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Human energy colors meaning. What does the color of your aura mean?

Every person has an aura. With its help, you can learn about illnesses, emotional states, as well as thoughts and feelings.

The energy cocoon shimmers in different colors, but for each person one color predominates, by which one can determine how emotionally stable he is, at what level of development he is, and many other facts.

Those who have astral vision can see the color of the aura. You can see the aura and determine its color yourself. To do this, you need to know what certain shades mean, and also focus on your feelings.

Red color indicates that a person has the qualities of a leader, he has enormous energy potential and unspent love. The predominance of red indicates financial success, the ability to achieve goals and accept independent decisions.

Dark red indicates that a person cannot control emotions, is hot-tempered and even despotic. This shade indicates a desire to dominate, survive at the expense of others, and manipulate people for one’s own purposes.

Red with shades of brown indicates a cunning nature, an insufficient level of vital energy, which is most often replenished through energy vampirism. This shade may indicate a disease of certain organs if it is localized near them. If the aura consists entirely of red-brown, then with a high degree of probability the person is prone to cruelty.

Scarlet aura often indicates selfish and proud people who are characterized by arrogance and a disregard for their surroundings, including their relatives.

Lilac color is responsible for generosity and enthusiasm. People with such an aura are selfless and ready to perform feats for the benefit of others.

Pink aura speaks of the ability to maintain communication, give love and care. People with such an aura most often occupy positions where help and support are required for people with all sorts of limitations.

Orange color symbolizes vitality, humanity and respect for others. People with this aura are confident in themselves, but will never put their interests in opposition to others. Orange color can also indicate problems with internal organs, especially with the liver.

Orange with a hint of green indicates people with difficult characters who often provoke quarrels and scandals, feeding on the emotions of their opponents.

Yellow aura indicates friendly personalities with good health and love of life. They are endowed with the ability to quickly absorb knowledge, are naturally optimistic and have creative potential.

Yellow aura mixed with red indicates timid people who, as a rule, have complexes and try to stay in the shadows. They are dependent on the opinions of others and rarely make independent decisions. The easiest way for them to become dependent on manipulators.

Yellow aura with shades of brown speaks of laziness and unwillingness to think about the consequences of accomplished deeds. The carelessness of such people often turns into trouble. Due to their own shortsightedness, they are able to step on the same “rake” over and over again.

Bright green aura speaks about what prevails in people positive attitude, they are capable of caring and helping others, but they often show too strong emotions, perceiving someone else’s grief as a personal tragedy.

Green aura with emerald tint indicates that this is an honest and open person, somewhat childishly naive. Also, this shade speaks of enormous potential and the opportunity to master any profession, especially if it is related to creativity.

Aura of yellow-green hue indicates traitors and cunning people who should not be trusted. This aura is usually acquired by two-faced people who are capable of “going over their heads” for the sake of their own well-being.

Blue aura- an indicator of a gentle character, a desire for peace and care. Typically, people with this aura are in good health, open to communication, and work hard to achieve their goals. With due persistence and skill, they can achieve success, but do not strive for leadership.

Pale blue aura speaks of indecisive and suspicious people. They find it difficult to make responsible decisions, they strive to imitate more successful people and rarely achieve success on their own.

Purple aura indicates people who strive for new knowledge and are also looking for themselves. They are characterized not only by intellectuality, but also by spirituality, purity of thoughts and friendliness. Most often, such people avoid large companies, preferring to search for their place in the sun.

Blue aura indicates people who care family values. As a rule, people with such an aura have innate intuition and, with due diligence, can develop extrasensory abilities. They are excellent empaths who strive to support during mental anguish and ease the pain, literally passing it through themselves.

Gray aura talks about problems with physical and emotional health. This shade speaks of weak personalities who have not decided on the direction of the path. Often such people are selfish and secretive, capable of deception and do not have pronounced abilities.

Silver Aura indicates dreamers with well-developed imagination and intuition. They are creatively gifted, but overly trusting. People with this aura color tend to see the good in everything, often making mistakes in their choice of friends and trusting the wrong people.

Golden aura speaks of stubbornness and the desire to become pioneers. People with this aura color are hardworking and do not give up on assigned tasks. The color gold indicates success and good fortune, as well as the ability to share your vitality with loved ones.

White aura speaks of individuals who are accustomed to smoothing out conflicts, have a calm character and most often act as defenders of the weak with complete dedication. They are always in search of truth and are drawn to new knowledge.

Black aura indicates severe health problems, as well as an unbalanced psyche. Such people are quite rare and usually criminals “shine” black. It is generally believed that they do not have a divine spark.

Do you know what an aura is? What color is it for you? In the article you will find answers to these questions and more. Aura is a manifestation of the spirit and soul of a person. This is exactly how it is interpreted by various esoteric beliefs and eastern religions. It is not studied by scientific disciplines, it is not an object of the material world. However, this concept is often used within various pseudoscientific areas. For example, in alternative medicine, concepts of biofields, dowsing.

Scientific interpretations

In esoteric and religious traditions, an aura is a radiance surrounding the human body, which is often seen as a sign of mystical, special power.

In secret books it is described as an oval shining appearance visible only with extrasensory perception; in paintings it is described as a halo, a halo. In New Age, parapsychology and esotericism, an aura is a halo consisting of several interconnected multi-colored layers.

In the treatises of Eastern (Orthodox) and Western (Catholic) Christian art, the halo has nothing to do with the aura: in the East it means the illumination of the face of a saint, and in the West it means the reward that the miracle worker received for righteousness. Orthodox Christians believe that the halo on icons is an image of what a martyr radiates.

Aura structure

It is the eastern philosophies of Hinduism that present the structure of the aura in the most detail. In various schools, from five to seven “bodies” or “shells” are noted. The most often distinguished are the astral (ethereal), emotional (sphere of emotions), mental (area of ​​thoughts), casual (karmic, or causal), atmic (true, or higher self) and buddhic (soul) bodies.

