Portal about bathroom renovation. Useful tips

How to glue a ceiling molding: a guide to independent work. How to glue a ceiling plinth: features of installing different types of fillets How to glue baguettes to the ceiling with putty

Nothing makes the transition from the wall to the ceiling of a building more aesthetically pleasing than a sophisticated frame made of aesthetic and practical plastic. Question: how to glue plastic baguette, is relevant and, if necessary, hides minor imperfections after repair. The presence of such an interior detail opens additional features to improve the appearance of the room.

More practical than wood. This material is easier to clean and remains presentable longer. appearance without additional care. Plastic edging is much lighter in weight, so installing its structure is technically simpler. In addition, the price of plastic as a baguette material is significantly lower. This is especially important if ceiling frames are purchased for finishing office or public premises, and it is advisable to save on materials.

Stages and features of gluing plastic baguettes

The traditional technology of gluing a baguette frame for the ceiling includes several steps. This:

  1. Preparing the surface for gluing.
  2. Carrying out the necessary calculations.
  3. Cut the required length of the baguette blank.
  4. Direct installation.

The technical nuances of baguette gluing may vary depending on the type of surface. If the baguette frame is glued to the wallpaper, it is necessary to apply a smaller amount of adhesive to avoid stains and softening of the wallpaper. When gluing under suspended ceiling It is best to attach the interior frame to the wall so as not to damage the delicate surface of the ceiling. Most practical option baguette for most of these designs - ceiling plinth.

In order for the baguette edging to hold securely and look impeccable, installation must be performed correctly at all stages of work.

Surface preparation

The first step in gluing baguette edging is preparing the working surface. Before gluing the decorative panel, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and remnants of the old coating (paint, wallpaper, whitewash) and any gaps must be smoothed out using primer. In many cases, additional putty is required.

The main task preparatory stage- increase bearing capacity the surface on which the baguette panel will be held. Applying a layer of primer will greatly improve the adhesion rate, or adhesion. If you properly prepare the wall before gluing plastic baguettes, this will greatly save the consumption of adhesive while ensuring excellent frame fixation.

Calculations and markings

If each corner of the workroom is exactly 90 0, standard trimming using a miter box is sufficient. The marking work becomes more complicated if the task of the baguette panel is to hide the imperfections of the room at the junction of the ceiling and walls. To make a calculation required quantity material and markings in a room with non-standard corners, you need to place a piece of baguette in the corner between the ceiling and the wall, and then draw lines along the bottom and top of the piece.

The main value that you should focus on in this case is the intersection of solid lines on different sides of the angle. These places are indicated by marks on the baguette opposite straight lines. Accuracy and aesthetics of making joints - important indicators gluing quality.

Cutting part of a baguette

To separate the desired portion of the material for decorative panel, you can use a hacksaw for plastic or a knife with special blades.

After the necessary pieces are cut, you must check the accuracy of the angle by folding the two parts along the previously drawn marks (internal and external corners). The slightest inaccuracy should be “smoothed out” with sandpaper or a knife, otherwise a gap may form. Also suitable for this purpose electric jigsaw, especially when working with “curly”, volumetric panels.

It is also possible to trim the baguette blanks during fastening, but this is much more difficult and more time-consuming and effort-consuming. Therefore, it is better to glue pieces that fit perfectly together, rather than making corrections during installation.

Installation nuances

It is best to start gluing the baguette edging from the corners of the room - this is the basic and most painstaking work. Straight parts of the required size are much easier to glue. When applying glue to the edges of the workpieces, you must ensure that any excess sticks out. The more uniform the layer of adhesive applied, the better the plastic will “grab.” The excess that appears is evenly distributed along the edges with a brush, and the residue is washed off with heated water and soap or solvent.

When the panels are already glued, you need to pay attention to processing the connections. They are lightly puttied and sanded with sandpaper. After sanding and drying the glue, if necessary, you can paint the mounted baguette.

Choosing glue for a baguette panel

How to glue a plastic baguette selected from the rich collection of the ART-BAGET online store? Many experts recommend using “liquid nails” for this purpose - a special construction adhesive that is designed for any weight of parts. “Liquid nails” are made on neoprene or water based. This adhesive is universally compatible with different surfaces. It is preferable to apply it with a pistol.

