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The use of glass block in the construction of interior partitions. DIY installation methods

Glass blocks as a construction and finishing material have been used since Soviet times, but after passing through decades and undergoing significant changes, glass brick in a new image returned to fulfill decorative functions. IN modern construction found this material wide application thanks to their unique properties and vibrant variety.

Classification of glass blocks

Glass blocks are two glass half-blocks welded together. Hollow inside. They are distinguished by a variety of shapes, sizes and colors, which can be found in the catalog with photos. New production technologies make it possible to produce frosted and colored glass blocks, corrugated and with inserts, which will transform the interior of any room.

  • Forms. Available in brick shapes, rectangular, half, hexagonal and corner. The last two are original, the first are the most popular.
  • Color spectrum glass blocks in the interior:
  1. colorless (from 70% to 90% transparency), colored (from 50% to 70% transparency);
  2. matte (transparency less than 50%), transparent (transparent, light-directing, light-diffusing);
  3. relief surface (drop, wave, cubes) and smooth;
  4. with internal inserts and decorated in style stained glass(after looking at the photo, you can choose options with various decorative fillings);
  • Painting technique performed in two various technologies. They paint the inner surface before soldering the halves or add color when melting the glass. This indicator affects the ability to transmit light.
  • Application area. The three main types are decorative, interior and industrial. A shower room with elements of any kind will be original and unique.

Thanks to their technical characteristics, glass bricks have a number of advantages that allow them to be used in a variety of directions, and a wall made of glass blocks, made with your own hands as a structural element, will delight not only with its beauty, but also with its practicality.


  • They are characterized by increased fire resistance. Withstands high temperatures.
  • They are durable, have excellent heat-saving, energy-saving and sound-proofing qualities.
  • Moisture-resistant, therefore suitable for showers and swimming pools.
  • Glass blocks in the interior do not require plastering, painting, or lining with other materials.
  • They have no contraindications for use in residential premises and comply with all hygiene standards.
  • Installing glass blocks is easy to do yourself.

Glass blocks and interior

For a long time there was an unequivocal attitude towards them - boring, unremarkable material, it emanates a chill, its place is in clinics and catering establishments. Then complete oblivion. Now they seem to have burst into our home as something new, original. Glass blocks in the interior make the room light and spacious. In construction they are widely used as finishing material for registration individual elements, kitchens, bathrooms, installation of partitions in residential premises. Glass blocks in the interior of the apartment create a unique atmosphere of comfort, as evidenced by numerous photos.

IN one-room apartment the original solution would be partition for zoning space from glass blocks. If we assume that there is still a sleeping area by the window, then the living room is deprived of natural light, but thanks to the partition made of glass blocks, there is enough light in the apartment, and the bedroom is hidden from prying eyes.

Glass blocks in bathroom and shower is a sought-after decorative material. On the one hand, they are light-proof and at the same time transmit part of the scattering light. Thanks to glass blocks as a partition, the shower room will visually increase in size, and by covering the toilet area with such material, you will add originality to the overall style with your own hands.

Advice! Before buying blocks, check out the room design options in the photo and choose the most suitable one, so as not to introduce dissonance into the overall picture with a bright element.

X fragile glass is not the material from which walls are made. But, here, a translucent partition made of glass blocks (glass blocks), made with your own hands from elements sparkling with rich colors, will decorate any interior and make it possible to zone the space.

A general idea about glass blocks can be drawn from the name itself: translucent square “bricks” were widely used in buildings during the USSR, and more and more often their modern analogues can be seen today.

How to make a partition from glass blocks, where, unlike ordinary masonry, it does not stick at all cement mortar. What types of glass blocks are there, how they are constructed, and what tools are needed for the job, we will tell you in this article.

Glass blocks are well suited for walls loaded only with their own weight.

What is glass block and how does it work?

Glass blocks are two square glass boxes welded together with sides. Inside there is emptiness, or rather highly rarefied dry air. In inner space dust cannot enter the block and condensation cannot fall out, so the glass walls of the block from the inside always remain transparent.

As we know, sound waves, as well as a significant proportion of heat, are transmitted by vibrations of air molecules. Accordingly, the discharged space inside the block does not transmit sound well. The absence of air also prevents the transfer of heat, giving the glass block thermal insulation properties no worse than even double-glazed windows.

True, it would not be entirely correct to say that glass blocks are transparent; their walls transmit about 70% luminous flux. But, now, it will no longer be possible to see anything behind their thick corrugated surface, except for blurry silhouettes.

