after the threat of frost has passed, alstroemeria seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Alstroemeria prefers fertile, well-drained, acidic soil. It grows well in partial shade, however, in open sunny areas, the flowering of alstroemeria will be more friendly and bright.

Alstroemeria Care

During the entire growing season, do not forget to weed, fertilize, water. In autumn, when frosts come, the upper part of the plant is cut off, and the rhizome is dug up.

The earth lump should be slightly dried so that the roots do not rot during storage. Store in the same way as dahlia tubers, in a cellar or basement at positive winter temperatures.

In the spring, the alstroemeria rhizome can be divided into divisions. However, I do not advise dividing a plant that is too young, which still has a small root. Otherwise, you can lose alstroemeria. When the rhizome grows, then without harm to the mother plant, you can get several divisions of alstroemeria with 10-15 renewal points.

After dividing, do not forget to treat all sections with crushed coal to prevent the development of rot. Too small divisions of Alstroemeria can hurt for a long time, and they bloom only in the third year.

Alstroemeria blooms from late June to August. Flowering will be plentiful if top dressing is carried out with full complex fertilizers. Remember to monitor the acidity of the soil.

Alstroemeria: planting and care

With a decrease in acidity, leaf chlorosis is possible.

In general, Alstroemeria is not very affected by diseases. However, in the absence of drainage, in conditions of high humidity, alstroemeria is affected by gray rot (botrytis). After prolonged rains, in order to prevent the disease, water the rhizomes, as well as spray the entire plant with a solution of foundationazole or another fungicide according to the instructions. The treatment should be repeated 2-3 times with a break of a week.

The main pests of alstroemeria are spider mites, thrips, slugs, leaf-eating caterpillars and beetles. Karbofos, fitoverm, actellik, actara and other drugs are effective against them. When working with chemicals, be careful, follow the safety rules.

P.S.: For those who want to lose weight while lying in bed, it will be interesting to learn about honey body wrap for weight loss.

Alstroemeria flowers - a riot of colors and luxury of inflorescences

The meaning of the word ectromelia according to the dictionary of medical terms:

ectromelia(ectromelia. Greek ektroma premature birth melos part of the body, limb) - an anomaly of development: significant underdevelopment of the entire lower limb (thigh, lower leg and foot).

The meaning of the word ectromelia according to the dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron:

Ectromelia- underdevelopment or absence of limbs. This anomaly is sometimes due to the fact that the umbilical cord bends around and tightens the limbs of the embryo, causing amputation of the limbs, or the consequence of the fact that the limbs break through the embryonic membranes and the edges of the thus formed hole pull and amputate the limbs. But actually real E. is an inborn phenomenon and in rare cases (the case described by I. J. Saint-Hilaire), even hereditary. There are several types of E. Phokomelia, in which all or part of the limbs are shortened and the hands or feet sit, as it were, directly on the body. The bones are shortened and often fused together. Hemimelia is the same anomaly, but accompanied by underdevelopment or incomplete development of the fingers. E. actually - the absence of all or some limbs. In accordance with the underdevelopment of the limbs, there is also an underdevelopment of certain parts of the nervous system. With underdevelopment of the lower extremities, sometimes there is no lumbar expansion of the spinal cord, and with unilateral underdevelopment of the upper limb, a weaker development of the cervical thickening of the spinal cord is noticed on the corresponding side. E. occurs in humans, horses, donkeys, cows, goats, sheep, dogs, rabbits, etc. E. can be caused in a chicken by introducing some salts into the protein. V. M. Sh.

The definition of the word "ectromelia" according to TSB:

Ectromelia- mousepox, an infectious disease of white mice, characterized by edema, necrosis of the skin and loss of limbs. Registered in Europe, Asia, as well as in the USA. The causative agent E.

Alstroemeria - all the secrets of growing

DNA-containing virus from the group of smallpox viruses. The source of the pathogen is sick white mice. The virus is excreted with particles of shedding skin, saliva, feces, urine. Infection occurs through damaged skin, intestinal tract and respiratory tract. In an acute course, mice die without visible signs of the disease after 3-14 days. sometimes the skin of the extremities, ears, tail, eyelids is affected. In a chronic course - edema, gangrene and falling off of the limbs with the formation of a rounded stump. Treatment is ineffective. Prevention: veterinary and sanitary control over the maintenance of laboratory animals. In the event of a disease, all animals of a disadvantaged group are destroyed.

