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Aurora is a female name. The meaning of the rare name Aurora

The female name Aurora is derived from the Latin word “aura”, which translates as “predawn breeze”. Aurora was the name of the ancient Roman goddess dawn, as a result of which total value this name is defined as something bright, ascending.

Characteristics of the name Aurora, compatibility with the signs of the zodiac

Aurora is a name that is undeservedly rarely found on the territory of Russia. It is well suited for girls born in spring, as the sound of the two letters “r” is firm and strong, this name can correct the rather weak and flexible character of the “spring” child, give him courage and determination. Also a good decision will call Aurora a baby born under the zodiac sign of Leo, because Leo is known to be very confident people who love to be in the spotlight, which is ideal for the self-centered, persistent and rather stubborn Auroras.

Pros and cons of the name Aurora

Among strengths of this beautiful name- euphony and good combination with most common middle names (it is better if the middle name is not polysyllabic, for example, Aurora Markovna or Aurora Ivanovna sounds good, and Aurora Konstantinovna is too complicated). It may also appeal to parents looking for a rare but not weird name. Among the negative qualities of the name Aurora - small choice diminutive variants of the name (most often affectionately they are called Aurorushki or Rora) and its absence in the calendar, that is, parents who want to christen a child by Orthodox customs, will be forced to choose a middle name for their daughter from Orthodox calendar... In addition, the owners of this name are distinguished by a very complex character, therefore, parents who decided to name their daughter Aurora should seriously think about correcting some of the baby's character traits literally from infancy, not allowing her pride to grow.


Little Auroras, as a rule, are characterized by poor health, a tendency to frequent colds, and in adulthood they also suffer from nervous disorders.

Love and family relationships

V family relationships they are uncompromising, loving to hold the leadership of a woman, however, with the right choice partner, they may well enter into successful marriages and be happy wives. Most often, Auroras become very good mothers, who are able to moderately strictly and moderately tenderly form their relationships with children.

Professional sphere

Work plays an important role in Aurora's life - for the sake of professional success, she even forgets about her inherent whims, preferring not to stick out in the foreground, but to systematically climb career ladder... In terms of mindset and physical activity, Auroras are most suitable for employment in the financial sphere, trade, and administrative work, but they are also not alien to creative activity, which, however, Auroras most often leave for a hobby.


Aurora's name day is not celebrated, since this name is not in church calendars.

Aurora's birthday

Name days for women with the name Aurora are absent, since saints with this name do not appear in the calendar.

The meaning of the name Aurora

Aurora means "dawn, morning dawn" (this is a translation of the name Aurora from Latin).

The origin of the name Aurora

Analysis of the mystery of the name Aurora makes sense to start with its origin. The history of the name Aurora has ancient Roman roots. So in Roman mythology, the goddess of the morning dawn was called. And it came from the Latin word "aurora", which is translated into Russian as "dawn, morning dawn."

What does the name Aurora mean according to B. Khigir

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Aurora by B. Khigir, a woman with this name is always persistent, stubborn and unpredictable. At the same time, however, she is patient and judicious. Aurora does not commit rash acts. She prefers to calculate everything in advance, and once she takes up some business, she will definitely bring it to the end.

Aurora is distinguished by eccentricity of thinking. In the family, she strives for leadership, and at work she tries to stay in the background.

Aurora's favorite hobby is traveling.

The most vulnerable part of her body is nervous system... In addition, Aurora is prone to colds.

Characteristics of the name Aurora by L. Tsymbalova

According to the description of the name Aurora by L. Tsymbalova in childhood, the bearer of this name is an eccentric, hot-tempered, dreamer. Parents are not authority for her. If she deserves to be punished, the parents should not be too lenient. Aurora is stubborn, if she has something in mind, it is impossible to dissuade, but it is better not to use force, it is better to try to convince. If you suppress her desire, she can lose faith in herself. She is an average student, not too smart, but assiduous.

