Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

Odor from the kitchen sink - effective ways to eliminate it. What to do about sewer smell from your sink? The sink smells like sewer, what should I do?

Every housewife takes care of her hearth and makes every effort to create comfort and warmth in it. The freshness of the air in the house indicates this. The smell from the kitchen is always associated with cooked food, fresh baked goods, vanilla, freshly cut flowers in a vase, summer or frosty morning making his way through the open window.

But sometimes this is difficult to achieve, since there is an unpleasant aroma from the sink in the air. How to get rid of unpleasant smell from the sink? Sometimes the most effective means cannot achieve this. Only experienced housewives know all the methods for eliminating such incense. Let's talk about this.

Checking the serviceability of plumbing

First, you need to know why your sink gets stinky. This may be directly related to the incorrect design or connection of all components of the sewerage system.

The sink is connected to the sewage system by a siphon. This is a curved corrugated tube made of plastic or rubber. It is needed to ensure that the water accumulated in it does not release air from the sewer to the top. A water seal or water lock must be present. The siphon can be self-flushing, usually it is a corrugated pipe, or a flask. The flask is a device that can be cleaned independently during service, since it is removable.

Operating principle: water is drained through the tube, and the last portion, after turning off the water supply, remains in the elbow or flask. It is this that prevents the smell from escaping. If the structure is damaged and there is no water seal, then the aroma of sewage spreads throughout the house. The same principle applies to the toilet. That's why we don't smell excrement in a house or apartment.

The cause of an unpleasant smell from the sink may be large dishes. How, you ask? A large amount of food debris enters the siphon from the dishes. In addition, the clog can be hair, lint, threads from rags, eggshells, etc. Once in the water seal, the clog begins to rot, emitting a stench.

To eliminate this odor, you need to disconnect the siphon and rinse thoroughly. If this is not possible, then you can use special chemical detergents. When there is a flask in the siphon, it is much easier to remove the blockage. Before removing parts sewer system you need to try a plunger. This is a rubber object that, with the help of air, moves debris in the siphon, moving it further along the pipe.

Another reason for sink stench could be a lack of water lock in the siphon or water seal. This may occur due to incorrect installation of the siphon tube when the elbow is missing. The water flows directly into the sewer pipe, but the mucus that accumulates on its walls emits unpleasant odors.

If long time If you do not use running water, the water in the water seal may evaporate, and odors from the sewer will evaporate upward. If you have to leave the apartment for a long time, then pour a little into the system vegetable oil, which forms a film on the water in the water seal and the water does not evaporate.

Best Methods to Eliminate Sink Odor

Certainly, the best way To get rid of the unfavorable “orange” is to call a plumber, who will disassemble the system piece by piece, clean all the components and put everything back together. But this radical method, before which you need to try everything you have at hand. These may be chemicals for cleaning sewer pipes or folk remedies, time-tested.


Today, choosing a sink cleaning product is not difficult. The problem is that with a huge variety, it is difficult to choose the most effective one for yourself. The variety of prices, effectiveness, and duration of each makes it necessary to build whole line similar means. Let's look at the most effective ones that have earned priority among users.

Perhaps the cheapest and best remedy.

Among its advantages are the following:

  1. When using it, you do not need to disassemble the siphon and sink, you only need to pour liquid into the hole in the sink.
  2. The mole is capable of corroding the hardest clogs; a cable with a brush is not required for such cleaning.
  3. The liquid is prepared in such a way that it is enough to pour it into the pipe. No need to dilute with water.
  4. Cleaning time is short.
  5. Eliminates both blockages and unpleasant musty odors.

Important! The Mole product is great to use in conjunction with a plunger. Under pressure, the product will not only clear the blockage, but will wash away the mucus from the walls of the pipes.

Mole is available in the form of a gel, translucent liquid, or granules. In any form, it helps to remove: vegetable and animal fats, salts of fatty acids, fish scales, human hair, etc. from dishes.

This is another very effective remedy in the fight against blockages and unpleasant odors in the kitchen. It comes in the form of a gel. Its structure is capable of enveloping the siphon pipe from the inside and remaining on it for a long time without being washed off with water.

Important! In addition to softening the blockage, Domestos disinfects the environment in the siphon and pipes below. The active ingredients included in its composition kill a large number of pathogenic microbes, preventing them from appearing in the air.

How it works: pour a small amount of thick liquid into the sink drain and wait for a while, which is indicated on the package. All manipulations should be carried out with rubber gloves to ensure your own safety. After removing the blockage, thoroughly rinse the sink bowl with Domestos diluted in water.

This product allows you to gently clean sewer pipes, siphons, and toilets without destroying the walls of plastic or rubber.

It does a great job with:

  • solid food debris (fish bones and scales);
  • fats of various origins;
  • hair, paper particles, fabric threads;
  • organic residues.

For ease of use, each bottle contains instructions for use. The packaging is made in such a way that it is very difficult for small children to handle the lid, which makes it stand out among its analogues in first place.

Important! The disadvantage of Deboshir is its long-lasting action. To completely clean the sewer, it must be left for 2 hours or more.

If you need to wash your face before work, but the sink is clogged and smells unpleasant, then this product will not help.

Quite an expensive product, but it is considered the best among its “relatives”. It is available in powder form.

In order to use it, you must:

  1. Water is removed from the sink.
  2. Open the vents or sashes indoors.
  3. Place about 100 grams of powder in a measuring cup and pour it into the drain.
  4. After pouring 1 liter of boiling water, carry out all work in a respirator and rubber gloves.
  5. After 3-5 minutes, rinse clean hot water.

If the water in the sink stagnates, clean it again.

