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How to calculate the area of ​​facing bricks. Online calculation of brickwork by wall area

When starting the construction of a house, many do not even approximately understand how to correctly calculate the amount of brick so that there is exactly enough of it, there is no need to buy more, and at the same time, so that there is no leftover. And if the latter can still be dealt with - something can be completed or delivered, then ordering additional material from another batch means violating the general concept of color. Products from different batches may differ not only in shades, but even in texture, which once again confirms the need for mandatory preliminary calculation bricks for masonry.

What parameters do you need to know?

In order to determine the amount of material for the house, you can use a calculator (see below) or calculate it yourself. To do this you need to know the following initial data:

  • the length of the perimeter walls;
  • wall area (width x height);
  • thickness (half, one, two, two and a half bricks);
  • brick size;
  • type of mortar joint.

You can go the other way and calculate the consumption by volume, based on the fact that each cube of wall requires 400 ± 1 pcs. Accordingly, the amount of mortar is determined separately for solid bricks, separately for hollow bricks - in this case, the consumption increases by 15% for filling voids.

Let's give an example. For a wall 6 meters long and 3 meters high (area 18 sq.m.) you will need 62 bricks.

To determine bricks for construction, there are tables that provide information on the size of bricks, type and volume of mortar, seams, etc., which allows you to approximately determine the required quantity. But in this case the error can reach 15-20%.

How can you correctly distribute the load-bearing load - external and interior walls they go in one brick, there is a distance between them

If you don't use a brick per house calculator, you'll have to take a lot of data into account. It’s easier and, as practice shows, cheaper to contact specialists or use online services.

Brick calculator

Wall thickness

The first condition of warm and comfortable home- adequate climatic zone and region wall thickness. Standard products 25x12x65 cm can be laid in several ways, which will determine its thickness:

  • half - 12 cm;
  • in one - 25 cm;
  • one and a half - 38 cm;
  • in two - 51 cm;
  • at two and a half - 64 cm.

For the vast majority of the territory, excluding the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea, optimal thickness- 51-64 cm, respectively, in 2 or 2.5 bricks.

Now, after determining the thickness, you can proceed to calculating the perimeter, for which you need to know how tall the house is planned and what the length of the walls will be. After obtaining this value, you need to subtract the area of ​​the door and window openings. The final balance will be the required area of ​​future brick walls.

Block sizes

This is a key parameter influencing total material. Depending on the type, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • single - 25x12x6.5 cm;
  • one and a half - 25x12x8.8 cm;
  • double - 25x12x13.8 cm.

The first option looks much more aesthetically pleasing and neat, although this type of installation takes the most time. One-and-a-half and double ones are installed much faster (even according to the most conservative estimates, you can save almost 2 times), but the finished structure does not look so impressive.

When determining how many bricks are needed to build a house, take into account the height of the masonry joint. When laying a single joint, the height of the seam is 5 mm, double and one and a half – almost a centimeter.

The table below shows an example of the most commonly used building materials(single, one and a half, double) taking into account the height of the masonry seam and without it. Using these data, you can also determine the amount of material for the construction of any building, for which you multiply the data by the area of ​​the wall.

In any batch there is a defect - split, knocked down or cracked specimens. This may be the result of improper storage or transportation. On average, 5-7% is spent on defects; accordingly, possible defects are added to the original number and ordered as much as required.


Novice builders are no less interested in the number of bricks in the masonry for wall cladding. Here the calculation algorithm is the same, but the process will take half a brick. In order to understand exactly how much material is needed, you need to know two sources:

  • brick dimensions;
  • seam height.

If a standard single 25x12x6.5 cm is used, then about 52 pieces will be needed per square of surface with a seam height of 10 mm.

Amount of solution

To determine the budget, you need to know how much solution is needed, or rather the volume of its components (sand, cement, water and additives).

The amount of solution is determined according to standard parameters:

  • for full-bodied buildings in one row - 3 masonry blocks of 0.22 cubic meters per 1 m. ready-made composition;
  • for hollow in one row - per 1 m 3 masonry 0.24 cubic meters. ready-made composition;
  • for full-bodied in two rows - per 1 m 3 masonry 0.25 cubic meters. ready-made composition.