In an adult Aurora, accidental defeats only tenfold her persistence. It does not lend itself to influence, it is considered only with its opinion. Overly self-confident, acts skillfully, but without proper restraint, because of this, she may be defeated.

The nature of the name Aurora is such that its owner tries not to throw out her emotions, keeps balanced, even cold, but often suppresses others, especially her husband, who in the company becomes the object of her strict guardianship.

Aurora is a business woman who is well versed in financial affairs... She is practical, adventurous, determined. He always knows who to deal with. She can also work as a translator, administrator, she has the ability to trade. She is respected for her willingness to submit useful advice, professional quality. Aurora will complete any business, she is not boastful, but in her soul she is inclined to too high self-esteem.

Therefore, Aurora sometimes never gets married. This is especially true of the "winter", always impregnable and proud. True, this is only a mask, but not every man will be able to discern behind her a sensitive heart, an addicted, romantic nature. A volcano is smoldering inside her, the unexpected eruption of which can bring many surprises.

In the family, Aurora is a leader, even somewhat despotic. It all depends on her mood.

She is very patient with children, at the same time strict and compliant. It is not easy to live with her, but the one who has achieved reciprocity from her is happy.

Derivatives of the name Aurora

Variants of the name Aurora: absent.

Diminutive of the name Aurora: Aurora, Ava, Ara, Rora, Aurorushka.

The name Aurora in different languages

  • Name Aurora on English language: Aurora (Aurora).
  • Name Aurora on German: Aurora (Aurora).
  • Name Aurora on French: Aurore (Aoror).
  • Name Aurora on Spanish: Aurora (Aurora).
  • The name of Aurora in Portuguese: Aurora (Aurora).
  • The name of Aurora in Italian: Aurora (Aurora).
  • The name of Aurora in Occitan language: Aurora (Auroro).
  • The name Aurora in Catalan is Aurora.
  • The name of Aurora in Hungarian: Aur? Ra (Aurora).
  • The name of Aurora in Ukrainian: Aurora.
  • The name of Aurora in Polish: Aurora (Aurora, Aurora).
  • Name Aurora on Czech: Aurora (Aurora, Aurora).
  • The name Aurora in Dutch: Aurora (Aurora).
  • The name of Aurora in Danish: Aurora (Aurora).
  • The name of Aurora in Swedish: Aurora (Aurora).
  • The name of Aurora in Romanian: Aurora (Aurora).

Famous Auroras:

  • Aurora Demidova-Karamzina is a Swedish aristocrat, the wife of the Russian aristocrat Pavel Demidov (first marriage) and the son of the writer N.V. Karamzin Andrei Karamzin (second marriage).
  • Aurora Demidova is a Russian aristocrat, granddaughter of Aurora Demidova-Karamzina, wife of the Serbian prince Arsen Karageorgievich, mother of Prince Pavel Karageorgievich, regent of Yugoslavia.
  • Aurora Königsmark is a Swedish aristocrat of German descent, mistress of Augustus the Strong, a Saxon elector and king of Poland.
  • Aurora Dupin is a French writer, great-great-granddaughter of Aurora Königsmark and August the Strong.
  • Aurora Nilsson is a Swedish writer.
  • Auror Clement is a French film actress.
  • Aurora Sanseverino is an Italian aristocrat and poet.
  • Aurora Bautista is a Spanish film actress.
  • Aurora Robles is a Mexican supermodel.
  • Aurora Miranda is a Brazilian singer and film actress.

3 version of the meaning of the name Aurora

In ancient Greek mythology
Aurora - Goddess of the morning dawn.

- a complex person, unpredictable.
In early childhood, these babies cause a lot of trouble for both parents and educators.

They are irritable
capricious and stubborn. They look like a father, but in character they look like a mother. Are prone to colds
diseases, they have a vulnerable nervous system. They study well, make music,
dancing. They are fond of reading.

Growing up, remain as persistent
and stubborn.

sometimes they don't come out
married because they tend to have too high self-esteem. We must give them their due -
they are really talented. They strive to shine in society at any cost. Born in winter
Auroras are reels, willingly travel to cities and countries, if
there is such an opportunity.

