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Sarcoptic mange in humans treatment of symptoms. Symptoms and treatment of sarcoptic mange in cats

(Sarcoptic Mange)

Sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious disease in dogs with intense itching. It is not seasonal.

Psoroptosis (Scabies auris cuniculi, Psoroptosis)

Causative agent

Sarcoptes Canis , synonym Sarcoptes Scabieivar. WITHAnis.


A cosmopolitan mite with a tendency to avalanche in large dog kennels and in poor hygienic conditions.


Morphology and developmental cycle

S. Canis a rounded tick with shortened skin legs. The last two pairs of limbs are vestigial and usually do not reach the edge of the body.

The development cycle is very similar to that of Notoedres Cati, the causative agent of notoedrosis in cats. It lasts 10 - 21 days and is shown in Figure 70. The way of life of ticks is schematically shown in Fig. 71.

Pathogenesis and clinical signs

The sarcoptic mite prefers areas of the body where little hair grows, that is, primarily the ventral side of the body, the ears, and in the area of ​​the elbow and hock joints (see Fig. 72).

Within 2 to 8 weeks from a local lesion can develop very Severely itchy a disease characterized by thinning wool up to Alopecia, erythema, papules, large scabs, excoriation and superficial bleeding... Itching is usually more pronounced in Warm environment(with the heating on, near fireplaces, etc.) and can be so significant and exhausting that the animal dies. The prevalence and intensity of clinical signs depends on the patient's level of hypersensitivity to sarcoptic allergens and the intensity of secondary bacterial invasion, which is a common complicating factor. In chronic cases, there is hyperpigmentation, lichenification and induration of superficial lymph nodes.

Rice. 71: The life cycle of sarcoptic mites and changes in the skin with sarcoptic mange. Copulation Sarcoptes Canis occurs on the surface of the skin (A). Fertilized females make passages in the skin (2 - 3 mm per day) and lay eggs in these passages and leave their feces there. The hatched larvae crawl to the surface of the skin, where they seek food. Nymphs also move along the skin in the lesion until they reach adulthood. Males live only on the surface of the skin. As a result of the activity of sarcoptic mites, the skin reacts with acanthosis, hyperkeratosis and cell infiltration on its surface (B). Intense itching causes itching, which results in extensive excoriation and trauma to the affected areas. Male ticks that fall on the combed surface of the skin die. However, the deposited feces and eggs at the site of injury remain and further cause itching of this area (C). Sarcoptic mites feed on tissue fluid and can live no more than 2 - 3 days outside the host.

Disease Highly Contagious and spreads mainly through contact with sick animals. Outside the host, sarcoptic mites can live for several days, but they cannot tolerate dryness. Despite this, transmission can occur with the help of care products or when a healthy animal enters the premises where immediately before this there was an animal with sarcoptic mange.

Sarcoptic mange can affect dogs of all breeds, genders and ages. The highest incidence of the disease is in younger animals with high crowding, where there is a naturally higher risk of contact with a sick animal or a vector without clinical signs.

If a sarcoptic mite is found on cats, it is necessary to trace the source of the body's immunosuppression. Feline immunodeficiency viral (FIV) and feline viral leukemia (FeLV) are relatively common in these cases.

Up to 60% of people in close contact with a sick dog are attacked Sarcoptes Canis. The affected person may develop itchy papular changes on the skin of the arms and trunk within a few hours after the attack. Disease caused by Sarcoptes Canis in humans it is sometimes called pseudo scab (Pseudoscabies). People also have more itching in warmth, such as in bed at night. Sarcoptic mites make holes in the skin, but usually they remain on humans for a maximum of 1 - 2 generations. The lesions disappear spontaneously 4 weeks after the termination of contact with the sick dog, or after its recovery.


Diagnosis of sarcoptic mange is not easy. Due to the rather frequent localization of sarcoptic mites on the auricle, the following sequence of orientational diagnostics is recommended. The auricle is rubbed with the thumb and forefinger and if the dog reacts directly with reflex scratching of the hind limb (the so-called pinnal-pedal reflex), in most cases it is sarcoptic mange.

Even a histological examination of a skin biopsy usually does not lead to direct detection. Sarcoptes Canis. A definite way out of diagnostic difficulties can be the detection of specific antibodies by means of an ELISA test.

