Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Knauf ceilings. Preparation of mortar mixture

The floor is an integral part of the room and affects not only the interior of the room, but also such indicators as temperature and humidity, and the level of thermal protection. Therefore, the international company Knauf, working in the field of production of building materials, has developed the Knauf-superfloor technology, which allows short time execute high-quality installation subfloor for further installation of the finishing coating.

Knauf-superpol - what is it?

Knauf-superpol is a team design or a system that allows you to avoid “wet work” on the concrete screed and, accordingly, reduce technological interruptions associated with its drying.

Elements This system consists of glued gypsum fiber sheets, offset by 50 mm relative to each other, due to which folds are formed around the perimeter. The Knauf superfloor element has a total thickness of 20 mm and dimensions 1.2×0.6 m. With such a thickness, the floor element weighs little, but the resistance to loads of its surface reaches 20 MPa.

Dry soil serves as a leveling base for the elements of this system. backfill made of expanded clay (with a fraction size of 0−5 mm), ideally filling the space and having excellent thermal and sound insulation, as well as fire protection characteristics. If the expanded clay granules are larger, a slight characteristic crunching sound can be heard when walking in silence.

System floating Knauf flooring, as it is also called, has a number of benefits:

  • reduction deadlines installation The Knauf-superfloor system allows you to complete all the work in just a few days and not have to take a technological break for the screed to dry before laying the final flooring you can start immediately. However, according to the recommendations of experts, you should not touch the dry screed for several weeks if the thickness of the backfill layer is more than 5 cm, since with such a thickness the backfill material will shrink by approximately 15 mm;
  • The main advantage of this system is absence wet work. Laying dry screed can be carried out without fear in a room where the renovation has already been completed;
  • sound and heat insulation. Expanded clay backfill prevents noise penetration and heat loss;
  • floating floor technology creates base, which is ready for further coating and does not require additional leveling of small differences and irregularities inherent in sand-cement screed. This means it saves both time and money. Since the base, assembled from Knauf-superfloor elements, is smooth and even, any type of flooring can be laid on it, be it linoleum, laminate, tiles, and so on;
  • unlike cement-sand screed, dry screed is lightweight and does not load the floors;
  • It is possible to lay pipes or wiring directly in the dry screed.

Knauf-superfloor is laid on wooden and concrete floors in rooms with a non-aggressive environment. When laying a waterproofing layer, this system can also be used in showers and bathrooms. This system is especially relevant in conditions of reduced loads on floors or when “wet” work is excluded.

When is the Knauf system relevant?

Such floors have wide range opportunities and allow, in some cases, to get by at low costs. Use dry the screed is convenient:

  • to eliminate differences in the floor base over 40 mm. This applies to apartments of old buildings, where a serious difference in elevation is the norm;
  • when installing electrical wiring and water supply systems after completion of repairs;
  • for limited periods repair work;
  • Possibility to install a floating floor low temperatures air;
  • when the logs become dilapidated.

Construction of a dry screed

Dry screed installation work Knauf begin with measurements of the covered floor area and its horizontal level. This can be done using building level, making notches on the wall indicating the deviation of the base from the horizon. The notches are then connected using a ruler and thus the required layer of expanded clay backfill is determined. The expanded clay layer should not exceed 100 mm. The required volume of backfill is determined based on 50 kg (1 bag) of backfill to cover 1 m². But this relationship is true in the case when the previous floor covering is completely dismantled.

For installation floating floor you will need:

  • Super PVA glue;
  • Knauf-superpol elements;
  • self-tapping screws for gypsum fiber sheets;
  • expanded clay backfill;
  • vapor barrier;
  • construction tape;
  • edge tape or polyurethane foam sealant.

More expedient edge tape apply when the wall curvature is up to 2 mm/m.p. If this indicator is higher, it is better to fill the gap between the wall and floor base sealant, the excess of which, after hardening, is removed with a sharp knife.