- are reasonable and do not commit rash acts. There will be no surprises in their life.
- they will calculate everything in advance. These women are patient and sensitive. Married quite
happy, they strive to lead in the family, although at work they prefer to stay in
shadows. They don't boast.

brings any business to the end. They have extraordinary thinking, and they dress outside the box.
Favorite colors: purple, brown and blue.

- natures addicted,
romantic. Of all literature, they prefer poetry and write poetry themselves.

They will be happy in marriage with men named Yegor, Stanislav,
Efim, Vladislav, Boris, Igor, Ilya, Lev, Felix, Semyon. The names are Roman, Cyril, Joseph,
Denis, Gennady, Vitaly - do not go well with the name Aurora.

Numerology named after Aurora

Name number: 3

Number 3 is sacred. It carries a message about the mutually complementary combination of opposites.
In numerology, this number is ruled by Mars - a very strong planet, whose wards have a sharp, lively and dynamic character. This creative people with a rich imagination, intuition, high intellectual potential.
The number three is introverted. Its motto is "Giver of joy." Three people are rich inner world, gorgeous sense of humor and delicate taste. They are sociable, optimistic, cheerful, charismatic.

The meaning of the letters in the name Aurora

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to be proactive in everything and do not like routine.

V- sociability, optimism, love for nature and art. People with names beginning with "B" choose professions related to creativity. They are great musicians, painters, fashion designers and writers. Despite the passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their whole life with one person.

R- people with the letter "P" in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuitions, they have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

O- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those who have the letter "O" in their name are hardworking and possess creativity... For them, professions related to strategic thinking and the economy. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

Name as a phrase

  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • V- Lead
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • O- He (Oh, Oh)

Aurora in Roman mythology is the goddess of the dawn, the daughter of the titan Hyperion and the titanides Theia, sister of Helios and Selena. Aurora with her beloved Astraeus gave birth to the winds: Borea, Nota and Zephyr, as well as the stars.

Aphrodite took revenge on Aurora for sharing a bed with Ares (Mars), and instilled in her a constant desire. Obeying him, Aurora kidnapped Orion and Kefalus and indulged in insatiable passion with them.

Energy named after Aurora

The main feature of the name Aurora character is inconstancy. Sometimes it seems that Aurora herself does not know what she wants. At the same time, she is intelligent, sociable and stubborn. Despite the external unpredictability of her actions, in fact, are consistent, because any business she undertakes, brings to the end.

The girl is eccentric, quick-tempered, dreamer. Parents are not authority for her. If she deserves to be punished, the parents should not be too lenient. Aurora is stubborn, if she has something in mind, it is impossible to dissuade, but it is better not to use force, it is better to try to convince. If you suppress her desire, she can lose faith in herself. She is an average student, not too smart, but assiduous.

In an adult Aurora, accidental defeats only tenfold her persistence. It does not lend itself to influence, it is considered only with its opinion. Overly self-confident, acts skillfully, but without proper restraint, because of this, she may be defeated.

Aurora tries not to throw out her emotions, keeps herself balanced, even cold, but often suppresses others, especially her husband, who in the company becomes the object of her strict guardianship.

Aurora is a business woman who is well versed in financial matters. She is practical, adventurous, determined. He always knows who to deal with. She can also work as a translator, administrator, she has the ability to trade. She is respected for her willingness to give good advice, professional qualities. Aurora will bring any business to the end, she is not boastful, but in her soul she is prone to too high self-esteem.

Therefore, Aurora sometimes never gets married. This is especially true of the "winter", always impregnable and proud. True, this is only a mask, but not every man will be able to discern behind her a sensitive heart, an addicted, romantic nature. A volcano is smoldering inside her, the unexpected eruption of which can bring many surprises.

