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What color is the letter d. Letter d: vowel or consonant? Does phonetics need a student

What is sound? This is the minimum component of human speech. It is represented by letters. In writing, sounds differ from letters by the presence of the first square brackets used in phonetic transcription. The letter is o, the sound is [o]. The transcription shows the differences in spelling and pronunciation. Apostrophe [ ] indicates a soft pronunciation.

In contact with

Sounds are divided into:

  • Vowels. They can be easily pulled. When creating them, the language does not take an active part, fixing itself in one position. Sound is created by changes in the position of the tongue, lips, different vibrations of the vocal cords and the force of air delivery. Vowel length - the basis of vocal art(chanting, "satin stitch singing").
  • The consonants a are pronounced with the participation of the tongue, which, occupying a certain position and shape, creates an obstacle to the movement of air from the lungs. This leads to the appearance of noise in the oral cavity. At the output, they are converted into sound. Also, the free passage of air is impeded by the lips, which close-open during speech.

Consonants are divided into:

  • deaf and voiced. Deafness and voiced sound depend on the work of the speech apparatus;
  • hard and soft. The sound is determined by the position of the letter in the word.

Consonant letters


Deaf in Russian: [k], [n], [s], [t], [f], [x], [c], [w]. The easiest way to remember is the phrase, and not the set of letters, “Step, want some cheeks? Fi! ”Containing them all.

An example in which all consonants are deaf: rooster, honeycomb, pin.


When they are formed, the form of the tongue is close to the form that produces the deaf, but vibrations are added. Voiced consonants create active vibrations of the ligaments. Vibrations deform the sound wave, and not a pure stream of air enters the oral cavity, but sound. In the future, it is additionally transformed by the tongue and lips.

Voiced consonants include: b, c, d, d, g, h, y, l, m, n, r.

When they are pronounced, tension is clearly felt in the larynx. In addition, it is almost impossible to pronounce them clearly in a whisper.

A word in which all consonants are voiced: Rome, pride, ash, estuary.

Summary table of consonants (voiceless and voiced).

It is due to the change in sound that Russian speech is enriched with various words that are similar in spelling and pronunciation, but completely different in meaning... For example: house - volume, court - itching, code - year.

Paired consonants

What does pairing mean? Two letters, similar in sound, when pronounced, the language occupies similar positions, are called paired consonants. The pronunciation of consonants can be conditionally divided into one-stage (lips and tongues are involved in their creation) and two-stage - the ligaments are connected first, then the mouth. Those cases when, when pronouncing, the movements of the mouth coincide and create pairs.

Summary table of paired consonants, taking into account hardness and softness

In speech, it is common not to pronounce every letter, but to "eat" it. This is not an exception only to Russian speech. This is found in almost all languages \u200b\u200bof the world and is especially noticeable in English. In Russian, this effect is subject to the rule: paired consonants replace (by ear) each other during speech. For example: love - [l 'u boo f'].

But not everyone has a match. There are not similar in pronunciation to any others - this unpaired consonants... The reproduction technique differs from the pronunciation of other sounds and combines them into groups.

Paired consonants

Unpaired consonants

The first group can be pronounced softly. The second has no analogues in pronunciation.

Unpaired consonants are divided into:

  • sonors - [’], [l], [l’], [m], [m ’], [n], [n’], [p], [p ’]. When they are pronounced, the air flow hits the upper sky, like a dome;
  • hissing - [x], [x ’], [c], [h’], [u ’].

The Russian language contains letters that are difficult to understand in context. Sounds [h], [y], [c], [n] voiced or deaf? Learn these 4 letters!

Important![h] - deaf! [th] - sonorous! [c] is deaf! [n] - sonorous!

Unpaired consonants

Hard and soft

They are the same in spelling but different in sound. Voiceless and voiced consonants, with the exception of hissing ones, can be pronounced hard or soft. For example: [b] was - [b`] beat; [t] current - [t`] current.

When pronouncing hard, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the palate. Soft are formed by pressing to the upper palate of the middle part of the tongue.

In speech, the sound is determined by the letter following the consonant.

Vowels form pairs: a-z, u-u, e-e, s-i, o-y.