After cleaning On the base of the floor, a vapor barrier (polyethylene film) is spread from small debris and dust with an overlap of about 200 mm on the walls. On top of this film, using a thick gypsum mortar, beacons are installed at the marked level, for example, aluminum slats for laying plasterboard boards, with a pitch of 900 mm. When laying elements systems on a wooden supporting base, instead of polyethylene film, corrugated, waxed paper or glassine is used.

The space between the beacons is filled with expanded clay the fraction that is being leveled building rule. When forming a layer over 5 cm, the backfill must be thoroughly compacted.

Process styling Knauf-superfloor elements start from the corner. The edge adjacent to the walls is trimmed. All elements are mounted using the tongue-and-groove type, with the seams coated with glue and then connected with self-tapping screws with a pitch of 100 mm. Experts emphasize that when screwing in the screws, you must be on the sheet that is being screwed.

The first row of elements is carefully levels out at the intended level, since the installation of other parts of the system will depend on this. The regulated gap between the wall and the gypsum fiber sheets - 1 cm - is subsequently filled with polyurethane foam sealant. After all the sheets are mounted, the finished base must be vacuumed.


This design of the floor base allows the result to be durable coating capable of supporting the weight of the loaded passenger car. However, in order to avoid unpleasant “surprises” when using the assembled flooring, professionals recommend sticking to a few rules:

  • Before installation, the elements of the Knauf-superfloor system must be adapted to the room where they will be installed.
  • GVL sheets should be stored on flat surface strictly horizontal.
  • The base layer of expanded clay should not deviate too much from the horizontal level.
  • when constructing a base from Knauf sheets wet areas in addition to the mandatory gasket waterproofing tapes along the walls, the surface of the mounted elements is covered with a layer of waterproofing. By the way, the manufacturer Knauf also produces them.
  • When finishing coated with a thin elastic material, the base is covered with a layer of no more than 2 mm of self-leveling putty.

As you can see, the process of constructing the Knauf superfloor uncomplicated, saves not only time, but also money, allows you to reduce loads on floors, increase the level of noise and heat protection, and also level the floor covering complex configuration. The only negative this basis is its defenselessness against moisture in case the neighbors above are flooded. However, for the neighbors below, after installing the Knauf superfloor, additional sound insulation will be a gift.

If you are an amateur innovative technologies, then you might be interested in reading new technique for flooring. This technique is based on dry floor screed “Knauf”. If, when using traditional technology (filling concrete screed) you need to wait about a month until it hardens completely, the dry Knauf floor is ready for use immediately upon completion installation work. The peculiarity of this technology is relatively simple. So having studied detailed instructions, you can handle this job yourself.

Technology Feature

The principle of making a dry Knauf floor is very simple. The whole essence of the work is as follows. An impervious material is placed on the floor. Granular heat insulator is poured on top of it. Sheets of rough coating are mounted on top. The sheets are glued together. The weight of these sheets allows the loose insulation to be compacted, resulting in high strength.

Fine expanded clay sand is used as a loose granular heat insulator. The granule should have a diameter of no more than 4 mm. Gypsum fiber sheets act as a subfloor. This material has high strength.

Coatings for dry screeds “Knauf” are sold in the form of panels. Two panels are glued together, which allows a fold to be formed for good joining. The panel size is 1200×600×20 mm. As for the width of the folds, they are 50 mm. Glue is applied to these places, and for greater strength everything is additionally twisted with self-tapping screws. On similar coating can be put ceramic tiles, linoleum and other facing materials.

