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Scorpio man - a description of the character, love and family relationships.

Scorpio is the most controversial zodiac sign in the horoscope. This is a combination of a difficult character with an incredibly strong will and pressure. The Scorpio man simply subjugates the environment to his will, like a fakir cobra. This is a born leader who does not tolerate any objections. Which of the women suits Scorpio and can conquer his sophisticated imagination?

Character and inclinations

Scorpio's motto is all or nothing! It is fire under the guise of restrained skepticism. Scorpio is born a winner, so in no situation does he give up - he fights to the end. Energy and desperate determination help him reach the intended peak. On an intuitive level, Scorpio feels that it is necessary in this moment to achieve victory.

A distinctive feature of a Scorpio man is a tendency to excess in everything - food, drinks, sex, work.

Obstacles annoy Scorpions, they will demolish any obstacle in their path. It seems that Scorpio lives in constant war with himself and his environment. The tendency to destruction and self-destruction is inherent in him from birth. The patron of Scorpio is the planet Pluto, the most mystical and unpredictable.

Scorpio sees life as sporting event where he should be the winner.

The constant struggle inside and the boiling of passions can lead Scorpio to an adventurous path of life, or it can make him a fanatic moral standards. It's either a robber high road, either a saint or an incredible intellectual. It all depends on upbringing moral basis laid down since childhood. Spoiled from childhood, Scorpio becomes, as a rule, an immoral person with a low bar of moral values.

Scorpio attracts and repels people at the same time.

Many Scorpios literally vampirize their surroundings because they are constantly in an agitated state. The cross of donors is often carried by relatives and spouses. Vampirism is expressed in endless nit-picking of loved ones, which exhausts them emotionally. The cruelty of Scorpios is so merciless that it exceeds all conceivable limits.

How can you scare the fearless Scorpio? He is afraid of only one thing - to lose power over the situation. However, this fear rarely comes true, since the developed intuition of the representatives of the water element helps to foresee everything in advance.

Love and relationships

What is a Scorpio man in love? This is a gallant gentleman who seeks to bewitch the chosen one with a look. If he fails, he uses another weapon - poison. This poison completely paralyzes the feelings of the intended victim, and then Scorpio can enjoy brilliant victory. Under the mask of a cold indifferent (but not detached, but more cynical) person is an impressionable and even vulnerable soul.

If Scorpio has played a tough joke on you in the presence of strangers, in private he will certainly confess his true feelings. You need to get used to this and take it for granted: these are the character traits of this strange sign zodiac.

The Scorpio man is the most passionate and extravagant lover of all the zodiac signs.

The question of jealousy is one of the main ones for a Scorpio man. The chosen one must be beyond suspicion so that her beloved does not turn into Othello. But it is better to hide your jealousy away, otherwise life will turn into continuous torture. The Scorpio man is so charming that women can go crazy under his spell. This is expressed in constant harassment on their part, which is unpleasant to watch for a legal wife. In this situation, the belief that the spouse is not interested in fans will come to the rescue. prostitute(not without reason).

Scorpio men appreciate in women the mind, quick wit and unrevealed secrets. If these qualities are not there, Scorpions are simply not interested in these women. The manifestation of trust in the spouse of Scorpio will pay off handsomely: he will be able to give just fabulous love, which few people are capable of at all.

What kind of women are suitable for Scorpios? They must have stoic endurance. In addition, a woman must be:

  • sexually interesting;
  • a good housewife;
  • obedient and accommodating;
  • soft and gentle;
  • financially independent.

Since one of the main qualities of Scorpio's character is a tendency to scandals, the spouse should be able to extinguish flashes of inappropriate behavior of her chosen one. If a woman does not know how to do this, life with Scorpio will not work out.

If Scorpio has set a goal to achieve the love of a woman, he will do it painfully for a long time and with the most eccentric methods. But to tame a Scorpio to yourself is a failure. First, Scorpios are not trainable. Secondly, many of them frankly do not respect women and openly call them stupid creatures.