Other options are glue “Dragon”, “Moment”, Bostik Vinycol 1520, “Khimkontakt-Desmokol” based on organic resin, specially designed for soft plastic “Secunda Vinyl”. Regardless of which glue you choose, you need to avoid getting it on the outer surface of the baguette.

Easy gluing and excellent results!

Very often, many of those who decide to carry out home renovations with their own hands do not even realize that in the process of gluing baguettes there is important rules and requirements that must be met. However, you should not think that only professionals can handle this work. We will try to tell you about all the most important points so that you can handle it on your own.

A baguette or ceiling plinth is not only an accessory that hides unevenness and gaps formed at the junction of the wall and ceiling. It is also a decorative element that gives a complete look to your room. The plinth can be made in different colors and forms, have different textures and finishes. They are easily painted with water-based emulsion, it all depends on the tasks at hand. Exists great amount style solutions that you can bring to life with the help of baguettes. All you need is to choose a ceiling plinth that suits your style, good glue and carefully glue this decorative element.

Types of baguettes

All these products can be divided into two types:

  • wall;
  • ceiling

The difference between them is as follows: the wall one is glued to one plane, it is installed on both walls and ceilings, it can also be used to decorate external corners, make a frame for panels, etc.; and the ceiling one is glued on two planes; it is often used only when finishing the junction of the wall and the ceiling.

Advice: if you decide to glue the baseboard yourself, you should not choose products with intricate patterns. They are difficult to join and putty. Believe me, a simple baguette, carefully glued, will look much better. We also recommend choosing a ceiling plinth at least 5 cm wide. Its installation will be much easier.

Gluing process

What you need to stock up on before work:

So, how to glue baguettes to the ceiling? Professionals advise the following course of action:

  1. The whole process should start with leveling the surface. If the ceiling and walls have uneven surfaces, they need to be puttied. After this, apply primer.
  2. Gluing baguettes starts from the corner. The end of the ceiling plinth must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees. This way you will get a smooth and neat joint.
  3. Apply glue along the entire length of the product in an even layer. Don't forget to apply glue to the cut corners.
  4. Place the product on the surface to be glued and press firmly. If you made the cuts correctly, the corners will clearly coincide and form an angle.
  5. The installation is complete, and once the glue has dried, you can start painting.

Many people have difficulties in designing corners, so here we would like to go into more detail. Experts say that when joining two parts of a ceiling plinth end-to-end, it is necessary to carefully work the edges with glue and press the parts tightly to squeeze out any remaining glue, which should be removed with a napkin. Press down not with your fingers, but with the edge of your palm, so you will not leave indentations from your fingers.

Sticking baguettes onto putty

Specialists have to perform work such as installing baseboards on putty. Work should begin by leveling the surface of the walls and ceiling. Then the ends are trimmed using a miter box.

The baguette is placed on glue and putty, and all unwanted cracks are closed with putty. If excess material appears, it must be removed with a napkin or clean rag. Naturally, the work must be completed before the putty dries.

After the baguette is glued, you can start gluing the wallpaper. If there is an overlap of wallpaper on the ceiling plinth, then the wallpaper is pressed against the joint with the baguette with a spatula and carefully trimmed using a utility knife. The advantage of gluing the wallpaper after installing the baguettes is that you can safely paint the ceiling plinth without fear of staining the wallpaper.

How to glue baguettes over wallpaper

Specialists also have to deal with this method when the wallpaper is already hung and there is no need to change it. In this case, the work plan looks like this:

  1. Trim the ends using a miter box.
  2. Apply a thin layer of glue to the ceiling and walls.
  3. We attach the ceiling plinth to the wall.
  4. We press it down and hold it for the time specified in the instructions for the glue.
  5. We remove excess glue with a napkin and seal the joints with sealant.
  6. We carefully paint the baguette; in some cases, the baguette is painted before starting work, so as not to stain the wallpaper.

