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The main meaning of your own life. What is the meaning of human life? The meaning of human life philosophy

From a scientific and philosophical point of view, the definition and concept of the meaning of life implies the existence of certain goals of existence, the individual and general purpose of a person.

The meaning of being is the basis of the worldview, which determines the entire path of development of the moral image of people.

In philosophy

In most cases, the meaning of life is perceived and positioned as philosophical problem. Philosophers of antiquity wrote that the secret of human existence lies in himself, and, trying to know himself, he recognizes the surrounding space. There are several historically recognized points of view on the problem of meaning:

  1. Followers and successors of Socrates said: "It is a shame to die without realizing the strength of your spiritual and bodily." Epicurus, exploring the topic of human death, urged not to be afraid of it, because the fear of death is inherently irrational: when death occurs, a person is no more. However, oddly enough, the attitude towards death significantly affects the attitude towards life and determines it.

  1. The problem of the meaning of life was also actively discussed in Kant's philosophy. In his opinion, a person in itself is a goal and the highest value, he is a person and the only creature on the planet capable of independently managing his life, pursuing any goals and achieving them. The great philosopher said that the meaning of a person's life is not outside, but inside himself: at the same time, the determining factor is the idea expressed through moral laws and debts. Kant also tried to describe what "meaning" is. In his opinion, meaning cannot exist independently, as a kind of object of reality, it is in the minds of people and it also determines their behavior, forcing them to voluntarily obey the laws of morality and thereby putting a person one step above other living beings on the planet. That is, from the point of view of Kant, the destiny of a person is expressed in the presence certain worldview, or religion. At the same time, religion, as an explanation for the emergence of our world, Kant denies - its significance lies precisely in the fact that it is the basis for the development of human morality.
  2. Kant's philosophy was further developed by other German classics. According to Fichte, the search for the meaning of human life on earth is the main task of any philosophy. Comprehension of meaning is the complete consent of the individual with himself, which is expressed in human freedom, rational activity, development. Developing and becoming a free and reasonable person, a person changes and improves the surrounding reality.

Throughout the history of philosophy and religion, attempts have been made to find a universal, suitable for everyone, meaning of human existence.

Religion calls on a person to prepare himself for "life after death", because it is outside the "biological" existence that real life begins. From the position of virtue, the answer to the question: “why do we live?” obvious: to do good deeds and serve the truth. In addition to religious ideas, there is a widespread point of view that sees the purpose and meaning of human life in obtaining physical and moral pleasures and the opposite, which presents suffering and death as the purpose of birth.

In psychology

Psychology also did not ignore the eternally relevant dilemma - why does a person live on earth. At least two directions in psychology are actively engaged in the search for a solution to the problem “what is the meaning of human life”:

  • The notorious psychologist and philosopher Viktor Frankl worked for a long time to create his own school, focused on the study of a person who is looking for something worth living for. According to Frankl, the goals of achieving the true destiny ennoble a person, make him more conscious, reasonable and morally healthy. As a result of his research, the psychologist wrote a book: "Man in search of the meaning of life." This work contains answers to the most common questions about the search for meaning, elaborates on this topic and suggests three ways to achieve it. The first way is aimed at comprehending the goal of existence through labor activity and bringing it to the ideal; the second way is the experience of feelings and emotions, which in themselves are meaning; the basis of the third is to gain experience through the passage of suffering, pain, anxieties and the struggle with earthly hardships on the path of life.
  • Psychology has also been actively engaged and is engaged in the study of the meaning of human life in the existential direction or logotherapy. This direction calls a person a being who does not know why and for what he came to this world and his goal is to find this knowledge. Therefore, the center of logotherapy is psychological aspect this process. And people have only two ways - either, despite possible failures and disappointments, seek their calling, be responsible for their actions, try, experiment; or - to give up at the very beginning of his path and his life will pass without touching awareness.


The purposes and meaning of human existence are seldom universal for all life or consist in the same thing. Most often, they change with age, internal personality changes; or under the influence of external circumstances. For example, in adolescence and youth, the solution to the problem - what is the meaning of life - will be: obtaining education and the necessary skills to start working; after the age of 25, the most common answers are starting a family, building a career, improving the material conditions of existence. Closer to retirement age, when life becomes more meaningful, people are puzzled by questions of spiritual development and religion. For some people, the problem of meaning is solved through a hobby in which a person is realized in parallel with the goals listed above. In the latter case, the life of such people is more full and bright, because in parallel they achieve several goals and are not very dependent on one, which means that they are easier to experience possible disappointments and obstacles, are able to comprehend them and move on.

