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True about hunger. How to spend monthly starvation and what results can be achieved

The first five-year plan ended in the village not only by mass collectivization, but also a terrible hunger, taken millions of lives. An increasingly sharpness of the food shortage began to be felt in 1930-1931, since the gross products of agriculture decreased, and government blanks increased. In the late autumn of 1932, the country's extensive areas, especially southern Ukraine, the average Volga region, the North Caucasus and Kazakhstan, embraced cruel hunger. In scale, he significantly exceeded hunger in the Volga region and other areas in 1921. Then, in 1921, all newspapers wrote about hunger, funds were organized throughout the country, special organizations were created for helping the starving provinces, international assistance was established.

Otherwise it was in 1932 - 1933. All messages about hunger were banned. Neither in the Soviet Union, nor abroad conducted any campaigns to help the starving. On the contrary, the very fact of mass hunger was officially denied. Hundreds of thousands and even millions of starving tried to flee into cities and more prosperous areas, but few people succeeded, since military outposts on the roads and railway stations did not produce peasants from hunger areas. But those who traveled to the city could not get help: without food cards they did not sell bread in stores. In Kiev, as in many other cities, the corpses of the peasants were selected every morning, folded on the carts and hurt to bury in the nameless graves.

Pre-planned hunger and skillful manipulation of censins of the 30s in order to hide the number of dead and enroll dead Souls As a living, here is one of the tragic consequences of Stalinism.

The bread was withdrawn to the last kilogram. Moreover, this wildness was covered with a slogan born in completely different historical conditions: "The struggle for bread is the struggle for socialism." Millions of disadvantaged and hungry silently died. If someone expressed outrage, repression was immediately collapsed on him!

Despite the terrible hunger, Stalin insisted on the continuation of the export of bread to the countries of Europe. If the crop of 1928 was taken abroad for less than 1 million cm of grain, then in 1929 - 13 million, in 1930 - 48.3 million., In 1931 - 51.8 million, in 1932 G. - 18.1 million c. Even in the Hungry 1933, about 10 million C grain was taken to Western Europe, while the bread was sold in fact for the snot. And meanwhile and half exported in 1932 - 1933. Grain would have enough to protect all southern areas from hunger.

It is not known how much the hunger died in 1932 - 1933. Many researchers converge 5 million. Others call 8 million, and they are probably closer to the truth. She died more than in 1921 and than in China during a terrible hunger 1877 - 1878. This is evidenced by indirect data. In the book of A.Gozulov and M. Grigorianza "Population of the USSR", published in 1969, such information is given. Ukrainians in the 1926 census were 31.2 million, and according to the 1939 census - 28.1 million. Direct decrease in 13 years - 3.1 million people. From 1926 to 1939, the number of Kazakhs decreased by 860 thousand. There could be only one explanation to everything - the famine of the early 30s.

CSB reference books for six years (1933 - 1938) were repeated the same data on the population of the USSR - data on January 1, 1933: 165.7 million people.

The masses of the worker of the population of Tsarist Russia were in a state of permanent "folk disease" - malnutrition. The slightest crop appealed to this malnutrition in hunger. In 1908, even the royal ministry of the Interior was forced to recognize in one of its reports that the threat to die "Hungry death is annually very possible fate in the significant number of Russian farmers."

Hunger reflected in the health of the population. As a result of the hunger strike, the incidence increased dramatically; According to 1892-1913, the incidence of typhoid and quantities in hungry years increased by 3-4 times, and in 1907, the diseases of the Qing will have increased by 528% compared with 1905

Even in the "normal" years, the situation was heavy. This is evidenced by a very low level of established officially "physiological minimum" - 12 pounds of bread with potatoes per year. In 1906, this level of consumption was registered in 235 districts with a population of 44.4 million. The indignation of the peasants was no longer anything that had to eat bread with swan and fur bread (with a ball, from the non-repulsed grain), and the fact that "was not white bread On the nipple "- a breast child.

Until 1917, almost the entire excess product was mercilessly selected from the village ("unfinished, and take out"). All little-old developed countries that have produced less than 500 kg of grain per capita, grain imported. Russia in the recorded 1913 had 471 kg of grain on the soul, and at the same time it took out a lot of grain - due to the restriction of internal consumption, and it was precipitated by peasants. Even in 1911, a year of extremely heavy hunger, 53.4% \u200b\u200bof all grains were exported - more and relatively, and even more so absolutely than during the previous five years.

History of hunger lighting 1932-1933

The first in the West published a message about hunger in the USSR English journalist M. Maggeridge. In the last decade of March 1933, in the Garchester Gardian newspaper, he spoke about the impressions of the trip across Ukraine and the North Caucasus. Maggeridge described the terrible scenes of hunger among the rural population, witnessed the mass death of the peasants, but did not name specific numbers.

On March 31, 1933, the "Manchester Gardian" newspaper appeared a refutation called "Russians hungry, but do not die from hunger." He was written by the correspondent "New York Times" in Moscow W. Duranti, Englishman on origin and citizenship, which was able to interview Stalin.

In August 1933, the New York Gerald Tribune newspaper published the material of Ralph Barnes, which argued that a million people died from hunger.

Next, the figure grew like on yeast. Duranti in the New York Times newspaper hinted that the number of dead is at least 2 million people. A day later, in the same newspaper F. Berchell reported on 4 million dead. On February 8, 1935, "Chicago American" it was written: "6 million people died of hunger in the Soviet Union."

The next stage of confusion of the problem was carried out after the creation of the US Congress of the Special Commission for the study of the facts of hunger in Ukraine, whose executive director was James Mace. The Commission concluded that these sacrifices were "frozen to the death of man-made hunger" and "Stalin and his environment committed genocide against Ukrainians in 1932-1933" .

In the days of the Cold War, the Americans financed the program to study Ukrainian famine not only of historical curiosity, "Holodomor" was a weapon in the ideological war against the USSR, "Worked" and on the social ("totalitarian state" and "inefficient economy") and the national field (" Russian imperialism, "" oppression of freedom-loving peoples "). The US Congress showed an increased interest in the question, even created in 1986 a special commission for the investigation of this "Communist Holocaust" (about the "Ukrainian Holocaust" is ahead).

"Objectivity" of the engaged researchers "Holodomor"

From the very beginning the topic of "Holodomor" began to falsify in favor of ideology. For example, in February 1935, the newspapers "Chicago American" and "New York Evening Journal" began to leave the articles of the "famous journalist, traveler and researcher of Russia", allegedly "spent several years on travels by the Union Soviet Russia", T. Walker. The articles dedicated to the famine as if ferocating in the territory of Ukraine in 1934 were accompanied by a large number of photos, allegedly filmed in the "most adverse and dangerous circumstances". Soon it turned out that the report of Walker was a fake from the beginning to the end.

A significant role in the exposure of Walker belongs to the American magazine "The Nation" and its Moscow correspondent to Lewis Fisher. As Fisher managed to find out, the Walker's leg did not go on the Ukrainian land at all, since he, having received a transit visa in September 1934 (and not in the spring, as he claimed), crossed the Soviet border in October, spent several days in Moscow, sat down on the train Going to Manchuria and left the territory of the USSR. For six days, held between his arrival in Moscow and leaving for Manchuria, it was physically impossible to visit all the places he described in his publications.

And as I managed to prove to the American journalist James Casey, all photos of Walker did not have any relation to Ukraine in the 1930s. Most of them were made in Western Europe of the First World War and the 1920s. This, in particular, applies to two famous photographic "testimonies" of the Ukrainian "Holodomor", and to this day, leading as documentary evidence - photographs of a "frog" and "Ukrainian peasant", bowed over his horse.

The most famous falsifier "Holodomor" is the Englishman R. Conquest (R. Conquest). Konkvest acquired his fame thanks to the books "Great Terror" (1969), published in the United States on the request of the CIA, and the "Harvest" (1966). Among the sources, from where the Conquest borrowed the arguments about the "Holodomor" and repression in the USSR, the artworks of V. Astafieva, B. Mozhaeva and V. Grossman, Ukrainian collaborators H. Kostyka, D. Solovya.

Foreign scientists-Soviet scientists A. GETTI, G. Herrtle, O. Arin, A. Dallin and other specialists, exploring the technology of the fabrication by representatives of the US Congress Commission information about hunger in Ukraine, found that 80% of evidence are held with the "Anonimna Zhinka" marks, "Announcement Giroba", "Anoniimnia Cholovik", Mariya No., etc. Canadian journalist Douglas Tottl in the book "Fakes, Hunger and Fascism: Myth about the Ukrainian genocide from Hitler to Harvard", published in 1987, proved that the Conkvest in his book used the awesome photos of hungry children from the Chronicles of the First World War and Hunger 1921 ..

Meanwhile, V. Yushchenko, becoming president of Ukraine, did not slow down to award R. Konkvest by the Order of Yaroslav Wise V degree for the "arrival of the Uvadi Mizhniyi Squirti to the wrencher of the" Holodomor "1932-1933 Rockily Act Genocide Ukrainian people."

And now we will demonstrate the "objectivity" of the United States Congress Commission for the Holodomorus on the following example. In its conclusion, it is indicated that the policy of Moscow was not directly focused on the destruction of any "ethnic or racial group as such." Nevertheless, there is a conclusion here: "Based on the foregoing, the Commission considers it likely that the elements of the genocide ... took place."

Numerous examples of travelers when writing politically engaged articles on the topic "Holodomor" leads M. Taugher. For example, he writes that the assist (WERST) indicates that the planning plan for 1932 was increased by paragraph 32% compared with 1931. But in the same source quoted, almost in the same proposal is noted that the Commissioner for the billets A. I. Mikoyan established a high plan of the billets in early 1932 at 29.5 million tons, but then in the spring of 1932, this plan was reduced to 18 million tons. However, the observed persistently indicates that Molotov refused to reduce the terms of filing.

When the falsifiers talk about the export of bread in 1933, they forget to indicate that only 220 thousand tons of grain was exported during a hunger actually, which amounted to less than 1% of the crop, and the rest was exported by the end of 1933, when the hunger was already over.

One of the methods of struggle on the specified ideological front is silent. Take, for example, the World Encyclopedia Wikipedia. There, the basic principle of filing the material was declared the principle of neutrality. However, in reality, no neutrality on the topic "Holodomor" is not observed. For example, along with the article "Hunger in the USSR 1932-1933" Wikipedia has even a special article "Holodomor in Ukraine". However, in the same Russian-language Wikipedia there is not one (!) Work M. Taugger or any other historian who today expresses another point of view on the "Holodomor".

Interestingly, although M. Tauger himself declared that he writes a book about the "Holodomor", back in 2001, she still did not come out, although more than 5 large articles on this topic are written. A very strange phenomenon, especially if taken into account that usually in the West, the publication of ready-made books is very fast. It seems to me that all this is not good.

"Holodomor" - nationalist project

Especially hot debate goes in Ukraine, where liberals are doing everything possible to establish a point of view for hunger 1932-1933. As on the "Holodomor".

In textbooks newest Story Of Ukraine, published after 1991, the theme of hunger 1932-1933. It takes one of the leading places. It is not surprising, because it is the cornerstone in the trendy theories about the "systemic" destruction ethnic Ukrainians In the period from 1917 to 1991. (Not the only one, however. And the Chernobyl catastrophe, and the Second World War, and even the All-Union Census served, according to the current Ukrainian historians, mainly for the Russification of the "Ried Territory").

The "Holodomor" theme is very important for Ukrainian nationalism, since it allows you to organically combine two basic vector of this ideology, Russophobia and anti-communism. An indirect consequence of such a position is indulgence of the most radical and vulgar forms of Ukrainian nationalism, developing into frank national-chauvinism, as a result of the actual postulation of the "desire for freedom" as the properties inherent exclusively to the Ukrainian people.

On November 28, 2002, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted for a draft resolution (registration No. 2432 dated November 21, 2002) "On holding parliamentary hearings in memory of the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-33" with the condemnation of the Genocide policy, which was conducted at the state level by the heads of the totalitarian Soviet regime against citizens of Ukraine, the National Spirit, Mentality and the Genetic Foundation of the Ukrainian People. It was decided to hold a special meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in May 2003, 308 deputies voted, "against" - 56 deputies (communist faction) from the total number of 423 deputies.