Differential diagnosis is needed for any skin disease accompanied by itching. Most often, sarcoptic mange is confused with Atopy, hypersensitive reaction to food, contact dermatitis, generalized pyoderma, dermatophytosis AND folliculitis. In contrast to atopy, in the acute phase of the disease in most cases the itching is so severe that it cannot be suppressed even with corticosteroids. Of the rest of the diseases taken into account, Heiletiosis, seborrheic dermatitis AND bacterial hypersensitivity... Despite a careful differential diagnostic scheme, nearly half of canine sarcoptic mange cases are not diagnosed on time and most are mistakenly treated as allergic to long-term corticosteroid administration.

Treatment and prevention

Only timely and effective therapy will prevent the spread of the tick through the dog's body, and also transfer to other animals and people in contact with the sick animal.

Patient Shave, Wash with an anti-seborrheic shampoo(for example, with the addition of sulfur) and remove scabs with drying exudate on the skin surface. This is followed by a thorough general The washing up dogs In an acaricidal preparation, for example, Amitrase(Ectodex, Taktic, Mitaban). A more detailed method of treatment is given for demodicosis (chapter, And in most cases a third or even half less dose will be enough. Bathing is effective at intervals of 2 weeks. The next option is to bathe at least 4 to 6 times in 1% lindane, repeated at 1 week intervals. Treatment in this way gives a very good prognosis. On the contrary, only local therapy is ineffective. For puppies under 4 months of age, applying acaricidal drugs all over the body can be toxic. For this reason, it is recommended that only half of the body surface is treated alternately.

Very good results for the treatment of sarcoptic mange are given by using Ivermectin(for example, Ivomec inj.) at a dose of 200 - 400 μm / kg of live weight as a subcutaneous injection 2 - 3 times with an interval of 10 (7 - 14) days. Attention: in no case should ivermectin be used in collies, in which it passes the blood-brain barrier, increases intracerebral pressure, acts strongly neurotoxic and often leads to death! Great care must also be taken with Shelties, Bobtails, Briards and some Terriers. It is generally not recommended to use ivermectin in dolichocephalic dog breeds.


If sarcoptic mange is correctly diagnosed, treatment has a very good prognosis.

A warning

Although sarcoptic mange is considered Zoonosis , subject to the basic principles of personal hygiene and the treatment of a specific owner, which is usually a dog, a human skin disease resolves spontaneously no later than 4 weeks after the onset of clinical signs.

When damaged, the animal begins to scratch the itchy area, and an infection can get into the wound. As a result of sarcoptic mange, cats develop sepsis. Most often, an animal becomes infected from its sick brother. Even if the pet lives at home all the time and does not go out for walks, he is still at risk. It is enough for him to go out to the landing and become interested in the place where the infected animal has visited, as the ticks will immediately move onto it.

Attention! It is important to detect the disease at an early stage and provide timely treatment.

What do ticks look like?

What are the symptoms of sarcoptic mange and how to diagnose it

The skin of pets is covered with punctate lesions, and scabs on top. Every day, the affected areas of the epidermis become more and more, bald patches are formed. Cats scratch the areas that bother them, as a result of which wounds with abscesses appear. Arising on any part of the skin, lesions quickly spread throughout the body.

For the initial stage of the disease, scabs with a yellow tint are characteristic, which, after scratching, turn dark brown (this color is given by coagulated blood). If the case is neglected, then due to the protective reaction of the body, the skin becomes dead, becomes rough and becomes gray.

Often, sarcoptic mange is accompanied by dermatitis, which occurs as a result of purulent infections. Cats lose their hair, as the disease negatively affects the hair follicles.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact veterinarians who will take scrapings from problem skin areas, examine them and prescribe treatment. Only a specialist can diagnose sarcoptic mange.

Basics of treatment

The problem with disease control is that it is difficult to completely treat an animal without missing a single lesion. A small untreated area of ​​skin is enough for the disease to start spreading again.

It is applied to problem skin. The drug is used with a break of 5 days, no more than 3 times a day.

Sulfuric ointment

Thanks to its additional antibacterial and antifungal properties, it is excellent for treating sarcoptic mange. In addition, the tool is inexpensive. The ointment must be applied every day.


