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How to choose a really good job. How to choose a job: recommendations

Favorite job, which you go to with pleasure - more than 70 percent of people dream about it, getting up on an alarm clock at the earliest, and literally automatically “wandering” into their stuffy disgusting offices. On labor activity almost a third of life leaves, and it is truly awful when all your life you are not doing what you would like. How to find a job you like? What if you can't understand what you are inclined to? If you are asking such questions, then this article is for you.

Why do we settle for jobs we hate?

The roots of problems, oddly enough, always begin in childhood. Parents, for the most part, take upon themselves the right to decide who their child should become in the future. Undoubtedly, they are guided only by good intentions, wanting to give the child all the best. But often they are the reason that a person gradually begins to hate his workplace.

Children are suggestible, and the advice of loved ones becomes serious instruction for them. Not everyone at a young age understands well what they would like to do in the future. And the instructions of adults are taken for granted. The child goes to a university that mom or dad chose, then gets a job on their own advice, and, in fact, becomes the one whom the parents wanted to see in him. And only then, some realize that all this time they were led by relatives, and not by their desires. Yes, just changing everything is already so difficult.

Here comes fear, insecurity or banal laziness, which become an obstacle to taking life into our own hands and finally beginning to act on their own.

Only now, not everyone, realizing that they are in the wrong place, can understand exactly what they would like next. How to find your favorite job, and is it so important to do what you like? The next chapter is about this.

What threatens to do an unloved business

Some agree to "out of place" because of a good salary or a prestigious position. Others may choose a job for a convenient schedule or location. Still others are simply led and act on the instruction of their elders. But the same fate awaits everyone: a feeling of dissatisfaction, a lack of joy when thinking about work, frequent fatigue, rapid fatigue, a difficult rise in the morning, headaches, apathy, bad dream, a feeling of hopelessness, and as a result of everything - depression.

Psychologists say that if a business is not loved, then no benefits, be it a high income or a very convenient regime, will not cover the negative feelings that a person experiences while doing it. Therefore, finding a job to your liking is beneficial for both psychological and physical health. When work brings pleasure, the body does not feel tired, and it seems that energy reserves are endless. Difficulties become less significant, and stress is easier to bear.

How to find yourself

For business to bring satisfaction and joy, you need to understand well what you would like to do. But the problem is that some people like too many areas and they cannot decide, others, in general, cannot find myself and no matter what they undertake, soon everything gets bored. There are several ways to help answer the question "how to find your favorite job?" and understand yourself better.

  1. One of the easiest and most beautiful ways to figure out what kind of employment will be to your liking is to do this: imagine the situation that you are very rich. You do not need to "plow" for the sake of money, and you have everything you need for a prosperous life for many years to come. Now think about what you would do for your own pleasure. Ask yourself the question: "What can I do to feel satisfied?"

Some will probably think that in such a situation, you can not get carried away with anything. But practice shows that any person needs self-expression through any activity.

Take a closer look at those thoughts that will visit you in the moments when you visualize such a picture. Perhaps you should seriously think about the area that presented itself to you, whether you are in the intended image.

  1. Try to analyze your talents and abilities. Remember what you do best, what things are easy, what is done without special efforts... Asking the question "how to find a job to your liking?", Just follow what your gut is striving for.

If you occupy a serious leadership position, but your mind flutters at the sight of indoor flowers and you are ready to take care of them for hours, you should not be afraid of such thoughts, and consider that it is not at all serious. Even getting carried away indoor plants you can develop a successful business by becoming a professional florist or breed rare specimens.

Calculations with tables and numbers are much easier for you than searching for clients for the products your company sells? Maybe you should consider a career as an accountant?

  1. One more good advice how to find a job to your liking - visit a psychologist. A competent specialist will allow you to release into the conscious those dreams, aspirations and desires that may be hidden in your subconscious mind. In turn, this will help you to hear yourself, to understand what you really want.

Also, psychologists often offer to pass special tests that determine a person's tendency to certain professions.

  1. The human psyche is so arranged that we get much more satisfaction and pleasant experiences when we do something for others than someone else does for us. Try to understand what activities will bring you joy, a simple way will help - think about what you can give people. Surely you know how to do something that is in demand, in need, if not all, but some. Maybe you knit beautifully, and there are always people who want to buy your product, perhaps you draw beautifully or know how to repair household appliances... What services would you like to provide to others? Think seriously about the responses you receive.
  2. Think back to childhood dreams. They are the very best guides that can lead you to your favorite activity. Of course, many of the dreams will seem stupid and frivolous to you today, but try to single out exactly those dreams of a profession that have lasted with you the longest, and maybe they are still alive in you to this day. Think about it.

