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Artistic stencils and patterns for interior painting. We create a unique interior: stencil templates for DIY decor

Stencils for wall decor will help you get away from the routine of even the most luxurious wallpaper, save time and hard-earned money. I’m ready to tell you how you can use them to decorate your entire apartment with chic patterns or visually highlight a certain corner. And examples of completed work will clearly confirm my words.

What you need to know about the stencil

A stencil is a sheet of plastic with slots that form a specific pattern. The large cutouts are connected by bridges that hold the pieces together. A professional cliche has a mark for precise alignment of sheets when repeating the design (dot, cut out the edge of the sheet). You can simply trace the corners of the sheet with a simple pencil.

What questions may arise about the stencil:

  1. What material is it made of?
  2. How to attach a sheet to the wall?
  3. What and how to draw?
  4. Is it possible to make stencils for walls with your own hands?

Which stencil to choose

A classification will help solve this issue, depending on which the appropriate option is selected. Based on the density of the material, templates are divided into types:

  1. Standard;
  2. Textured or voluminous;
  3. Adhesive.

Method 1

The standard type is made of Mylar (hard material), reusable. It will not fade from paint, but may tear if the paint is vigorously peeled off.

Method 2

Textured or voluminous - this is the same template made of mylar, only 1.5 times thicker. Designed for raised patterns in putty/plaster.

For storage, hard stencils are powdered with talcum powder and spread between hard sheets, such as plywood.

General diagram-instructions for working with a three-dimensional stencil.

1. Commit volumetric stencil on the wall.

2. Fill with putty cut fragments.

3. Remove the stencil, gradually bending it back.

Method 3

Glue (oracle in everyday life) is a soft vinyl/PVC film with an adhesive backing for one-time use. Convenient for drawing on complex surfaces.

It’s worth considering if adhesive stencils for wall decoration are positioned by sellers as reusable. This is basically impossible - the material is soft, deforms during removal at the end of the work and cannot be reused.

Advantages and disadvantages of rigid stencil:

  1. Durable, reusable.
  2. Easy to use - attach, fix, paint over.
  3. But they don’t fit tightly uneven surface, so the edges may become smeared and will have to be painted on with a brush.

Advantages and disadvantages of adhesive template:

  1. Adheres tightly to difficult surfaces.
  2. But it’s disposable, because it can stretch when removed.
  3. By removing the film, you can grab month-old plaster/paint.
  4. When stored for a long time, they dry out and crack.
  5. Whimsical at work.

General diagram-instructions for working with Oracle.

1. Glue stencil on the wall.

2. Peel off the backing, lower it down, while simultaneously gluing the stencil film to the wall.

3.Roll the stencil from bottom to top. When rolling out the roll, the backing is separated and the film is glued to the wall.

4. Remove fragments of the drawing. In this case, you can use a stationery knife.

5. Paint over the drawing.

6. Remove film, holding it parallel to the wall.

Depending on the style and, probably, originality, cliches can be divided into the following types:

  1. Regular/standard- patterns are openwork “holes”, which are painted over with the main color.
  2. Inverse- the stencil is the opposite, here it is not the design that is cut out, but the background. Background slits are painted over dark color, and the figures will remain the same color as the wall.

You can make beautiful stencils for decoration yourself from the most affordable materials:

  1. X-ray film.
  2. Cardboard. The surface is sealed with ordinary tape / drying oil.
  3. Kuska vinyl wallpaper, covered with paint.
  4. Folder Covers.

You can draw your imagination in a graphic editor (Corel Draw) and perform plotter trimming in any advertising agency(price approximately 70 rub./m2). A stationery knife is convenient for cutting yourself. Thick material is placed under the template so as not to scratch the table.

How to attach a stencil to a wall

Just as a sheet of paper is attached motionless to the easel, so the template should be motionless on the wall.

Fixation is done in two ways:

  1. Aerosol glue(Marabu Fix-it, Idea, KCR01, Cadence).
  2. Masking tape.

Often, stencils glued to walls are duplicated with masking tape, because large sheets “gain weight” due to the adhering paint.

Rules for using glue:

  1. Apply glue not to the wall, but to the underside of the stencil;
  2. Observe the setting time of the glue according to the instructions;
  3. Do not use on rough/textured walls;
  4. The wall must be clean from dust;
  5. To ensure a tight fit, the stencils can be rolled onto the wall with a roller through paper;
  6. Wash off the glue warm water or a special wash.