It is a complex medicine, which includes amitraz and ingredients that relieve inflammation and fight bacteria. It helps to relieve the pet not only of the disease, but also of the accompanying complications.

1% Ivomek solution for injection

It is an effective remedy, providing a fight against sarcoptic mange from the inside. Recommended for use only with advanced disease. Treatment with this drug is not safe, unlike external agents. The injection is done under the skin twice with an interval of 5 days.


The drug is a drop that is applied to the withers. It kills ticks and is the easiest and most effective medicine to treat.



The medicine must be diluted at the rate of 1: 200. With the resulting solution, places with wool are treated in such a way that the medicine gets on the skin. Re-treatment is carried out after 8 days.


It is produced in the form of drops or spray, applied externally.

Before carrying out treatment with drugs, it is necessary to remove all scabs by washing the animal. Purulent formations are treated with antibacterial drugs.

Prevention measures

Comprehensive treatment measures to get rid of sarcoptic mange are not enough. It is necessary to carry out a complete cleaning of all rooms to prevent the spread of the disease. With the help of drugs (for example, Stomozan), it is recommended to treat the cat's bedding, house, favorite toys. The floor and all those places where the infected pet could be is also treated with a disinfectant.

Important! When carrying out sanitary enterprises, it is recommended to temporarily transfer pets to another place.

Some disinfectants are effective but poisonous to cats. In case of contact with paws or fur, they can cause severe poisoning when the pet licks them.

At the end of cleaning, the rooms are ventilated, and all treated surfaces are washed using water. The activities are repeated after 10 days.

A disease is always easier to prevent than to cure. To prevent the appearance of ticks, you must:

  • reduce the likelihood of contact between a pet and a stray;
  • wash paws after walks;
  • Pets are recommended to be castrated or sterilized - such measures often discourage the desire to go outside or in the stairwell;
  • observe proper feeding;
  • provide your pet with proper care.

The well-being of a pet directly depends on the correct actions of the owner.

Sarcoptic mange(Sarcoptoses) is pruritic scabies, obsolete acarosis, an invasive animal disease caused by pruritic mites of the Sarcoptes myrod and characterized by itching and dermatitis.

Epizootological characteristics.The source of the causative agent of the invasion is animals with sarcoptic mange. Infection occurs when sick animals are kept together with healthy ones, as well as through invasive care items. Young and weak animals are more susceptible to sarcoptic mange. On the host's body, ticks live for 4-6 weeks, outside the host's body for 3-4 weeks. The greatest distribution of sarcoptic mange is reached in the autumn-winter period, as well as under unsanitary conditions of keeping animals.

Clinical signs First, the scalp, neck, and then other parts of the host's body are affected. Alopecia, hairless spots, abrasions, crusts appear, the skin thickens, its elasticity is lost. Sometimes ulcers appear on the skin. Animals lose weight, reduce efficiency (horses), productivity.

Diagnosis set on the basis of clinical signs, epizootological data and confirmed by the result of microscopy of deep skin scrapings taken at the border of healthy and affected skin areas. A scraping is placed on a glass slide or Petri dish, then kerosene is added to it, thoroughly kneaded, covered with a cover glass and examined under a low magnification microscope.

Treatment... For horses and camels in the cold season, fumigation in a gas chamber is used. In summer and autumn, anti-acaricidal baths are used for mass treatments. For bathing, use a 0.5% solution of creolin with a content of 0.03% of the gamma isomer of hexachlorane (prohibited for slaughter and dairy cattle). Treatment in baths is repeated after 10 days. It is possible to spray the animal's body with a 0.5% water emulsion of dikresil, etc. For individual treatment, use: a) Murin liniment (crude carbolic acid 20.0 g; tar 20.0 g; turpentine 10.0 g; green soap 200, 0 g; water up to 1 l); b) tar liniment (tar and sulfur in 1 part, green soap and alcohol in 2 parts), etc. Previously, animals are cleaned of dirt, hair is cut and crusts are removed. Liniments (ointments) are rubbed into one half of the body, and after 2-3 days into the other (in cattle, no more than 1/4 of the body surface is treated at one time).

