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When positive and negative emotions arise. What is emotion

In this article, you will get acquainted with feelings and emotions.

We fall in love, rejoice, get angry, resent, hate, love - and all this is called emotions and feelings. Let's talk about them in this article.

What is, and what are feelings and emotions: definition, names

Expression of emotions and feelings

Emotions- an instant reaction of a person to what is happening around him. Emotions appear in a person at the animal level, appear and disappear. Emotions can be:

  • chagrin
  • Sadness
  • Joy
  • Despondency
  • Indifference
  • Anger

The senses- these are also emotions, but on an ongoing basis, they last a long time. Feelings arise in the process of long thinking, experiences, based on life experience. Feelings are:

  • The biggest and most constant feeling is love, but most likely, not men and women, but mothers and children, and vice versa.
  • A sense of duty to parents, family.
  • Feelings of devotion to spouse.
  • Sense of responsibility for family and children.
  • Some people know the feeling of inspiration at an interesting job.

List of positive and negative feelings and emotions: a table with a transcript

Negative and positive emotions

Positive emotions and feelings:

  • Joy
  • Delight
  • Pleasure
  • Pride
  • jubilation
  • Confidence
  • Sympathy
  • Confidence
  • Delight
  • Attachment
  • Gratitude
  • Respect
  • Tenderness
  • tenderness
  • Bliss
  • Anticipation
  • clear conscience
  • Feeling safe

Negative emotions and feelings:

  • Gloat
  • Dissatisfaction with something
  • Sadness
  • Anxiety
  • Sorrow
  • Yearning
  • chagrin
  • Fear
  • Despair
  • Resentment
  • fright
  • A pity
  • Fear
  • Sympathy
  • Regret
  • dislike
  • annoyance
  • Hatred
  • Disturbance
  • Despondency
  • Jealousy
  • Envy
  • Boredom
  • malice
  • Uncertainty
  • Mistrust
  • Rage
  • Confusion
  • Disgust
  • Contempt
  • Disappointment
  • Repentance
  • Bitterness
  • Intolerance

These are far from all the emotions and feelings shown by a person. All manifestations of emotions cannot be counted, they are like two or three colors put together, from which a third, completely new color appears.

Emotions and feelings are called positive, because when they are manifested, they give pleasure to a person, and negative ones - discontent. From the list of emotions, we see that there are much more negative emotions than positive ones.

Types, classification of feelings and emotions

Basic feelings and emotions, and their derivatives

Emotions are momentary manifestations of our reaction to actions from the outside. With such emotions as discontent, surprise, joy, fear and anger, we are born. If a small child is uncomfortable - he cries, fed, swaddled - he rejoices.

But not all emotions are innate, some can be acquired in certain life situations. Even kids understand this, arranging a tantrum if they want to achieve something.

There are 5 main manifestations of emotions and feelings, and derivatives come from them:

  1. Joy, and from it went: delight, fun, surprise, tenderness, gratitude, inspiration, passion, peace.
  2. Love and beyond: falling in love, trust, tenderness, bliss.
  3. Sadness, and let's go: disappointment, sadness, regret, despair, loneliness, depression, bitterness.
  4. Anger, and went further: rage, irritation, anger, hatred, revenge, indignation, resentment, envy.
  5. Fear, and its derivatives: anxiety, excitement, anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, horror, revenge.

All emotions, except those with which we are born, are acquired on our life path.

Why are there more emotions than feelings?

Expression of emotions and feelings

Emotions are temporary states, and even within one hour they can change by dozens. For an emotion to turn into a feeling, you need to wait a long time, sometimes years. And if we have a feeling, it can last for decades, while an emotion lasts a couple of seconds, so there are much more emotions than feelings.

How a person's feelings differ from his emotions: comparison, psychology, a brief description of the characteristics and properties

How do you know what is feeling and what is emotion?

  • We control feelings, and emotions are very difficult to control, most often impossible.
  • Feelings are manifested on the basis of constant simple emotions, and emotions are momentary.
  • Feelings are formed in the process of life experience, and with emotions we are born.
  • It is impossible to realize a feeling, but we are fully aware of emotions, more often in the past tense.
  • Feelings are durable, and emotions arise for a short time in response to some action from the outside. We express our emotions by shouting, laughing, crying, hysteria.
  • Feelings arise from emotions, and for such a transition of emotions into feelings, it takes time.