Hollow ones require more solution, since part of it is spent filling the voids.

The number of components and the mixing procedure per 1 m 3 of masonry are indicated in detail in the article. Here we add that the service life and thermal insulation of the walls directly depend on the consistency. Too liquid will lead to the formation large quantity cold bridges and the formation of condensation with subsequent destruction of the masonry. Too thick - it will not provide the necessary adhesion and will also begin to burst gradually.

Observe the parameters and proportions of cement, sand and water when mixing the mortar so that you do not have to redo it.

VIDEO: detailed instructions determining the quantity

An example of calculating the amount of bricks for building a house of 120 sq.m:

  1. Determining the thickness of the walls of the future house

Since we take the central strip of Russia as a basis, the thickness will accordingly be 2 stones. We take the standard size - single 25x12x6.5 cm.

  1. We calculate the perimeter of the walls and area

Length - 10 and 12 meters, 4 walls. The perimeter is 44 meters. Height is standard 3 meters. The area is 132 sq.m.

  1. Using the table above, we determine the type of masonry (double) and type (single)

It turns out, taking into account the seam, 204 pieces. We multiply the area by the quantity 132 sq.m. x 204 pcs. = 26928 pieces.

  1. Taking marriage into account

On average, 7% is rejected, which is 2000 pieces.

Total, for a house with an area of ​​120 sq.m. with a wall height of 3 meters you will need 28928 single bricks.

Using a similar formula, they determine how much is needed for a 10x10 m house. Without repeating the calculation algorithm, we will immediately present the result. On standard house with a wall height of 3 meters, 24,480 bricks will be needed for construction and 6,120 pcs. on the cladding.

Calculation example for cladding

  1. Wall area (12 x 2 + 10 x 2) x 3 = 132 sq.m
  2. It takes an average of 51 pieces to cover 1 square, respectively, 132 x 51 = 6732 pieces.
  3. Taking into account 7% defects, you will need 7203 bricks.

Before you begin directly calculating the amount of material, calculate the area of ​​window and door openings and subtract from total area walls

VIDEO: In what cases can you use brickwork 25 cm thick, one stone

Brick online calculator designed to calculate the amount of construction and facing bricks for the house and the basement, as well as related parameters and materials, such as the amount of masonry mortar, masonry mesh and flexible ties. Also, the calculations can take into account the sizes of gables, window and door openings required quantity and sizes. When calculating the amount of brick required for work, they usually use a rule called “format”, in which the dimensions of the brick itself are increased by 10 mm (this is the standard joint thickness), that is, it turns out: 260x130x75 mm.

General information on the calculation results

  • Building perimeter
  • The total length of all walls taken into account in the calculations.
  • Total masonry area
  • Square outside walls Corresponds to the area necessary insulation, if such is provided for in the project.
  • Wall thickness
  • The thickness of the finished wall, taking into account the thickness of the mortar joint. May differ slightly from the final result depending on the type of masonry.
  • Quantity
  • The total number of bricks required to build walls according to given parameters
  • Total material weight
  • Weight of bricks excluding mortar and masonry mesh. Just like the total volume, it is necessary to select a delivery option.
  • Quantity of mortar for the entire masonry
  • The volume of mortar required to lay all the bricks. Volume weight the solution may differ depending on the ratio of components and added additives.
  • Number of flexible links
  • Necessary for attaching the facing layer to the main load-bearing walls. The length of the flexible connections depends on the total thickness of the wall, taking into account the insulation.
  • Number of rows in masonry including seams
  • Depends on the height of the walls, the size of the material used and the thickness of the masonry mortar. Excluding gables.
  • Quantity of masonry mesh
  • Required amount of masonry mesh in meters. It is used to reinforce masonry, increasing the solidity and overall strength of the structure. Pay attention to the number of reinforced rows; by default, the reinforcement of every third row is indicated.
  • Approximate weight finished walls
  • The weight of the finished walls including all bricks, mortar and masonry mesh, but excluding the weight of insulation and cladding. Load without taking into account the weight of the roof and ceilings. This parameter is required to select strength characteristics foundation.