What are the benefits of masking tape?:

  1. Unlike usual, it does not leave sticky residue;
  2. Easy to remove by hand.

Which paint to choose and how to apply it

You can draw on concrete, wood, plastered, plasterboard walls, as well as on wallpaper for painting. Wallpaper absorbs paint better, so it will take more paint than on a painted surface. Depending on the type of surface, the appropriate paints are selected:

  1. Acrylic on water based - for wood, cardboard, wallpaper, concrete.
  2. Latex- concrete, gypsum concrete, plaster.

Construction stores sell paints mainly in standard packaging - 1–3 kg, so it is better to look in art stores/on specialized websites.

Painting is done in any convenient way:

  1. Hand brush with short bristles.
  2. Roller.
  3. Sponge.
  4. Airtograph.

Unlike aerosol paints, which have a wide jet, airbrushes are much more convenient to use, but they also cost money. No need to think about how to make halftones, and no need to cover large area walls from splashing.

How to draw

The golden rule for stenciling is that the tool should be semi-dry. Having dipped the brush (roller/sponge) into the paint, you need to squeeze it out - roll it over a sheet of paper so that it is semi-dry.

The paint is rolled out with a roller, but with a brush/sponge they are painted with tapping movements, as if driving in the paint, no up and down movements. Hold the brush perpendicular to the wall. To saturate the color, the driving procedure is repeated.

What can be done with a stencil

Stencil designs can be complex, but even with just one design you can achieve gorgeous picture. Use your imagination - by arranging the drawn elements in different ways, you can get original combinations.

What can you draw with stencils?:

  1. Imitation carpeting, wallpaper;
  2. Scene picture;

  1. Play around with sockets/switches;

  1. Picture in a molding frame.

The drawings can be contrasting or pastel, differing from the wall color by 1-2 tones. The impression of perspective will be enhanced by using solid paint in light and dark tones. To do this, in one place the cliche is rolled up in a dark color - this will be the foreground, in another place with a lighter color - this will be the background.

When decorating rooms, it is advisable to choose a theme that matches the style and functionality of the room - we draw fish in the bathroom, and still life/dishes in the kitchen.

Anything can fit into the living room: landscape, pattern, portrait, and in the nursery on the walls it would be appropriate fairy tale characters, numbers, words.

Ways to enter stencil drawing in design:

  1. Pattern- the pattern on the wall repeats the pattern on moldings, curtains, and indoor plants;
  2. Use color, which is repeated on decorative elements, pillows, bedspreads;
  3. Pattern type- arabesques for the “oriental” room, relief gilded curls for the Empire style.


You can and should use stencils for wall decoration, not even for the sake of saving money. Firstly, it will be pleasant to look at your creation, and secondly, the room will acquire individuality. By following a specific drawing technique, you can get high-quality drawings.

If you want to make your own stencil, the video in this article will help you.

It’s easy to create stencils for decoration with your own hands. It is important to prepare necessary materials, tools, select a picture and act according to the recommendations. In order for the result to please you, you need to take into account all the nuances and perform manipulations with the utmost precision and accuracy.

Preparing the stencil

In order to get beautiful stencil templates, you need to think through their design, and then prepare quality material. So, the following items should be on the table:

  • selected drawing;
  • cardboard, film or plastic;
  • stationery knife;
  • a simple pencil, marker or felt-tip pen;
  • scotch;
  • convenient surface for cutting out a template.

First you need to decide on the choice of pattern for the stencil. In the presence of creativity, rich fantasy and imagination, you can come up with a composition yourself. You can focus on the general design style of the room. The selected image must be printed. Large elements You can print on several sheets and then glue them together with tape.

The material used is cardboard or paper, suitable thin plastic, film. When selecting material, you should focus on the size and shape of the stencil.

To transfer the image, use carbon paper. If you are working with transparent plastic, just use a marker to trace the outline. The immobility of the design is ensured by tape or paper clips that connect the elements.

After transferring the selected picture, it sometimes needs to be adjusted. For example, you will need to draw separate lines for cutting. If the template is made on cardboard or plain paper, it is best to staple it on both sides or laminate it. Thanks to this, the stencil will function for as long as possible.

When cutting out stencils for walls, you should act carefully to avoid the appearance of cuts and burrs. If this requirement is not observed, the image will turn out ugly and have flaws. If the design is complex, for example, flower stencils consisting of parts different sizes, small elements should be attached to great details, otherwise they will not be able to be kept intact during the cutting process.