What steps to take

It's not enough just to sit and think about how to find a job to your liking. Water does not flow under a lying stone, and this is true. You need to start taking steps that will surely lead you to where you are striving.

  • Drive away any fears associated with changing activities. Don't think about what people will say if you suddenly quit your office career and start sewing. Remember that this is only your life and only you have the right to decide what to do.
  • If you have a job, but you do not like it at all, do not rush to quit. Go for job interviews, see what others have to offer, and don't jump to conclusions. You can leave when, when choosing, you have no doubts that the new proposed place is better than the present one.
  • Just starting your working career? Go for internships at different companies. You may not make money for several months, but you will be able to feel well the atmosphere of this or that activity.
  • Don't be afraid to try new things. You cannot fully understand whether a job is right for you or not until you do it. Dreaming of becoming a fashion designer, sit down and tailor your dress. If you want to have your own store, get yourself a salesperson and see if you enjoy communicating with customers.
  • Don't neglect training. If you feel that you have enough knowledge or skills to desired position don't skimp on training courses. Investing in yourself is always justified.

Remember that only what you love will bring you real joy, which will extend to all areas of life.

Quite often, people, having somehow accidentally got a job in a certain position in their early youth, in the future are afraid to change something all their lives. Over the years, many women and men have walked on unloved job and are looking forward to the weekend and vacation. Usually, similar situation leads to constant nervous tension, stress and anxiety, and in some cases even a depressive state.

In addition, chronic fatigue and unwillingness to work in a certain place negatively affects the condition of everyone. internal organs and systems from which a person can often get sick.

Finally, such an existence leads to regular quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. To prevent this from happening, you should be very careful about the selection of a profession and employer, choosing from several options.

In this article, we will tell you how to choose a job that will delight you throughout your life and deliver only true pleasure.

How to choose a job you like?

Sometimes young guys who are preparing to join adult life do not even doubt their choice future profession... They are so confident in their desire to become a doctor, astronaut or professional photographer that they don't even consider any other options. Confident young men and women study the necessary literature for admission to the institute with enviable persistence and begin the learning process with great interest. A little later, these guys will not have any difficulties with the choice of a profession, because they have already decided for a very long time.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Very often, school graduates do not understand at all what they have a soul for, and what business they want to do in the future.

Almost always, they go to a technical school or institute that their parents have selected for them, or for a company with friends. In most cases, the choice of specialization in this case turns out to be completely wrong. After a while, a person, being already an adult, realizes that he has made a very big mistake.

However, he is already afraid to make drastic changes into your life.

Meanwhile, you can change your profession and place of work absolutely at any age. The main thing is that you really want it, and in such a situation you will definitely succeed. So how to choose the right job so as not to regret your decision in the future?

First of all, you should think very well and understand what exactly interests you. Each person has their own natural inclinations that must be taken into account when choosing a profession. For example, you have a mathematical mindset, and you cannot imagine your life without all kinds of numbers or calculations. Or you are very fond of animals and are ready to help and take care of them in any situation.

For some people, especially girls, it is a real pleasure to cook various dishes or take care of indoor plants. Everything that comes to your mind should be written out in a column on a sheet of paper, and then, one by one, cross out what impresses you the least. So, step by step, you will be left with one area to which you need to strive. Next, you should objectively assess whether you have the professional qualities that are required for this position.

In particular, a proofreader or accountant needs increased attention, musician - perfect pitch, philologist - great memory, teacher - love for children, and so on. Some of these qualities, if desired, can be developed, however, certain things can be inherent in a person only from birth. If you are choosing between two professions, give preference to the one for which your professional qualities are more suitable.

Finally, the right job position should suit your temperament and personality type. So, if you are very withdrawn and shy person And besides, an introvert, the profession of a journalist will not suit you. Emotionally unstable and eccentric people are better off abandoning a position that requires increased attention and monotonous performance of the same actions.

What job to choose without education and experience?

Many students during their studies at the university begin to earn money as a courier or pizza delivery man. Of course, this is very commendable, however, it would be much more correct to choose a profession that you like and can help in the future.

Of course, you cannot get a job as a doctor or engineer without experience and appropriate education, but in each specialization you can find the position that is suitable for a novice employee.