Pros and cons of dry screed

First of all, let's look at all the advantages and disadvantages of the Knauf dry floor technology. So, first let's look at the positive aspects:

  • Wet processes are completely eliminated. As a result, the room does not experience an increase in humidity, as is the case with a traditional screed. In some cases, exposure to moisture, even temporary while the screed is drying, can lead to negative consequences.
  • There is no need to spend a lot of time to complete all the work on installing a Knauf dry floor.
  • After installing the Knauf dry floor, you can immediately lay the finishing material.
  • If the need arises, dismantling the Knauf dry screed is as quick as its installation. So, gypsum fiber sheets are cut with a jigsaw, and the granular heat insulator is removed with a shovel.
  • The total weight of a dry Knauf floor is significantly less traditional technologies. Plus, only 50 mm of useful height is eaten, provided the floor is leveled with a difference of up to 30 mm. As a result, the load on the floor slab is noticeably reduced. If you live in an old house, then this decision will be more relevant than ever.
  • The granular backfill of the Knauf dry floor used increases thermal insulation properties premises. Thanks to this, thin cladding materials can be laid on the floor.
  • High sound insulation.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Chemical safety.
  • Installation can be done absolutely at any time of the year.
  • The necessary engineering communications can be placed in a special backfill.

Now let's look at the disadvantages of the Knauf dry floor:

  • If flooding occurs, noticeable destruction is observed. But unlike other technologies, the floor is easy to replace or repair. If this is not done, mold and mildew may spread.
  • If your room is not heated and damp, then laying dry Knauf flooring is prohibited. A loose thermal insulator can begin to absorb moisture from the air, which will lead to its swelling.


"Knauf" technology offers four main types of screeds:

  1. Gamma. This is one of the expensive types of Knauf dry flooring. It combines a number of technologies, including a layer of expanded clay, which is located on the waterproofing. It is pressed against GVL, and foam plastic or fiber insulation. The top layer is more durable gypsum fiber sheets.
  2. Alpha. Installation on a floor with a difference of no more than 30 mm is allowed. When using it, there is no need to use expanded clay. The composition of this floor has the following elements: damper tape, polyethylene film, gypsum fiber board panels. It is considered the most budget-friendly solution.
  3. Beta. In this case, instead of expanded clay, porous or foamed material is used. One of the advantages is sound insulation. But there are also obvious disadvantages; some thermal insulation fillers can be harmful to health. For this reason, it is important to familiarize yourself with the composition of Beta dry screed.
  4. Vega. It includes a waterproofing layer, expanded clay, damper tape and gypsum fiber board. Such floors are durable, thermally insulating and have good sound insulation. Any finishing coating can be applied to the surface.

What is needed for work

Having considered the feature modern technology, now let’s begin to study the question of how to make a dry Knauf floor with your own hands. First of all, consider the list of required material and tools for carrying out successful work. The material you will need is gypsum fiber panels. When calculating them, be sure to reserve 10%. Please note that this material must cover the entire floor area. You will also need expanded clay, this is the dry backfill for the Knauf floor. The granule fraction should not exceed 5 mm. Per meter square flow is about 20 dm 3. To determine the exact consumption in your case, you need to know the average thickness of the future screed and the area of ​​the room. All calculations can be done using an online calculator.

You will also need self-tapping screws for fastening the gypsum plasterboard. On square meter on average there are about 12 pieces. A damper tape must be laid around the perimeter of the room. Its height should be 20 mm greater than the thickness of the future screed. For connection gypsum fiber sheets you will need special glue. You can use PVA glue or special mastic from the manufacturer KNAUF. The average consumption per square meter is about 50 grams.

The floor surface is puttied, material consumption is 200 grams per square meter. Be sure to purchase a waterproofing material; it can be a simple polyethylene film. Please note that the film must be overlapped, so starting from total area premises must be purchased with a 20% reserve. Well, you will also need, the consumption of which is 200 grams per square meter.

In addition to the material, you will also need the following tools:

  • Screwdriver and drill. It will be necessary to make holes and tighten screws.
  • Electric jigsaw and construction sharp knife. This tool will gently cut gypsum fiber board, film and damper tape.
  • Metal rule.
  • U-shaped profile for arranging lighthouses.
  • Roulette.
  • Square.
  • Building level.