Family and marriage

Family life with Scorpio is full of all kinds of colors - from light tones to the darkest. Only a balanced woman with a strong and strong-willed character can get along with this eccentric and temperamental man. A lover of bullying and ridicule, Scorpio does not respect dependent on him and overly compliant women.

An emotionally and financially independent woman with strong character, not falling into hysterics over every trifle.

Do not expect to marry a Scorpio and sit on his neck - he will push around every piece of bread eaten with a completely ruthless look. Scorpio appreciates only his worthy partner in life, a fighter for the best place under the sun. Scorpio appreciates such women and is afraid to lose.

Characteristics of Scorpio family life Definitely a good family man. However, the cruelty of Scorpio towards their loved ones resonates in children's hearts - growing up, they break off relations with their parents or are indifferent to them.

Scorpio women are distinguished by a truly strong, strong-willed character. They are fighters by nature, because they are patronized by the planet Mars. From positive qualities representatives of this zodiac sign can be called purposefulness, honesty, devotion to their work and their partner. If your wife is a scorpio, you can rely on her 100%. If we talk about her attitude to work, then she is an avid workaholic and until she does what is necessary, she cannot be kicked out of her workplace. A scorpio woman is a wonderful mother who takes care of her children even when they can no longer be called children. Concerning negative qualities, then, first of all, this is self-blame - not a single sign of the zodiac knows how to endure the brain like this one; one can also note a certain authoritarianism and complete absence respect for the opinions of others.

Cajetta, clairvoyant.

  1. Scorpio women are sexier than other zodiac signs

They not only attract representatives of the opposite sign more often than women of other signs of the zodiac, but they are also the most liberated. Also, scorpio women give sex in their lives a very great importance. At the same time, their imagination can be limitless. Sexual Compatibility with a man for her is one of the main criteria by which she chooses a partner. If everything is not perfect in sex, then it will be difficult to build a long-term relationship with her. Many men may not even be able to withstand such a demanding, passionate, and sometimes even insatiable partner, which often are scorpio women.

  1. Scorpios always dominate and keep everything under control.

For loved ones, this quality of scorpion women can be both of great value and a real punishment. Her imperious character, on the one hand, is manifested in the boundless care and guardianship of family members, children and soulmate. But on the other hand, they often turn into real tyrants. A Scorpio woman likes to set her own rules in the house and rarely compromises. When something does not go her way, conflict cannot be avoided. This is especially true in the upbringing of children.

  1. Scorpions always win

In all spheres of life, these women love excitement and a competitive moment. To demonstrate to themselves and others what they are capable of is a great pleasure for scorpions. In this regard, they often achieve great success in sports, are able to win the heart of the most sought-after man and take a leading position in other areas of life. Competition never frightens them, but only stimulates them, because by nature they are leaders. At the same time, they have enough strength, determination and perseverance for any achievement.

  1. Hide your private life

They are accustomed to overcoming all life's difficulties on their own, therefore they rarely turn to others for advice, and in general they dedicate them to their affairs. Scorpio women do not like to talk about their family, they share only what they consider necessary. They boast that they have a successful husband, but you never know about his shortcomings. She will always position her family as the greatest value in her life. For women of this zodiac sign, family, children, husband are definitely a priority. At the same time, she will always take care of her children, take care not only that they are shod and dressed, but also develop.

  1. Very curious

Curiosity is not a vice, but a second happiness. This is exactly what the scorpio woman thinks, and in this she is right. Without the necessary share of curiosity, even a hundredth part would not have been committed scientific discoveries! And the scorpio woman is ready to show curiosity everywhere and always - and this is not an idle quality, she does not like gossip. Curiosity for her is an incentive to new hobbies, work, knowledge. Thanks to him, they draw information.