The boundary between feelings and emotions is very difficult to define.. Sometimes we cannot understand for a long time what state we actually have - emotions or feelings. An example of this is love and love.

The functions and role of emotions and feelings in psychology, human life, the connection of emotions and feelings with the body: description, external manifestations

Anger brought to affect

Emotions are not only words, but there can also be actions. Everyone knows how the smile of another affects one person. If a smiling person is sincere, he can infect others with his smile. Thanks to emotions, we understand each other better.

Feelings and emotions are manifested in 4 types:

  • The very feeling
  • Manifestation of mood
  • Passion
  • Affect

Feeling- negative or positive manifestation of human properties.

Mood- the background for the actions of the human psyche.

Passion- the feeling is strong and quite long.

Affect- very strong feeling, lasting a short time.

According to this classification:

  • Surprise is a feeling, and amazement, bliss is the same feeling, but brought to an affect.
  • Anger is a feeling, rage is a feeling brought to affect
  • Joy is a feeling, delight is a feeling brought to an affect

Words expressing feelings and emotions: a list

Expression of emotions on the face

We are born with some emotions. Emotions show up well on our face. A small child who cannot speak is already showing his emotions perfectly.

Expression of the simplest emotions and feelings:

  • Apathy is complete indifference.
  • Hopelessness is the loss of all hope.
  • Anxiety is a manifestation of anxiety, excitement, bad forebodings.
  • Fun - I want to laugh.
  • Resentment is dissatisfaction with everyone.
  • Arrogance is a condescending attitude towards other people.
  • Sadness is a state when it seems that everything around is in gray tones.
  • Pity is a feeling of compassion for others.
  • Envy is a test of feeling bitter about what others get and you don't.
  • Anger is resentment, and the desire to do something unpleasant to another object.
  • Fear is a reaction to sudden danger.
  • Pleasure is a feeling associated with the satisfaction of one's interests.
  • Hatred is intense anger towards another object.
  • Loneliness is a state when there is no one to talk heart to heart with.
  • Sadness is a state of longing for the past or the present.
  • Shame - feelings about an unworthy act.
  • Happiness is a state of inner satisfaction with something.
  • Anxiety is a condition caused by internal stress.
  • Surprise is a quick reaction to seeing a sudden event.
  • Horror - intense fear when confronted with a threatening object.
  • Rage is the manifestation of anger in an aggressive form.

Luule Viilma - A woman lives with emotions, a man with feelings: what does this mean?

Depending on the prevailing emotions, each person has his own diseases.

Luule Viilma- Estonian gynecologist and great connoisseur of the human soul, author of 8 books. In her articles, she tried to convey to people that our health is connected with the state of mind, our emotions are associated with diseases, and only we, by adjusting our emotions, are able to cure ourselves.

The fact that a woman lives with emotions, and a man with feelings can be found in Luule Viilma's book "The beginning of male and female." If anyone is interested, you can.

Is it possible and how to manage emotions and feelings: education of emotions and feelings

Emotions can be directed in the right direction from childhood

Thanks to emotions and feelings, our life becomes interesting, but at the same time, excessive emotions affect our health and psyche, so we need to learn how to manage our emotions.

How to manage emotions?

  • First you need to admit to yourself that not all emotions that manifest in you are positive.
  • Deal with every manifestation of negative emotions.
  • Don't take all negative emotions personally. If the boss yelled at you, this does not mean that you are a bad employee, maybe he was in a bad mood.
  • Control your negative emotions and prevent them from showing up next time.
  • Learn to control your explosive nature and the manifestation of violent emotions, for example, with the help of simple ways meditation, special trainings.
  • Now there are tons of books and movies that can help you learn to control your emotions.

So, we learned a little more, and got acquainted with our feelings and emotions.

Video: Disney cartoon for children Puzzle, our emotions

Emotions ... They can bring us joy - and make us unhappy. It can inspire all new achievements - and paralyze our will. They are able to make a person strong or weak, free or constrained, beautiful or ugly - depending on their positive or negative coloring. However, it is unlikely that many of us would agree to live without them at all, right?

Although the latter, rather, refers to positive emotions - pleasure, love, gratitude, tenderness, delight ... But what about sadness, resentment, shame, fear, anger ... - negative emotions? Feeling them is not at all so pleasant, but they are stubbornly born in us, forcing us to experience, fear, suffer.

Why is this happening? What makes people experience negative emotions, moreover, sometimes more often than positive ones?