According to Eastern religious philosophies, violations of the form or integrity of the “shells” lead to the appearance of diseases, and methods of eliminating them are meditation, breathing exercises and other yoga methods.

Modern research

The meaning interests many. Modern energy or alternative medicine and parapsychology have developed so much that pseudoscientific models of how human systems work have begun to emerge. In addition, experts seem to have established a functional connection between the layers of the aura, chakras and the general condition of the patient or the activity of the endocrine system.

Scientists are trying to create equipment that could detect and register an aura based on the Kirlian effect: they plan to influence the psyche with generators of electromagnetic radiation. Russian and foreign experts have constructed diagnostic computer systems supposedly based on photographs of the human aura. Such actions are characterized as pseudoscientific.


The existence of auras has not been proven by science. But many sources present photographs showing people with multi-colored halos glowing around them. However, a picture taken in reality can be distinguished from professional installation impossible.


So what is an aura? This is the energy cocoon in which a person is located. It should be noted that colors are just different parts of the spectrum. In fact, we can talk here about frequencies or wavelengths. After all, we perceive them only as colors - red, green, and so on. For example, many people can easily see the color red, but not blue.

The aura shows the state of a person's health. When an individual is hopelessly ill, it begins to fade and sometimes disappears before the person dies.

In this “cocoon” you can see not only health and illnesses, but also thoughts and emotions that are most characteristic of its owner. The prevailing colors of the halo determine the most important aspects personality.

Aura is material object, constantly changing its color. Each person has a main halo color that does not change throughout his life.

Aura color

How to set your own aura color (value)? Many people can do this by date of birth. Each one corresponds to a specific number. You can find out the color of your halo by summing up all the numbers of your birth date: year, month and day. If you were born on November 16, 1986, the sum of the numbers will be calculated as follows: 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 33, 3 + 3 = 6. And 6 corresponds to blue - this is the base color your aura.

If the result is a two-digit number (11 or 22), it remains unchanged. The correspondence of numbers to aura colors is as follows:

  • number 1 - red;
  • yellow - 2;
  • orange - 3;
  • green - 4;
  • blue - 5;
  • blue - 6;
  • purple - 7;
  • pink - 8;
  • bronze - 9;
  • silver - 11;
  • gold - 22.

Red aura

What is a red aura? Its meaning is known to few. Red is the color of determination, ambition, love of freedom and optimism of a person. Such an aura speaks of cheerfulness, sensuality, and aggressiveness of nature. The state of apathy and indifference is incompatible with its owner. These data mean that a person can achieve success in sports. However, such a victory should not overshadow the main goal in life.

Red is the color of ambition, and therefore the owner of the red aura is capable of lofty goals, he can choose a worthy one for himself. Having achieved it, you can be proud of yourself. If you achieve success, the basic background of your aura will increase in volume and acquire radiance. Choose people to communicate with deliberately so that you can be inspired by their achievements. It is better to avoid stupid people with low self-esteem - they will negatively affect your aura, moving the target to an indefinite distance.

Yellow aura

What is good about a yellow aura? The meaning of this halo is quite interesting. A yellow aura indicates a creative nature; its bearer is capable of self-expression, is sociable and prone to intellectual achievements.

In the presence of such a person, inaccessibility and coldness melt away, he knows how to charm. If you don’t notice this in yourself, well, you should think about your wrong behavior. You need to work on your own openness. With the help of your natural eloquence, you will instantly raise the spirit of any company. Since you are very sociable, the professions of a consultant, teacher, salesperson, adviser and others are suitable for you, where you will show your sociability for the benefit of others.

Orange aura

What else can an aura tell you? The meaning of the orange halo is of great interest. This color speaks of emotions and health. The orange aura gives a person sociability, caring, kindness, and sensitivity. Now look at yourself: how depressed, irritable, depressed are you? Or maybe you are not able to express yourself the way you would like?

If any of the above is present in your life, you urgently need to make adjustments to it. You need to realize that you are devoting your time to useful and constructive activities. Enjoy helping others. Accept yourself for who you really are. Emotionally communicating with like-minded people will bring you the greatest joy.

Green aura

Do you have a green aura? Do you want to know its meaning? The owners of such a halo are compassionate and sentimental, perfectly adapting to any circumstances. These people love to communicate with friends, so they are optimists. If they have a failure, then, as a rule, they blame others for everything.

Green is the color of the universe and all living things. It is the opposite of red, so the owners of such an aura are restrained in their actions. This vibration endows its owner with stability, which is identical to the force of nature, gaining imperceptibly, but without stopping. A person of this type is a conformist, but in his own way. Once he feels he is right, nothing can stop his plans.

The green color of the aura has an amazing meaning. Owners of a green “cocoon” sometimes observe in themselves such qualities as gullibility, “greenishness”. But it attracts even greater favor from people. You just don't need to get carried away with the little things. You must concentrate on action because you have the ability to do so. If you help others, your aura will become brighter. Charity can be diverse; for example, you can establish a humanitarian mission and fight for the rights of citizens.

Blue aura

So, we continue to find out the meaning of the aura by color. The blue color of the halo symbolizes the desire to search for truth, a penchant for travel and teaching. This color indicates clear thinking, imagination and creative inclinations, but does not exclude the presence of adventurism.

Owners of a blue aura enjoy studying the culture of different ethnic groups and are inspired by new experiences. These people are forever young, capable of glorious deeds. Sometimes they cannot rest, leading very active image life. Because of this, they get serious stress.

Among the owners of a blue aura, you are unlikely to find those who will direct their reserves to dubious purposes. Such people have gifts that need to be used wisely: this way you can achieve a lot.

Blue aura

The blue aura has an ambiguous meaning. Blue color - humanity, nobility, caring. The owners of such a halo are self-confident and overly responsible. People subconsciously understand them and are drawn to them.

A person with a blue aura should not ignore entertainment and relaxation, since taking his charitable activities too seriously will prevent him from taking care of himself. Blue is a mixture of ardor and sensitivity, which in its passionate desire to do everything right, against all odds, can choose the wrong direction.