To calculate the material for partitions, you need to start a new calculation and indicate the length of only all partitions, the thickness of the walls to the floor of the brick, as well as other necessary parameters.

Almost everyone dreams of building a house. Many people do not take up this business because they believe that construction will be very expensive. Calculating costs is actually not that difficult. To do this, you need to determine the list of work that needs to be done to build the house and the amount of materials.

One of the main stages in construction brick house is proper planning and calculation of necessary materials.

The construction of any house requires proper planning. The construction of a brick house is no exception. In addition to competent organization construction work, it is necessary to correctly determine the required volume of building materials, including bricks.

What determines the consumption of bricks for building a house?

Brick consumption will primarily depend on its type and installation method. The installation method depends on how thick the walls you want to get. The wall in the house can be ordinary (single brick is used), thick (one and a half brick) or double. At the stage of planning a house, you need to determine what kind of brick you will build the house from and choose the method of laying it. After that. Using calculation methods, the amount of material consumed is determined.

For load-bearing walls For a house located in an area with a temperate and cold climate, a wall thickness of 2-2.5 bricks is usually chosen. In this case, masonry can be carried out different ways. In some cases, double or thickened bricks are used together with facing material.

After determining the thickness of the future walls, all parameters of the future house are determined. It is necessary to accurately determine the length of the future building along the perimeter, as well as its height. By multiplying these two parameters, you can get the total area of ​​the walls being erected. The total area of ​​door and window openings is subtracted from this indicator. Among other things, you need to know what dimensions the brick will have during construction. It can be single (250X120X65 mm), double (250X120X138 mm) and one-and-a-half (250X120X88 mm). What material to choose for construction is a matter of taste. Using a larger one speeds up construction time, but at the same time suffers appearance structures.

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Calculation of the number of bricks per house

After determining all the main parameters using the table (image), you can proceed. The most common mistake beginners make when planning is that they do not take into account the volume of mortar joints when calculating the amount of material needed.

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This leads to the fact that much more construction material is purchased than required (almost a third).

How to calculate a brick: example

First of all, we determine the length of the external walls. For a 10x10 m house, the total perimeter is determined as follows:

P = 10+10+10+10 = 40 m. With a ceiling height of 3.10 m, the height two-story house

will be 6.20 m. Therefore, the total area of ​​the external walls will be:

From the total area we subtract the area that will be occupied by window and door openings (in our case it is 58 sq.m.). The net area will be equal to:

S = 248-28 = 220 sq.m.

When choosing a masonry of 2.5 bricks, the thickness of the walls will be 64 cm. In each project, this indicator is calculated individually, depending on the weight of the floors, design features etc. Laying 2 bricks will be made from a single row brick and 1 row will be laid (half a brick) from a single facing brick. Using the table we determine required quantity material:

51X220 = 11,220 pieces will be required for cladding;

204X220 = 44880 pieces will be required to build the main wall.

Knowing the cost of the material, you can make calculations to determine the total costs that will arise during the construction of the walls. Using the table data, you can calculate various options and pick up best option for myself.

By properly planning your expenses, you can be sure that construction will cost less and will be completed in less time. short term. The cost of building a house will be even lower if you correctly calculate the required amount of mortar.

This information will be useful not only to those who are engaged in construction themselves, but also to those who resort to the services of construction companies.

It only takes a few minutes to make sure your cost estimate is correct. Some employees convince the employer to purchase large quantity material, and then part of it is taken out and resold. To prevent such cases from occurring, each stage of construction must be carefully monitored. If you do not want to carry out calculations yourself, it is better to hire an independent specialist to do this.

It is possible to estimate how much it will cost to build a house only by calculating the consumption of the main material and auxiliary substances. All future owners, according to available data, draw up estimates and prepare for the purchase of building materials. A special calculator for calculating bricks or blocks for building a house can help a non-professional in obtaining such an estimate. Simple system introduction allows you to easily understand the operation of the online application.

How to calculate the amount of bricks to build a house?

First of all, you need to enter the parameters of the house: perimeter and height. In most cases, corner laying does not require special consumption of material, so indicate in online calculator bricks should only be the sum of the length and width of the building. The height can be any, but you need to remember about the possible construction of an attic, which will require additional consumption of building materials. The calculator performs calculations for buildings in the form of parallelepipeds.