Glass blocks are suitable where you need to provide good natural light, while at the same time hiding what is happening behind the wall.

Another advantage of glass blocks is their high fire resistance. Thick glass can burst only from a sharp and strong temperature change, but is practically invulnerable to relatively uniform heating even from a strong fire.

The aesthetic qualities of modern blocks are noticeably superior to their Soviet predecessors. Today they are produced in a variety of colors and shades, decorated with various designs. Various decorations and unusual objects are placed in the internal voids of the blocks. Design options for both the glass blocks themselves and the design using them.

General principles of working with glass blocks

The main difficulty in constructing a glass block partition is the need for precise preliminary calculation and markings.

Installation of glass blocks using masonry mixture

Laying blocks on a frame, despite its simplicity, significantly increases the cost of the structure. In addition, installation of vertical load-bearing posts requires high precision markings. Therefore, bonding blocks using masonry mixture is more popular.

This method requires accuracy, certain skills, and the technology is similar to the usual one.

Since glass blocks cannot be cut and sharpened, as is the case with brick, we accurately calculate the entire structure in advance in size, taking into account the width of the seams. If it is not possible to install an even number of blocks, you can use an insert made of ordinary brick, wood or other material.

We start laying from the bottom row. The rows of blocks must lie horizontally, so the base must first be leveled. At a minimum, a stripe with a width equal to the width of the block.

We select the amount of mounting mixture so that it fills the gap between the blocks as completely as possible. To do this, you need to place it so much that it is slightly squeezed out of the seams between the blocks.

To fill a vertical seam, apply the mixture to an already installed block or the one we are laying, or better yet, both. If, however, voids have formed in the vertical seam, we fill them when laying the next row.

To increase the strength of the masonry, we lay reinforcement made of galvanized wire or perforated tape between the rows.

Until you gain experience, check each installed block with a level, as well as the entire row.

The work will be simplified by special masonry crosses. They are placed between the corners of the block, and after the masonry is completed, they are removed or sealed with mortar, filling the seam.

If the frame is made of wood, a hacksaw with small tooth and a screwdriver.

For masonry with an adhesive mixture you need a regular set of tools for masonry: trowel - trowel, string. The only bricklayer's hammer - we'll replace the pick rubber mallet. It can be used to tap and upset the glass block without fear of breaking the fragile glass.

And of course, in both cases you will need for marking building level, tape measure, marker, square.

The masonry mixture is sold ready-made. But if you want, it’s easy to prepare it yourself. Ordinary cement mortar based on grade 400 cement with a ratio of 1:3 is quite suitable. But there are a couple of nuances:

  • Be sure to add to cement mixture PVA emulsion, about a glass, per bucket of solution.

PVA will add plasticity, as well as some “stickiness”, without which it will be inconvenient to work.

  • To get a partition good quality, as a rule, it is better to take white cement. A regular grayish seam will be visible through the transparent body of the glass block, which is not always desirable.

If the masonry is made from blocks whose glass is colored in a certain tone, the masonry mixture can be given the required color by adding a coloring pigment to the mixture.

A little safety

Modern glass blocks are of good quality. But they also have flaws. There are sharp burrs and sharp edges, so immediately get used to working with gloves.

Ordinary cloth ones are uncomfortable, even those covered with “pimples”. The glass block tends to slip out, and your hands get tired quickly.

It is best to use glazier gloves. On the palm side they are covered with latex, which does not slide on the glass as easily and better protects your fingers from cuts.

When working with an angle grinder, especially if you have to sharpen the edges of the block, be sure to use safety glasses and a respirator. Glass dust is an extremely harmful and insidious thing.

With this, let me take my leave. We hope that beautiful and practical partitions made of glass blocks will make your home more convenient, more environmentally friendly, and give it a unique charm.

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Today, few people can say for sure what glass blocks are, but the situation Lately went to change and this moment glass blocks are essentially experiencing their rebirth. Glass blocks are a rather original building material, distinguished not only by their modern design, but also by their fairly good soundproofing properties. So it makes sense to take a closer look at this building material.

According to GOST 9272-81 glass blocks- this is “a product with a hermetically sealed cavity formed as a result of the connection of two pressed glass plates (halves-semi-blocks).” Each half is made of thick glass (6-7 mm). The shape of a glass block is really similar to a brick, the only difference is that inside this “brick” is hollow and even resembles double-glazed windows that are installed in modern windows. The air inside the glass block gives this building material excellent heat-saving and, of course, sound-proofing properties.

