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How to move one match to get it. Who will solve the match puzzle

Very often imperceptible and seemingly completely insignificant things can do more for the development of intelligence than special purposeful actions. Learning through play is the best way to learn, easy and fun. An example of this approach is any match puzzle.

Why exactly matches

Medicine and psychology unanimously declare the interconnection of brain regions and biologically active points on different parts of the body. Hands in this case, namely palms, are the zone of their greatest accumulation on the surface of the body. The phenomenon called fine motor skills is precisely the activity by sorting out small objects.

But it's not just the touch of hands to them, is it? A lot of absolutely identical objects in shape, length and width, color, are attracted by the fact that they give impetus to the imagination. After all, the matches themselves are practically neutral, dim and not expressive. You can create combinations and compositions from them, group them at your discretion. And then each match becomes significant, a part of something whole.

How to put the garbage shown in the picture into the scoop, shifting only two matches? But in fact, you only need to shift one match, and just move the other slightly to the right! Not every adult will solve this simple puzzle with matches, and the difficulty may lie only in the formulation of the task.

What the method is aimed at

Match puzzle games are aimed at the development of everyone. Excellent training of imaginative, logical and spatial thinking - this is the result of such an affordable and useful entertainment. Mindfulness and the ability to reflect are prerequisites for successfully solving this type of problem.

In early childhood, when matches, puzzles with matches are not yet available to kids, curious children can get answers to their questions from adults. Parents can resort to creating fairy-tale plots from matchstick figures. This prepares the child for the next stage of development and for the independence of logical reasoning.

The solution of more complex puzzles becomes available with the further development of logical thinking. Equality puzzles with Roman numerals are very popular:

It is necessary to shift one match so that the equations become correct. There are two possible answers here:

Or even more complicated equality:

The answer is to extract the root of one:

What you should pay attention to

It must be remembered that matches are a rather dangerous subject for children in the absence of proper attention from adults. Like any small and sharp object, a match can injure the ear, eyes, or be accidentally swallowed. Therefore, on the issue of handling matches, it should precede games or training with their use.

The possibility of variability is an important point in classes where matches are used (match puzzles). The answers do not have to be strictly fixed, although there are quite definite answer options. Thinking outside the box, if the result is achieved, is allowed and even encouraged.

Expected result and indicators

Classes with matches can be used for intellectual entertainment and learning, starting from the age of three, with the direct participation of an adult. Children and adolescents are especially interested in such riddles and puzzles. The competitive spirit plays a role here, and classes can be conducted in a team form.

Puzzles like "create a figure" or "rearrange the match" are acceptable for a younger age, when the child is less assiduous. Here, tasks are ideal where you need to rearrange several matches to achieve the opposite result. For example, an animal running or looking in a certain direction, shown in the figure above, can turn its head or run in the opposite direction when shifting matches. Everything is simple here: just swap the matches that form the head and tail.

More complex and intricate geometric shapes are more suitable for schoolchildren. Change the result of an arithmetic operation or create a numerical value from a figure can only be familiar with numerical combinations or having a developed For example, "9 + 0 \u003d 6". To get the desired result, you only need to shift one match.

Two options are possible here, as you can see in the picture. It is possible in the first number, 9, to shift the match, making a six out of it. Result: 6 + 0 \u003d 6. And you can shift the match in the six after the equal sign, making a nine out of it. Result: 9 + 0 \u003d 9.

Match-based games are versatile. This puzzle with matches can be included in the program and used as elements of extracurricular activities. But it is impossible not to mention that since the popularity of match puzzles is growing again, developers of mobile applications began to offer them. So now you can train your intellect without looking up from your favorite device by installing a puzzle with matches on it, which is very important for the modern generation.

Match puzzles have long been used as tasks for the development of logic and. The popularity of such tasks is due to the ease of use and availability of the material from which entertaining geometric and arithmetic figures are made. You can solve such puzzles at home, at work, on the street or on the road: you just need to find a flat surface to lay out the necessary schemes from matches. Logic games for shifting matches are both simple and complex, so they are suitable both for children of elementary grades (despite the fact that “matches are not toys for children”) and for adults. This page contains interesting problems with matches of various difficulty levels. For convenience, each task contains an answer and a description of the correct solution, so you can even play online. In addition, at the end of the page there is a link where you can download all tasks for free.