Negative emotions are emotions based on unpleasant subjective experiences. They lead to the implementation of adaptive behavior aimed at eliminating the source of physical or psychological danger. Within the framework of cognitive psychology and psychotherapy (A.T. Beck, A. Ellis), their specificity is determined through certain intellectual actions.

Anger arises when obstacles arise on the way to achieving the goal and serves to awaken the energy required to break the obstacle;

Sadness arises in a situation of loss of a significant object and serves to reduce the energy level for its further use;

Fear helps to avoid danger or mobilize for an attack;

Contempt maintains self-esteem and dominance behavior;

Shyness signals a need for togetherness and intimacy;

The feeling of guilt establishes a subordinate role in the social hierarchy and testifies to the possibility of loss of self-esteem;

Repulsion leads to repulsion of harmful objects.

I. Kondakov. Psychological Dictionary, 2000

Paraphrasing the poet, one might say that if negative emotions arise, which means that it is necessary for some reason. For example, a very ancient emotion of fear serves to save the life and health of an individual. It launches in the human body a whole range of phenomena that help to maximize the mobilization of all the forces that it has. The brain gives a command, adrenaline is injected into the blood, blood circulation increases, and you can run or attack - depending on the situation or warehouse of character.

At the same time, it is well known that people do not always, let's say, “use” fear for its intended purpose. Often a person is frightened by quite innocent, "non-terrible" things or phenomena. We are talking about various kinds of phobias, very common in modern civilization. It turns out that fear serves not only to warn a person about the true danger? Often it has a more complex psychological nature.

The same can be said about other negative emotions. It happens that we experience them contrary to common sense. And at the same time, we don’t want to admit it to ourselves for anything. Most of us tend to see the cause of our own negative emotions external circumstances or other people. We often forget that it is not emotions, in fact, that “rule the ball”, but only our internal settings.

After all, we all know that there are only two ways out of every unpleasant situation: change the situation itself or - attitude towards it. By ppimepy, if ye nam nahamili nA ylitse we mozhem pazyapitcya, nahamiv in otvet or zlobno ppomolchav, libo pocochyvctvovat necchactnomy agpeccopy, Po-dobpomy pocmeyatcya nad him ppo cebya or voobsche ne obpatit vnimanie nA clychivsheecya - SELECTION za nami.

However, many people choose the first option. A large part of society prefers to live in the negative. Why? Do they realize that it is their and only their choice? Why do they need it?

B pcihologii ect takoe ponyatie, HOW 'vtopichnye vygody' - IT kogda chelovek pcihologichecki polychaet for cebya nechto nyzhnoe, ydovletvopyayuschee TE or inye ego potpebnocti, pepezhivaya ne camye ppiyatnye momenty (a, cootvetctvenno and emotsii). Simply put, getting some kind of “perverted pleasure” from the hardships of life, which he could very well have avoided.

As a rule, this happens unconsciously. Sometimes at psychotherapy sessions such a person begins to see clearly and finds in himself the strength to change. But this, alas, does not always happen. The convenience of "secondary benefits" often tug the scales - which, again, is a personal choice for everyone.

It is important to understand that we are not necessarily doomed to experience negative emotions. You can work with this, there would be a desire to change your life for the better.

Our experts continue talking about negative emotions Elena Kaliteevskaya and Pavel Gurevich.

Kaliteevskaya Elena Poctislavovna - psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences, deputy. Director of Moscow

Gestalt Institute:

Now society is changing quite quickly, and a person is perceived as unsafe. Paradoxically, human life turns out to be a phenomenon even more stable than the life of society. And Linkages c it y lyudey voznikaet ctpah, Who in cvoyu ocheped vyzyvaet hazardous reactions yapocti, agpeccii, Hectabilnoct obschectva and neobhodimoct opipatcya nA camogo cebya popozhdaet ctpah, gnev, yapoct, otchayanie, vnytpennee beccilie.