The point of view of the Ukrainian nationalists received some recognition and internationally. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Representative Office of Ukraine in the UN prepared a draft resolution of the 58th session of the UN General Assembly with the condemnation of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine. The UN General Assembly was adopted by the "joint statement of the delegations of Azerbaijani, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Guatemalas, Georgia, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Canada, Qatar, Mongolia, Nauru, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, the Syrian Arab Republic, the United States of America, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tymo-Leste, Ukraine, Jamaica on the occasion of the seventy anniversary of the Holodomor - the Great Hunger of 1932-1933 in Ukraine "(Russian-language version of the document A / C.3 / 58/9 of the third Committee), with a later delegation of Argentina, Iran, Kuwait, Korea, Republic of Korea, South Africa, the Republic of Korea, South Africa, Yugoslav Republic Macedonia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan (A / C.3 / 58/9 / Add. 1): "In the Soviet Union, millions of men, women and children fell victim to cruel actions and totalitarian regime policies. Great hunger 1932-33. In Ukraine (Holodomor) who took 7-10 million innocent lives and is a national tragedy of the Ukrainian people ... Noting the seventieth anniversary of the Ukrainian tragedy, we are almost a memory of millions of Russians, Kazakhs and representatives of other nations that died of starvation in the Volga region, North Caucasus, Kazakhstan and in other parts of the previous Soviet Union" What is striking most is the signature of Russia under the document.

In 2003, Vasily Pikhorovich published an article "On the reasons and consequences of hunger 1932-1933. In Ukraine, "which writes:" The statements that hunger 1932-1933 in Ukraine was a planned action aimed at the destruction of a part of the population, deprived of all factual grounds and is one of the tricks of anti-communist propaganda, designed to distract the population's attention from the genocide, Which today is carried out by capital in the territory of the countries of the victim of the defeat of socialism. "

When the "Holodomor" equates to the Holocaust and argue that nothing like this world did not know, then this statement is absolutely groundless. Hunger in the period of the formation of capitalism existed in Europe, and in England and in the United States. And what to talk about the colonies, where the responsibility for hunger is unequivocally lies on the metropolis?

Attention to the use of double standards manipulators. On the one hand, the "Holodomor" in the USSR is irrevocably condemned. On the other hand, something is not heard of the spells of liberals with the requirements for the British repentance in the Holodomor of the Irish or Indians. Or do these nations do not belong to people?

After all, during the Great Irish Hunger of 1845-1851, Irish nationalist literature accused of this British and drove the responsibility on them, as the Ukrainian nationalists pumped responsibility for the "Holodomor" into the Russian people.

And take India. In India, in 1866, 7.5 million people died, after 3 years only in the province of Rajputani over 1.5 million people died. In Bengal, due to the most severe drought and the arrogant in 1873-1874, about 15 million people were on the edge of death. About 5 million population of Madras, Bombay, Missor Hunger in 1877-1878. In 1900, in India again hunger, as a result of which 1 million people die. The great democrats of the British were allowed and hunger in 1943 in Bengal, even stronger than in 1932-1933 in the USSR, and no one scolds them. Hunger of 1943 in Bengal was also caused by a strong crouch.

Few people know that in 1931-1932, French colonialists forced the Nigerians to pay high taxes, despite the low harvest, which caused hunger in Nigeria. Floral hunger of 1933 in the USSR.

If you get up on the point of view of the manipulators "Holodomor", the Russian people should present the claims of Georgia (Stalin was Georgians by nationality) and Israel (there were many Jews in the USSR).

Therefore, it can be agreed with E. Rogranty - all these speculations on the topic of "Damnia Gird Ukraine" are the elementary political speculation of Ukrainian nationalist falsifier, since hunger was not only in Ukraine. Myth about the "Holodomor" - invention of manipulators consciousness.

And how many victims were?

The question of the number of victims was the isna of the manipulation struggle, especially in Ukraine. The essence of manipulations is that: 1) increase how much it is possible the number of "victims of Stalinism", silent socialism and especially Stalin; 2) declare Ukraine "Genocide Zone" to get any compensation from Russia or the world community.

The question of millions of dead from the "Holodomor" in Ukraine with the mention of the "Holodomor" in Ukraine with the mention of breathtaking figures of the Ukrainian nationalists, with the mention of the breathtaking digits, does an urgent answer to the question: how many of the victims of hunger? Therefore, before starting the analysis of mythology associated with the "Holodomor", I will have to analyze the available data on the number of dead. I hope that the clarification of this issue will allow to understand, the man-made was hunger or not.

In general, the question of the number of victims of hunger 1932-1933. In Ukraine and in the USSR, it is very complicated - the exact data is not here and, it seems, it is not foreseen. Historian Soldatenko generally believes that not only counting the number of victims, but also more or less accurate evaluation of this is impossible. He's writing. "The number of victims (demographic losses), no matter how bitterly, to establish at least approximately, even with a permissible error (although it sounds cynical, blasphemous, but such is the source base), let's say in a hundred thousand, - unrealistic."

The article posted on the pages of the Internet magazine "Demoskop" is given a table of estimates of the number of victims of the "Holodomor". In general, opinions about the number of victims are sharply diverged: the numbers vary from several hundred thousand to 8 million so, the figure of 7-10 million people appears in a joint statement adopted by the UN General Assembly. Conquest in his book of 1969 reports that those who died of hunger in the USSR in the period 1932-1933, there were 5-6 million people, half of them are residents of Ukraine.

Now many Democratic Liberals mentioned a figure of 7-8 million peasants in the USSR, as if killed from hunger 1932-1933. Interestingly, it is this figure (if exactly - 7,910,000 people) is found in the propaganda leaflet of the series 1543 Dr. Goebbels, discarded in October 1941 to Soviet positions. A rather strange coincidence. Interestingly, M. Taugger, the best American specialist on the problem of hunger of 1932-1933, considers the figure of victims of 7-8 million people exaggerated.

According to the estimates of the OGPU (though, with the words of the Non-Rasseman of Orlov), which prepared a report intended for Stalin, the number of dead hungry death was 3.3-3.5 million people. In the textbook on the history of Russia, edited by Sakharov, the total number of hunger victims also defined in 3 million people. It also indicates that 1.5 million people died in Ukraine from hunger.

Unknown author continues. "Well, okay, let's say, IHO it was a long time ago, and scientists can be mistaken. But there are much more recent events with which you can compare these, with the permission to say, "hypotheses". It is reliably known that during the war every fifth Belarusian died, and no one in Belarus should be explained that it took place, that is, the percentage of the tragedy during the so-called "holodomor" would have to be about the same. There must be extinct villages and whole areas of such sizes that there would be no opportunity to hide them ... Moretenance mass graves, as a result of hunger, would be easily distinguishable (the graves seek) and would be found immediately. Moreover, all Ukraine was in the hands of the Germans 10 years later, Goebbels would miss such an incredible chance, there would be a massive opening of the graves of the Bolshevik Genocide, because the best chance to attract Ukrainians to his side was difficult and invented. But it is known that the absolute majority of Ukrainians had a fierce resistance to the invaders, the exception was only the Bandera, but they were just during the "Holodomor" did not live in the USSR, but in Poland! But however, the Ukrainians, if they experienced such hunger, nothing would be explained. Instead, the Germans used other methods of dialogue with the population, such as mass extermination in Babi Yar. They just had a strong enough to say about the "Holodomor". "

V. Pikhorovich considers the most significant calculations of the Russian publicist S. G. Kara-Murza, according to which "in 1933, about 640 thousand people died from hunger." A close digit calls another author "Communist. RU »Candidate of theology and Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Evgorief Duluman. According to him, 600 thousand people died from hunger in Ukraine in 1933, "although he admits that it is mistaken by 2-3 times.

Tkachenko also takes the basis of the number of Zemskov and believes that the victims of hunger became 640-650 thousand people, not 9-10 million and more than 15 million, as the "independent" media broadcasts.

What happened?

What happened in 1932? Let me remind you that the hunger of 1932-1933 was preceded by a number of important events. Two years have repeatedly in a row of cold and misunderstanding winters in Ukraine. They ended up "almost complete death of winter crops." Then there was a bad harvest of 1931.

1932 sowing campaign was perfectly bad. By different estimates, Sawn Square in 1932 decreased by 14-25% compared with 1931 M. Tauger gives a number of underwent in 9%. In addition, the fields were sown with fewer grain per hectare, which should be normal. In some cases, the amount of underexted grain on hectares reached 40%. There was no sowing company for a long time - with an average duration of about a week in 1932 in the North Caucasus she lasted 35-40 days.

It says a lot about the fact that the Government of the USSR seemed to be perfected by the rapid grain from the peasants. However, the case was not at all. When information from the places came about the poor spending of spring field work, the USSR SNK and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) decree on May 6, 1932 reduced the plan of the workpieces. The workpiece plan was approved for collective farms and soles (USSR as a whole) at 18.5 million, i.e., 10% lower. At the same time, filing plans for state farms from 1.7 to 2.5 million tons increased. The Central Committee not only lowered the plan of the billets, but also allowed collective farms and peasants to trade grain on the market based on market prices. Many even thought that decree on May 6 meant the introduction of a new NEP, as he allowed free trade.

Then, for Ukraine, by Decree of the Soviet Council of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPP (b) dated July 6, 1932, the collection plan from 1932 crop was set at 356 million pounds (5.7 million ties). On October 22, 1932, the planning plan was reduced by another 70 million pounds. In November 1932, when it became clear that the harvest was very low, the planning plan was reduced again. For example, for North Caucasus The plan has been reduced from 2.18 million tons to 1.55 million tons. January 19, 1933 of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Central Committee, . T). After the official completion of the workpieces on February 5, 1933, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (6) at S. V. Kosior in his report pointed out that the total plan for collective farms and soles was reduced from 356 million pounds (5.7 million tons) to 218 million pounds (3.5 million tons). This is indirectly confirmed by the Chairman of the Council for the Study of the Product Forces of Ukraine A. G. Schlichter in his speech at the 17th CVP Congress (b) ,.

Thus, the initial assembly plan for the USSR by January 1933 "was reduced by 17% to 17.045 million tons,". In total, the state from the harvest of 1932 to July 1, 1933 "took" no more than 248 million in the Ukrainian peasants (4 million tons of grain.

To receive bread from peasants in 1932, the government applied several methods, such as contracts with manufacturers, market exchange and non-market measures that were actually called the term "blanks". Supporters of the hypothesis that the bread in the peasants will be cleaned over, they forget an important psychological moment. They forget that the peasants are not fools and would not allow to burn them all the cleaner, so that it is not left for food and on the north if the remaining norm would be lower than the hungry norm. They already had experience in the famine of 1920, experience with the prospects. The stovers simply would have killed, as the peasants did it in 1918, when the prospecting tried to take more hungry norm. Therefore, everything is impossible to grow out - just did not give.

However, it is not necessary to understand the case so that everything was done without mistakes. As always in Russia, the fields in the field were a widespread phenomenon.

You can judge the minutes of the collection of grain from the RIK meeting of 11/18/1932. "On measures to strengthen the bonoplauses in the area". Due to the fact that the deadline for the completion of the filing was completed on December 1, 1932, Rick decided: "Senconsumes to organize withdrawal from individual collective farmers and individual farms asking (here it is confirmed by total stealing. - Auto) In the collective farms of bread. The withdrawal primarily holds in the Lodi, Ravach and the declassed element with a small number of workformes ... To impose a fine on the Jewish collective farm. K. Liebknecht for the additional passage of meat to the state. "

When collecting food, according to eyewitnesses, the local performers were allowed - all products were allowed. A. Kolpakidi and E. Prudnikov in the book about Stalin "Double Conspiracy" write. "Sholokhov told how the billets of livestock looked at Don. "For farms, the uniforms were formed - Selfillers and others who came for cows were beaten what fell, they were predominantly women and kids (adolescents), the collective farmers themselves were delivered rarely, and where they got involved, there was a murder." As for the bread, in July 1932, the bilbo houses accounted for only 55% of the already underestimated plan. Now the collective farms have declared a "bread strike", refusing to donate bread at extremely low purchasing prices, in fact for nothing, the Kaganovich method extended everywhere, according to which the tax of the villages and the villages "was not paid to sell their products." "

Secret Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and SNK Union of SSR dated December 14, 1932 "On payments in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and in the Western Region", signed by V. Molotov and I. Stalin, determined exactly how to punish the "Bottage Organizers" (including those who had a partbiler ) - expulsion, arrest, conclusion in the concentration camp for a long time, execution, - the decision "offered" the Central Committee of the CP (6) of Ukraine's Central Committee (6) of Ukraine "to pay serious attention to the proper conduct of Ukrainization, eliminate the mechanical conduct of it, expel Petliurovsky and other bourgeois-nationalist Elements from party and Soviet organizations, carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik personnel, to provide systematic party leadership and control over to Ukrainization. "

Idiotism on the ground was also enough. Especially did not want to take grain soles, so the leaders in the field were asked to allow to carry out a voluntary together "under the control of the Council". CCP (b) of Ukraine in relation to soles prescribed to use natural fines in the form of establishment additional tasks For meat, in the amount of the 15-month norm. Do you have to be surprised that the cows and oxen cut out?

