Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Dismantling of engineering networks and communications, dismantling of external networks and sewer systems.

The level of comfort in a private home depends on the smooth operation of the whole complex technical systems: plumbing, heating, ventilation, sewer, electrical. As soon as one of them fails, living in the building becomes problematic. Failure of communications that discharge household wastewater is considered an emergency and requires immediate repair. Let's try to figure out when local replacement is necessary and how to properly carry out major dismantling sewer pipes.

  • current;
  • capital;
  • emergency.

The reasons that guide the implementation current repairs, lie in ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of the network, that is, in the timely replacement of worn-out fragments (usually small in length or volume). These can be linear products, fittings, tees, water seals, etc. Sometimes it is necessary to change the direction of the line or add an additional outlet when connecting another plumbing fixture.

Major renovation includes complete replacement sewerage equipment: riser, distribution, internal and external outlets. More ambitious changes are possible, for example, installing a new septic tank or laying a prefabricated structure from a separate building (for example, guest house) to the common highway. Capital changes can affect the internal and external segments separately or be carried out simultaneously.

The most common reason for dismantling sewer pipes is wear and tear of the system. Old-style parts inside the house - usually cast-iron vertical and horizontal lines - are replaced with plastic and metal-plastic analogues. For outdoor installations, both popular PVC elements and products made from traditional materials are used: ceramics, asbestos cement, steel. It is also possible combined options. For example, when partially replacing the intra-house network, a riser made of cast iron is left, and the pipe distribution, including all fittings, is replaced with plastic

Replacing cast iron with a polymer analogue

If you don’t take care of preventive maintenance in time and delay with current problems, you can wait for the most unpleasant type of repair – emergency repairs. Minor emergencies are resolved fairly quickly. For example, a clog in the kitchen can be cleared using a special cable, cleaning fluid or a plunger. A major accident disables the entire system and can disrupt the ecological balance in the local area. Thus, depressurization of external equipment leads to contamination of soil and groundwater, which contradicts sanitary standards. It is necessary to establish the cause of the leak, isolate the emergency area, or completely change the entire network.

Dismantling the external highway

Changes in the design of external communications are made quite rarely, since the most suitable pipes are selected during the design process. The cross-section of the products is calculated based on the actual amount of wastewater, and the structure is positioned so that household waste flows by gravity into the septic tank. If the calculations are carried out correctly and the installation is carried out according to all the rules, the system will function for a long period - from 10 to 50 years. In case of incorrect calculations, installation errors or selection of poor quality building material The situation can only be corrected in one way - by completely replacing the outlet line, after first dismantling the unsuccessful option.

Pipe replacement external sewerage

Disassembly is carried out in the following order:

  • using the initial installation diagrams, determine exactly where the underground external main runs;
  • perform excavation– remove the top layer of soil from the outlet in the area of ​​the house foundation to the septic tank (if necessary, in the area between two chambers treatment plant);
  • When cleaning has been done on all sides, depressurization is carried out: the insulation is removed, waterproofing material, remove connecting elements (fittings, clamps, couplings);
  • take out old parts.

As a rule, worn-out pipes are not used in the future, therefore, to disassemble problem areas (for example, elements glued together using a socket method), a cutting tool is used - an electric saw, an angle grinder, a hammer drill. Some areas (especially around the joints) can be simply cut and then broken with a sledgehammer - this applies to cast iron and ceramic products. Plastic is also cut into pieces that are convenient for transportation, but larger, since its weight is much less.

Upgrading the main line leading to the septic tank

Simultaneously with the dismantling of the main line, the trench is prepared for the installation of new communications. The assembly is carried out taking into account the errors of the original device, which may include the following:

  • insufficient sealing of joints;
  • absence correct angle tilt;
  • selection of products with incorrect parameters (narrow cross-section);
  • violation of installation technology (for example, lack of inspection wells at turning points or intersection points).

If you do not know how to properly dismantle sewer pipes, contact specialists - for a small amount you will save both time and own strength. And most importantly, you will be able to avoid repeated repairs.

Dismantling the sewer network inside the house

Restoring house communications inside seems easier only at first glance. You don’t have to dig out the soil, as when dismantling an external sewer, but there are a number of equally labor-intensive jobs. Let's figure out what nuances are required special attention.