All of the listed remedies eliminate severe blockages, and as you know, it is from them that comes bad smell, coming out and poisoning the lives of all household members.

Traditional methods

In addition to a long cable with a brush, other available materials will help you. Traditional methods sometimes they are very useful and effective.

And their cost is much less than household chemicals.

Lemon solution

When treating sinks and drain pipes in any way, you should always keep a plunger with you, which will help push the softened clog further through the sewer pipes.

So that when using folk recipes, there is no stinking odor, you can use air fresheners and unpleasant air absorbers, which are also sold in stores household chemicals.

Prevention of clogs and stench from the sink

In order to avoid the problem of stench in the morning, it is enough to follow a number of rules in advance that will make it easier for you to work around the house:

  • Do not pour remaining fat from frying pans and frying pans into the sink.
  • Before washing dishes, you need to remove large food debris from it with a napkin and throw it in the trash.
  • Purchase a special mesh from the hardware store that is placed over the drain hole in the sink and will not allow food debris to fall inside the siphon.
  • Install filters for coarse and fine water purification.
  • Monitor the condition of the pipes. If there are malfunctions, they need to be eliminated. Even small cracks in pipes can leak odor.
  • Once a week, use a gentle chemical pipe cleaner, which will not only remove accumulated grease, but also destroy the limescale that narrows the lumen of the pipe.
  • Use the sink for its intended purpose. It is not advisable to wash in it dirty shoes, hair.

Observing simple rules, sink, siphon and lower sewer elements will last much longer, and you won’t have to smell unpleasant odors in the morning.


There are many reasons why a musty smell from the sewer system appears in an apartment or house. This could be a malfunction of the sewer system, a lack of water in the water seal, or improper installation of the siphon, or the accumulation of food debris.

The best ways to eliminate these causes are strong chemical pipe cleaners, which can be purchased at any store, and the choice is huge. At the same time, you can freshen the air and disinfect the sink using available preparations, such as soda, lemon, vinegar, etc.

It happens that a persistent unpleasant odor appears in the kitchen, which is impossible to get rid of by simple ventilation. When the search for the source of the stench begins, the cause reveals itself quite quickly - the smell comes from the drain hole of the kitchen sink.

It smells like there is an open sewer in the room. It is quite understandable that in such conditions, where disgusting aromas float, cooking, much less eating, is not entirely pleasant and comfortable. If such a nuisance occurs, adequate measures must be taken.

Do not rush to call a professional, expensive plumber. You can try first on our own cope with the problem and eliminate the causative faults. Let's begin by considering a set of measures that need to be taken.

How to remove odor from a sink?

1. Flushing pipes with active agents

On the inner surface of the walls of the drain pipe and siphon, there is constantly an increasing accumulation of fat deposits with particles of food debris.

In such “comfortable” conditions, of course, the processes of decay begin - moisture, heat and air are present - nothing else is needed.

If the situation is not too advanced and the fat has not yet become very dense and sticks very tightly to the walls of the pipes, flushing the channel can help by special means. These compounds are specially created for the active destruction and removal of fatty, rotting deposits and blockages in domestic drain pipes. They cope with this task perfectly:

- “Mole” and similar products.

2. If there are no special equipment at home

When a special cleaning agent runs out and you can’t quickly purchase a new one, you can try to clean it with improvised means and substances.

Probably someone remembers from a school chemistry course that fat is perfectly broken down by ordinary soda. You need to dilute 2 tablespoons (with a slide) in 1.1 liters of heated water. baking soda and pour the prepared solution into the sink drain pipe. The result will be felt in about 20 minutes - the smell will significantly weaken. It will not disappear completely, but the situation will improve noticeably.

The second method involves using the same soda, in combination with 9% vinegar, and not with hot water. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of soda directly into the sink drain hole, and then pour 120 ml of table vinegar (lemon juice) into the same hole.

A violent chemical reaction will occur, which will “walk” well along the inner surface of the pipes and destroy fatty, rotting deposits.

Such procedures must be performed regularly, approximately two to three times a month.

3. Troubleshooting the drain system

When, after several consecutive washes with active substances, the smell remains, it is worth looking for another reason. Most often, it consists of breakdowns and improper functioning of plumbing equipment.

It is necessary to provide access to the pipe and conduct a thorough inspection of it. May be:

Depressurization of butt joints;

Loss of integrity of the pipe itself.

If there are no external defects, then you need to listen to the sounds of water flowing from the sink. Determination of the gurgling effect indicates a breakdown of the water seal.

Attention! At normal operation In the drainage system, water must always be present in the siphon cavity. This is a kind of obstacle to fumes and odors from the sewer system!

The reason for the lack of water retention in the siphon elbow may be due to incorrect assembly of the liner - it may be too long or an excessively large slope has been made.

Also, the cause of stench may be technological omissions made during the construction of the house, for example, a discrepancy between the diameter of the sewer riser and engineering calculations.

What could be wrong with the siphon?

If the siphon is included in the drainage system, then it must be periodically disassembled and washed. IN Lately siphons release small ones and water does not linger in them. This was probably the reason for the abandonment of this part of the sink drainage system. Today they have been completely replaced by corrugated plastic pipes.

This material bends easily in all directions and bends without difficulty. Therefore, it is easy to form an elbow for a water seal from such a pipe.

Important! When creating an elbow, the curved part must be securely fixed with wire or a clamp. If there is no latch or it accidentally comes off, then there will be no water seal!


An unpleasant odor coming from the kitchen sink is an unpleasant situation that anyone can experience at any time. To avoid this unpleasant situation, it is necessary to regularly inspect the pipes and perform preventive cleaning.

Don't let bad sink odors ruin your life!

