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Corundum thermal insulation: technical characteristics of insulation. Application of liquid thermal insulation “Corundum Corundum liquid thermal insulation characteristics

Technologies in the field building insulation don't stand still. Introduced into production not long ago new development, allowing to improve and facilitate this process as much as possible. This material is called thermal insulation corundum. Its use is not yet so common and not universal, but there is confidence that it has a great future, and it will make revolutionary changes in the thermal insulation market.

Important. The material has passed all tests and is fully certified.

Corundum has a liquid consistency. Thermal insulation resembles a suspension or paint white. You can insulate a surface made of any material with it. The application method is the same as for regular paint. After drying, a specific coating with elastic properties is formed. It has unique technical and thermal insulation characteristics. For comparison: 1 mm of corundum can replace 60 mm of mineral wool or a wall one and a half bricks thick.

The composition of the coating is unique

The composition of this coating is unique. Physicists and chemists from Europe and the USA have been working on its development for many years. It consists of microscopic ceramic balls filled with vacuum (rarefied air). These microbeads bind acrylic polymers High Quality, thanks to which the material has excellent adhesion (adhesion) to all surfaces (plastic, metal, propylene).

The intensity of the action of rarefied air molecules located in spherical cavities gives liquid thermal insulation unique properties.

Corundum also contains water. It occupies 47% of the total volume. After application, part of the water evaporates, and part participates in the hardening process of the applied thermal insulation.

In addition to the base, corundum contains additives that prevent corrosion and the formation of mold and mildew in conditions of high humidity.

Technical characteristics and modifications

Thermal insulation performance

Ultra-thin thermal insulation corundum compares favorably with other insulation materials in its characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity – 0.0012 W/mS;
  • heat transfer – 4.0 W/mS;
  • vapor permeability – 0.03 Mg/MchPa;
  • water absorption – 2%;
  • t of operation - -60°С+260°С;
  • service life – more than 10 years;
  • low turnover;
  • safety for humans and the environment;
  • does not support combustion (chars at +260°C).

The paint protects the treated surface from condensation and is not destroyed by ultraviolet radiation, aqueous saline solutions and alkali.

Unlike other insulation materials, corundum does not create any load on load-bearing walls and other building structures, and also protects metal elements from temperature deformation.

The application of thermal insulation results in a seamless coating that does not allow cold to penetrate through the joints (as when installing other insulation).

Important. Corundum paint allows you to use painted surfaces without any problems. They can be inspected at any time, which makes it possible to restore the damaged thermal insulation layer in a timely manner.

There are 4 modifications of ultra-thin insulation:

  • Corundum Classic. Thermal insulation paint for processing different types plastic, propylene, metal, brick, stone.
  • Corundum Anticorrosive. Designed for thermal insulation of metal surfaces covered with rust.
  • Corundum Facade. Liquid facade thermal insulation. Suitable for indoor use.
  • Corundum Winter. It is distinguished by the presence of frost-resistant additives (tiny pieces of foam glass, fire retardants and inhibitors), allowing the paint to be used at temperatures down to -10°C.

Application and consumption of corundum

For correct application paint there are instructions for its use. The main role here is played by the preparation of the surface to be painted:

  1. We get rid of all unevenness on plaster, concrete or brick, cover up cracks, remove old paint, dirt and dust.
  2. It is better to first rough out serious damage and then carry out finishing plastering (this is important for walls).
  3. We coat the area to be treated with an antifungal agent, let it dry and apply one or two layers of primer.
  4. We gradually apply heat-insulating paint corundum to the finished dry surface. First, one layer 0.5 mm thick, then a second (the first must be completely dry) of the same thickness and a third similar layer. For greater effect, the layer of heat-insulating paint should be 1.5 - 2 mm.
  5. Decorative coatings are applied on top of the thermal insulation (after it has completely dried).

When calculating paint consumption, first of all it is necessary to take into account the material and thickness from which the surface needed for treatment is made. We also take into account the thickness of the thermal insulation layer.