Plans descended "by districts." Performed - well done, did not fulfill - can and shoot. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe vast majority of farms, the plan has not fulfilled. Question: Where will "make interest" go? Naturally, anywhere. And they will screamed there before the thread. Some superpalane billets were superimposed on well-working collective farms. However, on January 19, 1933, superplanted blanks were prohibited by the decision of the Central Committee of the Party.

Directives about how many in what province there are "fists" and "bribers" and how to do with them, they sent from Moscow along the line of the OGPU, and not by the party line. If we remember that then actually the country was filled with the NKVD (or rather, a berry) and that then a conspiracy was revealed to the NKVD, then the behavior of collectivization itself could be designed to create conditions for the social explosion.

"Due to the shameful breakdown of the Campaign for Cereals in some areas of Ukraine, the Council People's Commissar and the Central Committee of the Party of Ukraine orders local party and governing bodies to end the grain sabotage, which was organized by counter-revolutionary and cam elements. It is necessary to glue those communists who headed this sabotage, and completely eliminate the passive attitude towards him from some party organizations. The Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee jointly decided to note all those areas in which criminal sabotage was conducted, and to apply the following penalties to them:

Suspend in these areas all the supply of public trade and a cooperative network.

Close all government and cooperative outlets. Withdraw all available products;

To prohibit the sale of basic types of food products that were previously carried out by collective farms and private owners;

Suspend the issuance of all loans to these areas and immediately cancel the previously issued loans;

Carefully disassemble personal affairs of leadership and business organizations in order to identify hostile elements;

Produce such a job in collective farms to identify all hostile elements that took part in sabotage. "

The decree provided for the preparation of black lists of those villages that were confirmed guilty of sabotage and diversions. Initially, these lists were 6 villages, by December 15, 1932, he included 88 districts of 358, which was divided into Ukraine.

Here is just one example.

"Decision of the Soviet Union of the Ukrainian SSR and the Central Committee of the CP (b) of the villages on the black board, maliciously sabotage bakery"

"SNK and the Central Committee decree:

For an explicit breakdown of the payroll plan and malicious sabotage, organized by the cam and counter-revolutionary elements, put the following villages on the black board: s. Camebka, p. Gavrilovka, Dnipropetrovsk region with. Lyutenka, p. Stone flows, Kharkiv region, p. Svyattithroitsky, p. Sands, Odessa region.

Regarding these villages to hold the following activities:

1. Immediate cessation of the provision of goods, complete termination of cooperative and public trade in place and export from the relevant cooperative and state shops of all cash products.

2. Full cessation of collective farm trading for both collective farms, collective farmers and siblies.

3. Termination of all kinds of lending, conducting early recovery of loans and other financial obligations. "

The regional authorities were further listed on the "black boards" of the lower level 380 collective farms and 51 villages.

Pay attention to the fact that in the decree nothing is said about the violent seizure of bread. A villages who do not surrender bread are punishable mainly economically. Meanwhile, these measures did not help. The enrollment was in a black list, where trade was limited, did not give effect, because the villages were saturated with industrialists and everything you need could be obtained at the district center.

There are facts that the leaders of the country did not want excesses. So, Molotov corrected the railpoints. In a letter to the secretary of the VKPB of Ukraine, Hataevich he writes. "Bolshevik, thinking ... Must be satisfied with the needs of the proletarian state in an extraordinary manner. On the other hand, it is impossible to fall into the inverse opportunist extreme: "take any bread and anywhere, not believing, etc.".

The situation with food has deteriorated sharply at the end of 1932 and especially in the first half of 1933.

In the autumn of 1932, the norms of food supply even the Kiev workers were reduced from 3 pounds to 1.5 pounds, and for white collar (workers not engaged in physical labor) from 1 to 0.5 pounds.

Therefore, some sources argue that the beginning of hunger refers to the end of the summer of 1932. This is unlikely. As long as there is no snow cover, you can find meals in the forests and rivers. Yes, food difficulties began in 1932. In 44 districts of Ukraine, there was a lack of food, hunger began, but by summer everything is more or less normal. Actually, hunger began in winter at the end of 1932, but he accepted the mass character in the spring of 1933. On March 15, Kosior reported Stalin: "In total, the registration of the GPU in Ukraine is covered by hunger of 103 district." According to the memoirs of most eyewitnesses, the peak of hunger falls at the beginning of the spring of 1933, and the completion - at the beginning of the summer of 1933.

So, in the winter of 1932/33 there was a strong hunger. Contrary to statements of Ukrainian nationalists, hunger was not only in Ukraine, but practically throughout the USSR. The Soviet scientist V. V. Kondrashin documented that the hunger was not only in Ukraine, but also in the Volga region. Western historian Alth (Werth) also recognizes that hunger touched on many areas outside of Ukraine, including Moscow and even Ivanovo regions.

The whole country is hungry, including Moscow. It would not hurt to remember that Holodoalo and Transcaucasia (in Baku, for example, schoolchildren received 70 g. Bread a day), Hungry Northeast of the European part of the USSR, Ivanovo region, Kuzbass, North Territory, Western region, Far East, Gorky region , Ural.

Here is one of the documents in the proof of the fact of hunger in the Urals.

SPO SPO SPO OGPU on Oddnuncuts in FAR and Ural Region. April 3, 1933

"Troitsky district of Uloblasti. In the collective farm. Stalin Mikhailovsky village council The corpses of the sip of livestock flooded with a carbolol solution, collective farmers and Russians are melted from the cattle bisos and are used in food. On the basis of prolfasting among the collective farmers, sharp negative moods are celebrated: "Did I think in the summer worked before you drop, encouraged, naked, barely, so far to sit without bread and shout with hunger, because I have seven people and scream and screaming them:" Dai Bread! "- And how is this mother to transfer? I will go a lyg for the tractor, I can not carry these suffering. "


However, hunger had different intensity in different parts of the USSR. This is evidenced by at least a map of mortality levels presented in Wikipedia. In Ukraine, especially a great mortality was in the Kiev region, as well as in the Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk regions, where the stratum of the Russian population was very high, which speaks against the allegation that the government was Moro alone only Ukrainians.

But even within the same area, mortality, which means hunger had different intensity. Ukrainian emigrants showed that remote villages suffered from hunger stronger than those that were located closer to the city.

In 1931, the government reduced the diet for many categories of people and eliminated entire groups of workers and even entire cities from the food system. Even greater restrictions were introduced in 1932. According to M. Cholob, "the products of the products were distributed through bread cards in such small quantities that it was not necessary to count on their assistance to the peasants."

The fact that the hunger affected the cities, says an increase in the death rate of the urban population in 1932-1933. So, from January to July 1932, the mortality rate among the urban population of Kiev grew by 70%. On a third, he grew up at this time even in Moscow. According to the Central Administration of People's Economic Accounting (CJSC), in 1933 for the urban population, a negative natural increase was equal to 374.6 thousand people. In 1933, the total number of dead in the cities of the RSFSR and Ukraine was higher than in more prosperous previous and subsequent years. The reason for this situation is hunger in cities due to a decrease in supply standards.

In 1932, the lack of food sharply weakened the workers and forced many of them to leave their places in search of food. Hunger struck even Dneprostro. In many industries, the fluidity of the labor force exceeded 100% over several months, and the production level fell to the level of 1928. The workers put huge queues for bread, often during working hours. Many requirements for increasing supply, which came from the regions where there was a high priority industry, were left without consequences.

OSAP, Tiff, tuberculosis ... Hunger touched even the workers who performed the priority work for the state of ultra-high importance for the state, and the fighters of the Red Army, since at the end of May 1932, food supplies for the military were reduced by 16%.

It remains to add that in 1933 the situation was even harder. Non-compliance with even the above rules has become an exception, but the rule. Not to mention the workers in the "Holodomor" regions. Notice, this is about those places where bread should have been harvested, as stated, "for genocide".

That is, the cities of the USSR in 1932-1933. Also fastened food shortage.

Version of the causes of hunger

Why did the hunger erupted in the fall of 1932? This question, the answer cannot be unequivocal. There are several versions about the causes of the "Holodomor". I will focus on the main assumptions.

one). Hunger was caused artificially because of the exorbitantly high plans of the blanks.

According to american historian P. Uvales, the reason for hunger was the procurement policy of the leadership, aimed at the withdrawal of collective farm bread. According to the Ukrainian nationalists, Stalin specially Moril Ukrainians in order to destroy them, - it was the act of genocide of the Ukrainian people.

But is the point of view, according to which the mass death of the population of Ukraine from hunger was largely caused by conscious and targeted actions of the Soviet leadership, that Stalin and his environment specially organized hunger in Ukraine, in the North Caucasus and in the lower noble, to defeat the resistance of the peasants and break Nationalist manifestations?

Analysis of the above material shows that this is not the case, and it is obvious even to Western historians. Not only the objective domestic historians of the hunger of 1933 write about the suggestions of the assumption that Stalin wanted to punish the peasants, the American researchers themselves insist, who themselves worked in the archives of Russia and Ukraine, in particular M. Taugher. He convincingly proves that the hunger was not caused artificially. Moreover, there was no intention to cause famine from Stalin. "If the Soviet leaders wanted to punish the peasants," writes M. Taugher, "for resistance to collectivization, then why they did it only in 1932, and not earlier. Therefore, most likely it was pressure and compromise. If the Soviet leaders wanted to punish the peasants, why did they make malnutrition and even death from the malnutrition of hundreds of thousands of workers and their families, including in Moscow and even in the Red Army, without providing her food supply? " M. Taugher does not find a pleasant answer to these questions. The decline in the planning plan is below which in 1931, and then its even greater decrease indicates, in his opinion, on the search for a compromise, and not about the game of fines.

To confirm the conclusions of M. Taugger, we will also take advantage of the arguments of Tkachenko.

"First, the Bolsheviks and especially Stalin were pragmatists, and the" Holodomor "could lead to the mass peasant uprising - to hide his disadvantage would be impossible, because in the party all this time were both supporters of radical larching and supporters of cooperation. And this in turn could lead to the removal of Stalin from power. From the point of view of anti-Stalinists, the main goal of Stalin was power. It seems like illogical. "

"Secondly, artificial device Hunger would inevitably be led to the death of first of all the poor and middle peasants who made up the main support of Soviet power and the driving force in the collectivization process. It was supposed to be that part of the peasantry on which the Soviet government held. Only positive examples Could convince the peasants in the feasibility and justification of joining the collective farms, otherwise they would not give a root break. Therefore, the "Holodomor", about which the fanaticism of priests are staggered by the apologists of private property, would become the most frightening anti-advertising, which would have advocated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe very idea of \u200b\u200bcollectivization, and at the same time Soviet power, for defeat. "Holodomor" thus contradicts common sense. A well-known proverb is indicated for this: why hack bitch on which you sit. "

"Third, the Soviet Union was in the capitalist environment. The danger of imperialism aggression (Germany, Japan and other states) increased. And it understood the Soviet leadership well. In order to effectively resist the aggressor, maintain the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, the numerous armed forces equipped with the latest weapons and military equipment were required. The security of the country demanded enormous human reserves, powerful production and scientific potential. "Holodomor" would cause compatriots rejection of the party policies and of the Soviet state And would significantly weaken the economic and defense potential of the country. "

As for the killing of mainly Ukrainians, several independent evidence clearly prove that this was not and could not be.