  1. Obsessed with scary things

Scorpio is the very sign of the zodiac, which mysticism does not scare, but, on the contrary, attracts. It seems to some that they are crazy, but in fact, the representatives of this zodiac sign really believe in everything magical. And they try, if possible, to add this very magic as much as possible into their lives. Do not be surprised that when you come to visit a scorpion woman, you will find massive candles placed in the corners and a small saucer of milk on the table - no, this is not for a cat, but for a brownie. She will only go to the movies to see horror films, and in the evenings she will watch Hitchcock.

  1. black humor lovers

Scorpio women are characterized by sarcasm and the habit of being ironic over everything. This also shows her leadership skills and the ability to see people through. Moreover, sometimes this is manifested in overly caustic jokes and black humor is very close to them. Those who are connected with her life should be ready for this. People around her may react to this quality in different ways, but basically, people from her close circle know how to laugh at themselves, otherwise their paths would have diverged due to the peculiar sense of humor of a scorpion woman.

  1. They don't care what others think of them

Scorpio women are usually strong and independent. They often have a lot of envious people, ill-wishers, as well as people who, one way or another, condemn their free disposition. But they absolutely do not attach importance to someone else's opinion about themselves. For them, the main thing is to correspond to their own idea of ​​morality and morality. In all their actions, they are guided only by their own principles and rarely yield to the opinion of the majority. But if they take into account the opinions of others in some situations, they always clearly understand who wishes them well and gives advice from the heart, and who is insincere with them.

  1. Very honest

Honesty and sincerity are perhaps the main virtues of Scorpio women. They do not know how to lie and do not even want to learn. They will not tell you undeserved compliments, confess their love if they do not feel it. You can always be 100% sure of every word spoken to you, because there is not a single gram of lies in it. Of course, sometimes the love of truthfulness goes sideways to them - where it seems to be necessary to lie in order to gain benefits, they also cannot compromise their principles. In this way, you can lose friends and make enemies very quickly, which, by the way, often happens in the life of a scorpion woman.

  1. Defenders of the weak

No wonder there are so many lawyers and doctors among the representatives of this zodiac sign. The ability to sympathize with someone else's grief, empathize and provide help, in the representatives of this zodiac sign is most developed. Remember the wonderful movie Erin Brockovich starring Julia Roberts. Julia is a scorpion, and in the image of her heroine she put all the features characteristic of herself - fortitude, stamina, determination, while she was ready to go through fire, water and copper pipes to help people who are in dire need of this very help. And she did it like a real scorpio woman.

  1. Can keep secrets
  1. They know how to determine the truth better than a lie detector

It is almost impossible to deceive a scorpion woman. She feels a lie immediately, no matter how believable you lie. This is especially true for her family members and loved ones. For example, children who have a scorpio mother usually get used to it from childhood that it is always better to admit to a bad deed than to try to make up an excuse. This is due to the flexible analytical mind, which makes you analyze any information you hear. In addition, scorpio women have well-developed intuition and the foundations of psychology are laid in their heads, so if you don’t want to quarrel, be always honest with her.

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Astrologers believe that a person depends on which zodiac sign this person belongs to. The classification turned out to be so convenient that, following the astrologers, other people believed in such things. So, for example, a certain character and style of behavior are considered typical for a man born from October 24 to November 22. What to do if a girl liked him, how to find an approach to a Scorpio man.

How to win and keep a Scorpio man?

The representative of this zodiac sign is a thin and sensitive person, but at the same time, a cunning and unprincipled manipulator. He is very charming, used to increased attention women to his person and accepts him with pleasure, but at the same time he tries to subjugate the woman and get everything possible from her, after which she, by and large ceases to interest him. This man does not like simple women, he is attracted to mystery women. So, if a girl is interested in the question of how to seduce a Scorpio, then the advice is simple (but not easy to perform): she must be a star, enigma, beautiful, mysterious and inaccessible. The longer the girl stays like this, the longer Scorpio will love her. So to the question of how to surprise a Scorpio man, there is only one answer: do not capitulate to his charms, maintain not only your independence, but also your secrecy. A girl should never belong to him completely, without a trace, a “closed box” should always remain in her. However, if a girl is attracted to a sophisticated game of feelings, then this is the person she needs.