This is the basic set of tools, with which you can start working.

Installation instructions for dry floors "Knauf"

Laying technology comes down to simple sequential steps. If you follow the instructions from the manufacturer, which are indicated on each package, then you will be able to make a durable floor covering from Knauf dry flooring. In this case, the main thing is to follow the order of laying all layers.

To begin with, the surface of the base floor is thoroughly cleaned of all kinds of contaminants. There should be no protruding lumps of dried mortar or cement on the surface. A plastic film is placed on top of the cleaned surface. Docking should be done with an overlap of no more than 150 mm. Each edge must be placed on the wall. All joints are glued together with tape. A damper tape is attached to the wall along the perimeter of the room.

Next, you should begin installing beacons. Several beds are poured in increments of one meter. The lighthouse will be placed on them. It is necessary to make an indentation of up to 300 mm from the wall. Now, using a level, determine the thickness of the backfill and install the beacons at the appropriate height. They must have perfect horizontality. The U-shaped profile should be carefully pressed into the granular material. The profile should not fall or hang in the air. Granular material should be densely poured under the beacon.

Important! When determining the level, make sure that it coincides with adjacent rooms.

Now the granular material is completely backfilled. It is aligned by installed beacons. It is recommended to fill the floor gradually. Aligned small area, lay down gypsum fiber sheet. This will allow you to move around the room while working.

Advice! As soon as the floor is leveled, the beacons must be removed.

All Knauf dry floor slabs are laid sequentially. Each fold is treated with glue and only then laid on the floor. It is recommended that the sheet of each subsequent row be shifted from the joint by 250 mm. Finally, the screws are tightened and puttyed. The dry floor using Knauf technology is ready!


As you can see, the Knauf dry floor technology is very simple. Even a non-specialist can handle it. To consolidate the whole theory, we suggest you watch a prepared video on the topic of how to make a dry Knauf floor yourself:

Dry floor screed is one of the main technologies used in modern construction for carrying out construction and repair work aimed at leveling the floor. Along with the “dry screed” method, demonstrating modern approach, there are more traditional version, called wet or cement screed.

The idea of ​​a wet screed has been known for a long time and involves the use of such building materials, like concrete or cement-sand mortar. Taking into account modern development construction technologies, this approach turns out to be irrational due to its economic impracticality. In addition, the use of a wet screed, in contrast to the “dry floor” technology, is associated with a number of inconveniences and can cause undesirable consequences. These disadvantages are associated with the peculiarities of the processes for preparing and carrying out measures for the application cement screed, as well as some of its tactical and technical characteristics. The work itself of using a wet screed can be characterized as time- and labor-intensive, as well as dangerous from the point of view of sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Dry floor screed, being a modern development, is devoid of all the disadvantages that we described for wet screed. In addition, dry screed has a number of additional advantages and positive characteristics that will be appreciated by both the builders themselves and their clients.

Dry backfill for floors (dry floor)

The process of making floors where dry screed is used is carried out in accordance with certain rules, including the following steps:

  1. 1. Surface preparation.

Surface preparation includes removing old floor structures(if any), cleaning floors from debris, eliminating gaps, recesses and cracks.

  1. 2. Installation of a moisture-proofing layer.

The construction of a moisture-proofing layer involves the use of polyethylene film, glassine, batuminized paper, etc. waterproofing materials. This procedure is mandatory when using dry floor technology, as it protects it from moisture and steam, which can cause it to swell and deform.

  1. 3. Sound insulation device.

For sound insulation, a special tape made of polyethylene foam, mineral or glass wool, as well as others can be used. similar materials. To install it, a small gap of up to ten millimeters is left along the entire perimeter at the base along the walls, in which the soundproofing tape is installed.

  1. 4. Application of backfill.