So, many future doctors begin to work as a laboratory assistant, nurse or registrar. A young man or girl who wants to become a teacher at school can initially master the profession of a counselor in a camp.

In some cases, you can find appropriate place directly in the educational institution. One way or another, after receiving a diploma, you will already have gained at least some experience in the desired profession, so finding a good position will not be difficult.

Which job to choose at 40?

The age of 35-40 is quite often characterized by the so-called professional burnout. It was at this time that many people finally realize that at one time they made a mistake with the choice of a profession, and the current job does not give them any pleasure. Unfortunately, most often in such a situation, men and women are afraid that they will not be able to find a good place, as a result of which they remain to work there.

Of course, finding a suitable job that would suit you in all respects is difficult at any age, and especially if you are already well over 40. Nevertheless, you should not be afraid of difficulties, because confidence in your abilities and the correctness of your decision will definitely help you achieve desired goal.

If you want to change your place at the age of 40, it is recommended to contact a professional psychologist, who will be able to determine with you what kind of profession you should master.

After that, you need to obtain the appropriate qualifications, complete special courses or get a second higher education... Of course, it is best to look for a job with the help of friends and acquaintances, but ordinary vacancies in newspapers and the Internet may also suit you.

As for the choice of profession, it can be absolutely any, with the exception of those that are no longer suitable for your age. For example, with all the desire you can no longer become a flight attendant or start a career as a test pilot, however, there are very few such positions. In most cases, any age restrictions indicated in the vacancy are an ordinary whim of the employer, and this does not mean at all that you will not be able to cope with the performance of any tasks.

How do you choose the perfect place to work from among several options?

But what if you have already received the necessary education and gained the relevant experience? How now to find a job for the rest of your life, the choice of which you will not regret in the future? To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with huge amount vacancies presented on various websites or magazines.

Having picked up several options that interest you, carefully study each of them and make your final choice, taking into account the following recommendations:

  • First of all, find out all the responsibilities of the employee in the proposed position. Objectively assess whether you can perform them, and whether it will be interesting for you to do it. In case of a negative answer to this question, ruthlessly cross out this option - working in this place will not give you pleasure;
  • Learn how the workflow is organized. At first, you will have to adapt to it, although in the future you can make the necessary changes;
  • If possible, assess the prospects for further growth. Few of the employees are able to work for many years in the same position without feeling that their work is being appreciated;
  • Finally, one should not discount such a factor as the level of the proposed wages... Working for a penny, even doing what you love, is unlikely to give you great pleasure.

Most main factor, which hinders the employee's ability to find a suitable position for him is his fear of being left without work at all. Indeed, the unemployment rate today is quite high, and such a fear is fully justified.

Among the dozens of vacancies that drop out on request, it can be difficult to choose the right one. And when “that one” was found, it is doubly unpleasant to be refused. How is it that the employer does not consider the perfect match of requirements and skills to be ideal? We figure it out together with career consultant Pavel Belenko.

Great experience is not always the key to success

Paradoxically, if you have more work experience than the job requires, you may be rejected. The problem lies in the fact that an experienced specialist needs new goals and horizons, and if he has been doing one job for many years, one day he may get bored with it. And this will instantly affect the quality of what he does. According to Pavel Belenko, in terms of work experience, it is necessary to fully meet the requirements of the vacancy - not less, but not more.

“It often happens that a person responds to a vacancy that requires about 3 years of work experience. And this person has 10 years of experience, and he is sure that he will cope with the proposed job. Most likely, professionally, he could cope with it, but doing such a job will simply not interest him. And an employee who is not interested in working negatively affects the entire team. The employer always proceeds from this, and therefore candidates with more experience are often refused if the vacancy is declared with less work experience, ”the expert explains.

Power of habit: large and small companies

The desire of the candidate to develop and grow is understandable and understandable, but the labor market dictates its own conditions. Employers are very reluctant to accept specialists from small companies into large organizations - and vice versa, since the specifics of work are too different in them. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot try and change something. However, the realities of the market are such that you have to be prepared for rejection.

“The previous place of work is of great importance. It is very important for the employer whether the candidate worked in big company or small. And even if the title sounds the same - for example, Commercial Director or an accountant - experience in large companies and in small ones is completely different. Therefore, large companies often hire from large companies, and to small ones, respectively, from small ones, ”Pavel Belenko is sure.

Russian vs foreign company

As with the size of the organization, great importance for the employer, it is the one in which the candidate worked before - in a Russian or foreign. Corporate ethics, business culture, organization features labor process in Russian and foreign companies are strikingly different. That is why it is almost impossible to get a job in a foreign company without relevant experience.