Advice. Thermal insulation corundum can be used at a temperature of the surface to be painted ≥+5°C ≤ +150°C.

Laboratory studies have shown that the consumption of corundum thermal insulation with a layer thickness of 1 mm is 1 l / 1 m 2 (without taking into account the method of application and the type of material being painted). For actual use, we add the percentage of overexpenditure (working in calm weather, without wind):

  • brush painting of metal – 4%, concrete – 5-10%;
  • when applied with a spray gun on metal - 15-25%, on concrete - 35-40%.

To make the most accurate calculation, use the corundum thermal insulation consumption calculator. To do this, you will need instructions on the website and the following values: the length and height of all walls and the number of layers of paint. These values ​​are entered into special windows on the computer monitor screen, and a calculation is made.

As we can see, corundum thermal insulation is an ideal choice for insulation. Unique development, excellent specifications, ease of application - all this contributes to a good result and, importantly, a significant reduction in labor costs and working time.

Ultra-thin thermal insulation Corundum is a paint composition used to reduce heat loss from buildings, pipes, tanks and other objects. I will briefly describe the principle of operation of the paint, talk about its varieties and give tips on how to use it yourself.

What you need to know about thermal insulation paint

How does liquid insulation work?

Liquid ceramic thermal insulation, which includes Corundum insulation, has a complex structure. Usually, the paint consists of four components:

  1. The basis- acrylic or latex dispersion with water as a solvent. Connects all components into a single complex, is responsible for securing the insulation to the object and for the formation of a continuous film.

  1. Granules- carriers of basic thermal insulation properties. These are perfectly round spheres made of ceramics or foam glass. Inside the granules there is either a vacuum or very rarefied air, which ensures a decrease in thermal conductivity.
  2. Pigment. Liquid insulation still belongs to the category of paints, which is why colored components are added to it. Usually the compositions are made white, but sometimes they are also tinted - products for ordinary acrylic are suitable.

  1. Modifiers. Various additives that improve the functional characteristics of paint. This may include silicone, which prevents cracking of the material, anti-corrosion components, additives that increase cold resistance, etc.

When applying paint to the surface, the granules are distributed in the base and cover the object to be insulated. The cavities inside the granules act as an insulator, and the thermal conductivity of the coating is significantly reduced. This is facilitated not only a large number of hollow inclusions, but also their tightness.

Pros and cons

Corundum insulation (along with similar compounds) is rapidly gaining popularity today. This is facilitated by a number of quite objective advantages of this paint.

On the other hand, Corundum also has disadvantages, and for the sake of objectivity in the table I will present the main pros and cons:

pros Minuses
Little labor intensity.

The composition is applied to a surface of any shape no more difficult than ordinary paint. In this case, there is no need for either the construction of a frame or subsequent cladding.

The possibility of mechanical application further reduces the labor intensity of the work.

Moderate thermal insulation.

When treated with Corundum, the reduction in thermal conductivity will not be bad - but by no means outstanding. If we take into account that the material is extremely rarely applied in a layer of more than 2 mm, then the heat loss will still be noticeable.

Small increase in size.

The paint demonstrates sufficient efficiency even with a layer thickness of 1 mm. Thanks to this it is possible to provide high-quality insulation even nearby objects.

Efficiency at different temperatures.

The higher this indicator, the better the paint works. That is why such products are used mainly for hot pipelines and tanks.

On cold water pipes, facades and other structures, I would rather consider such material as additional insulation.

Durability of the coating.

The material adheres well to most surfaces (concrete, brick, metal).

At the same time, correctly applied paint does not deform or crack when the substrate temperature changes.

High price.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that Corundum needs to be applied in several layers, so the material consumption will be considerable.

Varieties of Corundum

The range of heat-insulating paint compositions is quite extensive. That is why the choice of Corundum material should be made only after studying the entire available line.

