The portal about the repair of the bathroom. Useful advice

Memo for students of primary classes. Memo for elementary school scheme and memo for elementary school

In the initial link, as not in any other uses memo. This material includes the following memo: 1. How to work with a memo.

2. How to work in the lesson in a pair.

3. How to work on a pair of a textbook.

4.Pami-instruction on self-preparation

5. Work on the word (analysis of the word)

6. Verification rules

7. Memo to test the spell

8. How to prepare homework in the Russian language

9. Rules for posting a proposal or text.

10. Rule-tip for reader

11. Basic memo to memorize

12. Acquaintance with the new book.

13. Work with a fairy tale.

14. How to work on a brief retelling according to plan.

15. How to draw up a story plan.

16. How to solve problems

17. Rules of safe work with scissors.

18. Rules of safe work with glue.

19. Rules of safe slave with plasticine.

20. Rules of safe work with a sewing needle.



Memo students of primary school

How to work with a memo

1. Read carefully the name of the memo and think why it is so unclosed. In the title - the essence of the memo.

2. Examine carefully the content of the memo.

3. Answer the question: "Do I do anything as they advise memo?"

4. If you are doing something differently or in other sequences, think why it is better to do so, as they say in a memo. In case of difficulty or doubts, pay for clarification to the teacher.

5. Now try to task as it advises the memo.

6. To do this, read item 1, say it to yourself and follow it. It will be the first step. Refer to the second point of the Memo and perform all actions in the same sequence. And so step by step.

7. After performing the exercise, contact a memo once again and check if you have learned its content. Do not neglect this last advice: next time, when performing this exercise, the memo may not be at hand.

How to work in the lesson in a pair

1. Carefully read the task.

2. If you perform a task with a friend who is approximately equal to you, then try to divide all the work equally. Help each other in case of difficulty, tactfully correct each other's errors.

3. If your comrade copes better than you, do not hesitate to contact him for help, ask for something to explain. But do not abuse it. Do not be offended by the comrade if it corrected this or that mistake.

4. If you see that your comrade copes worse than you, help him, but try to do it so that he himself worked with the full strength. Watch the wrong mistakes, if it does, then tactfully and benevolently correct them.

5. Remember main rule: in any collective business, we need consistency of actions and willingness to help your companion. You are responsible for him. He is for you.

How to work on a textbook paragraph

1. Carefully read the name of the paragraph, Ushinny, and what they say in it.

2. Read the whole paragraph. Find the main thing in it. Note incomprehensible places, expressions, words. Try to understand them yourself. If necessary, contact the previous paragraphs, to your comrades, and if necessary, to the teacher.

3. The capture of which parts consists of a rule, which signs of the material being studied in it are different. Find these signs in the examples.

4. A comparison of the studied paragraph with a paragraph, which outlines similar material studied earlier. Find in them similar and different.

5. Establish what you learned from the new paragraph.

6. Retelling the content of the paragraph.

7. Try to remember the conclusion from the paragraph, and the rule is learned by heart.

8. The trace of the textbook how this rule applies. Make the same on your example. If you performed the task in writing, check what is written.

by self-preparation

1. Do homework to start at exactly the set time.

2. Before you begin to engage, check the readiness of the workplace.

3. Getting started, focusing, thinking where to start.

4. Try all difficulties to resolve yourself.

5. Opening about the task in the diary or on bookmarks in the textbook.

6. I forgot the rule, try to remember, check yourself on the textbook.

7. Start self-preparation in a certain order.

8. Every 35-40 minutes of work related to the auditorium, do breaks for 5-10 minutes to relax.

Work on the word (analysis of the word).

1. Pick up related words (souche., Ad., Ch.). Hold the root in them.

2. Display this word in composition.

3. Morphological analysis of this word.

4. Make a simple sentence with this word.

5. To analyze proposals for members.

6. Game with this word

Rule checking

Note the procedure for performing the check: first check in meaning, then check by writing.

To check the offer by meaning:

1) Read the proposal out loud.

2) Check whether the words are suitable for each other.