Characteristics of the name Aurora

Aurora is a complex and unpredictable person. In early childhood, these babies cause a lot of trouble for both parents and educators. They are irritable, moody and stubborn. They look like a father, but in character they look like a mother. They are susceptible to colds, they have a vulnerable nervous system.

They study well, study music, dance. They are fond of reading.

Growing up, they remain as persistent and stubborn. "Winter" sometimes never get married, because they tend to have too high self-esteem. We must give them their due - they are really talented. Auroras bring any business to the end. They have extraordinary thinking, and they dress outside the box. They don't boast.

The dress is usually very elegant. Both in youth and in mature years does not lack fans, although he has no real friends. He has talents in the field of music and theater, but does not strive for world fame. Strives to shine in society at any cost.

Auroras, born in winter, are reels, willingly travel to cities and countries, if such an opportunity presents itself.

"Autumn" - reasonable and do not commit rash acts. There will be no surprises in their life - they will calculate everything in advance.

"Summer" - natures addicted, romantic. Of all literature, they prefer poetry and write poetry.

These women are patient and sensitive. Women named Aurora get married late. In marriage, they are quite happy, they strive to lead in the family, although at work they prefer to keep in the background. Aurora is an excellent hostess and strict mother. He does not give her husband any indulgences either, forcing him to help with the housework. It is not easy to live with her, but the one who has achieved reciprocity from her is happy. The attitude towards children is more friendly than maternal.

They will be happy in marriage with men named Yegor, Stanislav, Efim, Vladislav, Boris, Igor, Ilya, Lev, Felix, Semyon, Alexander, Georgy, Nikolai, Mikhail, Konstantin, Victor.

The names Roman, Cyril, Joseph, Denis, Gennady, Vitaly, Leonid, Valentin, Timofey, Stepan or Dmitry do not go well with the name Aurora.

Secrets of communication

Aurora is a ceremonial lady, scrupulous, extremely judicious. She is respected for her willingness to give the right advice and be the first to come to the rescue. To offend Aurora even over trifles is to make an enemy for herself: she will harm in every way, but secretly.

V noisy company Aurora transforms: sings, dances, makes caustic remarks if she feels rivalry. However, by the end of the party, she is again in the same cold touchy image.

Diminutive and affectionate forms of the name

Avosha, Avroshka, Avrorushka, Asya, Roshenka, Avochka, Ava, Avushka.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac sign: Virgo.
Planet: Proserpine.
Name color: pink.
Talisman Stone: pink chalcedony.

Mysterious and unusual, this female name rarely given to a child from birth, but many famous personalities choose him as a pseudonym, because the meaning of the name Aurora in translation from Latin is "dawn" or " rising Sun". But if the parents nevertheless decided to name their daughter that way, then they are destined to live with a multifaceted and creative nature, and prepare for raising not the most obedient baby.

The meaning of the name Aurora for a girl assumes the absence of any authorities, she does not equal anyone, and expects everyone to dance "to her tune." Therefore, the mom and dad of this eccentric baby should show firmness, and even toughness in upbringing, although it will be very difficult.

A girl already at a very tender age is able to manipulate, using kindness and pliancy more often than anger and aggression. But if she looks at you with her innocent eyes, having done something wrong, then you don’t need to let it go, otherwise the girl will completely loose her girdle. One more important detail, characterizing the meaning of the name Aurora for a child - perseverance.

She will strive for her goals, albeit small, but of great importance to her. And here the parents have a chance to cheat and direct her determination in the right direction. The baby has many innate creative talents, and the main thing is not to waste time and give her the opportunity to do what she likes.

A technique that should never be used is suppression. If she loses the ability to achieve the goal, then life will lose its former meaning for her. Using authoritarian methods of education, you can easily lock Aurora on your own complexes.

The interpretation of the name changes somewhat in adolescence- the girl becomes more judicious, amazes with her learning capabilities, even shows pedantry. But inside she is still emotional, just life has taught her to be more careful.


Aurora's relationship with the opposite sex cannot be called rosy. Yes, with her amazing appearance and deliberate coldness she attracts the looks of many men, but this does not “mean” that they are all ready to break the “ice” of inaccessibility and try to get the attention of this girl.