The most popular varieties:

  1. Corundum Classic. Basic option liquid insulation, which is used to finish almost any surface - from facades to cold water pipes. Optimal thickness application - up to 0.5 mm.
  2. Corundum Anticorrosive. It can be applied to the surface without anti-corrosion treatment - it is enough to perform initial cleaning of loose rust flakes. Combines the functions of a heat insulator and a corrosion inhibitor.

The price of the material is higher than that of standard insulating paint. To save money, the first layer can be done using Anticorrosive, and then use the more affordable Classic.

  1. Corundum Facade. Focused primarily on painting concrete surfaces. The material can be applied in a layer 1 mm thick, and after drying it retains high vapor permeability. Also, dried paint is suitable for finishing with facade compositions (paint, decorative plaster).

  1. Corundum Winter. One of the few thermal insulation materials suitable for use in winter period. Work can be performed at temperatures down to -10 °C, without affecting the adhesion and strength of the applied material.

Application technology

Method 1. Mechanized processing of facades

Thermal insulation Corundum can be used for finishing walls from the most different materials. To do this, it is convenient to use sprayers - and brief instructions will help you choose optimal sequence actions:

Illustration Work stage

Mixing the composition.

After opening the container, mix the paint to distribute the granules in the binder.

To avoid destruction of ceramic inclusions, mix either manually or with a mixer at low speed.

Preparing the spray gun.

Before starting work, remove all filters (usually in the receiver and gun handle) - they will trap granules and quickly become clogged.

After this, fill the reservoir with mixed paint.

Surface preparation.

We clean and remove dust from the façade, removing loose fragments.

When applying Anticorrosive paint to a metal surface, we remove rust flakes: brushing or complete cleaning sandblaster not required.


Spray the composition over the surface in a layer of no more than 0.3–0.5 mm.

The next layer can be applied only after the previous one has dried.

Method 2. Painting thermal insulation of pipes

Corundum paint can also be applied with your own hands using a roller or brush. I will tell you about this processing method using the example of thermal insulation of pipes:

Illustration Work stage

Mixing paint.

As in the previous case, thoroughly mix the composition immediately before application.

Pipe preparation.

Using metal mesh, brush or emery, clean the pipe from rust.

First coat of paint.

Apply Corundum thermal insulation with a brush or roller.

Thoroughly rub the paint to form a layer no thicker than 0.5 mm.


We wait for the composition to dry and repeat the operations until the designed thickness of the thermal insulation layer is reached.


Despite some disadvantages, Corundum thermal insulation is quite effective - but it is important to apply it correctly. The video in this article will help you in selecting materials and learning techniques for processing different surfaces. In addition, you can ask any questions you have in the comments below.

  • The material is manufactured in accordance with TU-5760-001-53663241-2008
  • Sanitary and epidemiological reportNo. dated 06/18/2008
  • Certificate fire safety No. SSPB.RU.OPO58.N.00117 dated 07/02/2008

Liquid ceramic thermal insulation CORUNDUM consistency resembles regular white paint , which can be applied to any surface.

Liquid thermal insulation CORUNDUM consists of a high-quality acrylic binder, an original developed composition of catalysts and fixatives, ceramic ultra-thin-walled microspheres with rarefied air. In addition to the basic composition, special additives are introduced into the material, which eliminate the appearance of corrosion on the metal surface and the formation of fungus under conditions high humidity on concrete surfaces. This combination makes the material light, flexible, stretchable, and has excellent adhesion to the surfaces being coated. After drying, an elastic polymer coating, which has unique thermal insulation properties compared to traditional insulators and provides anti-corrosion protection.

Liquid thermal insulation CORUNDUM- a new generation of thermal insulation that has proven its reliability as a means of maintaining surface temperature, suitable for use in almost all atmospheric conditions. In addition, thermal insulation paint CORUNDUM helps fight condensation on cold surfaces and corrosion (the Corundum modification "Anticor" contains special inhibitors of the corrosion process). Liquid thermal insulation CORUNDUM passed the tests standard standards in Russia, in neighboring countries (Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan), in the European Union, in Asia ( South Korea). The product has high performance in such characteristics as elasticity and resistance to weathering (after polymerization, drying). The microstructure of liquid thermal insulation provides excellent thermal properties, and ensures a long service life without the need for repeated repairs. Under standard operating conditions, the service life of liquid thermal insulation Corundum will be at least fifteen years. The full service life of this thermal insulator, subject to technological process application and the absence of an aggressive environment will be almost half a century.


