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Open electrical wiring in a wooden house. Which wire is best to use for wiring in the house: varieties and practical tips Hidden wiring in a log house

But the resinous mass of dried wood - dangerous object for the appearance of a random spark: can turn into a tragedy due to technological errors or negligence during installation.

Therefore, for the installation of electricians in wooden house in a hidden way You can only undertake this if you have basic technical training and have thoroughly studied the rather strict current regulatory documents:

  • GOST R 50572.1-93;
  • SNiP 3/01/01-85;
  • SNiP III-4-80;
  • SNiP 2.08.01(6.17).
  • “Rules for the construction of electrical installations” (PUE).

Isn’t it better to entrust this important stage of construction professionals?

Why is hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house so attractive?

Surely aesthetics of walls and ceilings:

  • there are no wiring elements that violate the design of the room;
  • sockets and switches recessed into the wall do not cause inconvenience when arranging furniture;
  • the wall surface is easier to use for wallpapering;
  • Correctly executed wiring increases the degree fire safety buildings;
  • ease of replacing the cable in the pipe;
  • less risk of mechanical damage to wiring;
  • protruding electrical fittings do not collect dust and do not become a support for cobwebs.

What makes hidden electrical wiring an object of increased danger?

  • Inaccessibility for constant inspection of the insulation condition and replacement of areas that have undergone aging and destruction (microdamage can cause a short circuit);
  • complications in the work of adding new points to the electrical circuit after time has passed;
  • technical complexity of installation, effective only during the construction of the house;
  • the need to create false structures that can hide insulating pipes;
  • high cost of work and materials;
  • costs for special tools.

What are the features of installing hidden wiring in a wooden house?

  1. You must be prepared for the fact that according to the wiring diagram you will pull not only wires and cables, but also meters of steel or copper pipes- a mandatory condition for isolation. In a wooden house, not even a centimeter of wire should come into contact with the wood. Pulling a cable or wire through a tube is a troublesome task that requires patience.
  2. To install insulating pipes into the body of the wall, you will have to tap, drill, and cut out a place for wiring. This work is dusty, dirty, labor-intensive.
  3. Vertical channels are drilled while laying the crowns of the log house, horizontal ones (with a special drill) - after completion of the construction of the walls.
  4. A conductor is placed in the holes - a wire with which the cable will be pulled.
  5. All installation sites for wiring elements and transitions from one room to another must be well insulated with metal boxes, sleeves, “glasses”, linings, asbestos wrapping or insulation with alabaster plaster.
  6. The number of main channels becomes significant: for large quantity will be required as insulation, corrugated pipe enough large diameter, which is difficult to hide in a log wall.
  7. The importance of the residual current device (RCD) is increasing; several such devices can be installed in hidden wiring: to disconnect the external circuit, the internal circuit and the circuit with the highest power load.

Rules for performing internal wiring in a wooden house

  1. Electrical wiring is carried out only on the basis of a diagram agreed upon with specialists, with minimum quantity turns and bends.
  2. The electric main is laid exclusively in non-combustible materials.
  3. During installation, priority is given to fire safety objectives, and aesthetic wishes are not so important.
  4. It is advisable to lay channels in the structural recesses of door and window openings, under baseboards, overhead lining of the ceiling.
  5. Corrugated pipes used as channel insulation are protected on all sides with asbestos gaskets during installation. For the same purposes, taking into account the estimated power of the wiring, alabaster or cement plaster and concreting are used.
  6. Galvanized insulating pipes and ducts are connected using threads and welding. Sharp edges are protected with plastic plugs. Copper protective elements at the connection they are flared.
  7. The thickness of the pipe walls is selected taking into account the cross-section of the wire strands (example: 2.8 mm - for aluminum core in 10mm2, or copper in 4mm2).
  8. The cable (together with the insulating layer) inside the insulating pipe should occupy up to 40% of the internal volume.
  9. The insulation resistance is measured twice: before pulling through the pipe and after.
  10. Distribution boxes must remain freely available.
  11. For hidden wiring, wires and cables with triple insulation coating and marking “ng” are used.

Wiring in the ceiling of a wooden house

To the advantages wooden floors can be attributed:

  • high load-bearing capacity;
  • vibration resistance;
  • maintaining the geometry of the structure;
  • decline total weight designs;
  • construction speed;
  • versatility of use;
  • Suitable for floor screeds.

Flaw there will be one, and it will be revealed during the fire:

  • wooden floors quickly catch open fire;
  • have a tendency to collapse.