The number and parameters of doors are especially important when creating not only a front entrance, but also an exit to the backyard. It should be taken into account that the application will calculate the consumption for products with identical parameters. If the door sizes are different (entrance doors will be made to order), you should indicate the height and width of the smaller one.

When installing different windows you also need to select medium and small parameters and indicate them. The excess material after such calculations may be useful for the construction of an extension. And the disadvantage will affect the need for additional purchases, which is not convenient for all owners. That is why in the calculator for calculating bricks for building a house, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. This will allow you to get an approximate result with a minimum error.

Entering data on masonry and main building materials

The exact calculation of blocks or bricks for a house in the online calculator is based on the dimensional parameters of one unit and the amount of mortar used. It is important to indicate the thickness of the masonry, which will allow you to find out exactly how many bricks or blocks are needed to obtain it. Next from total number(compiled according to the parameters of the building itself) the previously summarized parameters of windows and doors will be subtracted. The end result will indicate the approximate amount of building materials required to build a brick house.

Users should remember that brick calculator gives the result required for the construction of a box house. Any stylistic additions, the addition of an attic, the creation of small extensions or thickening in the base area must be added separately.

In addition, you need to know how to calculate the amount of facing bricks per house. It is this material that is used by most developers and allows it to further protect the building and give it an attractive appearance. The calculation of the cladding is made according to the thickness of one element and indicates the additional amount required for external finishing work.

Brickwork is one of the most common methods of constructing load-bearing structures.

Brick walls have a number of advantages, but at the same time their cost is much higher than that of many other building materials.

To optimize costs and draw up estimates, it is important to make an accurate calculation brickwork- calculate how many bricks are needed to build a building.

Material selection

The more accurately you measure, the more accurate your calculations will be.

The entire calculation procedure is not particularly difficult and fits into a couple of simple mathematical formulas. But before you count the brickwork, you should make whole line measurements And the more carefully they are carried out, the more accurate the final results will be.

First of all, it is necessary to correctly determine which type of brick is best suited in a particular case. On modern market There are several varieties of this building material.


Organic filler reinforces brick

This type of brick is made from unfired clay and various fillers: chopped straw, reeds, shavings, etc. It is usually made in a handicraft way: clay is mixed with additives and briquettes are formed from it, which are not fired in an oven, but simply dried in the sun.

Organic fillers play a reinforcing role, preventing the clay briquette from falling apart during construction and operation. The main advantage of adobe is its low cost and ease of production, which you can set up on your own plot without any problems.

Due to imperfect production technology, which does not guarantee the strength of the material, adobe brick is prohibited by SNiP for use in the construction of residential and public buildings. Its main area of ​​application is one-story outbuildings, garages, and fences.


This type bricks are used for the construction of structures subject to thermal stress

It's a fire brick. It is made from a special type of clay - chamotte and has yellow. It often contains coarse mineral fillers, so its surface may have a granular structure.

Thanks to his ability long time withstand high temperatures(up to 1500 C), fireclay bricks used for the construction of stoves, fireplaces, chimneys, and the creation of thermal insulation screens.

Price fire bricks are quite high, so using them in the construction of load-bearing walls is not economically feasible.


Silicate varieties do not tolerate moisture well

Unlike other varieties, the basis sand-lime bricks It is a mixture of lime and silicates. Because of this, they have a light gray tint. They are formed by wet pressing without subsequent firing.

Sand-lime bricks have increased hygroscopicity - the ability to absorb moisture, so they are not recommended for use in the construction of buildings that will be used in high humidity: when constructing basement walls, ground floors etc.


Ordinary solid brick is well suited for the construction of load-bearing walls

The largest and most common type of brick today. They are made from pressed clay and fired in special ovens at a certain temperature. All production technology and their specifications are strictly regulated by construction standards and GOSTs. Ceramic brick is divided into three main groups - ordinary, facing and clinker.

Due to the low strength of facing bricks, they cannot be used for the construction of load-bearing walls and when laying fireboxes and chimneys of stoves and fireplaces.