3) Whether there is no word skip in the sentence.

4) What is said in the sentence, is it so.

To check the proposal for writing:

1) Read each word in order by syllables and highlight each syllable.

2) Check, whether letters are suitable for the Word.

3) Is there any letters?

to check the spell

1. What letter (what letters, part of the word) check?

2. What rule? Determine the method of checking (which rule should be applied, or check in dictionaries, or another method).

3. Read all "steps" (steps) check, do not miss! Take a conclusion how to write correctly.

4. Write correctly.

How to cook homework

in Russian

1. Work start from work on errors. Repeat the rules that forgot.

2. Learn and repeat the specified rule. Come up with your examples on this rule.

3. Read the tasks of the exercise.

4. Read the exercise. Orally to task it.

5. Read the exercise in writing.

6. Check all the work.

Proposition Offers Offers or Text

1. Read the offer, text.

2. Think, do you understand what you will write.

3. Read carefully the first sentence.

4. Remember, as written words in the sentence.

5. Write it, dictating my word on the syllables.

6. Check if you wrote off correctly.

Similarly, working on the following offers.

Rule Board for Reader

2. Pay attention to how the characters of books behave, learn from them good.

3. Closing the book, think what she taught you.

4. Clever Book!

Basic memo to memorize

1. Read out loud poem.

2. Think and tell you one sentence, what is it?

3. Did you like the poem? Why?

4. Read out loud once again. If you read strange or not very understandable words, try to remember them.

5. Specify that they indicate incomprehensible words and learn them correctly pronounce.

6. Read the poem again. Is everything clear now?

7. What kind of com) speaks at the beginning of the poem?

8. Read the beginning of the poem. Try to repeat it in memory.

10. Try to repeat those lines that you already remembered (4-8 lines).

11. Repeat first quarters completely.

Acquaintance with a new book

1. Consider cover books.

3. Carefully consider illustrations, overflowing a book.

4. Defined an approximate content of the book.

5. self read the story (poem, fairy tale, etc.)

Work with fairy tale

1. What is the name of the fairy tale, who I compose?

2. Re-read the fairy tale. What do you think it is (household, magic, about animals)?

3. Who acts in a fairy tale? What are these heroes?

4. what events are described in a fairy tale?

5. Does anyone conquer in a fairy tale and why?

6. Find the words and expressions in the fairy tale that I want to remember?

8. What of this fairy tale do you remember most?

How to work on a brief retelling according to plan?

1. We divide the story on the semantic parts.

2. Re-read the story in parts, make mentally a picture of its content.

3. In each part of the story, important thoughts (2-3 sentences)

4. Retell each part according to plan (with difficulty you can look into the book)

How to make a story plan?

1. Read the whole story, paying attention to how the text was built.

What does it say at the beginning of the story?

What events are described next?

How does the text ends?

2. We divide the story on the semantic parts (one part differs from another content)

3. Determined the main thing in every part, noting the text of the main proposals.

4. Re-read them, tell your own words, what is said in this part. Pick up the title.

5. Write your header to each part.

6. Check yourself on the book, defined whether the headline reflects the main thing. Does the name be repeated, is it not missing anything important.

Rules of safe work with scissors

1. Observe order on your workplace.

2. Before working, check the serviceability of the tools.

3. Do not work with scissors with weakened fastening.

4. Work only with good tools: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

5. Work with scissors only in your workplace.

6. Follow the movement of the blades during operation.

7. Scissors put rings to yourself.

8. Give the scissors to the rings forward.

9. Do not leave the scissors open.

10. Keep scissors in the cover of blades down.

11. Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to face.

12. Use scissors for destination.

Rules of safe work with glue.

1. When working with glue, use the tassel if required.

2. Take the amount of glue that is required to perform work at this stage.

3. Excess glue remove a soft cloth or a napkin, cautiously pressing it.

4. Tassel and hands after working well-wished with soap.

Rules of safe work with plasticine.