As usual, astrologers do not have a common opinion about the character of this sign. If some believe that Scorpio has no conscience and it is pointless to appeal to his pity, then others, on the contrary, attribute nobility and the ability to compassion to this sign. If some people think that he is prone to numerous and non-binding connections, then others believe that Scorpio is the most faithful lover of all possible. The truth, as always, lies in the middle. But one thing is clear to everyone: in the case of male scorpio important and how to win and how to keep it.

Relations with such a man will not be cloudless. Scorpio is jealous, demanding, somewhat hysterical. He is prone (fortunately rarely) to temper tantrums that make his behavior uncontrollable. At the same time, he does not tolerate (more precisely, suffers with difficulty and not for long) the same tricks on the part of the woman he loves.

The main mistakes that a woman can make when falling in love with a Scorpio man:

How to find a common language with a Scorpio man?

Yes, in general, just like with any other man: love him and love yourself, do not try to lie and manipulate and do not renounce your own. Then everything will work out.

If you listen to all the advice and learn more about the characteristics of this zodiac sign, then you can easily be with him and be a happy woman.

I wonder if all men of this sign are prone to outbursts of aggression and it is not easy to live with them? Or did the author come across a "special" option?

“Girls who have a Scorpio man share. Exhausted my whole soul. The sexual side of the relationship suits me and even very much, but the moral side is just awful! The whole brain opened! Either he has a good attitude and love for carrots, then some bouts of rage and teaching. It would be interesting to read who has what men scorpions. Maybe I have such a special copy?

It seems that Scorpios managed to annoy many women ... They shared their opinions and personal experiences:

“My 10 years portrayed the prince, and then I found out that there the women replaced one another ... And at home an angel, caring and loving. They are outwardly not emotional, you will never understand what is in their soul. Two-faced freaks!”

“I personally don’t know, but my friend said it was terrible.”

“Relationships are doomed if, when entering into them, you hope that an adult will change. This is a utopia. There are compromises, a desire to meet halfway, but the essence never changes. This is not even astrology, just psychology. Or you accept with all the advantages and disadvantages , or don't ruin your life and his life."

“These scorpions are utterly notorious, and obsessed with their person. Usually they like to say one thing about themselves, but in reality they do exactly the opposite. Hard and cold. Calculating. They can be cute and charming, but "up to the first star."


But some women get along well with Scorpions and generally consider them the best men, lovers, husbands and friends. And in order to be close to such a treasure, you can get used to the features of this sign:

“In my opinion, the most delicious fruit in the world! My husband and I are both Scorpions.
Ovorobiello C.S.

“And who are you according to the horoscope? I am Cancer, with Scorpio we understand each other literally at a glance, as they say, on the same wavelength. And I usually take out the brain for him. Periodically I poke my muzzle into the dirt. In my opinion, it only benefits him.”

By the way, so are we! And he is also a dragon for a year. And nothing! Home in the family while I am! Together for 10 years. But still, scorpions are different, like all other signs. There are many factors that influence a person's character...

“As a veteran, I can say the following - you can only survive with him if HE loves you more than you love him. Otherwise, the roof will be blown away and the brain will eat out. With him all his life like on a volcano, well, at least the first 15 years. BUT best man I have never met in my life. He best husband, best father, best lover, best friend. BUT, in order to enjoy life with him, you need to go through fire and water and copper pipes and a bunch of other filth. But it's worth it."
scorpio wife for over 20 years

“The main advantage of this sign is sexuality. Love sex, love women loving sex, love themselves in sex, use sex even with unloved ones to achieve certain goals. Everything about sex is tied to a scorpion.