Unpleasant odor from the kitchen sink: ways to eliminate it possible reasons appearance of odor

Unpleasant smell from the kitchen sink: ways to eliminate it, possible causes of the smell It happens that a persistent unpleasant smell appears in the kitchen room, get rid of it

How to eliminate smell in the kitchen from the sink: looking for the cause, eliminating the effect

The kitchen is a particularly polluted area. Keeping things clean while cooking is quite difficult. And therefore the housewife has to spend quite a lot of time on this. Despite all efforts, some unusable food or organic waste ends up in the drainpipes, they get stuck there and begin to deteriorate and emit an unpleasant odor. How to get rid of it?

Sink smell

90% of housewives have encountered the problem of an unpleasant odor from the kitchen sink, and each of them knows that the reason for its appearance may be:

  • beginning of rotting(formed for the simple reason that fats and dirt accumulate in the siphon and begin to stick to the walls of the pipe from the inside);
  • incorrect siphon equipment;
  • lack of water in one of the parts of the drain.

In order to understand the second point, you need to understand how the sink in a standard kitchen is arranged. So, a siphon is a curved tube with an elbow in which there should be a hydrological seal, or water lock. After any drainage of liquid, a certain amount of liquid is retained in the S-shaped siphon area. It is this that plays the role of a specific plug, because it stops the entry of foreign odors from the drain pipe and does not allow them to be distributed throughout the entire kitchen space.

Regardless of the type of siphon installed, be it corrugated or flasked, the operating algorithm for each of them is exactly the same: they must contain water at all times, which will become a barrier to odor. If it is not in the installation, various and very unpleasant aromas appear in the kitchen.

The smell from the kitchen sink is unpleasant, uncomfortable and unhygienic

Other reasons

Alternative factors for the occurrence of this problem may lie not only in the area of ​​the siphon itself or its incorrect installation. So, odor formation may begin due to the following factors:

  • the appearance of small cracks or other defects in drain pipe . The problem is aggravated by the fact that water, seeping through, begins to saturate the walls and floor, on which mold and mildew form over time;
  • airing the riser– when the riser becomes very quickly and noticeably clogged, when liquid passes through it, specific sounds are obvious, and immediately after them a characteristic aroma from the sewer appears. In such a case, it is best to contact the housing office, because you cannot handle this on your own;
  • loss of optimal sealing between the sewer area and the drain (more on ways to combat this below).

How to get rid

an incorrectly installed siphon is one of the reasons for the smell from the sink

Most often, instead of a siphon, a corrugated pipe is installed, which is characterized by the ability to stretch or sag over time. Even if the structure of this pipe and its peculiar bend were configured in the correct order, it in any case loses its shape. This affects the formation of odor from the kitchen sink.

You can avoid this by postponing the replacement of pipes for a long period of time if you fix the corrugation using various devices. They can be purchased along with the installation. Another proven method is to secure the pipe with professional insulating tape.

If the siphon is installed incorrectly, the main difficulties arise with flask-type devices. If the plastic pipe does not reach the water in the siphon bowl, then the appearance of an odor is guaranteed, because the stench from the sewer will flow into the pipe, bypassing the water lock.

This can be corrected by adjusting the position of the pipe. It should be in the water at a level of several cm and it is highly undesirable for it to reach the bottom of the flask. If the kitchen sink for a long time Haven't used it yet, still has an unpleasant odor. . The problem is the disappearance of water from the siphon. To prevent this, it is necessary to drain a small amount before a planned long absence. sunflower oil

to the "knee". It forms a thin film on the water, which will help delay the forced evaporation of water.

Those who forgot or did not know about this option can always simply drain a significant amount of water. After some time, the unpleasant aroma will disappear.

If you are not a plumber, better call a specialist Repairing or equipping the sink yourself is another contributing factor to sewer odor.:

  • In such a situation, it is most likely that;
  • hydrological seal is not formed correctly
  • water begins to rise back into the sink; does not linger and leaks into the sewer hole

(as an alternative option).

There are also situations in which the corrugation stretches and is “stuck” into the riser itself. This is highly undesirable to do.

Some tips

The siphon is cleaned using means known to everyone, for example, “Mole” (and everything that contains caustic soda in a minimal proportion) or Domestos.

The advantages of the presented names are that they more than effectively cope with fat and food waste formed on the walls of pipes. In addition, their cost remains more than acceptable. However, using the products more than once every three to four weeks is highly undesirable.

You can resort to much simpler and more accessible methods. So, there are some products that can be found in any kitchen.

  • For example, in a kitchen sink drain you can:;
  • sprinkle some salt
  • wait no more than 30 minutes (usually 20 is enough);

Rinse the drain thoroughly with water. You can use soda instead of salt

, mixed with water in the following ratio: two tablespoons per liter of boiling water. The solution must be diluted and immediately poured into the drain. Due to chemical properties

soda and high temperature of this product, minor blockages and fatty deposits can be overcome. To combat more significant blockages or old growths, repeated use of the technique will be required.

As mentioned earlier, another factor in kitchen sink odor could be a loss of seal between the drain area and the drain. In such a situation, it is necessary to re-use the sealant and treat the joint area with it. It would be best to use a silicone type component. It restores sealing much more efficiently.

Thus, there are a large number of ways to combat unpleasant odor from the kitchen sink. Some of them are simple and can be done independently at home, while others are best left to specialists.

How to eliminate odor from a kitchen sink: how to clean it, how to determine the cause, prevention

How to eliminate smell in the kitchen from the sink quickly and effectively. The smell from pipes has several causes. Sometimes it's a poorly designed drain, but it could also just be a blockage.