You should only cut out those areas that will need to be painted. In the process, it is convenient to use a stationery knife; a thin blade will do. Under the stencil there should be glass or a surface that you won’t mind if damaged. If you use a regular knife for cutting, then you will not be able to get the most clear, straight lines.

Working with the template

You need to know how to properly use made stencils for DIY decoration. During the work you will need:

  1. stencil;
  2. special glue;
  3. tool for applying paint (brush, sponge);
  4. aerosol or acrylic paint.

Before using stencils for walls, the surface must first be prepared. Dust and dirt particles are removed from the wall. If possible, wash or wipe with a dry cloth; it is permissible to use a vacuum cleaner.

After execution preparatory work markings are applied. It is more profitable to use a level. Thanks to him, it will be possible to apply the ornament absolutely smoothly without defects. If the image is simple, for example letters, they can be immediately applied to the wall. However, it is better to practice beforehand. To do this you will need whatman paper or old wallpaper. Using a pre-made sample, you can not only train your hand, but also choose the optimal color.

Ready-made stencils can also be purchased in stores. To manufacture the product, the manufacturer uses polymer film, which is distinguished by functionality and reliability. The material washes out well, is not damaged, and allows you to experiment.

It is better to use special aerosol glue to fix stencils on walls. It leaves no traces, does not damage the wallpaper, and does not cause it to peel off from the surface along with the template. During the process, you need to carefully and evenly spray the glue over the stencil. Then it is pressed well against the wall. Special attention should be given to places with subtle transitions.

Types of stencils

How long will it take to get DIY decor stencils based on a template? They are different types, each of which takes less or more time. The ornaments are universal. They decorate not only walls different rooms, but also the floor, doors, fireplace, windows. It is important that everything fits organically into the interior and overall style.

Beginners prefer to use a single-color type of template. To do this, you need paint of one tone, which is carefully applied to the wall.

The multi-color type of templates implies obtaining a real work of art. During the manipulation they use different colors. A variety of colors are often chosen when creating children's drawings.

There are volumetric stencils. When applying them, putty is used. Its thickness should be approximately 2 mm. The application technology is very simple, it looks impressive, as it creates a semblance of a velvet surface.

Another type is called reverse stencil. Coloring is not carried out with inside, but outside the stencil. Thus, it is possible to obtain the illusion of illumination. This option is perfect for bedrooms where calm tones and muted colors are used.

When making templates, you need to focus on the style of the room, its purpose, and take into account your own taste preferences. WITH big amount elements you need to be careful. You can't overdo it so you don't end up with graffiti. Everything should be concise.

You can use one type of ornament in one room. In the kitchen and living room, it is good to use stencils of flowers and greenery, which will emphasize the welcoming atmosphere. At the same time, you cannot combine a damask ornament with flowers, since it will lose its perfection and luxury. You should not combine geometric images with butterflies, animals, etc.

There is no need to include very small elements in the drawing. They complicate the task because it becomes difficult to paint over them. There is a high probability that from a distance such details will look like separate spots.

If you want to decorate a hall, hall, office and other rooms in a restrained style, geometric motifs are best suited. It can be classical Greek or Byzantine theme. Thanks to simple lines that intertwine with each other, it is possible to obtain strict, unusual patterns. Such decorative ornaments suitable for hotels, offices, halls of various public premises etc.

Thanks to stencils that you make yourself, you will be able to get beautiful, unique designs on the surfaces of any room. Anyone can make a template on their own; you just need to practice a little.

Photo gallery

We invite you to view 33 more photos original ideas stencils for DIY decoration.

2016-04-26 301


Drawings on walls were made long before our era. Hundreds of years later, rock paintings make the “interior” of caves not only attractive, but also unique.

Nothing has changed. Well-chosen and properly executed wall painting will help transform the room.

A stencil print on the wall is an easy way to achieve the required zoning of space. By introducing minor changes you can hide the disadvantages of the layout or, conversely, draw attention to the advantages.

The execution of this painting can be either very complex or very simple. The difficulty of the work is largely determined by the chosen execution technique, the size and number of details in the outline. You need to figure out what is right for your home.

How to make the right choice: types of stencils

Determine which number of shades you will work:

  • One tone of paint. Used if it is necessary to apply various inscriptions or graphics. This method is popular when drawing silhouettes or ornaments.
  • Several shades or colors are used simultaneously. Gives you the opportunity to create entire pictures. This technique is chosen when they want to apply an auxiliary one to the main drawing in order to highlight or hide some part.