The surface of such a “brick” can be either smooth or corrugated, transparent, matte and even colored. Nowadays, glass blocks with a thickness of 7.5 to 10 cm are most often found on sale. The weight of one such glass “brick” ranges from 2.5 to 4.3 kg. Typically glass blocks are either square or rectangular in shape. The standard dimensions of modern glass blocks are 19 x 19 x 8 cm or 24 x 24 x 8 cm. But it should be borne in mind that in their price lists, companies, as a rule, indicate dimensions in millimeters. On sale you can also find so-called halves (19 x 9 x 8 cm or 24 x 11.5x8 cm). In addition, glass blocks can also be triangular, corner (for finishing corners, columns, etc.) and even round.

As you know, walls and partitions are built from glass bricks; this is a good heat-saving material. Glass does not burn, transmits light well - and these are the useful qualities glass blocks have them.

We can even say that glass bricks have, to some extent, gone further than their “ancestors.” On the one hand, glass blocks (primarily colorless) transmit light just as well as glass, which means there is no need to install windows in a wall made of glass blocks. On the other hand, glass blocks are not as fragile as glass. So it’s quite possible to build elegant internal partitions and even building facades. However, in this case you will need to take translucent glass blocks.

What is especially valuable is that such a wall, unlike a brick or plasterboard wall, does not need to be plastered, painted or covered with wallpaper. It is easy to care for: just wash it.


From key advantages glass blocks, first of all it is worth noting them high strength. Walls made of glass blocks can withstand significant temperature changes (from -40 to + 50° C). They are very durable - able to withstand a mild earthquake. You can only break a glass block with a sledgehammer.

In case several glass blocks break for some reason, it’s enough to just have a few spare pieces in stock. If necessary, carefully knock out damaged glass blocks and insert intact ones in their place.

Another important advantage of this building material is good thermal and sound insulation.

tion. The air space inside the glass block perfectly retains heat. The West has long noticed that glass blocks are an excellent energy-saving building material, and they are actively using it. Plus, glass blocks are a good sound insulator. By the way, their noise-absorbing properties are approximately similar brick wall appropriate thickness. That is, if you build two identical walls - one from bricks, the other from glass blocks, then they “dampen” street noise approximately equally.

Other wonderful property glass blocks - their non-flammability. They, as firefighters say, do not support combustion. Moreover, in the event of a fire, a wall made of glass blocks remains intact - it does not crack or melt for more than one hour. That is why this material is quite actively used

They are used for the construction of walls in premises that have serious fire safety requirements, for example, in the workshops of chemical industry enterprises.

And lastly important advantage of this material - its lighting properties. According to experts, glass blocks can be translucent (with a smooth surface of the front walls), light-scattering and light-directing (glass blocks with corrugated surfaces usually have these effects). So, when choosing the color, texture and pattern of glass blocks, you must first clearly understand where and for what they will serve you.

Glass blocks are used for the most part for construction, not load-bearing walls(both external and internal). External walls glass “bricks” are usually built in factories, factories and other enterprises where a lot of light is required, but there is no possibility to supply regular windows in frames. Glass blocks are used to line openings on staircase landings - which, admittedly, is also convenient and practical. On the one hand, it is more difficult to break, but on the other hand, they provide light. In sports complexes, locker rooms are finished with glass blocks - walls and windows are built from them in gyms, as well as swimming pools, bathhouses and other wet rooms.

If we talk about residential premises, then recently glass blocks have become quite a popular (and even fashionable) material, which allows you to find the most unexpected solutions in interior design. Today, they are used to make walls in closets and bathrooms, internal partitions, or simply insert glass blocks into walls as a decorative element.

Still, glass blocks are suitable not only for walls. They can also be used to decorate ceilings and roofs in private houses; they can be used to make vaults and canopies, winter gardens and attics.

Which glass blocks to choose

Today on the construction market you can find glass blocks made in Russia, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy.

Glass “bricks” from domestic manufacturers actually somewhat resemble real bricks - just as uneven and poorly processed. They are either transparent or dirty green, but they are cheap.

The most inconspicuous glass blocks are made in Belarus, at a plant in Grodno. These bottle-colored “bricks” are familiar to many from Soviet-era buildings. Their size is 194 x 194 x 98 mm, there are only two types of ornaments - diamonds and small flowers with arcs.

Things are somewhat better with Russian glass blocks produced in the Bryansk region at the Starsteklo plant. These “bricks” are colorless and transparent. The range of patterns is somewhat wider. Besides standard size(194 x 194 x 98 mm), glass blocks 78 mm thick are made in Bryansk. The latter are only slightly inferior in their noise and thermal insulation properties thicker “brothers”, but they allow you to save a little space indoors.