Two-sounding vowels (i, e, yu, e) are pronounced in one of two combinations: the sound [y] and a paired vowel from E, O, U, A or a soft sign and a paired vowel. For example, Jung's word. It is pronounced as [y] [y] [n] [r] [a]. Or the word mint. It is pronounced as: [m ’] [a] [t] [a]. The vowels A, O, U, E, Y do not have a double sound, therefore do not affect the pronunciation of the leading consonant.

An example of the difference:

Spoon - hatch, honey - sea, house - woodpecker.

Phonetic transcription:

[Lok a] - [L'u k], [m'o d] - [mo r'e], [dom] - [d'atel].

Pronunciation rules:

  • hard ones are pronounced before A, O, U, E, Y. Abscess, side, beech, bentley, past;
  • soft ones are pronounced before I, Yo, Yu, E, I. Revenge, honey, whale, puree, mint;
  • solid ones are pronounced if there is another consonant after them: death. The consonant [s] is followed by the consonant [m]. Whether the M is soft, voiced or hard, C is pronounced firmly;
  • solid are pronounced if the letter is the last in the word: class, home;
  • consonants before the vowel [e] in borrowed words are pronounced firmly, as before [e]. For example: muffler - [k] [a] [w] [n] [e];
  • always soft before b: elk, pulp.
  • exceptions to the rule:
    • always solid F, W, C: life, thorns, cyanide;
    • always soft Y, H, U: white, black, pike.

Attention!A voiceless letter does not always mean the same sound. It depends on the position in the word.

Hard and soft sounds


Russian language has the concept of stunning - some voiced sound like deaf consonants from a pair.

This is not a speech defect, but, on the contrary, is considered a criterion for its purity and correctness. But this rule only works with paired consonants. For example, [r] in speech is often replaced by [x]. This refers to a defect, since [r], close to [x], is considered a distinctive feature of the Ukrainian language. Its use in Russian is incorrect. The exception is the word God.

Rules and examples:

  • the letter is the last in the word: tooth - [zup], ice hole - [pr o r u p ’];
  • after the letter there is a deaf consonant: russula - [syroe Shka].

There is a reverse process - voicing. Means that in speech deafs are pronounced as paired voiced... Sounding is justified when they stand in front of voiced consonants: the deal is [zd'elka].

Voiced and voiceless consonants hard and soft

Consonant sounds are voiced and deaf. Russian language lesson in grade 5

In Russian, there are 21 consonant letters and 37 consonant sounds:

LetterSounds LetterSounds
B [b], [b "] P [p], [p"]
IN [in], [in"] R [r], [r"]
D [r], [r "] FROM [from], [from"]
D [d], [d "] T [t], [t "]
F [f], [g "] F [f], [f "]
Z [s], [h "] X [x], [x "]
Th [th "] C [c]
TO [to], [to"] H [h "]
L [l], [l "] Sh [w]
M [m], [m "] U [u "]
H [n], [n "]

Consonant sounds are hard and soft, voiced and deaf. The softness of sound in transcription is indicated by [ " ].

Hard and soft consonants

A solid consonant sound is obtained if there is a vowel after the consonant A, O, U, S or E:

we are on the loc

A soft consonant sound is obtained if there is a vowel after the consonant E, E, I, Yu or I:

be le ki nude la

The softness of consonants is also indicated by the soft sign - B... The soft sign itself does not mean sound. It is written after a consonant letter and together with it denotes one soft consonant sound:

lynx [lynx "], fire [fire "], winter storm [in the "th" uha].

Most consonant letters correspond to two sounds: hard and soft, such consonants are called paired.

Paired consonants for hardness - softness:

But there are consonants that correspond to only one of the sounds: hard or soft. Such consonants are called unpaired.

Unpaired solid consonants (always hard):

F [f], Sh [w], C [c].

Unpaired soft consonants (always soft):

H [h "], U[u "], Th [th "].

In Russian there is a long ringing soft sound [ g "]. It occurs in a small number of words and is obtained only when pronouncing letter combinations lzh, zzh, zhd:

reins, rattle, rain.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Consonant sounds can be divided into voiceless and voiced.

Deaf consonants are sounds that are not pronounced with a voice. They consist only of noise. For example: sounds [ from], [w], [h "].

Voiced consonants are sounds that are pronounced using a voice, that is, they consist of voice and noise. For example: sounds [ r], [f], [d].

Some sounds make up a pair: voiced - deaf, such sounds are called paired.