Those who decide to use this method should know that in this case you will not need to adjust the wallpaper to fit the baguette. In addition, if distortions occur during wallpapering, they will be hidden by the baseboard.

We hope that we were able to answer most of the questions related to ceiling cornice, and its installation will be easy and relaxed for you!

I have a friend who is an excellent scientist and economist, but he can’t hammer a nail into a wall. Therefore, I was surprised when, in a telephone conversation, he asked how to glue baguettes to the ceiling. Vadik is building Vacation home and periodically helps me and the team do unskilled work. In the evening I went to see the condition interior decoration and find out the reason for your interest in ceiling skirting boards.

Preparing walls and ceilings for wallpapering

The workers hired for interior decoration decided to cheat. A kind and slightly absent-minded customer should not understand the intricacies of their profession. They were wrong. Vadik has an iron character. He likes smooth ceilings and walls, right angles.

Having examined uneven surfaces without stripping and priming, I unloaded the tool for gluing baguettes from the car:

  • miter box for cutting skirting boards at an angle;
  • spatulas 7 and 20 centimeters;
  • cord and tracer for beating lines;
  • a gun with a bottle of glue for connecting the ends;
  • assembly adhesive for polystyrene foam products.

It was necessary to start leveling and priming the walls. Otherwise, you won’t be able to glue the baguette correctly. I putty. Vadik primed and cleaned. In rooms with a suspended ceiling, it was first installed. Tiles were laid in the bathroom and kitchen.

Attention : Baguettes stick perfectly smooth walls and ceiling, cleaned and primed.

With an assistant, we glue ceiling plinths for painting

Use a piece of ceiling plinth to mark the size on the ceiling and walls. Then, with the help of a friend and a cord, I marked out the lines along which the baguette should lie. We used a simple foam baseboard with longitudinal projections. It is easy to glue, no need to adjust the pattern. We started from the corner. Using a miter box, we cut the end at an angle of 45° on one strip, then on the other, turning the plinth upside down with the bottom plane. Since the length was not enough for the entire wall, I immediately cut off the second end. The joint is better preserved and does not crack over time if it is cut obliquely. The bonding plane and resistance to deformation increases.

The ceiling molding is glued along two planes. They can be lubricated with putty or sealant. I prefer mounting adhesive. Polystyrene foam holds the composition best for polystyrene foam products.

I checked the correctness of the cut on the baseboards in the corner, placing them dry in place. Apply glue with a spatula to both surfaces of the baguette. After that, I carefully applied it, guided by the lines to glue it correctly, and pressed it along the entire length. Then the second one. The excess glue that came out was collected with a spatula. Entrusted the assistant to wipe the baseboards warm water to use a sponge to wash away all excess. If it dries, it will be difficult to clean. On the next strips of baguette, I greased the ends with joint glue. The cylinder is loaded into the mounting gun. I applied a little bit onto the foam and immediately removed the excess. A friend with warm water followed me.

Sealing joints is done with a rubber spatula so as not to harm the baseboard.

On the semi-column I prepared in advance pieces of baguette with convex corners. Marked the bottom edge. The ceiling plinth was turned over and placed on the miter box. Checked that the cutting direction was correct, outer side more. Then I did everything the same way.

The next day, when the baguette had stuck and dried, I went over the corners and joints with putty. I used a small rubber spatula without a handle to do this. Then repeated and completed processing acrylic putty. It was more difficult to fit the foam on the outer corners. Every time the solution dried, Vadik sanded it. A few days later I instructed a friend to prime everything and began painting.

As a result, the “student” wrote down the order of work in his notes:

  1. Make markings on the walls and ceiling.
  2. Cut the baguette and check the correct angle.
  3. Spread with glue.
  4. Place along the line and glue.
  5. Wipe with water.
  6. Putty the joints and clean them.

The walls in the bathroom are lined tiles. So as not to smear it, ceiling molding With front side painted over. I cut the foam, laid it on the floor and brushed it a few days before gluing. Some of the paint from this can was left unpainted on the joints and corners after stripping.