Dismantling cast iron pipes and riser

If your sewer system is 30-50 years old, then cast iron parts were most likely used in its construction (with the exception of connections to plumbing equipment). Dismantling metal wiring is a labor-intensive task and requires certain skills, since you will have to wield a metal-cutting tool and use special techniques for removing cast iron fragments.

Sewage layout in multi-storey building

It is easier to change equipment in a private home or country house, since no approval is required from neighbors or the building management. If you are the owner of a city apartment, before starting work you will have to notify all neighbors whose apartments have a common highway. It is also necessary to agree with representatives of the HOA or housing company, or better yet, enter into a repair and maintenance agreement with them - then, in addition to a professional replacement, you will receive warranty obligations.

When all organizational issues have been resolved, you can begin to dismantle the vertical and horizontal pipes of the intra-apartment system (or the sewer system of a private house).

Stages of work:

  • Shut off the water supply (to the apartment - if we are only updating the wiring, to the riser - if we are replacing it).
  • Disconnect the connecting devices of the plumbing and electrical equipment(toilet, bidet, washing machine, shells).
  • Disconnect all plumbing fixtures and clean the technical area.
  • It is better to dismantle horizontally located elements in fragments, cutting them into pieces with an electric cutting tool or a grinder.
  • Remove the central vertical.

A thick vertical part - cast iron riser– must be carefully removed in small parts. Here is one of the popular techniques: they make alternate deep cuts at half-meter intervals, and then knock down the remaining bridge with a sledgehammer or a hammer with a chisel. Do not forget that cast iron has a lot of weight, so we try to divide it into small parts. Keep in mind that cast iron fragments that fall into bottom part(on the first floors) can create an emergency blockage, and then you will have to change the sewerage equipment on all floors.

Hardened deposits on the walls of a cast iron riser

The most difficult parts to disassemble are socket joints and welded assemblies. Usually they are not broken, but cut out and taken out entirely. If you want to replace only the wiring and keep the cast-iron riser, try to first rock the horizontal element, and then remove it using a chisel, chisel and hammer. We take the disassembled metal parts to a landfill and prepare a room for the installation of new parts.

Video example: dismantling a sewer drain tee

Replacing the plastic system

IN sewer structures made of PVC and polypropylene installed in new buildings, replacement options have been thought out, so most often it is not necessary to dismantle the entire network, it is enough to remove one fragment. Plastic parts They are durable and wear-resistant, but they also deteriorate over time. There may be several reasons: a chip, a crack, a manufacturing defect that went unnoticed during installation, or improperly performed welding individual parts. Sometimes depressurization of communications leading to the riser from the kitchen or bathroom occurs due to mechanical damage caused by the installation of new furniture and plumbing equipment.

Plastic elements are much easier to remove than cast iron counterparts, since they weigh less and are easier to cut. You should start with the leads to external equipment: It is necessary to turn off all devices and clean the repair area. Then manually or using cutting tool disassemble the pipeline one by one along its entire length. Sometimes, in order to save money, the damaged area is removed and replaced with a new part - the functionality of the system as a whole will not change. Unlike cast iron analogues, plastic products have a perfectly smooth surface inside, therefore they do not accumulate hard deposits and can be reused.

When disassembling, pay attention to rubber seals at the joints - perhaps the leak did not occur due to pipe wear, but due to sealing errors.

Possible mistakes and ways to prevent them

When dismantling old equipment and re-arranging sewer lines, try not to repeat mistakes that could cause another repair.

Possible pipe layout

Here are some important points:

  • when changing the riser in a multi-storey building, try to agree on replacing it in all apartments - this will simplify further maintenance;
  • watch the location of the socket - it should be directed towards the movement of the drains;
  • if you are changing the system on two or more floors of a private house, start the repair from below, from the first floor (or basement);
  • take into account the dimensions of the products: for external sewerage - at least 110 mm, for a riser - at least 100 mm, for internal network outlets - 50 mm;
  • to make joints and connections between elements of different diameters, use adapters and tees;
  • Spend a little time on preliminary markings and calculations - this way you will save time and money.

Analysis of practical shortcomings in the following video:

Dismantling a sewer system is easier than installing a new one, however, even here, special knowledge is required and work experience is desirable. If you want to quickly get rid of old pipes and install new communications, contact an engineering and construction company that will quickly and efficiently carry out all dismantling work, as well as organize the removal of used parts.

Replacement of water and sewer pipes is usually necessary when the system is partially or completely worn out. And if the decision is made to carry out engineering works without the participation of professionals, you need to prepare in advance and know how to dismantle the sewer yourself.