Paired consonants for deafness - voiced:

Unpaired voiced consonants: J, L, M, N, R.

Unpaired voiceless consonants: Х, Ц, Ч, Щ.

Hissing and sibilant consonants

Sounds [ f], [w], [h "], [u "] are called hissing consonants. Sounds [ f] and [ w] are unpaired solid hissing consonants:

beetle [beetle], jester [jester]

Sounds [ h "] and [ u "] are unpaired soft hissing consonants:

siskin [h "izh], shield [shield]

Sounds [ s], [h "], [from], [from"], [c] are called sibilant consonants.

Letter and sound Y

Letter Th (and short) denotes the sound [ th "]: paradise [paradise"].

Letter Th written:

  1. At the beginning of words:

    iodine, yogurt.

  2. In the middle of words, before consonants:

    husky, t-shirt, coffee pot.

  3. At the end of words:

    paradise may yours.

Sound [ th "] occurs more often letters Thsince it appears in words where there is no letter Thbut there are vowels I, E, Yu and Yo... Let's consider in what cases the sound [ th "] occurs in words that do not contain a letter Th:

  1. vowels I, E, Yu and Yo stand at the beginning of a word:

    pit [th "ama],

  2. vowels I, E, Yu and Yo stand after vowels:

    blowing [blow et],

  3. vowels I, E, Yu and Yo stand after the dividing solid mark ( B):

    entry [vy ezd],

  4. vowels I, E, Yu and Yo stand after the separating soft mark ( B):

    pouring [l "y" from],

  5. vowel AND stands after the separating soft mark ( B):

    hives [st "y" and].

Theme: Soft consonant sound [´] and letter d.

Goal: Introduce students to the sound [y´] and the letter y.


  • teach the accentuated pronunciation of this sound based on single-level word models.
  • reveal the technology of the following techniques:
    • transcoding of the sound form of words into letters based on two-level word models;
    • reading words by syllables and orthoepically;
    • reading sentences as relatively complete structural units.
  • foster a culture of educational work.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage.

The long-awaited call is given
The lesson begins!

Today our lesson is unusual, as we have parts, so turn around and greet them.

Sit down.

And also Masha and Misha came to visit us.

And since they came to us for a lesson, what will they do with us? (get to know a new sound and letter)

II. Reiteration.

What sound did you get acquainted with in the last lesson? [p] [p´]

What letter do we designate? ("Er")

What does the letter "er" stand for? (two consonants: solid voiced[ p] and soft sonorous [p´ ])

How many forms are given to denote the sound [p]? (denoted by 2 capital forms, small, on the right - the designation of the sound of soft and hard, and two written)

1. We read syllables smoothly (p. 34)

How is this word used in the text? (mrá pestilence, etc.)

2. Reading sentences.

What do you know about the offer? (A sentence is made up of words.)

(The sentence expresses a complete thought.)

(There are helper words in a sentence that serve to link words in a sentence.)

(The first word in a sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a letter (.))

Arina has soap.


Why is the word Arina written with a capital letter? (proper name)

How do we use it in speech?

Arina washed Length.

We read orthoepically.

How many words are there in a sentence? (3)

Why are the words capitalized? (proper names, beginning of a sentence)

Roman lathered (meaning of the word - arms .)

So, we continue our acquaintance with sounds and letters.

3. Individual message.

The tale "About letters"

A lot of time has passed since Sounds settled in one magical land. They were invisible, but they loved to sing.

Once a Wizard appeared in this magical land. He liked it so much that he decided to get acquainted with its inhabitants. And when he learned that all the inhabitants were invisible, he was very upset. Still, he was a Wizard, and very kind. He decided to give each resident a dress - visible. Every sound got a dress different from the others. As soon as it was put on, the Sound immediately became visible and turned into a Letter.

The letter can be seen, can be depicted, drawn, written. Sound - hear, sing, pronounce, say.

III. Sound analysis of words

1. - Pay attention to the left corner of the alphabet, what kind of sound will we study?

And which one will we find out if we decipher these schemes? (Attachment 1)

What's in the first picture? (hive)

What is a hive? (bee house)

- we say.


What's in the second picture? (the bee is not alone)

What is the name of a bee family? (Roy)

Let's read the sound formula of the word.

Say it again and stop at the last sound?