The birth and upbringing of children is one of the most common types of life goals and the meaning of life.

The birth of a child leads to most of parents' attention is focused on him: they earn money to provide their child with the best, they try to give a good education help in difficult times instill the right way of life. Most mothers and fathers try to raise their children properly, to instill in them the desire to live by the principles of justice and high morality. And if this succeeds, the parents believe that the life path has not been passed in vain, it made sense to leave its worthy continuation on earth.

Leaving a mark on the earth is already a rarer option for finding meaning. Most often, people with some rare talent are capable of this. These are great scientists, artists, representatives of royal, noble and other families, famous managers, etc. However, not everything is so sad.

A person who does not have a very bright talent, but who is hardworking, persistent and purposeful, who lives, understanding and imagining what the meaning of his life can be, can leave his mark on the earth.

For example, this is an educator who puts his soul into his wards, or a doctor who has healed many people, a carpenter who improves the life of people through his work, an athlete, perhaps not possessing bright abilities, but achieving better results every day, etc.

The problem of achieving meaning in a high-tech society

In today's world, humanity lives at an accelerated pace and spends a lot of emotional and physical resources to maintain a standard of living. We rarely stop and think about the meaning of human life. Society and progress require conformity to fashion, certain norms, the format of relationships between people. A person is likened to a squirrel in a wheel, making thousands of monotonous movements brought to automatism; he does not have time to think about what he himself wants and what he lives for.

Modernity is characterized by the daily pursuit of illusion, false ideals. The culture of consumption does not allow one to develop spiritually, the moral side modern man becomes less developed, mundane and primitive; the miracle of life turns into ordinary existence.

Naturally, people have become more susceptible to diseases nervous system, depression, hysteria and chronic fatigue. The number of suicides over the past decades has increased several times. Human sense has become an expensive luxury.

However, for people who are strong in spirit, persistent and resistant to social influence, capable of thinking, progress opens up new opportunities for self-development and improvement of the world. Now it is much easier to acquire knowledge that contributes to the search for goals and meaning; easier to promote own ideas: for them they will not be led to the gallows and will not be burned at the stake; technological capabilities allow you to create and build new objects and objects. We live in a relatively calm period and the desire to maintain peaceful relationships, take care of nature, find compromises and grow spiritually is the purpose and meaning of human life.


Great philosophers - such as Socrates, Plato, Descartes, Spinoza, Diogenes and many others - had clear ideas about what kind of life is "best" (and, therefore, most meaningful) and, as a rule, associated the meaning of life with the concept of good. That is, in their understanding, a person should live for the benefit of other people. He must leave a legacy behind.

From my point of view, such people who have brought significant benefit to the lives of others are writers such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Bulgakov and many others, these are scientists such as Einstein, Pavlov, Demikhov, Hippocrates and others. But that doesn't mean that we simple people and not at all great minds do not bring benefit to others.

The question “about the meaning of life” excites and torments in the depths of the soul of every person. A person can completely forget about it for a while, plunge headlong into worries, into work, into material worries about saving life, about wealth. I think that on this question There is no single answer, but there are many different opinions. And their abundance is explained by the fact that different people pursue different goals in their lives.

In my essay, I will consider different opinions about the meaning of life on Earth, and in conclusion I will write what is the meaning of life for me.

The meaning of human existence.

The ancient Greek philosopher and scientist-encyclopedist Aristotle, for example, believed that the goal of all human actions is happiness (eudaimonia), which consists in the realization of the essence of man. For a person whose essence is the soul, happiness consists in thinking and cognition. Spiritual work thus takes precedence over physical work. Scientific activity and the pursuit of art are the so-called dianoetic virtues, which are achieved through the subordination of passions to reason.

To some extent, I agree with Aristotle, because indeed each of us lives life in search of happiness, and most importantly, when you are happy internally. But on the other hand, when you completely devote yourself to art or low-income science and you don’t have money for normal clothes, good food, and because of this you will start to feel like an outcast and become lonely. Is this happiness? Someone will say no, but for someone it is really joy and the meaning of existence.

The 19th-century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer defined human life as a manifestation of a certain world will: it seems to people that they are acting according to own will, but in fact they are driven by someone else's will. Being unconscious, the world will is absolutely indifferent to its creations - people who are abandoned by it to the mercy of random circumstances. According to Schopenhauer, life is a hell in which a fool pursues pleasures and comes to disappointment, and a wise man, on the contrary, tries to avoid troubles through self-restraint - a wisely living person realizes the inevitability of disasters, and therefore curbs his passions and puts a limit to his desires. Human life, according to Schopenhauer, is a constant struggle with death, incessant suffering, and all efforts to free oneself from suffering lead only to the fact that one suffering is replaced by another, while the satisfaction of basic vital needs turns into satiety and boredom.