What should I do?

  1. Cable protection with pipes.
  2. Therefore, there are no concessions for electrical distribution across floors: only the placement of cables in pipes. By the way, electrical distribution over floors is the most convenient way hidden wiring devices. In this case, the grooves for pipes to switches and sockets are descended from the main cables.

  3. Metal tray for complex floor layouts.
  4. True, if the change in direction of the wires is very frequent and at different angles, then it is more rational to use blank copper trays with covers instead of pipes. You can lay out several wires in them at once and in any direction. They perfectly isolate the wiring from the wood of the floors and are attached to each other using rivets. In order to reduce the cost of work, such trays are also made of galvanized steel.

    The process of laying trays is complicated by the need to take into account and bypass the structural elements of the house or trim them and then reinforce them. In this case, you cannot do without skills in performing tin work.

    Required mandatory grounding each tray separately. When turning, the trays can form an angle that is dangerous for the integrity of the cable, so corrugated insulation is placed on it in this place.

    Tray insulation for hidden wiring can also be used with inside ceilings, subsequently covering the entire structure of the false ceiling with plasterboard or tongue and groove boards treated with fire retardants.

  5. Taking risks is not always a noble cause.
  6. The most primitive installation method is electrical wiring on the floors in layers of alabaster or cement plaster, when one layer is laid down, and after applying the wires, 2-3 cm of a new layer are added. This method is very risky for fire safety (due to the likelihood of cracking) and is rarely used.

  1. Type of cable for wooden house will be different from the one used in urban development.
  2. The NYM cable is most suitable; it has triple insulation and a sheath made of non-flammable material (polyvinyl chloride).
  3. The greatest reliability in protection electrical network against emergency failures, difavtomats combine 2 protective devices - automatic switch and RCD (residual current device).
  4. It is worth remembering: grounding each junction box and each pipe will not be superfluous.
  5. The pipe connection must be reliable: use welding or soldering.
  6. When choosing pipes, give preference to copper pipes: they bend better and easily take the shape of the prepared gutter.
  7. To protect the cable from damage when pulling, you must use plastic end sleeves.
  8. The shrinkage of the house should be taken into account to prevent pinching of the main.
  9. When covering walls with clapboard or wooden wallpaper you can do without drilling the walls by passing the main distribution pipes through the hollowed out grooves.
  10. You can combine hidden wiring with open wiring: in places where wires are connected to sockets or switches.

How to do hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house- correctly, reliably, in accordance with all rules and regulations?

The answer to this question will take a long time to look for in different regulatory documents, rules and instructions - PUE, fire safety rules, etc.

I, too, at one time became very interested in this issue, I had to sift through a lot of literature, crawl on the Internet through sites and forums, and it turned out that the question was rather ambiguous...

Some requirements of the rules are simply behind the times and outdated with the advent of new materials and technologies, and the interpretation of other rules can be interpreted in two ways.

But still there are basic requirements and they are quite strict for wooden houses with hidden wiring.

Here's what I found out.

I won’t drag my feet for long - if you suddenly decide to do hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house according to all the rules, get ready to pull a second water supply from the pipes...

Yes, yes - don’t be surprised, these are the requirements in the PUE for hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house, even if it is wiring in a house made of laminated veneer lumber...

All electrical wiring throughout the house, including transitions through walls and ceilings, must be done:

in metal pipes;

in a layer of plaster in pipes or corrugation (not UNDER the plaster, but IN it!)

If you do it in metal pipes, distribution boxes and socket boxes must also be metal.

Laying in a layer of plaster in pipes or corrugation is required because, according to the requirements of the PUE, the electrical wiring in a wooden house must be replaceable and it is possible to replace it in whole or in part.

How do you like this prospect? Not very impressive? To be honest, me too...

By the way, if the electrical wiring is laid between wooden wall and drywall in the air gap - this is also hidden electrical wiring!

Why can’t you just make grooves or grooves in the wood and use the cable in non-flammable insulation? Or just put it under the plaster?

Or in a plastic corrugation, cable channel do?

No, no way...

Such strict safety measures when installing hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house are used to prevent a fire in the event of a short circuit or other electrical faults.

The main point here is this.

When a short circuit occurs in the wire electric arc , who has a very heat(burner flame in gas stove a thousand times weaker!).

So: the purpose of metal pipes and a layer of plaster is localize(kill) this arc, prevent it from spreading and causing a fire.