Speak th - th

Compare both words:


Where do you hear the sound [y´]? (at the end of a word)

What can you say about the sound [th´]? (Meets an obstacle.)

And what letter do we designate? ("Uh")

So he consonant, voiced, always soft.

The sound [´´] - denoted by two printed forms of the capital small (on the right - the designation of sound) and two written.

Please note that it is only soft.

2. Construction of the letter

J - 1.2 (3.4), 5 (6.7.8), 20

J - 5.6 (7.8), 9 (10.11.12), 20

VI... Fizminutka

Musical accompaniment.

V. Sound analysis of words

Tell me why you need to care for the plants? (So \u200b\u200bthat they grow, decorate our premises, absorb dust)

What are the flowers in the picture watered with?

Let's say the sound form of the word slowly, lingering on the sound [y´].

[l´] [e´] [d´] □ [a]

Where does this sound stand? (in the middle of a word)

Prepare squares.

[l´] - consonant, voiced, soft

We denote it by the letter "EL".

[e´] is a vowel, stressed sound.

We denote by the letter "E".

[y´] - this is acc., sonorous, always soft

We denote by the letter "Y".

Have not studied

[a] - vowel, unstressed

We denote by the letter "a".

How many sounds are marked in the diagram? (5)


Divide into syllables:

How were the syllables counted?

What is the girl doing?

Let's give her a name.

[m] [o] [y´]

Let's give a characteristic to each sound.

[м] - acc., voiced, solid

We denote by the letter "EM".

[o] - vowel, under stress

We denote by the letter "O".

[y´] - acc., soft, sonorous

We denote by the letter "II".

How many sounds were noted? (3)

How many letters do you need to write?

How many syllables are in a word? (1)

How was it determined? (by vowels)

What is the name of the dishwasher? (washing)

Let's pronounce the sound form of the word.

[m] [o] [th´] □ [a]

Let's characterize the sounds.

[м] - acc., solid, sonorous.

We denote by the letter "EM".

[ó] - stressed, vowel

It is indicated by the letter "O",

[y´] - acc., soft, sonorous.

We denote by the letter "II".

Have not studied.

[a] - vowel, unstressed.

We denote by the letter "A".

Divide into syllables:

How to determine how many syllables are in a word?

Vi. Summing up the lesson.

What sound did you meet in the lesson? ([Th´ ])

Give him a characterization.

What letter do we designate in the letter? (OI)

Show in the alphabet.

What did you remember during the lesson?

What seemed particularly difficult?

The damage is over. Thank you.

Is the letter "Y" a vowel or consonant, hard or soft? Phonetic parsing of the word.

This question is very often asked by students who need to parse a word according to all the rules of phonetics. You will receive the answer to it a little further.

General information.

Before talking about what the letter "y" is (soft or hard), you should find out why the letters of the Russian alphabet are generally divided according to such characteristics.

The fact is that each word has its own sound shell, which consists of separate sounds. It should be noted that the sound of this or that expression is fully consistent with its meaning. At the same time, different words and their forms have completely different sound design. Moreover, the sounds themselves do not matter. However, they play an essential role in the Russian language. After all, thanks to them, we can easily distinguish words.
Let's give an example : [home] - [lady´] - [home]; [m'el] - [m'el '], [volume] - [there], [house] - [volume].


Why do we need information about what the letter "y" is (hard or soft)? During a word, it is very important to correctly display the transcription that describes its sound. In such a system, it is customary to use the following symbols:

- this designation is called square brackets. They are necessarily put to indicate transcription.

[´] is stress. It is placed if the word has more than one syllable.

[б ’] - a kind of comma is placed next to the consonant letter and denotes its softness.

By the way, during phonetic parsing of words, the following symbol is often used - [j]. As a rule, they denote the sound of the letter "y" (sometimes such a symbol as [y] is also used).

Letter "d": consonant or vowel?

As you know, in Russian, all sounds are divided into consonants and vowels. They are perceived and pronounced in completely different ways.

Vowel sounds are those sounds, during the pronunciation of which air easily and freely passes through the mouth, without encountering any obstacles in its path. Moreover, they can be pulled, with the help of them you can shout. If you put your palm to your throat, then the work of the ligaments (vocal) during the pronunciation of vowels can be quite easily felt. There are 6 stressed vowels in Russian, namely: [a], [e], [y], [s], [o] and [u].