The blue aura constantly changes its tone. If you have such a halo, you need to determine a consistent shade and try to maintain it. All tones of this color have some degree of devotion in them. The blue aura helps a person understand the value of joint efforts so that he follows this throughout his life.

Purple aura

What if a person has a violet aura? We will now find out its meaning. The purple color corresponds to teaching, intuition, clairvoyance, and spirituality. People with such a halo are impressionable and have a rich spiritual world. They are able to show delicacy and tact in helping others. They draw support from difficult period life from your faith.

These people do not like to ask others for help; they always rely only on their own strength. If there is no unity between personal qualities and natural gifts, their aura dims and decreases in volume. Luckily they can update it. If you find others indifferent, try to express yourself more simply and easily.

The violet aura endows its owners with artistic and literary abilities; these people are distinguished by Creative skills and a wealth of imagination. Few people have such a halo, so they involuntarily feel special. Their “purple” activity is the transformation of illusions into reality.

Pink aura

Pink color means hard work, materialism, determination. People of this aura are very caring and gentle, like pink rays. However, these qualities do not prevent them from defending their personal point of view if necessary. They never tire of caring for loved ones and love to act according to personal principles.

If the positive reserve of the base background is not realized, the saturation and brightness of the aura color weakens. If you find yourself personally dependent on others, you will definitely feel the need for action in order to assert yourself. Find something true to do for your soul. Move away from the monotonous routine, free yourself from burdensome comfort and create something that you have often thought about.

A pink background can convey timidity and indecisiveness. Then you should work on your confidence and ability to freely express your own intentions.

Bronze Aura

Bronze color expresses humanism and self-sacrifice. People with a halo of this color are caring, gentle, and decisive. They happily help people and do it in a detached and relaxed manner, as they value emotional independence. Owners of a bronze aura have a positive outlook on life. They are capable of becoming happy. However, they sometimes think that others underestimate them. Therefore, they definitely need to devote some time to personal needs.

Silver Aura

The silver aura expresses a tendency towards fantasy and daydreaming. This halo is responsible for humanism. People with a silver aura are endowed with imagination and impeccable intuition; they have a high spiritual level. Their distinctive qualities are honesty, nobility, and gullibility.

The aura becomes lifeless and gray if the behavior goes against the color of the main background. To restore it, a person needs to realize his abilities. Trust your intuition and appreciate yourself. Perhaps you should make an effort and start acting outside the box.

Golden halo

The golden color symbolizes limitlessness. It indicates the presence of non-standard qualities human soul, bold plans and responsibility. These people are successful and have high goals. When the task is completed, they are filled with happiness. Carriers of a golden aura emit powerful energy that others feel. They are natural leaders.

The solar biofield is a true sign of cheerful individuals who love life in all its manifestations and attract attention in any society.

The yellow aura gives its owner the ability to widely love and enjoy little things, the energy of creativity, inspiration, as well as a wonderful sense of humor and intelligence. Even yellow Orange color aura indicates a person’s brightness, maximum involvement in his own destiny and emotionality.

Yellow aura: meaning

It is extremely important for representatives of this energy to win the sympathy of those around them; they have a hard time experiencing their inability to defuse the situation. There are a lot of people around such people, because they radiate optimism, friendliness, generosity, happiness, while showing sincerity in everything. The youthful enthusiasm in these individuals remains until the end of their lives, and who are they capable of acting as spiritual healers?

Individuals in such a biofield are restless in their desires and playful, very passionate and sexy.

The yellow color of a person’s aura indicates an eternal child who communicates with the younger generation with great pleasure. Such individuals are incredibly sensitive, they do not like power over themselves and are stubborn. These people lack consistency different areas. For example, because they are polygamous, they flirt constantly, and then begin to worry about being drawn into the network of love. Only real feeling develops devotion and fidelity to the partner in such a subject.

At work sunny man I am also inclined to change professions, showing creativity in any direction.

With yellow energy you can become a good musician, bartender, or stand-up comedian. Success also comes in sports and engineering.

It is worth noting that these individuals are cold-blooded when it comes to finances. Money for them is a tool for entertainment, so they make visionary investments only in cases of incredible wealth. Such isolation from the material sphere is closely connected in the owners of the yellow biofield with spirituality and innate aestheticism. At the same time, the most notorious rebels also have predominantly yellow auras. This occurs due to fear of responsibility, loneliness, and attachments. For the same reason, these people can become victims bad habits, prolonging the fun with alcohol and drugs.

The etheric shell in yellow shades indicates the work of the frontal chakra. In addition, there is control over the energy center in the solar plexus area. It is from there that a person receives all his energy. If the yellow color takes on a clear aura shape near the head, the individual is distinguished by special achievements in the spiritual sphere.

It is also worth noting that people with such a biofield are religious and enlightened. It is no coincidence that Buddha, who renounced the vanity of existence, and Christ had this connotation. Therefore solar energy is a sign of the divine. Brightness and warmth are what everyone feels after communicating with a person with a yellow shell of the subtle body.

Man with a yellow aura

The yellow color of a person’s aura changes slightly depending on the gender characteristics of its owner. The stronger sex is distinguished by imperial qualities, i.e. they love power and attention. This is very individual people, carriers of a truly masculine subconscious.

It is interesting that among such subjects there are often lovers of striptease. And these men also attach great value to orgasm.

Women with a yellow aura

Girls in a solar shell personify, on the one hand, wild fire, which not everyone dares to approach. On the other hand, it is the warmth of the hearth and an expression of true fertility. Therefore, such women have either loneliness against the backdrop of outward sociability and attractiveness, or a happy family with kids.

The yellow aura of a person has a very vital meaning, but at the same time it is a little mystical in terms of resisting the forces of evil. Since ancient times, in the east they have tried to identify demons with this color. This is personified by the departure of darkness after the awakening of the sun's rays. The energy of the yellow biofield is more masculine than feminine, because it is strongly associated with rationality, logical thinking and practicality. These people are strong and successful. We can say that yellowness is a manifestation of the scientific mind in the fight against ignorance.

