Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

How to organize heating installation in a house. Two-pipe heating system in a one-story house How to make heating above the door

In this article we will consider the design of a heating system if Tichelman scheme(passing-overlapping), which was already mentioned in one of the previous articles. A separate article is devoted to this scheme because of its (the scheme, not the article) advantages.

Wiring device according to the Tichelman scheme

Let me remind you: Tichelman’s scheme looks something like this:

The main advantages of the Tichelman scheme: versatility, good adjustability (each radiator can be adjusted separately).

All radiators operate under almost identical conditions in terms of coolant flow and pressure drop; with equal surface areas, they also have equal heat transfer.

Despite the apparent complexity, this complexity... is just apparent. You just need to practice drawing such diagrams on plans a little.

How to bypass the door when installing a heating system according to the Tichelman scheme?

What should you do if you encounter any obstacles during installation according to the Tichelman scheme? For example, a door:

And not only when installing a pipeline according to the Tichelman scheme, but also according to any other scheme.

There are several options.


Here the door is fitted with a pipe on top.

Important! An automatic air vent must be installed in the area above the door to prevent air from accumulating.

Minus: the appearance of the room will be the same; especially if it's living room, not the hallway. Yes, the automatic air vent tends to leak from time to time, which is also not pleasant.

Another variant:

We pass under the door. That is, the pipe goes below the floor level. Is there such a possibility? Not always: maybe the floor is already done, or maybe there’s such a screed that you can’t go further...

“Normal heroes always take a detour...” So we can go around the room in the opposite direction:

Why not?

Tichelman scheme for piping radiators on two floors

This option is shown in the figure:

Moreover, here not each floor individually is connected according to the Tichelman scheme, but the entire system. The main pipes (supply and return) are metal-plastic with a diameter of 20 mm, the radiators are connected to them with a 16 mm pipe.

Tichelman scheme for piping radiators on three floors

Let's look at the picture:

Here, too, not each floor has its own piping, but one piping made according to Tichelman’s scheme for all three floors at the same time. The risers are made, for example, with a metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 26 mm, the supply and return on the floors with a diameter of 20 mm, and the outlets to the radiators with a 16 mm pipe.

But still! If possible, it is better to connect each floor separately and with its own pump, otherwise, if there is only one pump for all floors, then if the pump fails, there will be no heating on all floors at once.

So, let's draw conclusions.

The Tichelman scheme has advantages over other radiator piping schemes: 1) versatility (suitable for any premises, layouts, etc., including large areas); 2) all radiators heat up evenly. Despite the external complexity, mastering the installation of heating using this scheme is quite accessible. Just read again about the diameters of the pipes for such wiring. And - use it. Good luck.

Tichelman scheme

Having built a house, many people begin to think about how to heat it. It’s worth noting right away that this approach is fundamentally wrong, since this should have been taken care of at the planning stage. This is due to the fact that if you want to install a single-pipe heating system using polypropylene pipes, it will not be so easy, and you may have to destroy what has already been done. This concerns not only making holes in the walls, but also gating the floor, since it is quite understandable to want to make the home not only warm, but also beautiful, by laying the pipes in such a way that they do not spoil the design of the heated room.

Design and features of a one-pipe system

The peculiarity of a single-pipe heating system is that from the boiler is coming a pipe, the second end of which comes back to the boiler. Heating radiators are connected to it without breaking the line.

Such heating systems can be:

  • horizontal (flow);
  • with top wiring (vertical).

Both systems can be either closed or open.

The classic (most often used) is horizontal wiring pipes To upgrade any battery you can purchase:

  1. radiator regulator;
  2. Ball Valves;
  3. thermostatic valve, etc.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, one of the advantages of a single-pipe system is the ability to hide communications in the floor. This is an important factor, because now few people hide heating radiators behind curtains, and this is not practical, since air circulation near the radiators is disrupted, as a result of which it is necessary to raise the temperature on the boiler, and this leads to unnecessary fuel consumption.

If the assembled system does not have a counter-slope or differences in height, then it can operate without a pump.