To do this, the metal pipe must be of a certain thickness with different wire cross-sections so that the electric pipe cannot burn through the walls and break out.

For wires with a cross-section of up to 2.5 sq. mm, the wall thickness of the metal pipe is not standardized!

Naturally, no plastic corrugation or plastic cable channel can withstand the effects of an electric arc that occurs during a short circuit.

The same thing happens in the plaster layer - the arc self-extinguishes due to the lack of air, and it also cannot burn through the plaster layer. Therefore, short circuit does not cause any consequences.

This method of laying also protects the electrical wiring from other troubles - mice, for example, which, even on a full stomach, happily feast on the insulation of the wires...

All this is necessary since the electrical wiring is hidden and inaccessible for inspection and maintenance; we will not gouge the plaster to make sure that the wire insulation is not damaged.

Electric arc - 330 frames per second:

By the way, a metal hose is unsuitable for these purposes and it is also impossible to make hidden electrical wiring in it. It does not have the localization ability for self-extinguishing an electric arc.

Whether we like it or not, we must comply with the requirements of the rules, especially if we are building new house, which will be adopted by energy supervision in the future.

Although the implementation of these rules leads to deplorable oddities...

I read on one of the forums that they were doing hidden electrical wiring in metal pipes in a new house built from laminated veneer lumber.

They did everything according to the rules, drilled timber, laid pipes, connected them, bent them, etc.

As a result, the frame of the house after shrinkage simply hung on these pipes...

Gaps of several centimeters formed between the rows of timber. We had to cut out the pipes and did the electrical wiring in an open way.

By the way, they do electrical wiring in Canada. without any protection- just a double insulated cable! What in panel houses, that in lumber or logs. Why?

But because, firstly, they use RCDs right up to 5mA, secondly, they have a grounding conductor in the cable immediately without isolation.

That is, if, for example, there is a three-core cable, then between the two conductors there is insulation naked copper grounding conductor. I have never seen such cables in our country.

This makes it possible to very early detect, using an RCD, the leakage current that occurs when the insulation of the phase or neutral wire deteriorates.

My personal opinion is that installation in metal pipes is too much... To be honest, I have never seen anything like this in real life. It is really very expensive and labor intensive.

Mostly I see installation on wood simply in a plastic corrugation, very rarely in a metal sleeve, and under plaster it’s just a double-insulated cable.

Of course this does not comply with the rules, but this is the reality! And it’s not because they have a good life that they do this; not everyone can financially handle electrical installations in metal pipes.

If you have to hand over the facility to energy supervision or firefighters, or you want to make the electrical wiring as safe as possible, according to the “do it once well and forget it” principle, then it is better to route the wires in a plastic corrugation in a layer of plaster and be sure to install RCDs or automatic circuit breakers.

Let's look at the reasons why a short circuit can occur in the cable and, as a result, a further fire if the electrical installation is done incorrectly:

A) defective cable. That is, the insulation of the current-carrying conductors is initially damaged or does not meet the requirements at the manufacturer.

How to avoid: buy a high-quality cable, check the insulation resistance.

b) mice and other crawling creatures )))

How to avoid: installation in plaster or metal frame - pipes, boxes, etc.

V) physical damage to electrical wiring insulation. For example, during repairs, you accidentally screw in a self-tapping screw, hammer in a nail, etc.

How to avoid: But there’s no way... If you wish, you can saw through a metal pipe with a grinder.

G) insulation failure due to overload electrical wiring.

How to avoid: correct installation and choice circuit breakers or fuses.

If you decide to make hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house in a layer of plaster in a corrugated pipe, the Electrician program will help you calculate the material. How to do this - I told and showed in the article

What is your opinion on this issue? How are you doing electrical wiring in a wooden house?

I will be happy to answer your comments!

And finally, a video of an electric arc. occurring when the circuit breaker is turned off:

Be the first to know about new site materials!

A house made of rounded logs is one of the safest from an environmental point of view, and allows you to create a unique microclimate in the premises that prevents the development of various types of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. But, as you know, wood is a flammable material, when working with which it is necessary to use additional precautions. This statement is especially true if it is necessary to install wiring in a house built from rounded logs. How to do this correctly?

Basic rules for installing hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house

The safest and most appropriate A way to create an electrical network in a house is to install hidden wiring. This option involves preserving the external aesthetics and interior design of the house. All wiring is placed in metal pipes. This allows you to compactly place the cable directly in the walls and floor of the house and, at the same time, helps reduce the risk of fires. The main thing that a home owner must remember is that electricity must be taken very seriously, and the connection network diagram must be designed to the smallest detail. So, the first rule is that installation of hidden wiring in houses made of rounded logs is carried out exclusively in metal pipes.