Prophylaxis In dysfunctional farms of sarcoptic mange, animals (horses, cattle, camels, pigs) are divided into 3 groups: sick, suspicious for the disease, healthy. Each of the groups of animals is kept in isolation and the attendants are assigned to it. Sick and suspicious animals are treated. At the same time, they carry out the current deacarinization of premises, harnesses, care items and overalls for personnel. Disease suspicious and healthy animals are examined daily to identify patients with sarcoptic mange. 20 days after the cure of all patients and the implementation of a complex of anti-scab measures, the farm is considered safe.

In cats, sarcoptic mange is manifested primarily by itching. What a cat infected with sarcoptic mange looks like is shown in the photo:

A correct diagnosis can be made only after receiving a scraping analysis. The diagnosis is made difficult by the similarity of sarcoptic mange to and. Visually, you can understand that a cat has become infected with a tick, but its type can only be determined by a laboratory method.

Treatment of sarcoptic mange in cats

Effective in therapy "Amitrazine"... These are rapeseed oil based drops. It is this component that allows the drug to be absorbed as much as possible. Before treating the skin, we recommend that you take measures so that the cat cannot lick off the medication - you can use a collar for this. Treat the affected areas and grab about two centimeters of healthy skin around to prevent tick migration. It is impossible to smear every day, manipulations are performed every three days. After the signs of infection have disappeared, one or two additional treatments should be performed. Typically, up to 7 treatments are required to recover. After applying the medication, hold the cat's face for 20 minutes to prevent it from licking the substance.

"Demos"- sulfur-based mite ointment. As you know, sulfur is very effective against skin mites and destroys their eggs. It can also be used for demodicosis. The ointment has a rather thick consistency, but upon contact with the body it becomes soft and well absorbed. The use is the same as for the previous preparation: a thin layer of ointment is applied to the cleansed skin, it is imperative to treat the skin around the passages and it is worth monitoring the animal for half an hour to prevent licking. Process once a week for 3-4 weeks. If the cat has irritation from the ointment, you need to rinse this place well and stop further use of the drug.

You can also use regular sulfuric ointment. It is effective against ticks.

"Ivermek-gel"... An effective agent that acts on ticks and larvae by their paralysis. The gel contains panthenol in its composition, due to which the inflamed skin heals faster; lidocaine has an analgesic effect, and it also relieves itching. The treatment should be done according to the scheme described above twice a day with a break of a week. The full therapeutic effect is achieved after 3-5 treatments. The maximum number of times the product can be used is 6 times. Precautions: If you have a predisposition to contact allergies, do not allow the product to come into contact with your skin.

The most effective treatment for sarcoptic mange in cats is a drop on the withers. They have a rather strong therapeutic effect, and their use excludes the possibility of drug licking. Effective anti-tick treatments include:

  1. "Advocate"... Drops are applied to the withers of the cat in the amount it needs by weight. If the weight of the cat is 2-4 kg, 0.4 ml of "Advocate" is applied. Weighing up to 8 kg - 0.8 ml. Do not drip into the ears, the product is intended for external use only. Contraindications are available for kittens up to 9 weeks old. If the pet has a weight of up to a kilogram, the application is carried out in a lower dosage and under the supervision of a specialist. You cannot use several drugs with a similar effect at the same time.
  2. Stronghold... The dosage is calculated from the following indicators: with a cat weighing up to two and a half kg, the permissible dose of the drug is 0.25 ml. Up to 7.5 kg - 0.75 ml. Up to 10 kg - 1 ml. All data regarding dosage is indicated on the package of drops. They are applied once a month.
  3. Dironet.
  4. "Helmintal K".

Ticks usually spend their entire life on a dog. The female mite bites into the skin and lays eggs several times. Gnawed tunnels in the skin can be several centimeters long. One female lays 40-60 eggs. After 15-19 days, new mites develop from them. Having gone beyond the epidermis, the female can live for 13 days. After laying the eggs, she dies. After 3-8 days, larvae hatch from the eggs, which have 6 legs. The larvae turn into nymphs, which already have 8 legs. The nymph spends all the time in the skin until it becomes an adult. The entire life cycle takes 2-3 weeks.

Ticks prefer to live on a dog and can also survive for several days outside the host in the environment. In cool, humid conditions, they live up to 22 days. At normal room temperature in the house, they will live from 2 to 6 days. Due to the tick's ability to survive separately from the owner, dogs can become infected without even coming into direct contact with the infected animal.