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The world of flora is diverse, and for this reason, choosing a flower for yourself, it is difficult to stop at any one species. After all, there are many unusual and long-flowering specimens that are not so difficult to care for.

But most often people prefer varieties of flowers already known to them, the features of care for which are clear.

However, there are plants that are fascinating, but in the process of growing them, a number of difficulties can arise. These flowers include Alstroemeria, which is no less beautiful than a rose. With a little effort, this Inca flower will become the centerpiece of your garden.

general information

Alstroemeria is rhizomatous perennial herbaceous plant. You can buy it in a specialized store. In nature, it grows in Chile, Peru.

Alstroemeria has been known for a long time. The Incas called it the plant of the gods and talked about its magical properties. Now this flower is called the plant of friendship, good luck, wealth, prosperity. Outwardly, it resembles a lily, a daylily.

The main characteristics of the flower are as follows:

How to prepare for boarding

Proper preparation is essential here. It will be necessary to pick up healthy seedlings for planting, decide on a place on the site or choose the necessary indoor pot. Proper soil preparation is also important.

  1. In greenhouses, greenhouses, at home, it is possible to grow alstroemeria. Frost-resistant species can also be planted outdoors.
  2. Low varieties are suitable for growing in containers placed on the site. In the cold season, the flower should be brought into the heat.
  3. For flower beds and flower beds, you should choose tall species.
  4. The landing site should be warm and sunny, but it is advisable to choose partial shade.
  5. There should be no drafts or strong winds in the selected area.
  1. The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic (sandy, clay are suitable), the soil is nutritious and light.
  2. Before planting a plant, you should prepare a place: drain, dry it.
  3. Previously, a day before planting alstroemeria, the place must be properly prepared: dig, loosen, pour compost.

How to plant a plant in open ground

This should be done in the last month of spring when the air temperature is at least 20 degrees. It is necessary to make holes for landing at a distance of half a meter at least. The depth of the holes should be at least 35 cm, but not more than 40, the diameter is about 60 cm.

A drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the holes: fine gravel or stones. After that, rotted compost must be added to all the pits. Having planted a flower in a hole, it is necessary to carefully sprinkle it with soil. After planting, abundant watering is recommended.

Features of growing plants in open ground

The flower needs attention and special care, including loosening, watering, top dressing, shelter for the winter.

Irrigation Features

Alstroemeria does not like waterlogging and dryness. Watering flowers should be moderate, but adhering to regularity. The main thing is not to flood the plant, so that the rotting of the root system does not begin.

Watering once a week is sufficient., and in dry weather, their number must be increased to two in 7 days. The soil around the flower should always be slightly damp a couple of centimeters deep.

Features of loosening and mulching

After watering the plant, the soil must be loosened. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of all weeds. Mulching is an important step in caring for this flower. Therefore, peat, bark, dry sawdust are poured at the base of the trunk.

A few words about feeding

First feeding - compost is applied at planting. Further, it is necessary to feed the plants regularly three times a month. For this, organic or mineral fertilizers are used. During the growing season should be fertilized with mixtures containing a large amount of nitrogen. During flowering, fertilizers with phosphorus should be applied. Periodically, you can also feed with wood ash.

How to prune and cover a plant

During the flowering period, faded buds should be removed.. In this way, you can achieve more lush flowering and the growth of new buds.

Before cold weather, the upper part of the flower is trimmed and the root system is covered. For the latter, spruce branches, peat, fallen leaves are used. On top, you can put more covering material. In the spring, all this will need to be removed.

How to deal with pests and diseases

Alstroemeria flowers are relatively resistant to pests and diseases. But if you do not follow the recommendations for watering, then the plant may become infected with gray rot. They fight it with a solution of fungicide or foundationazole.

Possible damage to the flower by caterpillars, slugs. These pests must be harvested by hand. If thrips, spider mites appear on the plant, then Actellik must be used.

How to grow alstroemeria in greenhouse conditions

Before planting the plants, the soil must be suitably prepared and dug up. Important: the soil should contain peat, humus, sand, hardwood. Before planting plants, you can disinfect the soil by treating it with a special agent.

When planting, it is convenient to use the net, it must be placed on top of the ground. The net will help support the already grown plants.