If an unpleasant smell appears in the apartment, in addition to the main problem, accompanying psychological ones arise - increased irritation of household members, the inability to stay in the room, a taboo on inviting guests and relatives. First of all, the search for the cause of the trouble begins with the water supply and sewerage system. In the event that the trouble most often comes from the sink drain hole. Only after establishing the true cause of unpleasant odors can you get rid of the problem. Failure to repair it in a timely manner can lead to the siphon becoming clogged and possibly flooding the rooms. We will tell you how to eliminate odor from the kitchen sink in this article.

Consequences of unpleasant odors in the kitchen

Causes of unpleasant odors

There can be many root causes, but the main one is a clogged siphon. This is the small curved part of the drain pipe that is located directly under the sink. Serves to maintain the water level in the bend and separate the air in the apartment and in the sewer pipe. Regardless design, all siphons work the same.

Usually, over time, in the pipes or siphon, and due to insufficient care of the system, a greasy coating forms, to which small particles of food waste stick.

Accumulation of food debris in the drain

In addition to the classic reasons, blockages and unpleasant odors can be caused by malfunctions of the siphon itself, high wear and cracking of plastic pipelines, loosening of the threads of connections, failure of the water seal, holes in metal pipes, improperly designed drainage system under the sink.

Kitchen faucets with drinking water tap. How do these mixers work? How much do they cost and how to choose? The answers are in a special publication on our portal.

Methods for removing blockages in the kitchen sink

Each owner, having encountered a problem more than once, chooses for himself how to eliminate the smell from the kitchen sink, because... may suggest the real reason and the most effective solution.

  • Inspect the siphon and pipes. Perhaps, visually, you will see a leaky place or weakening on the joint thread. Often such troubles can be eliminated by tightening the connections or using conventional sealant.
  • Use a regular plunger if there is an obvious blockage with food waste. After simple manipulations, all food remnants are easily washed off into the sewer pipe.

Using a plunger to clear a blockage

  • If a regular plunger does not help, then they resort to a more serious tool - a pneumatic one. In a matter of seconds, this item can cope with the most severe blockages. The use of such tools for cleaning old pipelines is highly discouraged in order to avoid breaking weak connections and rusted areas.

  • The easiest way is to clean the drain using standard chemicals, which can be purchased at any hardware store or supermarket. It’s simple – put protective equipment on your hands, open the package, and pour the contents in as intended. And after a specified period of time, rinse big amount running water. This method helps with light blockages in 60% of all cases.

Backfill chemicals to the drain

How to eliminate odor from a kitchen sink using home methods?

  • Use available means - salt, soda or vinegar. There is only one principle - leave the concentrated product for 2-5 hours, and then rinse everything with boiling water. The method is quite effective for eliminating greasy deposits on the inner walls of pipes. This procedure must be carried out regularly as a preventive measure to avoid small food debris from sticking to the siphon.
  • A faulty water seal and the characteristic “bubbling” and “hissing” of water can be dealt with by having the simplest plumbing skills. Which in a matter of hours will level the slope of the pipes or replace the riser with pipes of larger diameter to prevent the formation of vacuum in the system.
  • If the cause of the unpleasant odor lay in an unsuccessful model or incorrect installation of the siphon, then select larger equipment or reconnect the old one. If thread failures continue, then they resort to completely replacing this part of the drain and purchasing a new siphon.

  • If the corrugated pipe begins to unbend over time and cracks form on it, then the use of insulating tape will be a temporary salvation from troubles. But this is a temporary procedure that will help for a few days before purchasing new material.

To avoid unpleasant odors emanating from the sink in the kitchen, you must follow several rules:

  • Never clean leftover food down the sink.
  • Always use the means personal protection when cleaning pipes with aggressive chemical media– safety glasses, bandage and gloves.
  • Ventilate the premises after using "Mole" and its analogues.
  • A small procedure will help avoid chemical burns and other troubles.
  • Rinse the drain hole with hot water every time you wash dishes.
  • Once a week, pour baking soda and vinegar into the sink to prevent greasy deposits from sticking to the walls of the pipes and siphon.
  • If you are leaving for a long time, and you know that upon arrival you may have an unpleasant surprise in the kitchen due to a weak water seal, pour a little machine oil or similar liquid into the hole to prevent the evaporation of water in the bend, and, accordingly, unpleasant fragrances in the apartment. The method is suitable for country houses and dachas, where these items are not used so often.
  • Keep your dishes and kitchen clean in general. This will help prevent contamination at the sink and in the house.
  • Do not use aggressive chlorine cleaners on metal sinks. And, conversely, for tiles, use only chemicals that will not harm the material.
  • In a new home or during renovation, it is recommended to install a removable siphon, which can be opened at any time and cleared of blockages without harm to the water supply and sewerage system.

There are many methods for eliminating odors from your kitchen sink. After finding the reason, choose the most suitable one and act. All work can be done manually, but if you cannot get rid of troubles using any of the above methods, contact professionals for help and enjoy a full life.

How to eliminate odor from your kitchen sink

Untimely repair can lead to clogging of the siphon and flooding of rooms. We will tell you how to eliminate odor from the kitchen sink in this article.

Eliminating smell from the kitchen sink with your own hands: basic techniques and rules

In principle, the problem of odor coming from the kitchen sink is quite common even among diligent housewives. The smell of the sewer is crazy and makes you think hard about whether to fix the problem yourself or call a qualified specialist. We will be happy to resolve your dilemma and show you that this issue can be easily resolved on your own.

Where does the smell come from?

The first question that comes to mind when their kitchen sink smells bad is where is it coming from? And here, first of all, it is important to turn your attention to the siphon, which often causes an unpleasant odor in the event of a malfunction.