The essence of the unique thermal insulation properties of liquid ceramic material CORUNDUM consists of spheres that are capable of not only thermally insulating the covered body, but also retaining heat.


The Corundum material is highly effective in thermal insulation of building facades, roofs, interior walls, window slopes, concrete floors, hot and cold water supply pipelines, steam pipelines, air ducts for air conditioning systems, cooling systems, various containers, tanks, trailers, refrigerators, etc. It is used to eliminate condensation on cold water supply pipes and reduce heat loss according to SNiP in heating systems. The material is used at temperatures from - 60 ˚С to + 250 ˚С. The service life of the material is from 15 years.


  • Applied like paint, it acts as a thermal barrier.
  • A 1 mm thick coating layer provides the same insulating properties as 50 mm rolled insulation or brickwork 1-1.5 bricks thick.
  • It is an insulating material that does not support combustion. At a temperature of 260°C it chars, at 800°C it decomposes with the release of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide, which helps slow down the spread of flame.
  • Environmentally safe, non-toxic, does not contain harmful volatile organic compounds.
  • Does not break down when exposed to UV radiation.
  • It is not permeable to water and is not affected by an aqueous salt solution. The coating provides surface protection from moisture, precipitation and temperature changes.
  • An additional benefit that comes from liquid thermal insulation, this is the ability to work in rooms without additional ventilation. Application of liquid thermal insulation is much easier to apply and allows you to save on installation compared to the previous generation of thermal insulation. The use of an ultra-thin thermal insulator also saves space by reducing the thickness of the insulation layers. Additionally, the use of this thermal insulation material makes it possible to radically weight reduction of the entire structure and significantly reduce costs for Construction Materials. Not to mention the increased comfort of living in a thermally insulated living space and savings on heating and air conditioning costs.


"Corundum Classic". Ultra-thin heat insulator, has unsurpassed thermal physics, plasticity and lightness. A plastic Euro bucket 20 l “Corundum Classic” weighs only 10.3 kg. During transportation and storage, liquid thermal insulation “Corundum” practically does not break down into fractions.

"Corund Anticor". A unique material that can be applied directly to a rusty surface. It is enough to simply remove the “damp” (loose) rust with a metal brush, after which you can apply Corundum Anticor thermal insulation, following the instructions. Thermal insulation "Corundum Anticor" is a highly effective thermal insulation coating with additional anti-corrosion properties, and not just a preservative and corrosion modifier. All technical characteristics, requirements, instructions for use are the same as for the basic material “Corundum”. Application of liquid thermal insulation “Corundum Anticor” with thermal insulation already existing structures and pipelines significantly reduces labor costs, since it does not require special preparation of the working surface. Thermal insulation “Corundum Anticor” can be applied as the first layer, and for subsequent layers (in order to save money) you can use “classic” thermal insulation “Corundum”.

"Corundum Facade". A material that can be applied in layers with a thickness of 1 mm at a time, and has high-quality vapor permeability facade paint. Ultra-thin heat insulator “Korund Facade” - designed specifically for concrete surfaces. Due to high heat-reflecting qualities and reduced labor costs for application, compared to similar ultra-thin thermal insulators at least doubled, will become ideal solution in the field of construction professional thermal insulation. Thermal insulating paint “Korund Facade” also showed excellent results together with the modification “Korund Anticor”. For example, the calculated thickness of ultra-thin thermal insulation for a ferrous metal tank is 2.5 mm. Astratek, mascoat, alfatek, etc., as well as our basic modification “Corundum Classic”, needed to be applied in at least 6 layers (1st layer of primer + 5 layers of 0.5 mm each).