In order for the house to look more aesthetically pleasing, the wiring should be laid exclusively in the floors of the house until the moment when the ceilings, walls and floors in the house are equipped. It is extremely difficult (almost impossible) to rebuild a house made of rounded logs, so everything technological processes, which are associated with the installation of wiring, must be completed before the construction of the building enters the final stage. In order to make branches from the general network to individual switches or sockets in the premises, vertical holes (so-called technological holes) are made in the walls of the house. From all of the above, the second follows important rule creating an electrical wiring line in a house made of rounded logs: installation of metal pipes with an electrical cable must be carried out before filing the walls and ceiling. Technological openings in the walls (their location) must be thought out in advance.

Development of a location plan

It is also necessary to remember that it will be very difficult to make any adjustments to the location of hidden wiring in a house made of rounded logs. Accordingly, you need to think in advance about the location of the electrical household appliances, appliances and all other devices that will use electricity. Once the location plan has been thought out, you can begin to create vertical technological holes in the house. It would be incorrect to give any generally accepted diagram of hidden wiring in the living quarters of a wooden house, because each home owner will create a power supply system based on his own preferences and needs. The third rule for installing hidden wiring in a house: first develop a layout diagram of household appliances, and only then create a power supply line in the house.

In order to facilitate further technological work, drilling of all those technological channels and holes that will help create wiring in a house made of rounded logs should be done either in the workshop where the main blocks of the house are assembled, cut, or already at the stage of assembling the house where it will be located. Therefore, the fourth rule says: the entire wiring system must be thought out at the stage design work, and not when the project has already begun to be implemented. Remodeling a house, even at the stage of cutting it and laying it out, will be very expensive.

Installation of sockets and switches

In addition to all of the above, you need to know in advance the model and type of sockets and switches that will be installed in a house made of rounded logs. The fact is that technological holes for future sockets and switches are cut in advance. It turns out that the owner of the house can provide himself with a fairly large volume extra work, which is absolutely unnecessary when it begins to further expand the holes for sockets and switches of a type not previously specified. It would be good if they were larger in size than the pre-made holes. But it is possible that they will be smaller. Therefore, there is a fifth rule for creating high-quality and safe wiring in log house- select sockets and switches in advance, and only then cut technological holes for them in the walls of the house.

All of the above rules are mandatory. Compliance with them allows you to create truly convenient and safe electrical wiring in your home. And do this with minimal costs time, effort and Money the owner of a house made of rounded logs (as well as the owner of any other wooden house).

The main mistakes made when creating a hidden wiring system

Based on the rules that exist for creating hidden electrical wiring in houses made of rounded logs, there are two main requirements for this technological process:

  • or metal boxes or pipes
  • or in non-combustible plaster, which must surround the electrical cable on all sides with a layer whose thickness must be at least 10mm

These are rules that must be followed strictly. But some masters try to modify them, which ultimately leads to rather sad consequences. The main mistakes that can lead to a house fire, or simply failure of the electrical wiring, are:

  • attempts to lay hidden wiring directly under the baseboards
  • carry out installation under front side doors and windows
  • lay the cable in a corrugation

The main problem It may be that rodents are very fond of the braided electrical cable. The insulation can be eaten by pests and a short circuit will only be a matter of time. The tree, among other things, is subject to seasonal changes in its structure. It swells in winter and autumn, shrinking into summer period time. These changes in the structure of the rounded log (like any other tree) can lead to stress in the electric cable, its rupture. Accordingly, malfunctions in the operation of electrical appliances and short circuits, the results of which can be very disastrous, will become more than just an unpleasant chance.

Location of wiring in the corrugation

Placing the wiring in a corrugation is also not the best the right option. The fact is that corrugation is not entirely safe material from the point of view of compliance with modern fire safety rules. The seal in modern corrugation and metal sleeves is created using a special cotton thread, which perfectly supports combustion. Accordingly, the corrugation and metal sleeve are absolutely not suitable for serving insulating material for hidden wiring in any wooden house.

In order to provide truly high-quality protection for the power supply networks at home, it is necessary to pay attention to Special attention those automatic systems who will monitor the safety of wiring in the house. Electrical wiring must be constantly monitored by these systems. Especially if the house is made of flammable materials. In addition to the fact that the house has a main panel to protect against damage to the wiring, on each floor of the house, if it is not one-story, it is necessary to place a small panel that duplicates the functions of the main one in relation to a specific floor. The electrical wiring will be reliably protected by this system duplication.