  1. Installation of a one-pipe system is carried out with a smaller number of pipes (30–40%).
  2. A simple wiring diagram that can be installed by a non-specialist.
  3. Compared to a two-pipe heating system, installation of a single-pipe heating system is faster.
  4. The system can be installed in either one-story house, and a house with several floors.
  5. There are no problems with how to get around the doorway when installing pipes.


Having talked about the advantages, we need to mention the disadvantages.

  1. Each battery must have a Mayevsky tap or automatic system bleeding air from the system.
  2. Uneven distribution of coolant - more cooled water comes to each subsequent battery, so the efficiency of the last radiator will be low. The situation can be improved by installing a circulation pump in the system.


Not every person can use computer programs to model a 3D projection of their home, which would undoubtedly be very convenient. Taking this nuance into account, let's look at how to make a plan manually, writing everything out on a piece of paper.

When drawing up a diagram, you need to take into account the peculiarities of installing the system from polypropylene pipes– it is impossible to make smooth turns in it.

  • When making a drawing, you need to take into account that the pipeline must be laid with a slight slope - at least 0.5 cm per 1 running meter of pipe, otherwise it will not work without a pump.
  • We decide on the installation location of the boiler.
  • If for some reason the pipes cannot be hidden in the floor, then you will have to outdoor installation or partially hide the pipes in the floor - in the place of greatest depression.
  • On the diagram we mark the installation locations of the batteries, noting what power they should be.

When determining how many sections are needed for a room, you need to take into account that each subsequent battery heats less efficiently, so you need to increase the number of sections of stacked batteries (or the area if the radiators are steel).

  • If taps, a heat regulator, etc. are installed, this should also be reflected in the diagram.
  • Having a complete picture, you can calculate how many pipes, fittings and those elements that are planned for completion will be required.


To install the heating system discussed in this article, you will not need many tools. This:

  • soldering iron for mounting plastic pipes;
  • scissors for cutting plastic pipes;
  • shaver (if pipes with external reinforcement are purchased).

All-polymer products are only suitable for water supply. Need to purchase reinforced pipes, the characteristics of which allow them to be used for heating. It is best if basalt fiber or aluminium foil– in this case, the elongation coefficient of the pipe is reduced threefold, in contrast to products with fiberglass.

The first step is to mark the walls for each battery. They need to be installed under each window - this will prevent cold air from flowing onto the floor. For the battery to fully fulfill its role, its length must be at least 70% of the width of the window opening. It is also important to maintain distance:

  • From the window sill – 10–12 cm.
  • From the wall – 3–5 cm.
  • From the floor – 8–12 cm.

When purchasing batteries, you must take these requirements into account.

You can read about how to find out how many battery sections you need to install for one room in the article about bimetallic radiators.

Using horizontal markings, you need to mark the places where the fasteners will be installed with such a distance that the installed fasteners are located between the sections of the installed battery.

  • Using a hammer drill, holes are drilled in the wall into which we install fasteners.
  • Now you need to prepare the batteries. If they are covered with film from the factory, then there is no need to remove it yet.
  • Sticking to the plan, we install air vents, thermostats and ball valves.
  • We hang the batteries in their places and building level We check the horizontal position of their position.
  • Next, the pipes are soldered. It is important not to forget that it is necessary to respect the slope of the main highway.
  • It is better to install a bypass with a pump on the return line in front of the boiler.
  • It is imperative to install an expansion tank and a block with safety group elements.
  • It is not necessary to fill a single-pipe heating system with water from the bottom point, since in any case each radiator will contain air that needs to be vented. If an automatic air vent system is installed, then they will cope with this task themselves.

All that remains is to start the boiler and check the functionality of the self-assembled one-pipe system.


See how to do it single pipe system heating.

Hello. In a frame one-story house under construction, area = 70 m2, there is a combustion area = 5 m2 (1.7x3 m). Is it possible to install a solid fuel boiler there for radiator heating and hot water supply (kitchen + shower). Schematic diagram heating: two-pipe, forced, closed type. Thank you. Arsenty.

How to get around outer door, 2-pipe heating system of the House. Thank you. Arsenty.