Our solution is just three layers!- 1st layer. 0.5 mm “Corundum Anticor” (Not only fixing corrosion but also a converter, adhesive and waterproofing agent (due to the high rate of film formation); 2nd layer, after 24 hours - 1 mm “Corundum Facade”; 3rd layer, after 24 hours - 1mm “Corundum Facade”.

The following modifications are being prepared for industrial production (laboratory samples are already available):


The name of indicators




Film color

white (depending on the color ordered)

Resistance of the coating to temperature changes from -40°С to +60°С

without changes

GOST 27037-86

Thermal conductivity

Thermal perception

Heat dissipation

Vapor permeability

Surface emissivity

Water absorption in 24 hours

% by volume

GOST 11529-86

Surface temperature when applying material

from + 7 to + 150

Operating temperature

from - 60 to + 260

Corundum is a liquid ceramic thermal insulation designed to protect complex structures(usually pipelines, various tanks and equipment) from energy losses or external heating. In appearance, it resembles a very thick white paint; it is applied in the same way - with a brush, roller or spray. But its composition differs from conventional paints and varnishes, since 70% of its volume is occupied by hollow ceramic microspheres. They have the effect of reducing thermal conductivity, turning a thin coating into a reliable insulator.

The composition of the Corundum binder includes various components that provide the thermal paint with certain properties:

  • Latex base - after drying, it forms an elastic waterproof film on the surface of the protected object with an absorption rate of 2% and a vapor permeability of 0.03 mg/m·h·Pa. Thanks to this, liquid thermal insulation not only does not lose its properties in a humid environment, but also protects the metal from corrosion.
  • Fire retardants are a mandatory additive for maximum fire safety. Charring of Corundum begins at +260 °C, and at +800 it collapses, releasing oxide, which extinguishes the flame. And according to reviews from home experimenters, the coating only smokes, but does not catch fire.
  • Inhibitors - these components provide the paint with chemical inertness and resistance to alkalis.
  • The actual granular filler – ceramic hollow spheres – does not allow heat to spread by conduction. The finished coating can also reflect up to 85% of IR radiation.

The consumption of painted thermal insulation is very small: to create one half-millimeter layer you need from 0.26 to 0.5 l/m2 of paint (depending on the tool used). On facades, Corundum is applied in a layer of 1.5-3.5 mm, but for most structures only 1-1.5 mm is enough. This somewhat reconciles with such a disadvantage as the high cost of insulation.

From additional benefits can be called:

  • Biostability - microorganisms and fungi simply do not take root on such a coating.
  • High elasticity indicators - that is, under the influence of thermal expansion, the integrity of the layer is maintained.
  • Good adhesion to any surfaces.
  • Operating temperature range – -60..+200 °C.

Of course, the technical characteristics of liquid thermal insulation are impressive - an efficiency of 0.0012 W/m °C is a very respectable indicator. However, we should not forget that Corundum has serious limitations on the thickness of the applied layer, which means that its properties still cannot be realized as a full-fledged insulation material.

On the one hand, this is a significant disadvantage, and many skeptics use it as an argument in their reviews, emphasizing the inconsistency similar coating. But let's not forget that any material must be evaluated only in the conditions for which it is developed. And from this point of view, Corundum thermal insulation simply cannot stand on a par with mineral wool or foam plastics - it has completely different tasks.

Application of insulation

Having studied the description of the paintable compositions, you can already roughly imagine where they will work most effectively. Corundum insulation is used in several non-standard conditions– where other materials do not give the desired result:

  • Insulation of heating, water supply, air conditioning and industrial transport systems.

Branched pipes, adapters, tie-ins and fittings - all this also requires the use of insulation. Liquid ceramics creates a continuous, tear-free layer on any complex surfaces. It is much easier to paint pipes than to try to squeeze and secure rolls of glass wool into a confined space, risking leaving “cold bridges.”

  • Tanks containing flammable or unstable media.

Ultra-thin liquid thermal and waterproofing Corundum not only maintains the temperature inside the containers, but also reflects external IR radiation, protecting the contents from dangerous heat. By the way, the same effect made it possible to find another application for it - painting metal roofs, which on a sunny day heat up to +70..+90 °C.