The tiles have a hard, glossy surface. The plane adjacent to the ceiling and the ends were smeared assembly adhesive. On the bottom I applied a thin strip of sealant at the top. He did it with a pistol. It is very important that the sealant does not protrude beyond the edge of the baguette. I know from experience that paint doesn’t stick to it and it’s impossible to clean it. To create a smooth transition, I pasted masking tape on the tile, right under the foam. Then I sealed the gap with white acrylic putty and removed the excess with a tile spatula, a corner with a radius of 2 mm.

Wall moldings are glued under suspended ceilings

DIY wallpaper with ceiling plinth

When it came to a room with a suspended ceiling, Vadik was afraid that we would not be able to glue the baguette correctly and not damage the thin film. I explained to him that they use flat wall moldings for this. They are glued only on a vertical plane. You can also install a ceiling plinth. Then its upper part is pressed tightly against the dry ceiling. Glue is applied only to the bottom plane.

To avoid cutting the stretch ceiling film with a knife, I carefully checked the cutting. Lightweight foam, it can be glued to wallpaper. Polyurethane is denser, has more specific gravity. It's not worth the risk. Need to trim top part wallpaper along the line marking the edge of the baguette. Then clean the wall and prime it. We prepared the rooms ourselves. I decided to glue the baseboard first and then the wallpaper. This makes it more convenient to putty and clean the ends. The wall covering will not be damaged.

We cut the baguettes and checked their fit seven times. Only after that did I start smearing the baseboard and gluing it to the wall. When marking, I pressed the upper part tightly against the stretch ceiling. Now I laid the finishing strips along the line and double-checked the pressing against the film. Excess glue was immediately removed. A friend confidently followed me with a sponge and wiped the ceiling molding.

Before sealing the joints, I asked Vadik to bring newspapers. I placed the sheets between the suspended ceiling and the upper plane of the baseboard. I secured it to the film with pieces of tape. Properly remove traces of adhesive tape with window cleaner.

Non-standard options for finishing suspended ceilings with skirting boards

My friend learned quickly and was creative in the process; he was fascinated by gluing the baguette. When we got to the living room, we purchased LEDs and a massive ceiling plinth. We needed a wide top baguette. Having marked a line along the wall, we drew another one below. We decided to glue a baguette with a gap under the suspended ceiling. LEDs were installed in the gap around the entire perimeter. The lighting visually raised the vault.

It's a pity that there are no more rooms in the house. We got so many ideas, especially from a friend.

5 ways to perfectly paint your ceiling plinth

We will need the following auxiliary and Consumables to glue the ceiling plinth:

  1. Pencil.
  2. Hacksaw.
  3. Sponge and detergent.
  4. Paint brush.
  5. Sandpaper.
  6. Level.
  7. Adhesive (eg liquid nails, silicone).
  8. Miter box.

How to glue a baguette to the ceiling: instructions. Step 1: Surface Preparation

Preparation includes leveling all areas on the ceiling. With help building level more than 2 meters check the evenness of the surface. Irregularities must be smoothed out with putty, but before this the ceiling is cleaned of dust and primed.

Step 2: marking the ceiling and walls

To do this, you need to place the baguette in the corner from the wall to the ceiling and mark the edges of the baguette on the wall along the upper and lower contours. It is important to mark with a weak pencil lead so that it can be easily erased. Similar markings should be made on the second wall.

Step 3: marking the dimensions of the ceiling molding

To determine the required length, you need to attach the baguette to the wall and put marks for cutting at the intersection with other sections.

Step 4: dividing the baguette at a certain angle

Previously, you determined the measurements of the ceiling plinth, and to cut it you need a miter box tool, which is required in order to cut the material at the desired angle. For connecting walls, this is most often an angle of 45°. The baguette is placed in the wort and the required length is cut off using a hacksaw or knife. Then the cut pieces are placed together and their sizes are checked for consistency. If you find an inaccuracy, remove the excess with a knife.

Step 5: pasting the corner and walls

The first thing to do when gluing baguettes is to glue the corner of the room. Apply liquid nails to the edges of the baguette and spread over the baguette. Press the baseboard against the wall within the marked boundaries. For this process you also need to use a sponge with detergent, which can remove residual glue protruding around the edges.