1. Choose to work the desired color of plasticine.

2. Cut the glass with the desired amount of plasticine.

3. Sogray a piece of plasticine with warm hands so that it becomes soft.

4. Upon completion of the work well, the hands of the hand with a dry soft cloth and only then with a wash with soap.

Rules of Safe Work Co Access Needle.

1. I will always store the needle in the needle.

2. Do not leave the needle in the workplace without a thread.

3. Pass the needle only in the needleer and with a thread.

4. Do not take a needle in your mouth and do not play with a needle.

5. Do not stick the needle into clothing.

6. Before and after work, check the number of needles.

7. Crack needle with needles in the same place.

8. Do not be distracted while working with the needle.

Useful information for the student

Memo "How to prepare homework"

1. Actively work at the lesson: listen carefully and answer questions.

2. If something is incomprehensible, do not be shy to ask a question.

3. To record tasks for each subject carefully and detail.

4. Learn to use reference books and dictionaries to be able to find out the importance of strangers and expressions.

5. Learn to find the necessary information you need using a computer.

6. Difficult lesson material must be repeated on the same day to immediately fix it and remember.

7. Performing homework, you should not just think what to do, and also to decide, with the help of what means and techniques can be achieved.

8. Do not be shy to seek help with adults and classmates.

9. Before performing your homework, you need to make sure that all tasks are recorded in the diary.

10. It is necessary to decide which sequence is better to perform tasks and how much time will be needed for each of them.

11. On a written table, only what is needed to perform one task must be lying. After its completion from the table, the materials already used are removed and the training supplies that are needed to perform the task according to the following object are removed.

12. In the process of cooking homework to take breaks.

13. Studying the specified material, you must first understand it, and then remember.

14. Before performing written work, you must learn all the rules that can be useful.

15. Reading the tutorial, you need to ask yourself on the text.

16. Learning new concepts and phenomena, it is necessary to link them in meaning already known earlier.

17. A great task must be broken into parts and work on each of them individually.

18. To prepare for the compositions and reports must be pre-distributing the load evenly, and not to leave such responsible work on the last day.

19. It is necessary to be able to use cards and schemes and use them when preparing oral lessons.

20. It is necessary to make an oral response plan and check yourself.

Keyword method

This method can help the child when learning a large text. Keywords are called the most important words in paragraph. When you remember keywords - you immediately remember what is said in the desired part of the text.

When reading paragraph, one or two key (most important) words are chosen. After that, the selected words are written in the desired sequence, each word is raised the question that binds it to the corresponding part of the text. Then two keywords must be connected using questions, resulting in a chain. It must be recorded and learn. Retelling the specified text, rest on this chain.

Method "5P"

This method was developed by American psychologists. In their opinion, the "5P" method allows us to focus on the most important in the text being studied and helps to remember it better. This method is recommended to use when preparing oral tasks.

1 P - viewing text (running).

2 P - invent questions about it.

3 P - Pomping a pencil most important places.

4 P - retell text (using keywords).

5 P - viewing the text again.

Main memo

for Z.
achucition by heart

1. Read the poem loud.

2. Think and tell you one sentence, what is it?

3. Did you like the poem? Why?

4. Read out loud once again. If you read strange or not very understandable words, try to remember them.

5. Specify that they indicate incomprehensible words and learn how to pronounce them correctly.

6. Read the poem again. Is everything clear now?

7. What about whom) speaks at the beginning of the poem?

8. Read the beginning of the poem. Try to repeat it in memory.

10. Try to repeat those lines that you have already remembered (4-8 lines).

11. Repeat the first quarters completely.

Work with fairy tale

1. What is the name of the fairy tale, who composed it?

2. Re-read the fairy tale. What do you think it is (household, magic, about animals)?

3. Who acts in a fairy tale? What are these heroes?

4. What events are described in a fairy tale?

5. Does anyone win in a fairy tale and why?

6. Find words and expressions in a fairy tale that you want to remember?

8. What of this fairy tale did you remember most?

How to work

above a short retelling on plan?

1. Divided the story on the semantic parts.

2. Re-read the story in parts, make mentally a picture of its content.

3. In each part of the story, important thoughts (2-3 sentences) were set

4. Retell each part according to plan (with difficulty you can look into the book)

How to make a story plan?