The use of backfill is necessary step when installing floors based on dry screed. This process involves the use of bulk material that creates a flat surface for installing the flooring, and also acts as additional sound and heat insulation. For this purpose, materials are used that are characterized by properties such as low shrinkage and hygroscopicity, increased flowability and porosity. Quartz and silica sand, expanded perlite sand, screenings from expanded clay production, fine-grained slag, etc. are often used as backfill. Dry backfill must be done on a film and leveled. As for the thickness of the backfill, this parameter is selected depending on the conditions for laying the dry floor backfill, the condition of the base, height differences, etc.

  1. 5. Installation of GVL(gypsum fiber sheets).

The final stage of floor installation using dry screed technology is laying gypsum fiber boards. At the same time, asbestos-cement sheets, chipboard, OSB, as well as waterproof plywood, etc. can be used as sheets to be laid. The sheets themselves are laid in one or two layers. The sheets are fastened to each other using self-tapping screws and special glue.

As a result, we get a finished floor using dry screed technology. Further manipulations with the dry screed directly depend on the coating under which the floor is being prepared. So, in the case of using linoleum coating, it is necessary to carry out the operations of puttying the seams and grinding the surface. If you choose a laminate, there is no further processing there is no need to dry screed

Repair and leveling of the floor according to most technologies takes from several days to a month. This is mainly due to the use of “wet” solutions, which require long time on the process of hydration and drying.

Knauf loose floor technology is carried out using the dry screed method and has no disadvantages traditional ways alignment. Moreover, all the work carried out can be done with your own hands, with only a little help from a partner.

Characteristics and performance

Knauf bulk floors are a method of leveling and constructing a floor, which involves backfilling dry aggregates in the form of expanded clay sand, on the surface of which gypsum fiber boards are laid.

IN general view, this floor is made using the dry insulating screed method, that is, fine aggregate is poured onto isolated base with subsequent arrangement of rough flooring made of sheet materials.

Knauf dry screed technology is based on the use of expanded clay sand, consisting of a mixture of fractions of various sizes, not exceeding 4-5 mm. Sand is poured onto the supporting base, distributed, leveled over the surface and covered with gypsum fiber boards.

Dry screed Knauf technologies provides a smooth and durable surface ready for any flooring material

Gypsum fiber sheets are a material based on building gypsum and cellulose fiber. Unlike plasterboard, gypsum fiber does not have a paper “wrapper”, but the presence of fibers provides sufficient strength and high technical characteristics.

Super Knauf sheets are produced in the form of panels with a joining edge of dimensions 1.2 × 0.6 m and a thickness of 10 mm. In fact, these are two glued canvases offset relative to each other. The rebated edge ensures quick and reliable docking sheet material, which takes place in two stages - applying the adhesive mass and fixing it with self-tapping screws.

After spreading the mixture and protecting the leveling layer, a completely flat surface is created that is ready for laying most types of floor cladding.

This method is ideal solution when arranging floors in wooden houses with a weak system interfloor ceilings and when constructing foundations in a short time. If necessary, electrical heating systems can be installed before pouring the aggregate.

Advantageous features of bulk floor

General diagram of the construction of a bulk surface with GVL lining

Usage natural ingredients for the production of expanded clay sand and gypsum fiber provides loose floor from Knauf company safety, environmental friendliness and sufficient service life.

Such floors can be used both to level the surface in children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms, and to create a flat surface in heated garages and storage rooms.

Other advantageous features of Knauf dry screed include the following:

  • refusal of wet binders - the work being carried out completely eliminates the use of wet solutions and materials. This helps to eliminate accidental leaks that occur when installing “wet” screeds;
  • low load on the floors - the total weight of dry components and gypsum boards, exerts a load 3-4 times lower than when installing a traditional “wet” screed;
  • total thickness of the leveling layer - the thickness of the floor layer does not exceed 12-14 mm, with a maximum backfill thickness of 8-10 mm;
  • high sound and thermal insulation characteristics– due to the expanded clay sand used, the construction of a bulk floor is thermal insulation layer, which has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, which effectively reduces noise and extraneous sounds entering the room;
  • speed of installation - although the work carried out seems voluminous, nevertheless, backfilling and laying sheets in a room of 18-20 m2 is carried out in one shift of 8-12 hours;
  • quick dismantling and troubleshooting - if necessary, for example, in case of leaks or flooding, gypsum plasterboards are easily dismantled, the filler is removed and replaced with a new mixture;
  • ease of installation and safe operation - the technology can be used at any time of the year, without temperature restrictions. After leveling the bulk floor, the coating fully responds modern standards fire safety, chemically inert and environmentally friendly.