  • Steel pipes.

Absolute vapor and water resistance, as well as thermal insulation properties ceramic paint prevents not only steel elements from getting wet, but also the appearance of condensation on their surface. We mentioned this at the beginning of our review. Thus, Corundum plays the role of an anti-corrosion coating, ensuring a long service life of metal structures, as well as reducing the costs of their maintenance and repair.

  • Thermal insulation of external and internal walls of buildings.

For example, protection of loggias and balconies from freezing is carried out from the inside. But mineral wool and polystyrene “steal” a few centimeters on each side of the room. The use of Corundum compounds allows you to achieve the desired effect by simply painting the walls with insulation and thereby preserving usable area. In addition, liquid ceramics, according to reviews from residents panel houses, helps to cope with fungus that constantly appears on the damp surface of concrete. And on the facades it serves as a separator of different temperature environments and a reflector of sunlight in summer.

Reviews about the use of Corundum brand insulation

“In our house, the risers for cold and hot water supply are very poorly located - almost right next to each other. Naturally, the cold water pipe constantly “cries”. Rusty streaks and growths are not just unsightly, they are a harbinger of leaks. I solved the brewing problem myself by painting both pipes with Anticor Corundum thermal insulation. I made an agreement with several neighbors above and below to buy together - the price was quite high.”

Maxim, Volgograd.

“And we used Facade paint of this brand not for warmth, but for coolness. It’s hot here in the summer, and the apartment faces all the windows to the south, and this makes my mother, who has hypertension, feel bad. We painted two outside walls, plus glued mirror film to the windows. The first summer showed that the idea of ​​​​buying an air conditioner can wait - the apartment has already become more comfortable, so insulation in our case really works.”

Arsen, St. Petersburg.

“I was hooked by the promise that there are no problems when applying Corundum - as long as there is a brush. But in reality it turned out that the composition is very finicky: unpainted paint is unacceptable, but a thick layer of insulation cannot be done in one pass. Yes, and it’s difficult to distribute it evenly over the surface if you’re not used to it. After several days of torment, I finally repainted the pipes in the basement. Recently we started heating: there is no condensation, the branches all feel cool or barely warm to the touch. Verdict: Corundum justified its price.”

Alexey, Moscow region.

“I am one of the distrustful people, “space technologies” in construction alarm me, so when Corunda appeared on the horizon, I tested it myself, despite the rather high prices. What can I say: it fits wonderfully on all surfaces - from wood and slate to glass and an aluminum beer can. The heat insulator made from it is really good - at 2 mm on the back side you don’t feel any heating either after standing in the sun or when pouring boiling water. But on large area It’s really a pain to apply all these thin layers.”

Gennady, Moscow.


Thermal insulation Corundum must be applied to thoroughly cleaned and dry surfaces at a temperature not lower than +7 °C. Old coating and dirt are cleaned off wire brush and must be degreased. Liquid ceramics are painted thin layers approximately 0.3-0.5 mm, on the facade up to 1 mm is allowed. This is very important, since the latex film formed on the plane will no longer allow moisture to evaporate from the thickness of the insulation. The result will be bubbles and cracking of the insulation. After each layer, you must wait 18-24 hours and only then continue working.

Before application, it is not recommended to stir Corundum paint mechanically, so as not to break the ceramic microspheres. As a last resort, you can use a drill with a special attachment and a speed of no more than 150 min -1.


Corundum - Thermal paint developed by Russian specialists and a new word in thermal insulation of any surfaces. Some types of this paint work even at temperatures above 500 degrees. And all because the material is not flammable.
Easy to apply, Corundum is a thermal insulation that lasts a long time, from 15 years, and replaces in terms of thermal stability additional wall one and a half bricks.
Thermal paint is a unique development that gives protective properties walls of buildings, facades, concrete slabs. By using corundum paint, you save money on thermal insulation.