1. Read the story of the whole, paying attention to how the text is built.

 What does it say at the beginning of the story?

 How does the text ends?

2. Divided the story on the semantic parts (one part differs from another content)

3. Determined the main thing in each part, noting the text of the main proposals.

4. Re-read them, tell me in your own words, what is said in this part. Pick up the title.

5. Write your header to each part.

6. Check yourself on the book, determined whether the headline reflects the main thing. Does the name be repeated, is it not missing anything important.

about read book

OTD can be written in the form of reasoning, which usually contains:

Thesis (reader's opinion about the book);

Evidence of the justice of this thesis;

Conclusion (general rating of the book).

In response, you can tell about where when and under what circumstances the author of the recall learned about the book, as his impression was about her.

In addition, the response may contain a description of the appearance of the book, its illustrations.

The following questions will help you with your review:

1. What are the topic and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work?

2. Where and when are the events depicted in the work occur?

3. What places in the book made on you the strongest impression?

4. Which of the heroes did especially like it? Why?

5. What did you remember what seemed unusual?

6. What did the book enrich you? What questions did she make thinking about?

7. Did you better understand the book placed in it, preface, afterword?

How to cook homework

in Russian

1. Work start from work on errors. Repeat the rules that forgot.

2. Learn and repeat the specified rule. Come up with your examples on this rule.

3. Read the tasks of the exercise.

4. Read the exercise. Orally to task it.

5. Read the exercise in writing.

6. Check all the work.

Proposition Offers Offers or Text

1. Read the offer, text.

2. Think, do you understand what you will write.

3. Read carefully the first sentence.

4. Remember, as the words are written in the proposal.

5. Write it, dictating my word on the syllables.

6. Check if you wrote off correctly.

Similarly, working on the following offers.

Nine rules spelling

Memo - Tip(Essay in the picture)

1. Before writing an essay in the picture, carefully consider it,

2. Try first of all to catch, understand the mood that handed the artist.

3. Listen to yourself: what feelings indoes you have a picture?

4. Determine the topic and the main idea of \u200b\u200byour essay. Cover it. Make a plan.

5. Open material in the picture. Take advantage of "Class Vocabulary"

6. If you find it difficult to start an essay, you can pick up a quotation from poems by A.S. Pushkin, I.A. Bunin, F.I. Tyutcheva, A.A.Feta, etc. This is the beginning of your essay.

7. Please, the main thing is to transfer your attitude to the picture, to find your own words: bright, emotional, helping to visually imagine what the artist portrayed.

8. Enjoy unnecessary repetitions, use synonyms, for example: artist, painting author, painter; depicted, showed, passed; Picture, reproduction of paintings, painting.

"March" "Rye"

, . , .

1. Read the task and imagine what is said in the task.

2. Write the task briefly or play the drawing.

3. Explain that it shows each number, repeat the problem of the problem.

4. Think if you can immediately answer the question of the task. If not, why. What you need to find out first, what then?

5. Make a solution plan.

6. Make a decision.

7. Check the decision and answer the question of the task.

How to cook


1. Remember, not openby the textbook, I learned about the lesson:

What did the teacher talk about?

Which setsvsi?

What are the tables, pictures, cards?

2. Read questions about the lesson in the textbook to answer them.

3. Read the textbook text.

4. Prepare to respond on the subject of the lesson:

Think over the answer plan;

Tell me the material on this plan;

Try not easy to tell, but prove your knowledge examples from observations, experiments, from your life, from read books, from programs, Internet;

Make conclusions;

Open tutorial, with the help of drawings, text and textbook conclusions, check how you learned the material.

5. Follow the task of the textbook.

1. Read the map name.

    Consider the conditional signs of the card. We must know what is designated different colors. Blue water color sign. Green, yellow, brown - Sushi sign. Green, yellow referred to the plains, and brown color - mountains. A sign of pale lilac or white color is glaciers.