Volumetric or embossed. Instead of paint, at the initial stage, putty is used (coating thickness does not exceed 3 mm), which gives the surface a certain silkiness. Then paint is applied to the pattern. To perform such work, you need to confidently wield a spatula. Proper lighting and careful execution allows you to achieve a 3D effect.

Reverse stencil, where the paint is applied not inside, but outside the boundaries of the stencil. The main design (a cutout - a part that is usually thrown away) is fixed to the surface and painted not inside, but behind it. Painted or small area, creating a kind of contour, or the entire surface beyond the boundaries of the notch.

Decide on stencil quality. Think about how many times you want to use your stencil.

  • Disposable. Apply one or two patterns. The quality of the material is not so important, the main thing is that it can withstand our manipulations.
  • Reusable. When making large-scale illustrations or when they want to create a wallpaper effect. The stencil is made from durable material moisture resistant.

You should not rush when choosing; it is better to think through everything carefully and prepare.

Making your own stencil

Having decided on the drawing, we will select material for a stencil and let's start making it.

For disposable For small templates, you can use simple office paper, cardboard or other thick material. For example, plastic film, foil, parchment. If your budget allows, it is better to choose a self-adhesive film (it is strong enough and can withstand moisture).

Follow these steps:

  1. Draw or transfer the design you like onto the prepared base. In some cases it can be simply print on the printer. In others it is better to use tracing paper. If it is transparent film or parchment (secure the layout to it with a needle or tape so that it does not move), carefully trace the image using a marker. A base that is not very dense (for example, plain paper) can be made more solid by sticking tape over the entire surface.
  2. Place the workpiece on any surface that you are not afraid of cutting. Using a utility knife (if more convenient, use scissors) carefully cut out the inner areas of the outline, so that the main design is hollow, but at the same time all the details of the image are well held.

Tip: Try to make even cuts, then the template will have fewer gaps with the surface. The drawing turns out clear and beautiful. Pay attention to small details. They must be securely fastened.

For complex or repetitive illustrations, make reusable template. Choose very thick cardboard, acetate film or thin plastic sheets will do.

Tip: You can laminate the paper, it will acquire the necessary moisture resistance. Thick cardboard will become more rigid if you coat it with waterproof paint.

Do the same as in the previous case, taking into account some nuances:

  • When making large or complex drawings, you should break them into parts that will be combined during the process of transferring to the wall. Otherwise it will be very difficult to hold them in place when painting.
  • You can attach the dimensional pattern to the base using masking tape, adhesive tape, or even glue it (at several points).
  • The cut out contours can be strengthened by covering them with tape. Pressing the middle of the tape to the cut border, fold its edges along the borders (one edge of the tape inward, the other outward). You will achieve a tight fit of the material to the surface, the cuts will be smoother.

How to use stencils for walls?

Exists a few rules to achieve the desired result:

  1. It will help to correctly place the stencil on the prepared wall surface marking. This is necessary when applying the ornament (a slight distortion will definitely catch your eye). Large drawings that were divided into parts will, after marking, fall exactly into place.
  2. The stencil must be securely secure on a surface. Using self-adhesive film remove protective layer and stick it on the wall. Cardboard, plastic, paper are fixed with masking tape or tape. As a last resort, press firmly with your hand. Other materials should be fixed with special temporary adhesives (for example, Spiri or Takter). They do not leave visible marks, but securely attach the stencil.
  3. Choose paint depending on the surface. Acrylic paint is suitable for concrete or brick. Use a small amount of paint on a brush or sponge, otherwise it may end up outside the stencil. Try to distribute the paint evenly.
  4. When choosing a multi-color stencil, think in advance color scheme. Which one will be first, second, etc. Apply subsequent colors after the previous patterns have dried. When making a three-dimensional drawing with a stencil, the paint is applied after the putty has dried.
  5. Application technique reverse stencil pattern requires preliminary calculation paint application density and halo width. An image made of paint-impermeable material is fixed on the wall. Paint (spray) creates a halo the desired shade. The sprayer should be kept at least 20 cm from the wall.
  6. The stencil is removed from the wall immediately after applying the paint. If you use it multiple times, be sure to wipe it off before using it again. When applying putty, on the contrary, leave the stencil until it dries.

For some reason, wall stickers don't suit you? Order stencils of any size and decorate your interior as you wish!