Rules and walkthrough

The rule of any such puzzle, problem or game is that you need to shift one or more matches in such a way that the condition is met. However, it is often not so easy to come to the right decision. To do this, you need to show persistence, attention and creativity. Several general rules can be distinguished in order for the correct answers when passing match puzzles:

  1. Read the assignment carefully. Find out if there is a catch in it, ambiguity of wording. Understand exactly what is wanted from you. Sometimes the problem statement may contain a hint.
  2. Almost any task is aimed at logic and ingenuity, so immediately get ready to look for a non-standard solution that may take you some time. Please note that lists can overlap each other, move in any direction, and also turn over, if the opposite is not given in the condition.
  3. Look wider at the figures. Often in the problem statement, you are asked to move the match so that you get a certain number of geometric shapes (triangles, squares). Please note that several small shapes can make up one large one. For example, four squares in 2 rows form 5 squares: 4 small and one large.
  4. Try to solve the problem, keeping calm, not trying to find the answer at all costs. Look for the answer sequentially, thoughtfully, gradually going through the possible options, trying not to miss the correct answer. Haste can lead to the fact that you miss an answer from which you were only one step away.

Love these kind of riddles, games, puzzles and tests? Get to all interactive content on the site to develop more effectively.

Problems with matches with answers

Below are some examples of popular problems from matches with answers. I tried to pick up the TOP-9 tasks that go in increasing difficulty: from the simplest to the most difficult. These tasks are suitable for both children and adults.

To see the solution to the problem, click on the "Answer" button. However, we advise you not to rush and try to solve the puzzle yourself - in this case you will get real pleasure and a good brain training.

1. True equality

The task. It is necessary to move only one match in the arithmetic example "8 + 3-4 \u003d 0" laid out with matches so that the correct equality is obtained (you can also change the signs and numbers).

Answer: This classic math match puzzle is solved in several ways. As you may have guessed, the matches need to be moved so that other numbers are obtained.
The first way. From the figure eight, move the bottom left match to the middle of zero. It turns out: 9 + 3-4 \u003d 8.
Second way. Remove the upper right match from the number 8 and put it on top of the four. As a result, the correct equality: 6 + 3-9 \u003d 0.
Third way. In number 4, turn the horizontal match vertically and move it to the lower left corner of the four. And again the arithmetic expression is correct: 8 + 3-11 \u003d 0.
There are other ways to solve this example in mathematics, for example, with the modification of the sign equal to 0 + 3-4 ≠ 0, 8 + 3-4\u003e 0, but this already violates the condition.

2. Expand the fish

The task. Rearrange the three matches so that the fish swims in the opposite direction. In other words, you need to rotate the fish 180 degrees horizontally.

Answer. To solve the problem, we will move the matches that make up the lower part of the tail and body, as well as the lower fin of our fish. Move 2 matches up, and one to the right, as shown in the diagram. Now the fish swims not to the right, but to the left.

3. Pick up the key

The task. In this problem of 10 matches, the shape of a key is folded. Move 4 matches to make three squares.

Answer. The problem is solved quite simply. The four matches that form that part of the key handle must be moved to the key shaft so that the 3 squares are laid out in a row.

4. Field for

Condition. It is necessary to shift 3 matches so that you get exactly 3 squares.

Answer. To get exactly three squares in this problem, you need to move the 2 lower vertical matches to the right and left, respectively, so that they close the side squares. And with the lower central horizontal match, you need to close the upper square.

5. Puzzle "glass with a cherry"

Condition. With the help of four matches, the shape of a glass is folded, inside which lies a cherry. You need to move two matches so that the cherry is outside the glass. It is allowed to change the position of the glass in space, but its shape must remain unchanged.

Answer. The solution to this fairly well-known logical problem with 4 matches is based on the fact that we change the position of the glass by turning it over. The leftmost match goes down to the right, and the horizontal one moves to the right by half its length.

6. Five out of nine

Condition. In front of you are nine small squares formed by twenty-four matches. Remove 8 matches without touching the rest, so that there are only 2 squares left.

Answer. For this task, I found 2 ways to solve.
The first way. Remove the matches so that only the largest square formed by the outermost matches and the smallest square in the center, consisting of four matches, remain.
Second way. Also leave the largest square of 12 matches, as well as a square 2 by 2 matches. At the last square, 2 sides should be formed by matches of a large square, and the other 2 sides should be in the center.

7. Matching matches

The task. It is necessary to place 6 matches so that each match touches the other five.