Over time, grease and dirt adhere to the pipe walls, which, when rotting, cause a disgusting sewer smell. Solving the problem is simple - just disassemble the siphon and clean it. But if everything were so simple, this article would not have arisen. The cause of a bad odor is not always the accumulation of grease and dirt.

If an unpleasant odor occurs from the sink, the siphon should be the first thing to pay attention to.

There are many other reasons. But to understand their essence, it is important to understand the operation and structure of the pipes running under the sink. Let's try to get into it.

Everyone who has installed it or at least looked under the sink from time to time knows about the siphon. This is where the so-called water seal or water lock, to be called differently, is contained. In the part that resembles the letter S in shape, after each use of the sink and draining the water, a small supply of liquid remains, blocking the flow of unpleasant odors from the sewer into the kitchen. In other words, water plays the role of a cork. The operating principle of this locking mechanism

is unchanged, whether you have a corrugated or flask (also called a bottle) siphon. As soon as this principle is violated, a deadly smell appears from the sink. So the main reason for its appearance is now clear. But if water stops staying in the siphon, then why and what to do about it? Let's look at different examples. Let's start with the fact that often instead of a siphon they install a corrugated pipe, which has one unpleasant property - to stretch and sag. Even with correct installation

pipes, it will still lose its shape over time. To extend its service life for many years, it is better to purchase special devices for securing it complete with the pipe. Also, electrical tape can serve as a retainer. But this method is rather considered temporary.

Siphons are installed incorrectly - this is a fact. This usually happens when installing a drain system yourself. The plastic pipe does not reach the water in the flask, and the unpleasant smell finds its way into the world of the kitchen. Solving the problem is quite easy - you need to adjust the pipe. It should be recessed 2-3 cm in the water, but not reach the bottom.

The simplest example of the appearance of an unpleasant odor is the absence of owners from the apartment for a long time. During this time, the water in the flask has time to evaporate. To significantly slow down the process of its evaporation, it is recommended to add a little sunflower oil to the drain before leaving. It forms a film on the surface of the water that prevents rapid evaporation. If the water still evaporates, you will need to pour more water into the pipe, and soon the foul smell will disappear.

It’s better not to skimp on installing a siphon - this is the main guarantee of clean air in the kitchen

Often self installation or repairing the drain system leads to a problem due to the formation of an incorrect clog. The water either goes down the drain without touching it or rushes back into the sink. Stretching the corrugation is something you already know, and you shouldn’t install it directly on the riser. Saving in this case is only harmful.

Other reasons

Not only these reasons limit the appearance of odor in the kitchen. Sometimes cracks in a pipe or mechanical damage can cause water to leak and get onto the walls and floor, and there, in turn, mold begins to actively grow.

An extremely unpleasant thing - airing of the riser - appears when there is severe blockage. Accompanied by corresponding rumbling sounds when draining the water and the subsequent appearance of a terrible stench. Usually in this case the problem is so great that it will be necessary to invite specialists.

The joint between the sewer and the drain is a rather delicate place, and its tightness can sometimes be broken. Here it is important to timely treat the joint with sealant, preferably silicone.

Getting rid of the smell

Basically, before calling a specialist, owners try to figure out the problem themselves, and often emerge victorious in the fight against it. Having experience in business matters is a huge help in this case and an opportunity to save a little. In addition, in the age of the Internet, it is quite easy to find an article about solving a corresponding problem and use pictures to study the stages of eliminating it.

If a smell appears, first of all we check the corrugated pipe for stretching and, if it is detected, we fix it in the desired position using electrical tape. This measure is temporary - until you purchase a new pipe (and this must be done) along with fasteners.

You can resort to the use of chemicals. They are easy to get and just as easy to use. They often provide positive effect(unless, of course, the blockage is major) and at the same time they have quite affordable prices. Among the people, products like the domestic “Mole” and the foreign “Domestos” and “Cillit” are popular.

If you are against chemistry, use folk remedies. So salt is poured into the drain hole and after a while the water flow is opened. The combination of baking soda and water has worked well. Two tablespoons of soda are poured into a liter of boiling water, mixed and immediately sent down the drain.

Technical means

The simplest technical tool is a plunger. We take a little water to submerge it and make simple jerking movements without lifting the plunger from the sink.

Plunger is the simplest of technical means which is in every home

In addition to the plunger, you can use a plumbing cable (or string, to call it differently). It is essentially a long wire coiled into a spring with a handle on one end for convenience. Its length combined with flexibility allows it to reach the most remote and hard-to-reach places. This good way removing the blockage (if it was this that caused the stench). To help, you can turn on the water and vigorously work with the cable. If it does not push through, you can return it using a reciprocating motion.

The plumbing cable allows you to get rid of the most inaccessible and complex blockages due to its length and flexibility

A flexible hose with a conical tip has a similar property, with which you can clear the blockage. The hose is used together with strong water pressure in small-diameter pipes, that is, just like those installed in the kitchen. The hose entry point is clogged with rags to prevent water from pouring into the sink.

This method cannot be used after using chemicals, because in case of severe blockage water can flow back together with them.

Using the above methods, you can fix the problem without resorting to the help of specialists, except perhaps in the most difficult cases. And then fresh air will reign in your kitchen for a long time.

How to eliminate odor from your kitchen sink yourself

Has a nasty smell started to appear from your kitchen sink over time? We arm ourselves with our advice and go deal with the problem

Every home has its own characteristic smell. But the room does not always smell of pleasant detergents, refreshments or flowers. It’s not very good when an unpleasant smell spreads throughout the entire apartment. Perhaps it is simply clogged and needs cleaning. Many housewives do not know how to eliminate odor from the kitchen sink, so we will look at the reasons for its appearance and what to do about it.