In order to make really high-quality wiring in your house from rounded logs, you should listen to the advice that was voiced in this article. Installing electrical wiring lines in a building is not the same technical work, which can not be taken too seriously.

The Rules for Electrical Installations (PUE) are the main document for any electrician. Designers also respect and comply with it.

The following is written in the Rules:

“electrical networks laid behind impassable suspended ceilings and in partitions, are considered as hidden electrical wiring and should be carried out; behind ceilings and in the voids of partitions made of flammable materials in metal pipes with localization capabilities and in closed boxes; behind ceilings and in partitions made of non-combustible materials* - in pipes and ducts made of non-flammable materials, as well as flame retardant cables. At the same time, it must be possible to replace wires and cables.”

You won't be able to find any mention of the tree in the rules. There is a different wording - combustible materials. And for these materials, the rules leave only two wiring options. Open wiring or hidden in metal pipes.

PUE, clause 2.1.4.

1. Open electrical wiring - laid along the surface of walls, ceilings, trusses and others building elements buildings and structures, on supports, etc.

At open wiring apply following methods laying of wires and cables: directly on the surface of walls, ceilings, etc., on strings, cables, rollers, insulators, in pipes, boxes, flexible metal sleeves, on trays, in electrical skirting boards and platbands, free suspension, etc. .

Open electrical wiring can be stationary, mobile and portable.

2. Hidden electrical wiring - laid inside the structural elements of buildings and structures (in walls, floors, foundations, ceilings), as well as along ceilings in floor preparation, directly under a removable floor, etc.

For hidden electrical wiring, the following methods of laying wires and cables are used: in pipes, flexible metal hoses, boxes, closed channels and voids of building structures, in plastered grooves, under plaster, as well as monolithic building construction during their manufacture.

Open wiring

Installation on walls of triple insulated NYM cable or flame retardant cable is allowed. The marking of such materials contains the prefix “ng” (example VVGng cable). Another type of cable is mounted on a pad made of non-combustible materials protruding from the edge of the insulation at a distance of at least 10 mm.

The most common installation options:

  • In metal or plastic corrugation. Doesn't look aesthetically pleasing.
  • In the baseboards. Horizontal sections laid without problems. It's more difficult with vertical ones.
  • Decorative cable tunnels (plastic box with lid). Problematic - when the house shrinks, deformation of the structure is possible.
  • Wiring on porcelain insulators. Provided that the wire is 10 mm away from the wall, this method is considered correct.
  • Wall wiring with brackets. Possible when using flame retardant cable.

Hidden wiring

The conditions of the PUE are very strict. The wiring must be in metal pipe. Distribution boxes, mounting boxes - metal. The pipes are connected into a single structure by soldering, welding or threaded connections. A metal hose is not considered a pipe. Plastic corrugation even more so. The material for the pipe is steel or copper. The high cost of copper is compensated by the ease of operation and small wall thickness. The rules stipulate its thickness only for copper cables with a cross-section of more than 2.5 square millimeters. For most household appliances, this thickness of wire is sufficient; if not, another line is laid nearby.


The PUE is a very conservative document. The reality is that unconditional compliance with the rules when building wooden houses is rare. The validity of the violations is also supported by Western construction technologies. In the USA, it is considered normal to lay electrical wiring inside SIP panels, in solid foam. Pipes and corrugations are not provided. Scandinavians drill cable tunnels in logs. In this case, there is a different approach to fire safety.

Russian, or rather more Soviet version– non-combustible materials must be used. A foreign and more modern standard is that automation must work.

1. Overload protection circuit breaker. (MCBs). Operating principle: an increase in power consumption is associated with an increase in current. When certain current values ​​are reached, a shutdown occurs.

2. RCDs (RCCBs). Residual current device. A comparison of incoming and outgoing current values ​​is performed. If there is a difference, then there is a leak. A difference of a certain number of milliamps turns off the network.

3. Arc Fault Detection Device (AFD) in electrical circuit. (AFCIs) This device is little known in Russia, but in Canada and other countries it has been mandatory for 15-20 years. Detects the presence of insulation breakdowns and arcing. Ignores starting currents and sparking of motor brushes. German statistics claim that this machine can reduce the number of victims in a fire by 2 times. More precisely, 58%.