And it is difficult to rely on oneself, since the feeling of root competence has been lost by many. It happens that people get angry, break away from overloads or simply from impotence, from the fact that otherwise they can’t respond to their overload in any way. But if we are talking about healthy aggression, then soon the question arises for me, what exactly a person cannot change in his life, for which reason he falls into a rage. For example, a child who draws catastrophic pictures of the death of parents, a fire in the house, and so on, is perceived by me not as an evil child, but rather as living in a situation with which to live. When I work with aggression, I always look at what is behind it. Menya intepecyyut large screen faktopa - citytsiya, c kotopoy chelovek ne cppavlyaetcya and kotopaya vyzyvaet takoe beccilie chto emy hochetcya ynichtozhit pazdpazhayuschy obekt and potpebnocti cheloveka, kotopye okazyvayutcya octanovlennymi and vmecto them pepezhivayutcya zloct and agpecciya. I perceive aggression as the energy of life. Often the need to act in one's own interests, the need for creativity, turns out to be stopped. And acting creatively in a situation of uncertainty is always taking risks. Therefore, the task of psychotherapy is, as it seems to me, the restoration of the personal competence of a person, the recognition by him of his roots, i.e. himself, such as he is in his contradictory integrity.

Gurevich Pavel Semenovich - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of "Psychology" of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management. Director of the Institute of Psychoanalysis and Social Management

And the “Clinic of Deep Psychology”, head of the department of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specialist in clinical psychology, psychoanalysis, philosophical anthropology. Practicing Certified Psychoanalyst:

All negative emotions (for example, aggression or irritation) have some kind of underlying reason. If irritation is connected with the fact that a person is not treated delicately, then this is one option. And another option, when a person is in a neurotic state, everything annoys him, everything is bad, this is already another, clinical option. For example, people of the hysterical type often behave like this. The third option is that the person is aggressive and cleared up, they don’t give him a rebuff and don’t put him in the right frame. Therefore, he once realized that irritation is the possibility of manipulating people. What to do with this? B odnom clychae, mozhno pomoch cheloveky naychitcya be bolee yvepennym in obschenii c dpygimi people in dpygom clychae - pomoch cheloveky izlechitcya From ictepii in tpetem clychae - poctavit cheloveka in oppedelennye pamki, dat emy pochyvctvovat chto ect TA gpan, za kotopyyu zahodit nelzya .


During the day, a person experiences a lot of emotions, which, mixing with each other, create a bizarre bouquet. This bouquet colors the perception of a person, making the day lived “bad” or “good”.

Surely any person wants to wake up every morning with a smile and see off the day in positive mood. Living every day happily, filling your life with joyful emotions - this task may be impossible until a person learns to manage his emotions.

You can change your mood as we want, it is not necessary to be dependent on circumstances. In order to feel the emotion of joy, it is not necessary to wait for the right moment when someone or something makes us laugh.

To be happy, you just need to be happy. For happiness, it is not necessary to look for a reason: money, health, soul mate, recognition, and so on. You can just be happy. After all, all we need to already have is our emotions.

It remains only to understand the art of managing your emotions. To do this, first of all, you need to know the types of human emotions in order to learn to distinguish, separate emotions from each other, because they rarely appear in their pure form.

Each person has four pure emotions:
  • anger
  • fear
  • joy
  • despondency

These types of emotions create a combination of other feelings and emotions that each of us can experience on a daily basis.

Watch this short video showing faces various people experiencing the same emotions: from joy to fear.

Conventionally, the types of human emotions can be divided into three main categories: negative, positive and neutral.

List of basic human emotions and feelings


1. Pleasure

2. Joy.

3. Rejoicing.

4. Delight.

5. Pride.

6. Confidence.

7. Trust.

8. Sympathy.

9. Admiration.

10. Love (sexual).

11. Love (affection).

12. Respect.

13. Tenderness.

14. Gratitude (gratitude).

15. Tenderness.

16. Complacency.

17. Bliss

18. Schadenfreude.

19. Feeling of satisfied revenge.

20. Good conscience.

21. Feeling of relief.

22. Feeling of self-satisfaction.

23. Feeling safe.

24. Anticipation.


25. Curiosity.

26. Surprise.

27. Amazement.

28. Indifference.

29. Calm and contemplative mood.


30. Displeasure.

31. Woe (sorrow).

33. Sadness (sadness).

34. Despair.

35. Grief.

36. Anxiety.

38. Fear.

41. Pity.

42. Sympathy (compassion).

43. Regret.

44. Annoyance.

46. ​​Feeling insulted.