And she is more concerned with career, self-development, so most dates end in vain. The girl is calm about one-time sex, and it is this trait that gives the characteristic meaning to her actions. Plus, most men do not like the fact that she strives for leadership in a couple, and often simply suppresses the decisive actions of her soul mate.

Therefore, Aurora is often lonely, and in most cases, she feels much more comfortable without burdensome relationships for her. But if she nevertheless marries, then the man next to her should be gentle, calm about the fact that he is being ruled.


V family life the woman prefers consistency and strict rules, which "means" the need for regular monitoring of household members. She does not accept the dismissive attitude of her husband to her requests, but at the same time she herself tries to treat her chosen one with the greatest possible respect.

She tends to keep her husband "tight-knit", and if a man's personality is authoritarian enough, then most likely he will go "left" in spite of the prohibitions. However, the girl attaches special importance to loyalty, and if she finds out about the betrayal, divorce will be the only way out of the situation.

Business and career

Aurora's self-esteem is always on top, which means that by her actions she fully justifies the snobbery and vanity inherent in her character. Whatever business is entrusted to her by her superiors, she will definitely bring it to the end, and will receive well-deserved praise. It is in her work that she tries to achieve impeccability, here her innate ability to idealize is manifested.

A woman good ability to economics and finance, she is "friendly" with numbers, and is distinguished by special honesty. Despite the mathematical mindset, for her great importance has a creative component of the work process, and if the opportunity to express herself is absent at work, she comes up with hobbies for herself, sometimes even the most incredible.

The origin of the name Aurora

The question is where did this come from ancient name, no one doubts - Aurora was called the ancient Greek goddess of dawn, respectively, the origin of the name Aurora came to us from Ancient Greece.

Its etymology goes like a horse into a word denoting dawn, but it can be interpreted in different ways - "rising sun" or "morning star". WITH ancient goddess Aurora has many stories, but perhaps the saddest one is about how she lost her son in Trojan War, whose name is now constantly on the lips of the goddess.

On ancient frescoes, she is depicted in a mournful pose and with tears in her eyes, which, according to legend, turn into cold morning dew. This plot reveals the secret of the name, which, for all its inaccessibility and majesty, hides a loving and vulnerable soul under it.

Characteristics of the name Aurora

Despite her difficult character, Aurora is always respected in the team, and her friends love her. She can give good advice, her logical impeccable thinking helps to analyze the current situation. Although a sociable girl cannot be called, she attracts friends of both sexes, but at the same time attaches great importance to her environment.

As in all other cases, the characteristics of the name Aurora are fraught with pros and cons. One of the biggest flaws in Aurora is rancor and vindictiveness. She is ready to do anything to punish her abuser, and sometimes her methods are quite cruel.

But this has its advantages - she will never take a trifling mockery for a situation worthy of revenge, her prudence helps to highlight the most important thing. However, if offended by her close person- be it a relative or a spouse, she is quite capable of forgiveness, but she will not endure a disdainful attitude for a long time.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Chalcedony.
  • Name day - no.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Virgo.

Famous people

  • Aurora is a Russian TV presenter and actress.
  • Aurora Vailantcourt is a Canadian actress.

Different languages

Since this sonorous name came to us from Greece, the translation of the name Aurora is in many languages ​​of the European group, and its sound is quite similar to Russian: Aurora, Aurora, Auri, Aurora, Oror.

You can also talk about how the word is translated into languages ​​exotic for us. If we translate its meaning in Japanese - "dawn", then it will be pronounced like Akira. When translated into Chinese, the sound will be very unusual, due to the absence of the letter "r" in the language - Avaluol, which can be written in hieroglyphs - 阿 娃 羅拉.

Name forms

  • Full name is Aurora.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Aurora, Aurochka, Aurochka, Avra, Rory.
  • Declination of the name - Aurora, Aurora.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Aurora.