Answer. This task requires the connection of your creative abilities, and going beyond the plane - after all, matches can be placed on top of each other. The correct solution is as follows. In the diagram, all the matches really touch each other. I want to note that it is much easier to draw such shapes online than to lay out real matches like that.

8. Seven squares

Condition. Move 2 matches to form 7 squares.

Answer. To solve this rather difficult task, you need to think outside the box. Take any 2 matches that form the corner of the largest outer square and put them crosswise on top of each other in one of the small squares. So we get 3 squares 1 by 1 match and 4 squares with half-match sides.

9. Leave 1 triangle

The task. Move 1 match so that instead of 9 triangles there is only one.

Decision. This puzzle is not solved in a standard way. To solve the problem, you need to contrive a little (use your own again). We need to get rid of the cross in the middle. We take the lower match of the cross so that it lifts the upper one at the same time. We turn the cross 45 degrees so that it forms squares, not triangles, in the center of the house.
It is worth noting that this task is very difficult to solve online behind a computer screen. But if you take real matches, the puzzle is much easier to solve.


If you do not have time to solve puzzles with matches on our website, you can download all the tasks in the form of a presentation in one, which can be viewed on devices without Internet access or simply printed on several sheets A-4.

You can download all problems with matches by.


Despite the fact that match puzzles are a great way to test your wit, they are used less and less every year. We can say that the less popular matches become (which are being replaced by more modern means of producing fire), the faster match games and puzzles are losing popularity.

Recently, however, they are starting to gain their former popularity thanks to the Internet and online games. You can play several games by.

Share Hello readers, friends! Today the article is devoted to simple "toys" (they don't even need to be made, like others). And they are in every home.

For children there are many match puzzles, but how to captivate the child with them and with which games is it better to start? These games are a great way to develop spatial reasoning and logic! My sons are very fond of such tasks. I'm sure you will like them too - you just need to start right.

Many matchstick puzzles are geared towards school children or even adults. What about preschoolers?

In general, any "adult" logic game can be adapted for children: split into several tasks, reduce the number of options for rearrangement. And when the child is already confident to cope with such simple options (and most importantly, he will enjoy these games - after all, he succeeds!), Then you can move on to more complex versions. Let's try to do the same with matches.

A few simple rules for playing with matches with children

  • play with matches maybe even children from 1.5 - 2 years old, but on condition that they do not gnaw sulfur, and you make sure that matches do not end up in your nose or ear
  • be sure to prepare smooth flat surface... This could be a book, a sleek table, or a blackboard.
  • start simple, even if your child is not a toddler for a long time. Make sure the child understands what is shift 1 match, square, triangle... Let the child feel the joy of "victory"

Gleb and Mark are playing with matches

  • do not show correct answer... Just postpone the task until next time, and next time give a simpler one.
  • do not submit tasks from the computer. Always give matches: it is important for children to try, they still have not developed imaginative thinking enough to solve problems "in the mind"
  • to make the puzzles more interesting use small toys or pictures... You will understand how to do this by looking at our tasks.

Games and puzzles with matches I have broken it down into three stages. Start with the first stage - it will be interesting even for younger schoolchildren, and three-year-olds are usually completely delighted with these fairy tale games!

Stage 1: kids play

Kids 2-3 years old will hardly puzzle over the problem of how to make from a square ... .. They need games of a different kind, namely laying out figures, objects, and even better fairy tales from matches.

It was comfortable for us to play at a low coffee table (we have reserved it for children's creativity and games). So, pour a few packs of matches into the middle and begin the story. For example, something like this:

Once upon a time there was a hedgehog

He had his own house

One day he met a snake

The snake lived in dense grass

Etc: tell us about how they became friends, met a horse, a person, tried to climb a tree and why the hedgehog did not succeed.
The child will definitely get involved if you do not touch him, but it is simply interesting to create, tell and build. A little time will pass and you will already be listening to fairy tales performed by the kid \u003d)

Stage 2: keep playing and building

After a while (I think for children from 3-4 years old), when you tell a fairy tale and build from matches, ask the child to help you. Build SAME house, make a horse-friend, chairs for all guests. Thanks to these tasks, the child will build "according to the model", which is very important for the development of spatial thinking. Without this stage, it will be very difficult to move on to the next one - real tasks and puzzles.

Stage 3: start solving puzzles

Finally, you can move on to the real puzzles. I have collected simple puzzles that my 5 year old son managed to solve. I think your kids will cope!