In addition to the advantages of this technology, the disadvantages of Knauf loose flooring are not critical. There are two of them and both can be attributed to the specifics of the work or associated risks.

The main disadvantage is the dustiness of the room when filling large volumes of dry aggregates. For small rooms, the amount of dust is insignificant, but for safety it is recommended to use a respirator and closed-type construction glasses.

The second disadvantage is the water absorption of the materials used. It is not advisable to use expanded clay sand when arranging warm water floors and in rooms with high humidity. In other cases, mandatory waterproofing of the base is carried out, which completely eliminates the risk negative impact moisture.

Preparation for work and general sequence of execution

The Knauf loose floor technology is carried out in strict sequence in compliance with technological standards, regulations and rules. During the work process, it is not recommended to make your own edits and developments based on personal experience.

The work technology involves the use of mixtures from various manufacturers

The general sequence includes the following work:

  1. Cleaning the supporting base.
  2. Marking and calculation of screed height.
  3. Repair and surface preparation for waterproofing.
  4. Installation of waterproofing and expansion joint.
  5. Backfilling the screed.
  6. Setting up beacons and leveling the mixture.
  7. Laying GVL.

On preparatory stage preferable use hand tools, which will speed up the dismantling process old decoration and floor structures will help you quickly clean and remove dirt from the base. To do this, you can use a hammer, chisel, crowbar or hammer drill.

When eliminating minor damage apply cement-sand mortars with the addition of a plasticizer. For more serious cracks with a depth of more than 3-5 mm, it is advisable to joint them with perpendicular cuts, thoroughly clean them, treat them with a primer and rub them with a cement mixture.

When determining the height of a dry screed, one should proceed from the general condition of the surface. It is important to remember that the thickness of the bulk layer should not exceed 12-14 mm. In general cases, the average layer thickness is 6-10 mm without laying gypsum fiber sheets.

The main stages of preparation, cleaning and insulation of the base for the installation of a bulk floor

Marking the level of the bulk floor is carried out using a standard method using a building level. To do this, at a distance of 50-80 cm from the floor, a horizontal line is drawn on the surface of all walls. These lines should be at the same level and converge at one point.

Next, the distance to the base of the floor is measured, and the minimum and maximum values ​​are selected. The difference between the found values ​​will be the approximate deviation relative to the horizon level. Based on this value, the necessary allowance is made and a second line is drawn on the surface of the wall, which will be the floor level after leveling.

For example, maximum and minimum distance to the floor 53 and 50 cm respectively. Based on this, the height difference is 3 cm. According to the standards, minimum thickness Knauf bulk floor excluding gypsum sheets should be 2 cm.

As a result, we have that 3-5 cm allowances are valid value– subtract 3-5 cm from the minimum value and draw a line around the perimeter of the room.

When arranging the waterproofing layer, a polyethylene film with a thickness of 100-150 microns and a damper tape of 5-7 mm are used. The film is laid over the floor area, extending 15-20 cm onto the walls.

The tape is installed along the lower edge of the wall to a similar height. If there is excess material after installing a dry screed, you can trim it or cover the protruding remains with a decorative plinth.

Sequence of filling and laying slabs

Schemes for laying gypsum fiber sheets in rooms of various shapes

Knauf screed technology involves the use of original dry screed components, Supplies and GVL. If possible, various elements can be replaced.