4. The map is always indicated scale. He shows what distance to

the terrain corresponds to one centimeter on the map.

I know treasure. There are chests
With riches not read!
From countries from all, of all centuries
All the best in them is.
Treasure in sight, but only take
Not just all - Look:
Everywhere rows of castles hang
Outside and inside.
And link key ligaments,
Here not to help the dream,
Only the key that I have
Locks will open those.
Take my key! Can you you
Your whole treasure count
After all, the chests are the books of the ranks,
My key is to be able to read.
E. Fedorin.

Please note: learn me to read

    Run me, consider all illustrations.

    Suppose you will tell you about.

    Read the text on your own in small parts, check and clarify your assumptions.

    Think why I have such a name.

    Work on speech features: voice color, volume, pace.

Acquaintance with a new book

1. Clean the cover of the book.

3. Carefully consider illustrations, overflowing a book.

4. Defined the approximate content of the book.

5. Other read the story (poem, fairy tale, etc.)

Rule Board for Reader

2. Pay attention to how the characters of books behave, learn from them good.

3. Closing the book, think what she taught you.

4. Teebye Book!

Train in reading every day


    Watch to eyesmove on line.

    Start do not returnfor reading a read word, if I understood it.

    When reading be carefulto everybody.

    Try to understand about whatread.

    Read daily:

· aloud

· "inwardly"

TO aK Prepare a story about the book?

    Hold the most interesting, in your opinion that I liked it.

    Now consider your story,

Do not memorize phrases.
And think about it:
whatteld? About what?
What whyhappened
AND to whateverything led?
Read once again -
And remember your story.

    Start your story with your acquaintance with the author, book title.

Range rebuses

Razissing rebs - a fascinating business. But even more interesting to make them yourself. If the book is very like:

create drawings based on read (comics);

    you can draw the hero you like;

Memo students of primary school

How to work with a memo

1. Read the name of the memo and think about why it is so entlaced. In the title - the essence of the memo.
2. Examine carefully the content of the memo.
3. Answer the question: "Do I do everything as advised by the memo?"
4. If you do something differently or in a different sequence, think why it is better to do as they say in a memo. In case of difficulty or doubts, pay for clarification to the teacher.
5. Now try to task as it advises the memo.
6. To do this, read item 1, say it to yourself and execute it. It will be the first step. Refer to the second point of the Memo and perform all actions in the same sequence. And so step by step.
7. After performing the exercise, contact a memo once again and check if you have learned its content. Do not neglect this last advice: next time, when performing this exercise, the memo may not be at hand.

How to collect a portfolio

1. Put everything out of the portfolio.
2. Look in the diary, what lessons will be tomorrow.
3. Remember what you need to bring for each lesson.
4. Put notebooks in a special folder or portfolio separation.
5. Check the contents of the Penal (2 handles with blue paste, handle with green paste, simple pencil, color pencils, ruler)
6. Natoo broken pencils.
7. Speak the desired textbooks.
8. Check again through a diary readiness for each lesson.

How to work on a textbook paragraph

1. Carefully read the name of the paragraph, Ushini, what is the saying about it.
2. Read the entire paragraph. Find the main thing in it. Note incomprehensible places, expressions, words. Try to understand them yourself. If necessary, contact the previous paragraphs, to your comrades, and if necessary, to the teacher.
3. The capture of which parts consists of a rule, what signs of the material being studied in it are different. Find these signs in the examples.
4. A comparison of the studied paragraph with a paragraph, which outlines similar material studied earlier. Find in them similar and different.
5. Establish what you learned from the new paragraph.
6. Retell the content of the paragraph.
7. Try to remember the conclusion from the paragraph, and the rule of learning by heart.
8. The trace of the textbook, as this rule applies. Make the same on your example. If you performed the task in writing, check what is written.

Memo-instruction by self-preparation

1. Perform homework to start at exactly the set time.
2. Before you start doing, check the readiness of the workplace.
3. Getting started, focusing, thinking where to start.
4. Try all difficulties to resolve yourself.
5. Find out about the task in the diary or on bookmarks in the textbook.
6. Forgot the rule, try to remember, check yourself on the textbook.
7. Start self-preparation in a definite order.
8. Every 35-40 minutes of work associated with visual load, take breaks for 5-10 minutes to relax.