Imported glass blocks compare favorably with domestic products, which is quite natural. First of all, a rich selection of colors and shades (blue, dark blue, red, brown, pink, etc.), a variety of textures and patterns (diamonds, squares, with a wave, striped, floral, marbled, transparent, matte, etc.), sizes and shapes (square, rectangular, triangular, corner, round, etc.).

For example, glass blocks from VitraBlok (Czech Republic). Here you will find a wide selection of patterns and colors: from colorless and pale to rich ones - green, red, blue, yellow. By the way, bright colors, not very popular abroad, are very popular among our customers.

Glass blocks from the Italian company Vetroarredo are truly a work of art. One gets the impression that it is not glass at all, but crystal. And yet, according to professionals, some of the highest quality and highest quality glass blocks are German glass blocks. In addition to the fact that they are also famous for their beauty, their sizes do not “jump” yet, which is extremely important during installation. On Russian market Products from Week and Solaris were presented.

Articles similar to Glass blocks: dimensions, GOST, description:

Modern Construction Materials have various advantages. However, there are some products that do not lose their importance over time. For example, glass blocks for partitions continue to be in demand, as they are very beautiful and have many other advantages. You can learn about this and other features of the presented material from this article.

What is the product?

Glass blocks for partitions are special elements different shapes and colors made from natural raw materials. They have excellent specifications, which allow you to build walls from them or create other interior elements. They are made from industrial glass blocks, which most often have green tint. Naturally, the color may vary. In addition, you have the opportunity to purchase transparent elements.

You can also choose different ones. The functions of this material can also be different. For example, they can transmit light, diffuse it, or direct it. Modern glass blocks for partitions can have decorative pattern, have some kind of texture or pattern. Now let's look at all the advantages of the material.

Benefits of blocks

Naturally, the presented products have certain advantages. Among them are the following:

Reliability and durability. It will be quite difficult to break such a partition.

Ability to transmit light.

Resistance to moisture, temperature changes, rotting, damage by insects, fire. And also glass blocks for partitions are inert to chemicals, so you can wash them using any means.

Impossibility of dust penetration into the unit.

Beautiful design. Moreover, the blocks fit into any interior and do not require additional finishing.

Wide selection of shapes and sizes.

Opportunity different combinations blocks.

Excellent noise absorption, as well as good heat and sound insulation qualities.

Ecological cleanliness.

Disadvantages of the material

Glass blocks, the price of which is acceptable even for a person with an average income, also have some disadvantages:

1. You can't hammer nails into them to hang anything. Although this fastening element can be replaced with ordinary suction cups.

2. If you are going to use the presented material as windows, please note that in this case there will be no air circulation.

3. You will not be able to cut glass blocks, the price of which ranges from 2 to 13 dollars per piece or more.

4. You will not be able to install wiring or other communications inside such walls.

Naturally, these shortcomings are not so important for the construction of partitions. And there are many more advantages.

Where is the presented material used?

Glass blocks, the sizes of which can vary, are used everywhere. Moreover, they can be installed both in private homes and in industrial buildings. For example, you have the opportunity to use such products in garages or utility rooms for window decoration. They will let in enough light. However, in this case, care should be taken to provide additional ventilation to the room.

Often such blocks are used to construct partitions in apartments. For example, a similar wall in the bathroom would be an excellent solution. It will not only help make your apartment original, but will divide the room into zones. In addition, in the bathroom such a partition will perfectly hide you while taking a shower or performing other hygiene procedures.

With these walls you can divide large room into several small parts, give yourself the space needed for work. At the same time, no one will bother you. In principle, the scope of application of such materials is quite extensive.

Material Specifications

Among the features that manufacturers claim are the following:

1. Fire safety.

2. Wide range of temperatures at which you can apply this material(from -40 to +50 degrees and above).

3. Weight: from 2.5 to 4.3 kg.

4. Dimensions: usually 19x19x8 cm and 24x24x8 cm. But there are other options.

5. Heat transfer resistance: 0.43 m 2 x ° C/W.

Glass blocks, the dimensions of which allow you to build a partition of any size, are wonderful decorative material, which does not lose popularity.

Features of the material and its use

Such a product can be used not only for the construction of partitions, but also for the design of ceilings, columns and other parts of the room. You can also build from blocks winter Garden, greenhouse or other utility premises that require a large number of light and energy saving.