The simplest "prep" games

1. Fold 2 triangles out of 5 matches

2. Add one match to make 2 squares. (More difficult option: Add one match to make 3 quadrangles)

3. Rearrange one match so that the hare's chair turns to the cabbage

4. How many squares are there? What about rectangles? Is a square a rectangle?

5. Add 2 matches to make 3 squares

6. Add one match to make 3 triangles

7. Turn the tracks in the opposite direction by rearranging 4 matches

8. The basket contains carrots. Arrange 2 matches so that the carrots are under the basket

9. Make the letter H, the letter P by shifting one match

More challenging games

1. Move three matches so that the cancer crawls in the other direction

2. Turn the hut on chicken legs in the opposite direction

3. The wolf catches up with the hare. Move one match so that the wolf runs away from the hare

4. Move three matches so that the fish swam in the opposite direction

5. The scoop contains blue debris. Arrange 2 matches so that there is green trash in the scoop

6. Make 9 matches - 100 (Only if the child is familiar with this number)

7. Remove 3 matches so that you get a snowflake

8. Add three matches to make a wheel

9. The bunny is sitting on the roof. Hide him in the house by moving three matches

10. Arrange 1 match so that the crocodile does not eat a bunny, but a carrot.

I would be glad if you like the games and the matches will become your favorite educational material \u003d)

Sincerely, Ksenia Nesyutina

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In this article, you have collected the best matchstick puzzles. The presented puzzles are completely heterogeneous - here you will find all levels of difficulty: from a beginner "detective" to a real genius. Go for it!

Many people are very fond of tasks that develop creative and logical thinking. A lot of puzzles have been invented, but tasks with matches stand out from the general list, not least because the material for them is always available to everyone. A box of matches takes up very little space, which means that they can be used not only at home, but also on the train, on the street or at work. All you need for practice is a smooth, flat surface and enough space to lay out a number of matches. That is, quite a bit. And everyone can choose the complexity of the puzzles to their liking. Everyone knows that children cannot play with matches, especially in the absence of adults, but our puzzle games are quite safe: the simplest of them will captivate younger students, and older people will be happy to solve more difficult problems.

If you have difficulty solving a puzzle. But do not rush to look at the answers, although they are also available here. After all, you will deprive yourself of the pleasure of finding the right solution on your own. You can even download the tasks you like from the link that you will find at the bottom of this page.

  • Rules and help in passing
  • Matchbox puzzles with answers

Rules and help in passing

There are only two main rules. The first can be described in two words - shift the matches. The second rule is that matches should never be broken, but only moved and turned. Agree, the rules look pretty simple. But in reality, it is not always easy to fulfill the condition set in the puzzle. Here, the ability to think outside the box, as well as attention and perseverance, will help out a lot. Attention will help when studying the conditions of the problem - there may be a catch in it. Sometimes, in order to understand what exactly is required of you, you need to puzzle a lot. It should be borne in mind that often the key to the solution is hidden in the condition itself.

Savvy and logic will help you find a non-standard solution, maybe not right away. Matches are allowed to be placed on top of each other, moved in any direction or turned over.

Don't take figures literally. Often there are problems with geometric shapes, where you need to move one or more matches so that the specified number of shapes is obtained. At the same time, several small figures can hide a large one in themselves. For example, if you see 4 squares arranged in two rows, do not rush to claim that there are 4 of them - in fact, the sides of the squares also form the fifth.

Attempts to solve the puzzle as quickly as possible can lead to errors, so take your time and try to calculate all the options, getting closer to the correct answer. This is what persistence and calmness is for here.

Match puzzles (with answers)

Below you will find a series of the most popular puzzles. This is a kind of Top-9 problems of varying complexity. The difficulty of solutions increases from simple problems to complex ones. These tasks will appeal to everyone - both children and adults.

To compare your solution with the one proposed here, click on the "Answer" button. But do not rush to give up and pry - otherwise you will deprive yourself of the pleasure of solving the problem, as well as a wonderful workout for the brain.

1. True equality

The task. Move one match to make the arithmetic equality "8 + 3-4 \u003d 0" correct. It is allowed to change both numbers and signs.

There are several ways to solve the puzzle, so matches and wit will help you ...

First way: We turn the four into eleven by moving the horizontal match to the left and down and turning it 90 degrees. And now our equality looks like this: 8 + 3-11 \u003d 0.