Do-it-yourself repair work is dangerous because even when replacing a worn part, there is a possibility that the leak will reappear. As a result, if the sewer pipes are not trustworthy, it is better to completely change the entire system. But before this, it is necessary to dismantle the sewer.

By replacing pipes, it is possible to completely change the system of their arrangement, especially since today’s materials allow this to be done without any problems. Modern materials, for example, pipes made of metal-plastic are more reliable, strong and durable than cast iron, and most importantly, sewer pipes are installed quite quickly and relatively simply.

When replacing the entire riser, it would be more appropriate to replace all plumbing fixtures and outlets located on the equipment. In addition, you can change the entire route of the old collector. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the correct slope and diameter of the pipes.

Tools and materials

When purchasing the required materials, you must mainly pay attention to their quality, and not to the price (as many do). Unnecessary savings and the use of cheap, low-quality materials often backfire in the future. It is necessary to make sure in advance that all purchased equipment is not subject to corrosion and is resistant to mechanical damage.

To remove worn out sewer pipes you will need:

  • pencil for marking;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • sealant;
  • cement mortar.

Materials that may be useful:

  • rubber cuffs for fastening pipes in sockets;
  • pipes of the required diameter and required length;
  • tees;
  • compensators for joining sewer pipes;
  • special adapters made of plastic;
  • clamps for mounting pipes to the wall surface.

Sewer system

Using a grinder, the pipe adjacent to the tee is cut at a distance of no less than 10 cm from the socket of the riser.

Dismantling cast iron sewer pipes begins with dismantling the riser. When doing this work yourself, you should know that previously cement-based solutions were used to perform sealing. Such compositions only become stronger over time. As a result, dismantling the old sewer system can bring a lot of trouble.

The most difficult part may be replacing the riser. After all, in the old days good time craftsmen filled it with sulfur. To liquefy such solutions it is necessary gas-burner or blowtorch. When burning, sulfur solutions release harmful vapors into the atmosphere, so the use of a respirator by workers in such cases is simply a necessity.

When dismantling the riser in your apartment, it is forbidden to make strong blows and loosen the parts.

This can lead to damage to elements located in the apartments adjacent above and below.

It follows from this that it is better to change the pipes of all neighbors in the riser at once.

Specialists perform dismantling of sewer pipes in the following order:

  • cast iron pipes are cut using a grinder;
  • first, 2 cuts are made horizontally, and the distance between them should be approximately 10 cm;
  • using a chisel, break out and remove pieces;
  • the tee is dismantled;
  • The rest of the pipe is dismantled.

Other dismantling methods

After the bell is dismantled, it must be thoroughly cleaned and old grease removed.

There are several ways to dismantle a sewer system.

If the pipeline is not assembled securely, then it can be loosened at the connections. After this, the system is disassembled into separate parts. It is also possible to split cast iron pipes into small pieces using a hammer. To do this, you first need to work with an angle grinder. This method is good because you can save the junction of sewerage fittings with plastic pipes. But in any case, it will be necessary to cut off the sewerage from the docking point. The pipe is finally cut off using a special steel wedge. It is hammered into the cutout, which is made with a grinder.

Very often, on old sewer risers, ready-made units were used, which were assembled from individual parts in factories. All joints of such parts were sealed with sulfur, and dismantling such a sewer system, as mentioned above, cannot be carried out without the use of open fire.

In any case (that is, it does not depend on the chosen method), all standards must be observed fire safety and other standard requirements.

Nuances and features

To prevent the sewer system from turning into an endless nightmare, you must adhere to simple rules:

  • pipe laying should begin from the bottom;
  • the location of all bells should be towards the water flow;
  • it is better to change the entire riser at once, rather than its individual components;
  • the riser is connected to the toilet using pipes with a diameter of 11-16 cm, the washbasin is connected with pipes with a diameter of 5-7 cm;
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to mark the future system. If it is assumed that the pipes will be hidden, then it is necessary to tap not the depth of concealment, but taking into account the required slope;
  • When assembling the system, it is better to lubricate all gaskets and joints with vegetable oil;
  • When choosing sewer pipes, you must ensure that there are no cracks or any swelling on their surface.

They can cause leaks in the future.