Glass bricks can be used for construction load-bearing structures. The masonry joints can be reinforced. But this should only be done if the blocks are only fragments of the wall.

Decorative glass blocks are produced both here and abroad. Naturally, their prices differ. The shape of the products can be angular or end. In addition, on modern market glass columns for sale.

Decorative glass blocks not only decorate the room. They help conserve energy in the building. The fact is that inside each element there is a vacuum space.

How to choose the right material?

Glass blocks in an apartment are great decorative solution which will make your home beautiful and original. However, to achieve this effect, you must choose the right material. There is a list of criteria that will help you decide:

Size and shape of elements. It all depends on what exactly you want to mount.

Appearance. Here, too, everything depends on the decorative solution. That is, blocks can have different colour and texture. The main thing is that the constructed structure fits into the overall interior.

Material cost. This factor is decisive in some cases. However, you should not always choose the cheapest option.

Quality. Here you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. He must have good feedback users. In addition, the blocks must have accompanying documents that indicate all their characteristics. You should not buy items from stores that refuse to show you a quality certificate.

What methods of laying elements exist?

Before you begin installing glass blocks, you must choose a method for connecting the products. There are several of them:

1. Using glue. This method is quite difficult and takes a lot of time. In addition, for masonry you will need a special glue, which you should also know how to use. In this case, the installation of glass blocks is carried out in the same way as laying bricks. The vertical seams are then unstitched.

2. Using a solution. Here it is already necessary to use water. This method is associated with various inconveniences: you need to use crosses to fix the distances between elements, maximum care is required during work. In addition, in this case, reinforcing rods must be used to strengthen the structure. Especially if the wall has a floor round shape.

3. Without solution. This method is the simplest, fastest and most accurate. In this case, the glass blocks are laid using special frame modular systems, which are made of wood or plastic. This method allows you to swap elements if necessary.

What tools and materials are needed for the job?

Since today the first two masonry methods are used very often, we will consider them. To work in this case you will need the following:

Glass blocks.

Construction level and plumb line.

Putty knife.

Metal profiles.

Glue or cement mortar.

Container for preparing the fixing mixture.

An electric drill with a special attachment for stirring glue or solution.

Wet sponge.

These tools are quite enough, even if you have never done this kind of work. Laying glass blocks can also be done independently. However, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to take it on.

Laying technology

A very important part of your apartment is the bathroom. Glass blocks will help make it more original and functional, since they can be used to divide a room into zones. You can carry out the laying yourself. The whole process is as follows:

1. Preparing the site. It should be cleaned of dust and debris. You also need to measure the glass blocks and draw a diagram of their placement. To do this you need to use a tape measure. Next, work according to the planned scheme, which will help you perform all actions correctly and consistently.

2. Do not remove in advance protective film from elements. This is done only after installation.

4. The first row should start from the corner. To ensure that the seams are even, use special crosses. Excess solution should be removed immediately. Vertical seams should also be tightly filled with the mixture.

5. The masonry must be strengthened with steel reinforcement, which is pre-painted in production. It has a thickness of at least 8 mm. It should be laid in horizontal seams. For each row, 1 or 2 rods are used. In this case, the reinforcement should extend into the walls at least 2 cm. This will strengthen

6. Once the rows are laid, eliminate the crosses. Grout the seams while the solution is still wet. To do this, use tile grout. Please note that the solution should not get on the front of the glass. If this does happen, try to wash it off with water and a soft cloth as quickly as possible.

7. Please note that since glass does not have very good adhesion to cement, you should not lay more than three rows of blocks at a time.

During the operation, some rules should be taken into account. For example, try to mix a solution that does not contain large grains of sand. The partition must be fixed with other materials: wood, plastic, metal or the wall into which it is built.

How to replace a broken element?

“Volna” glass blocks are a very beautiful decorative solution not only for bathrooms, but also for other rooms. However, it happens that for some reason one or more elements are damaged or even broken. Naturally, they should be replaced. To do this you need to perform some manipulations:

1. Remove the block. To do this, make thin holes in the solution that secures it. Please note that you must not damage the fittings.

2. Clean the hole from any remaining cement and dust.

3. Install a new element. To do this, apply a small layer of mortar to the bottom of the hole and carefully place the block there. Next, carefully push the mixture into the vertical seams and onto the top of the element. IN side holes the solution must be compacted gradually using wooden block. Next, align and sand the new seam so that it does not differ from the rest. After this, let it dry thoroughly. It is better to immediately remove excess solution with a damp cloth.

That's all the features of using glass blocks. Good luck!