The main reason why there is an unpleasant smell in the kitchen is sewerage problems. The main function of washing is to remove different types mud. The drain installed under the sink is directed to the sewer pipes.

The causes of sewer system malfunction may include the following:

  • siphon clogged. A siphon is a small curved part of a waste pipe. Its role is in maintaining the water level inside the bend, as well as separating the air in the room and the sewer pipe. Over time, inside the pipe, siphon due to poor care A greasy coating may form. Small particles of food waste stick to it;
  • airing of the sewer riser. This malfunction is indicated by a characteristic gurgling sound inside the sink. In this case, only a housing office employee can fix the problem, because this is a malfunction of the main system;
  • mechanical damage to the drain pipe;
  • contamination of the inner surface of pipes with fats and food residues;
  • deformation of the corrugated pipe. Over time, the corrugation has the ability to stretch and sag. Such situations happen even with proper installation. Due to the stretching of the corrugation, water is unable to be retained and is drained directly into the sewer. In addition, it can return back;
  • violation of the seal between such parts of the sewer system as the riser and drain. This is a mistake made by sewer system installers. Quite often they don't worry about sealing and just insert the corrugated pipe into the riser hole;
  • evaporation of moisture from the water seal due to non-use of washing, location heating pipes under the shutter. If the sink is rarely used, water evaporates from the water seal, which is formed in the bend of the siphon and prevents the spread of sewer odor;
  • installation flaws (workers may choose the wrong pipe diameter).

Types of siphons of different types and the principle of their operation

In addition to the main reasons for the appearance of stench from the sink, you need to take into account more rare provocateurs of unpleasant odors in the kitchen:

  • severe wear and cracking of plastic pipelines;
  • siphon malfunction;
  • improper design of the drainage system at the bottom of the sink;
  • holes in metal sewer pipes.

Why is the smell from the sink dangerous?

The stench from the kitchen sink is not only a nuisance for the housewife, but also a danger to the health of the apartment residents. Humans are able to recognize odors, which is considered a natural mechanism necessary for survival. The body defines an odor as “disgusting” only in situations where the stench can harm it.

The air that enters the premises from the sewer system contains toxic gases:

  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • ammonia.

These components explain the unpleasant smell from the sink. Sewage air also contains methane. It is formed due to the decomposition of sewage. This gas does not have any odor, but it still remains dangerous. Long-term effects of toxic gases on the body threaten negative consequences.

The smell from the sink is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous.

Important: Methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide harm the respiratory system and can cause partial loss of smell. When exposed to foul odors nervous system, there is a feeling of increased anxiety. Sometimes they provoke nervous breakdowns and fainting.

Considering the above facts, it is better to eliminate the problem with an unpleasant odor than to harm yourself and your loved ones.

Effective ways to eliminate sink odor

You can remove odor in different ways, which are suggested by experts.


When kitchen waste or toothpicks get into the sewer, grease and food remains are retained and a plug is formed, reducing throughput pipes The adhesion of fat and food provokes a putrid odor. It will help to remove the traffic jam metal cable. It should be firmly grasped with your palm, slowly rotated and pushed further. The plug can be pushed further along the pipe or removed from the sewer (in the case when the cable is equipped with a hook at the end).

If the blockage is removed, the water flow returns to normal. The water must first be supplied in a thin stream, then you can open the tap harder. This is necessary to ensure that the blockage is cleared. Recommended to enable hot water. It helps get rid of greasy deposits and plug residues from the pipe walls.

After cleaning the system, the special cable for cleaning the sewer should be washed, wiped, and lubricated with machine oil. These actions will prevent rust from appearing on the product. The dry cable needs to be rolled up and stored.

Using a cable to break through blockages

Using a plunger to clean

The siphon needs to be inspected. If the problem is caused by stretching of the corrugation or improper installation of the structure, it is enough to install everything correctly and fix it. If the stench is caused by a blockage, the siphon and drain are cleaned with a plunger. It must be new, which has not been used to clean the bathtub or toilet.

The drain hole of the washbasin is covered with a plunger cap, pressed, then the hot water tap is opened. After the cap is closed with water, you need to firmly press the handle of the device several times. This is necessary to pump water up and down and destroy the plug that has formed in the pipe. Then the plunger is removed to wash away the remaining clog with water.

Disassembling, washing the siphon

Before starting this action, you should place a bucket under the sink. This is necessary to prevent water from pouring out of the water seal onto the floor. Then we unscrew it wrench or use a settling cup with your hands. If you have a non-removable structure installed, then you need to remove the entire siphon. After all the water has drained, we begin cleaning.

The pipe located behind the siphon is checked and cleaned if necessary. The siphon itself is washed using household chemicals ( detergent for dishes, dissolved powder, washing gel). After such cleaning, the siphon is assembled, the tightness of the connections and the position of the entire structure are checked.

Methods to help clear a small blockage in the siphon

Sealing joints

When the smell is caused by depressurization of the joint between the drain and the sewer pipe, it requires sealing. The simplest method is to wrap it with fum tape, but a better solution is to use a special plumbing sealant (Moment, Tytan, Ciki Fix, Ceresit). It will prevent the appearance of mold, mildew, and the proliferation of microorganisms.

To prepare the surface for applying sealant, you need to use acetone, alcohol, and a dry soft rag. Apply the sealant using a soft narrow spatula. The joints should initially be wiped dry and degreased. Then the sealant is squeezed out so that it covers the entire joint in one strip (without breaks). A spatula is used to smooth the seams.

Sealants for sewer pipe joints

Protecting the water seal from drying out

To do this, just open the tap more often, replenishing the water level in the siphon.