Work on the word (analysis of the word).

1. Pick up related words (sults., Ad., Ch.). Hold the root in them.
2. Display this word in composition.
3. Morphological analysis of this word.
4. Make a simple proposal with this word.
5. To analyze proposals for members.
6. Playing with this word

Rule checking

Note the procedure for performing the check: first check in meaning, then check by writing.

To check the offer by meaning:
1) Check out the proposal to loud.
2) Check whether the words are suitable for each other.
3) Whether there is no word skip in the sentence.
4) What is said in the proposal, is it so.

To check the proposal for writing:
1) Read each word in order by syllables and highlight each syllable.
2) Check whether the letters are suitable for the Word.
3) Is there any letters?

Memo to check the spell

1. What letter (what letters, part of the word) check?
2. What rule? Determine the method of checking (which rule should be applied, or check in dictionaries, or another method).
3. To perform all the "steps" (steps) of the check, do not miss! Take a conclusion how to write correctly.
4. Write correctly.

How to cook homework in Russian

1. Starting work with work on errors. Repeat the rules that forgot.
2. Learn and repeat the specified rule. Come up with your examples on this rule.
3. Read the tasks of the exercise.
4. Read the exercise. Orally to task it.
5. Exercise in writing.
6. Check all the work.

Proposition Offers Offers or Text

1. Read the offer, text.
2. Think, do you understand what you will write.
3. Read carefully the first sentence.
4. Remember, as the words are written in the proposal.
5. Write it, dictating my word on the syllables.
6. Check if you wrote off correctly.
Similarly, working on the following offers.

Rule Board for Reader

1. Try to read out loud, do not hurry, deeply breathe in the meaning of the read.
2. Pay attention to how the characters of books behave, learn from them good.
3. Closing the book, think what she taught you.
4. Teebye Book!

Basic memo to memorize

1. Read the poem loud.
2. Think and tell you one sentence, what is it?
3. Did you like the poem? Why?
4. Read out loud once again. If you read strange or not very understandable words, try to remember them.
5. Specify that they indicate incomprehensible words and learn how to pronounce them correctly.
6. Read the poem again. Is everything clear now?
7. What about whom) speaks at the beginning of the poem?
8. Read the beginning of the poem. Try to repeat it in memory.
9. Start read poem by heart.
10. Try to repeat those lines that you have already remembered (4-8 lines).
11. Repeat the first quarters completely.

Acquaintance with a new book

1. Clean the cover of the book.
2. Read the author's last name and the name of the work.
3. Carefully consider illustrations, overflowing a book.
4. Defined the approximate content of the book.
5. Other read the story (poem, fairy tale, etc.)

Work with fairy tale

1. What is the name of the fairy tale, who I composed?
2. Re-read the fairy tale. What do you think it is (household, magic, about animals)?
3. Who acts in a fairy tale? What are these heroes?
4. What events are described in a fairy tale?
5. Does anyone win in a fairy tale and why?
6. Find words and expressions in a fairy tale that you want to remember?
7. How does the author refers to his heroes?
8. What of this fairy tale did you remember most?

How to work on a brief retelling according to plan?

1. Divided the story on the semantic parts.
2. Re-read the story in parts, make mentally a picture of its content.
3. In each part of the story, important thoughts (2-3 sentences) were set
4. Retell each part according to plan (with difficulty you can look into the book)

How to make a story plan?

    Read the whole story, paying attention to how the text was built.

one). What does it say at the beginning of the story?
2). What events are described next?
3). Why does the text end?
2. Divided the story on the semantic parts (one part differs from another content)
3. Determined the main thing in each part, noting the text of the main proposals.
4. Re-read them, tell me in your own words, what is said in this part. Pick up the title.
5. Write your header to each part.
6. Check yourself on the book, determined whether the headline reflects the main thing. Does the name be repeated, is it not missing anything important.