Symptoms of canine scabies

The defeat starts from the head. Small nodules appear on the frontal arches, back of the nose, and ears of the dog, which turn into itchy blisters filled with fluid. In place of the blisters, scratches quickly appear, scabs and crusts form. The fur in places of strong combing completely falls out, and wounds and bleeding scratches appear on the skin. An atypical flow is characterized by an abundance of dandruff.

The symptoms of canine scabies are varied, but usually include hair loss and severe itching, especially:

  • on the ears;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the joints;
  • chest;
  • abdominal cavity.

Mites tend to live on areas of skin with less hair. As the infection gets worse, it can spread throughout the body. Due to severe itching and scratching, the skin soon becomes traumatized, and as a result, various ulcers and infections may develop. If the infection is left untreated, the surrounding lymph nodes may become enlarged.

In addition, the intense itching caused by the sarcoptic mite is the result of a severe allergic reaction to the mite. When dogs are initially infected with Sarcoptes, they do not develop itching for several weeks. If the animals are cured and then reinfected at a later time, intense itching begins almost immediately. This indicates that itching may be caused by an allergic reaction, but standard allergy treatments usually do not relieve the symptoms of scabies.

Diagnostic methods

Sarcoptic mange is a fairly common infection and is often misdiagnosed as severe atopy (inhalation allergy) in many cases. Every time we see a dog that has never had allergies and severe itching develops(if itching is not seasonal, but lasts all year round), canine scabies can be suspected.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian. The standard method is scraping the skin and then identifying the mite under a microscope. Unfortunately, on average, only 20% of infected dogs will display Sarcoptes when scraped, so a negative scraping does not rule out sarcoptic mange. Therefore, most diagnoses are based on the history and response to treatment for scabies.

Treatment for sarcoptic mange in dogs

There are several ways to treat scabies. Previously, the most effective treatment was with a benzoyl peroxide shampoo, after washing with which organophosphate ointments were applied. Dogs were usually washed once every two weeks.

But these effective ointments are unpleasant for both the owner and the dog. In addition, since the ointment must come into contact with mites, and most mites live on the face and ears of dogs, great care should be taken when applying the ointment to these sensitive areas. These ointments can also be toxic to humans and are not suitable for very young, old, or frail animals.

There are several other products that are extremely effective, safe, and convenient for treating scabies. Selamectin is a topical solution applied once a month, it also provides protection against fleas, ticks and scabies.

Ivermectin is also effective, but should not be used in breeds such as collies or shelties.

It must be remembered that all these products should only be used under direct veterinary supervision.

Since Sarcoptes scabiei is easily transmitted between animals, all dogs in contact with an infected animal should also be treated. Due to the length of the life cycle and the mite's ability to live outside the animal, treatment should be continued for at least 4 weeks.

In parallel with the treatment of the disease in dogs, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect and clean the premises, cabins and cages by spraying a 2% chlorophos solution or boiling water. The litter of the animal is washed in soapy water and treated with acaricides.

Because of the skin damage caused by scabies, many dogs can also develop bacterial or yeast infections.

Keeping a dog out of direct contact with an infected dog is difficult. Areas where large numbers of dogs congregate are obviously more likely to contain ticks.

Treatment of sarcoptic mange

When people get sarcoptic mange from animals, the disease, as a rule, is self-limiting, causing only temporary itching. But there is a human type of sarcoptic mange, which is transmitted from person to person. This type of sarcoptic mite causes a rash on the wrists, elbows, or between the fingers. In infants, the rash may appear on the head, neck, or body.

For treatment, drugs are required, prescribed by a doctor in each case. These medicines will kill the ticks and their eggs.

In addition to prescription procedures, it is necessary to clean linen and clothes by washing the items with hot water, drying them in a dryer and placing them in a plastic bag for several days.

Your doctor may recommend treatment for other family members as well, even if they don't show signs of scabies. You can apply a cool compress to soothe the affected areas. Lotion Calamine applied to the skin helps soothe itchy or irritated skin.

If you have an allergic reaction, antihistamines can help reduce symptoms.

Scratching the affected areas can make you susceptible to a secondary bacterial infection. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

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