It is important to keep the temperature. Then, when the foliage grows during the day, it should be 15 degrees, at night - 13. During the flowering period, the optimum temperature is from 18 to 20 degrees. If plants are grown all year round, then during the cold season in the greenhouse the temperature should not fall below 10 degrees.

Watering in the greenhouse is done by drip method. In winter, watering should be reduced. Near the plants, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil. Top dressing with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers is also necessary, they do it twice a month. In winter, the plant needs additional lighting.

How to grow alstroemeria indoors

It is quite possible, only the following recommendations should be followed:

When growing alstroemeria, it is necessary to give the flower care and attention. If you follow all the rules and recommendations described above when growing alstroemeria, planting and caring, then this exotic plant will delight your eyes with its beautiful flowering.

Alstroemeria is a flowering ornamental culture, which at the present time can often be found in almost every more or less large flower shop. Moreover, these flowers can be seen in stores much more often than in flower beds, home gardens or garden plots. This is a very fashionable culture today, the flowers of which look great in absolutely any bouquet and harmoniously combine with most other popular flowers.

According to professional florists, it is most wonderfully combined in a cut form with leucanthemum. Many of our contemporaries often mistakenly consider and confuse this flower with a lily or daylilies. Nevertheless, in fact, Alstroemeria has absolutely nothing to do with these cultures.

Literally recently, on the territory of our country, the cultivation of alstroemeria, at home and in the open field, has become popular. Moreover, if you correctly study the recommendations of experienced flower growers, then planting and caring for these very flowering plants will be quite simple and even a novice gardener can do it.

The shrub can be propagated in two ways:

  • the method of dividing the bush;
  • with the help of seeds.

Naturally, acquiring a ready-made adult plant and propagating it by division is a much simpler undertaking than growing from seeds. Moreover: if such a plant is grown with the help of seeds, then its flowering will not come soon - approximately after 2-3 years from the moment the planting was carried out, and even if the care was carried out correctly. At the same time, it is far from always possible to purchase a bush (i.e., delenki) of exactly the kind you want.

In this case, you will have to master the process of growing from seeds. It also cannot be called particularly difficult - in any case, it is not much more difficult than growing asters at home.

In general, there are two ways to do this:

  1. Sowing seeds immediately in open ground.
  2. Initially, grow seedlings from seeds, and only then transplant the sprouts into the soil.

When there is a desire to get the highest quality result, experts recommend using the second method, that is, to engage in seedlings. Sowing seeds for seedlings should be done in February. There are no particular features of growing seedlings - this process is characterized by all the same rules as for growing seedlings that are popular today. Planting seedlings of this shrub in open ground conditions should be carried out at the end of May, when the air temperature is already constant, that is, it is always warm outside. Caring for seedlings planted in the ground does not require much effort. But, of course, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced flower growers, study all the features that competent care has for fragile sprouts that have just been transplanted into the ground.

In the event that you managed to grow or buy an adult bush of a sufficiently large size, it should be divided. Flower growers recommend this kind of procedure in the summer after the end of the flowering period of this plant. Nevertheless, many experts argue that it is possible to divide alstroemeria, not only in the summer months, but also in the fall after flowering, as well as in the spring season, when the growing season is at the very beginning. The division procedure must be carried out with extreme care! In the case when the bush is not very large, you should not try to divide it into a large number of parts. It is optimal to divide the bush into 2, maximum into 3 parts. At the same time, the roots of each part must be strong and well developed - otherwise it will take a very long time to wait for the onset of the flowering period.

Landing procedure: process features

Choosing the right place in which such a plant will be planted is an extremely important point in growing alstroemerias. It is on this that the quality of flowering of the plant directly depends, in many respects. The site for planting should be well lit, have good, light soil. Feels bad on heavy soil. When there is no special choice in terms of area, it is necessary to lighten the ground - for this purpose, a cultivator must be added to the soil. As a ripper, experienced flower growers recommend the use of rotted manure, leaf compost, and high-moor peat.

According to experts, lighting in this case is also of great importance. Nevertheless, one feature should be taken into account: under conditions of high soil temperatures (23 degrees Celsius and more), intensive development of shrub roots begins to occur, the formation of large tubers, which, from a certain point of view, is not bad. But this situation will lead to damage in terms of flowering. On overheated soil, it may not begin to bloom at all. Solving this problem is relatively simple - you should protect the ground around the root system of the bush with mulch - in addition to protecting against overheating, it will also help to additionally retain moisture in the soil.