As can be seen from the above, the sewer system is not difficult to disassemble. And almost every man can cope with this task without any problems. External networks are designed to supply residential premises communications: supply of gas, heat, water, etc. In addition, they carry out sewage drainage.
Intranets meet human needs by creating comfortable conditions accommodation. Often, when dismantling systems, a number of related works are performed, such as removing asphalt, dismantling the foundation, demolishing wells, earthworks and etc.

Fast. Just. Comfortable.

Cost calculator
dismantling works

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Garbage removal:

40% without garbage removal

Removing electrical wiring.

Failed electrical wiring poses a great danger to human life. Therefore, it simply needs to be replaced. Before you start this species work, you must remember the safety rules.
Old electrical network is de-energized, so there is no need to remove old wires from the wall. But sockets, boxes and old switches are usually removed. This is done using a hammer drill. It makes no sense to leave old sockets in the walls, not only because they spoil appearance premises, but also because for everyone new electrical appliances New sockets are suitable. When dismantling the internal walls, it is also necessary to get rid of the electrics.

Dismantling of the sewer system.

Old sewer pipes can cause you a lot of trouble, including a disgusting smell. Please note that the smell is not so bad, since it occurs as a result of the proliferation of microbes that can harm human health. Cast iron pipes often leak as a result of prolonged use. It is advisable to replace them with plastic ones.
Use a chisel and hammer drill to remove the pipe from the concrete. When working with these tools, you should be careful and be extremely careful not to damage the socket, which will remain in the concrete floor.
You can connect used pipes using cement mortar or caulking.

Dismantling the heating system. This process has something in common with dismantling the sewer system.
Pipes should be knocked out of the wall, as well as from the ceiling. This must be done with a hammer drill, being careful. Heating pipes smaller in diameter than sewer pipes, so no difficulties will arise.
With help circular saw It is necessary to cut off individual pieces of pipes. Instead of old pipes, install plastic ones, since they are not subject to corrosion and will serve you for many years.

Dismantling of water supply.

The procedure for dismantling the water supply system is similar to dismantling the heating system. It is worth paying attention here that the entire process must take place when the water is turned off, so as not to flood the neighbors and not cause unnecessary problems.

Dismantling ventilation.

If you need to install new ventilation equipment or adjust air circulation, you need to dismantle old ventilation. In high-rise buildings, with big amount apartments, the ventilation duct is common to all residents of the building, therefore, interfere with this system undesirable.
If ventilation is poor, there is an option to expand ventilation duct. For this we need a hammer drill. Clean the channel or install it there special fan, which will forcibly circulate air. There is one drawback here - if the fan breaks, the ventilation will stop working. But at the same time, forced ventilation significantly improves draft.
All the work mentioned above requires a decent level of qualification from the performer, therefore, it would be more advisable to entrust this matter to specialists who will help save not only your precious time, but also your budget!

If you need dismantling sewer network, order the services of specialists offering their services on Yuda. There are many registered on this site experienced craftsmen from Moscow and the Moscow region. They carry out installation and dismantling of sewer and heating system pipelines using extensive professional experience, necessary tools and modern equipment.

Before starting work, the master will arrive at the site at a pre-agreed time to assess the volume and complexity of the upcoming work. The specialists offering their services to Yuda will qualitatively prepare everything for the upcoming repair of external and internal systems. They will fulfill even the most complex work quickly and very carefully, without damaging the joints of pipes and the finishing of the room.

Specifics of removing old pipes

Professionals registered with Yuda will dismantle old, unusable sewer pipes and install new plastic utility networks. Having repaired external and internal engineering communications in the building, specialists will ensure uninterrupted water supply. In addition, by replacing old pipes, you can significantly improve the interior of the bathroom and toilet.

During dismantling, specialists:

  • will block the waters
  • disassemble the external pipeline
  • remove internal pipes
  • will dismantle plumbing equipment

In order to carry out dismantling efficiently, the craftsmen study and be sure to take into account the layout of the building and the location of the pipes. If work takes place in apartment building, specialists do everything to avoid damaging the walls and sewers of adjacent apartments.

Dismantling old pipes is not an easy task that requires a lot of effort and energy and should only be done by qualified specialists. Thanks to extensive experience and knowledge of the specifics, Yudu performers perform the work quickly, accurately and efficiently.

Cost of specialist services

Specialists offering Yudu services help restore high-quality water supply in the house by removing all old pipes and installing new ones. All masters registered on the site offer their services directly, without intermediaries, thanks to which their cost is approximately 30% lower than that of competitors.