For “yellow” subjects, it is very important to achieve complete understanding with a person, to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. At the same time, you can discuss intellectual topics with such interlocutors, and their minds are extremely sharp.

The goal of any activity for a solar personality is self-expression.

Striving to turn everything into entertainment and accumulating creative energy, these people fill their lives with very bright moments, adding richness to their every day.

Cons and character flaws in people with a yellow aura

What does a yellow aura mean in a person in terms of shortcomings? Usually people with positive energy suffer from low discipline, fickleness, irresponsibility and bouts of laziness. On top of that, they can become very shy in public.

Despite such disadvantages, a person in the yellow biofield strives for happiness and achieves it through perseverance. Frantic energy, intuition, and sympathy from the environment help with success. If desired, “yellow” people accumulate all their will and strength, directing them to the zone of maximum efficiency.

In many ways, these are typical sanguine people, oriented towards an extroverted path of development.

Yellow aura color: what does color tone mean?

The sunny shade, despite the initial positive meaning, is extremely contradictory in symbolism. Interspersed with other colors can lead to the creation of a halo of negativity, as well as combine the ability to heal and poison life with poison.

Yellow color with dirty streaks

This tone speaks of limitations on the expression of will. Because of such paralysis in action, a person indulges in sad thoughts. In addition, dirty tones always refer to falsehood, the individual’s preoccupation with problems, jealousy, uncertainty in the situation, tension and even madness.

It is possible that such a person is related to prostitution. In a general sense, a dirty shade of yellow is a manifestation of death or severe sickness. Yellow energy in unpleasant reflections speaks of emotional instability, collapse of dreams, overexcitement and a terrible fear of losing one’s status, influence, and reputation.

Red-yellow aura

Tone expresses a person's shyness in mental, moral and physical terms. It's about about a subject with a low sense of self and not enough developed intellect, unsure of the correctness of his position and faith.

Such a person constantly searches for the main purpose of life, chooses religion and hobbies. Consistency in a particular activity is not the strong point of these people; they give up various projects in the middle because they lack support and their own patience in achieving long-term goals. Weak will, inferiority complex and constant doubts about their decisions prevent these individuals from choosing a path, so they prefer to listen to others.

A pure shade of red in combination with yellow is not so bad, because it indicates a thirst to expand your sphere of influence and realize your hopes. Such a person is able to work and works on many projects in parallel.

But the dirty red-yellow color of energy speaks of overestimating your skills and chasing several birds with one stone. The individual is afraid to show himself incompetent; he blames others for failures, although in fact the fault is his fixation on the problem and exaggeration. Every problem gives such a person only a feeling of helplessness and deprivation.

Dark yellow biofield

Such a biofield, in turn, speaks of excessive vulnerability and touchiness. These may be greedy and fearful individuals who are satisfied with modest personal achievements of a low level.

Yellow-orange aura

Someone with a yellow-orange aura can also be offended by any word or deed. Such individuals are even pugnacious, so it is better not to make comments to them. Scandal and hypersensitivity increase in those who naturally have red hair and freckles.

Bright yellow aura

Bipole brightness in pure color scheme speaks of the confidence of an individual whom one wants to trust. Such a person will come to victory at every opportunity, showing cheerfulness and high intelligence.

A very bright yellow color with hints of toxicity suggests that the person is as persistent and strong in spirit as possible.

Pale yellow aura

A pale sunny shade indicates a person’s lack of sociability. Such a subject turns into an introvert. The wisdom of such people is limited by their own caution. A person with a pale aura yellow tones Wishful thinking and cannot decide to take risks for the sake of success.

However, if the pale yellow tone is only around the hair on the head, only the appearance of optimism remains.

Yellow-green aura

This aura has many meanings. On the one hand, he is an observant and vigilant person, but on the other hand, he suffers from addictions. Such people love recognition very much and want to demonstrate themselves in all their glory.

  • A pure shade of yellow-green speaks of a constant search for new paths and activity. This biofield affects health only in the area of ​​the liver and brain. Moreover, the transition from yellow-green to brownish-yellow or reddish indicates the social nature of ailments.
  • The dirty color of the aura, yellow-green, in turn, shows the individual’s uncertainty and passive position in life. Such a subject constantly postpones important decisions, suffering from a lack of hope and an abundance of doubts.

Brown-yellow aura

Brown-yellow energy shows the unclean thoughts of people. These may be neglected alcoholics who willingly go to their death. Also, this color is a sign of underdevelopment in spiritual sense, which gives rise to an internal feeling of emptiness and strong bouts of melancholy.

With such a shade of aura it is difficult to find ideal partner for life. Social dissatisfaction is usually expressed by a brownish-yellow stripe of energy in the thigh area, with pollen glistening there.

  • Jagged stripes of brown to yellow transitions indicate a real mental disorder.
  • Pure yellow-brown simply shows the need for physical comfort and renewal of strength, general dissatisfaction due to unresolved problems of a psychological nature. Such people have various somatic ailments; they tend to go with the flow and not take responsibility for anything.
  • Dirty yellow-brown shows anxiety and despair, ostentatious carelessness leading to constant stress. The indifference of such people hides anxiety, suppression of desires and disappointment. Sometimes these individuals suffer from arrogance and contempt for reasonable criticism.

Yellow-golden aura color

This tone demonstrates overall well-being and excellent physical fitness. Such subjects are very independent in their structure own life, almost do not worry about trifles and absorb information perfectly. They have a lively mind, a craving for friendly communication and helping other people.

The golden hue of the biofield, gradually turning into lemon spots with a clear glow, speaks of a person’s highest goals in life, of his renunciation of his own ego.

  • Yellow-gold is the highest color, and if it is clear and pure, a person will clearly soon move to new level development.
  • A golden-yellow halo around the head can indicate the holiness of a person, his ideal moral principles.
  • Gold and yellow in the biofield are fidelity and justice life path, confidence in life and creativity.