4. A voltage relay wouldn't hurt. Turns off the power supply when the specified voltage parameters are reached. This is insurance against a situation when, instead of 220 volts, 380 appears in the network.

5. According to domestic statistics, only in 20 percent of cases the cause of a fire is a malfunction of electrical household appliances. Statistics combine both wiring and electrical appliances into one category. The share of wiring in this case is unknown.

6. B North America In wooden houses, Romex cable is used for wiring. Its specificity is that one of the wires (ground RE) is practically without insulation. In the event of an insulation failure, the breakdown goes to ground. After this, the RCD is immediately triggered.

7. Grounding in the house must be mandatory. In Russia this is not always done.

8. Essential detail - availability fire system security. The logic of Russian rules is combustion open wiring can be seen, but hidden - not. The logic is modern - the smoke sensor will give a signal, and then the fire extinguishing system should work.

9. There is an insurance system and the presence of insurance in Western European countries is mandatory.

Proven domestic measures

  • No foreign terminal blocks or other methods of wiring can be better than soldered twisting.
  • Domestic copper cable is truly copper.
  • The cross-section of the domestic cable corresponds to the declared parameters. This point is now controversial. Alas, not always.

Bottom line

The specifics of electrical wiring in a wooden house are determined by two factors - the flammability of the material and the shrinkage of the house. The words “architecture, design, aesthetics” are not included in the PUE.

How to make electrical wiring in a wooden house is up to the customer. Contractors can do anything. They can do it according to the rules, they can do it with violations. The choice for the customer is not very easy and will have to be made at the design stage.

If you look at the statistics of fires in our country, the question of how to properly install wiring in a wooden house is quite relevant. After all most of All fires in wooden houses occur due to a short circuit, and if you want to protect your home from this, then the closest attention should be paid to electrical supply issues.

Your home's electrical connection is carried out by your energy supply company. After agreeing on all necessary papers they must install the meter and connect it to the mains.
They must do this with a flexible wire in insulation. And to avoid problems in the future, we advise you to check that the insulation on this wire is not damaged.
The meter is usually installed on the street. The distribution panel is usually located inside the house.
To connect it, we will need to punch a hole in the wall of the house, and according to paragraph 2.1.38 “Rules for Electrical Installations” (PUE), protect it on all sides with fireproof material. This is usually used steel pipe followed by plastering.
The input itself, according to 2.1.79 PUE, must be located at a height of at least 2.75 meters from the ground surface. In this case, the distance from insulators or wires to the protruding part of the roof must be at least 200 mm.
It is also quite important to provide, and the rules stipulate this, that it is impossible for water to accumulate in the pipe, as well as for it to penetrate into the house through the power supply inputs.

Installation of distribution board

Internal wiring in a wooden house begins with the distribution board. It must be installed in a dry, non-flooding location.
At the same time, the PUE rules regulate that a bathroom, shower or toilet cannot be located above the installation site of your switchboard.
The shield itself must be made on a fireproof basis and be locked with a key. On the market you will now find many such boxes for distribution panels in a wide variety of sizes.

Note! Within a radius of half a meter from the distribution panel there should be no heating equipment, no water supply or drainage systems, no gas supply systems, and ventilation ducts passing through this room should not have branches.

Electrical wiring in a wooden house

Hidden electrical wiring

You can lay electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands in an open or hidden way. A hidden method, which is almost universally used in brick and concrete houses, in the case of wooden houses is not so in demand.
After all, it is somewhat more difficult to implement it here, and most importantly, the cost of the issue is much higher. In the list below you can see options for laying electrical wiring in a hidden way in accordance with the rules of the PUE, in compliance with fire safety conditions.

  • If we use a regular wire sheathed in combustible material (not fire-resistant corrugation), then it must be laid on a lining made of fireproof materials. In the future, the wire must be plastered with a continuous layer at least 1 cm thick.
  • If you are using a regular wire sheathed in a fire-resistant material (fire-resistant corrugation), then all you need to do is place a fireproof material under the wire along its entire length.
  • If you use a wire sheathed in a fireproof material (metal corrugation), then you can lay the wire directly on the structural elements.
  • In boxes made of fireproof materials (steel boxes), even wires can be used directly on structural elements without additional protection.
  • In the case of using boxes made of fire-resistant materials ( plastic boxes) any wires can be used, but under the box there must be a gasket made of fireproof material, and the box itself must subsequently be plastered with a layer of at least 1 cm thick.