Tell your friends about the stickers:

Today it has become much easier than ever to decorate the walls of your home beautifully. For decoration, there are special stencils for walls. This is the simplest and affordable way interior transformation, and the work is inexpensive. The most common decorative stencil is capable of the following miracles:

  • visually lengthen or enlarge a small room;
  • easily disguises a doorway and decorates a niche;
  • will bring notes of grace and freshness to the room;
  • hides imperfections in the painted surface and plaster defects;
  • refreshes a boring interior;
  • will make the design individual, especially if you choose stencils for the wall with elements of textile patterns.

Anyone in any room can apply a drawing to the wall. The main thing is that the surface is suitable. For painting, it is recommended to choose walls covered with paint; you can apply the picture to the wallpaper that is used for painting. In addition, the whole family can decorate the house, and children will even find this activity useful. The child can be involved in the design of the nursery, where he can use his imagination to decorate.

What stencils can you buy?

The catalog of such products is replete with offers for every taste, theme, and there are preparations different levels difficulties. Experts recommend buying stencils for interior design in stores that professionally deal with such products. According to the method of applying paint, the following types are distinguished:

  • plain or plain. They are easy and clear to work with, so they are best suited for beginners;
  • combined. Here you can use several colors, creating large multi-colored pictures;
  • volumetric. With their help, you can create a three-dimensional picture, and if you add the right lighting, it will look even more impressive;
  • reverse. It is not the drawing itself that is painted over, but everything around it.

In addition, it is possible to order large stencils for the wall. Disposable stencils can be big size, up to 5 meters in width and height. Traditionally, painting fixtures are made from adhesive-backed Oracal vinyl film. In use, a vinyl stencil for interior painting is unpretentious and convenient. You can apply the image with a paint roller, aerosol can, sponge or brush.

If you want to buy a huge stencil of a city on the wall, then you need it to fit into overall design rooms. Not too suitable for wallpaper small parts, since they will be perceived from afar as paint stains.

Do you think it’s easier to use instead of stencils? It's your right to choose the sticker you like and place your order.

The modern art supplies industry offers huge selection ready-made templates, fixtures and various decorative accessories. They can be used to form interesting and original compositions, stickers, and applications. But perhaps the brightest and an unusual option will become DIY decorative stencils, original templates , which will allow you to create the most unique drawing and embody the individual ideas of the author and interior decorator.

Hand-made plots and unique combinations reflect the character of the occupant of a room or house, highlight the decor against the backdrop of typical apartments and create a certain mood for everyone who admires the ornament or interesting plot composition on the door, wall or furniture.

What are templates for?

Surely many of you have seen interesting sets with ready-made stencils for walls. Plant, animal, and fairy-tale ornaments enliven walls and wallpapers and add zest to the interior and any environment.

Stencil and template can be useful for different decorative works: in the kitchen, children's room, on the ceiling. They create an unusual space, add volume and depth to the plane, realize the creative skills of the owners, and inspire unusual solutions. You can use stencils to add some flair. This is an economical way to bring something new to the look of a room without a large investment. You can create a unique template yourself - then the value of the drawing increases significantly.

You can use templates not only for home decoration, but also for other purposes:

  • creating creative cards, posters;
  • decorating paintings with vignettes and corners;
  • for the purpose of creating calligraphic compositions;
  • for congratulations and holiday collages, captions for photographs.

Stencil creation technology

It’s not difficult to make your own template at home - just simple dialing materials and tools, and the result will be visual, non-standard and very interesting. To make a high-quality, reliable stencil, perform several simple operations:

  • prepare the pattern-bearing wall as for painting;
  • paste wallpaper for painting;
  • achieve smooth and even coverage;
  • They use sponges, rollers, and paint in cans of different shades.

Pre-made stencils from a design store are, of course, more professional. But a unique design is a real boon for the decorator. So let's start creating our own sketch. If you are not very good at drawing, you can download a suitable sample from the Internet and print it on a printer - the main thing is that it allows you to make slits for paint and does not tear. Apply an imprint using acrylic paints through a template on cardboard or vinyl.

Helpful tip: Any pattern will work, but overly detailed patterns will be a bad choice. The paint will fade, small details will become illegible and smeared, and the appearance will become unpresentable.

Having prepared the drawing, you need to choose a good, high-quality material for the stencil base. The easiest and cheapest way is to take a sheet of thick cardboard or plastic. The main condition is that the material should not tear, especially at the joints different elements, and do not get wet from the paint. If you use paper, you can minify it - there are laminating devices for home use. The laminated sheet can be used repeatedly.