Second way: Remove the top right match from the eight and move it to the very top of the four. Equality turns into 6 + 3-9 \u003d 0, which means it is true again.

Third way: Let's turn an eight into a nine, and from zero we'll make an eight. We get: 9 + 3-4 \u003d 8. Equality has become true.

There are other non-standard solutions to this puzzle, where the changes are no longer the numbers, but the "\u003d" sign, for example 0 + 3-4? 0 (we break the match in several places!), 8 + 3-4\u003e 0, but this will no longer be equality, which means it violates the condition of the task.

2. Expand the fish

The task is this: you need to shift 3 matches so that the fish begins to swim in the opposite direction. In other words, you need to rotate the fish 180 degrees horizontally.

Answer: We move two matches, which represent the lower parts of the body and tail up and one match from the lower fin to the right. This can be clearly seen on the diagram. Now our fish swam back.

3. Pick up the key

The task. 10 matches are laid out so that they form a key shape. You need to move four matches so that you get a "castle" consisting of three squares.

Answer: Finding a solution is easier than it looks at first glance. We shift the matches that make up the head of the key to the base of the rod. Thus, we get three squares laid out in a row.

4. Field for playing "Tic-Tac-Toe"

The task. Move three matches so that the playing field turns into three squares.

Answer: Move the two bottom matches left and right one row higher. Thus, they will enclose the side squares. The lower center match moves upward, closing the upper figure and the given three squares are obtained.

5. Problem "Glass with a cherry"

The task. Four matches form a glass with a cherry in it. Move just two matches so that the berry is outside the glass. It is allowed to change the position of the glass, but it is not allowed to alter its shape.

Answer: To find a solution to this puzzle, it is enough to remember that we have the right to change the location of the glass in space. So, we just need to turn the glass upside down. Move the leftmost match down and to the right, and the horizontal one moves half its length to the right.

6. Two out of nine

The task. You have twenty-four matches arranged so that they form nine small squares. You need to remove eight matches to reduce the number of squares to two. The rest of the matches must not be touched or moved.

I found 2 solutions to this puzzle.

First way: We remove the matches around the center of the square, leaving a large square, which is formed by the extreme matches, and one small square in the center.

Second way: We leave a large square, consisting of twelve matches and a square with sides of 2 by 2 matches, adjacent to the sides of the large square.

Maybe there are more ways. Can you find them?

7. Contacting matches

Condition. Place 6 matches so that each of them touches the other five.

Answer: You need creative thinking to solve the puzzle. Matches are allowed to be placed on top of each other, which means that you will have to look for a solution outside the plane. The correct solution is illustrated in the diagram. You can see that all the matches really touch each other. I admit, drawing this diagram was much easier than arranging matches in reality.

8. Seven squares

The task. Move just two matches so that you get seven squares.

Answer: The task is quite difficult and to solve it you need to deviate from stereotyped thoughts. Take any two matches that make up the corner of the large outer square and place them crosswise in any of the small squares. We have 3 squares with sides 1 by 1 matches and 4 squares with sides half a match.

9. Leave one triangle.

Condition. Move one match so that the number of triangles decreases from 9 to 1.

You will have to puzzle over the solution, as it requires a non-standard approach and creative thinking.

Answer: We need to come up with something with a cross in the middle. Take the bottom match of this cross so that it simultaneously lifts the top one. We rotate this cross 45 degrees so that in the center we get not triangles, but squares. Note that this task is much easier to solve with real matches than on a computer.

Play online

Match puzzles are a great way to have fun and practice your wit. Moreover, this can be done either alone or in a company. But, despite this, they are used less and less. Perhaps this is due to the fact that more modern methods of making fire are gaining more and more popularity - gas and electric lighters, kitchen stoves equipped with electric ignition and do not require additional funds to turn on the burners. Therefore, the matches themselves are increasingly losing their indispensability.

But thanks to the development of the Internet, the former glory is returning to match puzzles.

What kind of match riddles we didn’t invent at school! Or maybe they didn’t invent it themselves, but only thought to their friends what they learned themselves? Is it really that important, in the end? 🙂

Another thing is important: puzzles with matches have really always been one of our favorite hobbies. It is now that matches have become in many ways an anachroism. And in our time, they could be easily stolen from any kitchen. 🙂 So we had fun.

Today, when I am already an adult, I nevertheless recall all these activities with great pleasure. And with the same pleasure I publish the riddles with matches for you.