“Russian and foreign companies have absolutely different requirements to employees. It is not enough to know a foreign language well to work in a foreign company. They try to take employees from the university bench, "pass" them through internships, or invite employees from other foreign companies. Therefore, if the candidate is already over 27 years old and he decided to change the field and move from a Russian company to a foreign one, he needs to be ready to refuse, or at least to long search work, even if good knowledge foreign language", - comments Pavel Belenko.

The most objective indicator: functionality

The easiest way to figure out if this is your job or not is to honestly answer the question of whether you know how to do what the employer needs. In any vacancy, the necessary functionality is always listed in detail. And the likelihood that the candidate will be paid attention if he does not have necessary knowledge and experience is very small. Therefore, it is worth evaluating a job offer objectively. If you have the skills, feel free to apply for the vacancy. If the skills are not enough, rejection is very likely.

“It is very important that a person can cope with the functionality declared in the vacancy. If the functionality of the vacancy does not match the candidate's experience, they will most likely not be hired. At least if the job search is through the Internet. If the candidate is recommended by acquaintances, then the employer can take a risk. If the selection is formally based on a resume, then the chances are small, ”says Pavel Belenko.

Early start is the key to success

Work experience can only be gained in the course of work. Even the most better education does not make a specialist competitive in the labor market. Employers often refuse candidates without experience, not even because they have not previously worked. The fact is that graduates who have not tried their hand "in business" often do not know how to take on the responsibility that should be borne by an employee of the organization. And employers try not to take risks in this matter. Hence the refusals received by graduates without work experience.

“Most often, young specialists (under 30) are confident that their education will enable them to cope with their professional tasks, but this is unlikely. The employer prefers not to take risks in this case. It is better for young specialists to start developing during their studies, gain experience from their student years, grow within the framework of one company and only then, having experience needed, go to another job. It is in the interests of the student to start working at about the third year and by the time of graduation from the university to grow to a competitive specialist, ”the expert is sure.

Time and patience

Be that as it may, the search for "your" vacancy and with it a good job takes time and effort. Do not be afraid of rejection or give up trying because you were refused. Sooner or later, a good specialist will still find his place of work.

“Even if a candidate liked the vacancy and responded to it, it still takes time for the employer to pay attention to him and invite him for an interview. Perhaps someone managed to apply for the vacancy earlier. Or the demand for it is too great - and the employer is considering several possible employees. In any case, a high-quality job search requires at least three hours a day. It is also important to remember that you need to look for work not only on job search sites, but also through friends. Today it takes an average of three to four months to find a good job. But those who strive will inevitably achieve success, ”concludes Pavel Belenko.

At work, a person almost spends most your life, so it is very important that it be enjoyable.

By doing what you like, you can fully use your potential, reveal yourself and find harmony. Experience shows that a person who loves his job and puts his soul into it reaches career heights. Therefore, everyone is already in adolescence begins to wonder how to choose a job to their liking.

How to find your life's work?

When looking for a job, people do not always understand what exactly they want. Someone is interested in a decent salary, for someone it is important to work close to home. But it is worth remembering that it is extremely difficult to achieve heights by doing an unloved business.

A person must analyze his desires, abilities and dreams, determine what he loves and what annoys him. You need to draw yourself a perfect picture, imagine yourself in a few years. By modulating situations, you need to give yourself honest answers to the following questions:

  • What position do I occupy?
  • Am I satisfied with my salary?
  • Do I enjoy going to work?
  • Do I have a desire to change everything?
  • Am I satisfied with what I do?
  • Am I happy?

Considering various areas of activity and trying to find a job to your liking, you should not forget about your health. Daily work responsibilities should not negatively affect a person's overall well-being. For example, allergy sufferers do not need to work with chemicals, and a person who is afraid of blood does not need to become a doctor.

Listen only to yourself!

A big mistake many parents make is to impose their point of view on their children. This may be done with the best of intentions, but the child is a different person, a separate person, and his preferences can be radically different. It is not uncommon for parents to try to choose profitable and prestigious specialties and are ready to pay for their studies. But the child studies without much enthusiasm, and sometimes honestly says that he wants to quit school, because "this is not his." There is no need to swear and prevent this, it is worth listening and giving a person the opportunity to independently choose their own path in life.

Serious or frivolous profession?