Hello, Arsenty!

Very indicative required thermal power boiler for your home - 10-12 kW. The boiler room area of ​​5 m2 is sufficient to accommodate it, provided that the ceiling height is at least 2.5 m. However, the room is a little narrow. Most likely, 1.7 m is enough to service the boiler and maintain fire safety distances if the walls and ceiling are lined with fireproof material or protected with thermal insulation panels. There is even room for a small supply of firewood. It is also necessary to maintain a distance of at least 2 m from the place where firewood is stored (door opening) to the opposite wall. We can say more precisely if we know the brand of the boiler and the location of the furnace in the house. The heating scheme and building design in this case do not matter.

Go around - in the same way you go around obstacles. Side. For a door that stands vertically, the sides are top and bottom. Accordingly, the heating supply line in a system with natural circulation can be located above the door, under the ceiling, and the return line can be located below the door level, in the floor screed. If the coolant moves using a pump, both pipes are more convenient and easier to place in the floor. You can also think about the project and find a solution in which the heating pipes will not intersect with the door at all.

Two-pipe system with forced circulation, supply and return lines are hidden between the joists wooden floor without interfering with opening front door

Arseny, we are concerned that the question you asked us belongs to the category of “kindergarten questions”. This is not even about complex heating engineering, but about simple hydraulics. Principles of fluid movement - a physics textbook for the 7th grade of a secondary school. If his solution caused you difficulty, how are you going to arrange your own heating in the future? After all, there will be more and more questions, and they will become more and more complex. It will require calculations and special knowledge that are quite complex for a “dummies.” Apparently, you are trying to study heating engineering from articles on the Internet and so far your understanding of the subject has not progressed far. It should be understood that this is a rather complex science; heating engineers are trained for five years and, alas, not always successfully. Perhaps, after spending a lot of time and nerves, you will even be able to assemble a more or less efficient heating system. However, will it be rational? Or will we even have to invite “crisis plumbers” to correct mistakes?

Perhaps you should focus on your main job, where you are successful? We strongly recommend that you consider involving a heating device own home professionals. First of all, the designer. The specialist will optimally calculate the parameters of the system, which will make it economical and efficient. The little money that you spend on the project will pay off due to a rational, without overspending, choice of materials and moderate operating costs. Thermal comfort is also worth something. If you decide to install the heating yourself, it will be much easier to do it with a project than without it. Exact following of the drawings will be required, free time, accuracy and an expensive tool that you can rent rather than buy.

Heating installation in a private house begins after installation in it roofing covering and installation of windows and doors.

IN modern construction increased requirements are put forward for the aesthetics of premises, which in relation to heating systems require the installation of heating system communications hidden from view. The pipes are “hidden” in wall grooves or in the floor screed, which is more convenient. If it is not possible to install heating lines in the floor screed (for example, the floor may be wooden), they are installed in the walls.

Blitz conclusion! Installation of home heating is necessary, or rather convenient, to be carried out at the stage of plastered walls, but without a concrete floor screed.

Installation of heating radiators

“Accurate” installation of heating radiators is best done on an already plastered surface, which will avoid their incorrect installation relative to the wall surface.

The optimal option for installing heating radiators may be:

  1. A radiator is hung on a plastered wall.
  2. When laying pipes hidden in the walls, the boundaries of the grooves are outlined.
  3. The radiators are removed from the hangers and “moved back” sufficiently long distance from the place of work. Agree that extra scratches and abrasions on radiators will not add value to them!
  4. Grooves are cut in the walls for laying the pipeline.
  5. The radiators are hung in their places, and then the heating pipes are laid out and connected to the radiators.
  6. The pipes are fixed in grooves at the points where they exit the wall with alabaster or cement mortar.
  7. After the solution has hardened, the radiators are again disconnected from the system, removed and taken to a “safe” place for them. appearance storage

Heating system installation country house"on top" finishing works can also be done in a hidden way. For this purpose, boxes are used, fixed along the baseboard at the bottom of the walls. In the absence of a specialized structural elements For hidden installation For heating in a private house, you can use regular plastic box For electrical work suitable section.