Disinfection with soda and salt

These folk remedies are considered good disinfectants that will help remove bad smells from the sewer. To do this, pour it inside the drain hole of the sink, let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse the sink with large quantity water. This method can also be used for prevention.

Soda + vinegar

To flush out a simple clog, you can use baking soda + vinegar. Inside sewer drain pour out half a pack of soda, pour vinegar into this mixture, and plug the hole with a rag. The sewer must be flushed after 20 minutes.

Note: To improve the smell of the room, you can add flavored oil (mint, lemon, rose, lavender, etc.) to the mixture. Thanks to this simple method, the room will smell nice.

Lemon acid

You can also use citric acid. A large pack of powder is poured inside the drain hole and poured with boiling water. This improvised means will help eliminate unwanted odors from the kitchen sink at home.

Products for removing odor from pipes

Washing with special means

There are many different household chemicals that are produced for cleaning drains. Its purpose is to eliminate plaque on pipes, dissolve blockages, disinfection, and eliminate unpleasant odors. Very popular and effective remedies are “Mole”, “Mr. Muscle”, “Floop”, “Pothan”, “Tiret”.

Products for removing blockages and prevention

We have already looked at how you can remove the smell from the sink if it appears in the kitchen. Now we will give you ways that will prevent the appearance of stench from the sink:

  • Do not clean off food residues in the sink;
  • for prevention, pour soda + vinegar into the pipes once a week;
  • Use personal protective equipment when cleaning chemical pipes. means (gloves, glasses, bandage);
  • Every time you wash dishes, rinse the drain hole with hot water;
  • If you are away from home for a long time, pour into the sink a product that prevents the evaporation of water in the bend (sunflower or other oil). This perfect option for a summer residence;
  • install a removable siphon;
  • ventilate the room if you use “Mole” and its analogues;
  • do not use aggressive chloride agents for metal sinks;
  • install .

If there is a stink from the sink, you already know what to do and therefore in most cases you will be able to cope with the problem yourself. You should not endure the unpleasant and rather dangerous smell of sewerage in a place where the whole family gathers and the housewife spends most day to prepare everyone's favorite dishes.


The "aroma" of sewerage, especially in the place where food is prepared, causes the most negative emotions. Therefore, eliminating odor from your kitchen sink becomes a top priority. There can be several sources at once, and therefore the methods of disposal are different. His choice depends on the cause of the problem. It is necessary to check the sewer and siphon, and use a cable, plunger and cleaning products to eliminate the smell.


The sink is a place where all kinds of debris accumulate: food debris, oil, hair. Compressed into one ball, they become a source of unpleasant odor. This happens as a result of malfunctions in the sewer system.

A siphon is part of any plumbing fixture. It can be made of brass, plastic or other material, and is available with a membrane or dry water seal. Thanks to the curved elbows, the device forms a water plug, which clogs the air from the sewer, preventing it from entering the bathroom or kitchen.

The siphon has several functions:

  • Eliminating unpleasant odors from sewer pipes.
  • Protection against blockages. This is a filter and storage tank for large debris, which can be easily removed by opening the siphon.
  • Ensuring self-outflow Wastewater into the sewer.

There are two main causes of unpleasant odor:

Incorrect installation of siphon and corrugation

  1. In this case, water flows out of the water seal. If the height of the pipe is insufficient, an unpleasant odor occurs in 100% of cases. Adjusting it to a standard of 3 cm below the water line solves the problem.
  2. Errors may occur when installing the corrugation. If you forget to install a water seal, the water goes directly into the drain or retrogradely returns to the sink.
  3. Sagging or stretching of the pipe is associated with incorrect operation of the special clamp that supports the S-shaped corrugation structure.

Long downtime

The water in the siphon may evaporate if the washbasin has not been used for some time. As a result, an unpleasant odor appears. You can eliminate this by filling the sink with water and waiting for it to drain, then create a film of vegetable oil (a few tablespoons) by simply pouring it into the drain. If a smell appears, repeat the procedure.

Other reasons

Blockage (one of the most common causes), dirt in the flask, incorrect installation of pipes, low-quality components. The first ones can be easily eliminated with a plunger, soda, vinegar or special means such as Mole, etc. We will talk about this in more detail below.

If your independent searches do not yield results, or you find incorrect installation of pipes, etc., you need to contact a plumber. Finding the cause and eliminating it is fundamentally important. The stench is dangerous, as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide negatively affect the bronchi and lungs.

How to find a fault?

Logically, this is a matter for a plumber. But such help costs time and money. If in emergency situations you cannot cope without professionals, then you can try to fix minor problems yourself: rinse the system with hot water and special products, disassemble and clean the siphon. You can detect cracks or chips, leaky joints, and seal defects. Defective parts must be replaced.

How to remove an unpleasant odor?

There are several ways to eliminate it.


A regular metal cable is not suitable. You need a special one, plumbing, at least 5 meters long. It is equipped with a brush or hook that can lift the clog. The handle is also specific: it allows you to rotate the cable.

To remove a garbage plug this way, you should:

  • Clear access to the corrugation.
  • Insert the cable into it to the maximum depth.
  • Start “screwing” it with your hands until it reaches the blockage.
  • Use a hook to pull out the debris or push the plug further.
  • You can try to break up the blockage with a cable, moving it in different directions.

After manipulation, wash the cable and lubricate it with machine oil. Then roll it up and put it away.


It is used if you are completely sure that the siphon is clogged and there is no desire to disassemble it.


  • Place the plunger cap over the drain and, opening the hot water tap, wait until it completely covers it.
  • Close the tap and forcefully move the plunger up and down, then sharply pull it out along with part of the blockage.
  • Turn on hot water and rinse the sink.