From childhood, children are taught how to choose a job to their liking. It must be a serious, solid profession. But even a hobby can bring good money, it is enough to approach the issue correctly. You should not give up what you like just because it seems like a frivolous occupation, self-indulgence. You need to listen to your soul, a person somehow comes to what he is drawn to.

People often make the mistake of repeating someone else's life path... An idol can be a father, grandfather, or an artist seen on TV. You should not associate the profession with any a specific person... Thinking about how to choose a job to your liking, you need to take into account the peculiarities of a particular type of activity, without associating a profession with a person.

Assessment of talents and abilities

In a certain period of time, almost every profession acquires external attractiveness. This phenomenon is temporary, therefore it should not become the main criterion when choosing a life-long business. In addition, if she is far from a person's talents, he is unlikely to achieve success in this area.

First of all, you need to evaluate your own capabilities and abilities, directing all energy to their disclosure and improvement. Then climbing the career ladder will go at a fast pace without much difficulty.

Teenagers often choose a university "for the company", and then in the end they are forced to work where they do not like. This path is initially doomed to failure. Choosing a profession, you need to evaluate it from all sides and imagine everyday life at work. It is important that nothing annoys you, and the case arouses genuine interest.


Experts advise you to try a method that helps you understand how to choose the right job. On a piece of paper, you need to write 10 things of interest that you enjoy doing. You can express your wildest dreams, even if now they seem fantastic and completely unrealizable. It is necessary to indicate all aspirations, talents and areas of activity in which a good result has already been achieved. People love when they succeed, this is one of the best incentives.

A person should describe what he would be doing if he did not need to work and earn money at all. Once you're done, you need to analyze which of these hobbies could generate income if you put in the effort.

Career guidance tests

When considering how to choose a job to your liking, it is advisable to use career guidance tests. Exists various techniques, which help to choose the area that is closest to a person's abilities.

Any test is based on the principle of assessing talents that can be implemented in different areas activities as well mental stability... A person evaluates his own emotions when doing something, both positive and negative or neutral. In this way, you can find the most interesting area for yourself.

The methods make it possible to determine the ratio of the level of professional preferences with the level of self-responsibility, which is required when performing a specific job.

Similar tests can be found in any books on psychology. Some people prefer to go through them on their own, but it is better to ask for help from specialists. They will more accurately determine which job is better to choose. In addition, psychologists will prepare individual tests and draw correct conclusions. Questionnaires and projective techniques can become additional sources.

In addition to tests, a personal conversation with a specialist is also important. It is used as a tool to identify skills, knowledge and abilities. In addition, it is possible to determine if there are contradictions between the expectations of a person and his capabilities.

Whatever profession a person chooses, you should not treat it as something that predetermines the future. It is never too late to change the field of activity and master new radical specialties. You need to do what brings true pleasure and a feeling of happiness.

Find a twist

How to choose a job to your liking, if there is no opportunity to abruptly change the field of activity and remain without a salary for some time? You need to start by trying to make your job loved. For this in everyday labor duties you need to find a zest: it can be creative implementation, helping people or creativity. Having connected imagination, you need to work with what you have: equip your workplace well and find the advantages of your own profession.

If the desire to change jobs is conscious and deliberate, you need to understand in which direction to move. Perhaps there is no need to change the field of activity, it is enough to go up the career ladder. In the event that this option does not work, you should not be afraid to change everything. New goals are a great incentive to gain knowledge, master certain skills, and enjoy life. And profit will be a nice bonus to your hobby. Over time, hobbies will become work, and will bring a stable income.

Prestige and salary

For most young people, prestige and income become the criterion for choosing a job. To avoid disappointment, you need to understand that any start begins with small earnings. As you grow professionally, your salary will also increase.

Prestige is a fluid concept. Choosing a specialty today does not mean at all that in a few years it will also be popular. Wondering how to choose Good work, first of all you need to evaluate own strength and further prospects.

Practically speaking, you need to choose such professions so that you always have the opportunity to get a job and earn money. For these purposes, you can get a higher education as an accountant, economist or lawyer.

At all times, reflections on what kind of work to choose a man are relevant. Working specialties are always in demand, and salaries in this area are quite high. V vocational schools you can choose the direction that is closest.

Professions with a perspective

Every year, specialties in the field of advanced technologies: alternative energy or nanotechnology. In the near future, the demand for urbanists and agricultural specialists will increase.

When developing a plan for how to choose a job without experience, you should pay attention to those companies that offer training courses and conduct trainings. Today, more and more enterprises are recruiting young employees without experience in order to "educate" them for themselves.