Consonant sounds are those sounds during the pronunciation of which the air encounters an obstacle on its way, namely a bow or a gap. Their appearance determines the character of sounds. As a rule, a gap is formed when pronouncing [s], [w], [h] and [g]. In this case, the tip of the tongue approaches the upper or lower teeth. The consonants presented can be pulled (for example, [f-f-f], [z-z-z]). As for the bow, such an obstacle is formed due to the closing of the speech organs. The air, or rather its flow, abruptly overcomes it, due to which the sounds are energetic and short. That is why they are called explosive. By the way, it is impossible to pull them (try it yourself: [p], [b], [t], [d]).

In addition to the above consonants, the Russian language also contains the following: [m], [d], [v], [f], [g], [l], [p], [h], [c], [x] ... As you can see, there are much more of them than vowels.

Deaf and ringing sounds.

By the way, many consonant sounds form between pairs of deafness and voicedness: [k] - [g], [b] - [n], [z] - [c], [d] - [t], [f] - [c], etc. There are 11 such pairs in Russian. However, there are sounds that do not have pairs on this basis. These include: [d], [p], [n], [l], [m] are unpaired voiced, and [h] and [c] are unpaired voiceless.

Soft and hard consonants.

As you know, consonants differ not only in voicing or, conversely, voicelessness, but also in softness and hardness. This property is the second most important feature of sounds.

So, the letter "y": hard or soft? To answer this question, you should consider each sign separately:

During the pronunciation of soft consonants, the entire tongue moves slightly forward, and its middle part rises slightly.
During the pronunciation of hard consonants, the entire language is literally pulled back.

It should be specially noted that many consonants form pairs among themselves according to such characteristics as softness and hardness: [d] - [d ’], [p] - [p’], etc. There are 15 such pairs in total. However, there are some sounds that do not have pairs on this basis. Which solid letters are unpaired? These include the following - [w], [g] and [c]. As for unpaired soft ones, these are [u '], [h ’] and [th’].

Letter designation.

Now you know the information about whether the letter "y" is hard or soft. But here a new question arises: "How is the softness of such sounds in writing indicated?" For this, completely different methods are used:

The letters "e", "u", "e", "I" after the consonants (not counting the "z", "w", and "c") indicate that these consonants are soft. Let's give an example: uncle - [d'a'd'a], aunt - [t'o't'a].
The letter "i" after the consonants (not counting the "w", "w", and "t") indicates that these consonants are soft. Let's give an example: cute - [m'y'ly ''], sheet - [l'ist], threads - [n'i'tk'i].
The soft sign ("b") after the consonants (not counting "g" and "w") is an indicator of grammatical form. It also indicates that consonants are soft. Examples example: distance - [gave '], stranded - [m'el'], request - [proz'ba].

As you can see, the softness of consonant sounds in writing is conveyed not by individual letters, but by their combinations with the vowels "e", "u", "e", "I", as well as a soft sign. That is why, when parsing a word phonetically, experts recommend paying attention to neighboring characters.

As for the vowel letter "y", it is always soft. In this regard, in transcription it is customary to designate it as follows: [th ’]. That is, the comma symbol, indicating the softness of the sound, must always be set. The same rule is also subject to [ш ’], [ч’].

Let's summarize.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in correctly making a phonetic analysis of any word. To do this, you just need to know what vowels and consonants are, voiceless and voiced, as well as soft and hard. For a better understanding of how to arrange transcription, we will give several detailed examples.

1. The word "hero". Consists of two syllables, the 2nd being stressed. Let's parse:

Г - [г '] - voiced, consonant and soft.
p - [p] - voiced, consonant, unpaired and hard.
o - [o] - stressed vowel.
th - [th ’] - voiced, consonant, unpaired and soft.

Total: 5 letters and 5 sounds.

2. The word "trees". Consists of three syllables, with the 2nd being stressed. Let's parse:

D - [d '] - voiced, consonant and soft.
e - [and] - unstressed vowel.
p - [p ’] - voiced, consonant, unpaired and soft.
e - [e´] - stressed vowel.
в - [в ’] - voiced, consonant and soft
b - [-]
e - [y '] - voiced, consonant, unpaired and soft and [e] - vowel, unstressed;
в - [f] - deaf,