And in the interpretation of Schopenhauer's life, there is some truth. Our life is a constant struggle for survival, and in the modern world it's just "fights without rules for a place in the sun." And if you do not want to fight and become a nobody, then she will crush you. Even if you reduce desires to a minimum (so that there is somewhere to sleep and eat) and measure yourself with suffering, then what is life? It’s clean to take and live in this world as a person about whom they will wipe their feet. No, this is not the meaning of life in my opinion!

Speaking about the meaning of human life and death, Sartre wrote: “If we must die, then our life has no meaning, because its problems remain unresolved and the very meaning of the problems remains uncertain ... Everything that exists is born without a reason, continues in weakness and dies accidentally ... Absurd that we were born, it is absurd that we will die.”

We can say that according to Sartre there is no meaning to life, because sooner or later we will all die. I completely disagree with him, because if you follow his worldview, then why live at all, it is easier to commit suicide, but this is not so. After all, each person clings to a thin thread that holds him in this world, even if his existence in this world is disgusting. We all know very well about such a category of people as the homeless (people without a fixed place of residence). Many were once wealthy people, but they went bankrupt or were deceived, and they paid everyone for their gullibility, well, there are many other reasons why they have come to such a life. And every day for them is a lot of problems, trials, torments. Some can not stand it and still leave this world (with their own help), but others find the strength to live on. Personally, I believe that a person can say goodbye to life only when he does not see the meaning in it.

Ludwig Wittgenstein things in personal life may have meaning (importance), but life itself has no meaning other than these things. In this context, it is said that someone's personal life has meaning (important for oneself or others) in the form of events that happen throughout that life and the results of that life in terms of achievements, inheritance, family, etc.

Indeed, to some extent, this is true. Our life is important for our loved ones, for those people who love us. There may be only a few of them, but we are aware that, in this wide world, we are needed by someone, important to someone. And for the sake of these people we live, feeling needed.

It seems to me that it is also worth asking for the search for the meaning of life also in religion. Because it is often assumed that religion is a response to the human need to stop feeling confused or afraid of death (and the accompanying desire not to die). By defining a world beyond life (the spirit world), these needs are "satisfied", providing meaning, purpose, and hope for our (otherwise meaningless, purposeless, and finite) lives.

I would like to consider it from the point of view of some religions.

And I want to start with Christianity. The meaning of life is to save the soul. Only God is an independent being, everything exists and is comprehended only in continuous connection with the Creator. However, not everything in this world makes sense - there are meaningless, irrational actions. An example of such an act is, for example, the betrayal of Judas or his suicide. Thus, Christianity teaches that one act can make life meaningless. The meaning of life is God's plan for man, and it is different for different people. It can be seen only by washing away the adhering dirt of lies and sin, but it is impossible to “invent” it.

“I saw a buffalo frog and said: “I also want to become a buffalo!” Pouted, pouted, and finally burst. After all, God made someone a frog, and someone a buffalo. And what did the frog do: she wanted to become a buffalo! Well, it crashed! Let everyone rejoice in what the Creator has made him.” (The words of the elder Paisius the Holy Mountaineer).

The meaning of the earthly stage of life is in gaining personal immortality, which is possible only through personal participation in the sacrifice of Christ and the fact of His resurrection, as if “through Christ”.

Faith gives us the meaning of life, the goal, the dream of a happy afterlife. It may be hard and bad for us now, but after death at the hour and moment when it was assigned to us by fate, we will find eternal paradise. Everyone in this world has their own test. Everyone finds their own meaning. And everyone should remember about "spiritual purity."

From the point of view of Judaism: the meaning of the life of any person is to serve the Creator, even in the most everyday affairs - when a person eats, sleeps, takes care of natural needs, performs marital duty - he must do this with the thought that he takes care of the body - in order to to be able to serve the Creator with full dedication.

The meaning of human life is to contribute to the establishment of the kingdom of the Most High over the world, to reveal its light for all the peoples of the world.

Not everyone will see the meaning of existence only in constant service to God, when every moment you first of all think not about yourself, but about the fact that you should get married, raise a bunch of kids, just because God ordered so.