How to solve tasks

1. Read the task and imagine what is said in the task.
2. write down the task briefly or play the drawing.
3. Explain that every number shows the problem of the task.
4. Think if you can immediately answer the problem of the problem. If not, why. What you need to find out first, what then?
5. Make a solution plan.
6. Decision.
7. Check the decision and answer the question of the problem.

How to work with a memo

1. Read carefully the name of the memo and think why it is so entlaced. In the title - the essence of the memo

2. Examine carefully the content of the memo.
Answer the question: "Do I do anything as they advise memo?"

4. If you do something differently or in other sequences, think about
why it is better to do as they say in a memo. In case of difficulty or
the emergence of doubts consult a clarification to the teacher.

5. Now try to task as it advises the memo.

6. To do this, read item 1, say it to yourself and follow it.
It will be the first step. Contact the second point of the memo and perform everything
actions in the same sequence. And so step by step.

7. After doing the exercise, refer to the memo once again and check
well you learned her content. Do not neglect this last advice:
next time when performing such an exercise, the memo can
do not be at hand.

How to work in the lesson in a pair

1. Carefully read the task.

2. If you perform a task with a friend, which is approximately equal
you forces, then try to divide all the work equally. Help friend
a friend in case of difficulty, tactfully correct each other's errors.

3. If your comrade copes better than you, do not be shy to pay
to him for help, ask for something to explain. But not abuse
that. Do not be offended by the comrade if it corrected this or that mistake.

4. If you see that your comrade copes worse than you, help him,
however, try to do it so that he himself worked with full strength. Follow the wrong mistakes if it does, then tactfully and
frequently correcting them.

5. Remember the main rule: in any collective business needed
consistency of actions and willingness to help your comrade. You are responsible for him.
He is for you.

How to work on a textbook paragraph

1. Carefully read the name of the paragraph, Ushinny, and what they say in it.

2. Read the whole paragraph. Find the main thing in it. Note incomprehensible places
expressions, words. Try to understand them yourself. If necessary, turn to the previous paragraphs, to your comrades,
and if necessary, to the teacher.

3. The capture of which parts consists of a rule, which signs of the material being studied in it are different. Find these signs in the examples.

4. A comparison of the studied paragraph with a paragraph, which outlines similar material studied earlier. Find in them similar and different.

5. Establish what you learned from the new paragraph.

6. Retelling the content of the paragraph.

7. Try to remember the conclusion from the paragraph, and the rule is learned by heart.

8. The trace of the textbook how this rule applies. Make the same
on your example. If you performed the task in writing, check what is written.

by self-preparation

1. Do homework to start at exactly the set time.

2. Before you begin to engage, check the readiness of the workplace.

3. Getting started, focusing, thinking where to start.

4. Try all difficulties to resolve yourself.

5. Opening about the task in the diary or on bookmarks in the textbook.

6. I forgot the rule, try to remember, check yourself on the textbook.

7. Start self-preparation in a certain order.

8. Every 35-40 minutes of work related to the auditorium,
do break for 5-10 minutes to relax.

Work on the word (analysis of the word).

1. Pick up related words (souche., Ad., Ch.). Hold the root in them.

2. Display this word in composition.

3. Morphological analysis of this word.

4. Make a simple sentence with this word.

5. To analyze proposals for members.

6. Game with this word

Rule checking

Note the procedure for performing the check: first check in meaning, then check by writing.

To check the offer by meaning:

1) Read the proposal out loud.

2) Check whether the words are suitable for each other.

3) Whether there is no word skip in the sentence.

4) What is said in the sentence, is it so.

To check the proposal for writing:

1) Read each word in order by syllables and highlight each syllable.

2) Check, whether letters are suitable for the Word.

3) Is there any letters?

to check the spell

1. What letter (what letters, part of the word) check?

2. What rule? Defined the method of checking

(What rule should be applied, or check in dictionaries, or another method).

3. Read all "steps" (steps) check, do not miss!

Take a conclusion how to write correctly.

4. Write correctly.