Calculation of the amount of material

To correctly calculate the amount of brick required for a wall, a number of factors should be taken into account. These are the linear dimensions of the brick itself, the area of ​​window and doorways, thickness and area of ​​walls, width of masonry joints.

Before calculating the amount of material, it should be taken into account that up to 10% of the brick will inevitably be “broken”.

These are irretrievable losses that occur during transportation, loading and unloading of materials and directly during the construction process, so the calculated volumes should always be multiplied by this coefficient, that is, by 10%.

Standard sizes

Standard brick sizes regulated by Russian GOSTs are:

  • length - 25 cm;
  • width - 12 cm;
  • height - 6.5 cm.

This is the so-called single or standard brick. Construction backfills, fireclay, silicate, as well as most of facing bricks. In addition, the material is produced in non-standard, large sizes - “one and a half” and “double”.

One-and-a-half brick, unlike the standard one, has a greater height with the same length and width.

  • length - 25 cm;
  • width - 12 cm;
  • height - 8.8 cm.

The double brick has the following linear dimensions:

  • length - 25 cm;
  • width - 12 cm;
  • height - 13.8 cm.


In addition to the above, you can find so-called “Eurobricks” on the domestic building materials market.

This is material produced according to EU standards and imported to us from abroad. “Eurobricks” come in two main types:

  1. NF (standard): length - 24 cm, width - 11.5, height - 7.1.
  2. DF (thin): length - 24 cm, width - 11.5, height - 5.2 (optional - 5 or 6.5 cm).

When calculating the number of bricks in a masonry, in addition to their linear dimensions, the thickness of the masonry mortar joints is also considered. The thickness of a standard seam is 1 cm, so another 0.5 cm should be added to the length and width of each brick. For more information about brick formats, see this video:

The table shows the number of bricks contained in 1 sq.m. masonry depending on its thickness.

Wall thickness and area

These parameters are key when calculating the required amount of materials. Before calculating the volume of brickwork, linear measurements of the walls should be taken: height, length and thickness. According to SNiP standards, the thickness of load-bearing walls can vary from 12 to 64 cm.

Masonry with a larger wall width is not used due to economic infeasibility: the cost of 1 m3 increases disproportionately, and the technical characteristics of the wall do not improve dramatically.

The area of ​​the walls is calculated using a simple formula. The length is measured along the entire perimeter and multiplied by their height. After this, you can directly begin to calculate the volume of the masonry.

Calculation procedure

The number of bricks is calculated using the following algorithm.

  1. All walls are divided into several groups depending on their thickness.
  2. A building design is taken and the area of ​​all walls of the future building is calculated: external load-bearing walls and internal partition walls. At the same time, the area of ​​the walls is different thicknesses should be considered separately.
  3. Then the thickness of a particular group of walls is taken (half a brick, a brick, etc.) and multiplied by their area accordingly. Thus, we get the total - “dirty” volumes of all the walls of the building.
  4. The next step will be to find the volume of all door and window openings. To do this, we measure their width, height and thickness - the latter indicator depends on which wall the opening is located in.
  5. Subtract the total footage of all openings from the total volume of the walls. As a result, the volume remains “clean”, that is, the brickwork itself.
  6. The volume of one brick is calculated by multiplying its length by width and height. Using a simple calculator, you can calculate that one cubic meter of masonry contains about 512 “standard” bricks with dimensions of 25 x 12 x 6.5 cm: 1 m3: 0.198 m3 = 512 pieces.
  7. We should not forget about masonry mortar. Its share in the total volume of the wall can be no less than 15 - 20%. That is, from the previously obtained number, you can safely “throw away” about a hundred bricks. As a result, it will take approximately 400 of them to build 1 m3 of wall + 10% will be added to the “battle”. Finally, you need to multiply this amount by the final volume of the masonry and find how many total bricks will be needed to build the building. For more details about the calculations, watch this video:

As can be seen from the article, calculating the number of bricks needed to erect a structure is not so difficult. It is important to carefully make all measurements according to the building design. After this, simply substitute the resulting dimensions into the appropriate formulas. With the help of accurate calculations, you can avoid such troubles as an excess, or, conversely, a shortage of material.