47. Indignation (indignation).

48. Hatred.

49. Dislike.

50. Envy.

52. Anger.

53. Despondency.

55. Jealousy.

57. Uncertainty (doubt).

58. Distrust.

60. Confusion.

61. Fury.

62. Contempt.

63. Disgust.

64. Disappointment.

65. Disgust.

66. Dissatisfaction with oneself.

67. Repentance.

68. Remorse of conscience.

69. Impatience.

70. Bitterness.

Perhaps some of the readers will not agree with such a division of feelings. Feelings are divided not from the standpoint of ethics, but from the standpoint of the pleasure or displeasure delivered.

A person puts a huge amount of energy into his emotions. In fact, this energy is neutral, only emotion can give it a positive or negative character, direct it in the direction of creation or destruction.

Take a closer look at this list, determine for yourself in which emotions you invest your strength more, in the emotions of destruction or creation?

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Negative human emotions do us a great favor—they save us from ourselves. They are signals that call us to change what we are doing. And they are really necessary to feel good.
Paradox? Only at first glance..
Emotions that cause unpleasant sensations (anger, envy, jealousy, disappointment, sadness, shame), we most often suppress and scold ourselves for them. Because we think they are wrong.
However, emotions are not inherently positive or negative. They differ much more than just good or bad. Every emotion is based on a complex set of changes in motivation, physiology, attention, perception, beliefs, and behavior.
Negative human emotions are means that are aimed at helping us achieve goals that are important to us. They are tools that work beyond awareness to guide us where we need to go. They identify problems or opportunities. They are survival tools: in fact, we would have disappeared long ago without them.
Negative human emotions crucial not only for our existence, but, by and large, so that we can feel good. Knowing our emotions in their diversity, we can better live with ourselves and with each other.


Anger arises when we feel unappreciated. If you know what you deserve and someone else sees things differently, anger arises. Anger motivates a person to take action. While most negative human emotions encourage us to avoid situations, anger tends to stimulate action. Anger enhances self-confidence, optimism, and risk-taking. He tells you that you have resources and determination. Indeed, those who express anger are perceived as having a higher status, more competent, and more reliable.
Anger does not only benefit a particular person. It also promotes social progress. It stimulated civil rights and the gender equality movement. This can lead to justice. Without him, the downtrodden might never have been heard. If you always express your appearance only frustration when your partner does something you don't like, your problem may never come to light. And this can lead to corrosion of relationships from the inside.

Shame, guilt, embarrassment

Living among others requires us to adhere to agreed social and moral standards. When we break the norm, we need a way to guide ourselves back to the right behavior. And such negative human emotions as shame, guilt, embarrassment come to our aid.

Discomfort from embarrassment, and especially from shame, directs us inward to figure out what led to this state and what needs to be corrected in ourselves. People can only learn from their mistakes when they admit that something went wrong.

Negative emotions also motivate us to make amends. When we experience feelings of embarrassment, guilt, shame, we try to fix what we did wrong. Researchers say that in such cases, we become more generous and considerate, even to strangers.

Shame, guilt, embarrassment - these emotions allow us to live side by side. Without them, we wouldn't be able to trust each other, or even understand ourselves.

Envy and jealousy

Envy can be devastating. But it also has its benefits. To lessen or abolish feelings of inferiority, envy motivates us to increase our own reputation or diminish the position of others. One invariable way is to increase your own authority in order to become more successful. Researchers have found that envy enhances subjects' persistence and performance on a creative task even more than admiration does. Admiration makes us feel better in this moment, but the feeling of envy ignites the desire to succeed in the future. We can also become more successful by imitating the person we envy.

While benevolent envy is essentially a creative force, malignant envy is destructive.

Envy is often confused with jealousy, but these negative human emotions are psychologically distinct. Envy is longing for what another person has. Jealousy arises when some third party threatens the union. Like envy, jealousy can be destructive, but in response to actual infidelity, it promotes survival. She forces couples to test and strengthen their relationship.

Fear and anxiety

Fear is our protector, an appropriate response to signs of threat, increased awareness and preparation of the body to avoid danger. Sometimes people become paralyzed or insane with fear, but more often they are keenly attuned to the collection of sensory information.

Fear stimulates vivid images of what is about to go wrong—and how to get out of the situation. Run? Accept the fight? Your attention narrows, everything is directed to your safety.

Not all threats are lethal; some just might kill your reputation. It is also good to have fears of social consequences, which is why we are so concerned about the observance of morals. You don't want to piss off your boss or embarrass yourself.

By stimulating information gathering, anxiety actually boosts people's productivity, whether at work or school. It makes people energetic and alert. Researchers believe that anxiety is not only life-saving, it is essential in any situation that requires caution and self-discipline.