The personal stories of women helped the author understand that it is possible and even necessary to live with a Scorpio man, because the main thing is that the relationship is based on love, but you will either have to put up with annoying character traits or choose the right tactics to re-educate the chosen one.

Not a very pleasant feature of Scorpios is their subconscious or conscious wish control allhappening around. Unfortunately, this often complicates the life of scorpion friends and girlfriends: they simply cannot take a step so that Scorpio does not get in touch with them, but there are places and things where the presence of an extra person is not at all necessary.

There are also things that you shouldn’t even tell someone else at all, and for some reason Scorpions really like to extort from everyone with whom they are friends, their secrets and secrets. It would not be a disaster if the Scorpios knew how to provide psychological help in difficult situations. But often, unfortunately, it happens that they only poison the soul of a person, pulling out of him not always pleasant revelations, and do not offer any positive program.

In addition, in their youth, Scorpios are inclinedtounhealthymysticism. For some reason, they cannot understand that the existence in our world of such things as divination, spiritualism, etc., is not yet a reason to get involved with them.


There are certain rules for those wishing to deal with a Scorpio. First, take them seriously. They respond to the attention shown to them. Whatever Scorpio says, do not object to him too harshly. This does not mean that you have to be two-faced with him. Scorpio has a well-developed intuition, bordering on the supernatural, and he is able to penetrate your true thoughts.

However, they are extremely greedy for compliments, and they are not embarrassed by outright flattery, even if they do not believe it. Laugh if he's joking, because otherwise he might get offended.

Do not invite Scorpio to the theater, for a long car ride or for noisy party. Scorpions are very fond of home environment. Try to spend an evening at home listening to your favorite records and you will achieve a better result.

Always ask for advice. Never offer to do something that a Scorpio doesn't like. You must go forward in order to maintain an even relationship. Assume that Scorpio knows everything better than anyone, and you will achieve his affection.

Steps to parting are fraught with danger. Scorpio bad character, and a head-on collision with it can lead to disaster. It is better to resort to more subtle methods.

Do not show frank affection, which Scorpio needs so much. Don't bother with the usual hugs, kisses, or verbal assurances of love.

Start with your own interests first. Complain about the lack of attention to you, be rude and unrestrained. Frequently and unequivocally point out the mistakes they have made in society.

Take the lead in the conversation, even if you don't really know what it's about. In the bedroom, do not allow him or her to act only in accordance with their own desires. Never praise them.

Make a Scorpio jealous, then make fun of him and keep doing it. If they require an explanation, offer any version of the novels you know. After that, Scorpio will stay by your side no longer than a hustler. But remember: no arguments! You may break up with him, but they will carry you away on a stretcher.

How to get along with a Scorpio

Scorpio men are very temperamental, demanding, extremely jealous, very passionate and sexy. For them, the word "no" does not exist. In relationships with a woman, they always dominate. Therefore, if the nature of the lady is not super-passionate, then it is better for her not to enter into a relationship with such a chosen one at all. If, nevertheless, “love suddenly comes” and you can’t run away from it, a woman should not refuse her partner in the search for new experiences and experiments, because. Scorpio knows how to have sex and loves it.

Usually representatives of this sign are monogamous. And if a scorpio man fell in love, then to madness. Honesty in a relationship is very important to him, so you should never lie to him. It is always better to tell the bitter truth than sweet lies. Scorpio will be able to survive honestly told bad news, and lying will become akin to betrayal.

It should be remembered that love and sex for this zodiac sign mean no less than friendship. Therefore, a woman should not interfere with friendship with his friends, even if she does not like these comrades at all. For such men, friendship means too much.

It is better not to compete and not quarrel with scorpion men, because they will still achieve their goal, and will always be the first or right in the dispute, and they will also remember the offense. It is better to ask your chosen one for help in something, and he will be happy to help. But after giving up valuable advice or action may be followed by resentment.