Rare shades of yellow aura

  • Combination of pink and yellow represents the individual's confidence in own strength and a cheerful attitude towards life in general.
  • Mustard shade hints at a person's tendency to manipulate people in own purposes(mainly, either to achieve pleasure or to gain recognition in society), as well as deceit and general dishonesty.
  • Yellow-blue aura is a symbol of high spirituality. It is interesting that the division of the body into two energies - yellowish-green and yellowish-blue - from different sides indicates a possible split personality.
  • Lemon shade of aura shows the clear mind of its owner. But if the yellowish biofield suffers from turbidity, such clear thoughts are precisely what is missing. Such a person suffers from confused thinking and his fears. When an individual emits red, lemon, and brown shades on the basis of yellow at the same time, his intentions are not at all good, even dirty.
  • Dull yellow energy indicates selfishness. A person often engages in introspection, trying to choose best strategy actions. Sometimes subtle yellow shows a cowardly personality.

The yellow aura gives its owner prosperity, wisdom, desire to learn and a healthy understanding of change. Such individuals do not focus on the little things, and this helps them survive failures. The pure glow of the sun in the biofield speaks of multiple victories in life due to strength and activity, lightness, curiosity, and spiritual development. This warm hue not only brings life, but also a thirst for change, which is why people with this energy can awaken psychic skills.

Carriers of this energy must remember that playing social roles for the sake of recognition is not too good idea, so it’s better to channel your abilities into an artistic direction.

How can you calculate the color of your aura without instruments and what does this color mean? I think this article will be of interest to a wide range of readers.

Your aura. Color, size, shape and other characteristics of a person’s aura

The word “aura” comes from the Greek word meaning “breath”, and it means “energy-information field that surrounds physical body person."

Aura is a subtle energy that contains information about a person’s personality, his lifestyle, his spiritual level of development, his thoughts and feelings.

With amazing accuracy, a person’s aura reflects his mental, physical and spiritual health. Try to calculate your aura and read what this or that color means.

Aura characteristics

According to the famous Russian psychologist, specialist in the study of human reserve capabilities Sergei Klyuchnikov, the individual characteristics of the human aura - its shape, size, density, color palette - depend on the degree of development of a particular person.

Aura shape

It is an oval that more or less evenly surrounds the human physical body.

The shape of the aura is harmonious when a person is psychologically stable and full of strength and energy. The more internal instability, the less symmetrical the shape of the aura.

Aura size

The size of the aura refers to radiation that extends beyond the human body at a distance of several centimeters to several meters.

The more spiritually developed a person is and the stronger his energy potential, the larger the size of the aura. An internally weak person has little radiation.

Aura Density

Talks about the strength of a person's personality. How more purposeful person The more harmonious his behavior is, the stronger and denser his aura becomes.

A person who is in a state of depression and low energy may have an aura with a low degree of density.

Aura color palette

Aura different people can shimmer in the most bizarre color combinations.

In most of all possible variations, the human aura is a multi-colored substance.

All the contradictory thoughts and feelings that absorb a person’s soul every moment of his life are built into color palette his auras are kaleidoscopic combinations of all sorts of - sometimes the most unexpected - shades.

However, one of the colors in her multifaceted palette is dominant. Other colors are present in a smaller, more diffuse interpretation.

Find out the color of your aura

The colors of the aura can be either crystal clear or cloudy. Cloudiness of color can mean internal disharmony or lack of spiritual purity.

Transparency and purity of color emphasize the strength of the soul, its inner harmony and the desire for self-improvement.

In a calm, harmonious state of soul, a person certainly returns to his leading, basic color - the main background of the aura, which is associated with his individual perception of the world around him and indicates his life purpose.

So, let's calculate our aura

One of the methods for determining the main background of the aura, which is described by the famous New Zealand parapsychologist Richard Webster, is the numerological method.

According to it, we add up the numbers of the day, month and year of our birth.

So, for example, if a person was born on March 25, 1975, then the main background of his aura can be recognized according to the following scheme: 03/25/1975 = 2 + 5 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 32.

We reduce the resulting number to a single digit by addition: 3 + 2 = 5.

The number 5 corresponds to the color blue.

Thus, the main background of the aura this person- blue.

There are only two exceptions to the general rule. Addition may result in numbers 11 and 22. These are known as "dominant" numbers and should not be reduced.

What does the color of your aura mean?

Number 1 corresponds to red.

Red color indicates sensuality and love of life. Those with a red aura background are ambitious, purposeful, liberated and optimistic people.

Advice for people with a red aura background. Set yourself a worthy goal, the achievement of which will inspire you and make you proud.

The number 2 corresponds to the color orange.

Orange color indicates emotions and health. The orange background of the aura makes its wards sociable, kind and sensitive to the needs of other people.

Advice for people with an orange aura background. Find something to do that can give you the feeling of completing a noble task.

The number 3 corresponds to the color yellow.

Yellow color indicates creativity and intelligence. Carriers of a yellow aura background are sociable people and capable of self-expression through creative activities. Their presence warms and enchants those around them.

Advice for people with a yellow aura background. Determine your interests, choose something you like and try to achieve excellence in this area.

The number 4 corresponds to green.

Green is the great color of nature, and those people who emit it not only easily adapt to circumstances, but are also compassionate, responsive, and love friendly communication.

Advice for people with a green aura background. Set new goals for yourself and engage in self-improvement in the process of implementing them.

The number 5 corresponds to the color blue.

The blue color indicates a talent for teaching, a love of travel and a desire to search for truth.

The blue background of the aura implies creativity, rich imagination and a bright mind. Carriers of a blue aura background feel eternally young and capable of any accomplishment.

Advice for people with a blue aura background. Try to focus on one thing at a time and don’t start a new task without completing the previous one.

The number 6 corresponds to the color blue.

The blue color indicates nobility and humanism. As a rule, carriers of a blue aura background are self-confident, responsible and caring towards others. Other people instinctively feel this attitude and are drawn to them.