From an Islamic point of view: special treatment between man and God - "surrendering oneself to God", "submission to God"; followers of Islam are Muslims, that is, "devotees". The meaning of the life of a Muslim is to worship the Almighty: “I did not create jinn and people so that they bring Me any benefit, but only so that they worship Me. But worship benefits them.”

Religions are written rules, if you live according to them, if you are submissive to God and fate, then it means that you have a meaning in life.

The meaning of modern life

Modern society, of course, does not impose the meaning of life on its members, and this is the individual choice of each person. At the same time, modern society offers an attractive goal that can fill a person's life with meaning and give him strength.

The meaning of the life of a modern person is self-improvement, the upbringing of worthy children who must surpass their parents, the development of this world as a whole. The goal is to turn a person from a "cog", an application object external forces into a creator, demiurge, builder of the world.

Any person integrated into modern society is the creator of the future, a participant in the development of our world, in the future - a participant in the creation of a new Universe. And no matter where and by whom he works - he moves the economy forward in private firm or teaches children at school - his work and contribution is needed for development.

The consciousness of this fills life with meaning and makes you do your job well and conscientiously - for the benefit of yourself, other people and society. This allows you to realize your own significance and a single goal that you set for yourself. Modern people to feel involved in the highest achievements of mankind. And just to feel like a bearer of a progressive Future is already important.

Yes indeed - good question. What is the meaning of this life?

And you know, in this article we will give you the exact answer to this question!

Only it will be at the end of the problem book. Remember how in the algebra textbook at school?

We just have to warn you right now!

After reading this article, your life can change 180 degrees.!

Yes Yes exactly!

Do you really need this answer? Are you sure you're ready to hear it?

If not, or you are not sure, then feel free to close this page and go further somewhere on google or Yandex to read hundreds of other articles there that the meaning of life is in children!

For those who have already read up to this point, let's say right away: the meaning of life is NOT in children!!

The last phrase can be underlined and highlighted in bold!!!

Why? We'll explain a little later...

So what is the meaning of human life? BUT...?

Why is it all this: work that you need to get up every morning on an alarm clock, some goals, plans, loans, constant lack of time, stress, traffic jams, metro, family, children, medicines and headaches?

Why is all this necessary? What is the meaning of such a life?

Where are you going? What are you striving for? You rush headlong into the future at a speed of 200 km / h, not noticing how the events of your present slip through the window. And you don't even have time to smell the flowers?

Loans, suppliers, contracts, partners, kickbacks, taxes... and now the alarm goes off again in the morning! Ring-ring! Climb! And again flashed pictures of life at a speed of 200 frames per second. And somewhere now the sun is rising, the surf is rustling, seagulls are screaming and the air still smells of morning coolness!

Or do you have a blank space ahead of you? All the colors of your life have long been erased. And you live only in thoughts about the past ... experiencing old grievances, heartache, betrayal, slowly fading from the lack of love, warmth, care, understanding ... regretting the possibilities, blaming your fate and other people who made it so for you ? This must be fate, you say to yourself.

So what is the meaning of life then?

Why live at all?

After all, every year there are more and more wrinkles on the face, and why a person lives, what is the meaning of his life, no one has explained.

Well, okay, stop guessing already, poking around in your past, thoughts, experiences!

From now on, you can start smiling! Like this: :))))))))

Just what you were looking for!

First, let's break down the wrong answers!

Although, probably, 99% of people will answer the question "what is the meaning of life" in this way, because they also do not know what it is! :))

Wrong answer #1

The meaning of life is in children!

And why not in children, you ask!

Yes, because!

Just think: Masha had a little daughter. And Masha decided to name her daughter Katya. Beautiful name! But before the birth of Katya, Masha had no meaning in life. None at all! More precisely, no, he was: to give birth to Katya. All 35 years Masha lived only to give birth to Katya. And now, finally, she had the meaning of life: to raise and educate her beloved daughter (or son, whatever). But what will happen when Katya grows up? When she is already 21 years old and she finally says: "Mom, well, that's enough already! I'm not small ..." Masha will again lose the meaning of her life!

It turns out that way.

The saddest thing is that for most of these Mashas, ​​for whom the meaning of life is children, this is exactly what happens. After their child grows up, their life becomes aimless and dreary again.

But Nature has already conceived that sooner or later Katya and Vasya will grow up and leave their parental home to start building their own independent life!

And if their mother (or father) by this moment does not find the correct, Natural answer to the question "what is the meaning of my life", then she will continue to "cling" to her children, trying to control their life without having her own!

And if you continue this chain, then Katya will think the same way as Masha: I must give birth to a child, because this is the meaning of my life. And then history will repeat itself!