And be sure to remember that the scorpio man in the family is always the main one! He will not be able to be near a woman who is stronger than him. Therefore, at home it is necessary to create the illusion that it is he who decides everything, although, in fact, you can simply skillfully guide him so that he does not notice anything.

Scorpio man - how to win and keep?

Astrologers believe that a person's character depends on which zodiac sign that person belongs to. The classification turned out to be so convenient that, following the astrologers, other people believed in such things. So, for example, a certain character and style of behavior are considered typical for a man born from October 24 to November 22. What to do if a girl liked him, how to find an approach to a Scorpio man.

As usual, astrologers do not have a common opinion about the character of this sign. If some believe that Scorpio has no conscience and it is pointless to appeal to his pity, then others, on the contrary, attribute nobility and the ability to compassion to this sign. If some people think that he is prone to numerous and non-binding connections, then others believe that Scorpio is the most faithful lover of all possible. The truth, as always, lies in the middle. But one thing is clear to everyone: in the case of a Scorpio man, it is important both how to win and how to keep him.

Relations with such a man will not be cloudless. Scorpio is jealous, demanding, somewhat hysterical. He is prone (fortunately rarely) to temper tantrums that make his behavior uncontrollable. At the same time, he does not tolerate (more precisely, suffers with difficulty and not for long) the same tricks on the part of the woman he loves.

The main mistakes that a woman can make when falling in love with a Scorpio man:

Yes, in general, just like with any other man: love him and love yourself, do not try to lie and manipulate and do not renounce your personality. Then everything will work out.

If you listen to all the advice and learn more about the characteristics of this zodiac sign, then you can easily be with him and be a happy woman.

Relations with a Scorpio man: the calculation of originality and thriftiness

Scorpions cause an ambiguous opinion about themselves, to the point that sometimes ladies who dream of how to conquer a Scorpio man are reminded that sooner or later the sting of Scorpio will always find a way out. This is not entirely true, since scorpions are rather slightly cynical, but not outright evil, and they may have problems with communication only because they perceive any attempts to limit their freedom very sharply.

In general, Scorpions are interesting, original, able to attract attention to themselves with non-standard thinking and bold statements, so it is quite possible that in an attempt to win them you will have to face stiff competition.

Often the appearance of Scorpio is deceptive and the composure shown is nothing more than a mask to hide the passions raging inside. And all this is supported by excessive love of freedom, because of which Scorpios do not at all strive for a permanent relationship.

Moreover, there is simply no universal answer to the question of what kind of women Scorpio men love, as they successfully start several novels at once and do this not at all for the sake of a tick in the track record, but being sincerely interested.

Scorpions are drawn to bright women, but this does not mean that appearance is decisive and decides everything. The inner content is no less important, because a bright "dummy" can interest a Scorpio man only for a short period of time.

As soon as he is convinced that nothing connects them except for their appearance, he sets off to look for a more worthy half. He makes a lot of demands on her. In addition to the fact that she should be original and interesting, with her qualities, the chosen one should only set off the Scorpio man, but not lead in any way in a pair. Also, he will not allow himself to be convinced of anything or to impose his point of view. Scorpios in this regard are completely self-sufficient and this should be remembered when thinking about how to hook a Scorpio man.

What else you should know when starting a relationship with a Scorpio man

You should not try to catch Scorpios by flattering them or making them jealous. In terms of flattery, representatives of this sign are realists and do not tolerate empty talk. They just irritate them. Well, they simply consider jealousy to be a relic of the past, so they are more likely to either not react at all, trusting a woman, or consider her too frivolous and not worthy of their attention.

However, any zodiac sign has exceptions to the rules, so if you come across an overly jealous Scorpio, you just have to put up with it and make sure that the exceptions only confirm the rule.

First of all, its non-triviality. That is, if you want to find mutual language with Scorpio, you need to find out what he is really interested in and try to understand this topic. If at the same time it is possible to demonstrate the originality of thinking, this will be an additional bonus.