First, mortality was the same both among Ukrainians and among Neukraintsev. This recognizes even Kulchitsky, who, analyzing the statistics of regulations for 1933, it comes to the conclusion that people died not by national sign, but at the place of residence.

Secondly, in 1930, 80% of Donbass miners were immigrants from Ukrainian villages. But no one for these millions of workers-Ukrainians did not hunger.

Thirdly, judging by the Mortality Mode, shown in Wikipedia, the famine was expressed most in the Kharkov, Dnipropetrovsk and Kiev regions, but it was the inhabitants of Kharkov most against violent Ukrainization. That is, it turns out that Stalin played in the Duda of Ukrainian Nationalists.

Finally, if Stalin specifically Morious Ukrainians, then why he invests huge funds in the development of the industry of Ukraine. Remember Dneproges, Kharkov Tractor and other enterprises of Ukraine, built in the years of the first five years.

And now remember one interesting fact given by the mug and showing whether the peasants are offended by the Peasants for the fact that he would have called "Holodomor". During the war, Nazi Germany in the occupied territories formed the so-called "national" parts for hostilities, both at the front and in the rear against partisans. Both in Estonia, and in Latvia, and in Lithuania, people were recorded to "deal with the Bolsheviks". In the North Caucasus, Chechens were rebelled with the support of Field Marshal Claystone. Don Cossacks were recorded to Krasnov. Even in Central Russia, the Vlasov was formed by ROA. In the West of Ukraine, who did not know the famine of 1933, in the SSEEC parts were recorded by hundreds. But those regions whose population seemed to be simply obliged to rebel against the USSR, since "Stalinists conducted a genocide here", for some reason the offensive of "new order" did not accept. Hitler had not a single compound formed in Central and Eastern Ukraine. Moreover, the cells of the Soviet underground, as well as partisans of the Kovpak detachments, Fedorov, Saburov, Naumov and many other compounds who received tasks from Moscow, not only enjoyed the general support of the population of these edges, but also consisted of the overwhelming majority from their locals. The Germans began, was, remind of hunger, but they quickly came to his senses and removed the famine of 1933 from their propaganda materials, "people remembered who did what.

AT last years The Security Service of Ukraine managed to collect approximately 5 thousand documents, which highlight the Holodomor of 1932-33 in Ukraine. Employees of the SBU four years worked in the sectoral state archive and in regional archives. The result of this work was the declassification of all without exception to the identified documents. Documents are posted on the SBU website, however, and there is no evidence of the guilt of Russia and Stalin.

2). The reason for hunger was a bad harvest.

To evaluate the version of the harmony, as the main reason for hunger, you need to know how much grain was collected in 1932. According to official data, in the USSR, the harvest of 1932 amounted to 69.9 million tons, and in 1933 it was even worse - 68.5 million tons.

However, special studies have shown that this figure was overestimated. Schiller (Schiller), the German agricultural attache in Moscow in the early 1930s, appreciated the harvest collected in 1932 at 50-55 million tons, in 1933 in 60-65, and in 1934 in 65-70 million tons S. G. Uvescroft and R. Davis in the report "Crisis in the Soviet Agriculture (1931-1933)" questioned the data of official crops (69.9 million tons - 1932) questioned doubt. In their opinion, the real crop of grain 1932 was lower than the harvests of 1930 (67-68 million tons) and 1931 (60.4-60.5 million tons) and amounted to 53-58 million tons.

The crown was caused by many factors that fatally connected in 1932-1933. Among these factors were summer droughts with Sukhovymi in some districts, and in others, on the contrary, there was plentiful rains, the invasion of rodents was almost universally observed, plant diseases spread.

In particular, if we talk about adverse climatic conditions, then one of the reasons for an indigestive weather was bad in winter, during sowing and harvesting. English Geographer D. Grigg noticed that in Europe as a whole, the yield of grain is inversely proportional to the number of drop-down rains during the growth season of breads, since such rains lead to the spread of plant diseases.

In January 1932, unexpected warming in the southern regions of the USSR led to the beginning of winter heights, and then the returned winter cold damaged a significant part of winter frills. In Ukraine, this led to the damage of almost 12% of the winter field felling in the fall. The distribution of losses was uneven. For example, 62% of winter surges were damaged in one area.

By quoting Penner (Penner), M. Taugher notes that strong rains in a number of areas essentially difficult to harvest. Although in some regions there were local droughts, in general, the year 1932 was very warm and wet. In some areas, severe rains damaged bread and reduced the yield, especially on the right bank of the Volga, in the North Caucasus and Ukraine.

Examples of the role of bad weather causing terrible disadvantages, there are also in the history of other countries. For example, in Romania, dry weather in the fall of 1931 was replaced in winter with a very high level of snow falling, and then cold and wet spring, which made plants weak, sensitive to disease and caused a cripplence.

So, in 1932, the harvest of bread turned out to be very low. "Low yield of 1932 made famine inevitable", - wrote M. Taugher. As a result of the lack of food, both in rural areas and in the cities of the Soviet Union in 1932-1933. Hunger has come.

Why didn't the center knew how much the bread was collected in the field? It's all about the methods of harvest. Usually he was assessed by the eye. Often used also biological methodwhich was based on the fact that a random sample of fields and threads in these fields of field was made. Then the future harvest was recalculated on all fields. In February 1932, the Kolkhozentert issued a disposal that the collective farms would evaluate the future harvest using a rover (a capex collector is made at randomly selected areas of the field and then projected on all sowing). As M. Taugher indicates, this method leads to overestimation of the expected harvest compared to collected by 15, or even 20%. Very often, incorrect information was sent to higher instances and were criticized there.

Politburo awareness on the state of affairs was so low that Stalin in January 1933 at the Plenum of the Central Committee in his speech noted that adverse weather conditions caused grain losses in the North Caucasus and in Ukraine in 1932, but insisted that these losses were less Halves from those losses that were registered in 1931.

The Charter of the collective farm of March 1, 1930 ordered each collective farm to send an annual final report, but only a small part of the collective farms did it. In 1930, 33% of 80,000 collective farms prepared annual reports, in 1931, 26.5% of 230,000 collective farms, and in 1932, only 40% of 230,000 collective farms sent annual reports. The collective farms that prepared annual reports most likely worked better than those reports did not pass. The state farms usually had a lower yield than collective farms. The yield in them in 1932 was often 2.9 c with ha.

So, there was no reliable information from places for the leaders of the USSR. Well who worked the bureaucratic car of the Tsarist Russia was destroyed. In the years of the NEP, it has not yet been restored and practically did not act. After the hunger of 1932-1933, the information system had to be updated again. Often, the leaders did not know the elementary things. Stalin wrote Kaganovich that the state should know, "how much the peasantry pays him for the MTS services".

3). Hunger 1932-1933 and Ukrainian Jews.

In addition to these versions, there is another one. Very interesting moment Intrusted S. Pokrovsky, participant of the forum S. G. Kara-Murza. It provides data on the fact that by 1932-33 about 500 thousand Jews lived in Ukraine directly in villages. And about a million (or even more) - in the towns. Note, S. Pokrovsky says that the Jews in the village were traditionally not chopped. That is, they simply did not have their bread. And even more so this bread was not in the towns. And neither there, neither there were solders. In the conditions of the Holodomor, that rural Jews, that Jews are places, they simply could not survive. Or they should have died first, or - to fly around the union, customized with hunger.

Today, Ukrainians and the world remember the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933, which became a real genocide of the Ukrainian people and was organized by the Soviet regime.

According to the majority of historians, the reason for the emergence of the hunger of 1932-33 was forced and repressive for the peasants the policy of payments carried out by the communist power.

In memory of millions of victims around the world, processions will be held. At the same time, the traditional action "Light a candle" will begin at 16:00 in Kiev time. At 19:32, the country is honored by a minute of silence.

Remind the most blatants, terrible and iconic facts of the Holodomor of 1932-1933.

The number of dead

Calculate the exact number of victims is impossible until now. Experts and historians say that most of the archival data about those killed during this period of time in Ukraine were either destroyed in the USSR, or falsified: death as a result of hunger in the martyrologists massively attributed death from cordial or some other diseases.

Ukrainian historians voiced different figures of the victims of the Holodomor, while it was decided to take into account the potential number of non-born Ukrainians. In this case, the digit of the dead from hunger reaches 12 million people. Directly in the period 1932-1933 died from 4 to 8 million people. For example, Historian Yuri Shappowed and his colleague Stanislav Kulchitsky in his publications indicate a figure of 4.5 million victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933. It is noted that at the specified period, more Ukrainians died than during World War II (about 5 million civilians).

When the researchers speak of a holodomor of 1932-33, it is meant in mind the period from April 1932 to November 1933. It is for these 17 months, that is, about 500 days, millions of people died in Ukraine. The peak of the famine fell on the spring of 1933. In Ukraine, then 17 people were dying from hunger every minute, 1000 - hourly, almost 25 thousand - daily. Ukrainians aged from 6 months to 17 were about half of all the victims of the Holodomor.

Forcibly selected the crop and shot

The organizers and performers of the Holodomor 1932-1933 by force took the harvest from the village of Vintage and domestic cattle, which would help them survive. Artificially created hunger was supported by the blockade, as well as the insulation of the disaster of the territories. In particular, the roads for which Selyan tried to get to the cities, overlapped, and the militarized formations surrounded settlements, detained either shot anyone who tried to escape from hungry death.

Geography of hunger

Most of all Ukrainians died in modern Kharkov, Kievan, Poltava, Sumy, Cherkasy, Dnepropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Vinnitsa, Chernihiv, Odessa regions and in Moldova, which was then part of the Ukrainian SSR.

At the same time, the former Kharkiv and Kiev region (current Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, Cherkasskaya, Kiev, Zhytomyr) suffered more from hunger. They account for 52.8% of those killed. Mortality of the population here exceeded the average level of 8-9 or more times.

In Vinnitsa, Odessa, the Dnipropetrovsk mortality rate was 5-6 times. In the Donbas - 3-4 times. In fact, hunger covered the entire center, South, North and East of modern Ukraine. At the same scale, hunger was observed in those regions of Kuban, the North Caucasus and the Volga region, where Ukrainians lived.

About 81% of those who died from hunger in Ukraine were Ukrainians, 4.5% - Russians, 1.4% - Jews and 1.1% - Poles. Among the victims there were also many Belarusians, Bulgarians and Hungarians.
Researchers note that the distribution of the victims of the Holodomor by nationality corresponds to the national distribution of the rural population of Ukraine.

"By studying the data of the regulations on the national affiliation of the dead, we see that in Ukraine people gibbles on the sign of a place of residence, not nationality. Some extensive weight of the died Russians and the Jews in their totalAs they lived mainly in the cities where the food system was functioning, "the historian Stanislav Kulchitsky writes.

According to Stanislav Kulchitsky, in the fall of 1932 there were almost 25 thousand collective farms in Ukraine, which the authorities put forward overestimated payments plans. Despite this, 1500 collective farms managed to fulfill these plans and did not fall under punitive sanctions, therefore there were no deadly hunger on their territories.

Natural fines

Selian who did not fit into pay plans and volted to state grain, confiscated any food. At the same time, it was not counted as the payment of debt, but it was only punitive measure. The policies of natural fines, according to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Soviet regime, was to force the peasants to pass the state allegedly hidden from him grain, which was not really there.

First, the punitive organs was allowed to select only meat, fat and potatoes. Subsequently, they took over other long-term storage products.

Fyodor Kovalenko from the village of Lyutnyka Gadyachsky district of Poltava region told: "In November and December 1932, they took all the grain, potatoes, everyone took, even beans, and all that was in the attic. Such small was dried pears, apples, cherries - all Related. "

In December 1932, the Second Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CP (b) in Stanislav Kosior reported Stalin: "The largest result gives the use of natur protects. For a cow and a pig that is now a collective farmer and even the unifitter hold tightly."

On the Volga region and the North Caucasus, natural fines were used only episodically.