Step 6: Adjusting Connections

The places where the baseboards are attached are puttied and sanded down. Putty and sandpaper You can buy it in any store. The glue and putty must dry completely, and only then should you continue working with the coatings. The drying time of the materials is indicated on their packaging.

Important! Pasting the baguette is always done before wallpapering the ceiling and walls. Otherwise, puttying the baseboard will become a problematic job.

Step 7: Painting and Decorating

Decoration begins only after gluing is completed and everything is completely dry. The decoration procedure includes painting in the most various colors depending on the chosen interior style. So the baguette can be decorated in high-tech, baroque, modern and any other finishing style. The material is completely dismantled and replaced if necessary.

You can clearly see how to properly glue baguettes in the video.

How to glue baguettes to a suspended ceiling step by step

There is an opinion that a suspended ceiling is an unstable material and can deteriorate or break if it comes into contact with anything sharp. Therefore, only rare painters decide to work with this coating and install skirting boards on it. But in reality everything is simpler.

Using special glue or regular putty glue the baguette on the wall. They level the joints between the wall, molding and ceiling.

Step 1: trimming the baseboard

You need to cut the plinth of the tension covering differently than for a regular ceiling. Care should be taken not to damage the expensive ceiling with a knife or hacksaw. Therefore, pruning is done on the floor, and not under the ceiling. Wort is also used to measure the cutting angle.

Baguettes visually look like baseboards and are used to decorate the joints between walls and ceilings. Can have different shapes, colors, finishes and are glued end-to-end or onto wallpaper. They can be easily painted with water-based paint depending on the design objectives.

There are a lot of options for creating a variety of style solutions; you just need to choose the right baguette, as well as choose good glue and carefully fix the products on the ceiling and wall.

Glue for baguettes - the choice of professionals

Modern baguettes are most often made not from plaster, which is difficult to glue, but from polystyrene. This material is lightweight, easy to cut, transport and glue. Craftsmen use special adhesives for polystyrene.

  1. Styropor Kleber.
  2. Decofix Pro.
  3. Titan SM.
The most common choice of glue for baguettes is liquid nails. They adhere perfectly to hard surfaces, quickly set and over time the baguette does not move away from the ceiling.

Apply glue using a special mounting gun, which allows you to carefully apply liquid nails into inconvenient places with minimal excess.

Transparent polyurethane adhesive, available in tubes, is also used. It securely glues the baguettes, but you need to work quickly and carefully.

If the choice was made in favor silicone sealants, it is worth knowing that after drying, paint them water-based paints will not work.

Adhesion will depend on the quality of the glue, but you also need to work with it correctly, so do not forget to study the instructions before starting work.

How to properly glue baguettes to the ceiling

  1. Work begins with leveling the surface. Walls and ceilings with defects are carefully puttied, after which a primer is applied.
  2. Start gluing the baguette from the corner. The end of the baguette is cut at an angle of 45 degrees to create an even, neat joint.
  3. The glue is applied in an even layer along the entire length, as well as on the cut corners.
  4. Next, the product is applied to the surface and pressed tightly. The 45 degree cut corners should line up exactly to form an angle. The joints are also carefully taped.
  5. After the glue has dried, you can begin painting.

Question: glue baguettes in the corners

The craftsmen answer - when connecting parts of the plinth end-to-end, you must add glue and carefully press it against the wall to squeeze out the remaining adhesive. It is better to press down with the edge of your palm so that there are no indentations from your fingers.

Remains of glue are removed with a damp cloth.


This method is used when wallpaper has already been pasted and baguettes need to be fixed on top.

In this case, the operating procedure is as follows:

  • first you need to trim the ends with a miter box,
  • then apply to surfaces thin layer glue,
  • attach the baguette to the wall,
  • press it down and hold it for the time specified in the instructions,
  • remove excess glue with a napkin,
  • seal the joints with sealant,
  • the surface is painted with acrylic or water-based paint.

It is very important to be careful when painting so as not to touch the wallpaper, or even better, paint the baguette before installing it.