There is also such a feature: if you want Alstroemeria to bloom in the spring and summer, then planting a delenka bush should be carried out in the autumn season (from early September to late October).

Care: basic rules

The process of watering during cultivation must be treated very carefully and carefully, be sure to follow all the rules and advice of experienced flower growers! It should be remembered that the flower does not accept when the soil is waterlogged - this situation is fraught with rapid root decay and complete death of the bush in the near future. At the same time, not only proper watering and care is important.

Especially rotting of the roots is possible when the owner of a personal plot or cottage, who is engaged in growing alstroemeria at home, ignores the requirements and recommendations of experts regarding the looseness of the soil! It must be remembered that the risk of root rot in a plant that grows on heavy soil is much higher. It is imperative to maintain optimal soil moisture - this can be done not only with the help of mulch, but also with the help of sawdust, peat, leaf compost, etc.

Top dressing when growing alstroemeria is a mandatory procedure. At the same time, this plant should be fed at least 3 times during one month, and even better 4 times / month. Until the moment when the buds appear, top dressing should be carried out using a complete mineral fertilizer, which has an increased content of potassium in its composition.

After the buds have appeared and until the flowering period of the shrub is completely over, the use of this fertilizer is absolutely appropriate. But there is one important rule: you should definitely pay attention to the fact that nitrogen in the composition of the mineral fertilizer that is used is contained in the very minimum amount. Everyone will agree that at the present time, almost every traditional specialty store or website selling fertilizers intended for growing all kinds of ornamental flowering crops offers an extremely wide range of these products. Therefore, choosing the most suitable for growing such a flowering plant as alstroemeria is not a problem.

In addition, it is allowed to feed this plant with the help of organic matter. But there are some recommendations in terms of the use of mullein, and especially bird droppings - when growing at home, you can only use those organic fertilizers that have been overripe enough! Moreover, when top dressing, they should be used only in small volumes.

As a rule, an adult plant of such a plan as alstroemeria tolerates winter conditions in temperate latitudes well. Nevertheless, growing experts advise to play it safe just in case, because it does not require much effort. In the case when the shrub is young, it is recommended to dig it out (just like digging up chrysanthemums or dahlias). If the bush is already mature and well developed, then preparations for wintering can be greatly simplified: create additional shelter using spruce branches, leaves, sawdust, and more. etc. Before this, the shoots should be cut, leaving approximately 8 centimeters above the ground. That's all the care for such a plant in the winter.

Some flowers seem to be the living embodiment of fairy-tale images, instantly sinking into the soul with enchanting delicate beauty, fragility and grace. This is the favorite of florists - alstroemeria, the cultivation of which is possible not only in specialized greenhouses, but also in open ground. Caring for this bright miniature lily, despite its exoticism, will not take much time, even novice flower growers can handle it.

Site preparation

Alstroemeria is quite unpretentious. Subject to a few simple recommendations, it will surely please the eye with luxurious flowering. The most crucial stage is planting a plant. Successful breeding of the Peruvian lily is directly related to the choice of the right location on the site. It should be a well-lit, but not too sunny and hot area with loose, freely air and moisture-permeable soil. It is optimal if the soil contains an admixture of sand.

Planting alstroemeria on heavy, clay soils adversely affects its development: the flowers wither, grow frail and weakened and hardly form buds, even despite careful care. Experienced gardeners advise in this case to pre-prepare the soil and create a good drainage system. You can use any baking powder of natural origin for this, for example:

  • riding peat;
  • rotted manure;
  • leaf compost.

Slightly acidic or neutral soils (with a pH value of 5.5 to 6.5) are ideal for alstroemeria.

If the soil in the area is alkaline (the pH is more than 7), then planting Peruvian lilies in it is possible, but to obtain flowering plants it will be necessary to fertilize it with phosphoric acid.

The subtleties of landing

In order for young alstroemerias to quickly take root in open ground, they are planted in dry soil, choosing a clear sunny day for the procedure. Add some organic fertilizer to the hole. It is not necessary to deepen the seedlings strongly, it is best to dig them to the same level as the seedlings had when grown at home in a container. If bulbs are used, they are buried to a depth of no more than 20 cm.