Law "On five spikelets"

In August 1932, Joseph Stalin proposed a new repressive law on the protection of state property.
This was done under the pretext that the detachable peasants allegedly plunder cargo from the trade trains and collective farm, as well as cooperative property.

The law provided for such violations a shooting with confiscation of property, and with softening circumstances - 10 years of conclusion. The convicts were not subject to amnesty.

For the punitive document, the national name "Law of five spikes" was entrenched: he was actually guilty of the embezzlement of the state property, everyone who had collected several wheat spikelets on the collective farm field.

For the first year, 150 thousand people were convicted of the new law. The law acted until 1947, but the peak of its use was precisely 1932-33.

"Black boards"

In the 1920s and 1920, the newspapers regularly published lists of districts, villages, collective farms, enterprises or even individuals who did not fulfill the harvesting plans.
To the debtors who fell on the "black boards" (unlike the "red boards" - lists of honor), various fines and sanctions were applied, including direct repression against whole labor collectives.

It should be noted that the hitting of such "boards" during the Holodomor actually meant the sentence of its inhabitants.

The right to make villages and collectives in such a list had regional offices of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine on the representation of district and rural cells.

The system of "black boards", except in Ukraine, also acted in Kuban, Volga region, Dormer, Kazakhstan - territories where many Ukrainians lived.


Witnesses of the Holodomor tell about cases when people confessed to despair ate the bodies of their or neighboring deceased children.

"This cannibalism has reached the limit when the Soviet government ... Start printing posters with such a warning:" There are own children - it is barbarism, "Hungarian researchers Agnes Warda and Stephen Vardi from Ducain University are written.

According to some data, more than 2500 people were convicted during the cannibalism during the Holodomor.

Hundreds of streets with the names of the organizers of the Holodomor in Ukraine

In January 2010, the Court of Appeal of Kiev recognized the seven Soviet leaders the perpetrators of the organization of the Genocide of Ukrainians. Among them - the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) Stalin, the head of the USSR Molotov, the Secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Kaganovich and Posyyshev, Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine Kosior, his second secretary Khatayevich and the head of the Soviet Union of the USSR Chubar.

Despite the verdict of the court, in Ukraine, until recently, there were hundreds of streets wearing the names of the Genocide Organizers.

In April 2015, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the law "On the condemnation of the Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes and the prohibition of their propaganda of their symbolism", which later signed President of Ukraine Peter Poroshenko. During the decommunization process, 1.2 thousand monuments of Lenin were dismantled in Ukraine and about 1 thousand settlements were renamed.

First mention in the press

The first for hunger in the USSR was told by an English journalist Malcolm Maregej in December 1933. In three articles in the MANCHESTER GUARDIAN newspaper, the journalist described his depressing impressions of travel across Ukraine and Kuban.

Magerid showed the mass death of the peasants, but did not voiced specific numbers. After his first article, the Soviet power banned foreign journalists to ride the territories, where the population suffered from hunger.

In March, the sensational discoveries of Mageridja tried to refute the New York Times correspondent in Moscow Walter Duranti. His note was called "Russians are starving, but do not die from hunger." When other American newspapers began to write about the problem, Duranti confirmed the fact of mass deaths from hunger.

Recognition of genocide

The concept of "genocide" was introduced into an international legal field only adopted on December 11, 1946 by General Assembly of the UN General Assembly, which determined: "According to the norms international lawGenocide is a crime that condemns the civilized world and for which the main perpetrators must be punished. "

On December 9, 1948, the UN GA unanimously adopted the "Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide and Punishment for Him", which came into force on January 12, 1951.

In 2006, the Verkhovna Rada officially recognized the historomore of 1932-33 by the genocide of the Ukrainian people. According to the law, the public denial of the Holodomor is considered to be unlawful, but the punishment for such actions is not specified.

Act of the Genocide of the Ukrainian People Holodomor 1932-1933 recognized Australia, Andorra, Argentina, Brazil, Georgia, Ecuador, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Canada, Colombia, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Slovakia, USA, Hungary, Czech Republic, Chile, as well as the Vatican as a separate state.

The European Union called the Holodomor with a crime against humanity. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) called the famine crime of the communist regime. The Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) called the Holodomor of the result of criminal actions and policies of the totalitarian regime of Stalin. The United Nations (UN) identified a holodomor as a national tragedy of the Ukrainian people.

The number of churches recognized the Holodomor of 1932-1933 by the genocide of the Ukrainian people. Among them are the Catholic Church, the Konstantinople Orthodox Church, the UPC of the Moscow Patriarchate, the UPC of the Kiev Patriarchate, as well as the Ukrainian Autochetical Orthodox Church.

According to the materials of the Air Force, "Leagues", the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada.

  • Today, October 26, in Ukraine they honor the memory of the victims of the Holodomorov.
  • Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman appealed to Ukrainians with a request to honor the memory of the victims of the Holodomors a minute of silence and light the candle. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko also called on Ukrainians on Saturday, November 26, at 16:00 to light the candles in memory of the victims of the Holodomor.
  • The Kiev City Administration published a list of events that are planned in Kiev in connection with the Day of Memory of the victims of the Holodomorov.
  • The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has prepared a plan of measures on the occasion of honoring the memory of the victims of the Holodomorov 1932-1933, 1921-1922 and 1946-1947.

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He hungry 1932-1933 came about the bottom of the most tragic pages in the history of the Volga region. For a long time, this topic was forbidden for researchers. When the prohibitions were removed, the first publications concerning this topic appeared. However, they have not yet been used for its disclosure unconventional sources for historians. These are stored in the archives of the registry office of Saratov and Penza regional executives and 31 archives of the registry office of the indicated areas of the book of records of acts of civil status on death, birth and marriage for the period from 1927 to 1940 to 582 rural councils. In addition, in 46 villages, 28 rural areas of Saratov and Penza regions were carried out using a specially compiled questionnaire "Witness of the famine of 1932-1933 in the Village of the Volga region" a survey experienced all of his burdens and adversity. It contains three groups of questions: the causes of hunger, the life of the village during hunger, the consequences of hunger. All received and processed 277 questionnaires.

The districts of Saratov and Penza regions occupy about a third of the Volga region. In the early 1930s, their territory was divided between the Lower Volga and Medium-Volga Territories; on a significant part modern territory The Saratov region was located cantons of the Autonomous Republic of Germans of the Volga region (NP ASSR). Specializing in the production of grain and was one of the most fertile regions of the country, this part of the Volga region in 1932-1933. It turned out to be in power of hunger. Mortality in all studied rural councils in 1933 compared with the closest previous and subsequent years has increased dramatically. In 40 former areas of the Nizhne Volzhsky and Medium-Volga Regions, on average in 1933 compared with 1927-1932 and 1934-1935. It rose 3.4 times. Such a jump could be caused by only one reason - hunger.

It is known that in starving areas due to lack of normal food, people were forced to eat surrogates and this led to an increase in mortality from digestive diseases. Assembly books for 1933 show a sharp increase (2.5 times). In the column "Cause of death" there were records: "From bloody diarrhea", "from hemorrhoid bleeding due to the use of surrogate", "from the poisoning of stupid", "from poisoning with surrogate bread." Mortality significantly increased and due to such reasons as "intestinal inflammation", "gastric pain", "belly disease", etc.

Another factor that caused the increase in mortality in 1933 in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Volga region, became infectious diseases: typhus, dysentery, malaria, etc. Records in the actual books allow us to talk about the emergence of the foci of epidemics of typhoid and malaria. In p. Kozhevino (Nizhne Volga region) In 1933, from 228 dead 81 died of typhoid and 125 - from malaria, the following figures are talking about the scale of the tragedy: in 1931, 20 people died there, in 1932 - - 23, and in 1933 - over 200. Acute infectious (tit, dysentery) and mass Invius (malaria) diseases always accompany hunger.

In the actual books, other reasons for the death of the population in 1933 were indicated, which were absent in the past, and now determining the growth of mortality and directly pointing to hunger: many peasants died "from hunger", "from the hunger strike", "from Blowjob", "from exhaustion The body is on the ground of starvation "," from the malnutrition of bread "," from hungry death "," from hungry edema "," from the full exhaustion of the body on the basis of insufficient nutrition ", etc. in p. Alekseevka from 161 deceased 101 died of hunger.

Of the 61,861 acts on the deaths in viewed acts, just 3043 acts on the territory of 22 out of 40 surveyed areas are noted as direct reasons. This, however, does not mean that in the rest of the regions in 1933, no one died of hunger, on the contrary, and here a sharp leap of mortality testifies to the opposite. The inconsistency of the recording in acts of death and its real reason is due to the fact that the overall political situation in the country has influenced the work of the registry offices in the country's hungry regions. Stalin's mouths for the whole country and on the whole world it was stated that in 1933 "Kolkhozniki forgot about ruin and hunger" and rose "to the situation of people provided."

Under these conditions, most registering workers who registered death simply did not fit the forbidden word "hunger" to the appropriate graph. The fact that it was unauthorized, testifies to the order of OGPU of Engels to the Urban registry office in 1932-1933. Fix the diagnosis "died of hunger." It was justified by the fact that "counter-revolutionary elements", allegedly drowned by the statistical apparatus, "they tried to motivate hunger, in order to thickens the paints needed for certain anti-Soviet circles." Corporate employees during the registration of the dead from hunger were forced to replace the cause of death. According to Sergievsky Senakers in 1933, 120 of the 130 dead were registered dead "for unknown reasons". If you consider that in 1932, only 24 people died and the reasons for their death were accurately defined in the current books, and the next year the mortality raise more than 5 times, then the conclusion about the occurrence of strong hunger, the victims of which were dead by " Unknown reasons. "

The fact of hunger in 1932-1933 In the studied areas, it is confirmed by such a demographic indicator, which always testifies to hunger, as a fall in fertility. In 1933-1934 The birth rate has fallen significantly compared to the nearest previous years. If in 1927, 148 births were registered on the territory of Pervomaisk village council, in 1928 - 114, in 1929. -108, in 1930 - 77, in 1931 - 92, in 1932 - 75, In 1933, only 19, and in 1934 - 7 births.

In Novobuoos, Engelsky, Rivnevsky, Krasnoarmeysky, Marx, Dergachevsky, Ozinsky, Spiritovsky, Petrovsky, Baltai, Bazarno-Karabulak, Lyzyogorsky, Ershovsky, Rtishchevsky, Arcadak, Turkovsky, Romanovsky, Fedorovsky, Atkarsky, Samoilovsky regions of the Saratov region. Both in Kameshkarsky, Kondolsky, Nyolkogansky, Gorodishchensky and Lopatin areas of the Penza region. In 1933-1934 The birth rate fell 3.3 times compared with its middle level for 1929-1932. The causes of this phenomenon were high mortality during the hunger of potential parents; an outflow of an adult population that reduced the number of potential parents; A decrease in the adult population of the ability to reproduce offspring due to the physical weakening of the body as a result of starvation.

Influenced the birth rate in 1933-1934. Increased mortality in 1933 of such a category of potential parents, as youth, is confirmed by a significant decrease in the number of registered marriage in those years. For example, the number of marriages registered in 1927-1929. in Petrovsky, Atkarsky, Rivne, Kalininsky, Marx, Balashovsky, Ershovsky, Turkovsky, Arcadak districts of Saratov region. It decreased by an average of 2.5 times.

The hunger epicenter characterized by the highest mortality rate and the lowest birth rate was, apparently, in the territory of the Saratov region, on the right bank and in the left-bank cantons of the Autonomous Republic of Germans of the Volga region. In 1933, the mortality rate of the rural population on the right bank compared with the average mortality rate in 1927-1932 and 1934-1935. It increased 4.5 times, on the left bank - by 2.6 times, on the territory of the investigated areas of the NP ASSR - 4.1 times. Birth rate in 1933-1934 Compared with its middle level in 1929-1932. Fell on the right bank 4 times, on the left bank - by 3.8 times, in the areas of NP ASSR - by 7.2 times. As a result of hunger, the vital forces of the Volga region were significantly undermined. This is evidenced by a sharp drop in fertility in many Saratov and Penza villages: judging by the records in the acts, in many villages, so many weddings were not played and so many children were born as in previous collectivization and hunger years.