Night, street, pharmacy lamp... pharmacy, street, lamp...

Because the meaning of human life is not in children!

A child is only a tactical (intermediate) goal, but by no means the main, strategic one.

Although most people, not knowing what the main goal of their life, put a child in this place!

Wrong answer #2

What difference does it make, what is the meaning of life!
Do not worry. Just live and DON'T think about it!

And what, also an option! Indeed, what difference is the meaning of human life!

Live and live! If you die, then maybe the guys with white wings from above will explain, finally, what was the point. And they will pass or fail... Well, like at the institute, remember? :) And then they will be sent back to Earth for retake, but in another body, in a new incarnation, in new family... To some popuases in the jungle. And all over again: to be born again, to scream, to suck a boob, to learn to walk... And then, one fine day, when the Sun will be at its zenith, warming the earth with its warm rays, you will be devoured by some saber-toothed tiger in the bushes, where did you go for a little. And again to heaven, welcome to heaven, to the selection committee with his tattered record book from past incarnations! Just some kind of circle of Samsara!

So what's the fun in that? Can someone explain? And then I got tired of going back and forth ... I have changed so many bodies, I have been both a man and a woman, I have seen so much on this Earth for many centuries, but how much I was a fool, I remained! Hey, guys in white coats, what is the meaning of life?

Well, I finally thought to ask! And you type in Google "what is the meaning of life", they will answer with thoughts in your head .. You will find the article "what is the meaning of human life." And read. Read attentively! Until the end. If he himself for so many lives has not yet understood what the meaning is. They will explain everything to you in human language. And maybe this time, when you return from Earth to us again with your record book, we will give you a solid 4 instead of zeros and ones for past unlived lives.

Wrong answer #3

The meaning of human life = power, sex and money.

Well, it’s for such chosen meanings of life that angels in white coats put zeros (0) and ones (1) in the heavenly office. Just Kindergarten some! He amused his ego under the name of personality, playing the illusion of his power over the world, well, or power over 5 janitors from the HOA. Who has what kind of power ... Small, medium and large businesses. Politics. He built his empire for 20 years, and then the government changed and everything crumbled like a house of cards in a few months. And after all, if this business was the whole meaning of life, then, in fact, there is no need to live further! Alcohol, anger, an accident... and write off the expense again!

Knock Knock? Can? Hello office! I came to you again with my record book. Some kind of unsuccessful incarnation happened. Somewhere I messed up again!

The conversation might go something like this:

But there were hints! Well, if you remember. Don't you remember?

Don't come here, your head will get snow, you'll be completely dead. Don't sign this contract, it smells bad, don't start this business, take a look right here... It's much more promising and profitable.

But NO! I said, I decided so, I want this, I will achieve this at any cost ...

And we talked to you, prompted, but you don’t hear ...

Your personality, your ego has grown so much that it seems to you that this is you. That nothing else exists. That only your personal will, your personal plans and your personal goals determine your life.

And if we tell you that you have your invisible master, your boss?

No, not the one who, spattering saliva, anger and displeasure, yelled at you every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. (By the way, your earth-office boss did this too because he doesn’t know what the meaning of his life is).

We are talking about your Spirit! And his tasks of incarnation on Earth through your physical body and your personality!

Well, why are you looking at us again with such dumbfounded, uncomprehending eyes, like 125 years ago, when you passed the last test?


Well, we explain in a human language that you understand!

With pictures like in comics!

And don't tell us again that you don't understand.

And here is the answer at the end of the puzzle!

The correct answer to the question: "What is the meaning of human life?"

But first, let's figure out who this person is.

There is a physical shell, a material object of the dense plane of the existence of matter. Arms, legs, head, stomach, lungs, rectum, bones and heart.

But what separates the dead from the living?

Like the same set of organs. But something is already missing in this set.

What is missing, can you answer?

Right! Souls, more precisely, a subtle-material object that joins with the physical body (biological carrier) throughout life.

And the Soul or the Spirit? What's the difference. Let's see how it's all connected.

The human body is surrounded by an energy shell (in other words, an aura or a biofield). These are objects of the astral plane of the existence of matter. On the human aura (biofield), one can distinguish zones of energy concentrations, which are called chakras. There are 7 of them.

The energy shell of a person is enclosed in a cocoon of an emotional shell, which feeds the energy shell. Therefore, the more often a person rejoices, the denser and larger his energy shell and the less he gets sick, since there is a direct relationship between the state of human health and the density, size of his energy shell. "Jupiter, you're angry, so you're wrong."

What is a person?
The physical and energy shells of a person