Choose a job you like it is often very difficult for many. This is due to the fact that a person is poorly versed in the characteristics of his personality and finds it difficult to decide which job is best for him. In addition, it happens that the work chosen by a person does not correspond to most of his skills and abilities, he cannot realize himself in this profession, which makes the person very sad and there is a feeling that life is being wasted. So how do you choose a job you like so that it meets all the requirements? We will talk about this in our article.

How to choose the right one?

In order to learn how to choose the right profession to your liking, you need to consider the mistakes that are very often made by people who are in search of their profession.

    The most common mistake, due to which problems with finding a profession to your liking are obtained - this is wrong choice of education... Many young people go to this or that educational institution just because it is prestigious, or because the parents said so. Also, a very common reason for the wrong choice of educational institution is the principle “for the company”. Many students are scared to join a new team, so they prefer to choose the educational institution where there is someone they know. After graduating from such an educational institution, a person understands that he has received a diploma of a profession for which he is not suitable.

    Another mistake when choosing a job is stereotypes... A person can be created for a particular profession, but subconsciously reject the option of such work only because those around him consider the work not fashionable or not relevant.

    It is not uncommon for a person to like a certain aspect of a particular work and do not think that in fact, behind a forty-minute theatrical performance, there are many months of hard work and sleepless nights.

    A very common mistake when choosing a profession is underestimating your physical or mental abilities... You may like the work of an athlete or a designer, and you certainly want to work in this area, you should assess your health and the presence of imagination, and only then make a decision.

If you correctly assess your abilities and talents, you can choose a job that you like, which will bring you not only income, but also positive emotions. And for this you need to do the following: take clear sheet and write on it all the professions that, in one way or another, attract you, or that you would like to master. Do not be afraid to write even children's frivolous fantasies, as an in-depth analysis of the profession will help you determine in which area some aspects of the dream job could be realized. At this point, it is very important to understand that you should write only your desires, and not the thoughts of friends or relatives.

Looking at the ready-made list of professions, try to remember what brings you a feeling of joy and happiness, what you love to do. Remembering, draw parallels with your desired professions, and find out which of them your abilities match. Cross out those professions that do not correspond to any of your hobbies.

In order to choose a job that suits you, it is important to remember that work should not only generate income, but also help you realize your potential... That is why it is very important to connect your hobbies with work. By doing errands that you enjoy doing, you will get paid and not stress too much.

In order to find a job you like, you can follow planning methodology... To do this, you should draw up a plan for the year ahead, the main goal of which should be to do something specific. For example: "In a year I want to make the first million" - after that you need to schedule tasks for each month and for each week. You can write down how much you plan to earn in a week, and also set for yourself necessary minimum that you are capable of in order to achieve the desired result.

But it happens that your skills and abilities are very well suited for a particular job, but it does not bring you joy at all. This is due to the incompatibility of your temperament with the chosen job. Next, we will consider what kind of work is suitable for this or that type of temperament.

Which job is right for you?

In order to find out what kind of work is right for you, you need to correlate it with your temperament. To do this, we have compiled a small list of the main character traits, as well as selected professions that may be suitable for them.

    If your type of temperament is choleric, then you are different love for difficulties and the ability to quickly overcome them... You will succeed where good concentration, perseverance and energy are required. For choleric people, professions such as pilot, surgeon, driver, cook, geologist, investigator, journalist, dispatcher and diplomat.

    The melancholic type of temperament is characterized by a characteristic "Braking" nervous system, as well as increased sensitivity to the activities of others... Work, the basis of which is communication with people, is contraindicated for melancholic people. It is best for this type of temperament to choose a job such as artist, seamstress, writer, veterinarian, locksmith, painter, agronomist, radio mechanic and accountant.

    Sanguine people are different energy and high efficiency... They are happy to grab on to several cases at the same time, but quickly lose interest and leave the case halfway through. It is contraindicated for this type of temperament to choose a job that requires constant attention and, moreover, is monotonous. For sanguine people, professions such as doctor, manager, engineer, waiter, organizer, teacher and salesperson.

    Phlegmatic person.
    Phlegmatic people are very patient and persistent people, better than which no one can cope with monotonous work. For this type of temperament, work such as engineer, botanist, physicist, mechanic and surgeon.

Thus, based on your type of character, it will be much easier for you to choose a job that you like, which will bring you both income and joy. But it should be borne in mind that the recommendations indicated in the article may not always be suitable for every person. Still, you better listen to your heart and follow your dreams.