Hunger 1932-1933. Left a deep mark in folk memory. "At the age of thirty-third year, Ledean was lying around. Hands, legs died, died on the go, "remembered the old-timers of Saratov and Penza villages a chastushka, which reflected the popular assessment of this tragedy. During the survey survey, 99.9% confirmed the presence of hunger in 1932-1933., Confirm that it was weaker than hunger 1921-1922, but the hunger of 1946-1947. In many areas, the extent of hunger was very high. Such villages like the Ivlevka of the Atkarsky district, the old Grunger of the Turkovsky district, the collective farm. Sverdlova Fedorovsky Canton NP ASSR, almost completely extinct. "In the war did not die so much in these villages, how much died during hunger," the eyewitnesses remembered.

In many villages there were general graves (pits), in which, often without coffins, sometimes kiconed the dead from hunger. In 80 of the more than 300 respondents, close relatives died during hunger. Eyewitnesses were witnessed by the facts of cannibals in such villages as Simonovka, New Ivanovka Balandinsky District, Ivlevka - Atkarsky, Cheeteovka - Petrovsky, Ogarevka, New Buoran - Novobouras-Skogo, Novo-repin - Ershovsky, Kalmanta - Wolish districts, Shomeika - Engels and Semenovka - Fedorovsky Cantons NP ASSR, Kozlovka - Lopatinsky district.

The American historian R. Konkvest expressed a judgment that the famous hunger broke out on the Volga "in areas partially populated by Russians and Ukrainians, but the German settlements were most amazed." On this basis, he concludes that the NP ASSR, "apparently, was the main target of terror hunger." Indeed, in 1933, the mortality rate of the rural population in the studied areas of this republic was very high, and the fertility in this and the next years has fallen sharply. About strong hunger, the facts of mass mortality of the population reported in a special letter to Stalin the Brigade of Writers, headed by B. Pilnyak, probably visited there in 1933. Facts of cannibals were recorded in the starving cantons. Memories of hunger as the Germans and representatives of other nationalities living at the time in the territory of the republic, they talk about mass hunger, which comes there in 1932-1933.

A comparative analysis of the personal data obtained as a result of a survey of hunger witnesses in Mordovsky with. Osanovka Baltai district, Mordovsko-Chuvash, with. Eremkino of the prashnsky district, Chuvash, with. Kalmantai Volskiy district, Tatar with. Osin Guy and Lithuanian with. Black Padda Yershovsky district, in the Ukrainian villages of the Shome of Engels and Semenovka Fedorovsky Cantons and 40 Russian villages, showed that hunger acuity was very strong not only in the areas of NP ASSR, but also in many Saratov and Penza villages located outside of her borders .

"What was it: organized hunger or drought?", - This question sounded in a letter to the editorial office of the magazine "Questions of History" A. A. Orlova. The offensive of hunger in the Volga region, including the studied areas, usually (in 1921 and 1946) was associated with droughts and inhormen. Drought here is a natural phenomenon. 75% of respondents denied the presence of a strong drought in 1932-1933; The rest indicated that the drought was in 1931 and 1932, but not so strong, as in 1921 and 1946, when he led to the lowland and hunger. Special literature mainly confirms the assessment of climatic conditions of 1931-1933, given hunger with witnesses. In publications on this topic when transferring a long series of arid years in the Volga region 1932 and 1933. fall out. Drought, average for the adopted classification and weaker than droughts 1921, 1924, 1927, 1946, scientists celebrate only in 1931. Spring and summer of 1932 were usually ordinary for the Volga region: hot, places with Sukhovyi, not ideal for crops, especially in the Volga, but in general the weather is assessed by specialists as favorable for harvesting all field crops. The weather, of course, influenced the decrease in the yield of grain, but there was no mass yield in 1932.

The surveyed old-timers of Saratov and Penza villages have witnessed that, despite all the costs of collectivization (the degradation of the village of thousands of experienced hybebobov; a sharp reduction in the number of livestock as a result of its mass slaughter, etc.), in 1932, it was still possible to grow a crop in 1932 It is quite sufficient to feed the population and prevent mass hunger. "Bread in the village in 1932 was," they remembered. In 1932, the gross collection of grain crops in all sectors of agriculture in the Nizhne-Volzhsky region amounted to 32,388.9 thousand C, only 11.6% of mesh, than in 1929; In the medium-Volga Territory -45 331.4 thousand c, even 7.5% more than in 1929. In general, the harvest of 1932 was average in recent years. It was quite enough to not only not allow mass hunger, but also a certain part to pass the state.

Collectivization, significantly worsened the material position of the peasantry and led to the general decline of agriculture, but the Volga region did not cause mass hunger in this area. In 1932-1933 It did not come due to drought and inexpension, as it was before in the Volga region, and not because of solid collectivization, but as a result of forced Stalin's bilboards. It was the first in the history of the Volga village artificially organized hunger.

Only 5 out of more than 300 observed eyewitnesses of the events of 1932-1933. did not recognize the links of payments with the onset of hunger. The rest either called them as the main reason for the tragedy, or did not deny their negative impact on the food position of the village. "Hunger was because the bread was surrendered", "all, to grain, under the meteller, the state was taken out", "we were tormented by bread", "the exversman was taken away, the whole bread was taken away," said the peasants.

By the beginning of 1932, the village was weakened by collectivization, 1931 payments, not very favorable weather conditions of the past year, caused in some areas of the Bhorn. Many peasants are already starving. Very hard passed the main agricultural work. The intensive departure of peasants began in the city, other areas of the country, which reminded flight. And in this situation, the country's leadership, which was known about the situation in the Volga region, approved in 1932, clearly overestimated filing plans for the lower and medium Volga. At the same time, the difficulties of organizational and economic development were not taken into account, the mass protests of collective farms and village councils, district party and Soviet bodies sent to the regional leadership were not taken into account.

Despite the energetic efforts of the party and economic leadership, who practiced in September - November withdrawal from the work and exception from the part of the leaders of the regions, "the plan"; The "black boards" not performing the plan of collective farms, settlements, districts; Announcement of economic boycott and other measures, filing plans were not fulfilled. The situation has changed in December 1932, when the Commission of the Central Committee of the CCP (b) commission was arrived in the region on the instructions of Stalin, headed by the Secretary of the Central Committee of the P. P. P. P. Pedyushev. It seems that the assessment of the work of this commission and its chairman, which is in the literature, requires clarification, if not revised.

Commission and personally postshev (as well as V. M. Molotov, who visited Ukraine, and L. M. Kaganovich - in Ukraine and the North Caucasus) are responsible for artificially organized hunger in the Volga region under consideration. It is under pressure from the Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) (in its composition, in addition to Posysshev, the local leadership, Goldin and Skill), the local leadership, fearing the repressions for disrupting the bilbo groups to fulfill the plan, went to the withdrawal of bread, earned by the collective farmers on the workload and the soles. This ultimately led to mass hunger in the village.

On the methods of the work of Posysshev and his commissions that required at any cost to fulfill the scoreposition plan, the following facts say. Only in December 1932, for non-fulfillment of the payroll plan by the Decisions of the Bureau of the Nizhne-Volzhsky Territory of the Party, at the meetings of which members of the Commission of the Central Committee and Posyyshev himself were held, 9 secretaries of the district schools and 3 Chairperson of the district executive committees were taken from work; Many were subsequently excluded from the party and gave for trial. During meetings with a local party-economic asset on payments (such meetings, the participants of such meetings in Balashov I. A. Nikulin and P. M. Tyrin) were told in the hall, where these meetings were held, as directed by Posysshev, for non-fulfillment The payroll plan was removed from the work of the secretaries of the Party and Employees of the OGPU, the chairmen of the collective farms were arrested. In words, Posyyshev was opposed to the seizure of bread from the plan of collective farms, against the violation of legality during payments, in fact she held a harsh position, which pushed local guidance on illegal measures against those who did not fulfill the plan.

At the end of December 1932 - early January 1933, a real war began against collective farms and sole farms who did not fulfill the plan. In the decision of the Bureau of the Nizhne-Volzhsky, the Battery of January 3, it was indicated: "The Crimping and CoresPolkom are demanding from regional executives and district schools, thoring a plan, unconditional fulfillment of the payments plan by January 5, without stopping before additional harvesting in collective farms that fulfill the plan, allowing a partial refund Collective farmers of advances. " The district Soviet authorities were allowed to begin checking the "crushed bread" by collective farmers and soles.

On how in Saratov and Penza villages these directives were performed, numerous eyewitness evidence speaks. The peasants took the bread earned on the workload, including the remaining since past years; Bread on the workload was not issued; exported seed bread. Often, violence was applied to peasants during the bilbo groups. In p. Bottchmannovo of the Turkis District Commissioner for Balacovian from Balashov Shevchenko to "knock out" bread, put almost everything in the barn to the barn (evidenced by M. E. Dubrovin, living in the working village of Turks Saratov region). "Come, the bread was taken and hurt", "Dali, and then selected", "went home, took the bread and potatoes; Those who resisted, put on the night of the barn, "" from the stove [bread], "remembered the old-timers of Saratov and Penza villages.

To perform a plan, bread was exported not only on horseback, but also on cows. The chairman of the Ivanovsky collective farm district of the Turkovsky district of M. A. Goryunov (lives in the Turks), the Commissioner for bilbo groups ordered to allocate collective farm horses to assist the neighboring collective farm in the export of bread. Horses made two flights, over 100 km took place; Send them to the third flight The chairman did not agree: "True horses!" He was forced to obey, and soon 24 horses fell. The Chairmanized for the fact that he refused to recognize the deaths of collective farm stalls guilty of deaths (they say, poorly fed), as he advised by the Commissioner. Abused violence and when performing a plan for filling seeds into public barns. Local activists often walked across the courtyards and searched for bread; All that was found was selected.

The organizers of the billets were explained to the peasants that the bread would go to the work class and the Red Army, but in the village there were stubborn rumors that in fact the bread is selected in order to take it abroad. It was then that in the village there were unemployed chastoshki, sayings: "Rye, wheat sent abroad, and Roma-Swan - collective farmers for food", "Drank, Barda, Corn - the Soviet Union, and Rye, wheat sent abroad", "Our burner Herbuda - Bread gave, Hungry itself. " Barcastic and hunger Many peasants associated with the names of Stalin and Kalinin. "In 1932, Stalin made fright, so hunger came," they said in the villages. In the chastushkah, for the singing of which threatened the prison sentence, the words sounded: "When Lenin was alive, we were fed. When Stalin arrived, Morious hunger was hunger. "

In 1933, rumors were held in the Volga country a rumor that the "Stalinsky Gold Retroxide" was held: the hunger strike is made in order to take place from the population of gold, silver through the population of the Gold, and other values \u200b\u200bthrough the population. The organization of hunger with the help of harvest peasants was explained by the desire of Kalinina to punish them for unwillingness to work in good faith in collective farms, to teach the peasants to collective farms. In the Saratov and Penza villages in 1933, Mol Polva was, which is like a famous trainer of Durov, who hunger kicked animals to obedience, Kalinin decided to learn the peasants to collect farms: move the hunger, hence, will be accustomed to collective farms, they will better work and appreciate a collective farm life.

During the 1932 harvestings, which came around the village for hunger, there was no peasant outdoor mass resistance. Most of the respondents explained this fear of power and faith in the fact that the state will help the village. Still, exceptions met. In der. The red key of the Rtishchevsky district, testifies S. N. Fedotov (lives in Rtishchevo Saratov region), having learned about the decision to take out seed bread, from the barn, where he was kept, almost the whole village gathered; The peasants threw the castle and the grain were divided among themselves. In p. Potma of the same area (told the living in Rtishchevo I. T. Artyushin) there was a mass performance of the peasants, which was suppressed by the police.

The main forms of protest peasants against forced bilbo groups were hidden actions: attacks on "red calls", exported bread from the villages, theft of bread from these weapons, disassembling bridges. Separate peasants openly expressed dissatisfaction with the harvest organizers; They were applied to repressive measures (evidence of M. A. Fedotov from the working village of New Buoås, S. M. Bretenkov from the village of Trubetino, Turkovsky district, A. G. Semikina from the working village of Turki Saratov region).