In terms of its composition, it is a suspension, water-based or varnish-based, which covers well different surfaces, even with irregularities. The consistency of the paint is pasty, the color is gray or white. It is convenient to work with a brush, roller or spray. The thicker the thermal paint, the higher the thermal protection. Its service life is from 15 to 40 years.

Insulation paint is multifunctional. It retains heat well, prevents water from penetrating into structures, and protects against the formation of mold. Corundum thermal insulation extends the service life of pipes, tanks, refrigeration equipment, air conditioners. Retaining heat is the main purpose of thermal paint, so it is indispensable for thermal insulation of pipes. The materials currently used are short-lived and harmful to humans. Pipes coated with corundum thermal insulation withstand the effects of precipitation and sunlight.

According to sad statistics, great amount fires occur due to the fault or direct participation heat-insulating materials. Often the walls are lined with flammable thermal insulation, and in the event of a fire, the fire with lightning speed, with the help of this insulation, spreads throughout the entire building, spreading to the roof and neighboring entrances. To prevent this from happening, use heat paint. This is an inexpensive material that is safe in all respects and does not support combustion.

Liquid thermal insulation Korund has undergone climatic tests, which have shown that the effectiveness of protection of products coated with the composition is maintained for at least 10 years.

Thus, ultra-thin thermal insulation Corundum is an effective technological material that meets all the requirements for this class of thermal insulators. Among its disadvantages, it can be noted that while it has the performance characteristics inherent in all ultra-thin insulations, it has the disadvantage of a higher price.

An innovative material that appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to attract a lot of attention to itself. Why? The liquid base of ceramic thermal insulation Corundum changes the concept of insulating materials after the first use. The substance forms a fairly thin film, which has protection from aggressive environments and a minimum thermal conductivity. An interesting point is the weight of the thermal insulation material before and after application. When the composition dries, its weight decreases to an insignificant figure and is almost unnoticeable.

The use of a material such as liquid ceramic thermal insulation Corundum has very specific goals:

  • Defence from external factors and maintaining integrity;
  • Insulation of pipeline systems;
  • Thermal insulation of the room.

The Korund company has made sure that its products are as effective as possible for its customers, introducing the following products to the market:


It has multifunctional properties and is resistant to temperature variations (-60/+200 °C) and can withstand short-term critical temperature points (up to 260 °C). Designed specifically for insulating the main elements of a building: water supply, heating boiler, walls, openings, facade finishing and other partitions that protect the room from climatic conditions.


This thermal insulation from Korund is designed to insulate the facade of a room (residential or not, it doesn’t matter). It has good adhesion to many surfaces, that is, high-quality use is available with almost any facing material. Has a high level of resistance to weather vagaries and retains more quantities heat generated in the room compared to foam insulation.


A unique coating to protect and prevent the effects of rust. Has a high level of corrosion resistance. The mixture was received wide application for thermal insulation and protection of reinforced concrete and metal structures, pipes that are used everywhere, as well as other metal products used in construction. It boasts the ability to apply the mixture to the surface without first removing traces of plaque and rust.


An insulating coating that is designed for conditions with low temperature properties. Thanks to its special composition, it is resistant to adhesion to surfaces after application. Including those surfaces that have a different base - liquid and solid. In addition, this coating protects well from the effects of alkali, salts and many acids.

Use of liquid material - ceramic thermal insulation Corundum

The use of such a heat insulator does not require special expensive tools. A standard pneumatic spray gun works well. It is also possible to work with such improvised tools as a roller and brush. The application itself is simple and fast. The coating that forms the heat insulator from Corundum is smooth and seamless. This property has a good effect on heat retention.

Liquid thermal insulation Corundum is a kind of coloring material, after application of which a high-quality ceramic thermal insulation layer is formed on the surface, which also protects the surface from negative impact corrosion.

What is liquid thermal insulation Corundum

You need to carry out internal thermal insulation walls of the room, while you want to lose a minimum of free space? Or do you need to insulate the walls with outside, but at the same time you want them not to lose the attractiveness of their appearance and so that a minimum is spent on such insulation measures Money? Then the only correct solution would be to use liquid thermal insulation Corundum.