For example, instead of the original adhesive mastic, use PVA glue, instead of Knauf expanded clay backfill, use backfill from another manufacturer, approved by a German company and corresponding in size fraction and bulk density.

For further work you will need following materials and tools:

  • Knauf expanded clay sand and gypsum fiber sheets;
  • Knauf adhesive mastic and putty;
  • metal rule or leveling rod;
  • U-shaped profile;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • level, tape measure and pencil.

Calculation of dry screed is carried out at the rate of 10 liters of dry backfill per square meter, with a layer thickness of 10 mm. For example, for a room of 16 m2 with a required backfill of 5 cm, you will need 10 x 16 x 5 = 800 liters, which approximately corresponds to 20-24 bags of 40 liters each. It is recommended to use glued two-layer fabric with a folded edge as sheets.

Knauf bulk floors - technology for performing work

The technology for installing a dry Knauf floor screed with your own hands is performed in the following sequence:

If necessary, a second layer of gypsum fiber sheets is laid. At the same time, they are re-displaced along the joints. This will significantly increase the strength of the base and help avoid sagging of the floor structure.

To demonstrate the instructions described above, we recommend that you watch the video - technology for backfilling and installing a screed floor.

German manufacturer screed Knauf dry positioned as a Superfloor, suitable for use in dry and damp rooms, the temperature inside of which does not fall below + 10 degrees.

In addition to materials for 4 types of dry screed - Alpha, Beta, Vega and Gamma, Knauf company produces tools for this technology (2 guide rails and one sliding rule in the basic configuration).

However, original brand products are expensive to repair on our own you can get by with gypsum fiber sheets from any manufacturer, plastic film, damper tape and expanded clay sand from the nearest building materials store. The tool is an aluminum rule 1.5 - 2 m and a profile from gypsum fiber board systems (usually rack-mount 2.7 x 6 cm).

Layer-by-layer Knauf dry screed device

In the album of Superpol technical solutions using the manufacturer’s materials, Knauf dry floor screed is presented in four options with different compositions of the design “pie”:

  • Alpha– on even floors or slabs previously leveled with self-leveling flooring, only two layers are used GVL sheets without film waterproofing;
  • Beta– also on smooth floors, but acoustic (usually sound-absorbing) material is laid under the gypsum fiber panels;
  • Vega– a system for an uneven base, includes a layer of expanded clay sand, on which two layers of gypsum fiber board sheets are laid;
  • Gamma– sound insulation is laid under the gypsum fiber boards, then waterproofing film and expanded clay backfill.

Variants of Superpol Knauf pie.

Important! The design of the Knauf Superfloor is floating, so for all of the above options, a damper tape around the perimeter of the walls at the junction points is mandatory.

In practice, laying technology according to the Vega and Gamma options is most often used. Expanded clay backfill is cheaper than self-leveling flooring; in addition to leveling the floor, it additionally improves the acoustic properties of floor slabs:



Number of layers Airborne noise insulation index R (dBa) Reduced structural noise index L (dBa) Structure thickness (cm)
Alpha 2 GVL 24 52 60 2
Beta 2 GVL + porous sound insulator 28 53 55 3 – 5
Vega 2 GVL + expanded clay + polyethylene 36 53 58 4
Gamma 2 GVL + porous sound insulator + polyethylene + expanded clay 60 55 55 5 – 11

Important! If the project includes a heated floor, it is laid ON OVER the dry Knauf screed. Before tiling, the surface of the GVL sheets is puttied with a continuous layer of at least 2 mm thick with special elastic compounds, for example, NivelirSpachtel 415 from Knauf.

Features of dry screed for different floor coverings.

Laying technology

Unlike wet and semi-dry screeds, laying Superfloor is much faster. You can walk on a dry screed already during the installation of gypsum fiber board sheets. This option ensures not only high maintainability of the structure, but also of the communications hidden under it. Boxes and other structures made of plasterboard do not absorb moisture, since there are no wet processes, windows do not fog up, even with poor ventilation.