Thus, the data archive documents And the polls of eyewitnesses of events testify: forced bilbo groups 1932 left the Volga region without bread and steel the main reason Tragedy, which spiked out there in 1933. Cropped with violation of the law and morality with birchoplats massive hunger, which took tens of thousands of peasant lives and undermined the health of the survivors, is one of the rightest crimes of Stalinanchery, its organized anti-human action.

On this topic, see also:


1. See, for example, Zelenin I. E. On some "white spots" of the final phase of solid collectivization. - History of the USSR, 1989, No. 2, p. 16-17; Oral history problems in the USSR (Abstracts of the Scientific Conference on November 28-29, 1989 in Kirov). Kirov. 1990, p. 18-22.

2. Archive of the registry office of the Republic of Petrovsky district executive committee of the Saratov region, acts of death on the deaths of the Kozhevinsky village council for 1931-1933.

3. Archive of the registry office of the Novobuoral district executive committee of the Saratov region, the acting book on death in the New-Alekseevsky village council for 1933.

4. Lenin and Stalin about labor. M. 1941, p. 547, 548, 554, 555.

5. Central State Archive of the National Economy (Tsagh) of the USSR, f. 8040, OP. 8, d. 5, LL. 479, 486.

6. Archive of the registry office of the Arcadak district executive committee of the Saratov region, acts of death on death in Sergievsky Senconsome for 1932-1933.

7. Archive of the registry office of the Rtishchevsky district executive committee of the Saratov region, the books of records of acts of civil status on the birth of the May Day Senconsome for 1927-1934.

8. Conquest R. R. Harvest. Soviet collectivization and terror hunger. London. 1988, p. 409, 410.

9. Cagrach of the USSR, f. 8040, OP. 8, d. 5, LL. 479-481, 483, 485, 486, 488.

10. The central party archive of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism at the CPSU Central Committee (CBA), f. 112, OP. 34, d. 19, l. twenty.

11. Questions of history, 1988, No. 12, p. 176-177.

12. Sukhov, their origin and the fight against them. M. 1957, p. 33; Drought in the USSR, their origin, repeatability and influence on the harvest. L. 1958, p. 38,45,50,166-169; Kabanov P. G. Drought in the Saratov region. Saratov. 1958, p. 2; The climate of the southeast of the European part of the USSR. Saratov. 1961, p. 125; Kabanov P. G., Kasgrov V. G. Zasuhi in the Volga region. In KN: Scientific works of the south-east agriculture. Vol. 31. [Saratov]. 1972, p. 137; USSR agriculture. Yearbook. 1935. M. 1936, p. 270-271.

13. Agriculture of the USSR. Yearbook. 1935, p. 270-271.

14. CBA has, f. 17, op. 21, d. 2550, LL. 29 about., 305; d. 3757, l. 161; d. 3767, l. 184; 3768, LL. 70, 92; d. 3781, l. 150; d. 3782, l. eleven; Volga commune, 12-14. Xi. 1932; Volga truth, 15.29. X. 1932; Saratov worker, 2.1. 1933; Fight, 30. XI. 1932.

15. See the history of the USSR, 1989, No. 2, p. 16-17.

16. CBA has, f. 17, op. 21, d. 3769, l. nine; 3768, LL. 139,153.

17. ibid, 3768, LL. 118 vol., 129,130 \u200b\u200babout., 148,153.

18. ibid, d. 3769, l. nine.

19. ibid, d. 3768, LL. 139,153.

And finally, after the Great Patriotic War, the population of the USSR covered the last in the history of the Soviet Union mass hunger 1946/47.

In the future mass hunger with hungry deaths in the USSR and in Russia, it was not observed, however, the problem of hunger remains topical: according to the data of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN in 2000-2002, 4% of the population suffered from hunger (5.2 million human).

At the same time, as historic V. V. Kondrashin notes in his book dedicated to the famine of 1932-1933: "In the context of hungry years in the history of Russia, the originality of hunger 1932-1933 is that it was the first in its history" Organized hunger ", when subjective, political factor spoke to decisive and dominated all others. ... in the complex aroused his reasons was absent natural factorAs an equal to another, characteristic of hunger 1891-1892, 1921-1922, 1946-1947. In 1932-1933, natural disasters were not observed, similar to the Great Drums of 1891, 1921, 1946.

In Ukraine

In Kazakhstan

Hunger in Kazakhstan 1932-33 - part of the union of all-union hunger of 1932-33, caused by the official "Destruction of Craist Class", collectivization, an increase in the central authorities of the plan for food, as well as the confiscation of livestock in the Kazakhs. The victims of hunger became, according to various sources, from one to two million people. During the 1931-1933, 48% of the indigenous population died or left the Kazakh ASSR. In Kazakhstan, it is also customary to call this famine "Goloshchekinsky".

Backgrounds of hunger 1932-1933

Map of main areas of hunger in the USSR. The thick hatching is the stronger the sizes of the disaster. A - areas of consuming strip, B - areas of the producing strip. C is the former territory of the Don, Kuban and Terek Cossacks, C1 - the former territory of the Ural and Orenburg Cossacks. 1. Kola Peninsula, 2. North Krai, 3. Karelia, 4. Komi region, 5. Leningrad region, 6. Ivanovo industrial region, 7. Moscow region, 8. Nizhny Novgorod region, 9. Belarus, 10. Republic of Belarus, 11 . Central Chernozem region, 12. Ukraine, 13. Medium-Volzhsky region, 14. Tataria, 15. Bashkiria, 16. Ural region, 17. Nizhnevolzhsky Territory, 18. North Caucasian Territory, 19. Georgia, 20. Azerbaijan, 21. Armenia.


Since 1927-1929, the Soviet leadership begins to develop a set of activities on the transition to a solid collectivization of agriculture. In the spring of 1928, the Russian RSFSR project was prepared a draft five-year plan for collectivization of peasant farms, according to which by 1933 it was assumed to unite 1.1 million farms in collective farms (about 4%). In resolution of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) dated July 10, 1928, the policy of payments in connection with the general business status"It was indicated that," despite the achievement of 95% of the pre-war standards of sowing areas, the commodity yield of grain production barely exceeds 50% of the pre-war norm. " In the process of improving this plan, the percentage of collectivization changed to most sideIn the spring of 1929 approved in the spring of 1929, the collectivization of 4-4.5 million peasant farms (16-18%) was envisaged.

With the transition of the fall of 1929 to continuous collectivization, the party-state leadership of the country began to develop a new policy in the village. The planned high pace of collectivization was assumed due to unpreparedness as the main masses of the peasantry, and the material and technical base of agriculture, such methods and means of influence that would force the peasants to join the collective farms. Such means were: strengthening the tax press on soles, mobilization of the proletarian elements of the city and the village, the party-Komsomol and Soviet asset to carry out collectivization, the strengthening of administrative and forced and repressive methods of impact on the peasantry, and first of all on its prosperity part.

According to some researchers, all the prerequisites were created not only to economic, but also to political and repressive measures of influence on the peasantry.

As a result of collectivization, the most workable mass of healthy and young peasants fled to the city. In addition, about 2 million peasants falling under delegation were evicted in remote areas of the country. Therefore, by the beginning of the spring sowing 1932, the village approached with a serious disadvantage of the body and sharply deteriorating the quality of labor resources. As a result, the fields inhabited by bread in 1932 in Ukraine, in the North Caucasus and in other areas, bored weeds. Even parts of the Red Army were directed to the weeding work. But it did not save, and with the yield of 1931/32, sufficient to prevent mass hunger, the loss of grain during its cleaning increased to unprecedented sizes. In 1931, according to the People's Commissariat of the Workers' and Peasant Inspection, more than 15 million tons were lost during harvest (about 20% of gross grain collection), in 1932, the losses were even large. In Ukraine, up to 40% of the crop remained on the root, on the lower and medium voltage, the losses reached 35.6% of the total gross collection of cereals. The data of the grain balances of the USSR in the early 1930s, reconstructed by Robert Davis and Stephen Whitcroft in archival sources, indicate that there was a sharp drop in grain collection over the course of two years in a row - in 1931 and especially in 1932, when the harvest was at best case A quarter is less than the harvest of 1930 and 19% less than official figures.


According to the studies of the doctor of the historical sciences V. Kashin, in a number of regions of the RSFSR and, in particular, in the Volga region, the mass hunger was created artificially and arose "not due to continuous collectivization, but as a result of forced Stalin's bilboards." This opinion is confirmed by eyewitnesses of events, speaking of the reasons for the tragedy: "The hunger was because the bread was handed over", "all, to grain, under the meteller, the state was taken out," we were tormented by bread repairs, "the product was taken away." The village was weakened by the decking and mass collectivization, having lost thousands of repressed soleberobov-soles. In the Volga region, the Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on the bike preparation issues, headed by the Secretary of the Central Committee of the P. P. P. P. Pesyyshev, decided to remove bread reserves from soles and bread earned by the workers of the collective farm. Under the threat of repressions, the chairmen of the collective farms and the leaders of rural administrations were forced to pass almost the entire produced and existing bread in stocks. This deprived the region of food reserves and led to mass hunger. Similar measures were adopted by V. M. Molotov and L. M. Kaganovich in Ukraine and the North Caucasus, which caused relevant consequences - hunger and mass mortality among the population.

It should be noted that the payroll plan for 1932 and the volume of the grain actually collected by the state was significantly less than in the previous and subsequent years of decades. In fact, the total volume of alienation of grain from the village on all channels (billets, purchases at market prices, the collective farm market) decreased in 1932-1933 by about 20% compared with previous years. The volume of grain exports was reduced from 5.2 million tons in 1931 to 1.73 million tons in 1932. In 1933, he even decreased - up to 1.68 million tons. For major grain production areas (Ukraine and the North Caucasus), quotas in the volume of grain blanks have been repeatedly declined during 1932. As a result, for example, only a quarter of the entire bump came to Ukraine, whereas in 1930 its share was 35%. In this regard, S. Zhuravlev concludes that the hunger was caused by non-increasing bilboovers, but a sharp drop in grain collection as a result of collectivization.


Repression against rural population

Peasants who resisted bread seizures were repressions. This is how Mikhail Sholokhov describes them in a letter to Stalin dated April 4, 1933.

The peasant in the courtyard in the courtyard when searching for bread in one of the villages of the Grishinsky district of the Donetsk region.

But eviction is not the most important thing. Here is the transfer of methods, with which 593 tons of bread mined:

1. Mass beating of collective farmers and soles.

2. Planning "in the cold". "Is a pit?" - "No". - "Stay, sit in the barn!" The collective farmers undress to linen and barely plant in barn or barn. The time of action is January, February, often in the barns planted with whole brigades.

3. In the vascha collective farm, collective farmers poured legs and aged cherosin skirts, lit, and then they were inserted: "You say, where a pit! Again wait! " In the same collective farm, the questioned was put in the pit, it was buried and continued to interrog out.

4. In the Nallovsky collective farm, the Commissioner of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a candidate for the members of the Bureau of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Plotkin, for interrogation, forced to sit on a launched bed. It shouted that he could not sit, warmly, then the water was lily under him, and then "cool" was taken to the frost and locked into the barn. From the barn again on the stove and interrogate again. He (Plotkin) forced one sole to shoot one sole. He gave nagan and ordered: "Shoot, but no - he himself shot!" He began to descend the trigger (not knowing what the Nagan was discharged), and when she clung to the battle, fell in fainting.

5. In the Varvarinsky collective farm, the secretary of the Cell of Anicheev at the Brigadic Assembly made the whole brigade (men and women, smoking and non-smoking), smoking Machork, and then threw the pod of red pepper on the hot slab (mustard) and did not come to get out of the room. The same Anicheev and a number of employees of Agitolonna, the commander of Koi was a candidate for members of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pashinsky during interrogations in the headquarters of the column forced collective farmers to drink in a huge amount of water mixed with lard, with wheat and kerosene.

6. In Lebedzhensky collective farm, put on the wall and shot past the head of the interrogated shotgun.

7. Ibid: rolled out in a row and trampled legs.

8. In the Arkhipovsky collective farm of two collective farms, Fomin and Krasnov, after night interrogation was taken out for three kilometers in the steppe, stripped in the snow, devoured and allowed, the order to flee to Khutour Risk.