Match Riddles with Answers

1. How can you fold a triangle with one match without breaking it:

Answer... The condition does not say: "only one match", which means that you can use some improvised means, for example, the corner of the table. Attaching a match to it, we get - a triangle.

2. How to fold a quadrangle using two matches?

Answer... Attach two matches parallel to the sides of the corner of the table.

3. Move one match in the given fraction to get one.

Answer... This fraction is 1/7. Attach the match on the far right to the top of the Roman five on the right. We get the square root of one in the denominator, which is equal to one. We get: 1/1 \u003d 1.

4. Four matches can be folded into a square. Therefore, it takes twenty matches to fold five squares. You can fold five squares using sixteen matches. Try to put five squares out of nine matches. (Note: matches may not be completely included in the square.)


5. The picture shows the fortress and the stone wall around it. Between the fortress and the wall is a moat filled with water, with hungry crocodiles in it. Show how two matches can be used to build a bridge between the fortress and the wall.


6. In the picture, a sad pig is laid out with the help of 15.5 matches.

Make it fun by shifting 3.5 matches.

Make the pig curious by removing one match and shifting 2.5 matches.

Answer 1... Cheerful pig.

Answer 2. Curious pig.

7. In the wrong equality, folded with matches, move only one match to get the correct equality.

Invalid equality.

Answer. True equality.

9. Move three matches in this picture so that the fish swam in the opposite direction.


10. A cow with a head, body, four limbs, horns and a tail is made of matches. It is required to move 2 matches so that the cow looks not to the left, but to the right.


11. Arrange in this figure a) three matches; b) two matches in such a way that you get two rectangles.


12. Incorrect equalities are made from matches using Roman numerals. Move just one match so that you get the correct equalities.

a) XI - V \u003d IV;


a) X - VI \u003d IV or XI - V \u003d VI or XI - VI \u003d V - only three solutions.

b) IX - V \u003d IV or X - VI \u003d IV - two solutions.

13. Riddles are jokes.

a) The son argued with his father that if you add eight to five, you can get one. And he won the argument. How did he do it?

Answer... With five and eight matches, he laid out the word "one."

b) In a given cross made of matches, rearrange only one match to make a square.


And why is the four not a square? After all, it is equal to the square of two. 🙂

14). Six equal squares are made of eighteen matches.

If you remove two matches, you can get four such squares. How can I do that?


15). A glass is made of four matches. There is a cherry inside the glass. You need to move two matches so that the berry is outside.


16). A house is made of matches. It is necessary to shift two matches in it in such a way as to get its mirror image.


17). Place 3 matches in this lattice in such a way that three squares are formed.


18 We have a snake made of matches. Rearrange the five matches so that they make two squares of different sizes.

Answer. The problem has two solutions.

Solution 1.

Solution 2.

19 Rearrange the two matches so that you get five identical squares.


20 In the given four squares, move the four matches so that three squares are formed.


21 This spiral is made up of matches.

Problem 1... Move two matches in spirals to make two squares.

Objective 2. Move four matches in spirals to make three squares.

Answer to problem 1.

Answer to problem 2.

22 Place three matches on the table.

Put two more matches to them so that you get eight.

Answer... From two matches, we add the Roman numeral V, we get: VIII - eight.

23 From the matches they made a figure that looked like a children's toy "tumbler".

You need to shift three matches so that this tumbler turns into a cube.


24 Rearrange only one match on the left side of the incorrect equality to get the correct equality.


25 A beetle is made of matches that crawls to the right. Move the three matches so that the beetle crawls to the left.


26 This false inequality is composed of 25 matches.

It is necessary to shift two matches so that the correct equality is obtained.

Answer We add two matches, of which the right one is composed, to the two and get an eight. The resulting true equality will take the form: 16 - 8 \u003d 8.

27 It is necessary to shift one match so that a false equality turns into a true one.

Answer 9+3 – 4=8

28 In a given false equality, it is necessary to shift one match in order to obtain a correct equality.

Answer We attach the right match of the left side to the top of the right side of the Roman five, we get the sign of the square root. On the left, we get the square root of one, which is equal to one. We have the correct equality: 1 \u003d 1.

29 Correct this incorrect equality without touching any match. Make this equality true. (Matches must not be set on fire, moved, moved, etc.)


It is enough to turn the drawing 180 degrees. We get the correct equality.