Floor slabs for Knauf dry screed must be inspected to identify defective areas. The sequence of operations at this stage is as follows:

  • removing a loose layer of concrete or treating it with special compounds (deep penetration primer);
  • sealing cracks, joints and seams with putty mixtures as necessary;
  • dust removal and removal of oil stains;
  • drying wet areas of concrete.

Important! For Superfloor version Alpha without expanded clay sand, it is necessary to level the slabs with a self-leveling floor.

Horizontal level tapping

For dry Knauf floor screed, it is impossible to use the method of lowering the highest point of the horizontal level, since the gypsum plasterboard sheet cannot be brought “to zero”. Therefore, the rise in the finished floor level will be at least 2 cm at the top point.

Horizontal cutting is done as follows:

  • a laser level or plane builder is installed in one room so that the beam penetrates the walls of adjacent rooms;
  • at an arbitrary height, a single line is drawn in all rooms of the cottage/apartment;
  • the distances from this line to the floor slabs are measured, the top point is found ( minimum size based on measurement results);
  • the perimeter of the walls is covered with damper tape, the upper edge of which should be 2 cm above the level of the floor covering;
  • The top line of the horizontal level is transferred onto the tape using a tape measure, taking into account the specified values ​​of the thickness of the dry screed.

Advice! When using a plane builder, it is not necessary to make a line; all subsequent operations can be performed with the device turned on, focusing on its laser beam.

Waterproofing, insulation and acoustic material

Depending on the acoustic and thermodynamic characteristics of the floor slabs, dry screed may contain different materials. Therefore they are arranged in the following sequence:

  • sound-absorbing or soundproofing material directly onto floor slabs;
  • polyethylene film with overlapping strips of 15 cm minimum, the edges of which extend onto the walls 2 cm above the level of the floor covering (run under the damper tape), in the absence of acoustic material they cover the ceiling;
  • thermal insulation - on top of previous layers or one polyethylene film.

Important! There is no need to reinforce dry screeds; the heated floor contours inside them are not used. All risers passing through the ceiling engineering systems wrapped with damper tape.

Filling with expanded clay chips

To reduce labor costs bulk material Compavit is applied to the previous layers of the dry screed cake using the following technology:

Important! When using a conventional galvanized profile, marks from the shelves remain in the Compavit layer, which must be additionally leveled. Special tool Knauf allows you to avoid this operation - the guides are laid on top of expanded clay, and the rule has a special profile (cutouts along the edges), so there are no traces of the beacons left.

Laying gypsum fiber sheets

Unlike wet screeds, it is easier for the master to move around the expanded clay by laying several pieces of gypsum fiber board measuring 50 x 50 cm. Therefore, laying the sheet material does not have to start from the corner farthest to the doorway.

Unlike conventional gypsum plasterboard sheets, the manufacturer Knauf produces EP elements - two panels glued together with an offset of 5 cm. Due to the offset, a seam connection is obtained between adjacent rows by default.

The technology for installing the top hard layer of dry screed is as follows:

Important! The manufacturer completes Superpol systems with 3.9 mm self-tapping screws 19 – 45 mm long (100 pieces per box) marked MN.

Nuances of Superpol Knauf

IN ideal dry screed must be installed in all rooms of the home at once. Since in places adjacent to the doorway, expanded clay will spill out from under the gypsum fiber board sheets. However, in practice, Superfloor is installed in separate rooms, so the following technique is used:

Thus, the bulk material is completely limited by the rigid box and cannot spill out from under the top layer.

Important! It is prohibited to rest even light partitions on the Knauf Superfloor, so they must be erected before installing the dry screed.

Thus, the Knauf dry screed is a fully equipped system with detailed instructions for installation in the album of standard solutions from the manufacturer. However, you can make the structure yourself from ordinary gypsum fiber board sheets without special tools.

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