Anxiety about how we live can point to moments where we are not being true to ourselves, how our actions do not align with our deepest values. Anxiety can serve corrective purposes by bringing us back to authenticity.

Regret and disappointment

Regret arises when we think about what could have been if only we had done things differently. This kind of thinking allows us to analyze the past and the future and understand the cause and effect relationship: If I hadn't, it wouldn't have happened; If I do X, Y will happen. This enhances both learning and planning.

Because making mistakes is such a great learning opportunity, our negative emotions highlight mistakes for us, adding regret. "How could I do this?" we think. “I was such a dick! If only I knew then what I know now." Research shows that by making our mistakes more painful, regret makes them more memorable and more effective in motivating us to change our ways.

Sadness and sadness

Sadness comes in response to an actual or potential loss and is a signal that recovery is needed. As a result, it encourages change, and different types of sadness stimulate different types of correction.

Sadness makes you more rational and your thinking more concrete. It reduces gullibility, forgetfulness, and sensitivity to stereotypes. It also makes you more sensitive to social norms, increasing politeness and honesty. On the other hand, happiness can lead to superficial thinking and arrogance.

Sadness also functions as a signal to others that we may need help. Depression - a state of prolonged sadness and hopelessness - is now widely regarded as a disorder. But it can be a healthy response to difficult life situations.

Distance from our negative feelings, our negative emotions, cripples our daily activities and our growth. It also alienates us from the full range of human experience. Negative human emotions help us change our lives in the right direction.

"Negative" emotions play a more important biological role compared to "positive" emotions. It is no coincidence that the mechanism of "negative" emotions has been functioning in a child from the first days of his birth, while "positive" emotions appear much later. A “negative” emotion is an alarm signal, a danger to the body. "Positive" emotion is a signal of returned well-being. It is clear that the last signal does not need to sound for a long time, so emotional adaptation to the good comes quickly. The alarm signal must be given until the danger is eliminated. As a result, only “negative” emotions can become stagnant. "Negative" emotions are harmful only in excess, just as everything that exceeds the norm is harmful. Fear, anger, rage increase the intensity of metabolic processes, lead to better nutrition of the brain, increase the body's resistance to overload, infections, etc.

The neural mechanisms of positive emotional reactions are more complex and subtle than those of negative ones. "Positive" emotions have an independent adaptive meaning, i.e. the role of "positive" emotions is different from the role of "negative" emotions: "positive" emotions induce living systems to actively violate the achieved "balance" with environment: "The most important role of positive emotions is an active violation of peace, comfort, the famous "balancing of the body with the external environment"". “Negative emotions, as a rule, ensure the preservation of what has already been achieved by the evolution or individual development of the subject. Positive emotions revolutionize behavior, prompting the search for new, not yet satisfied needs, without which pleasure is unthinkable. This does not indicate the absolute value of positive emotions. They may be driven by primitive, selfish, socially unacceptable needs. In such cases, we will undoubtedly give preference to such negative emotions as anxiety for the fate of another person, compassion for those in trouble, indignation at injustice. The social value of emotions is always determined by the motive that brought it to life.

Types of emotional states

Depending on the depth, intensity, duration and degree of differentiation, the following types of emotional states can be distinguished: sensual tone, emotions proper, affect, passion, mood.

The simplest form of emotions is the emotional tone of sensations - innate hedonic experiences (from the Greek hedone - pleasure) that accompany individual vital influences (eg, taste, temperature, pain). Already at this level, emotions are differentiated into 2 polar classes. Positive emotions caused by beneficial effects encourage the subject to achieve and maintain them; negative emotions stimulate activity aimed at avoiding harmful influences.

1. Sensual or emotional tone is the simplest form of emotions, an elementary manifestation of organic sensitivity that accompanies certain vital influences and prompts the subject to eliminate or preserve them. Often, such experiences, due to their weak differentiation, cannot be expressed verbally. Sensual tone is perceived as an emotional coloring, a kind of qualitative shade of the mental process, as a property of the perceived object, phenomenon, action, etc.

2. Emotions proper are a psychic reflection in the form of a direct biased experience of the vital meaning of phenomena and situations, conditioned by the relation of their objective properties to the needs of the subject. These are subject-specific mental processes and states that arise in a specific situation and have a narrowly focused character. Emotions arise with excessive motivation in relation to the real adaptive capabilities of the individual. Emotions arise due to the fact that the subject cannot or does not know how to give an adequate response to stimulation (situations that are novel, unusual or sudden).