Advice for people with a blue aura background. Don't forget about rest, learn to relax and remember that you can't take responsibility for everything that happens.

The number 7 corresponds to the color purple.

The color purple indicates spirituality, intuition and clairvoyance. Carriers of the violet aura background have heightened sensitivity and the gift of intuition.

When helping other people, they show restraint and tact. As a rule, they do not like to turn to anyone for help and rely on their own strength.

Advice for people with a purple aura background. Learn not to withdraw into yourself and try to express your emotional experiences out loud.

The number 8 corresponds to the color pink.

The color pink indicates materialism, determination and hard work. People with a pink aura are usually gentle and caring.

However, these qualities do not prevent them from adhering to their own beliefs and, if necessary, firmly defending their point of view. They always find time to take care of loved ones.

Advice for people with a pink aura background. In addition to caring for others, try not to forget about yourself and your interests.

The number 9 corresponds to the color bronze.

The bronze color indicates humanism and self-sacrifice. Bearers of the bronze aura background are gentle, caring and at the same time decisive.

They willingly help others and do it unobtrusively. Most people with a bronze aura background tend to think positively.

Advice for people with a bronze aura background. Remember to devote your attention to your own aspirations and needs.

The number 11 corresponds to the color silver.

Silver color indicates a person’s intuition, idealism and dreaminess. Carriers of the silver aura background are spiritual people, endowed with a rich creative imagination and an extraordinary intuitive gift.

They are noble, honest and trusting. When choosing friends, they rely on their own intuition and try to see only positive traits in people.

Advice for people with a silver aura background. Learn to rest and relax to prevent nervous overload.

The number 22 corresponds to the color gold.

The golden color indicates limitless potential. The golden background of the aura indicates the presence of extraordinary abilities and a sense of responsibility. Success accompanies such people.

They have high ideals and goals, the implementation of which makes them happy. Carriers of the golden background of the aura are born leaders, whose energy is transmitted to others.

Advice for people with a golden aura background. Know how to find time for solitude and recuperation.

Regardless of what the main background of a person’s aura is, the main thing is that the aura carries light, that is, it is luminous.

This quality directly depends on a person’s state of mind, his inner mood and the level of his spiritual development.

Working on the luminosity of your own aura means working on improving your inner world.

Therefore, it is necessary to remember the wonderful words of the famous English theosophist Annie Besant: “Our aura shows what we are; moving further along the path of true life, we make it richer; living noble and pure life, we purify it, endow it with ever higher qualities.”

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A person's aura can be viewed from different points of view. From an esoteric point of view, an aura is a substance flowing from the human body. From the point of view of science, this is our energy field (the aura is also called a bioenergy field, psychokinetic energy). An aura seems to envelop a person; something similar is depicted on icons when saints are depicted with a halo or glow around their heads.

Human aura: colors

Different people have auras of different colors, and these colors can change depending on spiritual and physical condition person. The brighter the aura, the more different colors it contains, the better and more harmonious the person’s condition. By the predominant color you can determine the character, characteristics, inclinations of a person, and his health. The color of the aura can even tell about the thoughts and desires of its owner.

Aura color: meaning

So, each color present in a person’s aura has a specific meaning. The predominant color is the most important, it shows the main thoughts or problems of a person. Serious illnesses are reflected in the color scheme of our bioenergy field. Also serious illnesses lead to the aura becoming paler and the glow weakening. As a rule, with the death of a person, the aura also disappears, but in some cases this happens during life, which indicates a completely hopeless state of the person.

Helps you understand what they mean aura colors, decoding the meaning of these flowers.

Red aura

Red is the color of energy and everything it can give: strength, vigor, love. The presence of the color red in large quantities can indicate a person's leadership abilities and ambition. People with a primary red aura color are used to taking responsibility and making decisions on their own. Always strive for financial success. They have remarkable energy, are temperamental, conscientious and brave.

For men— red is associated with the subconscious, with the state of nakedness of the female body, erotic dreams, creativity.

For women- excitement, passion, embarrassment, childbirth, children, creativity, conscience.

People with a red aura, realists, rarely suffer from remorse. They love to live and achieve their desires. These people are explosive and quick-witted. They have difficulty communicating on an emotional, intimate level. Sometimes life with the Reds can be compared to a bullfight. They tend to protect their feelings and thoughts. They hate retreats. They have a self-possessed character, are hardworking, honest and can provide for children. These are self-confident people who prefer to work independently.

If different shades are mixed with red, the meaning of the color also changes:

  • Dark red - unbalanced nervous system, hot temper, desire to dominate.
  • Dirty red - aggression, outbursts of anger. A person with a predominance of red and dirty shades in his aura is unreliable and even treacherous.
  • Red-brown - lack of energy. If this color appears next to some organ, this indicates its illness.
  • Scarlet - excessive egoism, the highest degree of self-confidence.
  • Pink - love, sociability, spiritual well-being. They like to plan and dream about financial well-being. Purposeful, persistent. They set the bar high in life. Pinks are gentle, caring and always adhere to their beliefs, defending their point of view if necessary.

Purple aura

These people strive for knowledge and wisdom; they are spiritual, intellectual people.

For men- this color carries the fragrance of the female body, deep suggestibility, power, strength, holiness, self-denial.

For women- hidden anxiety, rejection of the new, sadness, melancholy, nostalgia, stability.

These people are extraordinary, they strive for freedom and independence. Space is very important. Throughout life they experience ups and downs; their life is replete with surprises and zigzags. Clearly highlighted leadership abilities. They prefer intellectual and spiritual communication and often experience a deficit in such communication. They gravitate towards everything mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a solution to such phenomena. They have high intelligence, but are physically weak.