Residents of our country have been living in houses with uninsulated walls for many years. And all this because they are afraid of the long, labor-intensive and expensive process of insulation. But today there is a material that can effectively, quickly and inexpensively solve this problem. And this material is liquid corundum thermal insulation. If you walk along construction stores, then you can find a lot of thermal insulation materials on ceramic base. But relatively recently, scientists have developed such thermal insulation material, which is better in its technical and operational characteristics than analog materials, while its cost is no different.

Scope of application of liquid thermal insulation Corundum

Due to the fact that Corundum thermal insulation has a liquid consistency, it has many advantages over its direct analogues, since it can be applied to a wide variety of surfaces:

  • roof;
  • Window slopes;
  • Pipes;
  • Building facades;
  • Various types of containers;
  • Internal and external walls;
  • Cooling chambers.

To ensure that no condensation forms on the surface of the pipeline, but hot water came to you with minimal heat losses, it is recommended to treat the pipes with liquid thermal insulation Corundum. The duration of the operational period of such a coating is equal to 15 years, such thermal insulation can withstand significant temperature changes from -50 to +250 degrees, no analogue can boast such technical and performance characteristics, and this is subject to the relatively low cost of the material.

Advantages of liquid thermal insulation Corundum

The main advantages of liquid thermal insulation Corundum include the following positive aspects:

  • The application process can be carried out independently; for this, a regular brush or spray can be used;
  • Just one millimeter of liquid thermal insulation Corundum will provide the same properties as 600 mm of rolled thermal insulation material;
  • Considered waterproof and not subject to negative influence saline solution and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Provides visual access to inspect the isolated surface;
  • It is a fire-resistant material that does not support the combustion process. When exposed to 260 degrees, the material is charred, but if the temperature rises to 800 degrees, the decomposition process begins with the release of nitrogen oxide and carbon, and these substances stop the combustion process.

Thermal insulation corundum

The ultra-thin liquid ceramic thermal insulation Corundum offered on the market is optimal solution for many cases due to its effectiveness in protecting products, durability, ease of application, but unfortunately not price. Ultra-thin thermal insulation Corundum is liquid composition on water based, the main component of which is a polymer latex composition. Its scope of application ranges from covering the walls of buildings and structures to thermal insulation of various types of pipelines (air and water pipelines). It is also used for applying to different kinds industrial equipment.

Properties of liquid ceramic thermal insulation Corundum.

Like all ultra-thin thermal insulations, in addition to direct thermal protection, Corundum also prevents corrosion. In addition, the material has dielectric properties. However, in terms of price-quality ratio, it is somewhat inferior to analogues - for example, Akterm liquid thermal insulation.

Corundum, like all representatives of this class of materials, has a significant advantage over traditional insulation using mineral wool, as it lays down in a continuous layer, leaving no gaps. In the case of mineral wool, there are always unprotected areas that are channels for the flow of heat. In addition, Corundum is very simply and quickly applied to almost any type of surface. In this case, it doesn’t really matter whether it’s a plane, rough wall, or equipment of complex shape. The composition is applied in an ultra-thin layer, providing maximum thermal insulation; the application process itself is almost the same regular painting and does not require much time. The composition can be applied at temperatures down to -10 ° C, which is approximately equal to or even slightly inferior to the similar thermal insulation indicator of Akterm.

Thermal insulation corundum - prices and discounts for wholesale buyers

PRICE for 1 liter - 330 rubles. FOR WHOLESALERS % DISCOUNTS

In front of everyone positive qualities Corundum thermal insulation is also affordable. You can choose a convenient packaging and save on installation: the paint is applied with a spray or brush. Consumers who have used Corundum clearly distinguish this thermal paint from similar ones. Even without special equipment, but simply placing your hand on a wall covered with Corundum, you will feel the warmth, while an unpainted wall will cool your palm.

Corundum – the warmth of your home!