Attention! When installing heating systems, it is necessary to ensure that the system does not form high raised “slides” in which air can accumulate, preventing the coolant from passing through the system. For example, when a heating system pipeline bypasses a door opening, it must be done in the floor, and not create an additional huge loop above the top point of the doorway.

If such “humps” are forced to “emerge,” it is necessary to install automatic air valves at their highest points.

Installation of the heating system of a private house must be carried out in warm rooms, since technical documentation Most polymer pipes are declared by the manufacturer to have an operating “installation” temperature of >+5 O C. Operation at more than low temperatures leads to an increase in the fragility of the pipe material, reducing the efficiency of welding polypropylene pipes for heating systems and soldering copper pipes.

Important! The optimal time for installing heating in a private house should ensure that the system can be put into operation before the onset of frost.

Pipe layout when installing heating in a private house

Since heating systems for private houses with forced circulation of coolant in them are currently predominantly used, in this section, in order not to get too scattered, we will focus on a closed two-pipe heating system with forced circulation.

Methods for arranging pipes when connecting heating radiators to the boiler:

  • beam circuit (collector version);
  • tee circuit;
  • mixed (combined scheme.

Installation of heating in a private house with radial (collector) wiring involves connecting each heating radiator to a pair of collectors with separate pipes: supply and return. Each collector, in turn, is connected to the boiler (or other collector) by a pair of pipes: supply and return.

Installing heating with a collector group gives the heating system some positive and negative qualities:

  • the possibility of differentiated regulation of the degree of heating of each radiator or group of radiators;
  • lack of connections in the floor and walls (a solid pipe is used from the collector to the radiator);
  • it is necessary to allocate space for installation of the manifold cabinet;
  • correct installation of the manifold group above the level of the main pipelines, which usually run in the floor, allows you to install air valves on the manifolds;
  • significantly increasing cost compared to other installation schemes.

Installation of heating and water supply systems using a tee method involves parallel connection of radiators to the supply and return pipes, which usually run just above the baseboard along the walls. If such “main” pipes are of a significant length, it should be possible to install pipes of larger diameter at the beginning of the system (from the riser).

“Tee” or parallel installation diagram of heating system radiators

IN country houses most common heating system. This is due to the lack of centralized gas pipelines or the non-existence of gas pipelines in most rural areas. Boilers are used for heating small sizes operating on solid, liquid fuel, electrical energy and natural gas supplied in cylinders. Most commonly used water heating, characterized by simplicity and reliability, compactness and hygiene. The main equipment for this method includes the following elements:

  • hot water boiler;
  • radiator batteries;
  • water pipes;
  • expansion tank;
  • shut-off and control valves.

Traditionally used heating schemes

Depending on the type of pipe laying route and the connection of pipes to heating devices, the following systems are distinguished:

  1. Single-pipe. The coolant circulates through one pipe without the use of pumps. Performed on the highway serial connection radiator batteries, from the very last one the cooled medium (“return”) returns to the boiler through a pipe. The system is simple to implement and economical due to the need for fewer pipes. But the parallel movement of flows leads to a gradual cooling of the water; as a result, the media arrives at the radiators located at the end of the series chain significantly cooled. This effect increases with increasing number of radiator sections. Therefore, in rooms located near the boiler it will be excessively hot, and in remote ones it will be cold. To increase heat transfer, the number of sections in the batteries is increased, different pipe diameters are installed, additional control valves are installed, and each radiator is equipped with bypasses.
  2. Two-pipe. Each radiator battery is connected in parallel to the direct supply of hot coolant and the “return” pipes. That is, each device is equipped with an individual return outlet. With the simultaneous discharge of cooled water into the common circuit, the coolant is returned to the boiler for heating. But at the same time, the heating of heating devices gradually decreases as they move away from the heat supply sources. The radiator, located first in the network, receives the hottest water and is the first to return the coolant to the “return” circuit, and the radiator located at the end receives the coolant last with a lower heating temperature and is also the last to return water to the return circuit. In practice, circulation in the first device hot water turns out to be the best, and in the latter the worst. It is worth noting the increased price of such systems compared to single-pipe ones.