Shades of purple:

  • Amethyst - spiritual insight.
  • The purple color, which predominates in a person’s aura, speaks of his enthusiasm and desire to benefit other people. Such people are fair and often commit heroic deeds. Characterizes humanity, altruism, and healing in people.
  • Violet with silver is the highest degree of knowledge and experience available to man.
  • Ultramarine-indigo - stillness, mystery, delicate fragrance.
  • Dark purple with dirty stains - fears, vampirism, illness, depression.
  • Purple is the color of spirituality and devotion. People who meditate or have strong religious feelings usually have this color in their aura. But purple is also a color of pride and a passion for showing off.

Orange aura

Orange color is an indicator vitality, confidence. People who have a predominant orange color in their energy field respect others. However a large number of this color may indicate liver problems.

People with radiated core orange Auras love to spend time with family and close friends. They are caring, gentle, have good intuition, balanced, ready to cooperate, practical, and stand firmly on their feet.

For men orange color is associated with intelligence, the blossoming of sensuality, eroticism, and love passion.

For women- courage, sensuality, courage. sacrifice, heat, heat.

Orange are daredevils, thrill seekers. They love competitions where there is physical danger, they are realists. They love to challenge and go beyond any limits. They love to make plans for their next adventures; they boldly go where no man has gone before. Incredibly inventive, energetic and self-confident. Orange people usually show no interest in family and marriage because they are busy with their own adventures. But, if they find the other half, then these people also have the courage and courage to share their adventures. Orange succeeds every time they overcome obstacles, reach the top of the mountain, perform the next risky stunt, walk through the fire and stay alive. Doesn't connect them with children emotional communication. They only care about a good standard of living for the children.

Shades of orange:

  • Bright orange - strong emotions, fun, optimism.
  • Dark orange - indulgence, indicates low intelligence.
  • Dull orange - irritability.
  • Golden - these people do not look for easy ways. They are ready to sacrifice the comforts of life to make their dreams come true. Hardworking, patient, focused. They have extraordinary abilities and are very responsible. This successful people, as a rule, leaders. Their energy is transmitted to others.
  • Golden orange - vitality, good self-control.
  • Orange-greenish - a tendency to conflicts, causticity, internal ridicule, callousness of character

Yellow aura

Yellow is the color of health and well-being. “Yellow” people are friendly, they are not afraid of change and are always ready to learn. They are not worried about small problems, they look at life with optimism. Typically this is creative people, which, moreover, are attractive to the opposite sex.

People of new ideas, they like to talk heart to heart, the goal is self-expression. They have creative abilities and are intelligent people. They have a sharp mind and love to have fun.

Men— they perceive the color yellow as the emperor’s clothes, orgasm, striptease, the individuality of the male subconscious.

Women- this is fire, warmth, fertility, work, husband, children, loneliness.

These are open people; their lives are replete with bright moments. They are smart, sensitive, and sometimes hypersensitive. These people strive for happiness and achieve it with their perseverance. Yellows believe that life is meant to be enjoyed. They want to be liked and loved by everyone. Energetic, intuitive. These are creative people who love power, who know how to concentrate strength and will and direct it to where it is most effective.

Shades of yellow:

  • Bright yellow - high intelligence, willpower, cheerfulness. A person with a bright yellow aura can be completely trusted.
  • Lemon yellow - clear mind.
  • Mustard yellow - deceit and dishonesty.
  • Cloudy yellow - lack of clarity of thoughts, confusion in thinking, fears.
  • Dark yellow - greed, sometimes cowardice. If the intellect is content with achievements of a personal nature, phenomena of a lower order, then a dark yellow color appears.
  • Yellow with a red tint - timidity, a feeling of inferiority, inability to complete the work started.
  • Yellow-brown - carelessness and laziness, a tendency to go with the flow.

Green aura

Green color is a symbol of rationality and positivity. People with a predominance of green in their aura will always come to the rescue and sympathize.

People with green aura They strive to challenge fate and achieve their goals. They have the gift of healing, are noble, sympathetic and reliable.

For men this color is associated with rebirth, friendship, expectation, calmness, and endurance.

For women- with nature, flowering, the mysticism of union, self-satisfaction, boredom of restraint.

These people are stubborn and persistent. This is the color of bankers. They are solid, respectable, and know how to create financial stability for themselves. They love peace and nature. Greens are secretive, but have a strong will and are able to overcome any difficulties. Greens are very bright people, full of strength and intelligence, good organizers, and self-critical. They often experience a fear of failure, although they rarely fail. The greatest problem for them is to find a partner. They can crush any color. Greens are very demanding of themselves and others. They feel they will get more done when they are alone and love to perform solos. The words “should” are often used in conversation.

What can shades of green in the aura mean:

  • Emerald green - versatility of personality, openness and honesty.
  • Muddy green - envy, deceit, jealousy, heartache, fears
  • Light green - creative thoughts.
  • Light green - the color is a sign of mental development.
  • Green-blue - shows a capable teacher
  • Sea wave - peacefulness and reliability. People with a sea green aura have all the qualities to become a good teacher.
  • Dirty green - envy, cunning, betrayal.
  • Yellow-green - unreliability, duplicity, the desire to do everything only for profit.

Blue aura

Blue color is the embodiment of wisdom, spirituality, harmony, contemplation and prayer. People with blue auras are caring and enjoy solving family problems. Responsible, responsive, merciful.

For a man- this is the sky, height, blue glasses, strict calculation, determination, supernaturalism, conscious cognition,
faith, conviction, mysticism, fortune telling, shamanism.

For woman- depth, distance, blue stocking, restraint, modesty, wisdom, passivity.

These are emotional, sensual, spiritual people. Many devote themselves to religion or serve science. However, frequent mood swings are observed. These people have a pronounced intelligence.

Shades of blue:

  • Bright blue - religious feeling, care for others, responsibility, spiritual insight.
  • Muddy blue - disappointment, depression, negative thoughts.
  • Light blue - determination and perfection.
  • Blue - love freedom and variety. They love to travel, change their place of residence and social circle. They always remain young at heart. They are sincere, honest and usually say what they think. These people are intuitively gifted. They can know in advance the course of further events. The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge of what GOD is. They crave to be loved and may be the one to check in on you. They do not like compliments, do not want to bother others and create inconvenience. They often live in the memory of the past without seeing the present. They prefer to do things alone. These are spiritual people, devoted, committed and lonely. They need an emotional connection with children, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives.
  • Dark blue - spirituality. People with a dark blue aura devote themselves to a good cause and give themselves completely to it.