9. In Chukarinsky collective farm, the secretary of the Cergomol cell picked 8 people. Demobilized Red Army, with whom came to the collective farmers - a suspect in theft - into the courtyard (at night), after a short survey, she took his brigade on Khumno or to Levada, built his brigade and commanded "Fire" on the associated collective farm. If a frightened execution of the execution was not recognized, then His, beating, threw in Sani, taken into the steppe, beat the rifles on the road and, bringing up to the steppe, again put and again they made the procedure preceding the shooting.

9. (Numbering is broken by Sholokhov.) In the Kruzilsky collective farm, the authorized RK Kovtun at the meeting of 6 brigades asks the collective farmers: "Where did the bread buried?" - "Not buried, comrade!" - "Not buried? And, well, lead the language! Hold so! ". Sixty adults, Soviet citizens, on the order of the Commissioner in turn, are pronounced languages \u200b\u200band stand so, exposed by saliva, until the authorized speech pronounces a nominate speech. The same thing was done Kovtun and 7 and in 8 brigades; With the difference that in those brigades, in addition to sticking languages, he forced her knees.

10. In the cast farm, the worker Agitolonna beat the questioned checker. In the same collective farm mocked the families of the Red Army, opening the roofs of houses, breaking the stoves, kneading women to cohabit.

11. In the Solontsov collective farm, a human corpse was made to the Komoda premises, put it on the table and in the same room interrogated collective farmers, threatening shooting.

12. In the Upper-Chirsk collective farm, komodiki set the surveyed barefoot on the hot slab, and then beaten and removed, barely, frost.

13. In the Kologundaevsky collective farm of the sinks of the Holy farmers, forced three hours to run through the snow. Frostbed brought to the Basic hospital.

14. In the same place: the interrogated collective farmer was put on the head stool, covered with a fur coat on top, beat and interrogated.

15. In the Basic collective farm, at interrogation, he was undressed, he was released home, and he was returned from halfway, and so several times.

I. V. Stalin - M. A. Sholokhov

Dear comrade Sholokhov!

Both of your letters are obtained as you know. Assistance, which required, was already rendered.

To parse the case will come to you, in the Veshinsky district, t. Shkiryatov, who - I ask you - to help.

This is true. But this is not all, t. Sholokhov. The fact is that your letters produce a somewhat one-sided impression. I want to write a few words about this.

I thanked you for letters, as they open the sore of our party and Soviet work, open how sometimes our employees, wanting to curb the enemy, beat the inadvertently to friends and squeeze to sadism. But this does not mean that I agree with you in everything. You see one side, see well. But this is only one side of the case. In order not to make a mistake in politics (your letters are not fiction, but a solid policy), we must obey, you need to be able to see the other side. And the other side is that the respected damage of your area (and not only your area) conducted "Italian" (sabotage!) And they were not offended to leave the workers, the Red Army - without bread. The fact that the sabotage was quiet and externally innocuous (without blood), "this fact does not change the fact that respected scrapets essentially led the" quiet "war with the Soviet government. War on Izmor, dear Tov. Sholokhov ...

Of course, this circumstance cannot justify those disgraces that were allowed as you assure our employees. And the perpetrators in these disgraces should be incredible punishment. But it is still clear how God's day is that dear damages are not such innocuous people, as it might seem to be published.

Well, all the best and make your hand.

Your I. Stalin

RGASPI. F. 558. OP. 11. D. 827. L. 1-22. Script; Questions of history, 1994, No. 3. P. 14-16, 22

Socialize livestock

Some researchers of one of the reasons for hunger consider policies for the compulsory publicity, which caused the response of the peasantry - a massive snatch of livestock, including the worker, in 1928-1931 (from autumn 1931, the amount of livestock in soles has been significantly reduced, and decreases began to occur due to The collective farm and state farm herd (the shortage of feed / bad conditions of the content and irresponsibility of collective farms).

In 1929 horses / of them, workers were 34 637.9 / 23 368.3 thousand heads; in 1930 - 30 767.5 / 21 524.7; in 1931 - 26 247/19 543; In 1932 - 19 638/16 180; In 1933 - 16 645/14 205.

Cattle began to score a year earlier (oxes / cows / total): 1928 - 6896.7 / 30 741.4 / 70 540; 1929 - 6086.2 / 30 359.6 / 67 111.9; 1930 - 4336.4 / 26 748.8 / 52 961.7; 1931 N. d. / 24 413/47 916; 1932 - n. d. / 21 028/40 651; 1933 - n. d. / 19667/38592 (preferential holders were wealthy layers of the village).

Goats, sheep and pigs were cut on a "horse" scenario: 1929-146 976.1 / 28 384.4; 1930-113 171/13 332; 1931 - 77 692/14 443; 1932 - 52 141/11 611; 1933 - 50 551/12 086.

To compensate for the "Kulatsky slaughter", the government increased the import of horses / cattle / small cattle (heads): 1929 - 4881/54 790/323 991; 1930 - 6684/137 594/750 254; 1931 - 13 174/141 681/713 434; 1932 - 26 691/147 156/1 045 004; 1933 - 14 587/86 773/853 053.

In a large degree of deepening crisis, the decision of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) and SCS of the USSR "On Deploying Socialist Livestock", which provided for the creation of livestock farms in collective farms, contributed to the crisis.

This resolution, in particular, was proposed to transmit cattle for collective farm farms from among the meat conversion. It was assumed to organize the purchase of a collective farmers for public animal husbandry of collective farms. In practice, this led to the fact that cattle began to be publicized in a compulsory manner, which led to its massive taste and sale. Commodified cattle due to the lack of feed and adapted premises perished. The common livestock was nothing to feed, since the bread resources for industrial centers were mined, including due to fodder grain. According to the grain balance, compiled by Davis and Whitcroft, in 1932, in the feed, the cattle was twice as long as grain than in the 1930th.

According to some authors, such a socializing and meat and meat and meat collection policy has led to an even greater reduction in livestock livestock in 1932 (compared with 1931, the number of cattle has decreased by 7.2 million heads, sheep and goats - by 15.6 million, pigs - by 2.8 million and horses - by 6.6 million goals, the remaining livestock was extremely exhausted). The fall of the livestock of workers and productive livestock, the natural migration of the rural population predetermined a sharp decline in the quality of the main agricultural work. In the context of identifying the causes of hunger, the most significant, in the opinion of these authors, is the removal of cattle from personal farms of soles and personal "utility" farms of the collective farmers, which significantly reduced the "food" base, already so much abbreviated grain billets. It was especially essential for Kazakhstan, whose population was mainly engaged in animal husbandry.

The fact that the government sought to correct such an intolerant position is evidenced by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) of March 26, 1932 "On Forced Coincidence of Cattle", which condemned this vicious practice on the ground.

At the same time, the decree "On Meat Relations" (September 23, 1932) since the beginning of the next month began the presentation of collective farms, collective farm yards and sole farms "having the power" obligations for the supply (delivery) of meat to the state.

Estimates of the scale of hunger

The scale of the happening can only be estimated approximately.

The territory of about 1.5 million km² was covered with a population of 65.9 million people.

The most powerful was hunger in areas, which in the pre-revolutionary time were the richest in the number of bread produced and where the percentage of collectivization of peasant economy was the highest.

Hunger B. more than The population of the village was struck than the cities, which was explained by the activities of the Soviet power in the seizure of bread in the village. But also in the cities there was a significant number of hungry: dismissed from enterprises workers, cleaned employees who received special passports that do not give the rights to food soldering.

The general estimates of the number of victims of hunger 1932-1933, made by various authors, differ significantly and reach 8 million people reach, although the last estimate is 7 million people the theme of the famine of 1932-1933 in the Soviet information space appeared only by the end of the restructuring. To date, in the post-Soviet information space, a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe hunger of 1932-1933 was formed as one of the greatest humanitarian catastrophes of the Soviet period.

Regarding the scale of hunger, "caused by violent collectivization", there is an official assessment prepared by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the official statement published on April 2, 2008. According to the conclusion of the commission at the Russian Federation in the Volga region, the Central Black Earth region, the North Caucasus, the Urals, Crimea, parts Western Siberia., Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus "from hunger and diseases associated with malnutrition" in 1932-1933 killed about 7 million people, the reason for which there were "repressive measures to ensure the bilbo groups", which "significantly aggravated severe consequences Insurry of 1932. " Objectively, the harvest in 1932 was sufficient to prevent mass hunger.

In the electronic version of the Britannica Encyclopedia, a range from 4 to 5 million ethnic Ukrainians of those killed in the USSR in 1932-1933 from the total number of victims of 6-8 million, Brockhauses Encyclopedia (2006) leads these losses: from 4 to 7 million people.

Memory of victims

In Kiev since 2009 there is a National Museum "Memorial Memory of the victims of Holodomorov in Ukraine". In the memory hall of this memorial, a national book of memory of the victims of the Holodomor in 19 volumes, compiled by the regions of Ukraine, and in which 880 thousand names of people were recorded, whose death is documented from hunger.

see also

  • Black boards - Events in Kuban


  1. Was there a holodomor in Belarus? - Charter'97 :: News from Belarus - Belorussian News - Republic of Belarus - Minsk
  2. Right Alliance - Galadmore in Belarus (1932-1934)
  3. (races Minsk) - In Belarus, there was their own Holodomor
  4. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  5. Hunger. New encyclopedic dictionary. Under total. ed. Acad. K. K. Arsenieva. T.14. St. Petersburg: F. A. Brockhauses and I. A. Efron, 1913.
  6. Domain registration term ended
  9. Resolution of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2008 N 262-5 GD "On the statement by the State Duma of the Russian Federation" Memory of the victims of the famine of the 30s in the USSR "
  10. Hunger fired in the villages ...
  11. On the facts of the cannibals on the basis of hunger
  12. V. V. Kondrashin (Dr. Historical Sciences). Hunger 1932-1933: the tragedy of the Russian village. M.: "Rosspan", 2008, scientific publication. Chapter 6 "Hunger of 1932-1933 in the context of world hungry disasters and hungry years in the history of Russia - the USSR", page 331.
  13. Opinion of the historian Nefedova S. A.
  14. Answer Nefedova S. A. Mironov B. N.
  15. Opinion of the historian Mironova B. N.
  16. Mironova's answer B. N. Nefedov S. A.
  17. Law of Ukraine About Holodomor 1932-1933 Rockіv in Ukraїna dated November 28, 2006
  18. Kulchitsky S. V. "Hunger 1932 p. In Zakodnka Holodomor-33 "
  19. In Kazakhstan found new burial victims of famine of the 1930s
  20. 1932-1933: Real and imaginary reasons
  21. Victor Kondrashin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. "Hunger 1932-1933 in the Village of the Volga region"
  22. Hunger in Ukraine in Ukraine 1932-1933 as a result of collective farm construction and promoting the Ukrainian village
  23. In the decision of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) "On Forced Coincidence of Cattle" dated March 26, 1932, it was noted that "only the enemies of the collective farms may allow forced communalization of cows and small cattle among individual collective farmers." It was said that it "has nothing to do with the politics of the party" that "the task of the party is that each collective farmer has their own cow, small cattle, bird." It was suggested: "1) stop all sorts of attempts to force cows and small cattle in collective farmers, and those responsible in violating the CC directive to exclude from the party; 2) organize assistance and assistance to collective farmers who do not have cows or petty cattle in the purchase and cultivation of young for personal needs "(gas." True ", March 26, 1932).
  24. Russian Economic Bulletin. № 9.
  25. Brockhaus Enzyklopädie. 21. AUFL. In 30 BDE. Leipzig-Manheim, 2006. - BD. 28, S.243. ISBN 3-7653-4128-2
  26. An article about the history of Ukraine is represented by the editor of the manuscript (Manuscript editor) of the Canadian "Encyclopedia of Ukraine" by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Research at University of Alberta and Toronto (Canadian Institute of Alberta And The University of Toronto). It also provides information about the establishment of "impracticable high detailed food quotas for Ukraine", "Moscow refused to provide assistance even in the spring when there was a peak mortality," the USSR exported over a million tons of food during hunger "and" the traditional ethnic Ukrainian village was Virtually destroyed, and there were immigrants from Russia to her place "