The price of sewerage dismantling is influenced by a number of factors:

  • complexity of the work being carried out
  • pipe material
  • scope of work
  • length of utilities

To find out prices for specialist services, leave a request on Yuda. In the near future, offers from performers will begin to arrive, among which you will be able to choose the most profitable one.

Why should you turn to Yudu performers?

If you turn to specialists registered with Yuda to dismantle heating, sewerage and water supply systems, you will receive many advantages. The professionals offering services on the site are highly qualified and have extensive experience. construction work. Their advantages include:

  • affordable price of services
  • high-quality order fulfillment
  • efficiency of repair
  • availability of permission to work with utility networks
  • assistance in obtaining permits for work

Our contractors take care of all the hassle associated with the dismantling, replacement and installation of sewerage and pipelines. They will also carry out all the associated rough work and design. necessary documents, which may be needed to replace communication systems.

If you turn to specialists registered with Yuda to dismantle the sewer network, you will save your time and money, since the work will be done inexpensively, with the highest quality and on time.

When dismantling structures or major repairs of buildings, the SMGroup company dismantles utility networks and communications, dismantles external networks and sewer systems. They are disconnected from centralized city communications, after which it is necessary to remove outdated pipes, wires, ventilation ducts and other structures to modernize or completely eliminate the building. Such work requires special knowledge and experience so that emergency situations do not arise. By contacting us, you can order the dismantling of external networks and internal communications inexpensively. The company has acquired a reputation as a reliable partner and responsible performer.

We carry out dismantling of engineering networks and communications in Moscow

To safely demolish a building or prepare it for major renovation Without damaging the life support systems of surrounding structures, it is necessary to correctly dismantle utility networks and communications in compliance with building codes and safety requirements. Our company provides the following types of services:

  • One of the most popular procedures is the dismantling of the water supply system. The water supply is shut off, after which the old metal pipes affected by corrosion. We carry out complete or partial dismantling of the water supply system in accordance with the overhaul project. Specialists can dismantle both metal and plastic pipes any type.
  • Sewage systems are being dismantled. When removing sewer pipes, it is necessary to dismantle part of concrete floors, so the process must be carried out with extreme caution. If technology is violated, utility networks may collapse, so it is necessary to strictly monitor compliance with safety regulations.
  • You can order dismantling of the wiring. The building is de-energized, after which specialists sequentially dismantle electrical equipment (distribution boards, sockets, switches, etc.). Dismantling power cables and other electrical equipment should only be carried out by specialists, since any actions with electrical engineering networks without special knowledge are dangerous to life.
  • Removing old pipes and radiators after stopping the heat supply involves dismantling the heating system. We carry out the removal heating devices of any type, the procedures will be completed in the shortest possible time.
  • They order dismantling from us gas pipes. Gas equipment requires especially careful handling. Work must be pre-coordinated with the city gas service and received permits. The gas supply is shut off with plugs, after which the old utility network can be removed.
  • Dismantling ventilation. Elimination of old ventilation engineering networks is necessary during major home renovations, since outdated air duct designs do not cope with their task.

You can order a full range of services for eliminating old utility networks and preparing buildings for demolition. The help of professionals will allow you to hold events at high level quality and comply with all safety requirements.

  • Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow
  • Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow
  • Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow
  • Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow

Distinctive advantages of SMGroup

We work with all types of structures, so every task will be completed perfectly. Our employees are highly qualified and have special permits, so we have the right to work with all types of utility networks. Let's denote additional benefits our company:

  • We have necessary equipment for removing utility lines and special tools. The services of professionals will allow you to solve the problem as efficiently as possible and avoid the occurrence of any unpleasant situations.
  • Favorable prices. The SMGroup company offers affordable prices for all services related to working with utility networks. The final cost of the order will depend on the volume of tasks assigned and their complexity.
  • Responsibility and high professionalism. We guarantee that no accidents will occur. Dismantling processes require accuracy and professionalism, and our employees possess these qualities.
  • Save time. The order will be carried out strictly according to the established schedule, so you can begin major repairs or demolition on time. At the same time, rest assured that the minimum deadlines will not reduce quality.

The organization can carry out large volumes, we are ready to take on tasks of any level of complexity. "SMGroup" has gained an excellent professional reputation. We are distinguished not only by solid experience, but by a team of well-working professionals.

  • Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow
  • Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow Dismantling of utility networks in Moscow