Gray aura

The gray color of the aura means poor health, unclear thoughts, and limitations. This is due to a lack of energy in people with a gray aura. They rarely love anyone, and at the same time they are jealous. They cannot express their thoughts clearly. Mixing black with gray means that a person is disappointed.

Gray shows weakness of character and usually general weakness of health. If a person has visible gray stripes over vital organs, this indicates that the organ is being destroyed, destroyed, or is in danger of destruction; medical attention is needed immediately. In people with persistent severe headaches, gray smoke has been observed billowing and passing through a halo, and regardless of the color of the halo itself, gray streaks will pass through it just during headaches.

Shades of Gray

  • Silver - Builders of grandiose plans, ideological, dreamers. Bearers of the silver background are spiritual people, gifted with intuition and a rich creative imagination. They are noble, honest and trusting. Silvers always rely on their intuition and try to see only the good in people.
  • Dark gray is an indicator of health problems.

White aura

The most perfect and pure color is white. If it is he who predominates in a person’s bioenergetic field, then he is a person of broad consciousness, high intuition and spiritually pure. These people have their own beliefs, their own way of looking at things. These people are caring, modest, merciful. The main goal of these people is to serve the “highest” with complete dedication. These people are pure in soul, independent and have a constant need to increase their intellectual level and wisdom.

Black aura

The opposite of white, black means cruelty and a tendency to destructive activities.

Black means that the light in the aura is completely absent, which means that a person with a black aura denies and does not accept life. The black aura represents by-effect exposure to inferno, when, after exposure to a sufficiently powerful inferno, a person or other miraculously remains alive, but his aura experiences painful deformation. People with a black aura very often experience unpleasant situations, illnesses, and disagreements in the family. The owner of a black aura is malice, anger, often from damage, a strong evil eye. Corruption deals energy strikes, damage nervous system, a person becomes physically and morally exhausted, eats himself - which causes the aura to turn black. People with a black aura are in a depressing, irritated state, which has a detrimental effect not only on the person himself, but also on those around him.

The color or combination of aura colors in some people remains constant throughout life, while in others it can change repeatedly. Such changes most often depend on the living conditions in which a person finds himself.

How to see a person's aura

Exist different opinions about why only some people see the aura. According to one of them, only those endowed with supernatural abilities see the aura. In another way, all people are able to see it from birth, but over time this ability disappears. It is preserved only by enlightened natures who constantly strive for purification.

There are techniques that suggest how to learn to see the aura person. It is usually suggested to do some exercises that help develop this ability.

You can try starting with three simple exercises.

  1. The lighting in the room should be dim, not too bright and not too dim. Stretch your arms out in front of you, lift your hands up so you can see them. Relax. Close your eyes. Concentrate your mental gaze on your hands. After a while, you will be able to see a slight glow around them.
  2. Ask someone to help you: have him stand 3 meters away from you against some light background. Relax and look at the person calmly. Perhaps over time you will be able to see an aura in the form of a glow around him.
  3. Stand in front of the mirror, half a meter away from it or further if possible. Make sure that a white or neutral background is visible behind you in the mirror. Relax, breathe deeply and rock slightly from side to side. Focus your gaze on the surface texture of the wall behind you. Looking past the outline of your head and shoulders, you will see a shell of light around your body that will move with you as you sway lightly. Remember to follow your breathing, as you are now the observer and the object at the same time.

Why see an aura? It is believed that every moment of a person’s life, achievements, problems and illnesses are captured on it. That is, from the bioenergy field you can learn a lot about a person and make a diagnosis. There is an opinion that the study of aura will become the basis for the future development of medicine.

Arrangement of aura colors

Center (primary aura color)

The color at the center of the aura represents the base color of a person's aura. Most people have one dominant color for a long time. This color represents an individual color type. It shows who a person really is and what his inner feelings, goals and desires are. It is by this color that an individual color type is identified.

Left-hand side

The left side of the body represents the passive, introverted pole. You receive and absorb these energies. These colors represent the frequency of the energy field that provides a connection to a person's future or a change that is about to occur. Perhaps a person intuitively feels what the color meanings in a given area may be associated with.

Right side

The right side of the body is responsible for the active, extroverted pole. The colors here represent the qualities in which other people describe the person being photographed. In this guise the outside world senses you.

Heart region (feelings and emotions)

The colors in the heart area show a person's ability to give and receive love. By their meanings you can understand how a person expresses and experiences deep feelings.

Around the head (thoughts and beliefs)

The colors around the head give information about the mind and mental activity. By color you can judge how a person thinks, what foundations he supports, as well as his life goals.

Strengthening the aura

To strengthen the aura, breathing exercises are very useful, Fresh air and sunlight. But there are situations when it is necessary additional protection. One way is to surround yourself with bright white light through meditation. White light will transmit positive energy to you and repel negative energy. White color is the color of protection. And also, to strengthen the aura, you can use the sounds of music. Good music calms, restores strength, improves mood.

The aura of a healthy person cannot be confused with anything. A healthy person’s aura shines, there are no inclusions, the aura seems to declare that the person is healthy mentally, physically and spiritually. Any illness, with the exception of accidents, is the result of many years of negative thinking. Moreover, the first signs appear long before the disease appears on the physical level. Changes occur in the size, color, and structure of the aura. People suffering from chronic diseases have a grayish-brown aura. Muddy colors displace the main ones and you can understand which part of the body is affected. If a migraine develops, an unhealthy aura color appears around the head. Damage to muscle tissue is visible as holes that disappear after recovery. Health problems appear in the form of spots appearing in the etheric body. If the symptoms are alarming, darkened areas occupy a wide area, this indicates that there has been a loss of energy balance.