Pattern application technology

In order for the paint to lay on the surface successfully and not spread, it is important to choose the right technique with which the design will be applied. There are several basic techniques:

  • pattern using one color. In this case, the result will be a monochrome drawing;
  • multi-color combined palette. Several are used here different colors, but it takes more time and patience to dry different layers of paint. This method is suitable for more experienced decorators who have already worked using the monochrome method;
  • holographic or volumetric method. Here they use putty, which is applied with a special spatula. This way you can achieve a “velvet” effect and some image thickness (1-3 millimeters), which even creates the appearance of a three-dimensional image.

Helpful advice: if the putty layer does not lay down very evenly, you can use sandpaper, using it to wipe off any excess paint around the image.

  • reverse stencil. If in the usual case the paint is applied inside the slots, then using a reverse stencil the opposite result is achieved - the paint covers the space outside the boundaries of the design. Due to this technique, it seems as if the drawing emits a slight glow. It is usually convenient to take paint in cans here. In the process of work, they use a cutting - part of the template, which will then be thrown away. It is glued to a wall or other surface, sprayed with paint.

Choosing a place to place the picture

In general, the territory for the template is not limited in any way. But to achieve the maximum decorative effect, you can use traditional techniques.
Most often, a large, spacious plane, empty and free of furniture, is used to apply a template design. A large and bright stencil is chosen for it, which will create an attractive pattern - it will help to play up the atmosphere in an interesting way and add color to the atmosphere of the room.

Helpful advice: do not take a modest, small drawing for a large and empty wall– it looks stingy and poor. A stencil that is too large will look bad on a small wall, where the space will look cramped and out of proportion.

A good way is to play with humor standing furniture using a stencil. Above the table you can draw a vase, rosette or candle in a candelabra, as if they were on the tabletop. Above the shelf interesting idea will be an image of book spines or silhouettes of figurines.

Tools for creating a template

The available set of items will be useful set to create a stencil:

  • selected image;
  • suitable material - from cardboard and plastic to photographic paper, sometimes lavsan is used;
  • "carbon copy";
  • pencils, felt-tip pens, markers (can be in one copy);
  • paper knife or scalpel;
  • masking tape and regular, transparent tape;
  • draft paper for experiments;
  • a wooden board (or other material) that you don’t mind cutting out a template on it.

Helpful advice: before the crucial moment of drawing a drawing “white”, it is better to practice on a piece of paper, also checking the optimal combination of colors and the degree of fluidity of the paint.

Cutting a stencil

The selected drawing must be transferred to the template base using carbon paper. If the base is plexiglass or plastic, then a marker is enough to outline the outline of the design. When copying, the image moves along the base, so it is better to fix its position with tape.
Then cut holes for the paint using a sharp utility knife or scalpel. Remove layers of paper inside the outlines of the design. To make this work as efficiently as possible, it is better to do this work on a hard surface that can withstand movement with the blade - cutting board or unnecessary covering, a piece of linoleum.


After this, they begin to apply the image to the wall or door. It is important to thoroughly clean the surface and dry it from excess moisture or greasy stains(otherwise the paint will spread and not stick). Make marks in the places where the drawing will be placed - use a tape measure or ruler.
The cut out template is attached to the surface with tape or glue in the form of a spray. The aerosol type of glue will not tear off a piece of wall, wallpaper or paint when removing the template, moreover, it is invisible and does not leave marks.
Paint the stencil using a brush or sponge. Take a little bit of paint so that it does not spread under the stencil layer. Convenient way hold the brush perpendicular to the wall, applying light paint hitting the tampon.
When painting small parts, it is better to use an up and down application technique. If used aerosol can, then keep at a distance of at least 30 centimeters from the wall. It is better to first blot the sponge on a piece of paper, removing excess paint. If you are making a large-scale drawing using a roller, you will have to slightly adjust the drawing by painting on small details and strokes after removing the stencil.
Having finished painting, the stencil is carefully removed, being careful not to damage the image. The result is dried for some time.

Original design solution will be the creation of dynamic compositions, with a sense of humor or interesting inclusions. Depict a group of animals in motion or a collage of exotic plants or birds.
The choice of paints is individual, but acrylic is more often used due to its cheapness, practicality, and environmental composition. Acrylic paints do not fade, they are often used in decorative variety plasters that allow you to create very beautiful bas-reliefs.
If we're talking about about a diverse stencil, ideal solution will be the use of self-adhesive film - it is easy to apply and remove, helps to achieve a tight fit to the surface.

10-15 templates are combined into a single ideological picture, gradually, over time, adding new elements. This creates an elegant look for a home, creative studio or children’s room that will reflect the interests and original tastes inhabitants.