The division of emotions into positive and negative is traditionally considered. However, such emotions as anger, fear, shame cannot be unconditionally classified as negative, negative. Anger is sometimes directly correlated with adaptive behavior and even more often with the protection and assertion of personal integrity. Fear is also associated with survival and, along with shame, contributes to the regulation of permissive aggressiveness and the establishment of social order.

Popular is the classification of emotions in relation to activity and, accordingly, their division into sthenic (inciting action, causing tension) and asthenic (inhibiting action, depressing). Classifications of emotions are also known: by origin from groups of needs - biological, social and ideal emotions; according to the nature of the actions on which the probability of satisfying the need depends - contact and distant.

3. Affect is a rapidly and violently flowing emotional process of an explosive nature, which can give a discharge in action that is not subject to conscious volitional control. The main thing in affect is an unexpectedly coming, sharply experienced by a person shock, characterized by a change in consciousness, a violation of volitional control over actions. In affect, the parameters of attention change dramatically: its switchability decreases, concentration and memory are disturbed, up to partial or

complete amnesia. Affect has a disorganizing effect on activity, sequence and quality of performance, with maximum disintegration - stupor or chaotic non-purposeful motor reactions. Distinguish between normal and pathological effects.

The main signs of pathological affect: altered consciousness (disorientation in time and space); inadequacy of the intensity of the response to the intensity of the stimulus that caused the reaction; presence of post-affective amnesia.

4. Passion is an intense, generalized and prolonged experience that dominates other human motives and leads to concentration on the subject of passion. The reasons that cause passion can be different - ranging from bodily desires to conscious ideological convictions. Passion can be accepted, sanctioned by a person, or it can be experienced as something undesirable, obsessive. The characteristic features of passion are the strength of feeling, expressed in the appropriate direction of all the thoughts of the individual, stability, the unity of emotional and volitional moments, a peculiar combination of activity and passivity.

5. Mood - a relatively long, stable mental state of moderate or low intensity. The reasons that cause mood are numerous - from organic well-being (the tone of life) to the nuances of relationships with others. The mood has a subjective orientation, in comparison with the sensual tone, it is realized not as a property of the object, but as a property of the subject. A certain role is played by individual personality traits.

The variety of manifestations of a person's emotional life puts psychology before the need for their clearer differentiation. According to tradition domestic psychology, it is customary to single out feelings as a special subclass of emotional processes. Feeling is experienced and found in specific emotions. However, in contrast to the actual emotions and affects associated with specific situations, feelings distinguish phenomena in the surrounding reality that have a stable need-motivational significance. The content of a person's dominant feelings expresses his attitudes, ideals, interests, etc. So, feelings are stable emotional relations, acting as a kind of “attachment” to a certain range of phenomena of reality, as a persistent focus on them, as a certain “capture” by them. In the process of regulating behavior, feelings are assigned the role of the leading emotional and semantic formations of the personality.

Emotional reactions (anger, joy, melancholy, fear) are subdivided by them into an emotional response, an emotional outburst and an emotional outburst (affect). The emotional response is, according to the authors, the most dynamic and constant phenomenon of a person's emotional life, reflecting quick and shallow switching in the systems of a person's attitudes to routine changes in situations of everyday life. The intensity and duration of the emotional response are small, and it is not able to significantly change the emotional state of a person. A more pronounced intensity, intensity and duration of the experience is characterized by an emotional outburst that can change the emotional state, but is not associated with a loss of self-control. An emotional outburst is characterized by a rapidly developing emotional reaction of great intensity with a weakening of volitional control over behavior and a facilitated transition to action. This is a short-term phenomenon, after which there is a breakdown or even complete indifference, drowsiness.

We can talk about emotional experiences of various durations: fleeting, unstable, long-lasting, lasting several minutes, hours and even days) and chronic. At the same time, one must understand the conditionality of such a division. These three groups of emotional reactions can also be called differently: operational (appearing with a single exposure), current and permanent (lasting weeks and months). However, an emotional reaction (anxiety, fear, frustration, monotony, etc.) under certain conditions can be both operational (momentary), current (long-term), and permanent (chronic). Therefore, the use of this characteristic in singling out a class of emotional reactions is very relative.