Alstroemeria bushes grow quite strongly and branch well, so they will need space for uniform development. Holes in one row are made at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Between the rows leave from 60 to 20 cm of free space, focusing on the size of young bushes and the strength of their growth.

You can count on the abundant flowering of alstroemerias only when the soil is mulched. For this procedure, leaf compost is most often used, or peat can also be used. The composition is abundantly scattered around the seedlings, avoiding contact with their tops. The layer of mulch should be thick and be at least 7.5 cm. This is necessary to protect the root system of the plant from heat. A feature of Peruvian lilies is that when the soil is heated above 23 °, their tubers enter a phase of intensive growth, which is bad for the formation of buds. In addition, mulch will help control weeds and keep the soil loose.

Planting is completed with abundant watering until the soil is completely moistened.

Basic rules of care

Although the epithets "capricious" and "demanding" are not about this flower, alstroemeria still needs some care. Peruvian lilies are very moisture-loving and do not tolerate drying out of the soil. But an excess of moisture will not benefit the bushes: in swampy soil, rot quickly affects the roots. Therefore, when the planting is left behind, and the flowers are rooted in the open ground, they are often watered so that even the surface layer of the earth does not dry out much, but in moderation.

You can maintain the moisture level necessary for plants by mulching and regularly loosening the soil around them.

Alstroemeria care includes mandatory feeding. They do it often, every week. At the initial stages of seedling development, complex mineral compositions containing a lot of potassium are used for fertilizer. When the plant picks up the first buds, top dressing is made with a mineral mixture specially designed for flowering plants with a low percentage of nitrogen.

Suitable for Peruvian lilies and organic fertilizers loved by many gardeners - bird droppings, mullein. But here it is important to be careful and not overdo it with the dosage, otherwise you can burn the roots of a delicate plant. Natural nutrient compositions are applied in small quantities, using only well-rotted and highly diluted material.

Do I need to prune alstroemeria?

Proper planting and care of alstroemeria will certainly lead to its flowering. It happens very intensively. Up to 80-130 very small buds can form on one bush. To improve the appearance of the plant, resort to pruning. Carry it out as needed throughout the growing season.

  • In the spring, when the first shoots appear, the bush is thinned out, without regret getting rid of weak branches, leaving only the most powerful ones on it. At the first pruning, alstroemeria loses about a third of all its shoots.
  • Further care consists in constant monitoring of the plant, timely disposal of drying foliage and withered flowers. Old shoots without buds are also removed by cutting them at a height of 10-15 cm from the root.

Thanks to these simple measures, alstroemerias do not lose their attractiveness throughout the summer, and their flowers become larger. Pruning also reduces the risk of plant damage by diseases and pests.

Preparing for winter

Alstroemeria varieties are diverse, and their number inspires respectful awe: more than 190 varieties of the plant have already been bred. Most of them love warmth and do not tolerate frosty winters, although there are some that can survive in extreme cold (down to -25 ° C). Therefore, with the advent of autumn, the perennial Peruvian lily needs special care.

Watering is completely stopped. After the bush has faded, it is cut off, leaving about 6–7 cm above the ground. It is important not to miss the moment and do it even before the first frost. Then the plant is tightly covered. You can use fallen needles, spruce or pine branches, dry leaves, straw for this. A plastic film is laid on top, fixing it with a layer of earth or mulch. Under such a warm "fur coat" alstroemerias are not afraid of cold.

In the northern latitudes, where winters are very long and severe, it is not recommended to leave plants to winter in the open air. Experts advise removing tubers from the ground before the onset of frost and storing them in basement-type rooms, in which the air has a low but positive temperature.

To avoid rotting of the roots of the excavated flower, the soil should not be completely removed from them, it is only necessary to slightly dry the lump of earth along with the tuber.

Alstroemeria is a very unusual plant that can bring exotic charm to any corner of the garden, decorate and enliven even the simplest bouquet. For all its apparent tenderness and fragility, this mountain flower has amazing resilience.

Do not doubt your abilities and be afraid of possible difficulties, because they are unlikely to arise when growing alstroemeria. Caring for her is not much different from caring for flowering plants already familiar to gardeners. Compliance with the basic rules of planting and watering, frequent fertilization and regular pruning are the basic principles on which the successful cultivation of alstroemerias is based. One has only to try, and these beauties will definitely win your heart!