If you don’t have a plunger at home, you can repeat the same steps using a milk or juice carton, cutting off the top of the package.

They disassemble the siphon only if they are completely sure that it is the cause of the unpleasant odor. The test will be the following procedure: you need to pull the corrugation out of the riser, lower it into a container, turn on the water and see if there is a leak. If it is missing, the siphon is disassembled and cleaned:

  • First unscrew bottom part. If this is not the problem, continue disassembling.
  • Remove all nuts and carefully inspect the pipes.
  • Remove the blockage.
  • Rinse the siphon.
  • Putting all the parts together.

When assembling, be sure to use the instructions; if you followed them, the sink should work normally.


They can be from improvised products or professional ones. The most popular:

  • Salt. The whole glass is poured into the sink and filled with half a liter of boiling water. After 3 hours, hot water opens and the entire drain is washed.
  • Soda with salt. The mixture is prepared in a 1:1 ratio, after which it is also poured into the drain. After half an hour, it is washed with boiling water and the procedure is repeated. If this does not help get rid of the smell, then another cleaning method is chosen.
  • Vinegar with soda. Proportions: pour two large spoons of soda into the siphon and then pour a glass of vinegar there. The drain is closed with a stopper, and 10 minutes after the end of the reaction, it is thoroughly washed with boiling water.
  • Concentrate sachet citric acid in powder form, pour into the drain and turn on hot water. A reaction like vinegar and soda begins. The further algorithm is the same. Dry mustard can be a substitute for lemon powder.
  • TO professional means chemicals for cleaning pipes include: Mole, Domestos, Brawl, Odorgon, Mister Muscle, Sanox, Whiteness. To rinse the siphon, you must follow the instructions and take into account that the powder is more active than the liquid.


You can not only get rid of unpleasant smell from the sink, but also prevent it if you strictly follow simple rules:

  • Clean the sewer pipes not only when an odor appears from the sink, but also regularly (monthly). Salt and soda should be used once a week. This sequence of processing allows you to maintain the relative cleanliness of plumbing fixtures.
  • Never flush leftover food and tea leaves down the kitchen drain. They are the ones who clog the siphon.
  • When going on vacation or a long business trip, you should take care of the condition of the plumbing by pouring oil (vegetable or machine) into the siphon. Volume – small glass. This will help avoid evaporation of moisture and drying out of pipes, which gives off a sewer “aroma.” When you return, you just need to flush the drain warm water with detergent.
  • If it is necessary to replace pipes or a siphon, you should entrust the work to a specialist.
  • Choosing new plumbing fixtures should also be done by a professional. You need to focus on ease of use and quality. It would be better if the siphon is removable. This does not require complete dismantling of the pipes for cleaning.

Causes of odor

First, I suggest you figure out why the kitchen sink stinks. Over time, dirt and grease accumulate in the pipes running under the sink. They rot, which gives rise to an unpleasant aroma.

Siphon- the main part of the kitchen drain. It happens:

  • flask (bottle);
  • corrugated;
  • knee.

Each siphon is equipped with a water seal or so-called “water lock”. Its principle of operation is quite simple: there should always be water in it. This liquid prevents odors from spreading from the kitchen sink.

If water stops accumulating in the siphon, there is an unpleasant smell from the kitchen sink. There may be some problems with the operation of this device. Here are the main ones:

  1. Corrugated tube stretched. A sagging corrugation does not cope with its task and needs to be firmly fixed.
  2. Incorrect installation siphon. The plastic pipe should be buried a few cm in the water; if it is installed incorrectly, a bad odor from the pipes is guaranteed.

  1. Frequency of use. If you do not use the sink for a long time, all the liquid in the siphon will evaporate. Because of this, stench will appear.

If after a long absence you notice that there is a sewer smell in the kitchen, try draining the water. The smell should disappear soon.

  1. DIY repair. At self-installation and repairing the siphon, the water seal may be incorrectly formed. The water will either drain immediately or rise back into the sink.

Unfortunately, not all problems can be related to the installation and operation of the siphon.

What else contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor:

  • Poor sealing. If the drain and sewer are not sealed, they must be urgently treated with sealant along the joint.
  • Clogged riser. If the sewer pipes are clogged with waste, then a stench cannot be avoided.

Do not dispose of large food scraps or other household waste down the sink.

  • Mechanical damage on the walls of the pipes. Cracks and chips will allow water to leak onto the floor and walls. Mold will begin to appear on them and cause an unpleasant odor.

Getting rid of unpleasant smell from the sink

We found out why the kitchen sink smells. Now I’ll tell you what to do to correct the situation without involving outside help. We will need:

  • plunger;
  • plumbing cable;
  • country hose;
  • soda + vinegar;
  • salt;
  • store-bought pipe cleaner.

3 mechanical ways

If you notice that the water in the sink is not draining, then most likely a waste plug has formed inside. The easiest way to fix it is with your own hands using a plunger. For this:

  • place the bowl of the plunger over the drain hole;
  • start moving the handle up and down so that the base of the plunger does not come off the sink itself.

When the clog is in hard to reach place, you can use a plumbing cable. This is a long spring that follows the bends of sewer pipes. One end of the cable should be sent to the drain and try to push as deep as possible.

The first time you may not be able to push the cable deep. Try using a back and forth motion to pull it out and put it back into the drain hole.

You can increase the effectiveness of the cable cleaning method if you additionally run water from the tap.

Another way to eliminate smell from the sink involves using a flexible garden hose. This method is very similar to the previous one. However, finding a regular hose at home is much easier than finding a plumbing cable.