Both schemes are justified for small areas, but are ineffective for extended networks.

An improved two-pipe system is the Tichelman heating scheme. When choosing a specific system, the determining factors are the availability of financial capabilities and the ability to provide heating system equipment with optimal required characteristics.

Tichelman heating feature

The idea of ​​changing the operating principle of the “return” was substantiated in 1901 by the German engineer Albert Tichelman, in whose honor it received its name - the “Tichelman loop”. The second name is “reversible type return system”. Since the movement of the coolant in both circuits, supply and return, is carried out in one, parallel direction, a third name is often used - “scheme with parallel movement of thermal fluids”.

The essence of the idea is to have the same length of forward and return pipe sections connecting all radiator batteries with the boiler and pump, which creates the same hydraulic conditions in all heating devices. Circulation circuits of equal length create conditions for the hot coolant to travel the same path to the first and last radiator and receive the same thermal energy.

Tichelman loop diagram:

The procedure for performing installation work

The work consists of the following operations:

  1. Boiler installation. Necessary minimum height the room for its placement is 2.5 m2, the permissible volume of the room is 8 cubic meters. m. The required power of the equipment is determined by calculation (examples are given in special reference publications). Approximately for heating 10 square meters. m requires a power of 1 kW.
  2. Hangment of radiator sections. The use of biometric products in private homes is recommended. After selection required quantity radiators, their location is marked (usually under window openings) and fastening using special brackets.
  3. Extension of the associated heating system line. Optimal application metal-plastic pipes, successfully withstanding high temperature conditions, characterized by durability and ease of installation. The main pipelines (supply and return) are from 20 to 26 mm and 16 mm for connecting radiators.
  4. Installation of a circulation pump. Mounted on the return pipe near the boiler. The insertion is carried out through a bypass with 3 taps. It is necessary to install a special filter in front of the pump, which will significantly increase the service life of the device.
  5. Installation expansion tank and elements ensuring the safe operation of equipment. For a heating system with associated coolant movement, only membrane expansion tanks are selected. Safety group elements are supplied with the boiler.

For lining with a highway doorways in utility rooms and utility rooms it is allowed to install pipes directly above the door. In this place, to prevent air accumulation, automatic air vents must be installed. In residential areas, pipes can be laid under a door in the body of the floor or bypassing an obstacle using a third pipe.

Tichelman scheme for two-story houses provides for a certain technology. Pipe distribution is carried out with tying the entire building, and not each floor separately. It is recommended to install one circulation pump on each floor, maintaining equal lengths of return and supply pipelines for each radiator separately in accordance with the basic conditions of the associated two-pipe heating system. If you install one pump, which is quite acceptable, then if it fails, the heating system in the entire building will shut down.

Many experts consider it expedient to install a common riser on two floors with separate piping on each floor. This will allow us to take into account the difference in heat loss on each floor with the selection of pipe diameters and the number of required sections in radiator batteries.

A separate associated heating circuit on the floors will greatly simplify the system setup and allow for optimal balancing of the heating of the entire building. But to obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to insert a balancing crane into the travel circuit for each of the two floors. The taps can be placed side by side directly next to the boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Tichelman system

Main advantages:

  • versatility for indoor installation for various purposes, layout and size. Possibility of installing a large number of devices. Optimal heating of country houses with uniform heating during short-term overnight stays in winter time;
  • there is no need for complex balancing with the installation of expensive adjustment equipment;
  • uniform heating of all rooms in the building with the ability to adjust the heat output of each radiator;
  • ease of implementation installation work and system maintenance;
  • long service life and rare breakdowns.

Available disadvantages:

  • high cost caused by the increased length of pipelines and the inability to use small diameters;
  • it is not always possible to lay the loop around the perimeter of the house due to interfering architectural features (high windows and doorways, flights of stairs and other obstacles).

The advent of modern circulation pumps with the ability to effectively pump coolants has made the associated heating system one of the most popular.